| i I; - >< fc '*'* ^ A^ 0 f! i\ i\ A i.U. is*1. t\ ' ? " i V !* ?; it I.V. ~;,*T'V-.. ^ -.i < ~ j-v ?. ??? :.f ..jif >?! r-f.*' av _ ; ' Tr?" r*?'-Vi:W, VhlT.lJ vx . UWYC A iS:C.S ft's' *}>-??. V.'i!?:'vv cA w\ i ?. .. , . . ? : m . *#? ? , i:v/. V.'miv;. < 11 ??:*??i^r tnfcfi rl>jl4-'^ f--5'?w S itiiV-ii?v i-v-iiiiiLT n uiai ?>;{ f-y-iv "?";> boi'ic ti!"i v:t: liii'i :V. Hi. ':< ^ iV2*' t t!.-u .u:i? (>1 Or.t t!?y ronhtir e;U!v;?> V.a" ;?* agv li-o?u .i*T? :* r*f tift-'-. i-.u s?u<-r <>;: when <-:m vas Oj?"Si> >??? > '<' Ito ;i"?\ KiHi \vll< arc ??:>;, In the fct a* a ivy* T;;*; NVw Y^k {fontr.! how's njriiiitbc : yet desire ?t> <*?v b.>s*i-m in the Si?;? {',*{>"? :i? f?I!o\very> U> which it ?" ~ JvtrtUei'tt b-v.sj/irt is a humv clivum ?;.>;?* Tveily c?;ilain'e>. :ini ??f Inqnir $n? ;hv ^'iu:h Mxs.-viohu .. -! ;o t'sUt- !>u':ji!h::-s u:j^Ta?*s! tiirir :;ni TSsc (iovcnmr irives tin: iii^i . to ve:* flu* ts:?tcrtv?sy lie will h**M the whole corp Jrrnc L"*s triul bt'^uiu iu: c(itiij>;tr:j.rivt"Iy u:i T::'>\V;i yOi> lis c(?:ui>oi. t.iiirc::! % "t y s;!Uc!;? us kt'.rii a thrust .is ha* yet !>oi: > s.;- dalwari. A Jew ii?or * ;;1) svni.irks tVom (luitcan, ami hi wiJ5 I.??j K;!'.)tkcii i;i tli ? ni. sni'i thai Milium* is |>ro|?:irin: t c.jijj--;. i???; JVi^itlon^y 11: l-sss, 'j'hi <; - :? htif* n -;y t>!V. Mull'iiie is ;i }>: ! J .Jwiv.- lku:^s<>c!v in ioa^fhtifss :*.?< ? ? The mosi ?rr;;:ilyinjf it;:o;:l y ?.? Vv>: vc<*t;i vtv.i about hit:! is tis:: ? tCi* ;?r? 6!*j >iui?vg tlve iicpr.bli j'-:r?i '.feui is cjTnJu'.g" ;t Mahonc parly r" ? Jihvu !?t) oltit'clibii. lie ha * ?voriv6 (MMisluenibly iu .thr; I)') < > .ii'v V'ljMKt SiMavm'u a: 1 tin k Ui? eouM liml. I?;u w nr.^J? Coaled it Ih: v. iii ]>!ay tin irrai-k* v. iiii IlepnblU-an porcc > j??u l;j other wyrtls. {lie worst tin J&ukw&S t!}U! cxpect is an allkuioi ?letivmi: 3&sho?o ui:4 i!*o ik tT4s? I-v?c:ul c??v i'jre of the Hou*e. he will hold th< ??.w'a:^?c ?>f power there as well :;?> i: a:ul e:ui extort .still furl he: LiV.i* j.-k v-ci;?^- it i??aj W >vw!wr or if uiny be later, but Jlioli*.' will, in the not tlistan find Mahoue a ranklini*" Ihon iu ffc?\r shies. Already the Confedcr ??r ?> wjujier now leuiktiw; Nation Iv . ilp- f*uc, Vv'ijkn the Xt?\v York Herald bin') -? oi'I - U itiu nu>t e ro u s! y, ]:i ; - lit ;el o' ?i*0 following remarkable a-^-crtii n< Take South Carolina. for in*lanee "in .. ualty for leaving er atlein]>:in: ;*.? >rsivv an- in cn:i -vs?*;c {?< IKVO a> >Hv;iLrfjy eufliL-vXil a jf.V \v;ts j:i Virgin;;*. Ye jr^Jl *> <> &io\v anything of Soui!< C:tro vJ*K??.4$?Ui2cs know thai. li.c " ^rrrfcllty' Oiivve .. ha* brou<:li cor S:? st?ni?r ??