THE GAMECOCK Published weekly by the'Literary Societies of the University of South Carolina. Terms, $1.50 a session, payable in ad vance. The Gamecock solicits humorous sketches, essays, verse, etc., and will gladly pub lish such as is available, when accom panied by the full name of the author. Unsigned manuscripts will neither be acknowledged or returned. All checks and money orders should be made payable to Bernard Manning, Bus iness Manager. Business Manager. Bernard Manning, Sumter. Assistant Business Manager. B. S. Beverly, Virginia. BOARD OF EDITORS. Editor-in-Chief. L. Wardlaw Smith, Spartanburg. Assistant Editors. 0. T. Simpson.. .. .. .. ..(Euphradian) Euphradian Society. W. B. Kugh.. ..........(Clarosophic) Clariosophic Society. L. A. Bute.. .. ........(Clariosophic) Athletics. W. H. James.. ..........(Euphradian) W. W. Perrin.. ...... ..(Clariosophic) Locals. M. A. Miller. . . .. .. .. .(Clarlosoplile) Y. M. C. A, COLUMBIA, S. C., NOVEMBER 20, 1908. On last Saturday night, in the joint assembly of the Clariosophic and Eu phradian societies, it was moved and carried that The Gamecock have three boards of editors a year instead of two. This is an excellent change and one which should be beneficial. The change will give more men experience in college magazine work; experience which is well worth their while. It will also give more men an opportu nity of expressing themselves through the editorial columns. The new edi tor-in-chief will, of course, have new ideas to lay before the student body, which he would have felt a delicacy in suggesting before his election. From our connection with The Gamecock we realize the many diffi culties with which the board of editors have to contend, and think that this division of the work will give more life and zeal to the paper. How many members of the board of trustees or of the faculty ever go to the gymnasium in the midst of the football or baseball season and see the condition of affairs? We have seen neither committees nor individual members of these honorable bodies in specting this department. It is sorely in need of inspection and remodeling. In order that the athletic teams might have hot water after their prac time it is necessary to cut off the hot water until they are ready for it. This prevents the others from getting hot baths. And even when the hot water is cut off the supply is not large enough for each man on the various teams to get his desired share. Even whlen the hot water is not needed for the athletic teams only a few can get hot baths on account of the smallness of the supply. This is a bad state of affairs and we hope that it will be remedied soon. With this issue we bid farewell to the office of editor-in-chief of .The Gamecock. We have confined our selves to college affairs only, and have dealt with theni as impartially as possible. In turning over this of fice to the editor-in-chief-elect, Mr. S. B. Richy we feel that it is in good hands. Mr. Rich has had more ex perieriee in newapaer work than Am, man on the campus. We extend to him and his associates the best of wishes. EUPH RADIAN At a joint assembly last Saturday night it was decided to elect a new Gamecock editorial staff three times a year, instead of only twice a year as heretofore. The time for this election was fixed for the week intervening be tween the regular elections of the two societies. As this time had just passed, it was decided to elect a new staff that night. Mr. S. B. Rich was then elected editor-in-chief. Tihe newly elected assistant editors to The Gamecock from the Euphra dian society are: Messrs. J. H. Brown, F. S. Spigener, and J. 0. Sheppard. Following are new members taken into the' society last Saturday night: J. D. Hamer, J. W. Stork, S. L. Col cock, G. W. Waring, W. B. Burney, and S. L. Latimer, Jr. Men, we wel come you -into our midst, and trust that'you will always do your duty and take an interest in society work and in the welfare of the society. The debate last Saturday night on the query, "Resolved, That deporta tion would be the best solution of the negro problem," was won by the negative, represented by Messrs. J. H. Brown and F. S. Spigener. Following are the appointments for one and two weeks hence: For November 21: Readers-J. M. Green, Tally, an(d Scott. Declaimers-Carwile, J. B. Mc Intyre, and J. 0. Sheppard. Subject for extemporaneous speak er-"The Solid South." Weekly Orator-Rich. Debaters Affirmative: Fromberg and Web ster. Negative: Brown and Johnson. Query: "Resolved, That Congress should require Icorporations doing an interstate business to procure fed cral licenses." For November 28: Readers-Corothers, McForlon and Hemingway. Declaimers-Mitchell, J. J. Bush, and Hoey. Subject for extemporaneous speak er-"Theodore Roosevelt-Rex." Weekly Orator-Belser. Debaters Affirmative: R. M. Cooper and Dil lingham. Negative: Oliphant and Palmer. Q uery-"Resolved, That the p)ro tective tariff should be abolished." Wanted to know, by "Fresh" Mc Intyre (D. B.), why the president of the society always wore a shroud. Mr. Fickling (in midst of ethical discussion with Dr. Gordon Moore) says, "Doctor, dlon't you