^7; * ' ''1' W?I>KKSD^T. Bececofeer ?J, : : ; 18*1. 1 t ^ms o* tn*n?ws and hj&rald. j' ), .-1 -l-woekfy idttJon, four dollars /;$/ j) : .v?, :h it?hr??cc; wceTclv X'ditioii. ', ^ fy itoiiaiw ?na ni^y //C7 , 5*. haifce." "E&eniT discount to clubs ; ' of ivo and up*rards. j 1 1 \tks ok Auvimmrxr,.?OnedoJlai i-. pe- nch for the first insertion, and; ?. % ^ csiffcper to'efefor eaclisvfbseu ?: ^%h?th?jatc?'apVK- to'ail ad'! < V'* i^ineuttj?^wbate^'er riafci?re, and j . fetiv^ayabk' strictly. Us advance, (-"on- ' f " ti>'*:V for three* aftc'or twelve months j ipi Ui on very, liberal terms. Tran- 1 r * ' ?u .loc^j n&tic^s fifteen cents per < {tl: iorifi&frfab insertion and seven . .. '6rii vn^.JuftJX ce?l5 per line for eacb | f ; Sequentiiisertioii. Obitua-ies and if t ir;tr tfes'of" rcngcet chained as adver-1 i * fir* :-?ent^. Simple announcements oi \ " t>> ria^res xiulxtefttiw published free oi j f ^ r aTfcf^&fifcited. : ' cocaiaUfticatiouR. of whatsoever : ?gk " ca.'-ne. ..shim# be addressed to the ; -....to n?I>oro^ Jftjfcfcahiug Company 1 f vW -lMsboco, S.G. j< |. A#r?rt>Mn?iilh. (Kis?X\ Lsndeckcr & | . Out Ncrtr?6. Sngenheiiner. j * ^brisfinas-Cchites?IL M. Ilucy. j * i N.rita Ciaua at Mimnangh**. Top of tiie Heap?H. McSmilh. j! Notice for Fit:*! Discharge?T. P. 11 ^ MUciietl, Guardian. Sheriffs Sale?J. D. McCarlev, S.! * :i ?zc. I ^hooi-Notice?John Boyd, School ; Commissioner. j t ; . " Good Coffee?II. K. & F. B. Thnr- j 'J % " . . ;ver & Co. .... j c .^Engines?It. J- McCarlev & Co. I j, / Flavoring' Extracts?W. E. Aiken, j r ?oie and Feed Stables?A. Williford. j 2 J Xotfco of an E-stray?Ira S. Scott,j 6 . Trial Justice. je J"' Local Itrlcfb. j '** -* ?vAnr ]| ttlft ac-1 ^ I' *' '..?*r!Ca3e?n if ?-itabbitcha?n*r in the streets is the j gmsseiaeiit of tfre old and the young ! r toys. ! n *-Don't fbrgft that the printer and ! a the editor need their money just the ' ? ?- &atne as anybody cNe. ? f ?It i? thought t?:it at no distant day i irtier oostasie will be reduced from ! P i .. Vr three to two cents. iv ?Wednesday was ja?t like a May i ? I ,-dsr. atul the remaining (lavs of the ';< r i ? week were decidedly wintry. j ?Quire a number of Northern bug-' ^ * gves were brought to town on Thurs- j ' diiy. They avcjor sale, we presume, j P ? Parrots are in demand in Winn?- i' ^ lWc?. Can't the Maharajah of Mada- ^ } scar supply the market? ?The passenger train going south | * <>? o.?i?sidei-fthlv behind time on j Thursday. We have hot heard the cause of delay. s( A ?Tiie Town Council have "put a ^ Itfud 0:1" the new lamp-posts at last. ,, They are very acceptable to those iivi-g in their vicinity. (1 ?The teachers' examination takes ; pi&ee on 'lie iirst Friday and Saturday - 5:3 January. See the School Com mis ; : doner's notice. j F" ?The Rev. Mr. Chalmers presehcd -> a-very impressive sermon on Sunday * , "train arriving at 12.57 p. in., and tiir J". train at 4.37. (! 7 . - ?Cotton sold in Winnsboro on Sat- it ?v?. r,?. ! 1.1 ujirl it hroa?rht 112 0!> ? WiVM... -- - ? v Wiunsl- o is one of the! - in the State. ,, ' ?As we are not aoie to attend the j ,r *? - lC\p;?.si;io:i, we console our- i L wires wiiii tite anticipation uf attend-' 01 r S'ni! t he World's Fair to be helil in Bos- j j* loa in ISJ\>. ! ? % ?Friday was as dull as any summer i v. day. There were very tew people in ; " ^;' >Kiii and coaseque:.tly (he merchant* j * ^ aid nothing. j p - ?The brass band was out sercnad-; -i ing on "Wednesday night. Although : : tiietr number was small they made ; n .1; 'Very sweet music. ; tj V ?Mr. W. II. Dcnly has onr thanks u -;r S)rsome sour-kraut. He has just re- w f Vrivpd a barrel of the above-named ti "luxury, Give him a call at once. C1 ; ?'Lime does not stop because a man 's ^ * watehruns down. "So more does a f ...*3:evvspaper because one man happens ! w *. -.-tO.losc his head and orders t he paper ; ^ j; " >T;scontinaedto his address. ' !? J ??TJjjS. .I^^Is'Hire has passed the i tWc. .,?tocii'es, which we have enjoyed very | n ' t ,Ai'rc f!U?nfHninu' has l'OCOnt- ; ^ opened a confectionery in the build-1 j*** *. I formerly occupied by Logan'a "Brown, where she wil keep on band a j '' y~ tall assortment of goods in that line.' ^ At present shebas a full stock of Christ- jl' mas goods, of which she invites au in- j ~ t ?p?ctioB. i >* ?Mr. Ralph Caldwell's remains | \*Vre Trough t from Nashville Sunday I a ^ and interred in the Presbyterian Ceme-; den*t:1-" ^P?n *^e casket were some; ^ ^^H-autitul floral decorations, the tribute wjiagf the students and literary society at n ;cTusi'.vlllc. and a camellia from Miss j ? ^ i . - i V of this State, who is also a ! ? ent 7 ; c l^tudoiU at Nashville. ; v i m 'Vfiungbcrj st e'ety ha- been in a ; t: Ijj^ ^ svu-r (hiring the past w eek. Oil the i P p ipfeh instant Mr. W. II. Flenniken re-1 ^ -js^K-c-1 iVoia Due West with hi.s l>ri. K.jI: gtiula ;''p vi. , n mT FJenr.ikou'^l^^ honor to thc ?owiy , 0 P ' ?urrf?l wup!?