>r.n K-i v.# {hi f&kii* n hcifv.scruriu ring and a Kt?;wb fcRjf fmijitusJliy j??iis hand-, t'K'v* vhctij Ili^y', t;lca>i\-iind^i" <*oKr.-e flu1!: ? .rs jM-'ioi crcnturw5..--^awi make !h v;.c?;\i . ???:?* to ro>ist or cxposi is howled down as an :>f to.U tiiy party," and {!n S^littbJiean leaders. Iliem-elves for tlx <-,i>ed. !. :; ? rs?;;{s J;*C ] >eniorr?!ic ox *"l>y 'rr'lu>injjf to t.'n '^i.^'jk'ii^ent-s-a'wr inlkienej'.ur the ne >. l!<.'WWi&WnM. tfnd H ' sf!j?rl< rKCiiro'.fiivT-in ifhfch this 'The* lo:? ^pT^' ~ ?sr?'iVoui. cnlkiiu * >. > t brk -sttppor .tU*y.-.;?*fcOi;tn:.-Tfcs--rzi'-c-kiu'-iIrar - v?i?u:< f< r ffcirij St?;iirt CatviHui t-hal ? ry.Xi t't^-Vrt-f:^n5\ji::\?5> 1? a? v * -Si'aJo h ?*M^.*itfcjrrily of her. St.d< ?>*1 ?\>&e>tv- Ovulate, :i!l-i 'it wo;:!;? }>5? J >uci*oc:l in jrohfcilnj oSkh'S ;is Mahoao has ti??:r i!i Vir ^i;Vi?- TJv Jfei'i.'t! iihik.'s UsrU* ri ir: ?a-ft ami Hit mrhi'ui stui."i:wni>. Wh3-t is & Concealed "VYs&ptfn; Thr I.'vvi vctesnf of tlie Crii:t;::3coi-tui ? lac ?oi!o.vii;:, yliaUws of a ilc?n>i??ii by !i.<* <.*???rr. on what const; ;: iy (ir>J:iv:v: ?? the Si;iJ" .Via., "?: "A iw:>o? w iu> earn'^ ;HK:osi('(i an*>:u his j,i! :]j, i'Scr^.*?. c?I ? r.isiol \vtiii- i In- rcaniiV* 1**1 U>uclitfi\ ; ;? as to i?,ike jjn ko*??v?* v.t aj>i>:>. i> : y of y.i rv:;i^ ' !?. tv.jv>u<. tJio-i^f!: at ci,:?t::!V<"1. i-rr >c":?r.ra}< '.< i;K\.j?al?iv o?" i:-v. a H? tin::, pv.i lojr-.-ila-r." Ti.i? witii f.'.c ar^u-m-'M ti:a' is iii/l a?fr?:?Mc tt> the l.v.v. Sji r^vri'k-si Ik* carry ?r.v p. rf of B ?*?? " ?? i :** !>: in.ywth 1 The iuTcnt of; lie ??*?v is t!i at 5 mn?t not hnw *.:yrMi!jr a!v -t ns JPfsek.'n :i ia?>"itviiv off p.i?Km i;v - JZC'k juvZvI 1* a -al\ :! (' >!?,i:i i'rt m >U\ti.i of ij'ix'. uif'i?!). l'?r ih u! :> ; 0 :>! mi AiVuijisi A '-' i: l!: i- thi> tf !i<-'i;iis inut' 'vrHNs:"ly lo ? > "U"1 il'.t '.jr,l C.Oilj'Ut" w ^.ri'. v to S-.Mttlt ' o i ' >" i:: !i.:: iJ't'S'.'tl'V : s t; 1 > - ;? 11 i 11 is i- . .; -11 uis I :: y : S ii'>ve<: . " r??r vjv :rul vt";r* :!?! war tl? 1 : ?il I!i ( ;ir tiiti is'if i!?i> ntsis <>! the !m*>? > pr.?i:i!s" :ir yoHnjt mich (- ; the S;s;: ;ii Tho '* Oj'tlii* ( itll-'UV V.'JtS ;l \vi?c !:iC::s - :!"( , hi:? i!:0 <;mvs-; ?? ?!; ' i: i;?!in is"*l:c fiiHTj.iiwr \v< ?": both isnpaln>' bv :i liiifi::-.: r> vliair* of La; . ; aiiil Mr-t.