( ~f.t pi c >t? W ' // //, 1TV ^ E 7 IT^Ia T /*? ,r - T r""W:\ % ? - * " .-.? ?. s? ^wSk r>, r ; -^li M I' i i\* $ *'": - 8: *j&. DM A- ? " Jt o.. M.. i 1 ti Ijm w/t: 1\1I/TLLW# * \ ? KiiiiTCil ?i? iMcitoim, s. ?'. ;i* nivoiiiI i'Iunm nifttl tint11 40th Year ' PICKENS, 8. (I. NOV. 17 1010. ^ Number 2(i MISIMPHOVED 0 Mnttlio> "Therefore say 1 unto you, IN this Study tlio Great made by tlio religionists bios gives a clearer insl Israel for a time from 1> lier that nominal Ueshly Isri Hence wo limy look for soino> "harvest" timq of lliis Christ To gel the force of (Ik? I,< sary to remember that the ,1c God, of which David's Ivingih they had been exporting a gi thein and bring tliem into pro when he came to introduce ? repent and come back, ( 1 the and tlie I.nw llie.v iced i">! ex told tin* pe ople I li:.i mil.' ; tl noss of tin- scribe* and 1 :ris< members of the long-Wii't i'-fo of this Stndv illustrate l .il ? The .lewish people prol'oss( They were treated, not sis me to go and work in (Jod's vine sented by the two sons, in our outwardly religious, pious, wh did not really seek the Divine parties and their own person! other class of Israelites. repr? no pretense of serving Clod, a Nevertheless, when .lesus ap| afterwards the teachings of ,le uers, harlots, were the ones rc that his Iliesnfl ire WHS in r>nnll one of the charges against .T? and eatetli with them." The second parable ropres< all respects well appointed a represents the Jewish nation i the Law and all the arrangci ment. This Vineyard the own cure for the vines and the fr except a portion which they 1 were the prominent religionist: sees sit in Moses' seat. AH, tl ^ observe ,and do." (Matt. 23:2 his property and sent servants husbandmen. Instead of irlvlnc by In'iitint,', killing and stoning Those servants wore the pr received the kindest treatiue gentleness, patience, etc., but, leaders of Israel. Souio of th some sawn asunder. Some \vi dwelt In dons and oaves of the treated as representatives of sent his Son, saying, "They \ bandmen, the religionists of o seize his Inheritance. They so it over God's heritage and tlui hypocrisies or liberating the ] mignt ?o?even tno noir?tli?*y What may wo presume II wicked husbandmen who, foi using it as their own, mistrea Great Teacher put tlie quest I01 that the owner would destroy others who would render him This is just what happened Law who were using Coil's pr< lshly and in disregard of the A niont was destroyed and I >ivi which tln'\ onee enjoyed, we;A ikkI i 11 r 1 I i?c . However, its fleshly Israe Israel. \v may not have li> l<>< toila\ Tniiay !iIso we see s( of <,'oi| a in I iii;- Won! usiii;; power ?iver the people. lo c:ii lo Kjieah I in r " humbly. In tlie naine iit Iheia lull i i art'owI in 11 A nd I hey >1 t i,t : t I hem What will i- .- 11 ; ,u i tir I I lie ?. " liiiil i vl1 )i ! Th: < Jotl ' ! i:i ne : i? i . c ?i . . * ,i i "I\ >. i. . . i- ii t< ii". > ll'S'J' . 51? V 'ii I ' ii. ' *11 f>r (. : ! . ii <;. ,i \ 11 . i . ii] ! ' : mi v ill i * Witt , ! . ' l. I ' I, .1 i i . |H : > <>i i -i:\ln I: 11 iV1 1 \\ . i ris.it hi Do You !>Hi M i !