Euieritil April ? t? lOD'I hi l'lrt(i,ntii s. <:. u? m<>cr in-t ??fConirro .* Republican party in South Carolina since the Philadelphia Convention of 1900 at which President Mclvinley was renominated. without opposition and at that tinit1 opportunity was not taken advantage of. L* n d e r the circumstances, made ]>ossil)h' only by recent developments, 1 feel it my duty, in nf n yfvmur niii'snnnl ill* ... ^t"VV/ W. .v sin; to retrain from further poUitical effort, to advise our people of this opportunity to organize in South Carolina, a respectable, militant opposition party, with some promise for a discussion hereafter of party issues and soives, i re<]uenny accompanied by violent personal attacks of mouth and muscle. Therefore, as the member of the National Rnpublican Committee for our State, J write you to say that after full consnlta-j tiyn with personal friends and ,1.... ; I I ?l?n. I uiir in ?iii tyuu 111 jnuanr * aunv; to he assembled at your county scat al. twelve o'clock Wednes-i \ law). , Said delegates t<> meet in conv. ntion ,iI the opera house in ih.- ( ii y .)| \ 'ohiinhia ;ii ? !?*\ en o'clock i'h11! -ii.i v nioriiin^ ()ctn hi -r I well' \ \ Oil l ii I < >!' ! lie | 11 r po o. p;irt \ 11 iit .;.111itfal ist in yoi11' < ' >11nI y wlio I la v< ; a i t ir i pa I < < I k < cut i \ in III." Dnii >cralic pri11lari's, 111 candidates huing for purely local or Htatc oilices, arc cutir< !y eligible i.o roliM* ;ts M?I ?'S to hie coll vent ion I?c*r? in incut ioncd, if l.hoy ;iiv in syinpathy with the Kepuhlican parly, ami ilsadmi.. islrat ion <>| National aflairs, .'ill of which arc of vital interest to ihf whole country ami particu larl vat t his I line to t In- South. IvcsjH'ctfully yours, j. John (J. (Japors. "^outli (/iirolina Member licpul) lican National (,'oinniilu-c. Section of the lici>ul)lican parly rules of l!M)f> r?*a?ls as fol-1 lows: "No person shall in- ?'Iitc-1 ii>l<* lo he a incinhcr of a clul), a to State. County, Dist i i / i/i H i/ 1/1 ij mi?* idi v' ^'11 > tin it 111r> i' a - j oopt he is a registered voter in /ho procint. in which ho lives or > proves to the satisfaction of his club that hi; made application in good faith and was rejected by the registration officers of his county." Clerk's Sale. State of South Carolina, ) | County of Pickens. ) In Common Pleas Court. W. D. Edens, Plaintiff/ vs. i ; A. J . Manley and J. A. Gosnell, Defendants. In pursuance of a decretal order made on the 29th of September, A. D., 1910, and on file in the Clerk's office for Pickens county, 1 will sell before the 'court house door at Pickens, S. ;C\, during the legal hours for 'sale on saleday in November; 11910: All that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the county of Pickens, in the 'state aforesaid, containing seventy-four and three-fourths (7 J-V) acres (less the four and threefourths acres which \v:is convev ad by A. J. Manloy to A. B. Cantrell) and bounded by lands of A. B. Cantrell, Major Ambler. 