YEES JOIN THE STRIKERS. .--The special train bearing the Illinois del * ogotion who will 'take part in tihe dedication of the Illinois state mon ument at the Viokkoburg battlefield * , r.~ iday', ar'rived here early Thursday. Later in the day the delegation was receivedl by Governor Vardaman and shortly after the reception resumed their Journey for Vicksburg. Amount of Cotton Ginned. Washington, Oct. 2-.--According .to a' bulletin issued Thursday by the census bureau, there bad been ginned up to Oct. 18, 4,910.290 .bales of cot ton of the growth of 1906, counting round bales as half bales. For the same period last year 4,990,566 -bales * were ginned. Ainlahtller. B3ogg-Did he hurt himself when he tell downstairs? Fogg-I think not. He died without making a sound Haurper's Weekly. ___ 6HVEN KILLED 63 EXPLO8iON. Gas Lets Go In a Mine of Cambia Company. Johnstown, Pa., Oct. .--By an explosion in the rolling mill mine of the Cambria Steel company Wednes day afternoon, seven men are dead and two are pa!nfully, but not. fa tally, injured. Up to the present only one of the dead has been iden tdled. He is an Amerlean-burn ml ner, Sasnpeon Luther. It is betieved the other dead are all foreigners, as are the injured. The wounds of the latter consist of burns on the back and arms, lacerations of the sa!ip afnd dtff:pidatt of thb' body . The explosion 'took place in heading No. 29, a considerable distance frou the ill-fated Klondyke section, where 174 men lost their lives over four years ago. The exact cause Is not known, but It is Supposed gas was fired by a blast. All the men had .their safety Ialn,ps in proper trim, showing that the accident could not have been Caused by neglect in that direction, No damage was done to the work ings, and the mine will be running soon. Hewed Body With Axe. Centreville, Miss., Oct. .-Tom Crompton, a negro, was lynched by hanging near here. It Is alleged that he confessed to the murder of Ely Whitaker, a farmer. Whitaker was murdered Tuesday, and all Tues"iay night a posse of men, suspecting foul play, searched for him. With this posse was the negro Crompton. On Wednesday he begged leave from the searchers to go home, but after he had gone the posse followed him, finding, it is alleged, that instead of fsing home, he had gone to the spot where Whitaker's body lay, and cut ting off the heat, arms and legs -I~ f:RD. , .94: droiet them.. into a sinkhole near his cabin. 'Possum Hunt Fatal. Macon, Ga., Oct. . E. Ham 1in, a young farmer living near la zeNa, was killed while out 'opossum -hunting with several companions. The party cut a tree and when it fell youpg Hamlin was crushed to dea.h. He was a son of J. C. Hamlin, a prominent farmer of Crawford coun ty. His sudden death In the acci dent caused deep grief to his com panions. He was 19 years of age and was favorably known. Friends who came to Macon to make arrange ments for the funeral brought the news of the accident Wednesday morning. Coleman Drunk; Killed Mother. Waycroes, Ga., Oct. r -ihief of Police John W. Colley '.,eived a telegram from Florida to keepr a look out for Harry Coleman, who shot and killed his mother, and who, when last seen. was coming in this direc tion. No par.iculars of the killing was given, but it is sut>pose4d that Coleman was drunk when he mur de red his mother. Hattrry Coleman is aI 54on or t.he late J1. Q. Coleman, and n as raised in Ware county. Hie is a p)retty tough chairacter, and has been i ed severa I times for his life, but mnanagt:d to comte clear. G'.rgia Man is Convicted. Hiousron, Tex. , Oct. -Clarence N . Huitghes of' Swainsbhor(. Ga. , aged 22 years, wh-lo has given banks In all parts of the country trouble dluring the past s'veral years, wtas convicted