-neys mot, because they do most and should have attention first. Therefore,-when your kidneys are weak or out of order, S, S.Ee. s you can understand how quickly your en tire body is affected and how every organ EBRUARY 11. 190 feems to fail to do its du'y. if you are sick or"" i badlY," begin'. - Ataking the great kidney rcmedy, Dr. L tKilmer's Swamp-Root. A trial will con et uitvince you of its great merit. The .mild and immediate effect of Roosevelt and con- swamp.Root, the great kidney and Calm themselves, put bladder remedy n is soon realized. 'it . _andsth~ehighest because its remarkable and give the country health restoring properties have beeu -el -tosands of the most distress t us. have no more of proveii in thousad ftems ites .hih st moe Pg cases. If you need a medicine you, which set the Zhojd have the best. rs in the clos- 1S4d by drUggSts in Prsdetfifty6cent and one-dol- Um President -Tyler's r sizes. You may on, when John have a sample bottle - sf'm by mail free, also a s, himself a former pamphlet telling you homeo bw P.RWL suggested on the'floor how to find Out if you bladder trouble, Mention this paper that the 'quarrel be- when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., - ad t Binghamton, N. V. Don't make any mis - take, but remember the name, Swamp-: Mold probably have to Root, and don't let a dealer sell you -'Inblood. The trouble. Metaing in place of Swamp-Root-if '~"~ toyou do youill' be disappointed. t8h t 49 erated o- - e'use. %of civil war laity of - little his WPri0ance t hardly Better a big dog's lark than k Owg t i was. the bite of a little dog. .-[Norfolk In measuring a man's deeds by his talk use inverse iatio. meC The average husband is a si lent partner in the domestic A9646 tons - e i 1907, firm. eis crushed. A young widow with a for 0 i1lion tune is forunate if the 1emains consumed on a widow. where they were Your opinion is 'all right-if Y.a lla11 amoun i can get the right people to for seed, the re- indorse it. ave been fed or 1 . Used We feel sorry for some men seed has not who are compelled to listen to weight as their own talk. each ton] From the winner's viewpoint there was nothing the matter ofh the game as played. eth wast- A woman's interest im a di service in plant vorced man never lets up until - -if anything, she discovers why he was di Hegoes>on also tovred ~Souh loes ~If every man was take~n at by eporingitshis own valuation there wouldn't e .l .nc itiso be half enough halos .to gto foodstuuf around. an is realized - anf to go p-in bile attic every time he -' ~2 AL~oil. reels like swearing. for it until A mai never realizes how old me it is un- de r ni - or le beholds his son's glad rags Ur m f his return from college-[Chi mea *ago News. f cotton itIt tC,.Se. - ch heatfeigfo eeretltolelisn e quanti- ~oeain"'te sdD.Kn' arvey W.e iePlI. h rts,"ilwol ter pro. " huht~oYou onyhop.sidnhdctr meetanderng fom ope-oureca roue lies n a peraton watver foosd r Kinls ongo n ew maife Pffered you?ie,"tl wol .fhuh esoo Yo Thin of worke- For n m Youre i masel met ndoryou t umoth triedkde hong y, ith me1irda gul dow whateverno old mei hngoud e Te makber oferPerc'sFyout Pe t_ecue oowfk,wevou,kun _mey, awi e,th-ngti mdcnet eaeu diin ofnrdet,eeyoeo hc a h -escape itrogs osbeIdreeto h edn such aanstdadatoiisothserl iection toinfc,aeonylogatopitastyd. - eedingbotewapr -:This ThfomlofD.iec'FaoieP rthanscptowilbathmscrtclean tin ofndical epet, ten it meains n you leadtn mhedcal teached and thor Th-ak r of Dr. Pierce's F avorite Pres-ito o h citon, exatr the urfe alwea,ntrs, run-i -ae, nwngti medicne to abeimde.u o othrmediine fery on's wIllh has athe suctroepssinl eindorsement af the lierding alid adrdommenraties of etho sera us a e alteschools of practice,.refctywlig and inh suct, aersemega rnt,no worthey or the fokla,oret of ingredients, t nfmerich Th, eadn fomdlatoriPiesce' svot re If U( sripio will beafrx tohe moesritica exama ain addes weiah eet for sate containsn Dr.oho~.na.Pirc.cs Buhaflo. hab. -orin wrg,d o agent caentr of it that snt ntbey cremdd by isth sadCe d lhenyfo meicast tears. nn autor liese ohei perl schooals in pratice. Tese iaurities aeond thenial ngreets crofu ny oF igiea rcition . for thi c Wre ofealte Dusaalts o red p, ch such' p arofesio reosmenDr ierce's F,aorine P rectlypti on h ei d, i nen mclme sf al the ssofpte. Ts conpsiertion? rce~. of fatlJ If baby superintendent of Education R. E. Nicholson for visiting the 3chools in the various sections of bhe county. This afternoon Hiss Nance went to Oconee and Pickens to arrange her visit later to those counties. The schools in Anderson coun ty will be visited during the last week in February. Miss Nance will come here on the 22nd. and remain through the 27th. The schools in every section of the county will be visited, and she will address the patrons, teach ers and pupils along lines of de velopment of the schools-con solidation, the voting of, local taxes,. lengthening the school terms, improvement of build ings, libriaries, general equip ment, good teachers. For three years Miss Nance was president of the State School improvement association, and has for two years teen field agent for the state educational campaign commission. She has visited every section of the state and is familiar with school con ditions everywhere, Her visit to Anderson counity should be productive of much good to the shcols.