PlcKENS SENTINEL-JoURNAl. - ' - ffl&k Kntercrt April ii3< 1003 at IMckeu*, N. f). ?? necoiirt cl??? mall mniior, underact oi Coii<[rcnn of March 3, 1870 3Kr / ' i 40lh Year PICKENS. S. C. SEP. 22 1910. Number 18 Premium L r. ..v / Stock Pr f T71 1 i j ror cow giving largest quann ton seed nieai. Second prize, 200 Best beef cow or steer over tw meal. Second prize, 1 year's subs nal. For best beef cow or steer nnt seed meal. Second prize, 1 year'* Journal. For the best heifer, milk bre< pitcher. For the best buil, any age?A Uest. Yoke of oxnn? A good v Por the best single ox?A whi For the best station?$3.00 Pharmacy. Second prize, a good i For best family horse or mare For the best bred country mul A $10. (X) saddle. Second prize, a Supply Company. For best horse or mare from c by X /VV 'ireeman. Second prize ens p/?T*ipany. fTTor the best saddle horse or m Keowee Supply Company offers a * < 5/ For best driving horse or man *iO - .. - - - - For the best draft horse or prize. One year's subscription to t For the best pair of draft hors lines. Second prize, a good team For the best pair of driving h< ? co /5c cigars by Keowee Pharmacy T?rvr fho f , 1. * . f~\ x vi unu i/uou i ai in 1111111 *; \fi prize, a good halter. For the best pair of farm mill Second prize, a pair mule blankets For the best horse or marc col all clock by the Pickens Drug Con or snears. For the host mule colt under Second prize, one good Rexall ton Company. For tlli? lw*et lwArwl .. ? v. ?/voi U1VUVI 111(111.: ill Ml I For the best jack; One Icathei For the best sow; One meat ( For the best brood sow with i> food. For l)Aut l^ior nnd/ii' oiv _ i'>rs oia iim ^ food. ' v * p ' For the best pi^ over six niont A good handsaw. ' t. For t.he host boar under one y< . V. Secod prize, one sack salt. Third rings. For tho best Jersey cow regis PtUl' GENERAL FARIV For the best '2 stalks of cotton I>v Moore & Mauldin. Second prb For the host r> stalks of corn; ( Folger, Thornley & Co. Second distributor. \\ For tho host pock of wheat; (>i Thomas eXc I fames. Second prize, Hardware and Grocery Co. ,V. For the best, peck of oats; A :?< " >"" x*> thjliF " *K'^t bundle of (?;its; One a For the hest gallon of rye; Oi For the hest. gallon of field pea For the three hest stalks of soi , knife. For the best, one-half gallon I red cedar bucket. . Second prize, a For tho best band of tobacco; Foi the best, halo of peavine hi jt the beat bale of sorghum ji For the best bale, any variety For the best and largest, pmnj U,r thn 4^4 IS? \t' .... >>i in* i u>ivi;i|n I >< >11 111IU, \\ Ul'KS. f Kor I ho t1,1 ^>: ^,(,,)^ ii^ ist of Fair. emiums. ty of milk?1st prize H00 lbs cotlbs cotton seed meal. o years old?300 lbs cotton seed jcription to the Sentinel-Jourlor two years old?200 lbs cotton * subscription to the Sentinelid?A good enamel bowl and good pitchfork. rhip. P. hranKlin pen by the Keowee raw hide buggy whip. ? ?A good la]> robe. e from two to four years old? good leather collar by Keowee ountry?A pair of $3.00 shoes j, a Rexall watch by the Pick tare from town or country, the first-class riding bridle. a; Full raw hide buggy whip. mare; a horse robe. Second he Sentinel-Journal. les or mules; One pair of check whip. >rses from the country; lOOCin'. Second prize, a nice lap robe. i<> good wagon bridle. Second es; A good pair team bridles. 1 under oik; year old; One Rexupany. Second prize, one pail one year old: A j^ood saddle, utain pen l>v the Pickens Dru^ olt; A nice Im^gy bridle. halter. 