I ALCOHOL 3 PEH CENT. jj AVe&taMeltaparatlonfor Assimilating iheRwdafldReguk i; ting Uie Stomacks aiidJ}ov*?Js of j Promotes Di?estion.Cl* erfuH [ nc6sandRe3t.Contalnsneltt*ri | | L OpiimuMorphlne norMtaewL Jl Not Narcotic. | 1J || JBttpe of Old. IkSSMlELPfTOBER i 5 flnpkia Snd~ | JhcStoaa * ) 1 r JhMUSdtt- I W|: jiiiistSttd + I $?&*>. > II: Isssafej I, lira I Aperfecf Remedy forConsflpa I i!K|. Hon,SourStoniaeh.Dlarrii'CJ I 5 Worms,Convulsions.Krorisk \ j||l nessond Loss of Sleek F^cSinille Signature of Hi fe! NEW YORK. J it ?i ii i.ii.iitntiuDHBi . Exact Copy of Wrapper. mmmmmmammmmmmmm State News 1 All the Late News from Era The yegginen who robbed the postoffice at Hartsville the other night got away with $500 in cash. Gov; Ansel lias appointed J. M<'Iuiett of Beaufort as chairman of the l?oard of fisheries for South Carolina. John D. Hamilton, a prominent citizen of Sharon, York county, is dead. IIo was (>1) years old and had never married. J. M. Boll, a leading farmer of Orangeburg county, is dead. There is strong opposition in Sumter to having the next negro state fair held there. The corporations of Cherokee county paid out $50,000 in divi dends on the first of January. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a, very valuable medicino for throat and lung troubles, quickly relieves and cures painful breathing and a dangerously sounding cough which indicates congepted lungs. Sold by all Dealers. KSbert Johnson, a young man of /jfaTFne^,' watt painfully hurt Jt>y being kicked in the face by a ' mule. Ed Smith shot and killed George Glenn in Saluda county in a row over a game of cards. Both colored. William L. Shoeklev, aged 72, is dead at his home in Laurens county. He was for many vears an engineer on the Newberry and Laurens railroad, entering the service before the/ civil war. Women as Well as Hen are Made Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discourages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulfiL\m ness soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or disbecome so prevalent L - J* i* no* vncointnon for a to be -9 MWviBF- ',orn "ftlicted with *^** weak kidneys, Ti the child urinates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child re'.chesan ge when it should be able to c-ntrol the passage, it is yet afflicted wit'i bed-wetting, depend upon it, the cauf il8, Ulcers, Fever Kores. Eczema, (*?ith, (Jhupjicd ({amis, Chilblain*, vanish before it. ~"?c it all UrUKKiats. The total amount of taxes received bv tilt! Ktat,(! treftKlir frnm the treasurers of the counties amounts to $378,771.35. The report of the secretary of the Newberry hoard of health for 1909 shows that 30 white persons died in the town during the year and 14 negroes. There were four deaths from tuherculosis. There were HI births during the year?C7whites and 22 negroes. Welcome Words to Wo Women who suffer with disorders poci sex should write to Dr. Pierce and rec 1 advice of a physician of over 40 years ?a skilled and successful specialist in of women. Every letter of this sort 1 careful consideration and is regarded confidential. Many sensitively modest < fully to Dr. Pierce what they would telling to their