-fZf agnc aue o t ef eveyouin this. *are but e the health of RIA Ma lOts P ea t M t di~znOr other Narcotic A letroys Worms . and -Wind Constipation reg~YCulates the d atural sleep. Een& A-.ALWAYS Sparanburg -ude from the of whiskey packages b'eing handled at the e ,Epress Company's there are thous people in Spar unty. Every express in the city brings jugs and bottles of goods to quench the ,Of the pe ishing. The a was opened in the Green building near the -office, for the purpose ig Ohristrbas booze. ce the ' establishment opndit has-done a thriv jnjA iness, for seyeral clerks are ent busy waiting on those [k hc ent in rush orders to whis o~iuses for liquor.-Spartan K~A~ugTor 15 Tears ~bjldlesio'spange-tsying many nt~rsiz $200.00 worth of medicine ai B. F. Ayscue, Inglesidle -N. C., nit sed Dr. King's New Life Pills, daf writes they~ wholly .cured hims. hey cure - Constipastion, Biliousnees, Sick Begdache, &omach, Liver, Kianey and Bowel troubles. 25c at all Drug ( Preacher Stole Poulitry.' As a side line to his .ministry, egro Baptist preacher engag e in ithe business of stealing chikens and selling them, and owrbe. is engaged in work for the jublic, having received a sentende of thirty days. in each as'against himin the Mayor's curt yesterday morning, his set~nces aggregating six amnths.-Newberry Herald and ews.-. sthe origindl the stand yer d. for our 7. New Yrk U. RnqMh OIINT.Y2 Vein One An A Half Miles Long And E1ghty Feet Wide. LOCATED NEAR TABLE ROCK. ExpetIts Havr been at Work.-Owned by Mr John H. O'Neal.-Government Assayist Shows Value of $23.15 in Gold Per Ton. Last June, Mr. J. H. O'Neal, of this City invested in a farm or 1.nds containing. 250 acres, in the western part of the County, near Table Rock Mountain, and on occount of the fine timbers there he considered the invest ment a splendid one. There are more than five thousand dollars worth of valuable tim bers on the property, consisting Of a large amount of hard wood timbers. It has recently developed that besides a very fine growth of magnificent forest timbers the most valuable asset is the very rich vein of gold and silver ore that has been discovered. One vein has been found to- be one and a quarter miles in length and eighty feet wide, which ac cording to the investigation by the Government Assayist, shows $23.15 in gold and $1.18 in silver. Several experts have recently made tests of this mine, and they are of the opinion that Mr. O'Neal has one of the richest gold fields in the country, this side of California. - Mr. O'Neal will, within the near future, make preparations to have this mine developed on a large sc'ale, and he feels satis fied that there is a fortune. Gold and other minerals have been discovered in large quanti ties not far from the O'Neall property; but Mr. O'Neall thinks he ha s found the main vein, and he will spare no expense in developing his property.-Green ville Daily Piedmont. 31rny persons find themselves affectep I wiph a persistent cough cough after an attack of influenza. As this cough can 'be promptly cured by the use of Cham berlain's Cough Rlemedy, it should not be allowed to run on until il becomes troublesome. Sold by all Dealere. . Mule Walked Trestle. It is not often that one hears of . a mule walking a railroad trestle on the nties, but Mr. J. Monroe Hanks has a half .dozen that performed the stunt- and escaped injury $aturday night. With some fifteen mules of a Icar load, they got, out of the stalls at the ibbleori East Whit ner street and started in the di rection of Rocky river, by way of the railroad. ' The trestle did not balk them in the least. They walked the~ ties, and judg ing from' the deEdp indentations1 made of the east) side of the tres tle in the soft e2srth, they must~ have been goingjiat a fast walk at that. The othler mules that made their esc~ape from the stable 'scattered in all directions, and it was sever t ours before they were aP einded up: and drir -Anderson' ~iousness, h'ic head tal card, 10o.. Des .nd ad ~y will m ber Sold .i went to look .Alldren?" asked the :e German woman. .the janitor and rented thinking she meant nein, ae moved in the next day ..r nine children.