f tc 11 KM*0(1 April 23, 1003 ill IMclicii*, N% i\ as nocoikI cIiim inattor, undo rcof?pi?;r(>HM of March 3,1870 39th Year PICKENS. S. 0. APRIL 7, 1910. Number 46 . WliAn'tlin WkAAlnl Why does Great BritUn bay ITDAHCn CCA -1 ? ' VV 11C11 llic YV llCCIS Wont Work bring the watch or clock hero and we'll nmu<' tliern get nusy again. We are familiar with all kinds of movements, ami you can safely trust the finest timepiece to our skillWe Repair Jewelry to just as skillfully as we do watches. I you have one or more pieces laid awa as useless bring tliern here and see what wee can do for them. Jri- SnicLer, JEWELER I^anley, H. er cr. acid analyzes 14 lyzes 16.57. Our 10-4 goods a analyzes 8.34, 3.39, 3.26. Our goods always stand stuff in them to make them stat but stand up. Nearly all the farmers who contest used Anderson Fertilize fourths of the finest crops niad< were crops fertilized with Ande better crops made in Andersot fertilized with Anderson fertiliz Mr. J. S. Fowler, one of tli or any other county far that inn fertilizer for cotton. His lands proper choice in selecting a fer the soil is more or less sandy w 8-4-4. The extra unit of potash ful 01 )e crops on sandy soils. Mr. J no. S. Cromer, anot 1000 lbs of our tertilizer on son and it paid him. This year he a ton to -Hie acre on some of hi: We believe it will pay. A good farmer, farming on] vation, can hardly put down t< We hardly know what would be - Anderson Phosp J. R. VANDIVER, Pres, its oatmeal of us? Certainly it seems like carrying ' coals to Newcastle to speak of exporting oatmeal to Scotland and yet, every year the Quaker Oats Company sends hundreds of thousands of cases of Suaker Oats to Great Britian and urope. The reason is simple; while the English and Scotch have for ccnturics eaten oatmeal in quantities and with a regularity that has made them the most rugged physically, and active mentally of all people, the American has been eating oatmeal and trying all the time to improve the methods of manufacture so that he might get that desirable foreign trade. & How well lie has succeeded would be seen at a glance at the export reports on Quaker Oats. This brand is without a rival; is packed in regular packages, and in hcrmctically sealed tins for hot climates. 51 Railway Mail Clerks Wanted The Government pays Railway Mail Clerks $800 to $1,200% and other Employees up to $2,500 annually. Uncle Sam will hold spring exnminntions throughout tho country for Uuilw ly Mail Clerks, Cuptom (louse Glerlcjand other Government Positions. Thousands of appointments will Ik made. Any man or woman over IS, i citv or COlllltrv ran mil. iimlrnitiinn .... fre?? information by writing nt onco i Bureau of Inntruction. 10^ Iiaml.i Building, Rochester, N, Y. FoleyIs ORINOlAXAHVI For Stomach Trouble, and CoNSTiPATior. i M ll! OatsS in Febinary or M.nvli. a. y quantity and prices right. / GARDEN AND FIELD SU; oil Seed M ly and our prices m> t ?nl l-TLoui ? $t>.y;>, and every smck i> >cu e satisfaction. s for '2.'j cents. >ad of Corn. quart.s for ;2~ cents. o. 1 Timothy, bright nrd ;1 nd reap a jJ id h i < eed will he high .ml s< . in at the right < ime. morelmmliMO .mil < ill . .i ours truly, 11 M lith Cairoliim IIIOil Ml JL J analyzing our fert liz^-r .46. Our t6 per < t. aci