r |p- - . ' ' 'UAHHL*. . ?r LOCAL INTELLIGENCE Wednesday, December 5, 1900 ' GOTO? ? jggy wrTis*** F. E. PROPST'S For Fruit Cake material. He has quantity and quality. Boyal Excelsior Currants 17Ja. Seeded Raisins. 15c, Citron Fresh and Fine 20c. Figs 12?c. Fruit* of all kinds. - ? Prompt delivery. LOCAL MATTXZ8. _ , . i ?Read citation. % ?Read summons elsewhere. ?An auction sale at tbe rock store on Monday attracted a large crowd. ?Many of the stores have gotten in their "Xmas goods and are opening them up. ?Ton mast pay ap on or before tbe 24fcb of this month if yoa desire any of tbe prize money. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are dainty little pills, bat they never fail to cleanse liver, remove* obstructions and invigorate tbe system. McMaster Co. ?Nortb Carolina wagons are frequently seen on tbe streets tbese days. Last year very few, if any, came down at all. ?Sunday was an ideally beantifal day and tbere were good congregations oct at all of tbe cbarcbes tbat were open for services. ?There will be a hot sapper at Mr. J. R. Carlee's on Friday night for the benefit of the Greenbrier church. The public is cordially invited to attend. ?Pay what yea owe and you may get $5,000 for doing so. See oar special offer to delinquent subscribers in next itsne. When you need a soothing and heiiing antiseptic application for any purpose, use the original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, a well known cure for piles and skin diseases. It heals sores without leaving a scar. Beware of coun terfe! t?. Mc Master Co. ?A hot sapper will be given at the residence of Mr. W. S. McJJonaia, i near Mitford, Friday night, for the I benefit of Efobron cburcb. Pablic invited. ?Judge O. W. Bachanan wa? & guest at the banquet given last Friday night by the St. Andrews Society of Charleston. The toast "Oar Country" was responded to by Judge Bachanan. ?The "Ladies' Sociefcv of the Brick ^0^ ?s Church will serve a hot copper at the residence of Mr. T. D. Ruff Friday night, December 7lb, for the benefit x of the orphanage. The public cordially invited. Help is needed at once when a person's life is in danger. A neglected congh or cold may soon become serious and should be stopped at once. One Minute Coagh Cure quickly cures conghs and colds and the wont cases of croup, bronchitis, grippe and other throat and lung trochlea. McMasler r.n. ?Tfce State in a recent issue mentioned t bat Mr. R. J. McCarley, who recently moved from Columbia to Mississippi to engage, in the cotton business, is succeeding splendidly in his new home. His friends here will be interested to learn this. ?Mr. &. N. McMaster received a telegram o:a Sunday from Lieut R. H. McMaster announcing his arrival in San Francisco from Manila. Lieut. ;0 nnm nn K?o war fn W a all AO UV?T VM ft *mj .t ? iagton. His friends will be glad to * know of his safe arrival after hii long voyage. Manv persons have had the experience of Mr. Peter Sherman, of North Stratford, N. H., who says, "For years I suffered torrure from chronic indi.gestiorf, but Xodol Dyspepsia Cure made a well man of me." It digests what von eat and is a certain cure for ^dyspepsia aDd every f?rm of stomach trouble. It gives relief at once even in the worst csBes, and can't help but do you good. McMaster Co. ?Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Lyles, formerly of this county, but now of Columbia, lo?t their infant son, Olin Hugh, on Saturday night. The little one's body was brought to Fairfield and was interred in the burying ground at Bethel church. Mr. and Mrf. Ljles have the sympathy of many friends in their sorrow. -About 4 o'clock on Wednesday morning the fire bell rang loudly, and those who were aroused by the alarm saw a fire to the northwest of town and apparently at some distance from town. It could not be ascertained exactly where the fire was, but it reported to be on Mr. W. S. Weir's place about three miie3 from Winnsboro. ?Mr. Rudolph Brandt, the well K5IUWU i^ucoicr JCWCJCJ, was ucic uu Friday with a large assortment of Cnristmas goods; novelties in silver, elegant jewelry, watches of the best make and many other handsome articles weie among bis ?