-New York A Poor Weak Wc As she is termed, will endure bravely i agonies which a strong man would givc The fact is women are more patient tha to be under such troubles. Every woman ought to know that abc the most experienced medical advice I ensd absolute confsdence and privacyb the World's Dispensary Medical Associ: Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. has been chief consulting physician ofi Hotel and Surgical Institute, of' BuffaIo, many years and has had a wider practica in the treatment of women's diseases thi His medicines are world-famous for thei The most perfect remedy evea cate women is Dr. Pieree's Faw IT MAKES WEAK WOMI IThe many and varied symptoms of wo forth in Plain English in the People's A -revised and up-to-date Edition of which Ms your mouth SIs a & SURE SIGN of TASTE Didered Liver 0 TO-DAY. You' will feel better almost inmmediatcly, and still better TO-MOPPOW THE CENUINE has the RED Z on the front of each package and the signature and seal of J. H. ZEILIN ' CO., on the side, In-RED. FOR SALE BY ALL DitUCCISTS. Tiie peculiar properties of Chambe: ain's :s u..a htamedy have been tho: .ughly t-s ed duzing epidemics of ii tlenz,. aid when it was taken in tim ve have n,>t heard of a single case < paeuwonir. S 1(i I y all D--alets. Hasheesh.. There was a terrible secret societ, In the east which was orgaulzed to wholesale and systemiatic murder. It menibers called tliemselves "1lashh:1 sin"-whence. by tile way. MINUe Ou word "assassin"-ud used to get u courage for their deeds of atrocity 1) doses of 'the drug called "hasheesb. This is obtained from Indian neuip atnd It Is from the seed' vess-ls tbat 'thi substance Is taken wiliih yields tb poison so faimed in .liistory and rc mance. It is a vivid green and wbe: taken produces the moist extraurdfinair isions and hallucinations. The greatest danger from influenza i of its resulting in pneumonia. This ca be obviated by using- Chamberlain Cough Remedy, as ij not only cures in fluenza, but counteracts any tendenc f. the disease toward pneumonia. Sol by all Dealers. Hard Luck. "People- can talk -of their troubles.' aid Mrs. Wagleigh, -but I think Mrs ones has ibe hardest Ju'k or any one She is absolutely deprived by unatur of enjoying a womana's greatest pleas re. She's a deaf mnute and can't talk he can only use her 'hands. Now.i hat Isn't awful, tell me what is'" Mr. Wagleigh looked up from hi vening paler. "'I unt her flnbi( :this aft'ernoon." he said. "arid he wa: ickled to pieces. is wife cut he ingers with the breaud knife yester ay. and now she can't talk at all." New York Times. -A sprained ankle will usually disab] he injured person for three or fou eeks.' This is due to lack of prope reatment. .When Chamberlaias Lin ent is applied a cure may be effecte n three or four day s, This liniment ne of the best and -'most remrkabl peprations in use. ' sold by all 'Dealer: Decisive. Wilie ex-President Roosevelt was o hs famous ILouisiana -bear hunting tri be passed by an old colored man' abin and saw two tine hounds iu tih yard. Mr. Roosevelt nmade several ol fers for the hounds, each larger tha the last, but the man shook his head. Fin'ally the president said. "if yo knew who I am you wiuld sell fui those dogs." -Who is you?" exclaimed the mar "Who Is you. anyhow?" "I1 am President Roosevelt," was th reply, uttered in an impressive tone. The old man looked at him a int ment and then said. "See heahi. wouldn't care if you was Bookahi 'I Washington-you couldn't get der fawgs!" Looking One's Best, It's a woman,s delight to look her bet but pimyles.'skin eruptions, sores an boils rob life of joy. Ljsten! Bucklen trica Salve cures-them; makes th skin soft an~d velvety. It gisrifies 11h face. Cures Pimples, Sore Eyes, Col ores, Cracked Lips, Chapped Hanbu y it. Infallible for Piles. 25c at a ruggists. _______ True-Mvore Do Than Don't. An old colored...man who could nei ther read nor write and who had beer ound by his master to be deticiept it his market book accounts blamed tbt utcher for tampering with his book he gentleman of the house remnon strated by saying: "But. Tom. figures don't lie." "No." answered the old .man. "hn: iars do flgger."-Ladies' Home .Jour an d patiently way uader. athey ought may obtain ee of charge writing to tion, R'. V. Dr. Pierce he Invalids' N. Y., for experence i any other physician in this country., m'astonishing efficacy. devised for weak and deli >orito Prescription~. i STRONG, SICK WOMEN WELL.' nan's peculiar alg'sents are fully set ledical Adviser (k008 pages), a newly cloth-bound, wi~ be mailed free on of mailing only.