any 1 took Drize.s in ln-t vcm-'.: r :r in making their corn. Th 3 in Anderson County l ist > rson fertilizer. I here were 1 County last year than th*? er. ie finest farmers in this count tter, says our 8 3-3 is an i are dark and he has mad?tilizer for dark lands. Wher? f* llHVP nn nliiflimr ? w ? w Mil UI/IMIII^ I CV 1(11 111 Wll i in the 8-4-4 will be found ht 1; her one of the''finest," used ne of his fine lands last year expects to use 2000 pounds or * fine lands as an experiment. fine lands in a high state of culti ) much fertilizer to the acre, j too much in a case of this sort. hate & Oil Co.! I). S. VANDIVER, Man. i iirtujLijftiLO ua olr Bark Goes Down e/!, V.'nsii d A3liore on Frcr.cli Ccc t, i ll c? Vessel's Tragic rate. Lisbon. T')'> 1 : ' .iv rnor of t li?? A c.;' i : t 1 lot; :i, Island of I' . . '. r ; i' . . . \. < .< -o , bark reported us wi 1 n -i storm , Off Pico 1 !:' : V. i "i; il l 1. i grants l;ounl for A- rif'. Foi'j: lives were lo t. 'I v. ':. ( of tlio passengers and cr v were s.'vl. Twnnl i ' . -.'J . 1 .. .. K i - ... ..... . .4 > i . . - > ' I 1 \? ?!'. ? it' '? ashore. | Tho governor r ti 1' ' tho 1 t; Ic was an olil hulk ft ml Inadequately manned. When th u v ; r nrl. .1 land thoy ran torr r fitrl iU< :i into tho hills. [ Paris Wi( ' <>f Uo- :1 Dutch Wi ; I 1 1,' il 1 l'l < Willeni 11. ;> 11 > .!; i y 'J !. with r.2 Boiila aboard, has h washed nshoro on Bello Isif. off tho coast of l'rr'iiee. i All hope !v d I)-- . "i tip !' ; I' steamer, which 1 ;t Ai t 1 ,m f>?r ParamnrilM) with . < an 1 I 1 passengers. Sho Wen hnntO;l hy the J )u! (!i erui or I : : i r ship, tlio Prlir- \Vi'; i : FV. rich goi. .1 s. Chlnamnn Ta'"!s On: I'rc >1 j C i''for r ' . I Allh'.n n. ('. 1 ! . ?:' . I' < placer it(ho piom r 1: In Plaror <' Chlnamnn. Mi lial. who ha 1 this section f. r. 1 le scour 1' t.v nfto on Y I' Dutch Flat. iv i foot into t' ' ill :>r ' river channel, l'i vs l : months h-< h t..' i coar. < FRUIT CROP U: " I'" 'JO. Growers Say I C Done ho fv" !* i 1 ' , Atnorleu . C . -A nmion . rint< onts stale por i' I d I' i crop i:; u?!u- . V i Islnj',. jim * v v. ! r. ' Jackson. t " ' up llio jpt. : In th<- ' > ducod 1 V ' wcok, \'i < Ml ill - ' ' ' -? ? state to )?.'i i diners f" 1)111 WHS ; : tllP I illio, l'M< ! ' mot lorn to niid the . ' nn',l iifj-ie ! : 1 . fovorsnl or sioniii I < : <' . tfon. j nnd the bill wda Uiilod for mil time. Busy Year for ":1 pi ! and Itoi'k. Doston.? All nrrv ions l'OCOl'ii ; in thlii1 city for tlio h tor 1c nnd Cupid have! pone l?y Hi ! .! 1. n< ' i' to f recordri from 1008, now on nio In ihe ofllco of h? . : In 10^.8 thorn Were T.v' irrin lii Dor?lon, j Against 8,005 in lO'-fi. In I'"1". .f'l-t ; 18,103 bablort wore horn Jri i: ton nnd it fa <: iinvii that lion nil tji'o; returns nro in ' 1 i ronoli 1R > ft Tug 0 it ' Pr I. Onlfport, .M' tho ml .'ln:r i' ' rovonl any 11. < t j: ' hft Its fato t ; i : >1 shipping eii <'lc 1 llf ^ : 1 ' r, >' that tho tii'i' i)"" 1 r l clrient an 1 f ' ; > Loko, 1i> r ! 1 ?"* florlou llr.-i :t i i told until nil, r . if): return. Deserted ri P: ' -.1, Vnlojo, fill ! '. ' l > ]\ n nonrnii:!' rlno cor; . fmpri C'Ti: !' i i.. i IU1 11?1 > 11 for a coiiins <>:i has I) "mi i'i ' ' from tho iinv f has stailo.) f !?: t!,. his father, v. Iio v.