yj^vc/ / U'--; i-v. Kntercri April '2'\. 1:? > ? t?: I'lekoii*, S. iin m?coii?I cIuxh mull iii;iticr, tnidur act nii:nii'ii'i'? of :t, ist't 40th Year PICKENS. 8. G.. NOV. 10 1910. ' 'Number 2J THE CAMEL AND Matthew 19:15 "Jcsun said, Suffer little children to ce such is the. Kin eN KOl'TIO towards Jerusalem I to have his blessing upon tin xreatness of their Master an this and rebuked the mothei ntld Sflld' "SlllYi>l' llltlivnllililivm mwl such is the kingdom of heaven," and heads. From this we are not to understat composed of little children. This erroi an impression respecting the Kingdom little children <'iin get into the Kingdo faith arc even "< idled" to the Kiugd< upon little children merely signilied his of the parity and iiinnceuee <>f childin of f their heavenly ! of I he Kingdom. Another account tells us of Jesus' I would he his disciples must hccome i * niiim ri in tIn* Scriptural souse until they ha\ with some tuny occur much earlier tha of twelve years or thereabouts to >*iv anil consecration to the Lord's will am Spirit. These, of course, l>nt no otln with Christ in his Millennial Kinitdon On his journey our Lord was acco. t i;ood tiling shall 1 do that I may liavi namely, that eternal life is tin1 jrrand < before tIn* human family. We are ::l; the inspired answer in which everyh< the present life, except as It leads us l utterly lost we should feel if assured forever! How little in this life won! could do toward tilling the lonyhiti of Our Lord parried the question. i:i acknowledge me as :i good tpaeherV else iin impostor and far from good, do nul, how can you call mc good i good tint I docs not proceed from (Jo answering your question: if you won! iiiaiidnicuts. Tin* young man replied Shalt do no murder, nor commit adul l?ut honor thy father and thy mother young mini replied, "All these things iacK i yet :' % lie was a model younjj man and .L }?>; the Jewish Law In 11u? extent of thai he was loving his neighbor as hii Lord disci-?sed lo liiin 1 iy tin? follow ill fret, ?>> sell all thai I lion hast and give in heaven" instead of on earth; saeri! come my follower. Ah. how the Lord knew to put his ; had eoine to him very boastful, very Reeking to he in harmony with the I ?i en me for the Master's approval, that I exception to the rule." The Lord did you love yourself you will at least pr as eomfortahle as you desire to he co rich while some <>f his neiuhhors who sen were very finor a njectiv, sorrow i tin' ditllcu'ty of his situation, lie grasj before. It became a now test with 11i son showed us the Kingdom as a great which to possess, will cost all that \ Fame fact. I.et ns not make the mistake madi man who lived so honorable a life am down into eternal torment because In Lord's disciple His loss of the Kin Niifl'ering eternal torment in the futtir under the blessed conditio)/. of the \ ver.x rapid progress and will oMaln et tiou, ti:< i:>r?? n i wor.hy of the Kin-do And the cli ' are tho-e only who an nil I > J'ili'i I ll? "V:'t |iriz?*. )nr I .on I ? ' m i).< ii i o?l iijioii tin* mil rl< li 11: u -1 ! '-tfii r < ai. i-l 'i tii I hrom " 'nr ill' ; 'H i n i! nl " '!"