local physician. The lo< is pretty sure to say that he cannot without "an examination." Dr. Picro these distasteful examinations are tfer less, and that no woman, except iu Dr. Picree'a treatment will eu your own home. His " Pavi Hundreds of thousands, some It Is the onlv medicine of its kind that Ithysician. The only one flood enough ngredient on its outside wrapper. Tht tion. No alcohol and no hahit-J'jrming ulous medicine dealers may off^r you 11 with your health. Write to World'f 1 V. Pierce, President, Buffalo* N. Y.,? i _ How's This? VV <1 n? O.... li II....1 n.ii ? v \/nv * vnc iiuihiivu i ?ui larH UP* ward for ary case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney h>r the Inat'lSyeare. and believe hiin perfectly honorable In all buntdcbs ii'A suction# and financially a'-h-to carry ?>ui any |igattofiH made by liih firm. WaIjOIKO. KlN'nan & M.vuvis, Wholenale Drujrmste. Toledo. O Hull's < '.iiarrh ijuro is taken inteinalI", acting directly upon the blood ami mucous surfaces- of. the system. Test iniontals s"'i< fr.'e, JVt^e Toe. [it botile. Sold by all Dru^gis's. II. M. Hitt and W. E. Duncan have purchased the Aiken Recorder and will take'charge 4 u.>~ - a- ? i ui mo (wijui in a it'w days. Messrs. R. M. Hitt.and" Walter E. Duncan, two young newspapermen, have purchased the Aiken ltt< order and will take charge af that paper in a few weeks. Mr. A. P. Ford is at present editor and publisher of me Koconior. Messrs. Uittand Diim an st.de that exlensive improvements will he made Id I he paper. It* i < I - lli'llcl I' ir Jf yen havc p linh i'i llie hitch, Urinarx BIikiu- r iii'Kni'iic) I i cubn , :tiul want :i cei tnin, ]) en alii hero cuie I'm woman's ills, Tr\ Mot In') (J i i \'s \ ii ?l/;i1 .1.1, i it Is II S:tl<- illl'l IH ViT-l illilljr 1,-u ilia1 (II . At Hi'ii|:nih s or I?v Iiutil ;V.> et.s S jnrUa;;-. I' liKli. A, l'tio Molln-; (Jr.iy i (i., 1,1'liiiv, N. V. A report from Springfield. Orangoburp: county, says it has been reported I'roni time to time mux a wnisKoy distilling outfit and blind tiger was being run some miles out of town by tinwidow Eugenia Hoi in and ber sons, Tillman and Alfred. Acting on the advice of a federal ollieer, Magistrate Corbett aimed two of bis deputies with the proper warrcnts who succeeded iii capturing the still and I wo of the alleged violators Tuesday evening. All parties are under a heavy bond and will be turned over to the federal authorities. KhycmI At K>eiitli*M Door. Tl?.? -l.w * -I i ? me Ucat.ill DruggiM!-. The duties of the ottiec of secretary and treasurer of the International Factory Inspectors association have devolved upon Commissioner Watson, lie having heen elected to the position at t lie sessions of I lie assoriat ion j held in Rochester, N. Y.. during 11li<* summer. The meeting 'of the association this year will | be; held in Jlendersonville, X. for three day alter which the j delegates will come to Columbia for three days. It is expected that, over 100 delegates from I nvcrv ?t;?11 in 1 In. I ' ii/>? ? <'.? ? | - - J V..V t.iw,,, X ,111I ada and many of the foreign countries will be in attendance. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy nevei disappoints those who umi it for obstinate roughs, eoids and iriitalionsof Iht throat and lungs. li stands nurivalieo as a runii'dy for all ihroat ami lung di8e:i9?'? Sold by all Dealers. Odd Nama Oddly Won. Tho Inn known as tIn* "Same Yet." nt I'rostwk'li. has a curious history, which Mr. Hack wood relates: "The house originally horo the 'H'*ven Stars.' hut many years njro it* heeaine noco.sHary to liavi> its faded sijcii repainted. When the painter asked the landlord what lie ^vas to put on tli>' hoard he r? reived the answer, 'The same yet ' And the man took him at his word."?London News. lal physician Asr? MtifimkfL lcrolly nccdrarc eases, should siihtnit to them. ro you rltfht In the privacy of urito Proscription" ha* cured of them tho worst' of is fho product of a regularly f.rqduatcd that its makers dnro r<> print its every ere's no secrecy. It tvill hear cxnminadrutfs aro found in it. Some ujiscrunsuhstitute. Don't take it. Don't trifle )ispens?ry Medical Association, Dr. K. -take the advice received and be well. * ' * '' /' '* ' jiij- A ? / fj } J \ >? 8 HhShI . .v..... The $75,000 turned over to the] state treasurer by Dr. W. J. Murray, chairman of the dispensary commission, will go* to the schools of the state unless otherwise ordered by the legislature. The turning of the money into tho school fund mean that $5,000 will be used for a state summer school during the present year, this being prescribed by In w Tl.n f 1 -.- II l " - . j nu Hum win i?(j uquiliiy divided anions all of (lie count ies of the state, and each child in the schools will receive about HO cents' worth of education aul of t he amount. Solicitor J. Monroe Speers of the Fourth judicial circuit, lias just filed his annual report. In the circuit there were 78 eases tried, 71 convict ions, and "seven acquittals, four of which were consent verdicts. ()idv three .acquittals hy juries were rendered Al win ing, nit1 year in l lie circuit. Ill Marlboro county 1 lu re were HO c ast s t rii <1 and '1'.) eonvh I ions. 1 ii C his c; field count v t lure were .?! eases Hied. 'J;>c(>nvicti-)usan suITt riii?? ->11? 11 death? O I iKIII.-aillls, U'liil lake Cnliin. COtt^hs mil la>;i'i| |)t'?lliai terror of Winter and Sjirntj^. 11?ljin.;er ,-ij.^tinls :ti'" "MulV <1 11(?'* ih sirils, lowvr p h i of ! <>s ' sort , chills aiel fever, pain in hack <>f lieail, and ti throat-4;i i));)in?j e:>uj^li. When >irip att icks, as suit value votir 11f?*, (loni delav tliiifr I'r. Kick's New l)iseovery. "One holt U? rtired mr," wiilcH A. li. Dunn* of 1'iiic Valley, .Miks', "after hein three -weeks with For su e lun^s, I lenicrha^t s, U'iiylis, t'oliin. W litsiCon^h lh oi - Asthma iis sti;>iviu>. f,U \ $1.00 11:11an'i'cd toy all I>r;s:^41MS. Attorney General Lyon and Clifford L. Anderson of Atlanta attorney for the state in the winding up of the affairs of the st ate dispensary were con for ring Thursday relative to the appeals of the whiskey houses against whom over-judgements were found and who have appealed their eases t0,000. The suns ol' $10!),000 has been reserved 1>\ the dispensary commission tor the purpose of paying these claims should the courts decide in favor of t he claimants. The Abbeville* oi.nty dispell sary annus nave about been wound up by the K1.7-1 has been placed on dej ?