'hooper. i^s; 1-1 doz. 50c packages stock mths old; One package stock lis and under 12 months old; ear old; Ono $1. butcher knife, prize, one ho^ nose ringer and T ( tered; A good enameled milk / 1 PRODUCTS. ; One Blue Bell middle buster Be, one Gee Whizz cultivator. )ne Lynchburg Farm Plow by prize, ono Oarmichaol ciiunn I io fiOlb sack of Purity/ Hour by our flour bin by tlif' Pickens I i > ('hattanootra turn/nlmv \H A ftood shovel. ^ ;<><>d .">()< pocket knife/. le good half bushel measure, s; ()ne drawing kuif'e. "Khum cane; One j^ood pocket loine made sor^hnm; A tfood graduated measuring cup. A f /t i' I 1/ I--:-- * i> >' iciicii ]>1 j???. iv; Mowing J*lakin. I ease assort,*'d|soft drinks 11 * 11. \ f < J/V'U. nnclon, any variety: Huiehei For the largest sweet potato; A g , For the best peck of sweet potato^ For the best peck of Irish potatoei For the best and largest beet; A f For the best and largest cabbage; SPECIAL PRIZES FOR FA For two best stalks of cotton grew Heath-Bruce-Morrow Co. will give on 1st prize, 1000 pounds of guano; 2< ano; 3d prize, 400 pounds of guano. For the best two stalks of cotton i the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Thornley & Co. one ton of guano as f 1st prize, 1000 pounds of guano; 2< ano; :kl prize, 400 pounds of guano. l A a. l ui uiu ufsi? uve .siaiKs or-corn grc Tho Ileath-Bruce-Morrow Co. will giv lows: 1st prize, 1000 pounds guano: 2d p For the greatest variety and best s grown with Etiwan guano, Folger, T1 ton of Guano as follows: 1st prize, 1000 pounds of guano; ano: 3d prize, 400. T7* i-1- 1 i * ' " i'oi brie oesi one-nail ousnal of wi | guano, the company will give through 1200 pounds of their guano as follows: 1st prize, (?(X) pounds of guano; 2d i 3d prize, 200 pound* of guano. For the best one-half bushel of o; Guano the Compay will offer through 800 pounds of guano as follows: 1st prize, 400 pounds of guano; 2d 3d prize 200 pounds of guano. For the two ht?sh ftt.ftllrs nf rnt.fnn c - - - ? wwwwv? r motto guano, the Southern Cotton Oil H. A. Uichey 1000 pounds of guano as 1st prize, (KM) pounds; 2d prize, 4< v**w ,m I '? ' ? " 1,1 h>1 ' v *-*i* Ul 1 ' 4 of tfuano as follows: 1st, prize, 1000 pounds; '2d prize, pounds. For the whitest, cotton and ncat.cs mill will tfivo one holt (ftOvds) of their Parties competing for the special will not he permitted to compete for t prizes on cotton and corn. All parties tests for iarm products will he requirec l"HY?d llf' vvni'ii riiiwul 1 > v tlimn r? ti fliiiit* !>. * ivluvv* 1 w" viivil POULTRY ASSOC Premiums for the Fourth Annus County Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stocl Connection With the Pickens County $10 in gold for the best pen. $5 Silver Loving Cup for second b tor tht; best pen Barred Hynr $2.50 Huff $2.50 White $2.50 White Wya $2.50 " " " Columbian 1 $2.50 Silver Laced $2.50 S. 0. Rhode *^. >1) 1511 tT Orpingi $2.50 S. C. White $2.50 S. 0. Brown ?2.50 Buff Letfhoi 12.50 S. C. Black $2.50 " Aneonas ;i() k% ' ' f !/\rniuli Itwtl $2.50 " Pit Fowls $1 " " " pair Plymouth N $1 " " " " Wyandotte? $1 S. C. Jthocle $1 " American I $1 " " " " Orpingtons i $1 " " k' " Leirhornsai $1 " " " " Minorcasan $1 " " " Games. ?1 " Bantams an $1 " I. It. Ducks $1 " Mammoth 1 Tho National Club Ribbons of the en under tne usual rules and conditio! The PromiumsYor tho Special ftxl ' partnient will bo published later. The 1 ~ i lilU'l. ^ MIILII 1 w IIUIIIL t'r ?m 4li!kjom ?) "KtiiOllluiit H?til(li ~ , So t-ny Ma. CI ins. Lyon, Peoria, ill,: "1 found in your Foley Kidney I'MIh a I proinot and >peedy euro for ba< vclio EKi# and kitln*?y trouble whicli bothered mo RmI-H fojwMiiy mon?l)Hf 1 am n:iw ?;njoking I which I owe to Foley w|H ood bottle of perfume. *8; A potato hoe. 9; Set of knives and forks, cood pair scissors. Good cooking pot. kRM PRODUCTS. m Mtarlft'a I r ! tvM o uauu, uiic e ton of guano as follows: tl prize, (>(K) pounds of gu?rown with Wando guano, will give through Folger, ollows: 1 prize, (500 pounds of gu11 J )\vn with Royster's Guano. j: e one ton of guano as fol-j rize, (>00; 8d prize, 100; selection of corn in the ear lornley 00 pounds of gu leat grown with Anderson i Folder, Thornley ?Sc Co., prizo, *100 pounds of guano; ats grown with Anderson > , Folder, Thornley & Co., 1 < < prize, 200 pounds guano; \ \ (rown with their goods,Pal- ( Company offers through , r follows: pounds. nvn with Palmetto Guano, ougn 11. i\. iticnoy iuuu I ) pounds. wn with Richmond Guano, I, & Son of Norris, one ton i (?