Pickens Solltill-Jourllal PUBI.-UED EVEtY SATURDAY MORNING. -BY The Sentinel-Journal Company. TIJOMYSON & RIHEY. PnoPs. J. L. o. riOMPSON, ED1ToI. Subscription $1.00 Per Annum. Advertising Rutes Reasonable. Entered at Pickens Fustofflce as Second Class Mail Matter PICKENS, S. C.: SATURDAY, DE(EMBI:R 8, 1900. MINISTELRS IETURNED. The appointments were read put just beforo noon in Columbia, and the (re-mnvillo and Anderson dis trict are' a;+ follows: 1G(ilCENVIILLE )ISTRICT. IC .1E. Taylor, proslflim!; F'hlur. (recunvillt - Iuncomlbe i r-et. S \T. iuncni: l1.nillpt~n aVenu'', A.E. 1; P n , W . lt. I n--G. . Waddil l!. Lattruren -- st chlurch.i .I. i ). C'rout' North Pike.-muel Me. Cart)r. Pickens--. I). Jones. PiedIont-S. T. Blackman. South Greer-A. E. Huggins. Travelers Rost-R. F. Bryant. W. Easley--J. It. Walker. ANDERSON DISTRICT. J. S. Beasley, presiding older. St. James--R. S. Tuesdale. West End--W. E, Wiggins. Orrville-H. W. Cely. Donalds---J. I- Beard. Lowndesville-O. M. Abney. McCormick..J. M. Friday. Mt. Carmel-J, M. Bailey. Pelzor-R. W. Barber. Pendlleton--S. W1T .(oer," tari'-- 3. cScoggiu Seneca-E. L. McCain. Walhlla-J. .. Young. Westminster--G. T. Harm on Jr. Williamston Circuit-R. T. Boul. ware. Williamston and Belton-R. L. Holroyd; G. T. Harmon, super nunerary. Death of It. Itanister Anlgood. B. Banister Allgood died of pneumonia at his home n D)oxey, Okl ahomna, November '20th. Mr. Allgood was born in Pick ens coun ty, South Carolina, January 1845. Ho enlisted in the Civil War at the age of seventeen and served in~ the Fourth S C. Cavalry, Cal houn's company, until the su. render. The deceased was well known by the older people of this conty, he having left here aboutt thirty-four years ago andl hma sine, been hiving in Georgia, TexasQ, ants Oklahoma. IIis wife d1ied w~hile~ theyv lived ini Geoigia. lie loavesthe daughters, twvo of whom are mar. ried, als thre~e brothem ms :i a I sisters, viz: WV. lH. anid D. A. Alt good, Mrs8. M. .l. Par0i.s Mr I. .~ latter being a1 hn a 4- ~t.wh)) clhu rch andi'h ) wasbu ied I, i homas November 2 1st. .KennIon of th Lao .wil Fuamuy. - On Thanksgiving (day there was a very pleasant reunion of Roy ohn T. Lewis' futmily at his bomne eight miles north of Pickens5. All of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis' son,. y and daughters were presout except Mrs. B. Lewis, of Picns, an1 Mrs, James L. Lewis, of Missoisri. Those present were: Mr. and( Mrs Gillespie and six children, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence and 01ne child. Mr. James L. ILewis, Mr. and Mrs. WVm. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. J. .1 Lewis anrd nine children, Mr. an' Mrs. L. E. Chilidress, and fonr children, Mr. arnd Mrs. Frai Towns and three children. Mr B. Lewis and tihree children, Mr. and Mrs. B3. T.' McDaniel and five children, Mr. and Mrs.' Wade Lewis and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Towns and twochildren, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lynch, (a grand son,) and one child, Mrs. Bessie baker (a grand daughter,.) and child, 'making in all children, twelve; graod children, fifty and great grand children, two. Besides the immediate family there were present of friends and relatives: Rev. and Mrs. B. Hol der and daughter, Mr. and Mrs H. J. Lewis, Aunt Sallie Gilstrap, Mr. Warren Lawie. co, Mr. B C. Lig:m, Misses Eva Edmis, Lena bewV;is, Lillio Lvnel), Annie Ligon, iEmnia Ligon and Mrs. Thomas Lton. Every One sooened to Oh)joy the occasion groatly. Many hearty 1.t1;; wer ha rd(1 and kind grt;ot. i,, a::t:i,l Ed wishcs w\ere ex. Sti (-E*\ry,' hl,d. A. b( .. tl i ulill, r1 VV .pre -c al i( 1d 11l - h.v ii. .' .ch i r . wnhIif muchI. 1 +;;il'; t)t , hll (1111 1 rM h at mion whe s I)iil't.d by a very apuprprte anid touch,11 Ig talk unl prayr by Rl1v. B. Holddr..Joe:La.i. To build lidg nitl es " 8 and towers of old If you want everlr:ting fam, a benefac her be. (ive the poor a ieedy Roky .oun taiu Tel. Pickens Drug Co. AN ASSAUlT AT IUNeTSVILL. hito wonan Ontraged on the treet and o r a n r nt by a bolnce Huntsvill, Ala. December 2. Caleb Brown, a negro, criminally assaulted a white woman on the strects here today. Brown was seen to commit the crime by a policeman, who shot him. but he m ide his escape. Later he was found dead at his homu. Rocky Mouitan ea Nuggets A Busy Medicine for Busy PeODIe. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A speciflo for constipation, Indigestion, Liver and Kidn. trOubles. Pimples, Eczema. Impuro Blood. nad Breath. Sluggish Bowels. Helldachc and Backache. Its Rocky Mountain Tea In tab et forn. 15 cents a box. Genuine made by EIOLLtrwrER DRuo COMPANY. Madi?on, WIs. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE F oloy's Honey and Tar eures the nost 'br-tiate cougha and expeis the o d from the system as it is mildly axaltive. It is guaranteed. Do not risk taking any but the genuino in thes ael. o w package. Par'kins PhaIrmaoy, Libn r y. and( Pickens D)rug Co. MMIN' HEF ab1ove pIicture Of the~ man81 and( fish is the tra~de ma urk of Seott'sl Emlsioni~ anld is the synonymii for. I rength and purity. It'is sol1 n.almost all the civilized1 COun Lii's of the globe. Ifth o~dfihl became extinct .t h)e(auise the oil that; comes~ from it s liver' surpjasses aill other fa te in nlourishing andI life-giving l)lr0pert ies. Thity years ago the prioprietors of Scott's Emiul slion found a waI1y of Ppparing (cod liver oil so that everyonle can take it and get the full value of the oil wvtiout the ob)jectionlable taste. Scott's Emulsion is the best thing in the world for weak, ba*ck ward children, thin, delicateI PeoPl.e, andl all conlditions of wasting andl lost strength. Send for th'w sample. SCOTT & J3OWNE, CIIEMI'r 409-415 PUASI R I. 'tEr, ?J3 wTOR R S00. a nd $100 Al n r . its RHEUMA CUR The Circuh and the M lubricate .Sk Price Sokd "Sloaris Tre Address Dr DEPOSIT WITH LH3 Ten cent cotton has put lot Many people hae been rol)be Sale blowers have tried the LI BE; TX and failed to get toe money. I an account with them today and Interest paid on time deposi $.oo will open an account Afflicted With Morn F)cs for 33 YearH. I have bt en nlltieted with sore oyer o f,r thirty-thr-Le years. Thirteon yeas of ago I became totally blind and was blind p Cor'six year. My eyes was badly in- si flamed. One of my neighbors insisted fr upon my trying Chanberlain's Salve fi and gave me half a box of it. To my ki surprise it healed my eyes and my sight at came back to me.-P. C, EAur.r, Cyn thiana, Ky. Chamborlalu's Salve is for sale by Piokens Drug Co, al a -- -.--.- y A Young Mother At 70. "My mother has suddenly been made iH young at 70. Twenty years of intense nt suffering from dyspepsia had eutirel a disabled her, until six months ago, w 14n1 s she began taking Electric Bitters, w..scl. _ have completely cured her and rt a.o:'o the strength and activity she h%d in 11ib prime of life," writes Mre. W. L. U. pr rick, of Danforth, Me. Createst ri'r tive medicine on the globe. Sets 5tomr ach, Liver and Kidneys right, pm iie the blood, and cures Malaria, .Bil'ints ness and Weaknesses. Wond' fli Nerve Tonic. Price 50c. Gunra Weed by Pickens Drug Co. Foley's Kidney Cure wil cr.e. n case of kidtuey trouble that is n)t bey, un medical aid. Parkins Pharmacy, LiM r ty, and Pickens Drug Co.h Bow to Cure a Cold, The question of how to cairo ' ci without unnecessary loss of time is 'im in which we are all mare or~ less ni ie ested, for the quicker a cold is gui te, rid of the less the danger of pneu a. ai. and other serions diseases. Mr. R. W N L. Hall. of Waverly. Via., has nea. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for year and stays: "I1 fhimly believe CJhatnil. r. * lain's Cough Remedy to be absa.lut- ,0 the best preparation on the market, for .o colds. I have recommendled it to my 15 friends and they all agree with me." For foi sale by Pickeaas Drug Co. -sal ex A cold is muitch more en sily erra da when the howels are opened. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar opens the bow ele and div es the cold out of the-systeim - in young or old. Sold by P'iekens D)rug C. A IYVICE~ TO IatUSEWVIVES No naome~ is so pleasant,irogardless of the comf torts~ that money will buy, as when the entiire f'mily is in perfect1 health. A t'ott le of Otino Laxative Fruit ve's te hiowels, drives ''ut the cold. r''h ie and tistes good. S~old by >tice to Debtors and Creditors () 13 I. a% I neby gev"u to alt persons ha,v i.g chumis aga!linslt the estate of D. Stephenas, dhceaIse'd. th'ey must fl!e '.iun:t. ltinly att!e'sted, with the under nied >dmninistrators, ou or before the hb day day of December, 1900, or be ever barred. All p)ersons uindebted to a estite must make palyment to the ontors on or hv the above mentioned e. 'LIZZIE $TEPHENS L. P. STEPHENS, ~ov. 17w4- Exesrntors. )OILOTS FOR SALE T he G riffi n mnds have been Lit into lots and fld off inl streets. Ihey arec level nd1( wellC located nd( thie si zes vary -om1 one-hal1 to ye atcres. This agoldien oppor01 mnity for you to anf a home in te best town 01 te Pied mi o n t. eal estate is ad mncinig rapidly,j ft the priCes on iese lots have ~en made for iick sales. First mire, first choice. r) Pils, Prices J. MIcD). Ernce. AUCTTION. Will be sald der, on Friday D One farm conta: miles above Cen 60 acres in culti level on public lands of Mad den as the Ballenger cash balance 1 t cein t. inraterest, o m1iss this a)f..rgaiu J. H. ADA1"S. A. K. Creenvi Dry Goods We are now sh 0 largest and best )rY Goods we ha # sisting of Cotton f yard to Wool Go yard. Notwithst higher prices, we to where we sell y as little money as be sold for. We thing you want it Our Wool and Col good as can be ha + money. Our 25 e that money can bi Wool and Cotton variety from 50 cti " We have all th want for Men, Wo better goods than same price. Hosi4 ways complete. dress abirts, the 1: + Big Stock neckwen " SIEOS! Well, interest. When yc of any kind for an, Vaily Uome Here A GOOD Now is a good time when the in our City, to find out how re selling our merchandise and goods now than the advertised We have still in ouir alwvays some two and three piece suits ably lowv prices considering the L ROTHSCHILD, A RARE I 204 acre well improved f;n Pickens. Six acres river bottoi aCres U pland in high stat. of ci A\bout oo of fine original fores andI plenity of it. Good Io..r< ings and two tenant hous~es. wvell worth 1o,oo''---our price, 01)e-half Icash and the balanice ii The Pickens| Lock Box, No. 2. Christmas D Only three weeks in wnich cake goods etc. Raisons, Curr Butter nuts, Shredded cocoa ::andy, Flavoring E.xtract, are all fruit cake for Christmas, exccept y'ou the best on earth at Five D< I also have a complete line General M< at correct p)rices. L,adies and Gents fine shoc romn One Dollar to Five Dollar: J. F H A AUCTION. to the hignest bi ec. 28th at 3 p. ining 117 acres tral, north. Abo, vation, most of roads; joinini and others knoi place. Terms o 2 year,s at 8.i r all cash. Do PARK, lie, S. C. and Shoes. owing one of the " selected stocks of " - ve ever shown, con. Fabrics from 5c a ds up to $1.50 a inding the talked'of have cut our profits ou gond goods for honest goods can have almost any. nice dres, goods. " ton Flannels are as al anywhere for the ts. Jeans is the best * ay for that price. + Blankets in great 1. up to $8.00. e Underwear you men and Ohildren, last year for the iry department al. Men's work and est on the market. r. don't forget your u want good shoes y member of the * and get our war. A. KC. PARK. * CHANCE ire are so many Sales goin ; tasonable we have always I for how less you can buy .; prices of our competitors. superb) stock, some very h which we are selling it renr qluality. SGreenville, S. A RGAIN. mi for sale. In five miles tn; eight in branch bottom; hii vadon: 25 acres ini pastt. it well timbered. Good wva '[he J. IL. Stephens place. 500o. Titles good. Ter. 1 one year. Land Agency. PICKENS. S. 0. ec. 25, 1906, to by Holiday goods, fri. antts, Citron, English walnu raut, Baker's chocolate, Fi 4 you will want to make a fit the FLOUR and I will s~ llars a barrel. of4 TrchandIse :s a specialty rang ing in pri0 .Very Respectfully, RRIS, Bym .