THE SFNTINEL JO Eutered April 23, 1903 at Piekens, S. (!., ne sonnnd cina matter, under act of Oongrese of Maroh 8, 1879. SVOL. XXXVi PICKENN, SOUTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, NOVE24 FROMOUR CORI NEWS FROM EASLEY. Items From This Thriving Town and Community. Personals and Other Matters% 1Easley, S Cl. Nov. O. 'We havn't had a chance to hustle for much news this week, but will .givb what we have caught. We are sorry that the Rev. D. W, Uiott and his excellent family nill leave us shortly. Th'y go to William ston, their future home, wvit[h the Regrets of our people here, but they carry with them the best wit,hes of our entire community, The Anderson and Easley iailway seems to b. on assuroil fvct. The firsct "'train"' over t.1bis road caio inI yesterd,v at 11:30 a. In. it was an automlolile bemaing ia placardl "Eusley and Anderson Raihv ay." By the way an It1lt(,Iolile serice wo1ld pay on this routo until the stcai road wast put in operation. We hope some of our enterprising citizens will think favorably of this scheme. Mrs. IM[alinda Harper died on the - Ith instant, at her home three miles southeast of Easloy and her remains were interred at Enon Baptist church 'the day following her death. bUiss Eloi Jones visited friends in Greenville last week. A pretty home wedding occurit d at Easley on the eveniin of the Oth in btan-t at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. liigood, when 'their lovely and charming daughter, Miss May Gertrude, was led to Hymen's altar by Dr. Albert Biardman Moth nu, of Elbtrton, Ga., The e'r emony w%as performed by Rev. .1. F. Metheson. Dr. and Mrs. Mathews will spend their honeymoon at the Nortt and will make their home in Elberton, Ga., to which place they will carry the best wishes of their tnany friends here. Dayton, Va., Oct. 29th. Editor 8btinel-Journal. If you will give spade in your valuable paper I will give youi' many readers a few dots from this pait'of the country. I arrived at this plade (Dayton Va) Sep. 18th to enter the Shenndoah Collegiate Institute ab'd schoo1 of music. The school opened with a large attendance, there being q00 V nomes on roll and still more coining in. We have a faculty of twelve teachers, South Carolina has nine representatives in school, This is a very old town with only 900 inhabi tants. It has two good schools and( seven churchis of various creeds. On my way here' I hadl a stop over' at Mannasas, remiemboring this to beo the place where the rebels fought and1 died I de(cided to visit, the (cmetar'' while it is well cede for at the same time I was made to feel very sad in indeed to see so manyI patriots graves. Dayton is in t he Shaenande,ahI vallev oneo of the most prodneutive couni.ties ini the state, Corn, W beait, Oat.s, Ba,r ley, Irish p)otatoes (Clover aund Havi are the chief prod nets corn yields from 40 to 75 bashels por)1 acre soe farmers mlaIZe as high a 2500 bnshelo of wheat, wvhea,t Hells at 75 cent corn at 50 (cnts aLpples at 40 cents per bushel chickens never die in D)aytou. ~a small fryer will soll for .35 cents, I see cattle and1( Hseass byI f)' rom 50 to 500 in a drove, I haivn't s(een a Mule since I left South Carolina far mners use very large horses for their draying and farming the average weight is about 1200 lbs. 1'be wveath er has been very unsetledl we hadl a light snow yesterday, tihe 28th. If this letter ,fails to reach the waste basket you may hear from me again with best w shes to the Sentinel .Jour not and its many readers. MeD. Weams. .Makes Kidnaya ad Dlader Right RESPONDENTS a A Letter From Texam. Gainesville, Tex., Oct. 28, '06. It is with great pleasure that we try to send a bit of reading matter trom thie part of Toxas agaitu . We are having light frosts'these" beautiful bnhi h Dilhtei 'hoes boll *tia t1i1? ot get alt our cotton; we will get a 3alts put acre on part of our crop; we sell in the seed and think that the near est route to the money, as we get 83 50 to $3.60 per hundred. Corn is selling at 40 cents but meil is 75 and SO cents so you s3e Mr. Roller Miller is doubling his wad cut here. Our 1)-arest 1 .igh11 'or, Mrl. Sor rils, died (f CI, nSlunIptoio llast week id was idicl to re:., by tI Odd I .''llow bret,lir'n. 