!?I t I!* \ klll'W ' 'I ",;i j !'' I (if I > I ! j. I i'"" I i'i" ii 1 it' I!. " t 1: i i: ' ' I'll : \viili f 1' I " v. i i'iI iii i! i: i Kilit.- i i .-' I n l I: .ii-lli- I I'lli 11111: i i' i "I' 1 1 > i c i >..rriMi i r f>f j < i'i'i> j!? in* l l'i. lit tlie "pi'ill'l el' : : tl J>;'i "' I :?I ' -I! <> 1 >I: i:i it ! lie r ii no 1 i <> up nil their rlflh v I 'p" lii''n| r - [ >.i il>!e ! '1'!: f- 1!- iir.t !ii I '<> \> >< . it'- ri 1 m tin* l:\? Z'-r i; ' tl'VoiMjIi \ 'iii"|j i In< hiiiidi>v ii ii: i! with >01 no;. <>t tIn 'r I>o coinlntf poo.* nun lniv.* iici-i'ss in Hit* timm>i <:fi Tiii: "Tiill v* .is id;, moid :n A' <1 ^omll 'In* gnlr* :i. "Tlii* city wit liio s\ .is . \ u i :i i II i 111 \ i .1: i H i '' 'nil mil - J |. wiT Vi?il 'Von must i lirmv ji \\: "'I !'is I ilii!, hut tin1 ! lir 11H> wide f? r i ln> " 'Now said I In- pni'lr I Mscard l hat hamper ''I <>l>f\ C(l. I I'.Oll^ll will Yd siill nor camel in jp "'All,' said, tin- portor. S'linc little package i "The morosl handful n Y<*f 'Throw il nwriy. "TIh'H h>, < > j , ^hI'll11 i si^ o' "And nil my riches, n Easily passed thrmigl ^^^pHTNesSr ^XtJDSES^1 IXlii J-26.?August 7. mc unto vie and forbid them nut, for of tjdom of Heaven." ho Must or was mot by mothers desiring ir children. The Apostles, realizing the id the importance <>t" Ids time, forbade s. When Jesus heard, he called them forbid them not to eoino unto me; for of ho put his hands in blessing upon their 111 that tllo Ki'.liriloiil nf llnnvmi will li.? noons idea lias gone 1 ?roji(l?*j?st and such i has thus resulted. <>n llit* contrary no in. Only those who have the hearing of >im and its glories. Onr i.onl's blessing sympathy and love and his appreciation iod. Those who will he of the Kingdom the sense of being simple hearted, true, 'atlier of such-like will be the inheritors further words to,the effect that all who v little children must be like little cliil those who will be heirs of the Kingdom p their cross and follow the l.ord width hi inn nave taken up his cross when he 11 cannot become the followers of Christ ;e reached the age of discretion, which 11 with others. \\V have known children e excellent evi?lenc<> <>f faith, obedience il evidence of I ??i:sbegotten of ilie holy r children, could have hope of sharing l. ed by one who said, "Good M;-'er, what i' eternal life':" 11?? had the right idea; Icsidcratum. the grand hope of .ill hope.-* id of the quest ion: for it hroinrlit forth xly i* Interested. What is tin value of ip the passageway to eternal lit'-7 How that tit death we would be blotted out il lie worth consideration how little it our hearts, which yearn for ct?rnnl life! order to draw out the yonnc man and ilo you call me troodV" Why do you I am either the Messiah, as I claim, or 110 you accept r.iy MessiahshipV If you >r acknowledge that anything: could be d. the Fountain of all fjooduexsV Ilut d enter into eternal life, keep the com- i . Which? The Master answered. Thou !tery. nor steal, nor hear false witness. : i m i in**- 111 \ i ici^n i)(?i us invsrn. 