- v,'e welcome this |? n.-qtiirftiou to tUW B"r0- a,l<1 'vis'' ?>? i J fctppv pair ?"J the &llest; j ^ inea^re ot prosper^}"* ; Robbsry.?Tho st^e ?f --*rs- E.1 t Kciso.i, at Simpson's^ Turnout, was r "brulicu mjJo on lust \$unday ni?rht.. c Tivo luicves &&<.?. just. i?ot T-?u when tlie.:r t koI? , together, with the parking- of the c &j?sthut attacked tliein, :|iwoke Mrs. '3*v2soa. ami she, \vTtii tne ' aid of her | jeskuhte protectors, succeeded hi root- !c '2 party. Tfte\ loss was M the fact that tho js f?Uv??C? were,*OQ,.i. ? iud Richardson, Charleston. The- ; maitKc is well gotten ut>? and contai Lhe cards of several merchants 'of t Low i! and of other p!ac^- The editi reaches about three thousand, and w L>e distributed gratuitously^ T:ik Exposition.?We extViid o * " 11 TC Jianks to Mr. H. 1. Jtuinoan, i/wcui Seneral of the Athtnta Exposition, f in invitation to attend on "Editoi [>h\ the 20th inst. We fear that f will not he possible for either of 0 editors to he present on the occasio md we regret that we cannot in pc son allow our appreciation-of the kin less extended to us. The Expositio 1? ~\t.. oKl/? illller aUI. niUIUAII .1 airiv, IIIUM'^VI^V i&6 already proven a grand success. Tiik Common* 5>ksse En<;ink.?.A ention is called to the advertisemr >t Me^rs. If. J. McCarley & Co., t treats for the sale of the "Co:nm< >ense Engine''. This engine lias t racted much favorable notice at t! \tlinta Exposition, and is recominen :d as combining cheapness, sunplici tnd general efficiency. Messrs. M . arly & Co. have already recoivi initc a number of orders rom ianw ti Fairfield Parties wishing a reli >le farm engine cheap, should be su o i;ive them a call. Cotton Statement.?The followii s the fcoinparative cotton statement f< Kn rpriibpr 16. 1S$! 'set receiptsal all United States por luring the week 234,810; same wee ast. year 238.679; total receipts to th 'ate 2.722,929; to same date last yej ,955,415. Exports lor ihe week 135 15; same week last year 161.331; tot; sports to this date 1,320,$26; to sarc ate last year 1,660,424. Stock at a Juited States ports 1,076,941;; sau ime last year 924,140; stock at all ii prior towns 208,128; same time la ear 171,187; stock at Liverpool 487 00; same time last year 426,000: stoc f American afloat for Great Britai 94,000; same time ]a?t year 323,000. Christmas Goods.?We have ju eceived a nice assortment of Chris ias goods, to which we would call tl: ttentioli of the public. Our assor lent of Christmas books is entire] *vr, and has been carefully selectet l1.-o an elegant line of fancy boxes ? aper, puff boxes, shavimr mug rritiug desks, and a large variety < tl'.er Christmas goods ;oo nurnerot > mention. We have just opened on scond supply of Christmas and Nc rear cards. and they an; decidedly tJi andsomest lot ever received in tiii iace. Ali wcask is that you call an ispect our stock before buying' you liristmas presents. * McMastkk, Bkice & Ketchi? The Grand Lowe.?1The folowin ig are the officers elected by tli rand Lodge, A. F. M., at ilie recei jssion in Charleston: M. W. Bro. Juhn D. Kenned} amden, Grand Master. K. *v. tiro. \\ . \y. uumpnreys, i\i t'raon. Deputy Grand Muster. II. \V. Bra. J. Ad:rcr Snivth. Chai stun. Senior Grand Warden. 11. V?". Urn. A. II. White, Rock Hil u trior Giaud Warden. I?. W. Bro. J. ii. Honour, Oharle. >?, Gram) Treasurer. Ii. W. Bro. Charle< Inylesby, Chai :stor.. Grand Secretary. W. and Rev. Bro. (). F. Gregorh ljeraxv, Gra d (Chaplain. Jouuxalistic.?The ia-st issue of t!i he?tor lie/joi ler contains the follow nr announcement: With the is^ue of January .5, 1J$: 'ajor E. i??-Lure will a.^UJno chit itiioriul tr.ana^rvnient of the import a : is with ?r**eat satisfaction that v.' take this announcement. Major M< .ure is well known thrs>nirSiont t!: mnty, and f.l! over the State, as on ' the tm?st popular and fojvible owspaper writers. Under ?i;< mat giHWMlt we UTJ SUIe mai i ::< p.ijjr iii be made entirely acceptable f?j ii ::my friends and ij?trons. With Maj' IcLure in control, we confidently cipate an ei;lagged and generous sui ort. The many friends of Major Mc.Lui ill be pleased to hear of his intend? ?turn to editorial duty. Ilis career i le past warrants the conviction th: rnler his management the Reportc ill not only maintain the high pos on it has already occupied, but it rease in usefulness and influence. A Sad Death.?