'The' hi.r shons Lave coeli' a<1 ,ot.e an(I took 1 h1,ir part, :If Cook County's 1)tl(-V with tliei. The county commission,rs 1* are gra.litlyr 5011)( Di)e rOItrls aroundi Uainesville this month. They work tllirty days il ('eh 1)recilct dur ing the year if possible. \Vo have thirty hoad of fine mules f)r road work in thi.s couuty, Well11, the wheat farmer is very busy drilling in the big wheat crop) again, Cotton picking is in ful bhu:4.1 \Ve th i1nk tfc Lord for health, fine %iatimr and The Sentinel, Journal every week. blam. HOW TO PASTEURIZE MILK.I Simple and Safe >Ihoci uto He Pol loed nt Home. Pasteurized. milk is that which has I1en heatedl to i tepotr:l"tgture of be tween 155 and 170 degrees and kept at that temperature from ten to thirty minutes before being rapidly cooled and put on Ice, says Good Housekeep ing.. ...:. . ti It may seem strange that a lower temperature than the boiling point should be the one selected, but bacteria which cause milk to sour are killed at 155 degrees and the disease germs which are likely to be present are de stroybd at 170 degrees. For the mother who wishes to pas teutize'At home, the simplest and (with care) a safe home method is to place the milk in glass jars, fill a pail with boiling water and place the jars in this. The water should come nearly to the' top of the jars and above the milk. 8et the pail in a warm place and stir he' milk occasionally. The milk is heated to' the desired degree Wifore the water is lOwered to the pasteurizing temperature. Lastly and most im portant, cool the milk by ruunng cold wanter into'the pail, then stopper' quick ly and( set on iee. Remembn ler tha t pas teuirized milk maty easily beCcomle contamthiated again', and. only proper enare cnn sure its remailln. lng sterIle. Trhe Namrctas*ncu. Thelise old1 time flowers aire a general ifavorlite Inl the gardien, as they areo well XIu ited to l)arItilly3 shaded places and1( will grow and1( pleaise wherev'er good taste will pilace them. They' are fr'a gr'ant1, bright of color anld easily man algedu *growiing amlong Shrubber)Cly aind in laces'0 whiere otheri flowers w~ould( r'e fuse to gr'ow. They should be p)lanlted in ('ilius or mass15es, setting the bulbs from fivec to~ eIght lincheQs apart. accordiing to size, and1( thlree 0or four inches~ dleep.---Ralley'. Potting Canrnations. (Carina tions in the open giroiund should he ciIft ed, leavu'ing a1 hal ( Of earth IiOn thei roo0ts. In pottIinIg this hall shou11ld be0 r'eduLced to lit thle pot by3 imans of ai poitted stick. Try'3 to) reta)in all r'oots. lFiI'm good soil in bet ween the bll of' earth) and1 tihe I ot. Wat er the fulau ts welpl and11( set the in11 3 thell shlade 1for aL week, sprlinikIin them1111 fritulenlt 13'. Aflel'lrar gradlolly acnstoml lhem to 1mo01 lighIt and1( sill. Harildy 10ses may13 beL pinted)QL ini all. tuman by those whIo ulndIerstand tr'ans plntinig operation if Hstrong field grown laints ar'e used1. T1he hest timeo to set thlem out isl just after the hush becomes bare of leaves. Thei soil should be rich. HIow~ to Polish New hoot. IIt is oft en very dIlfliclIt to get nlew boots to polish brightly, but if rubbeOd dry they will generally clean very easily. The pirocessi should be repeat ed if necessary. S JUVNML. riOOE8. What the Sannet Little Maod ' . Wear-A Mawey irook. The small girl's skirts are jtte4 as iarefuity as her nIotber's, qx are gored and made to AM' '119 pialted lkrt"ls a fin"QtItU1 th9j ouhlr cut be A smart Uttle jacket for a gid welve is built on th "pony" lines, atn lie : gtyls re as. popular