&mples. Mr. Brandt has made a name for himself here and upon his visits to Winusboro healwa.shas a crowd of customers. Just at this time when everyone is looking fur sui.able and pretty Christ ,v?:_ m? IX'hs pre*cm* tt?r iuc;r utcuuo, .-u>> Brandt's visits are very profitable to .him. ?A small eolton Are occurred at ?lhe freight depot on Saturday tnorn-ing. The fire was ddi-cover.d among .the bales on the platform at about ?middav on Saturday and as it b-?d not ;proxr-.'> ed very far tbe alarm not given, *uii those in the immediate neighborhood knew nothing of the ifire unlit the scorched ba!e? were re; moved troiii tbe platform. Tbe fire ?was pr?>bab:> caused bvaspaikfrom - a passing engine aud it is most fortunate thit it occurred in daylight wh-n there were * number of peop'e around. :H*d it b*>gun during the night it *:might farve dune co:.si!eruble dumajje Three or four biles were 3lightly '."burned bnt the fire was exiingui-bcd too quickly for much of the cotton to have burned. ? Rev. J. I\ Crout retorted on Monday from Chester and brought with bin) the unwelcome news ihit he h"i' tren tran^i-rred from W'innsbcro to a cauren 3tf:e rower pan or me S^n'f. Thi* news i< a great whock to I? hi.s cor gr< gatio!: here who all felt coul fiden? that he was :o he returned to ^ . them for at least anther >ear. The < ? !* mmJ ' "* ......Mrog Every woman loves to think of the . time when a soft little body, all her own, will nestle in her bosom, fully satisfying the yearning which lies in the heart of every good woman. But yet there is a black cloud hovering about the pretty picture in her mind which fills her with terror. Tne dread of childbirth takes away much of the iov of motherhood. And vet it need not be so. For sometime there has been upon the market, well-known and recommended by physicians, a liniment called Mother's Friend which makes childbirth as simple and easy as nature intended it. It is a strengthening, penetrating liniment, which the skin readily absorbs. It gives the muscles elasticity and vigor, * prevents sore breasts, morning sickness and the loss of the girlish figure. An intelligent mother in Butler, Pa., says: " Were I to need Mother's Friena aeain. I would obtain 9 bottles if I had to pay $5 per bottle for it." Get Mother's Friend at the drag store. $1 per bottle. THE BRAOflELO REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, 6a. Write for our free Illustrated book," Before Baby is Born." K&> ,wS IHHfc wmsi \ ^ removal of tbeir beloved pa6tor is a great sorrow to the Methodists of this place and Greenbriar, for be has greatly endeared himielf to bii people duriDg the three years of hi? pastorate. The minister who has been assigned to this place is Rev. Mr. Taylor, and he will probably occupy the pulpit of this church next Sunday. He and his family will be welcomed to Winns* i * ? rnu^ TT7*nMikUA?/v maamIA A# AfKrtu Doru. JL L1C ?! iuiicuuiu VI Ubuci , denominations join with the Methodists . in their regret over the leaving of Rev. Mr. Cront and his family. A Life and Death Fight. Mr. W. A. Hines, o? Manchester, la., writing of his almost miracalons escape from death, says: ^'Exposure i after measles indueed serious long tronb'e, which ended in Consumption. I had frequent hemorrhages and conghed night and day. All my doc- 1 tors said "I _mnst_ soon die. JThen I ' began to use Dr. iung's .New inscov ery for Consumption, which complete ly cured me. I would not be without it even if it costs $5.00 a bottle. Hun- 1 dreds have used it on my recommendation and all say it sever fails to cnre Throat, Chest and Lung troubles." Regular size 50c. and $1.00. Trial ] bottles free at McMaster Co.'s drug ; 6tore. KECEITJED i A new stock of midwinter millinery, which will be sold at reduced prices i the balance of the lea^on. Those who [ have not purchased their winter mil- ! linery will do well to call as we are j able to pleate the most fastidious. Mrs. A. L. McCarley. Star Service Chaages Special service in South Carolina has been discontinued at Brooke, Fairfip'.u i county, from Luke. This order takes flflfWp.f nn and after December 1. Star siryice has been established < from Brooks to Luk^, three