-*m " .> " v. PitKENS SENTINEL-J'JURNAl. Entered April 23, 1001 it Plokeoi, 8. C. a* ?ocou n i Hiuvrn WHI1 NUESIL' tU} H LHWVLH While Addrciainn a Jury in tiie Superior Court o|J Fulton County Well Known Gcorrjir::i Was Stricken with /Fatal lllnc j. After lingc. ing for three days bef \i* 11 Hf*? ? iwl ' !< {lr\v rSonnrnl Onirics Douuherty I lilt, a prominent Cicorglan, an aide jurist, faithful citizen, cam< to his < :ul :t his home, (!G4 Piedmont avenue, Atlanta, Ga., on Friday morning. It was while making a speech to a jury in the superior court room on Tuesday moinlii-r that Mr. Mill was seized with nn attach of indigestion, lie was taken immediately to his residence and sunk into an unconscious state, remaining; that way until Thurs day morning, when hp appeared to be improving. He so; mod to know l.i.i friends and talked \ Vow moments to Miss Ridley, oV I .at :i ange. In the aftorno H! i'< a?:vin lapsed into ;i cqmatos.' e ulition iiini continued to sink lowor and lower until life departed. At the beds-id" during tile last moments wei%' .ludr, Henjainin M. Hill, of the court of :'I'ptvils, tiis brother; i.iis. Henjnni':? II Hill, Harvey Hill, his soil, ami ;iij ticiiiin ' physicians, l)rs. Kills am! IJoldsniitli, and Ridley, of LnOrnnj.,.?. Seldom has ' Mgia produced a more brilliant sepaUer, ;i harder student of law, a more sue : I'll 1 criminal practitioner, a 111 or* conscientious public prosecutor than Charles Dougherty llilj, the youngest sou of the Hon. Heu^amin H\ v>> Dili, one of Georgia's great iate-^nen- ?vhose ora tor> carried . avers off their t'eot and whoiu? ?! convinced all who heard him. '"'illto fat he . ike son. is lill old pr< \rb, but true in his easo. /V 2,500 WALK OUT. Strike on Mi">uri Pacific-iron Mountain System. c Approximat. h ","-?>() men employed in the mechanical ivades on the Missouri I'acili'-iroii Mountain system walked out ii' sympathy with the striking machini i: The order to quit work was tcli implied to the holier makers, blacksmiths and pjj>emen by the heads <>i their international union after the machinists had failed to set tie their trouble with General Manager Sullivan, <>l' the Missouri Pacific. The principal shops of the roads arcs located at Kedalia. Mo., and Little lfock, Ar!;. Shops are ak-o maintained ut many otlu |.oin;.s, including Texarkana, Paragon !d, \";m Ihtren and Met'lhi'c. Ark.; 1..i < f'harles and Ferriday, ha. The union im n s;iy that the road will not lie able to operate their locomotive, more il .m : week without the IlHll wlio v. >.k. BIG COMFLAliRATION, Oil Tank Catc.i or, Fire?Blaze Spreads to Buildings. A lire which Marti d in th> Ch'oago and Alton freight houses 011 the liver front and which spread rapidly to nelghlx) ing sr ueturc of iiko oharaeti r, caused a lo-s of more than mill ill h'-.m v* I I < i III Th? blaze w.i of no significance wIk m discov ! I. bill it soon spread to ten innlt cats of oil. which exploded, hurling blazing liuWI in all directions. The oil set I' id the I'.al'imoro and Ohio freight w.,r< houm . coy-ring a block. A scon- of oil tanks in it exploded with a roar that heard for miles. A hot I and it.v.' of hoarding houses wore ill. i) (1 i.rfi i ih! \To Ins . of !3f< lias bet ii j-eponi il. R. A. Long, u Kan as City capitalist, has donated .< ?? ? to Ti mi.-.s h'uiila University, nc< ordin;; to an announcenu-nl inado at the institution in i-c::ington. Ky. Mr i,oni? is credited with being the originator of the Brotherhood of the DlsciplGa of Clirlut. SLEW lilS SWEETHEART. Jealous Rage Seized Young Farmei Neac LaFayette, Ind. Jealousy at tlio attentions beinv paid his sweetheart liy another mar 1'p said to hav <$J, Ait.h hor. ,rtn' !u"' 's 'inmvi if Fiu was i Jiirod. The* Lrag o( ciu'rcd at A intnioreucle, '? State Senator; A i Members of Mouse of Repre: cut fit i ves; l f> > County Officers. II .niuii ?