-i-jhysic Tin; Alsnsi; 1 de>irv 1e a ; . tii>siii dcpai'Uiieuts. if tl.cy su'-ceed, nmc [ will ii-ivi; been dune lor e&HMlfou- i ' the S';ilo. " i Tin; rrv !hn? the old O'lh'jje \v.i? a Isisthution which poo : i>oys" co-iid not iittcnd, has been" raise by its eneiirk* iti ths-hopc of pander} u / to prejudices, The eiv.n'jjtM of the ot s jf!i>t.itulu)n were i:krW.]a!.e eueu^li, an iiiiTio inost eastial 'reiOVetn^B to'fhO "V;U: Incite'crl^:'pa5t '}Tars will ?!iow th i. j fnl'iiy of JIjC cjial'jre of it.s "exdnsivt r uo>s.'' S->!!te of thcahli'st i?u:i of ou L^K-hnilctV ftmrttc 8"Ai.'.h:-fr'arolin ' 'V<^Mtriro. ?,f?tfi.\? (jjjeiu* as" tkiicfi^cYii*'* ^) lUr frpiii W'!!i.ar ostracised :!u-y wei' o'/jrots^of JitJC'.itioli "!1<\ uirioit; ;:ini t!u* tVfoi:(is!iij;s t!i'.:v torn' !" oil i:i .t5n;,ul^ c;u:in> r:i;tlj!e; 1'thcm, u y ' '* Jm.o ncUV.c to .secure ;i ;0::C) liHiohiirtc :isul active emi'ihn - v.-.-; jh>MD.- V? o uic >" . i:mn other KK-iitortron .t>f Ihe t jilie Sr.i*Tc>' ct:i oe'fouml n iaVV'-r propoi i:o:i ;k-1i instances." Kvery pn r ; T:-ss5;ni, every br:i;:ch of implies-! h;i .. isMfirhevet! ehiet' oninmeni ; ;!i? "poor boys'* who found a home v tYientls :n:tl iisstrtt"t!on within tli W;i!J.S.of. t be StiUlh. . iUit f-jr t!u:t benetieent llu* ,, ! t hnve been to the S;riJe. ;; ; ! f !MtUvli!u.i!> rpp?>s?? Mit' re-openin ,,; a! the OoUeuv-. iheiu i>;:>e their o! '-jee'ttjiv? cj:'? tl?o Jr?ts ground-;. and n? nfdjf thein bT-nb.ijis 'a iii:u>y w " ; us? f _ n.jj c i The Lottery of Assassination. j The iltiy \v:is arraigned !i oau>ed ;t commotion ia ?!u! o<;urt-rooi r i>y fi>n;;tiUiiiiy iuicnin'tin^ cuuuse * ! lie oii.'eavorci? t:> deliver a wriite but was prevented, m> ho irav t it lo a reportor i??i* inihSicuiioii. It i ! a remarkably v.cil wt inv:i dvMUtmen j i contains some wry strong Rn _ ; sii!X*\v have bee a a:!jusle.d !>y \va L.! ??r tlie ballot. Had Jell' Davis and j dozen or t wo of his co-traitors bee ' j shot dead i:i .Jansary, 1*01, no doul J our Ia!e rebellion never would hav been." lie adds: . . . * : ' t-'- t ' : **1 am oa; ri'ji. j.\ i_ , * j bonds as a patriot. \\ :u?-!?in:fton \va ": a patriot. Grant was a patriot. Wasi; c j Jed the armies of the Jtcvohi t ?"?i*Tn through eight years of blood j' war to victory am! glory. (Jrant le j the armies of the I'nion to victory an " ; glory. ami to-day the nation is happ f j and prosperous. They raised the ol , j w;-r cry, *-1 ?:tI:y round the ?;ag, hoy? | raliv round the Hag," and thousands < { !he choicest sons of the iicpublic wen 1 ; forth to battle?Jo victory or deal I - i Washin^;oi: ami (>raut hy their. v:?!o i ; and suc-x*-^ in war woo tin; udinim lion of mankind. To-day I sutler i ! bonds as a patriot Invanse I had tIi * :nsp:r:i!!o!! ae.u norvo to unite a gre:i i' j politic-ai party to (t soring was deepening an t; deepen1 "our hy hour, and th;i , ! vrith*-- r .hree years or le-s tli i nat" a have been in a civi : ' w: ' lie l ...s touches up Artliujr anil tli ? Stalwarts: . . s app<:ai to the stalwart and Hljerii f p!