here ont three countsa of forgery and given two years in each ease. He made a plea for mercy and received the minimum penalIty in each case. iHe made an1 escapIJe from the ('olo rado state pen!tentiary, mnd Is also wanted in A 'abamta, r.oislana, Ohl.o, PeSn.yivania., Maryland. Arkansas, Illinois and proba.bly other states. Injured by Boiler Explosion. Darb'..boro, Ga.,. Ocr. z. The boiler at the ginnery or Mrs. .1. S, P'ostcn, at-ot a mile from here, ex Plindtli, 54al dingg and brea king one~ anlfm for Jesse Posmon. breaking an J arm and a feg for Buck WIcker. a no-gro. and .:cahiing badly. The boiler btlew thremugh the top or a ten ant house. plougHing ItseJf away and artrucek thme ground 100O yards from whee it i was stati onedl. Pos ton wIll recover, hiu. there Is some doubts | a boul WVIcker recoverlng. I 8-yan Cares for Aged Admirer. Wh~lelly,. 80 yearQ old , walked twelve I miles to hear William J1. Bryan on Wedneiciay and when he reached the Outskirts of the cro-wd fell mneon. ' wtons fronm exhaustion,. and is in a critical eend(ition. Mr. Bryan, hear ing of the affair, ordered that Schelly be taken to a pivte hosital and cared ror' at Biryan's expense. Mobile Woman Kills Husband. Mobile, Ala.,. Oe.t . 2!- .---Mrs. Mary l)lower- shot her husband, T homas D)ower', infilcting a woumnd in the back of the head , firm which he diled in the ambulance wvhile on the wa to the hospital. -Mrs. Dower refused :. make any sother statement than that site shot her husband In .'eif-defense Georgia Posse Chases Negro. Savannah, Ga., Oct. ?.-.indefi.. nite reports from Sandersyille indi - cateid t.hat at 1x>sse was in pursuit of a negro who had entered a home there' andi compellodl a lady to cook him a meal, It was said that a lynching was imminent. NOrTICE: O F ELECTION. ,%T.AT1. OF SOUTit I \OL1NA,, 'oulty of I'lekens. Notice is hereby givett that the Uetaeral Kilee. tion tor state anti ( ounty thicera will be bold at the voting precia ploseribed by law In iahd " ounty, on Tuesday. November 6, 190, said lay being following the irat Monday in Nvoituber. as pileeribed by law. At the sai e'eetion a separate box will be provlded at whlieh qualified electors will vote tipt, the adoption or rejection of an at end inent to the Sta'e e!onstitution, as provided lit the 'oilowiug joint reiolitots: A .oint Iteeolutiou p,roposing to atend see. tlon 7. article Vili.. of the Constltuton, relat ing tia titnded ldebtedinis. Set'ti"t I lie it resolvetd by the Geteral As "eullhty of the tite iof Soutih C rolina, That the fobtowiue ; teentltnent to Seetiotn 7, 0 \rti el - V i 1.. ti the ('onstitut ou, be agreed to: add at the et theteuf the fot.owinug wuria I'ro "'''at. firthet, That tile litnitatIous ilmposev by this Section anudt 1) Seeliott i of Attiele X., ot I,is' Voa.tittion. allati tot atlpy 1o tile bonded intelhtetdut as inuu rrett Iy tIe City of liomiett I.he, where the proceets of said bonds aile applied sole.y 'd,i exelusively for the put chn,e. establihlnent anti tailitetlaieu of a watet noUtKb i"lunt or 'ewelage syastelu sad where the que_tion of tin' snlei asidebted ties- ta subtiItti:d to the flcehohlders atit tuall lied voters of .itc'h Ilt,tlic'iiality, as provited ink the thon'tUt tiot upon the tilet 111tt other bonded hid bteliecs. \ipr.v,d t,e "rtey (of ieru,lry, A. I). 