with aer F g nU2 .all , ul.Ql _or three-quarter engt are node of r&tigher material !ban they were loot year. MUttons figure very largely upon !lothes tihat girls of all ages wear, SI Mi'LE iC.1Oor. HAT. fron the tiny tot wil great fur but tons on her coat to her debutante sis ter, whose si:ii has Its greatest beauty. ,P; tty lg1 49[ tv*4ks are made with the FreiCh w-aisi. ihtse bodices aire double breasted, ivitI, yokes of red silk, and are itTtahrK 'With red sHoutneile braid and uaimTw )WJ;e 1i+aliiris. The skirts are side plai ted, Nviti a doe)p hem stitched several tiines wit h red. Scirlet ydiirt*Ite tnntl is at conspie. uotis shad 'among the h+t 'rain coats, while bright blue, tau attd browu are inure fns'.i blo he thata Ih:iek or i,av blue. l'iilds in silk and wool or all silk with rubber feum itons are Inade up in a host of striking styles. Among the new models Is a "Itom ne1" trock Ln ttie tn TI~e. The short skirt haa "a few g ild tucks on the bottom, differing in width and group ing. The top Is gathered into i ivide abaped girdle f i ed exactly after the style seeu in xeiney pictures and finished at the back with butterfly ends. Jaunty little' ftti With "tam" crowns have sea gulls' wid@s at fh' left side. The bandeau is coveti * h' d narrow ribbon crossing at 64 I,ae* and the two ends falling in saIl'O ' af1h, over the hair. The hat illustrated is a shlii 3e' iidel carried out in tan beaver, ttnhid with a h-uge brew* velvet bow. JUDIC CHOLLET. FASHION STRAWS Mary Stuart Collars Revived -- Two Popular Colora-Petticoat Hints. h, new tulle coler has come to light. tt is made of flee flf. rows of tulle shap)ed very like the Mary Stuart col Ilar. Every seasont brings at least one popular color. fThis year there are two A E BoA R -rylprlI' lsaegen ete ---fryce. P IOandy thge wsen Neithn studies the efl'ect of colors and( cligs to those whieh suit her color ig. 'lTe reIgn of a partleuliar (co0or does mnot troutble hier ait aill. [For short walkIng skirts that demand a (distIict fla re at the bottom silk pet ticoaits (lut to provide t his fuliess tire In ordier, but ofteu the cuit of the outer' skirt. whether the tmodel' Is ~' b.~ e eoft material or gored In firmer stuff, affods the desired flare, and little Is left to the petticoat. No Frenchwomnn would think of el buying a ready made petticoat and U wearing It just as she- Ands it. The u0 cumbersome drnwstrjpg' at the back 8 must be .tie away with, and a snug 9 Qttig waistbayd takes 1i4ae, 's e AA.r,,, Qg o itte"moo y0ot r he n ps an lbdome. just what shall be ith Ti leick, tullnesa.. depends P upon he Qtg t gga2r The bodice pictured is a emart wlntei ti model that carries with It soi o of the sa bQlero cb .gteristlcs, but is fitted Into ti the waist line. The sleeves are very n pretty and odd. JUIC CHOLLET. o0 How to Remuove Tan and Freck1 i . 111 Seasonable materials for blcaching, ti'"1i!nd'l are Ilit) acid fruit: and the acid v'e3fM.f'in; likewise t mlatoes, 1011110111 id l-i4t . a.W shin'." the face i Inbutt'rm1lk t(t:a. titl fr'i s, r4 lilov(A H- t ::!ld 114:1 h ; ii: , ' , 1 h '> . l C 4' a r:u. i t he :a l. h- ii t utlcmi timc t'.: ! t'n .;nl m !ntlt.te skin(4 w l, -y -y p- iri.- the fac w'ilh the p al):) of the1 iI::nIs. .\ d w'n throuh go over hw fac' w l SOii.e go(%d powder to f till til the pores. I)o l'ot t0 011t. fr)t' 1!ii('ll 11i11tttes or half il hour aftor tr' :tiil ,' the face I i e tlis iiiiier'.'' . ... -. - .. - How to (" re L-<''r Chir r.a ieuru t li0Qj) yourim El34z4(lrya i'nhlumis going ti li..ile. hi.j' e by repot td;' Qlar:gr I pots, If their r)t1 ha:ve filed t-i O d 0110s, by the liboral u.,e of somJi]e good fer"tilizer aIlid iltorouglh ' Viterin n, says tl Writer in1 Outing. In 1)1,1 Weather It may hic( nuustry to Ilp ptI' \watotr "1 Jhle roo)ts tw\ic( at day1. Alw.1 kIa?p 1het sol quiic 1i,oi{ i'. on ie luJlou1t for1 tle1 blhick 1)eC. This is the