*Mr. lialph W. Cak ell, second son of Mr. Joseph I aldwell, died in Jfashvillc, Tennesse< n last Thursday morning frot rphoid pneumonia, at the age ( i:rhteen years. He was a youth < mch more than ordinary talent, an nly a few months ago had won :fiol?rsmp at me jxasnvuic i\ornn chool. receiving at the lime the* hig! ?t compliments from the State Si erintendent for his proficiency. ] as in Nashville in the prosecution ( is studies that he was stricken dow rith typhoid pneumonia, so seriousl iat his father was telegraphed fo: rriving in ti ne to nnrse him in hi ist moments. Ilis remains will I ronght to "Wmnsboro and interred i le Presbyterian Cemetery. It is sa iat one so bright should be cut ofif s oung, and his bereaved parents hav :ie heartfelt sympathy of all ia the: Sictiou. THK YORK TOWN Centennial.? A< Uaut-General Manigan't, in hi.* repo ) the Legislature, makes the fotlowii! lention of the Yorktown Dsitalion,? ;hieh (lie Gordon Light Infantry fori] da part: "The battalion, how eve ras finally organized in a most sati actory manner, and when assemble resenled an appearance, physical ; veil as military, never surpassed i ,ny body of troops of the same n iierieal strength collected together : :ie State by any previous occasion, lever saw a finer looking body of me ir better officered, disciplined, a: riore eager in their endeavors to di harge their duties in a manner crec able to themselves and to the Sta * "? rrt? ucv represcnicu. meir :ipi/c*srau ;i?d conduct at Yorktown was of tl ntxfco!iisio:is on railroads has raised t! juestion. which is the place of greatc security in a railroad train? The Rc.\ odd Joyrruii-gives the following a rer: very wcli^known at 1 jar nearest the engine Is exposed tot eal'j when he meant Bizz. Well, "Ilapj ?, Mo." has bought one hundred Chioke )t"j ing Pianos and four hundred Mas* is | & Hamlin Organs. They must be s.d ir i Your wives and daughters want the! x ! and "15y Jove" they must have thet; to Now, 1 don't propose to put a gold d< is j lar on each piano key, nor do I wai t.-? fliiiik- ;1k! too of thorn is win li* j Lfoltl. I?i'oause ifoltl dollars cai.'i 1 ; bought and sold at half price. Xei-hi i. | do I pretend to sell a 57 stop orj.a ; with ten dollar o:t it and ca it an organ. Bureaus can be borg! for $15 covered with stops- Neiihi will 1 throw in a house a:id lot, or tu or three railroads, just to advertise a: [ introduce my pianos awl organs. Bi j I do propose to sei! you u good, hone ! instrument for iess Jhan you can bti j ' Xor it. Dollar lor Dollar is all I a* ' | My pianos and organs introduce tlser [ selves. You will love them more ai t Mili'iii^icomnnf in tli mi;i U. I ill) w/vtiiv.n *.. ... paper. and write to the MrSmith M .sic House, Charlotte-, X. C. * '5 THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. Thr- Report of the S:ifc-B :sr<1 for Kairfir ^ ; Coua'y?Su^Tff^s1 ions far the Promotion j the Koh1:I? o:'th? I*eo-?!e. i "We !:avf received a copy of the So } , j owl At imal Report of 111*.* Stale I5oa> i of Ileal:h", :i puiiiphlet of ?02 oof;n *. 1 pa?;es. IVside.s forth ire pi: | poses of ?!:c Board of Health, 1) ": pamphlet i-ontains several valuable p r I pfi's on health ami sanitation by em f nont physU-iuns of the JSiatc. The Su J- Board of Health for Fairfield consis ofDr.T. T. Robertson, Dr. I!. ] ^ ilanuhkn and Mr. (i. H. MeMaste The report of the board is made by tl >- chairman, Dr. Robertson, and i& } follows: 1 In reporting upon tne sanitary cart | rtition of Fairfield county, it is safe i n i say, that it is as jrood a* any purl it of the Slate. It iies between the Bros and Wateree liivcrs, extending fro r one to the other; hiily and iuierseett bv many small streams. The only di j. ease that can be properly culled endeti ic, is malarial lever, in its varioi form*?Intermittent, Remittent an j Continued. This latter term "Malarial Contini ' ed," (inr rod need by I)r. Maury.) is ?. very appropriate one, better ptrhap xi than uu for the relapse when the patient is r moved entirely from the malarinu.* r 1- gion. if the poison of malaria be rt \egetable organism, as supposed I some, and claimed to be proven by D j Saulsbury, n:av not the quinine acre iis growth or development without d ri- st roving it? May not the spores oftl r /jant iic dormant in the syste 5 for a length of time under the infincm !