think we have both reached the limit of our abil ities ?" * * * Mr. John Everett, 'o5, and Mr. Joe Faverett, pf Spartanburg, 'visited friendsa on the campus Sunday CLARIOSOPH IC With this issue of The Gamecock we pass the Clariosophic department into other hands, and we sincerely hope that the editor-elect will have less trouble in finding/something for his department. He has 'our sincerest sympathy in his long and tedious task. At a joint meeting of the Euphra dian and Clariosophic societies, in the Clariosophic hall, the constitution of The Gamecock was changed, and now the editors are elected thrice instead of twice a year, as the constitution read. Mr. S. B. Rich, 'o9, Euphra dian, was elected editor-in-chief. The following gentlemen were elected to The Gamecock staff at the last meeting of the society: Mr. J.'H. Sullivan, 'o8, Laurens; Mr. L. A. Buie, 'io, Georgetown, and Mr. New ton Edwards, 'ro. On last Saturday night the follow ing query was debated: "Resolved, That the American civil war should have been averted by compromise." The affirmative yas represented by Messrs. Bodie, Ferguson, and Sulli van. The negative by Messrs. Riddle, Jeffries, and J. A. Marion. The com mittee decided in favor of the nega tive. The following are the programs for one and two weeks hence: For November 21, i908: Declaimers-Camak and Hiers. Reader-C. W. Sanders. Orators-Bradley and Caldwell. a Debate: "Resolved, That tariff revision is better than free trade." Affirmative: Buie, Gardner and M. IM. Rector. Negative: J. 0. Crout, Chitty, and Garland. Program for November 28, 1908: Declaimers-C. M. Boling and Ha good. Reader-Heustess. Orators--Clinkscales, Gonzales. Debate: "Resolved, That Chinese emigra tion should be prohibited." Affirmative: V. J. Rector, Quat tlebaum, and Carnes. Negative: Brandenburg, Paige, and Jayroe. Geography "How far is it around the world ?" In girlish innocence asked she. "Ah, I will measure it," he said, "If you'll p)ermit me to and see," Then when his strong right arm he placed About her waist so small and trim He found it wasn't very far, For she was all the world to him. -Selected. Lost and Found She lost her head when he proposed, But lhe, a trifle bolder, Made search for it distractedly, And found it on .his shoulder. Y. M. C. A. An interesting speech was deliv ered before the Y. M. C. A., Novem ber 8, by our acting president, Prof. A. C. Moore. His subject was "Some An)alogies B(etw'een Bliology ' and Sin." The operations of some of the inost common and dangerous disease germs were briefly and simply out lined.' The disease germs are invisible, working when you little suspect any intruder on good health. So is sin an unseen germ creeping up and placing its clutches around those who are not mindful of it. Then these germs are infectious, having to be closely guarded. Just so is sin. There are carriers of the disease germs. In like manner there are transporters of sin. One must be very cautious and seek out a preventative against the two most impeding agencies to the progress of mankind-disease and sin. We can not be too careful in choosing the nec essary way in order to live a life worthy of a man. Dr. Twitchell last Sunday afternoon gave the first of a series of lectures which he proposes to give on the sub ject, "Relations Between Religion and Science." A student on entering col lege generally has strong reli:-Jous ideas taught and engendered at home. As the student advances in his studies in science and learns that the world is several millions of years old, and that man antiquates 15,000 or 20,000 years instead of 5,ooo or 6,oqo, as he had formerly been taught, as well as many other facts which seem contrary to the Bible, he begins tp wonder, thinking that something must be wrong. Religion appears to be a fake and absolutely false. A student must not be led astray by such a notion and with such a scant knowledge of science. He should remember that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, especially in science. A second thought will help such a one to keep equilib rium. Men who have devoted years of study to science remain true, consist ent Christians. What our attitude to wards the Bible should be was briefly discussed. Then our attitude towards science was outlined. These lectures are well worth lis tening to. They have been carefully worked out by Dr. Twitchell in order to try to solve this perplexing problem for himself. He wishes to give us the benefit of his search. His next 1c ture on the subject will be given just one month from last Sunday, or the the third Sunday in December. Do not forget that good, able lec tures are given at the Y. M. C. A. every Sunday afternoon. These talks are on live subjects that all ought to be interested in. H-ow much better could you spend just this one hour On Sunday afternoon ? The old suly ject of college spirit has become new. The boys are waking uip. It is your duty to join a literary society, support athletics, and every phase of college life. You will not be a complete man unless you do. You (do not show the proper college spirit unless you be otte of the boys and lend your aidand pm.s