mSi (It dan1l;;rcOus enen111ty of the hrysllthtmuilll. Mty re(in(ly Is w\huie oa m ;I elted1 aur ndxmIi s wiihw ter in the I :-portion of a smlall szed eake to fiflteen g liins of the latter. Ap-,ply with ;a s;)raye'r :ll t,.;:er tha phi)nt. Do ttis repeiatedly f'e o: I.i(eo a day nutil not a heet!e is to ho seen. Ilimo - to LiG n"t YCid. Rub with very slightly damp bread crumbs. If not effectual, scrape upon rhem dry French chalk when on the handqafi rub them quickly together n. Qlldirections. Do this several times. Or put gloves tf a light color on the hands and wiaf them in a basin of t spirits of hartshorti, says the Boston Traveler. Some gloves may be washed In a strong lather made of soft soap and warm water or milk, or wash with t rice pulp or sponge them well with tur petntino ark bang them in a warm plaee or where there Is a current of air and all smell of turpentine will be re tid%-d: ,A1WNrery Stock. Most o> t'r fruit ftiants may be set In a the auitumn as sooa- as the .leaves fall I nlaturallly, provided the gr'ound( Is in C sood shapo and the wvork Ia carefully C done. in transthxjl)ntinig iln autumn It Is very important to pack the soIl firmly I 4irouni d the 4 r'oots. Ini Maistachlusetts uin t rali itn isplaniting sh~lould be done 0 1)y the' miid 1(1 rf 4 Oct obier, w hichi will lealve abtii. ai mionth.l before thle groundI i'reeze.. hard14. It i.s alIso a good planit in thle 4e:-P of iut 11 inn41 l:lt ting to ) il:uandiil labout101 the troen0 iini to stake ('''iaiip('.t!' rasphrrb-ssho tnever' be1 set tail i'ieni :s-t :ut this time24. RhIinharh 3 is4 (ne of 4t he' )1 ii-: s Ithat I I tink shouldi lhe set out1 it :11411in, as5 it does iint hicl et, ini Ithe Sprutig. ii lit 1 a4! 4 of- 1 pielih ful if~t 'iaitla pltins ii't hule Mvr:h(e prc mtited witI them in*1 .\ichusetts 01 the1y3 ae fiew. il t ellderI and wire iliblito wint( r Win.iury wl hen thus phi! ted.--. Use.i (frei' I armoi andICe Il~4 owMk to MedAer. ll'Iije hAth frumlacteda il kufaes withe soft v.imlper wrapngs.t54 1 ('m''r th'le itrfaes tore ui'te withiClinsed (loil n warm partn bfor alclearc'c fi; thentt press- o .4't1h'r o am d hohl 1 ha 1 pl I ll'( iold.' The jints may terwarod be oshed wet.l witaaing and water adwl hnh AN OLD TIME DARVEST. While highly developed farm ma inery bas robbed harvest time of te bulk of its hald work and tim ensely Rimplitled Its operations, there *ews to have been lost in this rapid bstitutaon of Inanimate machinery ' human hands mucll of the seutI tent whti use1T. Such a serW& as the one men oned is quaintly portrayed in Blacglr ore' " or a u0g ' t and s eotest stories cottn rY life i'er written. 1f'ere is iurrat 1iw, len yle grain will jly t5 cUlt, a doCesson Coosed of 1Ti! jejf trin'ers of the neIghborhood, each ac >inlaunied by the members of is iam y, h hir'd nini and maidetis, and (i by the p nit , wiearing gown and IISock, withl thcr patri:sh Iible 11n his i and : lh'strappled to his back, rttch'l:('i to the fiehl first to he CIt. f :f1 t' :te WIS (J)('n'd the !rson inoral1 VI :w1 e 1'l'Ii\vo('ation) andv ,:id : r rIiat" ' frti>n the pa r h Iiiii, .: ;'r whhh ithe Itbb the liile )Ow :10li li i'red gIt. wiiis h utl.'' hien th1is was:: do;NI1 tHl' pr i'tI rt1.: of' Ie 1'uar ) in tt-rt'1 (h(' fivhd, and U.,11h i ited( lin the 1*jo\owing: "Thaink the ord f'or' aill his meltrt'i(S and there thie r-t fruits of his hIid." After It st '1 etding of the Iahins by fte pair I tl'rk the nit_'n with sickles hogaii ie real harvest oper t.iols. ThIus the ork progr'esse(l, Itcclmlp.liled by Iuch least lug anl diinking, until veliilag, \vhen there was a specill hur t'st supper. At its close aill Joined ithe tImoor 1arvest song, of which 1e followiIng stanizlas are the llrst 1rsc Itd its elorj: he corn, oni, the corn; 'tis the ripening G o ni to th toor, toy lad, and look be Ueathl the 11n010n. ounit cIst see-, beyond the wood rick, how it is yelloon. 