>iitiii IJU IUC ilium; ur of Hie person or persons voted lor as such olliceis respeclivi'lv und tin? olllee for which they aio' voted. He ore I lie hour fixed for opening the polls Managers and Clerks niusi tai e and subscribe the Constitu*i'?nal oath. The Chairmen of the i oard 01' Managers can administer the oath to the othei members and hail li o;kmi.-<1 ill 7 a. 111. i lodo?l nt i>. in. ..i.uiayv . ii:.\ o l lie po.'cr to . I! a vacancy. and if none of the Nki na^ors ai -id. tiu citizens can a I've. among I lit' quaKlle.l vottrs, t lt?- Managers, who, after hvmk . 'oni. car. conduct the elect ion. A ;!.i> said . lecii m separate boxes will be piovide.l hi which quali;; (1 electors will vote upon the adoption or ilie rejection of amend l' tnts to the Stale Constitution, as pre.vi ;ed in I ho following Joint llesolulions: The question of adopting each ( n! shi'.ll he submitted at 1 e ii. .t general election to tin I tors us follows: Those in favor i tin amendment shall deposit a b: Hot with the following worda plainly printed or written thereon: Constitutional Amendment of Section .... ot Article..., of the Constitution. relating to ? Yes"* Those opposed to said a: cmlimiit shall east a ballot with t. tollowins- words plainly printed or written thereon: "Colistutional Aim-iul:. flit o: Section of Ar t iclt* of ilif Constitution, relating; lo . No." No. .KM. A Joint Kcsolut ion Proposing to \: i 11?I Section 7, Article \* 111, of < "v ., ; : :11< 1111i:< i:; to Section ol A;-, n v ' o the Constitution i) ;v;i.', \vtir>I X. of this Constitution, hall not a ply to bonded indebtodnc-.: i lie it i red i?y the ttfwn ol I)iirlii : i.: 1. \vlu;e the pro.eods ol lid bonds are applied solely for the purp.) oi drainage <.. said town .ind nlnet improvements, an 1 when she i|ii?\-iii( .? of incurring such in doblodm ss is submitted to tlu: freeholders niul iiualt lied "voters ol ..m ii municipality, ?s prov.d il it .,ie I'oiutilution, uiioii tin- <|uostii)i . !' other bonded indebtedness." Approved the fourib day of Feb rnary. \ I). 1!?I 0. So. 5HO. A Joint Itcsol ill inn (o \mcnd Sec ( i ii 7, Article \ III, of the Con ; ii<'iarii!<; io .wiinicipa Hoiuh <1 ln(( (Iih-sh, l?y Adding ' A Proviso Thoi'eto as jo CciIhIi Towns ' s.-c'ion !. Bo it resolved by th< i (lonoral A.-sciniiiy of the dt'Ue o Syiit.li Carolina, Thai the lolhnvini j .:inrr rii 1 anion 1mrnt. ' i ..a.!( i'v o < ir)i bmncli o, th 1 i. ! shall, nil- sue ' co : ii. in) before another, rallf I' siii I amend men: by yea/ an 1 nayi t!: fiction 7, Article VIII, relatln to bonded indebtedness, be amended ;* by adding at the end thereof the following words: Provided, That i he limitations imposed by this Sec- i ion and by Section 5, o.' Article X, I of tliis Constitution, shall not apply . to bonded indebtedness incarivd by ' the towns of Aiken, in the County!' of Aiken; -Camden, in the County < of Kershaw: Cheraw. i? ihi> ....... Ii of Chesterfield; Clinton, in the |? County of Laurens; Edgefield in the County of Edgefield; and St.;? Matthews, in the County o! Calhoun, 1' .when the proceeds of said bonds art applied solely and exclusively lor ' the building, erecting, establishing,' and maintenance of waterworks, i1 electric light plants, sewerage-' system or streets, and where the j question of Incurring such ind"b:- ' edness is submitted to the qualiied! electors of said municipality, a.;]' provided in. the Constitution, upon !' the aueatlnn r>f - - niut'uieunc!!>% | Approved the 28tii daj of rVbj jnary, A. I). 1'JIO. No. 581. A Joint Resolution Proposed (<> Amend Section 7, Article Y5I1. Of the Constitution, lleluting lo .Municipal Uoiule8;i. A Joint Resolution l'urpu: ti.i to Amend Sort ion 7, Article vill, <)l' lite Constitution, ll it res?oiv< d oy the General Assembly oi ii?o .St;:ii* ol South i Hill lilt' lOiiOWUlg {amendment to South.a 7. Article .VI11, ol' the Cons, tuiion i,o agro '.I | o: Add at the end thereof iho jdlowlng words: "Provided, further, t'liul Uie limitaiion.s imposed i>> tills Section, and by Section i, Ant.