miles and back, three times a week, including the depositing of mail in boxes along i the route, from December S, 1900, to Jnne 30, 1901. i OASTORIA. Beant&o Kiari Yaa Hart Ahwyg iwfifet SgMfci# , jZZSJ-*-#' " Our Special Offer Subscribers who have gotten behind will be given a good opportunity to pay op. As will be seen in onr advertising columns in our next issue we have made arrangements for them to participate in the distribution of $10,000 in prizes. Look at the label The most beautiful thing in the world is the baby, all rllmnlpc inv The HlOSt V.I I A A i J^S ivo WilUi j vy ? - - ? pitiful thing is that same babv. : thin and in pain. And the mother does not know that a little fat makes all the difference. niinnloe imr lisvp (rnnP_ Uiiu, JV V lifcV I v and left hollows and fear; the fat, that was comfort and color and curve-all but pity and love-is gone. The little one gets no fat from her food. There is something wrong; it is either her food or food-mill. She has had no fat for weeks; is living 011 what she had stored in that Dlump little body of hers; and that is gone. She is starving for fat; it is death, be quick! Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the fat she can take; it will save her. The genuine has this picture on If you have not tried it, send ffiSrairS* for free sample, its agreeable f&&E5gt* taste will surorise you. Wm SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, ^gjjjg^ 409 Pearl St., N. Y. sSfEPS* 50c. and $1.00 esaSb?*' all druggists. MB???? ! I ' ? I. IWI oh your paper, see how much yon owe, and remit at enough to pay your ?ub8cription to tbe lstot January next, and you will have a right to moke an actimatp Ac f*r a? cnh. i ? ? scribers are concerned this offer holds I good" np ?o tbe 24{h of this month and ! no longer. The Appetite of a Goat. Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose Stomach and Liver are out of order. All such should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy, gives a splendid appetite, tound digestion and a regular bodily habit tba. insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25c at McMasler Co.'s drug store. Neither Team Scor?d The football game between Black tock and Winnsboro was (Milled promptly at 2.30 on Tkareday afternoon and was a most exciting game. A crowd of spectators aisembied on the college green at an early hour and the colors of the borne team, yellow and black, were greatly in evidence. Tbe borne team put up a splendid flgbt n vi.l *\lATT/ir) ?rt aH l.nf iV\* T) 1 ft rtlf o f auu aycu wciif uut Lucuiau&oivua bo\s were all heavy weights and far outweighed the "Winnsboro boy?. Had it not been for this the home team most probably would have won, for in spite of the great odds against tbtm ih?y r>)a^ed a "gritty" game, anil uccect'ed in keeping their opponent froi . goring. The result of the game wn.: Wiunsboro, 0; Blackttock, 0; neitLer bide bavin? made a score. O_a_?sT5C^:F8.3:.A_. Imti ike ^ Rind You Hits Alwiyx Bisfirt -. *r } THANKSGIVING DAY Tbankgiving Day was obser7ed by almost everybody in town in one way or another. The weather was pleasant, not too ?old for comfort, acd those who spent the day out banting had a delightful day for their sport. n r\ + kft O f AT?00 TOQPO oil V/U 1LLCL1U OUO^V IUU oivivo Tiviv mi* closed, ana the bank and the postoffice also, and the dispensary being closed as well the town wa? as quiet and peaceful as if it had bean Sunday. In several churches special thanksgiving services were held and in almost every home the day was observed by family gatherings and feasting. 1> i# not. often that the holiday is kept as generally as it was Thursday, tod the clerks and most of the buiioess men eBjoyed the day thoroughly. Ihe graded schools, white and colored, were closed and the operatives of the cotton mill had holiday, i For Or?r Fifty Tears. y ' - ' * Mrs. Wutslow's Soothihg Strup bat been used for over fifty year* by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. Et soothes the child, softens the gums, allays ail pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It ?' 