kens Sentii iJournal happenings of Local and Persona Nature. -Messrs. Lee A. Roper and Sam. uni Robinson were in Pickens Satur -Mrs M. F. lRester and Miss Ina b 'ugs, of Pickens visited friends and re tives in Easley la*t week. -Elijah Moore, who escaped last 'sk from deputy marshal George Clpman was recently captured at s.tral and has been lodged in the kens jail. S.-Misses Nellie (Irandy and Maka gs . spent a portion of last week - : their parents in Pickens, going ,k Monday to their studies in the envilte Female College. -Mrs. Iola Parrott and children Central S. C, Sept 19 for Greens o. N. C. whore she goes to give - hildren the advantage of the . lostolic" Holiness Bible School Ch is located at this place. -fAr. G. W, Corbin, the foreman the carpenters on the Pickens .on mill, is laying down lumber erect hiniself a nice eight room ,ise on the lot rec ntly purchased m Holder & Taylor. George is- a ver fellow and a man in the right ce. ,-The Greenville News says that . and Mrs. W. M. Hagood, of sley, have sent out invitation' an unring the marriage of their ghter, May Gertrude, to Dr. An. aw B. Mathews, of Elberton Ga., w1bich happy everit occurs on the 6th of November. -Auditdr-E. F. Keith has treated imself to a pair of fine bay mules hich he will use in carrying guests >z Table Rock and all surrounding points of interest. He will begin the rection of a good hotel at Table Rock f.. on, at which place a hotel is badly teded. Foster is a clever fellow and , 11 make a good hotel man. The mey being put into this enterprise "3ot "dog tax money." -Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Vrlley, who 'e been on a visit to the latter's ents in Pickens, left Monday for xville, Tenn., where Mr Valley - enter college. This is his last c in school and he will soon receive. M. D). title. Mr. Valley is a close dlent cand is well posted and bide oping that ho inay be successful a great hellp tosuffering human Meet ing of The U. Di. C. 1o next meeting of the Pickens >ter, U. D). C., will be held on ay, Nov. 9th, at the home of the ident, Mrs. Tr. 3: Mauldin, at p. m. After the usnal order of oess thKf1ollowing is the program Y :he afternoen: usic. Miss Essie Earle. sading -"Howv Mrs. Ladd Saved Masonic Jewels": Mrs. T. J. ipor- "Reminiscences of The ": Mrs. E. A. Gireath. 3ading -- "Southern Woman's k." Miss Mario Folger. tig: Miss Clara Sawyer. BANK OP'ENED. a take pleasure in annoncing *after several unavoidable delays, ire now op)enedl for business; ting your account and influence, promising that we can accomno-. you in every way that pertains md banking methods. Yours very truly W. L. Gassaway Pre9. IJ. McGee, Cashier. Nipples aufid iapped flaads 1ky e'rt( by a pplyini ltamerIir - - l1'E. -Any iand ivor.y bodly who their cotton gilnnedl for the '25thl and 11( the bag4ging aind ties fiari fvime of chargo or for on0 dlollat e acmnd paty 65 con ts for batgginlg ?I~just brling it to A. J). Mantn's stem Rinnelry ande got the very w'ork that can h'o done in a very ttime. Can Saive on time anTonl nave anytinag to dlo. Also wvill en te maket)rio fo our~ cot,tona Yurs, A. 1). Mannti. vI e to Debtq a an Creclitors, (ersonsH lthv in dimalsI ngiinst. the bh Saime, dtily attostoed, to A. J. . C. -., adh nnumst rator' of said nl orl by thI ith datIt'iy of I )-cem * l.Al Omiens ow jng 5a(id 'state ayme ll3 nonts to A .1J oggs, - dlmonaist.r,,tor, 01n -or by the 24ihi )('cembel)r, 190)f6. -. J. Boggo, 2. C, P. llistratar of thet catate of J. L, Soft, Rosy C A