Entered April It3< 100:1 :it tMckoim, n. O. ?? Mocoud cIumm mnttor* iitidArc.oloii2t-oMM of .viarcli 3,1870 y 40th Year PICKENS, N. C., AUG. 4% 1910. Number // rv "SINCE BUCK 1 c Liberty Raked Fore and Aft. Comb Gathers tbe Ne c Some Are Personals?Sonn c Dear Sentinel-Journal: Al-| low mo space in your paper to Rive a few of the happenings from this lively little biug, and don't let this find its way to all the writers "bugaboo"?the waste basket, and I'll tell your readers about our little city. Just let the public cast a "sheep's-eye" at us for a few months and they will see for! themselves that all of the] content plateed im provements are a reality. All of our main sidewalks are' laid with tine cement blocks' which gives us a nice pavement. I Our "City Dads" are now mak-1 ing preparation to put these blocks down on all of the side wralks in the city, which will give us, we think, the best foot j ways of any town in the county. ' We also have fast nearing completion a splendid electric light plant, which will soon bo ready to light this little city as bright as (lay.' In the building line the past five months have been active ones and the results are here to show for themselves in the erection of many commodious dwellings, which add greatly to the beauty of our residence sec .. . * 11 uiv/n ?r> ?t>ii ctrs I'll tilt? LclAUlUf property of this bailiwick. . ../Vhe next thing in order, and '' vt'hat we need most, right, now,' is GOOD KOADS leading into our town and if t he good voters will be careful in the selection of tho Supervisor and Commissioners, we will get what is coming to lis, and we only want what is.our due. Our city was greatly grieved to learn of the death of the sweet little infant of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Parkins, of our town. which sad event occured at the home of the parents on the 1st instant after an illness of several weeks. The interment was at the cemetary at this place, the following day, after appropriate exercises. The bereaved parents have the symTMlt.hv nf ni;mv frim-wla in sad bereavinent. Mrs. Williams, of Ilowe, I Tex., who has been 011 an oxI tended visit to her brother, Mr. I W. A. Watklns, and other relI atives, returned to her home I Tuesday. She was accompan1 led back home by Mrs. Wilson itankin, who has also boon visitI ing in the Slabtown section. I There was on exhibition here this week a freak of nature, in the way of ;t three-legged chicken with four feet. It was /. \ brought to town by Mr. F. G. Sheriff, of II. Ii1. I). It was soiueming seldom soon and ere j ated a great deal of comment! and considerable curiosity J EB our |m-ople. 10 very farmer that is at all in terested in tilling the soil, especH ially if he ex|k ('Is to make his H living that way, should attend the convention of farmers to be H hold here oil August 9th, under! the direction of the Clemson. B College Agricultural Extension B Department Every body come ?nr. bring your wives and ^^dlnner baskets and id enjoyable outing. Claude Boggs, colored, who H was well known in these parts' H has passed to the groat unknown H beyond, lie was burled Mon-J day at tho Liberty grave-yard. HAS A CALF." "Buck," With a Fine-tooth iws for Dnr Readers. ) b Are Not Personals at All. >?=? Two of our jovial and prominent fellow-citizens, Messrs. T. N. Hunter and Warren Smith, paid our thriving little sister city, Easley, a visit this week. J. E. Robinson was a visitor to Anderson this week. Ite. ought to have a pleasant trip. Miss Belle Koe, who has been sick for several days, confined to her room, is able to be on again to the delight of her many friends. Mrs. A. F. McCord is reported 011 tho sick list this week. Her numerous friends hope for her a speedy recovery. The infant child of David Sanders was laid to rest here last Saturday, in the cenietary, having died the day before at home of its parents in Piedmont. He has the sincere sympathy of his friends. The farmers around Liberty are about through''laying by" their crops and come to town pretty often "to hear the news." They report their crops the finest they have had in years, but say they are needing rain at this immediate writing. Mrs. C. 1j. Hollingworth, of Easley, spent one day last week in J liberty, the Sliest of her sister, Mrs. J. J. Wakelin, Mr. J. rP. Carson made a trip to Parris, 8. ('., last Monday, !o visit his brother M. A. Carson, who is foreman on that part of the