1' f km r?AAT* li f f l?k n-ffVarPT* YY 111 1 & IUV [/Wi 4IWWIV WIMAVA V* immediately. Sold by druggists in avery part of the world. Twenty-five sents * bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mr*. Wioslow's Soothing Syrnp," ind take ? ?ther kind. 1-1-17 C0MIIC# A5D GOXCJT. Mr. J. J. Obear retnrned from New Haven, Conneticut, on Sunday. Dr. Taylor, of Columbia, came np on Friday on professional bo6ines?. Mr. K. id. Jennings Das retnrnej from Cbe3ter where he went to attend conference. Dr. Becker retnrned to BennettsTille on Monday after spending a few (Jays in town. Mr. Chap. S. Chaudler, of Savannah, Georgia, is visiting his nncle, Mr. 0. M. Chandler. Miss Sally Black ii visiting relatives. Miss Black is a candidate for the office of State Librarian. Mr. W. A Hood, section Master, left on Monday night for Dapont, Georgia, to visit relatives. CA8TORIA. llul ^ j* Tfci Kind Ym Hiti AIwiji tagtt SALBS OX MONDAY Id McGahan and others r. W. B. Eetes and others: 280 acres, by Rtgsdale & Ragsdale, attoroey?, for $1,005. 396 acrep, by Ragsdale & Ragsdale, rttorneys, for $1,705. 405 acres,by T. K. Elliot',for $1,600. 60 acr^s, by J. A. Rose, for $205. 185 acres, by T. K. Elliott, for $840. In Alice Black v Israel Lewis, 51 acre* were booght by W. R. Black for $227. Io John ?3. McMaster, Admr., vs., Mary M. Bonlware et al.: S65 acrci, by J. E. Coao, for $650. 305 acres, by J. H. McMaiter, $1,000. Two town lots, by J. E. Coan, for $65G. Town lot (drag store), by J. H. McMaster, for $405. In J. F. McMaater vs. Ja?. Hender son et il: 11-1 acre#, by J. ?'. AlcMaster, for $165. GEODETIC SURVEY Oar (own was visited this week by a party of United States Geodetic Surveyor?. Ttii-i ( awe party has b?eu traveiii 2 through the State and has visited stveial other towns. Their? object is to obtain the latimde and longitude of ih". different place* and totxamine the soil ior the purpose of fu.diug tl:e different Virata, (-to. Upon r? achi::^ Wintisboro they found ihat Profe^or S'otio had a'ready calculate; the latitude and lotiai'nde of this place during his ?tay here last May, and as the calculations involve an amount of work as well as considerable expet.se. the surveyors d-cidci to adopt tho9e made by Pi oft? or Stone. In the wall of the court house, on the left of the entrance, the surveyors have placcd an aluminum plate with the following; inscription eDgr*V'd upon it: "United States Geological Survey, 1900. Elevation, 546 feet above the sea level. Fine for defacing this plate $250." This will be & permanent reoord o 1 the elevation of our town and is an interesting louvenir of the visit of the United States surveying par'y to Winnsboro. ufiiv ftnimu wni uuuuii Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup cures Cough, or Cold at once. Conquers Cronp, Whooping-Cough and Measle-Cough without faiL All mothers praise it. Doctors prescribe it for Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Grippe, Pneumonia and Consumption. Quick, sure results. Price, 35 cent*. Refuse the de*Ier'? mbatitute. DrRnlfe COUCH SYRUP Always cures when others fail. Or. Ball's Pills cure Constipation. 50 pills 10C. A FBETT Y WEDDING. One of the prettiest weddings tha has ever taken place in Ridgeway wa that of Mr. John H. McMaster an< 1 HI a! r-v? mkinVt font ju.1qb xuaiiuu iu^ixivuaiup) ttuivu wvj place in the Baptist Church in tba town on Thursday afternoon at < o'clock. The church was prettily ac< tastefully decorated with lovely fal flowers and a crowd of the friend? o: the young couple were present t< witness the ceremony. Mr. L. E Owens was best man and the maid oj honor was Miss Bessie Qaattlebaum Messrs. John Davis, W. D. Creight Arthur Ovrens, and Dr. Samuel Lind< say acted at uiherp. Little MUspi ^?fwa ni*?lk ff i JtV auu tt iiouu) i itv ixuy uuu ^/iviv; little girl?, were flower girls. Th< wedding march was played by Miei Bessie Lyle?. The bride came in or tbe arm of ber father, Mr. P. C. Mellichamp, and sh* uever looked more charming than (he did on her wedding day. Tbe ceremony was performed in a most impressive manner 4)y Rer. J. L. Freeman, pastor of the cbnrch. : Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party Jeit mageway Dy private conveyance for Winnsboro, where a delightful