1 nr have 1 observed from my youth. W^it sus loved liltit. Kvldently he vvns keepIlls knowledge nnd ability. ITe thought nself; 1 >iit this was :i mistake whieli the isr KURUcstlrsn: "If thou would:*! lie per to the poor and thou shalt have treasure iee also your earthly reputation and helinsrer on the sore spot! The younff man sure lh.it If my one in the world was Ivlne arrangement be was that one. IPie illicit hear him say, "You are the one not say. "If you love your neighbor as ii mini mi iMMirt u? intiue inai neimiimr infurfablo." Hi- was ( outcut to lie very in lie thought lie loved lis lie loved him"ully so. When Jesus discovered to liini led it at once. He saw himself as never m. Thus il is with all. A previous luprize, a pearl of grout value, a treasure, ve have: and (his lesson poi'iis out tli-? e by some, and suppose t!"it the young 1 failed to gain hea'o.i. would In- i hrii t did not sacrifice his f the human fanii'.v, Ti11 - 1111i;11 Kingdom. will doiiMb in.:' eriial life oil 1 li?? p! i; e of hu'tiau perfec in honor - \ hicli l> !< < unlv in I . |i? .iimI iulilt'ii I. u'fll'Mi v.illi llicir cui'i'tvoi' t ? ? ; ! ! ' i*:i 1111i If: : ii: :i (! -mi! i 1 i v. _!i ill - n.?? *!I? ' 11::11 ii>u t?i* * ' I :-!i 1 i:.' ?1 iv? 11% 1? very ? :111\ : ' i i :.! ! ; ?.f ' 1 ' ii 11. ' ! I ' ' . v, '\*ii ; V . 1 i- ? > >; it - , ."I! " 11. n : ? 1' l> 1" K : ! - i. 11- 11 s! : !vi> i)i> < r m :: i ' i i;, I li ! ' i'i . 'I Mr I T!i; !i : i11 i ' |i I ! w I would 11:i \ . til ilr'! lie !>:is in ii;-drr l mi ! ! :::> In ill i id -i lid I Iii'ii ni! in; , i ' i!- I lit-; r ' I r i IN 1 - Hie . dli>' i'\<*. ' r nil j;ati' S.'s'r' ?i>ls lui.rl'! i i! i? II; W ! It?l? < JI \ ;'"!< kImi S i tin' r'idi li.v in ! "" 1 ' K i l >: ; 11>111 MnKim.F/s I:YH, ml ladi'ii lii 'i, < a iifcdlc's ryo. fa if, uijW'il re. r l<>,i i." i ii,- ti.iri?>r crii'd, !?\ iIn( liiiiitllt* of prido.' H(l v. II. I, narro.v I'. (o 111;11.< il les.S, ill' s"l'i 111)i I IIIIK'll U* I Jfol 11 rmi 'li. 'your loin! must hold T lnisl-in -. "III.* v?? nil I hn?l, ' tll(> port IT It' 0!' ' ' * ' !I inII. vast est a to. i I he narrow gal.'!" i I MADE GOOD AS A COOK. Tho Old Lumberman Got Supper Without tho Leabt Effort. "Nowadays a cook is provided for each camp." said the old lumberman who has worked on the St. Croix, llie Penobscot mid the St. John, "but in my days of lumbering we took turns, a week at a time, or one man would niiiKe an 1110 nreait. another the ton and coffee, and so on through the hilt of faro. Once in awhile?generally before (hoy'd got licked into their reg'lar winter mold--some fellow would kick against the routine; "lie's been hired to do something else.' or "he'd be hanged if he'd cook, nnyhow.' Then there were ructions. "1 remember one little rebellion that | began hot and roaring nml died down , into :i laugh all round, thanks to an in goidons old soul, all quiet good nature and fat?Uncle Ned, we ailed hint. "We got back to camp one night to find the lire nearly out and nothing ready for supper. We were all hungry ?and grouty, as sometimes happens in Liu- oesi renr nie,' says lie. "what