~ Address as above. CHANGE UR I1 4 STh ASYLU Senator Christense Ss ICoinditia, Just Now are Shdlng Senator Neils Clrden, Jr of Beaufort, cha lrmian of th !joint legislative cor mmittee.al pointed to investi.zate conditior in the State hcsvital for, tho i sane at Columbia was in Cia: leston todav nwas asked b a reporter for the Evening Pe, concerning te p)ogress m.m by his committee in the invetst gation. S:'nator Cistens said that the investigation ha been conclu;ded and that th comrittee is now formulatin a report for subniSsion to th General Assemblv which cor venes on the eleventh of ne. month. "The. le-timor, .- tpk-n befor the conmi\o. said Senatc ChristennS1. 'is beMg printe and will he available in a fei days. Any nember of the lec islature and any newspaper ir terestud :n:iv have a coy- 1: sending a %o)est to a membE of the mittee. The mos importa:nb matter to be consid ered at the coming session o the Legislature is the report o their committee that has inves tigated the State hospital fo the insane. Unfortunately, th r report will not be ready for ttv or three weeks. It will contai several special i'eports by e. perts which arc not yet prepared These together with facts gath ered by the committee fror personal examination of physi cal condition and records her and elsewhere are perhaps mor important than the testimon of witnesses referred to. Bu s it would be advisable for leg islators and the people generall: to acquant themselves with thei testimony which throws a floo, of light on the deplorable condi tions that are general through out our State hospital for th insane. "It is going to take severa hundred thousand dsllars to pu this institution in reasonabl -good condition. Estimates hav not been made yet, but the tota necessary is not likely to b under S600,000O. That is a min imum. There can be no doub that if the facts become know: this or a larger sum, if it b found necessary, will be voted e But there is danger that th facts will not become thoroughl: r understood in time for the peopl Sto make their wishes felt at thi Ssession. Up to this time th, e facts have been minimized b certain news agencies and il only a few instances have th 1newspapers giyen anythin glik a full and accurate~ account c the testimony. So, I want t -suggest to the press general that they get the testimony an Sread it for themselves. "'While it would be. very ut fortunate to allow such an ir vestigation as tis to become al attack on individuals, ther will also be a iamentable out eome if a desire to shield ir dividuals should result in cove: 'ing up oonditions. We are her dealing with matters of life an< death. There is no questio: t that the death rate at this ir Sst:tution is abnormally high an Sthe recovery rate abnormall: low owing to shocking, unsani jtary conditions, poor eq~uipmeni -a lack of proper treatment an Slax methods throughout- al branches of the institution tha are deplorable. It Is painful t< make these general criticisms for there are many faithfu workers at this hospital strug gling with conditions that oni their superiors can remedy an< they are as an~uous - as any ti see them remedied. The repor will make these details clear. "Meanwhile every family il this State that is pecularly inter ested in the hospital should de mand ,that all the facts b< known and oroper means taker to remedy the evils. None o: us can afford to ignore the need: of these unfortunates, whose condition is now a disgrace t( our State. 'We hyve the opuor tunity to step into the first ranli in our care of the insane, anm the people are sure to take it iJ they are knowingthe facts." --~.~ PARKEFs ~~~Ar AS ~s *e*.rt ~Yo~u~r.. I Nearly all women sul ~e Eailments. Some women - more constantly than othei s little pain or whether y i- should take Wine of Card Cardui is a safe, natu y -prepared scientifically fro d gredients. It acts easily gives strength and t-one to I The Womi Mrs. Verna Wallacc, of Sangei e "Cardui has done more for me tiu r was taken with female infiammati, no avail, so I took Cardui, and ins my housework. Since then my tro AT ALL DK ,Y r Incomprehensible. "I hate to be contradicted." she said. "Then I won't contradict you," no f returned. f "You don't love me." she asserted. "I don't." be admitted. "You're a hateful thing'" she cried. r "I an." he replied. "I believe you are trying to tease me." she said. "I am." be conceded. "And that you do love me?' -"I do." For a moment she was silent. "Well." she szid