'A. A. Jones, Joe Stansell, Joe Gilliland and Jonah Simmons, it. being the same tract of land deeded to the said A., J. Manloy by YY. 1). Edens on the same date that the mortgage was executed, which deed is recorded in the Register of Mense Conveyance office for Pickens county, South Carolina. Terms of sale, towit: One-half cash 011 day of sale, t he credit 4 i.i j .. .. I I mi i M 111 K i in- [rayiiiiii! in uuu year from day of sale and to he scour-i ed by bond of tho purchaser and | mortgage of tho promises sold, with leave to the purchasers to pay all cash or to anticipate payment at any time, tho credit portion to bear interest at eight per cent. Piior nm,i,hn.???i,? iwv for all papers and for recording t he same. Terms of sale must, he complied with within ono hour or the premises will he resold at the risk of the former purchaser. A.J. Hoggs, Clerk of Court. ! werKs aaie. State of South Carolina > Pickens County. I Jn Court of Common Pleas. J. T. Baily, et. al., Pitts. v. s. E. A. Lindsay, et. al., Defts. In pursuance of :i decretal order made on the *271 fi day of September 11)10, by Ernest Ga ry presiding judge, Jind l s-1i?I town as lot N-?. Ill, bounded on tin* noith now or formerly I?y lands of James Hunter iV: Sons, east. I?v lot ol' .J allies l a \ lor, west by lot ?! !! ('. Shirley aildsouth by 1 f.n i 11*< >;i?l st reet containing' one-fourth of an aen ni in . A !s<> ;il! lii,:l other It it in t h< (|?\\ It : 'I ( '('III ) il CO.III! J'lltl st ;it?' I >!'< 's;iu! <*! ji<.-;inins, -ill*! 11 i i | \ Idol's ill' u ' i >1 |i , I >< ;|i tnii (1 ( i ! I).1. I . t! ;i i:)? -. ; ion n |>. ; r. . \v. i- l 11?I ?> I 111 (! i's UH ( S. \ \ . ('!: i v i?> 11, ;11111 sou11) l)\ lotsol ('. !>. Smith .1. \\ . I?rof|< .!il.I oi j11 i -. Terms of s:ilr c:i ii. I'un iui - !' i - ' or pmciiMsi'is m,i: i comply with I enns ?>1 s;i le immediite! \ or t he 'lands will 11" resold ; ! ! ii ' risk of form' i purcleiser. I'nrchasor to pay for ;il> papers :iik! i he re cording of the same. a i l^wr.rc ('lork of ( tnu t. Clerk's Safe State <>t South ('arolina ) ('o.unt v (if I'iekriis i In (Mm t of ('on:iikm I'leas. Thnnms I'', I'nrtcr el :il I'lOV vs Delia I 'oi ler et. al., Dofls. In pur. Malice of a deriv:al or1() by Krnest (Jary presiding jud^e and on lile in , the Clerk's office of Pickens county, I will sell before tlit* ('(ilirl I Idiki' dimr ;if I ''wlr nnu South Caioliu.' during the legal ; hours for sale .11 saleday in NoI vein her 1910,1 io following tracts I of land towit: Tract No. 1. Containing 853-4 acres more or less as slirwif by plat of survey made by E. O. Edens Surveyor on the '21st day of' August l!)L() adjoining lands of Arthur I'orter, Dr. Cannou and tract No. '2 of the Porter estate. Track No. 2. Containing acres more or ies,s as shown l>y plat of survey made by E. (J. Ed ens surveyor on the 21st day of August 1910, adjoining lands of Wade Chastain, James Porter. and track No. 1 and :> of the Porter estate Tract No. Containing (101 acres more or less as shown by plat of survey made by E. (J. Edeils snrvevor on t ho ^lst <1mv of August adjoining lands! Wade Chastain. Johson James! Porter and tract No. 2 of the! Porber estate, those tracts of j land being all the land owned j l>v J. 1<\ Porter, deceased, at the time of his death, except a very j small lot near Porters Chapel I / llH.v.l. <<-!< i-.K U.. I 1 .1 * I 11 I I >111 <-<- >11111 IMIHTJS, COlliaill ill!; ()"? ar t Ik- Irart of land conveyed in,J. II. \ irUrry the "JNl 11.i v of .Jannarv. l>y iII. Ri!!inu>,Iey. T- nils of sal pay i or II pipers aii'i for the li'i't'! < lin of I In1 same. '! < ; *11*- .?! air innsl I.e romplicd wit.h in oiii li til or I iic Di ritiiscs will l>o iv ->| .I: I A. ? )'??5JT*-1. ( .. ;:rl. t v ^ 'c in juts. IV! t. H ( H I' III: ' Hli-i(i?