~>s iintioii for justicr. 1 j'rj. . poul ioihe l%Vpu!>jicaa party, c^pfciali, the stM?w?r?8, ?>t'wlnMO I aj.j prowl ( ; !wr o:?', for jus:ic?*. I appeal to th . 1'ivsiiliMit. of the 1'iiilotl Sissies foia ju? r.' lice. 1 ani the iukji that n:ado liii l ] Without lay inspiration h ?! was :i political cipher. wiliwnt pocvo . ; n:i'tK)r;nr.ct'. i v.as imuniuiio wh, .' hi:n iit New Y??rk last fall during th .? ?;juiv:?ss. and ho and. I:;u ivsj. of ou - niTmi knew *ihat we had all' that w ; ; couitl.tlo to . elect o?l* tjckt t? 11:i< _ '(ii'iiVt"ai"Vf:?iii-:?i-k krnf hi* moiub o i. 'j;i on tin! iariU'or had 1he Morey fer.c v; bee:i delayed :i week Hancock certain , ; ly o ;ld have l>een elected. Then u< . man could tell what would have haji . [ (lenptl to liie iiCjniblic. 1 am mor T ;*tiifctM- {hills Prt'SixwrUK Ar^hi'jj i ; pj-oviajj a wise'man in his uev t ; position, ami 1 e:q>ect he will giv i the nation the finest administration i j has ever haul." ; '; A troLMi deal :?f eraziness cvops ou " I all through this ron.a kable {>roduc i Litm; hrtf ?i6'o:K::ctHil4"f?KVMuM he an oi>j .l*ir!t(sl liar ' vests. '.'\Viiife Arlliii:* .ami"" ( iv.ut ;;i:< <>tliors nr-i: nitti ...M*hcim?;r t? " luVv evyrv possible atlviMi?.^; <*f thi " ttf'ry.; : t!.i " ?l of the r.;v>is&?t :six ! the 6nn.v:;u?l wlht eve of h: | >>?in ik'v%t a]?jk::w ht"fore tSem U ! rr!i:jn?i !hc::i of their ur.^crsiily haste Ordinary ir.en wuu!',! at ica>l lcci mi ; couif >r!aoie. Xcrtliciu an:I Southern Jlillr. : Aissonir llio visitors wito eanio ::: !ari?u't y. Hr is not mne! inrnv-s u writ T].; pr?pT>s of tin ! S >i>th nor wiTli tin* possibility of lie! r romoet ;o:i Willi l!l( X.M'il". ?i:':t tunuif cuiiv. i: >.!? hi-? vloxvs may J>o n>r r : !>iu iii - *>w:i h< > citiir:- ;<> note tin* )>* >! sj.'viincn: , ??! S ??i !: !"? ??! ob.-rrvr?l thru . J' ij:; iit-rt] lie b IS": !i?> (ij-iiiiofs t.f .> ?:};!n-r:i !';:; {*>? it > . \\ !. i! hv >ajv of tin: Aii.tJi!:* ?*;. I iu'jiyiii'ly *.>. \Vii> i> the of? nwivi.f. having l)i*oi . . ... ... ? : n . ... .. . 1 T k.'H ,:i i:* Utu!MU^ i n ; try i;si- A!!:tt:T;t ihiinrc. To take lk< . lc okru Xtnv .?<:r>ry bank as a to-1 of iln* iKlli' :::!* baa!;ii::r >y on f-j .'icncn;! and -i\t> v.'by I lit* ?jo::t!j eannoi ;iia!i>ii:?r:.i:lt:> Tar Jl-ttjij.-rt lical ol -uum.'kt. h'.k ihTak-i to rv. [] V?-t. j?<*?;pK1 *:1" T:(v; S->?11J? ran rai-e ?*\; hiilli-i!! !?;;!' < of irotiuii :n the anie Iheat. lime is no re;:.