- i having Pr i lert young man. I Is said to havo 1 ! tlon. Accident on r -"nrn. Mount Ail} f a. ' >Kf|ir?y railway' pa fr right No. ft 7 (v ! Mount Airy Two or t'i < -s < tho frolght wo it* bi dly domt d. Olio WflS ii '>< !! i? Of a r 1' ! ' < to II: ; t i 1 i- If " i i : : . ' eral hours. GELVIDERE BROOKS. New General Manager of Western IJnion Telegraph Company. | V%i||prie;' MEN STiL.L OUT. Settlement of Philadelphia Strike Still As Far Off As Ever. i 1' ' In - Although several < h ivo been held by the inns Interested in securing a of the strike against the 1 \ llapil Transit Company, i . of the company ami the the .strikers appear to be p-aching an agreement as \ i mi left the cars almost a | \\ ' i \ 'i ' ? ' " " ' 1 "M m, II1U pri'KKIGIU CM U!f ' A oc'a ion of Street r. I ' f K.'ihvay Employes, stated ! i t'i.1 the men ;vouid be 1 i' ! ronipaii' reinstated the .vlios dismissal proeipit ' I ibe wii: a niis.oneepiion T : 'union would not be \ :> i mont that did not pi t i f the men in their or' ?? of ten havinpr charge of ' . ?a;liotie strike continued ii : i ' i'i l'i r a st:>.to-\vlclor of the old homestead, wh . l? brother, Klnier Huff, now 1!\ :? -. ! vmarhod: ! (h, if you will got mo flio 1 ! will niilU those rows." It limo t:> explain matters. li!it i' \ finally made plain that it v ; i y ".Ml!: " returned as From t! > >. and tli'M'p was a reunion v > T.I:r in progress. f , : ' ! ' < < 11f til'i'd of thr> life of r ! worked his way to Mis: tliero ho managed to : fall- education, and then *. whoro ho became a H<> i.; now snperinten-' ill' Reform School. CO "i: :0 FOR BIG FIGHT. n c' rry and British Noble Jeffries-Johnson Bout ( > 'I'll.' Rail of Uosp1 ' i Iv premier of England, 1 .n't of English noblei v ill oonie here to see the i> u I "hi. ivcordinK to j il i salil, hnvo already :i -uncial train to carry iv York to San Francisc > M : for 1ho ringside rcscrvnt >n ' 't the party will make ? -l cm t rip, visit ins tho ; < !t n i n route. r- Y. M. 0. A. Buildings. \ (!;> Plans have l?oon :*?>),f > ? railroad Y. M. C. to bo Imilt In tho '? ho thoroughly moil , -ii I. :i t I stool It la nn '!Iuk to tho report rec.lv 1 f from headquarters of tho Atlantic Coast Line. . ' I O.nif] f3urn a Church. w:iki [ n -Members of ire. recently released f 11 : !(> fail to have, set lire ' > ' 'i of Our r.rfldy of Mt. i ' ; ' on i!e, in rov( nge for i I I,,,ith',r ('eruttlB in the i h< 1 'arUniallers. The troyi-,1 with a Iops of i $tfl,000 I" ;rt! tnke Recorded. i An earthquake shook r - i\ . huit ' duration has been ro1 1> (ho sei mogrAph at Georgeitv Thn i\\i1Ip?? t Inno urn Mia! lh - disturbance was far distant from Washington, Fichermen Drowned. Tohv Many Uniting boats have n loh a surprise to many Atlantans, for there had been a prevalent rumor, based upon nothing doflnite, however, that the highest state tribunal would uphold Judge Charlton and Mr. MeLondon would win his point. Commissioner Joseph P. Gray was appointed to hold office until the general election this fall, lie will probably he a candidate to succeed himself. TRAGEDY AT NUPTIALS, Wounded at Altar, Bridegroor/i Kills Father of Bride. Houston, Texas.?As the p'-iost wns about to complete the ceremony that would have made the daughter of Stephen Pace the