>.sit to t h credit of that county, and the county dispensarv board went out of office so l ar as salary i:-. concerned on J inu.ii y 1. The only matter to be attended to in this county is the coll?rtiu^ <>f a claim against (Janet 1 the checks of the Abbeville dispe.i sarv amounts l ' Tbiv leaves u net amount in cash of the dispensary fund of .? 1l;?l .27. This amount has been divided as follows: Schools ol Abbeville, *(>,;>70.'.)1, county, $"*?.,and the city of Abbeville, $(i,ilTM.DO. Dispell ar.v Audiioi West said today thai the alt'aiis of the Abbeville county dispell U'll't' ll'l/l Iiuu't ..........v . : I! . j ...... > ii mwni .-| WIUMIIH.UIS and systeniiiticallv mun.i;.;< il. Cliuiubci lain'.-t (Ii in' ) is i o common, \ \-i|.t\ cuii^li in s (u .. It m a inci i orinDH'i i uit'il \ lii< roulilc? mi o Mi l ii.i'Miiii < uplii: tioiiH it'siiilingc tin ii i n. in mi- iic*i. S >l l i> i l?aera. The Synopsis. At n roront piwioriniiiii-f at a ccrtiiir. tlimitcr an lu'P scat iijiiTtTJ' composed licrsclf and looked a hep program. Opening it nl 11>? sir ond pugo of I lit* hill, she saw in pt-oiuinent letters "Synopsis," which she pro nounccd in an ittnIiI>1 c* tunc, iliou^i speaking to herself. "I'shSw," she remarked, (timing to her ftfhipi\nk>n, "we've seen (Ids here plojl trtffqre! I.el'.x go home." JJlrt' Jiflor ii whispered objection on tho prtrt of her friend, who pVohnliiv in nn diplomatic a milliner nAipos^il/h- es plained her mlHtnke lo her, she seitlen bnek In her sent, apparent^;. noniewh.it dint-bin li ted. "i'i 'iW* / -.AfiitMvli'. ?? IS OL W "WLnrt Vfm n vr? i'i/i1.? /->! , , J Wl Mi. V 0 1A,lVj V/J ! |& troubles peculiar to worn p'. dui, tii{.it "well-known and I |? men. Thousands of won j p been benefited. AVliy r. j p chances. about la (Lij women." Try it. $3 AT ALL E2 Cr. Well L )?vc.-. The new voiir in ('(>!' . w>rl; was !)c:;i!ii al Clcmsnn or. '. in day in >j :ii11?_*; jiromi-t iy on . ]a *;uic {inn; :\! nui r. . i.: t work wtis i'i M >! tit <>n . > : i ' . . I Ill indicate I in 1 i: rc?u; in \v::. | broken IV.r ten (lays liy tl;r (Mu is! mas h< iida vs. v il i )u students exeepfc a I'cw Id'Ialr.i ones, ail oi' 1 !k> I'aeullv, an i some new si; i< It'll I ; wriv on hand lor Iii" ojH'P.in,^. A! the chapel e.s'erei e!-| in<;- I'ivsidcnl \V. M. I'i;':.. < i i | rector of tile m ?*!i:?:>i i"i \r men!, m:i i h students ahonl I h" \\ ?r:: ??/ Ihe college and ui.O'il llii-in t tIn*ir full sh.i ? in inalvin ! lie year a Stlcce.SH. Tlio I;i*? >ft of I in' I'lvs'idcm's <'!> .i: we;. : ini rd over t'> Pi'ol-. li; .'^.s on .1 m. !. and In- will ailminini. Mf. 1\ 11. Moll, who iiretirinu' from ariivo work. in r? t it in1.', frmii 1 !><> ' 1 .. .... ...? |'i ?i tv in > I ' I V H 'III -Iff! College, lm* heen I'v^ileni ofi t he college i'<>; ilearly cinhi v. .i: and has ivn IitimI faithful service to 1 he inst inn ion. 11 will live in Atlanta, hut wiil irave some tor a while, and will 11. enter a;_;ain into active College work. A committee <>! tin* i: > n i <1 trustees, con..Is.in;.,,- of ;Va;tt'nilman, eiiair.na: i, Ii.: 1. W. I . Kvans, and Mr. W. \V. r>ra a :r o!nt ion of I lir l><> ml p is-". I at i la | August inertin.v;. "his s s a ii 1 liity 'i it . Sj>i ink t A I! ii' < 1'* Ml- ( in m : li t ii il Hi.