'Tis the h:trve:-thig of wheat, taid the barley must h siiorn. he corn, oh, the corn, and the yelltoi, r J elilow c rn! -lero'S to the corn, with t11e cups tt)G:n the board! :''e >een Ireapitn all the d04y, and we'll rt?np laniu lho inorn .A nd latch it home to nlon vard, and then( we'll thunk the Lord: t;nilar terce. dledicated to the'twheat. arley' and oats ItV0 aiso Nung; ieCh aving a chorus of lti' iiwn. In 9-iicLh manner centuries ago (lid tise' siinple inded Lnglish folk celebrate their arvest time and render ,thanks for flog ounties. .. -.. A WOR) 'TO HOME SEEKERS. A precaution that would save home eekers many trials and great loss of lme and money would be a careful in estigation into the meteorological rec rd of the now country In which be ontempItoes settling-in other words, he record of temperature and rainfall. Vbile there are rare instances where he temperature and rainfall of a coun ry may seem to have undergone a per Qanent change, it is quite safe to as ume that drought, heat and wind torms which may have prevailed in ny portion of the country in the past ay prevail again, and It is but exe-r Islng good sense to counit upon a re urrence of such conditions tas not only vithin the lInit of posilhility, but quilte ikely. To be soniewhiat tuctre explicit. re serIously quostimn, even in vIew of n abiundant. ralifall for Severl y ears ast, the wisdiont of selinhg in thiose ortlins of the Iiota Is, Nebratska, anItsats or Teoxa:s whiichi lie west of the neO htundreih iteriiantz, oonunionmly VhItle thle buinessii. of' graz/inig has been I Ibtis I1ia0 and whlile- of Inal yea;r.s, dutet (ickl(1d a good r etturn, thle ra isi ng o)f heln in volvi,,esti iteh 1isk, ats the nite Is atlliiist sttire 10 (ingi( wi,ettI h}ere vill hei it ri,ttition ofii thie drou)tght.t and oft witls of Itnot ye:ttrs, whten i-ett letrs til lbe colipeflled to abanditotn their olinigs. Ini fte a in te of ('littilte tht hats bteen tny lbe alga in, andiI it i i'olI to take li hIs fact inito atc'coun lt. -ar'e of' the stratwbietrry hed. Wh'lile this i at veryV iiple nittter, It is one1 thuit houti Intd Ihe sl ighted . SIice It Is not xtreont e ohI, Ibut thai w intg an fa hreezing Iat kIlls the vines, thle bed shouthl not >t! ('overed uttil t he gr'otund ha s bteen oh Idly frozen, ind ess indtieed the sinow holOd lhevr h''''iite In eottnintg. St raw, vild ha, leav ones otr any other litter thtt oes niot contin Wi-ed seedls will an wer* the liltrIose5. Ti s should nIIot he iut ont to at grea tetr deuth thuin four or' I e Inches, .1 ust entouigh to keep the ed In col s trage thlrough the winoter. 'htIhe thle senttehred litter Is ati InvItIng lace fot' thin, yotur owln and1( your e'igIhbors' lhens sthioukI ihe kept out of het Ie so4 far tais possile1 af(ter It has een'i put li shape for winter. WVe havi e 0ound( out strttw the best covering for lhe strawb)Ertry lied, in that It dloes not >aek downu too tIght and yet is not al13 ly dininacor1 the h wind. Farners' Union Bureau of Inforinat ion. -Conducted by the South Carolina Farmors' Educational and Co-Operative Union. Communleatlons intended for this depart ment shonid be addressed to J. C. Stribling I'eudteton, South Carolina. State Meeting of The South Caroliga rpr. At their meeting on the 24th of O.ctob-r at Columbia The South Carolia Farmers' Union was re presented by about 100 delegates, 1 ep ro thee:t ten thousand mem, ber:1 from 15 countes Fromn rleport s Irom1 '1ll over the htato it. was genorally conceded that i.i(' ia 1ecs ill South Carolina 1:(V( 1 ' 1el'e 1in01V deter1lije(1 01' 11lOl i'-ady r a ' t('i . ir%' I0 now han l The h11r'vest. tit f"or the1 f1m,rs 1'iO) is now r(aly and:(l orp1ninzer (".1n n'f'w do( a thrIiv.ingi htl;sli s fI 1 i th Union :(and a good prcfitahlc biniuess for the organizer work, 'le tollowing.relports r'rol th< C(,rmIiittC(' was I1 authorii d publish (