190t3. There shall be separate anl d istiotet b,.'lots tauti boxes at tnis etetttin lur tile foiluwin; otliters, to.wit: (it '. '.etn an . liit.leutetuut Govt r'tor; a": Ottier State tlllhcers: :11 Statie Seutltor: () 3eioi't, o tiotie of kopresent 'ives-: t.7) 'omity I)lliel s. On w hich w hal i' the wine -- r ntilles If the lhersnn or per,on. voted for as .such itlicer. repc't tiv :y,i tlutl the t,ftice for whlh they tie votet Ilefure the huttaI ixe-t Ior pt tie ,t polI 3lanaaget. anl ('lerks list take an1t( .eiM ibte the 1 on%tiltuliotal out h. The - ha1irtt.tu of tlte loard of Mtanagerscll atllni,ter itt otAlt it) the utlhet ulee .ers ulit ) to I "t' erk: a t.1.11 %y Public 1tutat aidltiniteri t tt t to the I ll'h r EItau. Th'le alittingets elect the"ir t.hatilint aind Clerk. Polls alt eCh voting ph1il' nust he o,enedtl tt 7 o'etock at. inl. tat.d vlo,ti tat I ut:Ul'e l: e . ill , exeept In I he City of t'har:e,to, nwhere they shall be opttetei at 7 at it. la tlseitl at tit . tn. 'ihe Matnagers have the power to tilt a talley nand if nione of ti.e )Intiagers nitetd, the ctt zeiu$ can apai~atnt fro t unotaag the ylt.1 Inet voters, the ana .ers, wlo. al'ter taeing swurua, caul condruct the election. At the close 01 the elect 14on. the Maatagers atli a lerk nmust proceed pbtbteiv to on the otal ot boxes auld eotl t the ialtts theiah. alt ti Iinue without tijournunent ulltil the satlte Is coinpleted, ant iuake a staletetent of the result I for each otliee and sign the saine. %% It hina three days therefier the 6hol.ntan of the Bloardl, or sotne one dlesignated by tihe boarti, tustat tieliver Its the Conltissioners of l-:1ettion tha poll list, the boxes titatining tI e Ial.ots and written statetletls of the I('tlit ot the elect lot. .\luaingera of 1:lectlott.-'fhe following Mlana gers of 1.leetion ha vo been apliointtic to .11d the election at the various preclnt'ts tit tho sialil County: l-:asley--.J. it. .lanleson, \. I lamllttn. .1. R. Glazener, Central--': h. Stephons..i. JH. lialientile. S. A. McAlister. Liberty- -. T. Hutchens,.. . i.. Ilunter, P. C. Cartee. PIekens '.. If.-v. T. Hates. E. G. MlefDaniel, Richard if. Itaker. Uacusville- K. L. .lones, .1. L. Looper, Marion Freelnan, ttumpklutown -.. D. SInunons, Itohert .touos, WV. C. Keith. I'atutatoe-.ohn W. 'honltas. )anl Witehes ter Phillip (:hatpmula, t.'rosa Phlain;--t;ra,y Willianls. i''orest P'ondier, G. W. IIo colnbe. C teet-hee--.i. H. t.ritlia " A. liowarti . ...1. Crane. 'eter'a Creek-i. F,1 Williats, G. C. I"oster, ,1 . P. Htobins'onl. Sile I'aeek,1. S.lto?en. S. it. a1tIton, 11 . 1{. Curtis. 'rtters-.1. -. ltc roughis..1. S. U lilespie. U. It. L ewis six Mile--l. E. (tiarretl. Marion E-:t ans. ia fus Mlerck. Calhota 'V. it. 'laylor. George V. 1!etal rieks, .l. 1lary hawience . ... lolly Splritgs--.1 ',. .Gravely., .1. M. 'otter, L.C. i.1'nehl. theio 1all -It I). \laultii. I. If VVinldley. ''. I-., Craig. t 'Metll's "t are-- ' It. llester. Ira Il0gse,l, A .v i iti. I . Il -'V . Uarlisuu, '1'. S.npeut'ct' , .{. O Iinghey. Piel.saut (rove--1 DI. ('ox. .1. h. Itigdon. I. I,. Iirker. Easley .\ 'i -1 A. . Itir, I 1. Oates, W. U. I" I iexlt (.'enouwni \I i'I--I'. It. llagoodl, .. 11. Kennie. it o e. It. T. ltogers. Ictta'k" 1,tan"i --:. i. (halloway. D. W . Can aIre tC .intemia to dIeht te attie I 1 ti'ei r' n11 Itter 1-1 55'te u. taaaN ial blan iks lfor Itate ('.attin Sale-daytI ha N lvetit,i att ('till tI 1111se. Itia -ninia'-Ionelrs taf St to ti ('otyl El-;ittials fori Ph-ikeias 1 '61111y,' SU.. ('lnul y lal Ph- Ilket.s. 1 Natita' ls haerebiy given' thth tiera litl('lettEat 114)1n l.or Iit'prent.attive it t 'ongress will bea Iht at .tt thea v.tlttg pat'Iales liI'ed b.y law in tihe t'oniy itf Iitkenas ont Tueastlay, Nrovembeaar at. a ' -lttte it Miat'' farti wo1 yours. iain ta th l'antI ty aone year. it till oina iitreelet,t' in whihl tat laat'nt six taali Ii lasbetsi ore : c . lttr-itieti ut a 113* I lli'it arg,e sof at a,rtanizi, 'It I t-h aul te'n'thers of publIlit st'haot shaltl bit 'tatit-d-to sole iafter -ix taitln'h' reslitenc't in I li' h-tintion. l 'ae aiet of ll'-ii tig Ittill tax . a-se.i'-a'd an