DEBATE From Page One THERE WAS not much emotion to begin with as students dragged themselves into Capstone. They dutifully sat on either the pro side (supporting the resolution) or with the cons. They would vote by exiting through the door that marked their affiliation. A lot of spectators booed and cheered boisterously at the introductions. Michael Maz zone, one the pro stand, got the first chance to make friends. He likened abortion to the plights of "peasants in Bangladesh whose deaths don't seem to worry us." The audience balked and someone tossed an obviously symbolic coat hanger toward the stage. He left defending the "future of the human race." "How can anyone begin to know something as ambiguous as when human life beings?" questioned John Lawson for the cons, nearly drowned out by cheers. His spiel, interrupted at times by "Aren't you glad you aren't an unwanted child?" cries, ended with the warning, "Don't attempt to impose your moral values upon somebody else." BY THIS time, the listeners were itching to get in a potshot. Hands were waving, feet were 1HE INSIC ON OUR DC You're i exclusi None of your warmth Cc can escope, because contou none of the sean are to you) sewn-through. Just between you and the zipper- a full length draft tube with down compartments. A self-repalin nylon zipper. Unzips fom the head.. .and the foot. Come in and get the whole story on the very finest equipment for your money. 952 Harden S..e stomping and the dialogue was venomous. "You say that 46 chromosomes qualify as a potential human life," began a member of the congregation. "Well, all primates have 46 chromosomes, including the orangutang, the gorilla . . "Wow, you must have a weird sex life," snapped a girl on the other side. "Personal preference, ma'am, personal preference," he shot back. "I'm sure you could give ;essons." PEOPLE WERE standing now. Some crossed over from section to section during the fiery rhetoric amid jeers, hoots and applause. Northrup momentarily intervened in a plea for sanity. "I would like to address all those nice-looking people on the con side," started another, "That their mothers didn't share your views on abortion." She continued further, but no one could hear her. "As a woman," attempted a courageous student on the front row, "I have as much a chance of being subjected to rape as any woman on earth, and-" "No you don't!" cracked a faceless wit. "Who's asking you?!" she barked back. The demagogues were having a screaming field day now, with 1E SORY ANN BkGS n lor an we-starting imp 7s red (shaped boaMes. You're surrounded /with prime goose down (550 fil). All Camp 7 bogs are heavIly oaded with extras. Yet most weigh less than 4 lbs. The Ufetime Guarantee helps make Camp?7 steeping bags bestselrs The more you know about camping the more you want... C4MP7 Mon-Fri t1:0W-7:30 Sat 106 799-7571 ?AOKEK qualltg gear' columbia. S. C. 29205 argumentation bordering on the brink of the absurd. After firing off a lot of words to determine when life beings, some bellowed that the use of contraceptive devices dictates murder. Like a refreshing bucket of ice water, someone moved that the floor be closed and it was quickly seconded. Students still bickered among themselves as they shuffled through the exits. AFTER THE vote count stood at 262 con and 126 pro, Mazzone If~~ ELL U CEUMM-Lc LLEU~LL VILL~ LEUMO~ ELL L'WL IreVsU ese * 4 L PR GE( * OL11VsIJ issued some poignant off-the record comments. Lawson just smiled and said, "I'm pleased that we had such a rabid audience." For Theater 140 classes and anyone else interested, there will be another debate on Nov. 19, when the issue will be "Resolved that the Declaration of Independence was an un warranted act of rebellion." UIE6 LUMLL~3 VL!L v4 IME,GUEXUaCLW [ JULUL I1vMUV IME CL )RGE HARRISON SNEWTON JOHN - OYD--'Wish you n CROSBY&GR A HAM 'Wind On The Wat4 JOHN DENVER---' I" $4.2 9 eac 933 Main Street Behind the Capitol rs Weekdays 10 o.r Read The Gamecock MAI VUIUAMUMUE tMLO MLW[l iL LV LU ITS Extra Texture 'Clearly Love ere here' NA H -- 3r' rind Song' n. - 7 p.m.