-.. X, of this Constitution, shall no .j?l?ly to bon.letl indebtedness incur ed by the city of Aiken, but st'id c.ty of Aiken may .ncrease its boncl't-d indebtedness in the manner j 1 rovided lor in saitl Section of said 1 Article, to an amount not exc< *dling fifteen per cent. of the lvalue of tnvoi.i' ??uulc property therein for the purpose ol establishing, extending, completing and repairing a system of waterworks, sewerage, electric lights and power." Approved the 28th day of February, A. 1). lit 10. No. 5H0. A Joint Kesolutioii Proposing t>> I Amend Section 7, Article VIII, of I The Constitution, delating to Municipal lloiitlcd Indebtedness. Section I. lie it resolve.! by the General Assembly ot tin? State of South Carolina ..... . uui l 111' IOIIOU lllg | amendment to Section 7, Article ijVIH, of Die Constitution. 1?*? agreed o: Add at (lie end hereoi ilie following words: 1'rovided, fu.tiuv, That the limitations imposed by ilns Section and by Section Article X, ol' this Constitution, shall not apply I o bonded indebtedness Incurred by :tb" town of St. .Mathews, but said I o*T.n of St. .Mathews may increase ts bonded indebtedness in the nian,1(11' ' "-> ' ' ' " .........in mi s:ihi ?tvilon oi saiii Article lo an amount not I'xc ?ed:!?.; jl'Meen per cent, <>i the value of (lie i axabln propeity .herein, where i si * jioeeeds of said bonds to the amount < f t\\ enty thousand 120.OOU) dollars, shall he turned over by the town council of said town of St- .Mathews to the duly appointed Commission! v. f of the County of Calhoun, lor tinpurpose of aiding in the const ruc tion ol public buildings lor the , County of Calhoun. >| Approved the US!b day of b. mary, A. I). 1910. .1 .No. .mi. f Joint Kesolnlion Proposing <> 11 Amend Section l~, of Article V. <>l i ilic Constitution, lU'lnting to Associate .lust ices. Section I. He it resolve.! by ihe Senetal Assembly of tin- State o. fc'.outh Carolina. That the following -j meiidments to the Constitution 01 . cf South Carolina be submitted to 11 he the qualified electors of the (jShate at the next general election , j for the Representatives, and if a Majority of the electors qualified to b | vote for members of the (Seneral f Assembly voting thereon shall vote n favor of such amendment and a fj majority of each l>ranch of Hi . (lenoral Assembly shall after 1n ii ['election, and before another, r.i.m - f-aid amendment by yeas and nay a j that Secilon 11', of Article V. oi o the Constitution, relating to 1] dale Just ces, bo amui.iud b.> ( ng out in equally divide in opinion, the 1 . ?i ment below shall be affirmed,' an y by striking out the work t. o i. 4, line 8, and inserting in lion hum > ^ word "three," so thai when unieiul ?d, tho same shall road as f611ows: | "Sec. 12. In all cases decided by! the Supreme Court, (he concurrence ol' three oi' the Justices jhall [)e necessary for a reversal of the judgment below, subject to the provisions hereinafter prescribed. IVllPllllVni- lliwin iKn " ..? >. ?> ?.?{/v/11 u?*c: iimi 111^ ui any jause or question before the Supreme Court in the exercise of U? original or appellate jurisdiction, shitll appear to the Justices thcieof, ar any of them, that there is involved a question of constitut'ona! law, or of conllict between the Constitution and laws of this State and | of the United States, or between thai duties and obligations of her citi-t Kens under the same, upon the do-1 termination of which the entire Court is not agreed, or whenevei i the Justices of said Court, or any, ui ilium, uesire .1 on any cause i or question so before said Court, I the Chief Justice, or in his absence, | tiie presiding Associate Justice, shall call to the assistance of the Supreme Court, all ot the Judges oft I he Circuit Court: Provided, however, That when the matter to be1 submitted is involved in an appeal' from the Circu't Court, the Circuit Judge who tried the cause shall not sit. A majority of the Justices of .he Supreme Court and Circuit Judges shall constitute a quorum. The decision of the Court so constituted, or u majority of the Justices an! Judges silting, sh:ill be final and conclusive. In such cast; the Chiel Justice, or, in his absence, t?he presiding Associate Justice, shall preside. Whenever tHe Justices or the Supreme Court and the Circuit Judges meet together for the purposes aforesaid, it the number thereof be qualified to sit constitute an even number, then one oi' the Circuit Judges ihust rtlin; and iho Circuit Judges present shall determine by lot which of their number shall retire." .