()() pounds; ftd prize, -100 | t packed hale, the Pickens first grade sheeting. j prizes for farm products < he gereral farm products J i entering either of the con- ' 1 to make affidavit that tin; ' farm. 1 :iation. j il Exhibit of the Pickens { c Association, to be Held in f Fair, Oct. 19-20-21, 1910. I l est pen. ? tonth Rocks. f f i iu Wyandottes Wyandot.tes i Island Reds. tons I j?>f*horn I iO^horn ns Minotvas inn Games 'oeks any kind I I.-land Iicds )oniinir|iK?s any kind ly kind y kind fy kind. ironzo Turkeys. vj/riotis breeds will he giv"! IU i I o iil>il and the: Ladies' l)e program will also appear i i ??? ? : zrvmi packer'S li saifoi? hair balsam 1 1 OI..1 bovitlf!?j H. Iiair. I i y* ?* fcj I'riilii.ilu It lllxuri I it priiivlh. ?T ^ Movcr Fniltt to llontoro Orny| ' il r?^Hi Cur?? ?c?lp c!l?<>ji?ft Jfjinlr 1. .i.4.^l ! c InlT.laTVi I|^"*I"B?^B,? ! u I it the only emtdaion imi-1 0 I tated. The reason is plain? I u I it's the belt limUt upon 1 > I having Scoff's?it*# ithe I 11 world's standard flesh and 1 a| strength builder. " . ALL DRUGGISTS I " Dr. T. A. Seawright, ^ DENTIST, T Pickens, South Carolina. I Office upstairs Freemnn Bldg. j $100 Reward $100 j* The rcnilers of this papers will be 'p leased tp learn that there is at iea.-t j n lie dreaded disease that science has ('''' icen iiblc to cute 111 all its slaves, ami ?. l IV W., KIIHQU, U. Sold by DruK^iatH, 75c. Take Hull's Family Pills for conatipa- ^ tion. o o Q Botanic Blood Balm I /R R R \ PllPflC' ThnniifiH fhn Dlnnd ? v u. lit u. J Ulll lit] linuilljll IIIG U1UUU ! 1> _&BlDod Poison, jj ffffin BONK PAINS, CAN- * Kiff CKIt, SCALY SKIN, e LsflST) PIMPLES, Mrli/ v Rheumatism, Eczcma^ f perfect lealth. R. H. H. oure? the woiat "lnifcn? Kf i^V>V V Lll r Will Surely Stop That Couah, , BILIOUS? CONSTIPATED? i HEADACHE? 1 ^ il HI Brill iw i^, a I W FOR ;< SPEEDY RELIEF. .. at 1 c< l_- - ? 1 c Nearly Everybody TAKES M SIMMONS IIVER REGULATOR ?i , "Sir YOU? i ' N Tlmy Hi?v?A DeUntte I'urponn Foley Kidney Pills give quick reliof in [ise of kidney and bladder ailmente. [rs Hoao (llaser Torre Haute, lad., din the result in lier cane. "After sufiring for many years fom a serious ise of kidney trouble and spending inch money for so called cures, I found ol?y Kidnev Pills the onlv niMdininn Hit gave me a permanent cure. I am e rule. Any manor woman over 18, r. iiv or country can K<*t instruction aim ee informat ion by writing at,once to iure-iu of Instruction. 108 Hatnlir milling, itochestcr, N, Y. 3o You Get Up 1XT3* T* ? T ???/? i7 ii/ii u juaiiiv uawn i Jdncy Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everyone knows of Dr. Kilmer's wamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and (l ,| , bladder remedy, be*?-?' JEy I. cause of its remark11 able health restoring [L propetties. SwampU .J"- ^ oot fulfills almost i i1 js/ 1 "5(6 every wish in over\ I I ](]f coming rheumatism, C rL?. pain in the back, kidF J y^-y_ ujl ueys, liver, bladder lr I a?d every part of the ' _ . urinary passage. It ?AwSSaP--*- corrects inability to old water and scalding pain in oassineit. r bad effects followinguse of liquor, wine r beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ecewity of being compelled to go often irough the day, and to get up many mes during the night. Swamp-Root is not recommended for verything but if you have kidney, liver r bladder trouble, it will be found just le remedy you need. It has been thoruglily tested in private practice, and has roved so successful that a special ar mgcment has been made by which all jaders of this paper, who have not alsady tried it, may have a sample bottle ;nt free by mail, also a book telling lore about Swamp-Root, and how to ndont if you have kid- 4 "^u. 1 ey or bladder trouble. /lien writing mention ading this generous r HLI-SisHa ffer in this paper and r. KillUCr ^ Co., Ilomc ti;?wfuit|?>lioot* inghainton, N. V. The regular fifty-cent nd one-dollar pi/e bottles are solr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the allds, Strains, Sprains, Cuts, Bruises, ollc, C r a m p s , ' trtrA>. eurnlgln, Tooth- ?ATtO*I -.ho a n d all sQ\ IA \ v f erve, Hone ami -U?a 1 -.'TMFrY.~ r/AI u^clo Arli^a^ana u UaKC. 2T. ctfl. i'l If ' >1,1 l?y doolorB In onh nfimc