-on Uy i!;t y c::imuT it lit.?) yarn ijjt-It1:- ^r:-..'!ivr. Ileal never work ?M:.hi fin- \vh;ie in Maine tin* c-iiii uriiiys tin1 iuroiie; w I ! *?. > ;<> :s lor v. < !?> :il ;i time, S;. iiiti-ii {-'I* this ?_?; 1j X'\J l.w s;ty> | ;.;ioe of i:i!><> ' i- hi?i~ *j! yiV'.'n lor tthsenev of liiSiiiiiri alioii to :>iir boruers !i:?s ever heen the lower i'?W of wa;re> irivt-n in the South thxn in i!:u X??r!li. .Mr. Iturker. however, irivi-. the^e l'aU>'. which ' are. for weavers, ten. ehrht anil live , :: \v?'ek ii: A!l.iut:i? I > seven (] ^ am! ;* La't'ui;:! six do!l::rs in .?.J;iine. ThN he {;ftri!??i!e* to >v\*?rclty of while lub-jr in ti?o South. It' these rates he n . , ... ti:C H\XT?lfC ot 1IIC ttt'O >eCtlOUS, it I.Mjj: hooves Northern spinUei> to coiye ; Smr.lt> Mr. Jlarker jfives the tjunHlv I of the AihUitn as of the iowe?t J irrnd'V tor which seven und n = quarter cents ;i yard. less discount*. sire received. Stmie tfjfUl'lnjr follows, : resulting in ti net profit of onh* two l>" 4 * i eCnts u pound on the yoods, or twou - - - j thirds of a cent ft yard?bankrupt ^ profits* The djiTcijii^c (jf L *-s 1 v-nnt'duwu Us it I xJfti C (d l'ft W b v'ii 11 d Mil1 re Js much in this. " . aJ A.s t!? Freights, Mr. Barker savs Th:vf j cotton ;i!.o,.u liiJ^jun baled .cloths it i.s a : iKtlo. \\ <}; (lit!l*reu?. c of?'??.f>0 per bale rin favorbf Koftliern mills. But Mr. ' ; Barker tt?x?k the ease of one bale of . Liroous :i?j;iin>t the whoh; cotton crop. SliouUl the ^outh ever *hii# one-tenth " - .t. .... us sunny nines 01 num as >n<: u?>\> shins of cotton. the rate?on the former it . \v?#?NI be much lower, as cotton takes ; : tip.m.'V^cu! tiin?'> as intieli bulk cloth doe?. Tliis, therefore, h liol a fair comparison. " . Another point Is made, which has . force. In Maine all waste is sold. In Atlanta it is burned up. Evt?n the , ; >nud out of the cotton is sold in the v ; North for fertilizers. "Xo doubt in ; man;, respects the South isuiore wnste?.: ful. but well conducted Southern n.ills no more loss sijrlit of this matter than ){ ; the Northern factories. We will i-1 quote entire (he concluding portion of ; Mr. Barker's reiv.uiks. They have some wheat and a good deal of ehall ! about them: ie '-When a man commences to farm it *' 1 i.;_. in fnl. jj llil'I t*, lie Iliwi ?* .-? \ i *??/ ... ,.Vt , vanee to the proprietor of the cornet ", groferv, and in this way grts his. i.;iiu 11' ami liis rorn mesd. and othel* neecssac: ries. Othcrwi.-e !k; con hi not I i v?* [s while he was raising his erop. The i store keepiT charges him immense ?! profits. When he .