a time about rooking! Why, it's tin* easiest thing in nature t<> set supper. Now. boys, if you'll all wait 011 mo I'll lie J cook.' "Thev all agreed. This being set- | tied. I'iiHo Ned sat down on a sprure ! chair and let bis assistants have it. "'Now, Dick." said lie. "tile lirst tiling for you to do is to gel a little wood ' and start tip Hie lire.' " Isaac, just step down to the brook and fetch a pail of water. " You. Mae. while I lie lire's gelling under way. wash a few potatoes and 'om r get supper!' ' 'Yes,' saiil he, calm and easy as ever. "I was to get supper, but you ' were to wait upon me. Torn.' said he, you'd better got the dishes ready." "We kicked some, hut 'twas m> use: we'd agreed t? wait ot> him if he'll be cook. "When everything was ready for supper, there the old man still sat in his spruce chair?hadn't stirred an inch! " 'Dear me, dear me.' said he. "bore | I have fjot supper, and 'twas one o' the easiest things in the world.' "We were 'caught,' " smiled the old lumberman, "and we sat down to supper in good temper, and ever afterward we had Uncle Ned's proposition for a byword; we'd agree to do any living thing provided we could be 'waited upon.' "?Youth's Companion. No Use For Them. "I watched your sister fixing tier hair the other day," said Mrs. Nngget, "and 1 must say she's not the most refined person in tin; world." "No?" replied her husband, with a belligerent air. "Von don't approve ot her. ell?" "Well." *-!ie retorted with ji disdain fid snilT. you'd never see me with my mouth full of hairpins." "Of course not." lie snapped "Wlisii would you want with so many hair; pinsV" (.'ntholie standard ami Tinn'Deciir.e.i to Tarry. i llcl'l! is ulic III I l>. lli'lison's s!l?''i.'s ' ot 11iiTirl.v ill li'nii]iiiij; iii i hI English |.,-.n inns | "Al oin> (iiwii I u :!< pi yin:: l J|?li iiihIit ilii-- -law." In* i!(l. "an- \'iT\ f11 ]'*!i in tin- |?i ti?.i? >!' n ynimt; \\ ;is11i11i?> 11 alliiclu* llu- attache was hrcaklasllliu iln-nlliiT iihtiiilij; liis SiT\ll lit -aii! to liini: " N??u arc out (if whisky, sir Shall I ucl a ! < !(IcV ' 'Yes. I (}ii11k you niiulii. .lames," the other replied "It's y our turn." " j Washington Slur. The Poor Man's Gynt. "Would you mind (ciliim inc." asked Mrs. I>i. uliinciiiK admiringly ill 1111 ill lilctic shoulders of ilif prosped i\? hoarder. "how ymi Keep in oUi li splendid physical ?> itiI;..hI Leader. Firmness. "When tnv wife makes ui> her iniml." said Mr. Meekton. "there is iiu use of arguing wiili her." "But every woituiu ehanjres !??r opinion sometimes." "Ves. Ati'l Henrietta. is particularly resolute when sin- makes ?:5? her mintl to chalice Iter opinion." Washington Star. A Healthful Town. "If this town is as healthful as you say it is, why do there happen to he so many doctors' i^ns in evidence?" "They are nearly all the sijjns of eye doctors. The people are so healthy here Unit they stay up nights enjoying llio climate and injure their eyes." ? Chicago lJeooid-llerald. Evidonco of Faith. Mrs. Hrooke? Have yon any faith in life insurance? Mrs Lynne? Yes, indeed; I've realized $100,000 from two husbands, and thev weren't vei-v ennil oues either.?Judge's Library. Descriptive. Stella?Would you say she was a well dressed womanV Holla?No; she looks like a Wall street bear who has covered in a desperate hurry.?Puck. Manufacturing sorrow Is one of the worst of sinH: 1 HEADACHE?! H f FOR SPEEDY RELIEF.