>* of the quinine, and when this subside 'd go on lo full development again, pins ducing fever as before? These a )V questions more easily asked than a swercd. Bui science is on the nu page, and what may we n<;t learn? lu As to epidemics, there have be* I none save Catarrh a!. Under this he> n ! may he classed InUmm/.:!, Diarrhc >(j J and Dysenterv; ail of which have c i casiomilly prevailed; none serious e s" ; cepr, perhaps, infantile diarrhoea. (Hi 'i-iinir the summer months. The n {C J catisc of catarrhal epidemics is yet r | be discovered, all the book? to the co " j Irary. notwithstandirg. The ozo ',e i theory is not satisfactory; neither in the electrical, tl.e thetmometrical, t of! hysrvonictiic-ui nor the barometric: I The theory of organisms (germ theor I may yet develop something more s:iL lT i factory as to cause, but doubtful as ! treatment, except it be, nut to treat | all. r.v I Thorn have been some case* of Dinl |ie thcriai bu; nor epidemic. except in o { locality, the Doko or Blythewo neighborhood. This disease, as usu has bafilyd.the skill of the physicians #-! large-proportion of. the cases dvii i So much-has been "written upon t! I ] disease of late years, and such confli 1 I ing opinions as to its" etiology,- pat ho a : gy and treatment, that it calculat nt j to u:ukc one skcutical a? to any tre 1 ' - - . -- " mmiimSmm' 11 ??g" ".'Some to>ast*>i\-uriuir hw?;d;e ,nn i of cases withotrt fcsIit?-o>ii(*. "wlifie'ot ttl'8'jvjtil.the same treatment will' In .majority. froe.^'th'is not.' prove tli ,!-v J it is*not. the trea'ijifeiit tha't^" run's? x ef- * to t-he cause of jjjphjheria westrit na ; B f to ptcad-.i^fionuuh1'/. Perhaps thegcr i theories-ifcav. eventually solve t -i^r(Mce? reported recently, but nothing. ijl j an.epidemic. j Vaccination has l>een practised r "! {cenfly- under inst'uction-t from ti ! 5*iate Board offJ'eah?: principally ito Ttlie public schools. Vieeination w lie i. never become general, uulusx-it is xmu j j compulsory by law, and this is o: . I thing that should-engage, the attentat 111 j of the Legislature. . ' ' >R- j In the absence oflegishltio.n, pcrha] >u- ! the importation ot. a few cases of snui jje j pox into each.eoqi 'v, wouid'be agoc I sanitary move. Vaccination wou :X ! theiur,\Rotne pretty general. [ There is. a Local-Bokrd of Health r \V*hinsoo'ro. appointed by . the Tnj v's j council. This Board lias been vigi!a, lit [in the disauargc. of Us .duties, ai whether .the good health, of.the. town. . 1 attributable to this fact' or not,- tl e; j writerwill not undertake to say. !'i-! The question is frequently ask< ice ! whether the increase of the negro po ;IS | nlation is greater or less than belW ! emanciniuion. The writer is of ropi, j ion that it is grcijer; one is o ' e s.ecvahle iu rc^urd:4o thi.v casc, vi; ho Pulmonary Consumption is beeomii, |,(. more common tlmn during1 shiver . . As to t lie <-:i u>e,t I1e"wr iter is not y | prt^arj?^ to give au opinion, "t " The disease is in most cases, prob: li- bly soin.e.lopn of Pneumonia, citlii [,._ neglected* or improperly treated, j many of this race suffer for Svant 'i !*' timely medical treatment. Would v 'IC ! not -he wise and humane for thfc-^egi ite I lature to make some appropriation ail lt_ | some provision for medical attendant . .J^ou the poor who are.not in the poo w-fflt?nsc?. There area- great many < he j this class who suffer and die for wai rv j ot'propfr medical attention, and it cai >d j.not.l>e expected that physicians can <1 j such an amount of gratuitous practu as .is now required. le This is a question that should ei it gage the serious ai.teutiou of the Legii >v laturc. It is to he hoped that the bills noi before the Legislature, submitted b the State Board of Health, will pasa r the ensuing session. The subjects en braced in these bills, it is true, arc sue ig as invite but little attention in the get erality of legislators; but the Su! boards in the different counties, it is t 11 be hoped, will exert their influence i ?" getting !heir members interested in tli 1" sir cct. T. T. Hobektson*. I,} t.. u man of Sub-lioard of Health c ? Fairfield. ill nr LIVING WITNESSES.-The hundredsof b?-n ty anduealthvlooking mem women nnd cbl 'P (Iron, that have been rescued rfom bedsol pal] . sl.-Kuess and well nigh death by ParKer - G'nger 'fo:mr are the best evidences In rl [ _ wnrid or Its sterling merit and wort h. You wl flu J such In almost every commuuliy. >n ! ANNOYANCE AVOIDED.?(Jray lnlrs ai : horsor.blr bin their preinatu)*.- appearance > aLi-ovliji; l'-?.rker's Hal: K.iUam prevents tl [i. annoyance by pnjnptiy it-storing the youthn coior. * >! nt ?Coffee drinkers shouid rend th rQ advertisement in another column heat ; ed 0food Coffee.. e I 2r j HYMENEAL. Ill I ! MAKUHD?In Augusta, Ga., on the 1st lnst :il j by LlI .- KvV. ,T. It. M:iCU, >>.Lt , JOsiN l C:)iu:nbl.i, to Mrs. ELLA UL'SSEs.. it.Gnr. daughter ui litfU. iicary F. Kuo-a-; t|| | Of AU?Kl , j .MAiinlKD?At the residence of tilt brl .t lit l in?