-ells his erop of a d ; tew hairsot'cotton, the store keeper ie ; takes the money ami L'ives him hark t. what he has a mind to. The poor larmt, er has no capital lo work with lie 1 1 has nothing to huy fertilizers with. l' ; Hence the land is all run out there, r; They're not raising :uiythinir. What | they need to d> is to fertilize and culiivate their land thoroughly. 1 saw at the Atlanta 1\\position samples of '' what kind of crops could he raised on e fertilized land, i saw some splendid ! cotton. They all told me the country | is improving. The introduction or a s little Yankee- enterprise- and capital ^ into their farming methods will ?et t_ their cotton raising aright: hut we've v got to make the goods for them.*' jj Hios.s us with a good conccit of d ourselves." prayed the old Scotchman. v and Mr. Barker is his lineal descendant, Ite is somewhat mild in many y - * * - ?a *5 0.!I1 I... ,j*' or Ins assertions nnrc ugurcs. cum hc if j iiits )>:iinfc\\ n< ;.l o. Tip re is an.establishment ; : car us thai >t e:ns to consider <;uil toll i_ that goes to their .iniH*". In one in11 stance lately they have taken a bale of j cotton on which a widow lady has a l( j lien for supplies furnished the negroes ?.; who carried it there. They also take r seed-cotton .in large and small rpianti<" oliil.li-mi VA?< j ; iivjiii ijiik; viiiiui^u* _ ] 3fc.fiyw? Editors, if tixs is not encourt 5 riifinir rtis1ione>ty. utttl breaking' down i- (tin? farmer whose only chance to pay u.| his honest debts is by his cotton, I . do ; not know what is. Cannot Me>Srs. s I (Jailbird, Lyles, Thomas and McM;i?tcr t j use Uruir-i^iflnQpce in - the # Legislature |-tt) jont ik?\vr*Mhis illicit traffic, and :1therebyfeaffv benefit a large class of j i their constituents, i.' e.,?the much I abused; farmer who offers yearly from a | tliis gang of Jiarjrics. A Sciteueu. L : Tin: Latk Mns; Miller.?At two ~! o'clock on the morning of Wednesday ? lisf- (i he Hi hi Mr.c. K. F. Miller died. ) 7 \ 7 11 at the residence of licr sou, Mr Daniel c: .V. Miller of I his. place. She was born ,/t.rtt- Sandy, Rjiu. Lexington District, *, South ( flrolfna,- it and was, then-fore, .sixty-seven yra?< old at the t time ? f her death. In 1X>2 she nsar? rh'il ilie late (.'oh IIu^'Ij Miller, of j Winnshoro, South Carolina; and was the mother of twelve children, of whom * live orothrrs >liil live, "hut some have s f.iHeu asleep". In 1*73. !??*inir u widL, ow, she came t<> live with her two sons j in O'eaia. She was "leathered to her fathers. J?:ivi nir the testimony of a ir>orl > eoM>cieaoe; in the communion of the > Catholic Church: in the confidence of a y certain faith; in the comfort of a reasonable. religious a::d holy hope: in faTor with (?o?l, a'.td in perfect ciiarity with all the world". She was hurled from (Jraee Chuich ??:i Wednesday eve1 uinir. wish thai .