Southern Railway. Miss Nettie Bass, of Shelby, N. ('., accompanied by Mr. Pierce, paid a visit to Mrs. 0. R. Roberts last Frday. Miss Nettin is looking well and shows that living at Shelby agrees with her. Mias Annie Belle Brown accompanied by her sister, Paulino are attending tho "Home Coming Week in Anderson." The merchants are in high glee over fall prospects and are daily receiving new goods and looking out for new customers. If you don't want to get shook to death you had better stay indoors until after the election, for the candidates are abroad in the land and they believe in handshaking and back slamriner. Can't we hoar from some of the hoys here for cotton weigher? Wo would like to seo you announce in the Sentinel Journal for this position. Mr. T. A. Norris, one of our rising young men, now stationed at Alto, Ga., spent Sunday in town with his parents. Andrew is looking "game." Mr. .J. T. Bo/gs spent a portion of last week in Columbia, lie went down to ho attendance upon the State Democratic Convention. The lodge of "Independent Order of Odd Fellows" meets here every Monday night. All visiting members of this order are cordially invited to attend. The lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of this place hold their rogular monthly communications every Tuesday night on or before the full moon. All masona in tfrtnrl ?bn the biggest and finest they 'ey?rsaw-and t he Georgia "gals" tip- loveliests and sweetest. The addition, or annex, to the Calumet Manufacturing Co.'s plant is nearing completion and it adds a great deal to the looks of the mill building besides doubling the capacity. s rpt. 1 1 ' i in- voung people nere seem to be enjoying themselves hugely and are having great times on the tennis and croquet grounds. Do you know why we are not having any public picnics; It is the high price of chickens. They (the chickens) can't be reached by Buck. Foley Kidney 1*111. Toiuj in quality ;>h ? 11 ?i ft to i'!u|)ON? p<- til Kidney 1'itJa givo quick n;liri in (.jA\e.,V(l |tiiJu,.y un,i olmlin r ailments. lA)Su (iiiiM'i 'LYriu llniuc, Intl., lella 2 result hi !u-r oiif..;. "Aller Bliffei in.%!"jor iiiai. j *?ii.^ Ini.i a serious case nha kiuney iroiiui'- and bp.-utiiiig mucijJ^noy tor rf.? i .?l.ou cui; , 1 numl i*"uley ^0jnlm*y l'iil? Un- o.ilv iiuunjii.e ihat T je na* a |>ei (uitiiviic cine. I anil Fl auaiti.. V' l > i).> ami attend to my , *al work.^ 5 .siuill never lie;.Half to rcomuuM.itjnfl"1. ' Hold by all Druggists. Th Yfolunibia board of health has i.ppil/cd samples of in ilk and bntU's roin the various dairies supp'^. he city. t'ui all < k Uullvf From ll?y Kcvor Astl fceund HUinmer bronchitis, tako I'xh'y' Honey and Tar. It quickly reln-vi'N? '^liHCointoi L a id ?uir?'rin^ and tin; 1.1K Ui.^apinar. It Booihtvl lit-alH ilut lull,lined air j>hhaugeti ttiu' lineal and nroucliial hum rt.ft|n JtVfiit'iiiiH no ojiiaU'rt and no liai int Denru|(4> ItffueM ttubtuiuuop. Hold I>rlon] l^fugjiiaui. In nearly (JO pt;r cent of perso-k jfonvicted and imprisoned ir^jigland had been pre vious0 n'onvictcd. I'r ji ani'"*!)!! iO "Kxculllcnt Huultli So tortu|fn. Ciiuh. Lynn, i'eoriu, III,: "1 foi ^mh j our Foley Kiiiiu-y 1'illn a pioinp. u hpet'dy cur.) fo backache iiiiil Kiaad iiou >U) wnii! 11 boilit-1till me for luu .'h'/juiiirt. i am naw eiiioviMK , ^ 'n?erve your phyaicnl forces i y?c a ^ and ntalthful old a^o, gu ? ? our l?y inkinK ivi uiny 'Uoniwdy. Sold l>v Notice. Books of subscription to the 1 Capital Stock of Keowee Supply Company, a corporation to be organized under the laws of the State of South Carolina, will bo opened at the office of J. 11. Ashrnore at Pickens, S. C., on Saturday, the 6th. day of August, 1910, and remain open for one day. The proposed Capital Stock of $4000.00 to be divided into forty (40) shares of the par value of $100 00 each. S. B. Craig Homer E. Sutherland J. R. Ash more. Program of W. IYI. U. Program of the 2nd annual! meeting of the W. M. U. of the Pickens Baptist Association to be hteld at the Pickens Baptist Chlirr.h Aiicnof. 1-lfU mm ? itiun IjUU, IJU" ginning at 10 o'clock. Devotional Service Mrs. O.E. Watson. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Th? Kind You Have Always Bought | i Notice of Cotton Weigher's Election lor Pickens. Notice iH hereby given that on the third tfatur.lay in AugiiHt, A. I). 