>..:uT. by the Uev. L Wilson. on rlie evi . : nlngoi in- ss.ii Lis.., Mr. WILL;AM HOIii.XSO ' i .asas MAGGIE ii. Aii ol i-ulrllou cuiii <) ; V> > s- L". , i ;?tA:;HIt*D?On the l?.h or December, ; U I'ii ^utiUdT C'ldrell / ! lie Kt'V. T. \\ ! Vn-iiicil >lr - -/ I, i.'M* - ! XOTiCE TOR FINAL JMSl ilAROl i I V. ILL apply to t'iC Judge of Pro!; a I ii- ! J_ of JtV.iirieiu County, lor a tinal di: j charge as Gtinr.iiun < f iiie t-.-tr.te oi' G. j JLiricf, on Jionuav. J.nnuarv 10th, Ju82. IS j " T. P. -NiirCiiLLL, u* I D< c-20-flxSt-" Guards. fe ?200& ?"?T1 E. \ Pi5 Lie'A NTs for lirst g>T.V teacher M I ?\. cer.iScates will by exauined iu t : of i vuurt iio'.ise 011 tiie i.ist Friday in.oai.ui rv. Applicants fur i-c;c >;;d ?;iui tiiir yiv.de c l'titicacex on the day lolloping i c- the . omit 2i?>a Schuoi. J'hcr<3 wii 1 bo n -J ?;.her examination bi fore -June. iO:s2vJ;OYD, ?i iJGc IT t l Scd-.ool Commissioner. 1 NOTICE OF AN ESTRAY. s- r j ".-iKKX up and toIi?-j t'Cvoro ins by ,j_ ! L G. Ft-r l. ;i dark bro?vn or ulao ! ! Lorso n:uic v iill a L1 ivv lucf, about 1:; [J" j or 13 bands biyh, j>t least. twenty yon ts ! old, ni.d ippr:tistd lit tv. rnlv-hve da liar t | 'bo owner wii come iorward, pro* "* ! property, pay charges and lake said niul j uwjiv. ilifc mule cv.n lie found at tiobei ;e FcrVe in the llocsv M^um neigliborjioo. lg Dec. 17, Ic-bl. IliAh. SC.?TT. Sr., Trial .justici Deo 21-xtf fo SKA1.&.W FKOPOSALS. "J County Commissioners" Oftice, Wixxsboko, S. C.. Nov. 22, 1881, n! C u lOEALED proposals for covering tb County Juil will be received by the Com ty Commissioners np to December 2! i(] 8S1. Contractors to furnish new slice ing and new tin and all other necessar ll- material. Work fo be completed witlii a thirty days from date of contract. Th County Commissioners reserve the rigl |( ro reject any and All bids. if in thci ie judgment the interests of the Conntv d< mand it. J. K. HARVEY, re Nov 2G-f2xtd ('hm. B. C. C. re >? ? W P 7> 7 K *S 1 7. TP le pi virtue of An f-xeention to :ne direc i^) od. I will sell before the cour v.ouse in "Winnxboro, S. C,. on the fir: Monday in January n*xt. within the let^i t<> hours of snle, to the highest bio wit: a- Two bales of co-ton?levied upon as th (. property of Mrs. E. L. Hamilton, at th [0 suit of A. Williford. s: ALSO, e" By virtue of a Warrant on Agricnltnn ilt Lien, one bale of cotton?levied upon n id the property of Bobt^Adlcins and Chai o- Martin at thesmt oi w. it. uoty s. uo. in Teruis of Sale?DASH. J. D. McCARLE'-', nt Sheriff's Ofricfl, &. F. C. q. Wiausboro. S. C. December 17tb, 1831. Dec <> t;l 51881 I882 e101 TOP OF TSIE HEAP. in I ce | J | Wholesale Depot ril HKERING PIANOS, sn i J ASON & HAMLIN ORGANS. ul | [;a | branch <>f '?.1 t-izrtdesa ^ Bates ir- I :a! ! PRICES ANI> TERMS EXACTL to j SAME. 11 i , no j Ordtr from ITc^MITH. ."it Chnrl'ittP, : js C., jinc! save Tmi^. Moufy :?.nd Preigli |,e \ In (2G riniiosauc: 50 Organs} Stock. [\ ! CHICKERINO. ; j MAT1IL-SHEK, to i ORION, I SOUTHERN OEM PIANOS, i MASON & HAMLIN, >v j SJJONKJEIt. j PELOUBET & CO. ORG ANS. i Send for one of rry Pianos or Orga ' '' i and test it in your own uouse is all I as ? a : It yon contemplate buying, write to m '? i A.on wi J -save money snd I will j " Give yon and thrown in everything i | honest Vifcn con ask. S.-nd for price?, el 1 A- ! A/3/?^.i?o V I (*<1 r .. . H; XCSXITH; at- i :* ' I " 3 \ ... , .. ... . :! uWui(3is?i ! vi JCcuralgia, -Sprarns, > ! . lt; jJi:.' } P?in.; in the Back and Side. ; lit' . -j r ... j-Thei* !3 aotMssiinoj^ palstoi- than these ' , re diseases ; .but .the1; pain,, can :b2 jc-oiored nnl" , the disease cured'by iae of Ferry. Davis* . / . .pain Killer.,, This.remedy; iji.not & .chf*?. Bcnzin? *'* " orl'etrolemn product inust ho l:?*pt | lit RXV3J' from fire or heat to avoittUimpur ; :p of jcxplosiouv nor is it an .untj^eil ?-\j>eri- : ment that jnuy do more harm tliaq good, j Pain Killer has. teen. Inconstant 129? j '/!" for forty years, and the^unlvorsal testimony i, ,f ' from' all'parta'oi'the world' is,It never ;. n r fails. It not'otTy efrrxta'a'perinp.'nent cur?, ! I- hat It relieves"pal'n 'alintet instantaneously. | , P? j Beliig & purely- vegetable reraohylt is saio | 'I'1 la the huirdS of-thft-incst lr-esfjerl^hced. i Mil TSa-. ra/viwl-^f ^mvrto *V?- iVa *-?. ? 1 V. I JlMW WJVO UJ Ul- UV?'V4 * AiX I l?ct . ~U> severe miiferiiitr -from rb0iini?ti*TH. Oar ill . .