SI ‘Jonathan Chinfflh * J From freckle-faced boy to strong young man, I could not be | prouder of you! The journey has not | always been easy, but | it has been fun, and | your destination has I been earned! With love and much pride, Mama, Jennifer, and Lily Mallory Catoe Mallory, You have always been a success and always will be. _.,We could not be more proud! Congrats with all our Love, Mom & Dad Patrick Lee Brown Dear Sweet Buddy, You Did It! We are so proud of you! Proverbs 3 Love Always, I Mom, Dad, Amanda, the “Gparents”, and Alf David Frank Youst -TT > I i Congratulations! Your dad and mom survived! We’re extremely proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, and Jon Richard Meyers Richard, Well, you finally made it!! You may not have taken the most direct route, but you never gave up. We love you and are proud of you. Mom, Dad and Jennifer Brindy E. McNair Congratulations, Brindy! You did it. Now you’re ready to go out and tackle the world and cyber-stalkers. And you’re gonna be great at it because you’re our smart, smart Baby girl! Love, Mom and Dad -jt A ft Aft ft t * ft ft A ft ft ft ft- ft • • ft -» ft ft -ft