| Nearly Everybody I SIMMONS LIVER RECULATOR |"K,YOU?l J Not cc ci Excctilor's Salt*. I lirsiiJHIl In .ill nrdfi liKKlc ill re ! I, i i ! K. !' >! ?M'. < It' asi'ii, ! w ' ! iu lli" )i:vh'-s( 'ii . at iii ! lie fc- | ( i I'f.c Ii i-. lit.- iii : 1 11 i ;i ' * ' ' 1:.! !iii* I i ! 11 < *. Iii' \ i i I >. * i! f . 1 '! i. i ill!' 'Mil?.' I ' :; l 1 !. f . 111.1 1'. Hi i ! . ( : ? i lel'-l. Mil ' - ii \ I J * .' ; '' Tin ir - . . I' < ,> I i: 11 i I i? ?! ! '>. ? t ' Botanic Blood Balm (R. fl. B.) Cures Through the Blumi Blood Poison, i&k tf/M BONK PAINS, CAN- ; fwr CER, SCALY SKIN, iMf] PlMl'LKS, TiltZJ PIipii nifWi&m Pf#A#*io i Hcliing Humors. r i |NK?. t I III I \ KI'Mlij Rt'l'' 'I* 1 | * . I I i Mil I ? '! i > ! i . J !)< f! i. i I- Ii i . * I -i*1 |> ,1 j >l|| III tin . |l l( , I I f. ' I'll I t I l'l.\ I I' I I <| | i !' I-. |l Cill I. ! ? I>- I V ..i . v i, I I'f i ji ?> '. I'm I i/ i hi i*i If 11 < . < < i t i. II' ? i ! . I . t!. i'nlii|t!i-t< |t t ii.-?i? . i . 'i*1 i . ii < . an iii ih1 mi iJ11.1*>ji, "< 'iij, j j i In > mi i onri 'c? till' btiii.il 1 'if in tv" nml Ixiin -* sti in. DrtiK |Kl.?txfl 'i '.i. Willi ilircc tiotlH for I SoKi ?n Stores. flISi !' ALCOHOL 3 PEll CENT. ~ &J3 & AVegctable Preparalion lorAsjjSoS ? similaluig HieF'oodandRe^uli l? & u,c Siomaclis andOowelsof ? SK' Ih ?aS Promotes Dirfcslion.Checrfu!^0c ncss and Resl.Coulaiiis neither jo^ Opium .Morphine norJfcvral. SSfl-'f ^OT Narcotic. ' JfrnpeoroMDrsmnLPmaini B tf1 t* F\impkin Sred~ CffC - i|j jilx.Stnnn * \ Sog^, ' Jtochrllc Softs - / Hy-C; C O u4niscSttd * I fcS tefca,. > h'vm SrttI- 1 'J. ^ Ctarinrd Smpr. LVgW ^ ttUttjncn t/envr. r u'we * _ 71 t _ .. 1 w Aperlect Kcmeuy lorCfmsiipn j lion Sour S o mac 11.1) lar rhoca i fcna w Worms,Convulsions.1'evrrish SatP S ness and LOSS OFSLLhP. 5 Oo j ?? j Fac Simile Signature of ?CCi*< a ' eSfCc NEW YORK. j 5^2 p^sssssssppR Guaranteed. uncterTiicFoodnn ' iMMiriii Exact Copy of Wrapper. WORI T< ) C 'A ) / IWLOM l-'OK I'll " 0 W "T X JF 11 /V 1 ? s i1 . ;?j ' ! * * ? r : j 11 St:!- 9 \ll.ll' (' .. ' i ? to 1 * I |! ? i H ? ' 2 4 T: * 4 j r ? / i i / o s ? < * i k d 2 s ? u dir, ! ? << \J i; ? U'ti !?/i i / n g s i\ i iu\\ rs \ ( I'ows Ai? riruitu Wire Nctlinii ( I'Viirisi^, Naii in.<: in iarl. our cuti< ( s.< in*1 i>i icr it: <1 rr^*::r Come HurlY a:hi (i DILL A k 10 sl? \ , ? * <>?I mssmmmmmmmmmsm For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the JL Signature / j\$ ft (\ fr ^se For Over f ? * s 3" H1 b * V ri r% w r\ !IG?HSJ> The ckntaur company, new york city. I OF VT AND V. A1\ I >vloi?fcev ../ vv ? ''vO ; 5 t- .s .i,, l ; . mi * ' > i; . i . ; > I rn* nHives, niliitivators. Hurra I Implements r, Pittsburgh Is, Shoes, Hr, line )" I-< !/ nt. <1 irss < ( < >:(. i<'t 5 il?' Bill UilillS. DrPEEK i li Carolina,