-r&'Crt ar^x to tbqi-Aiii Kilj-ek, ?cliich'npocdiijr : j" ' relievedlifer. is v- Charles Powell 'writes froiii the Sailors' j i!tirKavo ni?. Biy csw in ! denpair. I triecTyoor Pain "Kilceh, cud it (rave D-.i^fTse immediate ttlicf. I hp-va revalued my ; * skeafrtti. and 6m'now ablo' tofullow xLy usual | t* ofcomtion. .?v .. . . | I ]O. H. Wglworth. Saco, Ke.. -writes: * ' I cxprr-enetd iu3j(cdist<: i ei crfroio pels ?s ' I)- the Fiae-Uy.th? uee-et yogrPAix Kit-lib. - ; i i a. ao. . t IhaveiU)wy. - it-n'T'rUrefwyrlief in ?????of rhertmctiga. . PML Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., 'wrttes: : yrr-jn sctuaJ u*q, I know jour. Pjok- Kit j r* ^ ?- " Ik tho l*s*t icedicme I c*n pct" x >f - AU'drtfetsts iWp ?xti"Ktuxx. ,'tt# prlo? ' if ' ""b -eo'lowtlut iTis-Withln the reach o'r*^ i \ 4. < and lt-wlll a&ve maay'tlnies i?s coat in fcoeewsf' 2^M-5fliauM['5K00.a?m ^.j. PER RY-DAVIS SON, Pro^cfw*, j. j . : A^e>-Providsnfc^ R.1. i . : -V ] ? iJiiU ii i-'iJ* : * "j for * 1, the J v OMMOX i ESSE Mii.NE.li u !l . k i(. one of .?* : t ^n-jines j i now scld for farine:--/. n$i; r.n r^sLS ^ >f: one-third iess tb- n :-ny otuer engine J ^ ! bui't, with ; ;.-n boiler and! ! tubes tix: t;Viirij noticeable j < i-1 features a j , r>, [ J ; i SIMPLICITY IN CONSTRUCTION, I economy m s;- v.., . \,on- j j I Yemence 10 uu j> u- u-i . t:pajrr< v ! be uecefSiiiv. * . i?e : 1 H l\ FIVE HOUSE ? NOISE*fct..$300 j SEVBN HOH-Si. $375 >? i TEN HORSE....... $500 1lERAIs: O'- 't.Vf v.--sri. sni " tile b^lj.ncc1 iii ix.sv.d tw-Vvp months j Ail partus v iv;ng engines will j J-! do well to cive c n, | T>o!?yo an. c.; r:li pmiv {:^..rtin?r that they ' willbe- fcuiid.-iij *ve\ r>s)-cr n?> to the stapda: d.- in suluiii this >;e w ''.Kii.ctli ep^Uti R.tt4-pti'?n io , the Ktyie ari.I~'h)w prices of on; k hands;, me, stylish* pen'e't fitting and i " ' ' aJl - t ! eCOliOllilCill l.eu,?y-njune f .. ? eg a i? - u a. g Yv J 5, & 9 ? |hj | f^j ; t l &>!"- Co* VaV u ?- b J \?3 . 3 Lar^e variety of men's sorting onn ? business f-uits at $5, $7, ?S, &10. ^ $12 . IV: $15. For bo}s and- child: en we Lave a * c- m;ii8 e rt "Willi each member I un'll actually needed. . nx [ .Cannot he .subjected to the elarm*ot creditors jj uor rea<^hedby aetachKentjtiarfl^hinfiiit.f'roih , i er process of law, so as Xo divert -it'rrbiii the ie> j family. ! For further particulars and applications for an 1 mesnberhbip, c*ii on J O BOAO, r j SjpC24~3m .AacctfcrPalrtkldt-'ountj-. I ?Pay yonr subscription Tue 1 News axd IIeuaud. \ ( . tOOEOOTfO^ " :v -for- 'V-. Eariaiis, Bariaiss -AT? ; 3. EEIBEIM1 DRY GOODS -' ?AND? iflCEBY STORES IS I HAVE BOUGHT A LARGE 5TOCE OF CHRISTMAS GOODIND BUSINESS IS VERT EULL [ WILL SELL DRY GOODS 3LOTHING. BOOTS and SHOES MOTIONS, ETC., AND ALSO GROCERIES JONSISTING OF FINE HAM> ?INE SUGAR, FLNE ELOUR ?1NE NEW ORLEANS MOL S 5ES, AND ALL ARTICLES BELONGING TO A FIRST-CLASS JROCERY STORE AND DRY jJOODS STORE, AT VERY SMALL PROFIT. IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTERSSI TO COME AND EX A MINI riiESE GOODS AND TIIE PRICES Respectfully, B. SUGEmiEIMER'S, Dec 20 .hxistmas Comes ?BUT? &&sAr A wop ^ ^ I5 M s && $ i rfr -3 ti ^5/ tJ>3 fir ti B u ? c <* ? Acd in order to meet the wants c: i. T V m ny customers -? uuvc iiuutu ^ iuj stock VTMORE'S MINCE MEAT, ATSIORE'S PLUM PUDDING APPLiS butter. T-> ? rriTW _ T? t> y.Xiv.1 1'jL-Nii< riAiri^o in jdw.yiiio. fERY FINE RAISING in QUARTER BOXES. CITRON, LEMONS, ORANGE? liEA & PERRIN'S "Worcestershire Sauce. rRESII IMPORTED MACCARONI rRESH BUCKWHEAT, FRESH CHEESE, rRY MY SUGAR-CURED HAMS CRY MY PARCHED COFFEE 30BDENS EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK, 20 cents per car ?warranted genuine:HOW-CHOW PICKLES BY the lULrt or pint. ''LOTS" OF EVERYTHING. R. M..HUEY. Dec 90 REDUCTION EXTRAORDINARY IN BOOTS SHOES, HATS, CLOTHING, IT THE NEW CASH BOOT a>*i SHOE STORE. IN order that cvrrv man, womm inrl child in tlie county imn be sup >lied with a good BOOT OR SIIOE, [ have made a reduction on my here of >re tin known low prices, and hop) ny customers will embrace this op wrtnnity as such an one is seldom me nith. Also heavy ?oods for mens tvear. JUST RECEIVED, Dn consignment. a large lot of Crockc r\ and Glassware, which will be .sol( hi a SACitIKICK. to dose out the en Lire stock in a limited lime. CALL SOON AND SECURE THJ BARGAINS. Remember the Store fir^t door sont! of Dualevy ! ! Ccnnine Imported Cognac Brand} ' " J Genuine Imported Jamaica Run) | Genuine Imported Scotch Whisker ! rrMinmfl Imported - Sherrv Wine 4) ? Genuine Imported Piper Heidsicl Champagne, Genuine Imported Holland GiD i Fine Old Ryo Whiskeys, 1 j Fine Old Corn Weiskeys, 'j French'* New England Rum, Old Virginia Apple Brandy, Old North Carolina Peach JSrandy Old Stone Mountain Com Whiskey '! Blackberry Brandy, Ginger Brandy,' Cherry Brandy, ? Hoatetfer's Bitters, Oceola Bitters Belfast Ginger Ale, Smith's Indian Ale, Bavarian Export Beer. r 1,000 Best 5 cents Cigars, ) 2.000 best 10 cents Cigars ' Durham (Biackwell's) Smoking ToI bacco, i | Good Grades Chewing Tobacco MILWAUKIE LaGER BEEE and '! SWEET CRAB APPLE CIDEI J on draught at F- W. HA BEjYICHI'S , j Dec 20 - ii DicTif A c nnnns V IlIlIUl iUilO \JI Wi/L I ?JUST ARRIVED? ' A!S2> STS&I, 05I2^G!! LARGE FLORIDA ORANGES, JAMAICA BANANAS-LARGE ant RIPE. I BARACOA COCOANUTS, AND FINE LARGE RED APPLES RAISINS. Loudon Layer?in all size packages. CANDIES, French and Plain Candies, in Grea Varieiv. r . ' ALSO, FRESH' GROCERIES?STAPLE anc . FANCY. IRISH POTATOES AND ONIONS PURE WISES AND LIQUORS 01 ALL SORTS. ciiEAP- FOR TI5E CASH. PLEASE CALL AND MAKE A PURCHASE. W.H.DONLY. Dcc 3 nTTT? .QTdrir V./ v, JL?J U jL VJIVL IS NOW COMPLETE IN EACf ?AND? ' EVERY PARTICULAR : I INQUIRE OF US FOR EYER1 > ARTICLE YOU DESIRE TC PURCHASE, and SATISFACTION WE WILL GUARANTEE ALWAYS. In addition to our nst?l etock o Dry Goods, Notions, ? lotting, Hati aiid Shoes, we offer spacinl induee. ' raeDta ill GROCERIES akd PROVISIONS ?ALSO? Bagging and Ties at Lowest prices ULYSSE G. JDESPORTES. oct li) V-2A JA*J?L?C5 JBL JLK> X/ And it behooves oac'n and everyone j to prepare for the coining of yoni ' Sisters and your Cousins and roui Aunts,v by buying first claw Groceries in tiic shape of FLOUR, Of which I have the best that can b< bought in any market. Fresh Back wheat Flour made by a new process. COFFEE, ) Rio and Java, Roasted and Green. SUGARS, All oradee. from liurhest to the lowest ' OATMEAL, 1 i In Five Pound Packages. FRUITS, R:iisii)p. Currants, Citron, Etc. AI? a variety of canned fruit. NEW CROP e Kcw Orleans Molasses to arrive in ; " | few days. \ I " OATS. I Four hundred bushels just received ! Red Rust Proof?the purest that cai be had. I As \vc can't enumerate all we have . we invite onn and all to call and sc j n?, and investigate for themselves. 3 B. R. FJLESS5KE3. h Nov 24 TOILET SOAPS! ALLEGE lot of the cheapest Toile Soap lor tb*'price ever brought, i - Wiuasb'oro. "Onil an.I b^'iiorvjnced'. D | McHASTEJS. [ apri 9 v. ri mw stock" 1 I ?IN AT? f. elder's MY-.STOCK of goods for the se? ? : son is now in store and open f< ? i public inspection. In the DRY GOODS STORE Will be found Drees Good?, Cal cuts, Ginghams, ..Ivinpcys. Flannel Bleached and Brown Sh^etin^s an | Shirtings. Drills, Cotton Flannel: j Jeans, Coftonades, Cafisiraeres, Re ' j peliant, Brown, Bleached and Turke j Rod Table Damask, Doylies an ' j Napkins. ^ m ,! CLOTHING. HATS. LADIES' AN] CHILDREN'S SHOES. ? NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS 7 IN the Grocery Department wi] be found Sugars, Coffees, Sjrapt Tea and other necessaries. *rerv ?zxuuv? [ Peaches, Pear6. Pineapple, Salmon j Tomatoes, Corn Beef, Sardine? , I Pickles. Cheese. Etc. A lot of fresl i Cakes and Crackers. . i FISH, FISH, FISH, FISH, FISH In half and quarter barrels an* kits. ]Mackei el in five pound tins. , IN FACT you can get aliuoa anything you want in either the Dr Goods or Grocery line. NOTICE! ALL persons knowing themselve indebted to cither F. ELDER < CO., or to F. ELLER, are hereb ? notified to come np and settle, as a] ciairns not paid by the FIRST DA"! of NOVEMBER, after date, will b placed in the hands of my Attorne; > i for collection. F, ELDER. k Sept 27 CLERK'S SALE. | STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD. ^ j Witto Brothers, Plaintirfc. vs. Sa]in< ' ; Wolfo.Sarah S. Wolfe. .Simon Barucl 1 l^Afnn.^ontc ? \ X pursuance of an order of the Conr j ? of Common Pleas, made in th above-stated cape, J will offer for sale before the court -house door in Winn? boro, on the first Monday in Janitor next, within the legal hours of sale, a . public outcry, to the highest bidder '! the following-described property, t< wit: I. All that plantation or tract c land, lylsisr, being and situate in th County and Stats aforesaid, called th "Arick Place", containing one itr>: dkki) aCuks. more or less, and bonnde by lands of the estate of Josef) Vaughn, of fl. W. Desportcs and bind of Turner Stewart. ALSO, . ; w? nubt a. j: land, lying, being and situate in th I County and State aforesaid, called th ; 'Dellsney Piaee;\ containing* ninety . | four ackks, more or less, a?d I?oitk?.! j ed by the plantation called tIfo"Westo *Place." bv lands of Mrs. TVlleney an< by ether lands of Saling Woife. ALSO, ITT. All that plantation or tract o ' | land, lying, hein and situate in th j County and State aforesaid, c:i!lod th I "Shaw*-Place", containing two iiun | difkd an!) thirty-seven aokes, nior | or less, and bounded by other lands o j Snling Wolfe", and bv land6 of Squii . ! Hall. ALSO, I\r. All that plantation or tract <1 ! ! land, lyiiur, being and situate i?i th i County and State aforesaid, called th j ,4Vann Place", containing one ik-> i dked and fokty acres, 111 ore 01* les. j ajid bounded by lauds of Mrs. Sars MuOants, other lands of Saling Wolfe j and by the road leading to Kiucaid' | Bridge. ' ALSO, ) V. All that plantation or tract c land, lying1. beined lands as can be advantage onslv subdivided wiil be subdivided iist* convenient parcels, and plats therco made, in which ca*e each parcel wil " be sold separately and by the plat f which will be exhibited on day of sale The town lots will also be sold sepa ? rately. TERMS OF SALE.