* 11- ifiii). , |l??r 11 ll.kii.l /.? inn-.. fistl. I.I .?a.1 .i?. .? - iIx' surface. 1 >otu'8. joints hum \V lu-l t'Vrl' I llf ilihCHHf IS l> rat>'>|~ jlMMul. ri'ptionn ? ?? !?' :? I.-. 1 it nil < 11 I. mi' aclit-n of If llClllfU ism , HAfllillJJH HIlllHlle , 15. It. 1$. < uiio!. ti Iv elt iniCt'H tlx* l?orilVol 1 liealth. M. B. 15. cur<>o the woihi ol?l i oases. Try it. ; botanic bi nnn rai m rrr 1 plCHflHiit and kaTc to iakc; composed ol pure llotunlc iiiKrc4lIcntH. It ptirillOH nud nirlcheH | (hoblood. it. ii. k. -1r< iit:iii 11s (he uiMmit> t. e Ornken down system. l>ru? I Ki?ts #i no I'Rit i, a it i i; hot I'm; wtih til roc lions for home cure. i Sold at All Drug Stores. fT his] is the trade- jj mark which a iiui^ ,s f?und ?n i every bottle | of the genuine i ' Scott's Emulsion I! the standard Cod Liver | Oil preparation of the | world. Nothing equals | it to build up the weak B and wasted bodies of | young and old. FOR SALK l'.Y ALL DRUGGISTS Send 10c., tintnc of |>aj>cr ntid this nd. for H our I>cautiful Savings Bank and Child's R Sketc'i-Book. l'.ach bank contains a I Good Luck Penny. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St.. N. Y. | 'I mm n miMiii??imiiiiiwiw iniiiniil ?. 1 Good Printing Is the art of puttutR into another mind what is in your own. jnr ic \ ciiDTi c JL JL lw/ /iL 1. METHOD OF SUGGEST ION It is a means or making a favorable Impression. To have the best results. It must oe k the bust pritUiitKThat we are prepared to Rive you WALK RIGHT IN: M TOWN CRIER Was put out of business by Printer's Ink PKINTLU'S INK Wilif,. I r'fjr VOL' We 1);; i p :t> M I" :vl l'< I I !\b, <>* ilvY U : LI.' : 1? I>ll Ij i i 1 . <> 1/1 Q't. *. >\ r i. <7 1. . i Q^V':K ' ' ' til v> Vli), Ns..' " .. ' V'TIV fJl v. . :v!'v:. . f V\ v :> . ; ,v !1 * ' y,* *, :.f in I nd for tlio u ; i inidcrntiutii. Wc Print Thrt Kind of Stationery. We Are Rcidy to Print Yours, Why Hi. y ..i. Wililu "A IkiIj.i .?< i- J' l' ft'T? A? ..r.. V.'.-li. ! li^tft'n d it li .f .iii?;: It' I tiili.l'l! K1"'1* lll<:> <1 li I'l! I?n*. ii i inn mill."' K'HMi I IU',1 u irAjifli lilt! | it l;ci'|i ? ;i 111:11.1u' pintl. That's too j iiiicli work, sn I ijuit. - CliM'liunl LruutM'. PARKER | ("AIR BALSAM 1 nl I. v.: .(i !\? htlr.i fl|B] J',-? ? K'owlh. ' HR>: wJjHNovcr Falt? to Jtontore Oroy, ! Huithl vWjj l! ?r to It;* Youthful Color. I <:i?>ii? * hair fnllli;I 1,1 31"1 nniitnl?>? | % i WORI ' X. > TO GO'/ mum FOR Til CIVTV Wl V I 1 VV o arc gc>in?r out c sri lis)^ I his stock a t s This is your change Hardware, Iian^ ware, Plows, Ci A - i rows AgTicultu Wire Netting Fencing, Nai ;i?:f business and intend 3 to get a good line of >es, Stoves, Tiniltivators, Harral Implements >, Pittsburgh Is, Shoes, etc. I' linr is to 1m> sold at -lllU,., ..<* r.4 ' i 1 ' i I LUM. id the i >Cy/ ^ \ t? f'.'Hov . V? tt i.l'.irr ISiff g&Jl ^ // I Vji*r til"/ : . lly," begin taking the kidney tvmc !y, l)r. Kilmer's !>\vamp-Uoot. A t.*i;.l ill convince you of it:; j; merit. "fhe mild a:ile restoring i rojx.1 tii . lj;ivu been proven i \ Ihou: or tl*.c n?o:.t distress* 111^ cascr.. If y .1 need n medicine you should have tlio besl. 4 ^| Sold by drujji'.i'' . in fifty-cent and onc-dol- V lar sizes. Vou muv * JU"!"* >< 2222*3 1- v