reception was1 tendered the bride and groem by Mr. McMaster'i sister*. The young couple received many beautiful presents. Mr. and Mrs. McMaiter have tbe best wishes of many friend?. How to Care Croup j Mr. B. Gray, who live* near Amelia, Dacbess county, N. Y., says: ["Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy is tbe best medicine I have ever used. It is o finn ohi^pan'a r?modv cmnn ftTld never fails to core." When given as loon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croapy coGgh hu de? veloped, it will prevent the attack. This ahonld be borne in mind and a bottle of the Congh Remedy kepi at hand ready for instant use as soon as these symptoms appear. For sale by McMaster Co. MAMMOTH WATCH MEETINGS C. Mayor Coan ba8 received a circalar letter sent out by the American National Red Cross. This letter states that on December 31st next the National Bed Cross will bold mammoth watch meetings to fee the old centary oat and the new centary in. These watch meetings will be most impressive and ^ Ka fnrniaKa/1 hr giauu UiUniu mil uv AUi utwuwu WJ Sousa's baud, and "Greetings" will be read from about 100 of the moit famous men of oar day. These "Greeting*" are; considered ao important that tbey are lo be preserved ia the national library at Washington. Tbe object of tbeee meetings is to raise fands for tbe R?d Cross and also to celebrate tbe <*omiog in of the new century. Jf 5 :?mposed in this letter that siQii iM he beld ia every torn in Aui * tbat the American people may all bave the opporlnnity ef contributing to a permanent fund for the wonderful charitable association. The letter say*, "We will be glad 'ure your citizens hold one or mor !iese watcb meetings under the j . a of the American National Red as and for its benefit conjoint!., vith teat of some iocal church or cbu;ity." Should our people de cide to bold one of these meetings the Red Cross will tend on the afternoon of December 31st a sealed package containing the "Greetings," so that tbe reading of them will be simultaneous throughout the country. We think that this matter should b? taken up by our people and that it would be a fitting way of ending the old century -" 3 Komnninn tha now TTnll tn. aUU U1 ^Cgiuuiuj iuu uun * ? ? formation in regard to tbe organization of tbe watch meetings will be furnished on application to tbe American National Red Cress, St. James Building, New York. He Fooled ihe Surgeons. All doctors told Renick Hamilton of West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18 months trom Keciai nsiuia, xie would di# unless a costly operation was performed; but he cared himself with five boxes of Backlen's Arnica Salve, the surest Pile care on Earth, and the best Salve in the World. 25 cents a box. Sold by McMaster Co., druggists. GREENBRIER NEWS Good Role for Schools-..Improvement! and Other Interesting Newt by a Little Girl Doubtless yuu will be surprised tc receive a communication from a little girl like myself, bnt Prof Penrifoy requires that one of us girls write an article occasionally for your paper, and so I shall proceed. Oar school is in a prosperous condition. We have a large enrollment and are moving alotg nicely, although several of our seniors have gone off tc college tbi? stssior. ThetiuB'.ees aie having a r.ice cottage erccted for Prof. P?irifoj,tbc principal of c>nr school. They Lop? to bayp ibe re*idei:ce complex d in ? few day*. We expect to l ave h < hrutnin* tree, and, of course, are eipectii g a j >lly time luvie 14 u 1 ic au uuj c JI'UQ' ble at the residence of Mr. J L. Rob in-oii last Friday evening. I hear tbc "bachelor* and yonDg n?i.id?" were iu the majority. Miss Sudie Ayccck i? visiting bei sister at Hyi*tt Prrk, Co!um -ia, S5. C, XT nf nej ! atiyou* who is not after u?iryed for a long time wa3 the banquet of the uteam fire engine company at the Duval hotel on last Wednesday nigbt. Our volunteer fire department have done noble and unselfish work for the community on many critical occasions, and if anv organization deserves to have a good lime now and then it is ? the fire department. The members certainly bad a good time Wednesday night. Thcje firemen are wont to do ' the right thing at the right time, and 8 j it is not surprising that this festive , i occasion wai carried out just rigbt w I to give not only the members a most ' | pleasant evening but the invited j guests. ) Capfc. Jordan acted as toastmaster | with his accustomed ease and grace. I "Oar Invited Gaesto" was responded 5! to by Mr. J. E. McDonald. Although he said that be had been busily engaged with other matters Mr Mc' Donald did fall credit to himself and 4 rAmn? foa) f hot flVP LUSUC lilt/ ju i %jmwu ivvi fuwi kuvy * . v i appreciated in the community. ''Winnsboro, Its Pa?