wife of Salvadore Guiffre, Pace broke into th>> church and shot, at Guiffre three times. The third bullet, wounded fJuiffre and, lying at the foot of the altar, he raised a gun and inflicted a wound on Pace from which ho died three hours later in a hospital. The spectacular attack threw the wedding guests into an uproar. Partisans of both men were about to en gage in battle, knives flashed and guns were drawn, when the cool-headel priest and the plucky girl, who was almost a bride, raised their voices. The priest sprang to the chancel rail and chastised the crowd that had be-1 nnmo o nmli I ?w.i? 1.. - A? 11 >. .iiuu, titsitllK I.V lilt) 1111111111 (Hod down. With blood flowing from his wounds. Guiffre took tho vow tliat made tho daughter of his victim his wife. METHODISTS PLAN TEMPLE. It Is Said Imposing Edifice May Be Erected at Washington. Washington.?With the organization in Washington of the national i building committee of tho board of ! church extension of thr> \tr>f tinriiuf Episcopal Church. South, the first definite step was taken in a national movement, which has for its object the building in Washington of a temple which Is to bo representative et the progressive spirit, strength, life and work of the Methodist Episcopal Church. South. The general conference has stipulated that this temple to 'ethodism must coat at least $27r>,ono. No maximum is set, but it Is believed that at least half a million dollar? will go into the building b'-furK it is completed. FIGHT EXTRADITION. Packers Will Resist Efforts to Take Them tc r'ew Jersey. Chicago.- "i:'.1 t'.'.o return of Ralph Crews. ehi f t-mir ! for tho National Pack in- Coir.pa: > >om a mysterious visit ! i. t'1 t began to prevent extradition of the New Jersey indictments against th?? directors, officers and subsidiary corporations of tiie . alleged beef trust. A part, of the plan was the sudden trip of Lemuel B Patterson, vice president of the National Packinir Com pany, to New Jersey to submit to sor- \ vleo. It is hollevod the fi^ht will be niado through him by throwing up every possiblo national teehnieality to protect the 'hip follows." DEATH GUEST AT WEDDING. Father of the Groom Ate Too Much and Died at Table. Now York.?Edwin S. Pearsrfn, a wealthy Brooklyn manufacturer, ate too heartily at a dinner which lie ;:avn in honor of his son's marriage, and died suddenly in his chair at midnight as tho waiters were clearing off the remains of the last course. Physicians hastily summoned to the uptown restaurant, where the dinner was given, said that death was due to an attack acute indigestion. ONE MAN AGAINST FOUR. Young Daughter of One Combatant Raw Father Killed. Lancaster, Ky.?in a desperate pi tol duel near Bourne, Garrard county, between Luther Hay on one sHc and Creed Turner and lliree sons rrn tho other, the older Turner was killed and Ray was mortally wounded, being shot in a half dozen places. The young daughter of Turner sat In a buRKy by her father throughout the fltfht, hut escaped injury. Woman Missionary Dies. Rome, CJa.?News reached here of the death in Battle Creek, MiHv, of Mrs. liossle Willingham, wife of Rev. C. T. Willlngham, who was until last month tho pastr/r of the Fifth Avenue Baptist, church here. She was formerly with her 1 "sband in mission work in .Iflii. . i.l Inot hop lioollh In that country. Fourteen Hurt In Wrcck Hammond, La.?Fourteen men, nearly all ot t':oni negro workmen, were injured as a result of t!io wroc!