soft, rosy complexiol Everybody admires it. Ther woman should not have it. nourishment of the skin will washing the face with hot wat massage it with Stearn's E, will soon bring your complexi grey looking condition. Try PRICE 25c A Pickens E A ntad-ly nurned 61r1 )r boy. man or womnt:n. is quickly out )f pain if lliwklentr's Aruien salve is p )lied promptly. G. .1. Welch, of ''ekon- In =hat, MIich., says: 1 use it in my family or cu , .Ores in.1 all skin injnries, and flod it perfect." Quickest Pile cure khown. Best healing salve iide. 25o it Piokors Drug Co. Afflicted With Sore Eyes for 33 Years. I have been atllicted",with sore eyer for thirty-three years. Thirteen. yeas i igo I became totaly blind aud-was bliud or six years. My eyes was badly u-; lamed. One of my neighbors' insisted ipon my trying Chamorlain'a'i Salve md gave me half a box of it. To my murprise it healed my eyes and my sight same back to ine:--P. C. EAn r.., Cyu hiana, Ky. Chamberlain's Salve is for t ale by Pickens Drug Co. ACard n This is to certify that all druggists are u mnthorized to refund your money if Fo-| ey's Honey and Tar fails to cure your lb tough or cold. It stops the cough, C ieals the lungs and arovents serious re ults from a cold. Cures la,grippe cough mtd prevents puenmonia and consump ion. Contains no opiates. The Genu. no is in a yellow package. Refuse sub titutes. Parkins Pharmacy, Liberty, hud Pickens Drug Co. FOR SALE.-Good ba ilding lots n the town' of Pickens, near the usiness part of town. tf J. J. Lewis. For the Children To succeed. these days *you u must have'plenty of grit, cour age, strength.. How is it with fi the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure I and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. .The children cinnot ponsibly have good health roet ay cir ption by gvin smnal laxative doses of Ayers Pills. All vegetablo,sugar-coate,d. e arado~ ye C. Lowel n,u. t 76 GECURE. 1/ el'SClERRY PECTORAL. We have ho secrets I We publish t,he formgjlp of all our medicinos. IS YOUR NA AFPew of Dr. F Prominent Recc GIreenville:- J I Fizgerald, WI W - l1brgess, J P Good win,. A A (Gates, W ' WV Kevs, J HI A lien, WV 8 Pack, Mrs S E~ 1(ush, Mr's WV TI Barr, Mrs Gecorge Put.manii, ( K Wi I s J1 J1 Cowart. | Greers:-Mrs I#,aek Iiurgess,.9 F L (Gos sctt. .1 E BrOCk ina a, Mirs N uEmnon, MI rs E Wniamu, Mrs L iR Smitih, Mrs .J .5 Bur netIt., Mrs John11 lIree kmian, Miss .Bela Pelzer~*r:-Mrs* M e Si one, WV It Dondy, J P' Tlrowbridge. V .\ Sh,eraird, Mr is C TI Mcoss, Mrs WV l' 'I h,l son WV WV rillinx. Simipsonivilb-:-- a M Moore Mrs B M1 Mtoore, S TI am . (arie Ureshami, iisst ILuin Hich .. , n. MSss Minudl tieh ardsioni Miss A nit'~ . -"o-, Tf TI TPommendations. T1ravelers Rest:-Mrs H- J WvVilliamis, (1 V Ni-oh, Sra GI W Nicol, 8 J Stnaud, Irs S J1 Stroud,i J E WVatsoni. J M WVhit airoi, Mrs (1 W Pool. 'Taylor S. (,:-Mrs carrie RI Howell it-s E' P I [ammett, E J ltoberts, Mrs W SShokiey, Mrs L A erowdler. Easiley S. e. :-Mrs M E' Boggs. Mrs M (1 ,Villimasn, Miss h'llr Kany, M~rs .. M .Jame-i Onl, A R llait.oni, Mrs A R lIIamilton liss Jessie- llamilton. Mrs A J Reeves, WV V Latoem, Robt Stewart Miss Eunice Foutin nn:--A S pden, (. P W ood 4 l' TIhomplson, J L. Leruggs, Mrs D) W Topinis Miss Kate culbertson. W'llhiams1ton)1, S. c. :-A. C Mc(iee, It 'erguison, .J 1' Mealist er, A ( Wood . Mrs WV 1 I tuto, Miss Norine14 inceW, Mrs M P~ Wiis, Mrs L~ 4. (Toley. Piedmitont, S C:---W M Grier A e tui ntt sn. Mrs t5 A H 11(des, Mrs I, e hI e'.. iOn, J1 