< Wv Iiump' ; ? ]?' i ,'r. "Ml i < >; i iii1" .11' rciiii ( "1*2 Tli;ii ;ti" jiiiaiM ill" il to ^ ' V, 'M| iM'sl inn I Mimsi- ;i |< I ..I '! I.. .. . : .... f 1 ' H A 111' III . Il< I I I <111 i - (',' l saiil. Yes, we will serve (iod. However, they service, but rather the service of their sects and il aims, honor, inilnenco and preferment. The jscnted by the other son of the parable, made nil were branded as publicans, sinners, harlots, icared, when John'* message went forth, and sus and the Apostles, these same publicans, sin>adv to receive him. while the religious, finding let with their teachings, repudiated him. Thus >sus was, "lie receive!h publicans and sinners ?nts Clod as the owner of a great Vineyard, in nil foriii^luwl f nv I.la m,ii-,?.ni' hi:' 11 iii oiliciiil position as representatives I heir i iisitioiis to i reiicii themselves, to hold r i 11 their own muies These are inclined lurd.-r" any who c? ee :t i s ri si them nteekiy, 11! Tiiey do in>i ll'erally I.ill them nor "shoot \ do beln :.d tin" i in the sphse > I o I llllil will I-I I?I -: I I . I . Il ; IIOK : i : ic v? !ii> |' , ?:? ' Mj :: w i!! {;< : i> I ;i\ . n, :ii!Ifi'lll. , : ' i ( ! .( isii ic j. iii'. . ' (' . ill I!:. I < ... ;! |it j-H v. . ' 11 r. i i i'ii'ift'i.i i lulljjri' : ! . i! j- v ' . in1 : i***:11 ;.!. - Ii' i r |m ; I, l of 1. it.- Imdji-ii I- i; U|? ii rt iui : (SIoh in In | i>\\ ilt i" iii ' .->? ? !i!ii: I tIi M.'iti '..'1:11 in a (ihsjr;in1 <*<* I voll (l< ><))'(It) i n >!. lis(i')i lo us. W < ;11*? lies c tiled V ca?Z yemGcLlotT ivi* s;i1 i [i? i hi i>r vmir nioiiev itwk :iii I v i * \ ; 111 \\ ;>l(*h '< IIS. 1(1 ; 11 it I Collie I o see US. JS DRUG CO. RoXd&iL Store f \hbbbbhhb iii's Backache and Kidney IMIIh. ra-IBljBllLi for Infants and Children. m f ASTtfillThe Kind You Have l?l ^ -^1 Always Bought flraUfW* , j. ALCOHOL 3 PER CKNT. J M jroia .?' AVcgclablePrrpajviltonfor.Vri I tj ^ j v _ / a 159*3? similaiingiheFbodamlReguln ijOcLIS LilG irA/i iJ^iSGl * in& Stomachs aiidBowels of | m \H W I ||! Signature /AP | jgSil Promotes DigcstionJChwrfuV nf J'ck A f p nessaiulltest.CoiUalnsneifocr Ui # t\ \ M jo-o Opium.Morphitic nor Mineral. Mi \\ I p* Nor Nahc otic. aH\|W >!jj8 , \/\fJ rff jftttproroMDcsmmnniER 'A w vj fiA 1 ti Rrmnkin Sted~ n ^ BBhH!jl1 stlx.Stmm * \ Ml Mu sssst- ( ~ j\ , ffV f n feg dsSu*. } \\ y\ cuilihnY&'fr. 1 tl 81 feiSs I \Vi SJSo K#.*-" Aperfcrt Remedy forConsHpa] tf w , (J.F !-r Vad. Only $36.00 per acre. KET N??. 7 1 60 acrcs, 8 miles north-west of Pickens, 18 acres mi cultivation, ?rood small house, ^ood pasture. Price only SI 1 >( it 1 it 1 Icrnic f/i L-nit " - ' .V ...... IV. y ww. No 72?37 1-4 acres, 3 1-2 miles west of Pickens, 3-room dwelling, ^no,! out buildings, 20 acies in cultivation, ^ood pasture and is well worth the price Si,250.00. No. 7 v?It you have been wanting a nice lot in one ol tin: best residence si'Ctions ol I'ickeus, here's your <>}>j> >rtunit\. i?tox!96 ui buildings, 2(> acre? ( u\ iti. . in'!r, Irnsn i inr'ch and school. I'lii- ? is 1 < Mr i 'i: i;l !>! ' i 1 i 1!I seei >n ;it $50 pi: acr^*. . \ / "5 ? V v fJj >*& - -A 8 liti! S>-v'^ . (3 V ft !? 