1910, the Bane being the 20th day of August A. D. 1910, an election will hi* held in the town of Pickens for the purpose of selecting a Cotton Weigher for the ensuring ye ir, or until his succosor shall have been duly qualified, and at I which election the polls will open at 10 o'clock a. in, and close at 5 o'clock P. m., and at which election the following are hereby appointed managers to-wit: W. T. Griffin, J. L. Thornley and I), B. Finn- v. For the pur pone of this election nil ' qunlifieii electors shall be allowed to vote; and ,'qimlifit;d electors'' shall in- j cluih* >11 malt* citizens who are patrons i of ih. 1'iekent* cotton market, resident J within the county of Pickens, who shall ; on or before ill*' third day before the 1 flair (U-l ' - * .mi iAt? i i-h soon eiecuoil, upon thy product: >n of his registration certificate, procure fiom tin* t 'lerk of the Town ("ou i) ci I >r the town of Pickens an ad-, dilional certificate that he is a duly qualified doctor. uuder the laws gov- ' eming general elections in the State of South Carolina, and entitled to vote in the annual elect ion for Cotton Weigher. Hooks of registration for this purpose are open and will lrjir, nod untill the election and qMalificHtion of his successor. J. R Aslmiore, B, B. LaBoon, Clerk. Mayor. FOLEYS KIDNEY PILLS Fow Bacwachk KicmyiANoBuDDta rree Let me mail Sample & y^lWol of our l^Mcj ^ Remedy ' I am anxious to h Noah's Linir ^ | I TO DEALERS is fife I If T* W?M I* Ml ti? aetl Mli. 1 #M p JiTTff I >y r? R?-Wr ~ifc* wrtrt. ^ ^twK. .J ' 1 ' r<**tl?. wfc? >K T fr*H? I Welcome Address Mrs. J. M, Stowart. Reports of Committees. Discussion of State Missions, led by Mrs. W. C. O'Dell. Song. Home Missions, opened by Miss Otis O'Dell. Foreign Missions, Miss Lidie Bowen. WVin.f. olirMilfl . >iu l/U VJUll, Mrs. Middleton Hester. Personal Service, Mrs. R. A. I Hester. Survey of the work .of the W. M. U. of S. C. Mrs. C. E. Wat3(W1. Dinner. 1:30P.M. Devotional Service, Miss Ncllio Grundy. Address on The Importance of the Young Woman's work f'< r Missions by Mrs. A. L. Crutch d of Snn.rtn.nhnvo' i - vv*"r?Mrs. C\ E. Robinson. Snpt. Ml I III n vjuuiilj f uiiuill J IUIHI We are the originators c fl ffl these prices cannot be duj II lllltf Genuine HijJ 11 llll Pric* I.ist of I \\\\l rxpncss phipaio >1 ||V 2 Gallon Kcs: $3.60 j IU 3 Gallon Keif 5.30 //- North Carolina SI II Imperial Whiskey XXXX (I Rock anil K yo XXXX \l Apple Brandy XXXX U\ll Apricot Cor Sherry Wine (1'ure California I lll\\ U liln(Hnll,,n,1Tu~.lVVVVl , thr r Gnodo >WOflt 1 ns^i.rPA'O lUai'kl Sherry (>in Peach Tom ( r the /V pcil only i line, label rxnancnt )te prici lern Si battanoo; rtWKIIIWf Vhy Sui iave you become acquainted with the rnc nent, and will with pleasure, send you a for man or heast, internal and extei do all that is claimed for it, or your r Noah 's Liniment is the Boa Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lame Back, S Colds, Sprains, Strains, Cuts, Burn e.nd al! Nerve, Bone and Muscle At Noah's Linit^cnt is sold a all dealers in mcdicinc. V. The rut nt 'he right ?* ?n r-nct cojwcif our r^e'i o( |)m flrtttiinc NoaH'i L;: inient. It iWquil* im| *1 ? .k* f?.l (I. .1 ll>* Nr,.h'c 1 .V* distinctive nmri?. Kvfiyone ilioiikl Iwwatt? r imiti.t y proftecutc every infringement f ( our right*. r^>?s? M * ? \? Cut this Coupon out and 1 Noah Martin, Richmond, Va. Please Mail me a Free Sample of 1 eodote two 2 c?nl lUmpt (ot Num. Address a^>fc' r; " ^ " ?> * ilk!'1 our hrous3EW{jCv,&', ! child cangivoit. If it clll? failH to euro, your monov refunded. If your dealer < a 11 n o t TU^VHTirB supply send 50c in 1 [|T V Htimipt nn/ flflch ;'t tht Samr. l//\\\ !? ;< (Joodw Chunp IM'llltiil 1'ricou liver Qnoied 'Jjl)oM Goods jVti.ned Jii'ttKo; v/JJwik ixirtis-. "uri'Aio lill/tm 4 Gallon Kctf S5.7S ////oyfl 4 i < iallon lvcn 0.55 /rl/Vlf rt Sty!" Corn Whiskey ( l/l U . J >crrv Cortlial l'cach Brandy l/j m NVine (Compound) /II [// ^ Rnnann Cordial j III ja ' H and Honey l'ort Wino 11 I I II Sin ScuppcrnooK Wine ' III (I *>W ;Vr of liach is the Same. J j|{ jf/' mt^'and packing. Wo know one trial li 3 list of our 100 eTZTo 14^1 rrer ; ^ ^ ^ rita of The Great Pain Remedy, i free sample on request. It is good nal use, and is positively guaranteed to noney will be refunded, i Remedy for Rheumatism in all forms, tiff Joints and Muscles, Sore I liroat, s, Rmi. es, Colic, Cramps, I oothache, ;hes .)nd 1 ains. it 25c., 50c., and $1.00 per bottle by 1rre? ap^xur in ml ink. Nor.e genuine without these ioni offer/