-t, Present and Future," was mo*t hippily responded to by Mr. T. K. Elliott. Mr? Elliott displayed mauy of the elements of the philosopher in depiciing the characteristics of our ancestors who founded Winniboro, and in showing how theic impress had been lelt oil the place, aad he showed that he was a man of versatility by easily gliding from stern philolophy ioto poetry and humor, all I of which was to the point. ' "The Press" fell upon Mr. W. D. 1 Douglas?. k "Our Schcois" very appropriately found a respondent in Mr J. Frank 1 Fooshe, who, has beeD untiring in his ' energy and work to advance the educational work of the community. # Mr, Foosbc gave some school facts that were as complimentary to Winnsboro as they were surprising to many of J bis interested hearers. "Woman", the last regular toast, i found a competent advocate in Rev. C. E. McDonald. Eloquence, wit and J good poetry ran through his speech. No one contributed more to the pleasure #f banquet than be. Messrs. T. fl. Ketchin, Jno. J. Neil and Capt. W. G. Jordan, in response to calls, contributed to tbe pleasure of the evening by their pleasant remarks. Tbe banquet was a decided success, and we trust that the firemen may enjoy many more of the same kind. The Best Plaster A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and boand to the affected part* is superior to any pla3ter. When troubled with lame back or paios in the side or chest, give it a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism. One applicatian givei relief. For sale by McMaster Co. MB. W. C. BKICE DEAD. The Third Fatality from the Harde?vUle Collision Last Week The State, Nov. X7th. Mr. W. C. Brice, who was injured iu the wreck near Bardeeville last week, died last evening at 7.50 (Tclock. His condition bad been quite serious for the past few days, but report! yeilerday gave eome hope that he might recover. Mr. Brice was conductor of one of the trains in the collision, and hie left loot was crushed, in addition to slighter injuries. It was ! aViAnolif fhof fho ininrips wnnlfJ UVV l?*U6?l . '-J prove fatal, bat blood poisomog set in |od its effects could cot be stepped, j Mr. Brice was born in Fairfield county, near Woodward, about 31 years age. He was a son of Calvin Brice, one of the largest and most prosperous farmers of the county. His father, in connection with some of bis immediate relatives, opened a store at Woodward and at one time they did tbe largest mercantile basinoaa in tfi? this city Mr. Brice was tbr> <<>n?ndoned Mr. Brice wa3 pat on the main line running from Atlanta to Qamtet. Later he went wiih the Southern i Railroad aud last winter was condnc- j | An 1 [ imperfect skin I' | is always caused by Z\ | bad blood. Remove the |j Z ratise! Imorove vour 9 | blood. How? By'tak- 1; | ingf the blood purifier J j | that has stood the test 21 ? for thirty years |l jjoifitsms I jSarsaparilla; \ QUART BOTTLE. | | It has thousands of I | happy friends. Quart ?; | Bottles sell every- |j Wilt AC CL\. * l?1, 2 a "THE MICHIGAN" DRUG COMPANY," fl ft DHyltt Mich. 2 r LlrercttcS for Uw Hit. 2 i p The Famous Zittle LI Tar Pill*. ' | ^John H- McM aster & Co, Wmnsboro, C.; T. W. Woodward ?fc Co., Roekton, VI o /\ . -\i7 tr tiTaaJ^^ C /""*.! ' | o. t.; >i. m. uwuwttiu, o. v , 1 T. Q. Patrick & Co., White Oak, S. C. * I MNMM [Have You I Backache?Tire Pains Across the of an Unnatural I They Me The most si Complaint, one tl Vauqhi I This is a pat in use that will d triptic acts direct!normal healthy e READ WH Gectlemes:? I have beensufi caused from the Ilrer as< to lie down except short! fluid. Thro< nnonmiu K