<>n?ph\ heaoliful serviee \\ hi?*h her church provides for the ? burial of its children. AMcen In J;V?u.?! Fr'-m TVlitri! <*V?T ? ? v\v.pp( A r.i !?*: '?(! n !?? < jvi?v?? I'm .mVui ihv l?ii,t o: I-m-s: ?Florida Lfwoif. 1 R^Ii'.'.'Vdl ?: I.KA^E.?'Th^rv arr '!m"s in > .-\ =? -> H.p '.Vjjt-n ri f:i 11 , an ! .1 iiii-iT Jijf ?-e'ii i: wii r 1 l /. >: ?*. iM'syr J i j ? .f.?r ;>s i;n?y :\t ! KSu.ir-.vV, iwni';.' tlic p n .f kv.->c of it-aii h a!i to. U?.1 ' swirrrv BFi.ii:s.-?u ?< o?'-.r oj !?< r^IV H I "liiy ' ; :s ji!.3T T?. f'T'-J" ' :.v )i -'! .;r" i:>{:? la cu-ir p:;issi* f-i :;?n CulGg:!?. * ?Avo?*'s (Jherry' lVcloral is a rrnlly romurktoic aiid timi'-hoisorori snodii c';.r. it i.? tIs;- i)c-; j-f-iiodv known for , a. iiM.' ?ii?U Of > > / Tint soo.\ iiy u.i i.:\ j r. I,< afiiii,? I>'-mci?niJi<* Journal Ti'iii'i"' of J'r^nm'inf N'! 1;in li-'Sto'T." If sr-?-ii??s t!i;;l tof Cnro'iuit ulr 1h:M :is tl:<; -pcsrfal siook *1 in pi::irr?i!-. u'mni ;>n ont;nao . : of prink'tieo Would 11**!!.':' ;i j' i'tiii year and snore ix-t'oroiho uoiuiua* " siims !>* ?!:' eonwsirioii < !' the j>???jj?!c f?ljt!ci:ins begin !<> pared ?>t:7 the <.t?L*os a'uotig them>r!\es. s \\'e heartiiy atrreo with our con I cm' porarv Tiik Xk'.vs and I1k::aj.!> in iho v sharp rebuke it administers to -the un- a seemly haste" so disgustingly exhibit- a cd by the se!fc?Tk!!?g craft who arc al- ; c; ways after an oli'ure. I So far a> General T?:*::??o:i is concern- : n\ cd. though we have iVctjn.-ntly conversrit with him toiielmig political a Hairs. |j* him! t!io opportunify was fully :ili'.?rt;"i! ^ lihui knowing the hi?fh rospeet in which _ we.hold iui::? wo do not recall a single : instance in Which ho expressed aspira- I ii'?ii< for the gUocniatorial chair. Hi.- I reticence ami.delicacy, ir'hc is an as-j piraut for t!;e.*i'.l!iee. s:re thoroughly in j I-flirt Mom I'lwlf.r . iiii uiiii iiiv. m.in. v, ...... ....... , circumstances \vc cannot eonccivc on < wcmt seorv (Jeneral Uralton would 'to- ! | hl<< chanei'S lo anyljody." The j 1 truth is, (iencral Bratton is the Inst: 1 idau in the State to push HnsseH'on the ; : people of the State for any position, i I The office he now holds. is not. of hi? J ; own seekiny. So, too. we thifik lie '' i the luyUjMU.i, in the Styite to swap eard.s'| j \ti111 uuyhuHv. If We u hth?r*ts ml "Geueiiii -Brattow_> j. i I ctairitr-fM", ami \v* as welt"; ' i as anybody, we think he-$*-'Jftfci:'f&r fr??jj;, i from .fydlMMU* f pf'li/J.caU U'iek>* j , :is any fintn Tn.t?re\SjHtcs.