* One-third of the purchase-money t ? be paid in cash; for the balance credit of one and two years from th day of sai(\ payable in two equal an >! nual instalments, with annual interes ! from the day of side, until the who] ' J debt and interest be paid, each war j chaser to give bond, secured by amort 1 gage of the premises by him pnrcha* i ed, and to pav for all necessarv papers W. H. KEIUfc. i Clerk's Office, C. C. C. P. F. C j Winnsboro, S. C., ! December 9, lScJlj Dec 10-td ' 41UU3 HOUSt 1 : THE MOST y " j CHOICE SUMMER BEVERAGES SUCK AS i I SHERRY COBBLERS, 1 ? CLARET PUNCHES, I j SODA WATER, | LEMONADES and OLD VIRGINIA MINT JULEPS TRY THE CELI BRATED B 0 G i? ALWAYS 55 ?i xtj&m a*:d cool J. CLE ND IXIX G. ! may a 3c*t door to W. K, Doty & Co. 1ICO:^ - AHD^E I I ; I i ! 1HI :\Y. ?IEv -m &: ;i. 8? Tr?a? l.ii, ->. I.. && < :v?ld > - pulmonary organs agfflK a safe a?d reliable gsgfey'/ft . remedy invai- ~:i-% r~&LA 4 ffl uable, -AtUK's \ ^HfiitfeY-p&rORAU f J j sucha remedy: *3 1 is - SaeigMMw mh| cL hold for the protection it affords in su?- ; 'J e den attacks. In Wliooping?coug!t. and Consumption there is no other remedy ; ':?5 } so efficacious, soothing, and helpful. Low prices are inducement to try . :p. come of the many mixtures or syrups, ',;%g jnade of cheap and ineffective iugrwii- JM er.ts, now offered, which, as they tain no curative qualities, can after*! w only temporary relief, and are _^are to disappoint, the patient. Disease of th? throat and lungs demand active aae it. The. test of half a t century baa proven its certainty t? euro all pulmonary complaints net already f beyond tL*e reach of human aid. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., / Practical and Analytical Chemist*, * > Lowell, Mass. ' > ! .'moid by jux druggists rvsnrarESB*. U :.;*g Stlu?t*tbo?n-f?ct!l3 LieJXXlhfal color. !Oct*.aod(l tin* ii a:: drog^^ti. * tiin^er, Bachu, JLsndniie, Stfiiingia acdP many of the best medicines known are he* com- n bincdintoamedicineof such varied and cffcctiye S powers, as to make the Greatest Blood PuriSer&tJseB. Cest Rcaltb and Strength Restorer Ever {feci, H "j* It cures Pvspepsa, Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, S ?! atJc:;>c-bes of the Stomach, Bowels, Lua^s, Liver, g | KHr.eys, and all Female Complaints. I If you are wasting 3way with Coasuarptkra orB "t gjasv disease, use the Tonvc to-day. It wii surety # p help you. P emember! it is far superior to Bitten, 5 " ^ J ?I f-_:~ ?? v?rv. a B J^sscnccsw ?iuviua B up the system without int-axicating. 50c. aod$i H" >? n sizes, atatl dealers in dru^s. h'onceewiiwraboctS K signature of Hi cox&Co.,N Y. Se-dlorcircsIarB 1 ? LABGE SA.VDTG IU SUYUfG TH5 DCLLAS SiZZ. g < iHaBBMBBsanunnaBM r. : ' j if? to fi?8fyiiofly! ? A BEAUT I FI'L BOOK for the ASEISCr [- Bv applying personally at tfee^nearefi [] fficeo^ TiJK SIXGEE MANUPACTTJEs ?NG CO. cor by (wstal card if at a dip- ? ' snce. any Al'ULT person will be'pre wit-i a beautifully illustrated copy i h N-?* Bo-->k entitled . GEXJUS REWARDED, r ??B TBS? I;. STORY of the SEWING tfACHIXB ii containing a handsome and coetly steoi; ngruving trontispit-ce alHO. '-8 finely e>"" graved wood cms. and honnd in an elaN' rate blue xnd pold lithographed cover. ? Xo ch?r^e whatever is mode for this nand'ome boos which can be obtained only 'oy application at the branch ant1 subordinate offices of The Singer Manufacturing, r Co. ? 1'fIE SINGER MA^FACTUIUNG'OOT^h^. i Principal Office, 34 Union Square, * mav 17-lv New York. .. " CHRISTMAS GOODS !! ?? ? i o r % a ?) UST RECEIVED: e TEX CRATES CIIOICE FLORIDA 0RA5GFS, t APPLES, COCOANUTS, e BANNAXAS, CANDIE3, . RAISINS, ETC., ETC. ' j " ALL OP WHICH CAN BE BOUGHT CHEAP, ! FOU THE CASH. AT ! I k. B. CATHOAST'S. j Dec lM:n iSjaV**?! I j %Bfe [Running \$mn iSwS^feJSar'l 55s i, irvWll^r-. i g2j Sew??ffiyr23?w?a JAtfQ ' BgpBwSea i ; W,?~ lia DAITiunog tin li. \V PHILLIPS, Agent, Winr^i_ v'^ j boro; S. C. 1 dct" " 'I JOB PEIKTIKG. r % ! All kinds ot JOB PRINTING, enrh M # ! as Letter Heads Bill HeadpEnvelope*-, ' &c., &c., done in neat style-aiid* verv | HEAP, at Tfl ? SEWS AXT> Ii?L\U> Jsw