-Anderson Daily Mail, Washin - on Once Gave Up to three doctcrs: was kept in bed for five weeks. Blool po s,>n from a spid er's bite caused large, deep sores to cov er his % g. % 1 - doctois failed, then "Bucklen's Arnica Salve completely cured me," %% rites John Washington. of B squeville, Tex. For ecz!ma, [boils, burns. an,d piles i s sap eme. 23c. at all Druggis s. Fejarg Sliggestions. T offer your farmer readers some suggestionso>n February farm work. Gentlemen, get to work early and stick to it late every day. Prepare your garden by n emLns year, can plant Saturday or Monday,that will be near ehough to the 14th7 Double furrow with half turner for your potatoes, which cut when larger than a hen's egg into only three pieces. One third off the tuber end is a very poor planter. Split the top end open like you was splitting open the end of your finger, instead of cutting in two. That divides the eyes betwveen the pieces. Drop in the bottom of your fur row 20 inches apart, with cut side down. ~Cover with a good sprinkle of stable manure (not cow-stall manure, as that gives the potatoes a strong, bitter taste). Marsr the full length of the furrow. Then a coat of rotten straw if you have it. Ridge it and dr' - t of the tes later on I have raised at he rate of 425 bushels of potatoes to the acre. Beat that and I'll have your picture taken and pin the "blue ribbon" on you. Prune your fruit and shade trees early in the month. Fin ish cutting wood to do you through the year before the sap commences to rise, as it injures land to clear the timber off of it when the sap is up in it. The wood is badly injured because it will soon decay. Lay off your rows and bed your stubble land, instead of breaking, as is customary. Your land will drain and pulverize much better. Let all your clean land alone until planting time. Where your pasture land has lain two years without cultiva tin, break it with half turner Don't bed it, but leave ever furrow open. Leave it ridget and vou'll have much more so face to produce grass, and th droppings of your stock wvill g, down in the furrows and manur the land instead of blowing an washing away. Your stock i grazing will cultivate the lane by traveling overit. Repair your terraces, clean out ditches and fix up youw fencing, so as to keep your stock oft: yot r own premises. Don't forgt you have a stock law to e strictly observed. Landlord and tenant.should vork for each other' leasure mdp' 'T We have had some very fie ,veather, but we can now look )ver on the Blue Ridge moun ains and see them covered with now. T. E. Powell visited Mr. and drs. Bud Evans, Sunday. D. R. Evans has his new house :overed and is now going on vith the inside work. It will >e a beauty when finished. Your scribe and Bud Evans vent on a trip to the Oolenoy ;ection last week. Mrs. T. E. Powell has been )n a three weeks' Visit to her nother, Mrs. M. L. Dodson, of near Rosman, N. C.; who is lown with a broken Ileg. We lope to hear of her soon being ap again. OLD ROOST9R. Soldier Balks Death Plot. It seemed to J. A. Stone, a civil war eteran, of Kemp, Tex.. that a plot ex isted betwtei a desperate lung ;rouble ,nd the grave to cause his death. -I sontracted a stubboi n cold," he writes, that develop 'a a rough that stuck to we in spite of al remedies, for years. My weight ran down to 136 pounds. rhen 1 began to use Dr. King's New Discovery. which ristored my healh ompletely, I now weigh 178 pounds." or severe Colds. obatinate Coughs, Hemorrhages, Asthma, and to prevent Pneumonia it's unrivaled. 50c. and .00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by a Druggists. Notice to Debtors and Creditor*s. All persons having-claims against the estate of the late Isaac Durham deceased, must present the same duly troven. on or before the 1st day of Ar4il 19,9, or be debarred payment, and all persons ndebted to sail estate muit waske pay. ment on or before the above date to the undersigned. R. N. DURHAM, Admr, NOTICE OF FINAL SET TLEMENT. Notice is hereby is hereby given 'that I will make application to J. B. New bery, EFq.. Judge of Probate for Pickens county. in the State of South Carolina. on the 11th day of March 1909, at 11 o'clockfin~The forenoon. or as s->on 0h-A;j after as said ap:licatioh-Mnr-be-heard. for leave to make final settlement of the estate of N. bl. Hfadden, dece--sed, n' obtain discharge as Execn!^_ estate. . zuotesale house in Newv York .can igned to mue a lot of ladies underwear.. They come to .me much cheaper than the regular way. I tack on a very sm.all profit and ".et them go. The Jot had b,e bought in entire suits or by the.eingle garment. Some are most eTaboratriy trimmed in laces and embroidery. -All at very low prices.:i Not quite all that chea p crockery gone. I have added a line of glassware just as attractive in quality and price. GENTLEMEN, I e n s-tve you money on flour, I bonght th ee months ago before tee rise. Nuf y . T. D. HARtRIS. NOTICE TO it- 'AD. HANDS. All persons in Pickens county liable to road duty are hiereby notified that1 iere will be no extension given of the 'imne for the payment of the commu'at.i