clUglC CttOC IJtiO i&ouugu x41 ^/uvuimv ni . Thr.s. Whitfield & Co.. 240 Wabash hvenue, Chicago, one of ihc tnoit prominent retail druggists in that city, in ppeaking of this, says: "We recoramerd Chamberlain's Cough I?? memve?. nag retuixieu iu vuw iotte. M'\ Joe DougU c e'( :< F:iday for Columbia. When the stomach is tired out it must have s but we can't live without fo >f\ Kodu! D> ?pep*ia Cure "digests wtikt you eat" ?o that you can eat all :lj.: good foo.' ;on want while it i? restoring the digestive orgam to hea th. It is the only preparation that divots all kiu'is of food. MeMaater Co Administrator's Notice. All perrons indebted to the estate ?t Ber. It. D. Perry, deceased, are hcx?bj notified that payment most be made to tbe undersigned, and oergono hoi*, ing claims against ?aid deceased present them duly attend to the uw l deraigned for payment J T. W. BBICE, 11-onif Administrator. ? # * A. inyoi ineses; & Feeling ? Dizziness?Nervousnes Loins, or in the Bladder?Sleeplessnes Color or Scalding Urine. " JTm J >an Kidney acccssful remedy for all forms of Lr iat lias effected some remarkable con us Lithon ely vegetable preparation and the 01 ?fectaally care Dropsy and Gravel. ^ y on the .Liver attJ Kidneys, festorir ondition 2nd eradicating all disease. ur /5 M/O A Cross ? erlng fortbrt? year? from Anasarca or general Droi 1 KUineys. My physicians sai 4 that I conTd last but a s y arter being tapped. Erer> tUsue.was completely t a gallon wm drawn from scrotum several times. ea at the time 1 began using Vauchn'a I>lthontri id exuding fltid. I was unable to get any rest or alee] ha.vn nud ?!?ht hnttlcs of Vnnirhn'ii Llthostristi to my business. I can now rideiny horse, a thin* I t inch of my statement u you desir*. I am glad to glvt Yours truly.' ! . kTJ. BZTflTTiTs Us]. 18tl nan writes under date of Aug. 11,1900: hontriptlc has effected a permanent core. I njoyfnff.ffood health." f the above symptoms write to the M !ING CO., 45 So. Fifth Stn Jvise you by letter in regard to your on receipt of price to any express S*iss Lou Dwigbt returned to Colombia on Friday after spendir^; Thursday at home.. Capt- C. S. Dwight returned from North' Caroliua on Wednesday night and returned to camp on FritUy. ADFVOII1 BANKRUPT in health, constitution undermined by extravagance in eating, by disregarding the laws of nature, ot physical capital all gone, if so* NEVER DESPAIR Tutt's Liver Pills will cure you. For sick headache,, .dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills an absolute cure: WANTED, for cash, Dogwood and Persimmon f Logs. Southarn Hardwood Company, P. O. Box 529.. Charleston S. C. NOTICE. All peraons holding1 claims against the esiate of Tboi. P. Mitchell, daceased, will present (he same dnly verified to A. S. k W. D. Douglass, Attorneys, "Winnjbore, S. C., and all persons indebted to said estate will make payment te the undersigned. B. G. BRICE, 11-27-3 Administrator. Sale of Personal Property. As Administrator ot the citato of Thomas P. Mitchell, deceased, I will sell the personal property beloDgiDg to the estate of said intestate at his late residence, near Avon, 3. C., on Wednesday, December 12tb, 1900. Terms of Sale?Cash. R. G. BRICE, 11-27-3 Administrator. 1 REAL ESTATE FOB SALE. i . j rvw wirnvmrjay tfte 19th, DAY OF DECEMBER, as agent for | tbe beirs-at-law of Thot. P. Mitchell,, deceased, I will of or for sale at public auction. at tbe residence of tbe late Tho?. P. Mitchell, the following real e>tme: (1.) A tract 70 acres, more or less, bounded by lands of C S. Brice aud , Mrs. A. C. Mitchell. (2.) A tract of eight actos, more or less, bounded by lands of Jno. T. Chalmers, Mra. S. L. Morris and Mrs. A. C. Mitchell. (3.) A lot of three acres, more or less, bounded by lands of R. C. Dore and Mrs. A. C? Mitchell. Terms of Sale?Cash. Purchaser to pay for necessary paper*. - R. G. BRICE, Agent for Heirs-at-Law ofTboi. P. Mitchell, deceased. 