\pprovcu lilt? iMith day of February, A. I), 11)20. N?. .">1)5. A Joint Resolution to Amend Scrtirn 'J. ol' Al'tiele V, of tlie* ConSt it lit ii: n, ltclnting to .VsMOchiti' Justices of Iln? Supreme Court. Section 1. IJh it resolved by tli> General Assembly of tiut St a e o South Cai? iina. That the following amend men t to the Const itnt ioi, of the State of South Carolina be r.,ibniittetl to the tiuaiilied elector.; or the State at the next general eit - iui iirm(- suiiiuii vi's, and 11 a majority of ! lie electors ipialilied to vote for members of the CSeuerai Assembly voting thereon shall vole in favor of such amtndnu lit and a majority of each branch o: i he General Assembly shall, atcr such eljctlon, and before another, rainy sai.l amendment by yeas and nays, mat Section o. Article V, 01 the i onslitution. relating, to Associate Justices, In amended by striking nu: the word "three" in Hue and inserting in lieu thereof the v. ?r 1 "lour," and strik ng out .lie \ j. I 'eight" in line 6 and inserting he word "ten," so that when amen.led, thn K-nno roswl I'nllnu 1 Sec. The Supreme Cor.rl shall < onsisi of a Chief Justice an I lour. Associate Justices, any tliit>e oi whom shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of husittess. The Chief Justice shall preside, and in his absence, the Senior Associate Justice. They shall he elected for the term of ten years, and shall continue in ollice until their surcessors shall ho elected and qua'.!lied, and shall be so clasifietl thai out- of them shall k<> "til olllv every iwo years. ! Approved +iio 2Gth day of February, A. I).. 1010. \<>. 5110. A Joint lifsolution Proposing an Anuminimi to Article A, of tin* Const tution, by Adding Therct > Section i *, to Kuip:>\ver tin- Cit.c-. of (arecnvillc, Spariaiibni' ? and < oSninbia, and the Town of Manitin.i* to A .scss Abut njjj Property I'or I'ciinnnrnt Improvements. C. 1 It.. i, . ..-nlil.. I !.? !>.. (lent']-:! 1 Assembly of I ho Sta.e South Carolina, That the followin ; Amendim nt lo Article X, of tlie Stale ('oustit\ition, to ho known a Soot ion 1 i. of said Article X, ho agreed to i?y two-thirds of ihe niofuhers elected to each Mouse, and entered on the journal respectively with yens and nays taken thereon, and be submitted to the qualified electors of the State at tin- next 'general election thereafter for Representatives, to wit: Add the rouow ng bection to Article o: the Constitution, to In*, and )> known as Section 14: See 11. The General Assembly may authorize the corporate authorities oi tiie cities of (ireenville, Spartanburg and Columbia, and the town of Manning, to levy an assessment upon abutting property for the purpose of paying for permanent improvements on streets and idev a Iks immediately abutting K'.ch propyl y: Provided, That sa d iiv.prov omenta be ordered only uj)On the i. litlen eonuont of two thirds o i.k owner.) 01 the property iibiitt.HK lip n the street, side .all< or pa.-c u cither proposed to be , improved. ; nd n;)o;i condition th-1 t :iii| co; porate an horlties shall |.u.a! It' ik! one b il of ihe cost.-, o Stii h hnp.'ewi.n iH". ! \*?;?i'0I t'. e ?6t'.i day of Feb ji.r.j v', a. r?.. 1010. V". ?:?*nI !;< '. tl'.it - 1) Proposing !