| i i ll.c 11 . i i i m it it". ;ii" ?iii- I :.< .Ill -? tilt* tilii .* I > lis *V11?*11 I'll!> - or mvi'I'mIi >t i). i iii in '-s 11" \ . ! I ! \ I III- ! Il IM ."?> !! I - ( ) ill").. S ",vi?r\ whirl< , I 4>'it ;u i'< j>'. .11i; -til .-.i i 1.1 \ fvSaUirv; Mir. If ll;::.-c!. SiUnnH IhyiT . the p >el. is n<> douht n mv:lt wil. Ini! lie li is n 1 itrtl for nnlicc rv.:| <-voii l>ru(:i!ily. Swim* < nc Mice n lii.ti \v!iv ln> icv. ??p- *.j? ?: III i i nit i < : <'|i! i -; :il; ? v:1 i f his ii...I:I>? ; . i!f i jilii il, "! hiivt' :t very v i 11; vol i?. .1 ml if I did not v:iy 111:1 is thin...-: I slmulil nevor he I,..or I " t?M..iii..l . I. iiimii . Ml I'H- IMICI1 ':'S (i; I lillll." -.55 Mh'.ti''titASAM l"Vt. , . i I . . . ?'r. ' ? ?e? u ! < u. ; ! I '/ iJ ' I'" v TV to t> . ? (.riy #' ii.ir to i $ Voull 1 ( V- ' Cur* -i'j> ( W r ' ' | *?rr? tonwm-.iwi j mm-???ace 7 C'.-v V;; /.v.Tf, - r'4 -? i ?4 crm < : . . I v.i ? t f 11 .7 * I V 'J ' 4 ' ' ' * 1 c 1 > /; ' ' I *16 v. 1 t_. ' i \ax.i -...r,;*.. ,.*w I A YAi- c r" < - ' - ' . - - i ^ I ? ' pTSSZIiMCT? 1 Htf '4/ii L1 suffering from any of tho j. :mi, don't delay?take Car-V on; .vooiujl iA inuuy ior woK']i have used < ardui and (, >t yon? Don't take any; . I! o ol:l, reliable, oil-tried.]; ap'ea. i ' ') i - ^ " ] Fi H 1 ! : 5 P 'I V 'V SW a - M li I111 , . vl i 1 uj -J M ^ J 10 pjj lelp ??a Iv'ii", r.!\-i:n., xrritos: "For ten jig '" I , i!U ! tri. ' 53 v.- i .:? , y? 11 i' J o <>*>' ; ri-l'iii. Y : <;n?i?'ni I < in 11. i ?-1rt (. t i ai t; . |\u? :i i>1 m t I i i> :inoth? r a- 'I ll I -I . i\ t i i : * i 1 -I I i -it . 11 I',! : m i-iiu'.- Cough . II" ! v l I 1 ? . II % . Ii ;.l I ?> SUV". (1 * ii 11 > i; I), all I). ill.'ia, l-ll 3lory Accc .totl. "(Ml i i! li.i. Iiut! :i slut., nrcoplptl nt lir-i." ifii.i i Ucii .1 iiwvi !. I In a i'ol"Sun ly r.ol V" wan t li?? i-joImltM'. "Yi*-;. !! went Ii ' 111" I o'clock tli- lit' rn: ,:r with mm aw. it yarn, and 11i ; wife h"lii?vi (l ii." SF& ? - a 15Hood Balm (B. I'. Vj.) Through the Blood (pBIs-iii Poison, A f/th irn PAI8S, CARCEB.SMIVSKIS,0jj$n R*ioismatism, Eczema^ Itching ?.:!timers. ,, . -\ti .; .11;. .. 11?. " \ . 1 * m: I < , ? ? ; juir.ti'i. JUkI I l!'i il . ItiCil It'll. I" ill S vv.; > . < .hi i t M.: 'ii s. i i i |>1 jt lis I* i 1? III I i III' || Ji .Ml-. IIII'' HclltM ! : I I I t! ! . . II IliHL s -Ill'HIUf. . > I J.!. . .!!? . s II I- l?iIlly c vji l.'M 111 % i ' ;> .i i , i'n intr t1 > ii li. r< ..lit* * i ( i'i feet i! Ii. !' . ii. ciii. . the ut'iht old EOTAPKVBL0U3 BALM BOB I ' |'| III ; < II|II|II I III jnno I: 1 ii i: Ii : li ii.'is :iii'i eurWIiOK is tlie iirivi'K i: ii- lho ln"l;i >v. \r |i n Inuv. i 1 i . : I. \ Ic ... .'?ii I. I. \\ itlt tllico t lor Iiiiiiio oiiio. S>Y. .it All 1 )ruj? Stores. \ \ * -s. I < \\{' ; o s \ . j l!ii mm ilill .... Iwd rV. v\ ^Jii '-J3 r"'. " by : r '? ,v \ * V i . \. , ' \ [, ? i '' x . . : V ' *% '; . V. . 4.', f < ' * . j f A / ' . ?. . . > - y . i ?2?- | hlA1 ' ' V * ' -.J ' T ?'( i i \ 3 I. . 'Jt? . Yn - . .. .\ r \ V;. T: >, f . - ?