11 27-S Letters of Administration. STATE OF SOUTA CAROLINA, COTOTY OF FAIRFIELD. By S. B. JOHNSTON, Esq.,Probate judge: TT7HEREAS, Joicey Brown Iiatb made Vt suit to me to grant her letters of administration of the estate and efecte of Martiu Brown, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Martin Brown, deceased, that they be and appeal before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Fairfield Court House, S. CM on the 19th day of December next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock ii? the forenoon, to show cause, if any they h ve, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 4th day ol Deeemb"r, Anno Domini 1900. S. K. JUHN&TUfl, 13-5-2t Judge of Prolate LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD. ay a. K. JVJUXtii Uiv, josq ,juagt rrooaze WHEREAS, A. Homer hath made suit to me to. efafcf him letlers of administration of {'lie estate and effects of William C. Brice, deceased : These are thei ef re to cile and admoniso all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said William C\ Brie , deceased, that tbey be and appear before me, in the Conrt of Pro-, fiat*. tr> hp held at Fairfield flotnt Konse, Sontl' Carolina, on the ISrb day of December nex1. uf.-r ;.nbiication hereof, at 11 o'cLck in ihe forenoon, to show canee, if anv ?hr-y h?ve. . why the said Adm;ni>lration sboald "?ot be granted. ^ Given under my hand this 3: d day of December, Anno Domini 1900. o n T/\nv^i,n\T o. xv. i 12S-s2 Judge of Probate. ' :~WI . I ?w : pmpiuiire s~ m s?Headache. ? *4 s?Cftiffs?Urrne ; jH i ruuuie m vet and Kidney . . triotic 1 ily mcdtcint now ?[ fau^fm's Lrtfionig them to their |E BOUT IT ? 1 jrrs, a C-, Jaly 21,1899. ^ ny of the cellular time, bort time. I was tmable ?died and saturated with * , ptlc, perfectly helpleu, p except while under the " IC wu mil uv*? boeo QOftblc to do for lt,Msom?pooraaff?nr 1 Reg. S. C. Vols., IWO. flv JHE 's. . have had no return [edical Director of jet, Brooklyn, N. Y., M especial case. jjB HP -?!? ? i AA ? liAHf#. B > UUJWC, ?J7 I |VW ? jly i?Hii IH iMfii 111 tilUifl 1 HOMING! .. u R. BRANDT, The well know* v Jeweler, of ? : % Chester, S. C., Will visit Winnsboro on , 'yA Friday, Nov. 3t3, * Sf? - -Vi / - ' and display his elegant line of WEDDING and CHRISTMAS PRESENTS , at obear Drug Co.'s sfore. One Day Only 'This is his'last visit before | Christmas. 4 Mr. Brandt will be at Ridgeway ?n SATURDAY, NO VJEMBER ?th. SUMMONS. - . -Jj STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA, corarroF FAiarfflLD. 'M COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. The Pwple* Bant, of Winntboro, \ Sooth Carolina, PJaiitiff, against * Sol. Wolfe, H. C. Wolfe, David C. B. Woife, Sara W; DesPortet, Rebecca C. Brannon, Blta L Nathan, . D. J. Kaufman, Itabelle Barach, and - Rose E. Lytton, Defendant*. Copy Summons. For Relief. Complaint not Served. 3S To the Defendant above-named: Yuu are ncrcDy summoned ana required to answer the complaint in this action, which is filed ia the office of the Clerk of . the Conrt of Common Pleas, for the said County, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their offices above Tbe Winns- .% boro Bank, "Winnshoro^ S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof, _ j exclusive of tbe day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the-plain tiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded ia the com piainc. November 30tb, 1900. RAGS DALE & RAGSDALE, , - < ElaintifPs Attorneys. To all of the defendants above-named except the deftndaBt Sara W. De?Portei; Take notice that the complaint in thit action (together with tbe commons, of which tbe foregoiDg is a copy,) was filed in tbe office >< the Clerk of the Court of Common D-as, at Winnsboro, County ot Fairfield, in the State of South. Carolina, on tie 1st day of December, 1900. RAGSDALE & HAGS DALE, 12-1 6t Plaintiff's Attorneys. i WE HAVE 1 Just Received Direct from England a complete line of > r\Airii irvAiTrniAim ATTIll a * KIM IKllffilli (Hi. An extra supply of GLASSWARE ha# also been added to tais department, together with a nice selection of Bine and White Enameled Ware. a We cordially extend an inspection of these goods to every one. No trouble to show th^m or qnote prfcep. 7 ^ J. W. SEIGLER, * V ^ ,g : a* * talsam f-.iS^fe?r*^-' ' C ! :??. ? c^U XruOXnu th* taSX. -*i. 1; ' : waUd i iaxahant growth. - b.3 jf^ver p*il? to He*tore Gray WfflOCTR^ilna TT?