it Richey. reCcu P ie'.s i k7pert *Eye ] 1D AY O)NLY , stop) (lsses~ (aS low'(: a ' NI. I FOLGEE L ARGEST and most cor plete line of General Mei chandise ever shown in Pickenm For the past month we hav been receiving almost daily ca load shipments of Dry Goods Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Hard ware, Groceries, Furniture Buggies and Wagons 'till wi are now prepared to show yoi the largest, best selected an< arranged stock of Genera Merchandise in the up-country Lvery floor in each departmen is packed almost to the ceilinl with goods bought at the righ prices. Goods bought - righ sell themselves and we bu: nothing but the best goods a right prices Our. Dry Goods departmen is complete in every detail Everything in Domestics, Out ings from 6c to 12% c... Flan -nels, Jeans, Kerseys, Percals Ginghams, Plaids and '' rilh Largest lot of Blankets -eve shown in Pickens, at Soc t< $7.00 per pair. Dress Goods! Dress Goods!! Worsteds, Cassemiers, Pan amas, Serges, Broad Clothe Henriettas, Brilliantines. Em broidered Mohairs, Dres Flannels, all colors with silk and trimmings to match. Th, leading colors for this seasoi are Black and White and Gra: Plaids. We have a full line c these colors. C1oks, Jackets and Skirts, A full and complete line ii all the latest styles and color for Children, Misses an< Ladi'es. Jackets and Cloak fromn$1-50oto $12.50. Skirt from $1.25 to $6.0o. W e also carry the Kenyoi Rain Coat for ladies and mer Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Walkover Shoes, Stetson H-ats, K< Mitchell Wagons. Fol ger -:-NOTICE THA1 J. F. Harris is still in business at the same old self. Come around and get some bargains in chandlise, but don't all come at once. I will 24 pound sack of good flour for 50 cents. other things according, mimnus Meat and I) which is as high as H aman was hung. Iris seed, Bliss, Early Rose, Burbanks andl le Hebron, b)y the pecCk at any old I J. F. H ARRIS, Notico to Debtors and Credito- s FOfR SA LE.--., All persons 11o1f Stoves and a car of Barbed Wire and Nails, with prices ight, Big stock of Harness, Sad :lles, Bridles, Robes and Horse Blankets. Large Assortmient >f Trunks. Art Squares and Rugs, Furniture, Buggies Wagons and Surreys. The ntire second floor of our build ing ', ;o x i120 is devoted en tirely to Buggies and Furniture. Wec buy bo0th in*solid car lots an7d can give you rock bottom pr"ices. We carry the largest stock of Furniture in Pickens county. A look will convince you -we speak the truth. Everything needed for 'the Ilouse. Oak Suits from $15-o0 to $65.oo, Oak Bedls from '$2.0oo to $i 9.oo; Dressers $5-0o 'to 5-oo. Hall. Rockers, Centre Tables, Dining Tables, Kitchen Tables, Sideboards, Safes and ed Lounges. Ve ocan save you at least 1 per cent on mnything you may need in Furniture, Stoves or the House Furnishing line. Just received a solid car of Chase City Buggies and a car >f Mitchell Wagons. If you are looking for the wagon that carries the load, runs the lightest and runs the longest, buy the Mitchell, you won't have to carry it to the shop every time the moon chanes. rg yourctre, Bogicens Wag ony and Surreys here al Wtte apeclate floyfour buid ties) ogis and Fur ratynite Wevery )time. odca lt Yourw spa ttruth, LRty. SOak Agents from Stetsoon abs, Dwning Tabes,itMchne rAns,Sdeboars .ae n het oueeyb. WeMrnsavFeea w - fyoura Drest TOod perent, nd Furniture Stove o the ouse. Funishing butie. bs lura ls he Cik eBuadggsnacr carres tesload,funsth buytheMit he you wond laeMwyBuh