< of a work train on t* >o Maton Rouge Hammond and Ka^l-un railroad. HP1 TP* Mfi&fcna m, werfiltew (rrickly Asli, Toko Root . MAKTO rOfJITIVE CCBK3 OF ALL J rhys:< lann^ntlotno P. T. P. r?. a frplon- B fllcl combination, n:i>r thy curcn of ti'.l y UbanSfj' I! ! lumiti ?na siagnn or I'rlmaiy, Eccondary R {61S5833 E jnd Tortiery Syphilis, Syphilitic I'.Uou- g B I ?iaH*ru, Bcrof;:! .3 Cl^ors and Scrtn.f | Glaadular Swoliiu;;^, Tllscnrcr.M-.m, El'i-j jj Boy Complaints, oil Chrouio Ulcere that E (F; H g?.-*,?zas's^sr'graK?g>': S GafflODU I A! flKKH i/sl CMMfit- r>^TLLgy^g^i3V' iff^^I\TTTJinVK'r ^ tiavorrslnted rvMUoa'-Jifnt, Catarrh, ?kln [ ?it?s:i5Jrl 1 r.J--t,m?~ ? MoB 8 ! , 4VUUU, XOllCC, I! BcMdhttv !, c!c., ctc. ] gTQgg^ g J\ J*. 1*. 5: % ; ".rfnllonlo aad r.:i . fi Mreller.t f.n; ! ; IniiW'tir; up tho I i>yr.t ::a \ If you a.e v >.k and t-rfraMH I ftob!o,r:id f 1 hy j'.y try i\ V. 1\, find R ??SJar- >-=2rrhrvm?M?fm'.3>.T5trr; rlf fC[ lr Pi ' ' ' -J i&Mv I J >' !?" 1 } V. \ / ! rv i V> J: !' "5 form;:! )' i- , \ ^ t I r : \Y >t elusive i i ,iit i.i i. ^ w .toi . nr ;> <)f others ill!!" to "l! i' 01 jlist I o.?I " w' V C~?. - ^ i >w<' . i / T. i . it Inquire of your I'riemls at tout tin & ?) H O i I ei K ? 83 (THAI) KM ARK IilSdl: " 11 toin In s t lie spot." 11 is a (let :i k?\x out of this car-load?> cliamv later on. All orders lillot Pickans BottSin ( K. L. Davis, Proprietor. THE B In the buying of drugs and the c scriptions we use every precaution to and take particular pains to use onb This rule applies all through oi must be right- every detail must be lore any article leaves our store. Iu buying Hallum's Kidney Pill; dries,Toilet Articles and Preparations Prescsiptions filled here, you know wl Pintail* Hmor IUIIUBIU RrPIMgg 31 a so ill c Temple $: ' ? ? ' ? ' r . i T3I M oea*Sfeie UK.'' nud Votasslum.) 'OP.MS AND STAGES Of . w: jnMoomnmMMHaaaHHHm yon vrill roRain flesh and strength. Was toot oncrtjy and nil dlsoaaea resulting from overtaxing thoayetow aro curod bj tlio 11/10 of P. r. r. I?adioawliono ByRlomnaro'polsonodand xhotio blood is in an 1 mpnro conditlondn* j to menstrual Irregularities ana peculiarly boncUied by tlio wonderful tonlo and SCROFULA blood cloATiBtng prop?rtlo? of P. P. P* Prickly Ash, Toko Hoot and PotAMiam* Sold by all Drugglats. F. V. LIPPMAN Proprietor Savannah, - Ca. wi u JiiAJina??^?W & ^"0 MM ^ i i^iti .' m * N v- .v . 1 ( ' f i i. . t'il to ' ' > neighbors ' iO c'jv. I 41 ,* ii R >P y v.. V ' ' '.vhi -h rural loir. 1 ohm .if aaurprisf :i (\ 11 or more i'l hr-r sini.l i v ji .ijou Willi Our I' it telev ( J.oklt't. .1 .'ii vV/is, , . ?.. : A^anta, Ga. i "f Hi", ]f- ' f ? # | cs >\ id 11 i v.? i h( ox 1 ; 'i: ; ii 11 p. iii'vvaro iiii i V.mielhing b 1 s ' i This jry. (< ro; ? brink, STURM).) ^real cold breaker. 'on niiuht not ^et a 1 promptly by g Works, Pickens, S. C. r? c ;n JLLO 1 I impounding of our pre. get frtish pure drugs / th.it which is called forir business. Everything carefully gone over- -be>, Drugs, Medicines, Sun . as well as having your l.u you arc gciuny. Company, Pickens, S. C.