at last. "I do bate a man who's weak enough to be led by 3 a woman. He ought to nave a mind of his own and strengtti\' He sighed. What else could he do? e New York Times. % N, I ' Rich Men's gifts Argoor t Osid h: "I want to go on record as -aying that I regard Electric I as one of the greatert gifts that God his -.iade to womien. writes Mrs. 0. Ithine r vault, of Vestal Center. N, Y., "I can never forget what it hos done for me.' This, glorious medicine gives a woman buoyant spirits, vigor of.bply and jubi l:ant health. It quickly cures Nervous e n-s. Sleeplessness; Meloncholy.. Head. .ich", Backache, Fainting and Dizzs j 'pells: soon builds up the weak, ailing and sickly. Try them. 50c. at all Druggists. e - Plenty to Do. I"Youi would seem to be doing a good e business." said the meter reader to thbe _druggist. "It's unusually good tonight." replied the cheerful druggist. "I've bad seven patrons who asked to see the city' di e rectory'. live who used the telephione. eleven who bought postage stamps and one who wanted me to remove his porous plas.ter. It's a rush of business lie tis that makes a druggist wish e Ihe had been brought up a motorman Ior a truck driver."-leveland Plain S Dealer. . . Alone In .Saw Mill at MiInight 'unmindful of dampness, drafts, storms or coldl, W. J. Atkins worked as Night & Watchman,,at Banner Springs, Tenn. e Such exposura gave him a sevare cold that, settled on his lungs. At last he had to giveup work. He tried mnani oremedies but all failed till he used br.: Kinrg'sc N.-w Discovery. --After using oi'ne ib.tthI:" he writes.~"I went back to x rk a'. well as evei-." Severk Colde', iio h)rn Coughs, inflamed throats and h". iigs, HJemorrhages, Croup and W.I:ooping Cough g-t qumck relieft an-J aprom.pt cure from this glorious midicine izt,'.d by All Druggists. - I The Young Idea. An East Orange te'arner contributes scriae brigh~t flings by her pupils. e Mareus.-about seven years old, was Jreported as5 saying a bad word.. His teac(he'r askedu him about it. He said. L"Ididn't meanIIlu to;~ myimout h $li!)ped." -One cbild wrote. "Ningara runs with Sthe fuorce oif Iu!.i000 horse powiders." AnoUther reported. -There -was a tierce crowd on the May'tlower'." - in ai sewing class oft little girls the talk got around to marriage. Une (of the children said. "1 :uun noct going to get tu'urried; taxes are too hign.' N ew'ark New.' 7(rickty Ash., Poko .i d c:niu::e-, and pasicr~bo ath . t a2,Au for the cares of a-i 4 - a ctPri*:7,ceon:r"'"W Fer -at times froin female s.uffer more acutely and -s. But whether you bave on suffer intensety, ni and get relief. ral medicine, for women, m harmless vegetable in )n the female organs and the whole system. J38 MI's Tonic Tem., tried Cardui. She writes: Ln I can describe. Last spring I )n and consulted a doetor, but to de of three days, I was ableto do able has never returned." Tryit. IG STORES Scotcn Repartee. An eminent Scotch clergyman - pened to dine with some learuedI yers of the Edinburgh bar. [ e ay priated to himself a large dish of cress, upon which hd fed voraciousLy. Erskine. wishing to adbniqb him for bis discourtesy to the other diners, re marked: -Doctor. you remind me of Nebuchad-. nezzar in his degradation: "Aye, do I mind ye o' Nebnchadnez-7 zar? Doubtless beatuse i. am eating u,mong the brutes,: answered the - Scotch worthy. Boanic Bloo0d'Balm (B. L B.) ares Through tie BIos Jbg Poie -.m E PAIS, ,AN UER,SCALY SKll PIMPLES, Rheumatism, Eczemas . tkiing Humors. B. B ( tanic Blood or d) is th 'n0y B0od Rmedy thb.Uills t son. in t-, h d then 'purifies it-sen ng a ti nd --f l u r, rich blood direct the- skin 's-nfx bonies. joints, an here-ver the .i-U.we ie located. Ir this way all sores, ulcera pimples. eruptionsp are beaied and cured. pD--ns and acbe if Rheumatiam cease, swellings subsid' B. B. B. compibtely ,changes the .nto a~ cewan healthy cordition, givi3 :he skin the rich. re'd hue of rerfC sealth. B. B. B. cum~ The woist' cid ~1 :ases. Try it. BOTANIC 8L000 BALM-BBB f .s pleasant and safeto taLte: composed of pure - Botanic ingredients. ~It purifies and enriches ;he blood . B. B. BL strengthens the nervest Lnd builds up the brokendown system. Drug. ists $1 .00 PEFR L ARGE BOTTLE with diree rions for home cure. Sold at All Drug Stores. Li5e rliabehnet * bybSewingiML K. -0 oei b-.3 cn ant StO Ne GES GUA.2.T. Laf~i.N'T so~ yt r zctonedar - accol:Im.'..;a~iXs t:-u e.'i-onn