1 fl,or, W g ^ \ r A'. c -TA < r ; A ' M I I ( !\ f' 11 ?, * . 1 IV U ' i? i'ik limlui i . u ri'r iii' and //// instti <1 nee. Test Dr. Mess : POULTRY PAN?A*CE?A : On Trial I >:?! you know th..t \ on could lecd 1 )r. I I? ss i Yiuitry Pan\ , .i-tc-.i th?r b.dance ot the Winter, all spring, in lact untin the first day o. \ii^ust, then it ymi arc not satisfied that it has paid a hi paid l)i^, we vs-n t iti?*.u Iijivi* )>aiJ us. i It is to ui.'.i-r \onr liens lay, to make your chicks j?ro\v last, healthy and strong, to cur j^apes. cholera and roup. I (>1 course you are expected to keep yuor poullay tree, from lice ant-t111r than Instant Louse Killer. Lei us 1 nive your order now. H- A Plrh^v Xr Snn m m w a m ? w m m W All H Pit a ^V^r?v' M iw \\ c have tillkc?I to you ;i l say. On r shoe I ratio lias heen far hoi I of hut wo still have shoes lor you. ( loth top ami plain Iocs, Sl.ftO. 1 j: 11"m itli<>111 cap. all leather, ?l.o0. Ladies' i you can stand I hem. CMILDKKN'S Slh We linve a lol ol soft soles or child r hctter shoe oOc t lie pair ami .1 (Yacke n and hlack. MKX'S SHOW Wo ha ve one of t he strongest lines ? Kiser King !?:-J.f>0, .ill styles and leathers are hard to crowd, strong as steel, r>> t lirogans nfl leather and hard as a rock I HATS AND CA1 ()ur hat stock is complete, all st yles 2~>ctoSl. l?oy's caps '2ac to f>()c. Men' in need of a hat von had better see our I SW ft AT Kits 1 N DKUW ISA I J. S!l A\ Rov's sweaters nOc. men's cotton ">() Ladies' sweaters!?! to "2.;*>(), white, urav \Vc have a nice little shawl Cor r>()r, ton. Wo have a. dandv lor $1. Kasein els ;iml si. 1 loods k2~>, to aOe. BLANK KTS AND (,) Wo have a fair blanket for 7ac, a l? one for 1.50, ;i hoi one for *2 ami a (.,)uilts, $1 t<> -S"2. When von ^et col next (lav and wo will surely soil you l>! Wo want all fhe ogjjjs ihat von can the liens iu I ho count y at l()r t he pouti wero over hatched ;it 15e the pound. KaAUtnn Cun l\UUWGO OUJJ SAM B. CRAIC I * 1' . J f' ' i' - ;11 ? ?I: * ' > J Ik! % '"'iny ' i - :11 * >tist !)i^ \ ou;* chaii^c i <> i i hi \'i\ \Y:I !'H Ih\ 5I()'/W H H 1? 1 M ?T 1 ^ , ? * t< , ware, Plows, (Ulti rows Agricultural Wire .Netting, I iwklll'lllO' \Ulllw I \ I I X 1 1 Jl lUUll^ a nd in lad, our nil irr tin M?mr i>ric<> and rr^anlles i Come Marly uin! (id iT\TT T 4 MT\ miiJjAii] / IOs sle I iic p:iir; anoth v .Jack a' 7a<\ all leather, >. if iiu n's shoes in town, Our h?*av\ work shoes he pair. The <>l?l lime For s I..')(). ; 111 < i colors. I Joy's hats s hi'its 7~>c to s i. \YhcnN linr before von l>uv. V l,S, KASC1 N ATOliS. c, men's woo! s| to $1~>0, ; s 11?1 red. sonic wool hiii more cot ators ii")c to 7~><\ Scurfs .">() ULTK. Iter one for ?1. ;i wjirmcr (Vaeker-Jaok lor si2.">(). il ;il lii^hl come (o us I he ankets. find at '2"?c the do/., all I. and .ill the fries that ply Co., 3r Miniia-ser MD ()(1ST :\ r iSllli'vi < \ 3 i': I?! 1 '11 I < I r i r j r * ? f v i ' ! f i <) < I M 5 j S ol , Stovos, TinViitnrs: lliii' I II I V7I I I I IV! ImploilKMltS Pittsburgh Shoos, etc. is to !><^ sold at s of cost. the Bargains. : I mviv Carolina.