< i \uwi/t it. mi' \r.'i<-r> v "*ol lln* i't.iivt tu, of Article X, of the Constitution of the State or South Carolina be submitted to the qualified electors oJ the State at the next general olectlon for Representatives, and il a majority of electors qualified to vote for members of the General Assenibh voting thereon shall vote in favor or sucu amendment, and a majority oS each branch of the General As- ' sembly shall, after such election and before another, ratify said | amendment by yeas and nays, that Section Article X, relating to the | debt or' any County or Township be amended by adding at the end thereof the following words: "Provided, That the limitation imposed by this Sectir.n shall n >' ap/yto any Township n the County o;" Ureenwood, nor to any Township in the County of Saluda, through which, in whole or in part, the lim: of railroad of Greenwood and Saludil Rnitrniid ?hnll 1>n lnnotn/1 I const iueted, nor to the County of Saluda. such 'aid Townships in Greenwood County and Saluda County, and the County o. Saluda being hereby expressly authorized to vote bonds in aid ot' the construction of the said proposed ra 1road, under such restrictions and limitations as the General Assenfbl y may prescribe hereinafter:" "Provided, That the amount of such bonds shall not exceed eight, per teytuni of the assessed valuation of the taxable nrouertv of such Town-1 ships." Approved the 2Gth (lay of February. A. I).. 1910. At the close of the election, tho Managers and Clerk must proee i publicly to open the ballot boxen and count the ballots therein, an i continue without adjournment tint I the same is completed, and make a yffltP'nont f\f Mw? rncnh ?%rv?? ??? >? o.11 e and sign the same. Within throe days thereafter, the Cli airman "I the Board, or some one designated by the Board, must deliver to the Commissioners of Klection the poll list, the boxes containing the ballots si 11 < 1 written stitoments of the results of the election. Managers of Election.?The fol :iiw iim .>uiuaK*'is 01 niieciion nave been appointed to hold the eloction at the various precincts in the said (ouniy. Cross well Eliott Williams, Henry Garrison, it. A- Kay. Sx Mile?101 z a Garrett, E. Ij. Youngblooil, W. P. Mann. Praters?John Horrongh, lames Gelespic, W. A. Porter. I Central T. T. Arnold, C. II. Hillingsly, Walter Earle. 1 Cateechee S. W. Rollins, .1 C. Duckworth, .1. I?\ Williams. i .oopcr's Gin -J. M. Looper. 1). F. Sutherland, James Ligon. Ilogsed's Store W. M. linker, George Uohinson, Joe Plillpot. Liberty? W. H. Glenn, 1). L. "I'empleton, Junius Hoggs. n on?.. i ?n i v i i*ri\ -oimrv iiuuinsuii, J Silas Willains, II. P. I'ace. Calhoun Austin Boggs, John Smith, \V. X. Cochran. i Cross Plains?-0. E. 11. VVilliains, J. A. Williams, Frank Latham Antloch W. W. Akin, Calhoun lit wio. A. T. Winchester. Pleasant CIrove l*\ I,ee Burgess, J. ! '. K g Ion, A. B Foric ner. Gap Hill Charley Steele, Seymour Robins Claud Mau'lin. .Mile Creek 101 is ha Nix. Jack I niton, Ham Curtis. Holly Spring*?W. T. Clia?taln, W. II. CMstrn, VV. K. Price. Push;)'.; int own A. C. Sutherland, Robe.rt I.. Jones, I'. K- lCadens. JOasley J. (). Pickens, .1. H. Jameson, J. A. Wiggins. Pickens ). A. Urilllii. J. II, G. McDanicl. M. M. Holder. l'Jasley (Cotton Mill \V. I). Pricks, J. I!. Hnnnicuit, K. VVhltmiro. Olenwood Cotton Mill- I. I). C' rtce. .Samuel Wadena. J. M. Stan-ill Tho Managers ut each precinct named above are requested to dolegate one of their number to secure boxes and blanks for the election <>n Saturday, N'ovenuber 5th, 1910. at lMckens in the court house, where one or morn of the Managers will be to give out said boxes and > blanks. \V. I,. JICN'KINS, G. U HKNDHICKS J. C. GARRETT, Commissioners of State am: County Elect ions for I> eU ens County, S. C., Oct 10, 1010. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Slnto of South Carolina, County of Pickens. Notice is hereby Riven that tin ^General Election for Reprosentntlvi in congress will lie new at the vot . ing precincts lixed by law in th County of Pickens on Tuesday, No - vein her S, 1910, said dny belli; Dandruff Aycr's Hair Vigor just as promptly destroys the genus that cause dandruff. It removes every trace of dandruff Itself, and keeps the scalp clean and in a healtUy condition. >lor Ihe Hair nctly understand that Ayer's Hair of the hair, even to the slightest t or the lightest and most delicate avlng the hair made a shade darker. :erln. Qulnin. Sodium Chtorid. SC. Alcohol. Water. Perfume. . Ask him what he thinks of It. ITT. Lnwoll. Ma*a. lesdciy follow 11 g the Hist Mon.lay, us prescriueu oy law. The qualifU for suffrage are as follows: Residence in State for two years, in the County one year, in tin- polling precinct in wiheh the el. c.ur offers to vote, lour months, and the payment six months before any election of any poll tax then due and payable: Provided, That ministers in charge oi an organ churoli and teachers of publicschools shall be cut.tied to vote after six months' residence i:i State, if otherwise qualified. Managers of election nmsi require of the voter the production > a registration certificate ami pi on of the payment of all taxes, including poll tax, assessed an I coll_* tihie during the prev.oua year, 're production oi a certificate or siureceipt of the otlicer authorized u? collect such taxes sliall he con* elusive proof Public must administer ilu: oath i Chairman. The Manager.-. elect their Chairman and Clerk. . . rolls at each voting place must be opened at 7 o'clock a. m., and closed at I o'clock p. m., tfXCepi .11 the City ot' Charleston, where they shall be opened at 7 a- n . an I closed at tJ p. in. The Managers have the p >w. , 1 > 1111 a vacancy; and if none of : . 1: Managers atleiut, the citizens e.m appoint, from among the (jualiiie ! voters, the Managers, who. . 1 hniiw u\i'iu?n /.,??? i.%.. ?.. tlon. At Hit' close o: ilit* elt-n; on. I li ; Managers and Ulerk must ;?. >. ?.- : publicly to open tin* ballot t> and count the ballots thoiv.r.. i.< i continue without adjourunn nt u.i < the same is completed, and in-!. a statement of the result lor e ich oflice, and si^n tin- same. Wit!.in three days thereafter, the CV.i ii in..i. of the Hoard, or some one dt sit? nated by the Board, mu.->i del \ . ? the Commissioner.-; o. .'Jkvtiia . . poll list, tin* boxes cout.'.inii . !i ballots and written sia'.eaieiu.-i the result 01 the election. Managers of lOlection The following .Managers of Hl> :. a li.i. been appointed to hold t.ie in. nit: various precincts .11 1 li County: lOasley- l.ibin .Mnult.?>:>. A. W Hamilton, John A. She;..ml lOasley Cotton Alii! !t ton, \V. A. llarr, John M111111:: v Olenwood Cotu.n ..1 !; Coluiu >1. Ellison, Sam Smith, Al. ' h .<.1 Crosswvll J. (J 1111 i \ v.'.il . Kay, T. Spencer. Six Milt; I). K. (5 .ir ret 1, i). .Mann, Pink Willomau. Mile Creek H. K. Alexander, . M. Dalton, J. I. Mi.i'phi . (San Hill 'I'. !' f- i.r Olivt r, H. I). .Man! !in. Praters- C. (5. I,e.\.s, C. Boidin, Waller Scahron. Antloi It John W. 'I'!:: :11:1s, M. '1'. Lewis, Philip C'h:.|.iiKi:i. :il fIro\t: I) !.. 1'. . 1. \V. I). I lend 1 ieUs Jr., A li. |i liner. Hogsou's 3to;e \V. N. Jones J. T. Jones, Warren I). Snlh ilan! Looper's ilin 10. I.. Join . I Looper, Joil e Chnstine. Cateechee -L. W Child.', S. Howard, Q. K. Norris. Calhoun Kohei . Mold' .1. (!. Is. I lend ricks,' W. T. Nalli. . I'linipkiMown Thomas Au.ler son, Forrest Keith, L. H. M'ni .. ?n.- . lloily Spiing.-?- 1. i i.. iii'i . ('. Gravely, F. 10. Stewart. I Central K i< 1 " . ' " Bosks, J. N. MorHitii. C'roHS Plains H. L:ith:u .. \\ : ron Jones, J. His'1 Kind ley. l'lclsen.-. M. O. T;oopt r, .. Allgood, W. 10. llendr I'eters ('nek- .). T- , W . IC. Meiulrickb, J- 10. Si:;:r 1? LI hi; rty ('. 'I. Hutcisii. . . 1.. 1 H. ! '. (.'??;?a!ier. The t'M ?r ? i.n i ' named above arc requt* I i .h . pate one of their number >o seeui the boxes and blanks for the el e! on {N'aun lime and nl lit :i and where boxes and is. .'U( t n will be delivered.) On :'a(ui fiy Nov. .'Ill 1.110, a Pickens court house \vh . < one m more of the .Managers \ il! be ' give out said boxes and biaiuls. Jccl 11. ljii:ll:i, W. . n, i. O Io'.k.m ! 'in | i<\ E LEG V RIO BITTER ? AN.. tiiwKvn