}UHl Jie has Wt.-j jail example in this respect thUt is-! : worthy of all praise.' Our . AY'jnnshorn i contemporary pufc Genera! Unit ton e.v-f ! .-icily iu the light in which we have] j heen accustomed to regard him, al- i ; though we make yo Mirt. of claim to i having enjoved his confidence. ; ; - _"t' ! PJr>til8i*s ! iaothers ! ! Mothers i !! ! : I Are yon disturbed ;tt aigl.tand broken j | of jonr r? st by .a sick child sutlVring and-I 't crying with thir^nrucia'ing pr.in. of cut tin^t cth? If. ??>. 140 :tt ?nc.ft and got a ' T : b-.ttlo of MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTHING : 1 ' It will relieve the porr iiftk- ! ? I snfiVr?>r iimn^diatfdv - depend upon it; i - - - 1. * v >i'i :.. ' lilriv IS no Jl'isUIKe H.N nil IV. Alien: ; i not a mother on earth who has ever ns d ! i.. who villnot toll yon at once tbht it : ' wiU r??UU;te the bowels, and jjivo rest to ! ' th?? mother, nntl reli.-ffcnd he:dth to the ! (-ohild, operating. It i*. perfectly safe to.usc in ell cj\s?;si. and pleas.- nt to | the taste, and is the. prescription of one ; ^ I of the ol lest and best female ptiyeici.lhs i and nurses in the I'nitfvl States. Sold f ! ; wry w hero. 20 cents a bottle. U'-xiy : A Cunjjfh, Cold or Sore Throat should ! , 1)* stopped. N' gl-'-ct t'r ^ufutly results ; ? in itn incurable Lninr Disease or Con-1 sumption, llrown's KroiK-hialTroch- I ; es are certain To ?rive relict'in Astli-i iiia bronchitis. Coughs. Catarrh, Con-' I sninptive and Throat Diseases. For : J thirty yours the Troelieshave been mson:- j ; lnciiilfl by ph>si<;ians. and always give- i pt?rlVct satisfaction. They are not n<'\v ; ; or nnlri'.-il, hut having been tested by i ; vide ind const.itit iwe tnr fcrarly an fiilire ! n? the four staple rorat-?li e> j (if tli- I'tilili/. v(ia.|L-/?t< iinii uefore ue got it. ana it now appears s j good for ten years lor.jrer. K. OLNEY. | j Itewinber that J.ls. tin; only patent j ' e^si; mnileof two plnt?\s of solUl gold (cue out- : 1 j sii!e amlone ilixkfc > ??rerl;.ff every iwrt- ex- j p.wtl lo wear or slclit. tin* pi vat atlrar.tatfu of ; : these, plates ??vrr eiectrn-jfltdlnsr la apparent, to ; | iver? ?De. Ite' is the only p.itust ease with j | which there is irlven a written warrant, of ' ( which the following 1.5 a fac simile: J \ T?WitftCbmrvTUTtyiArtawnurrwJ Die/ \R? mKA*w*erj?rs unroi / \ jBC3vSVpli?rt:<.!dKj(Drns^i?t.sors?o>.l?y fxr-^wsvn r?r?iptof $1. , Office, 35 Murray St., Wow York, j 11 CDr. TCTTS BlIV.II. of Ydltiafcle ?nd V L'wiVI Ko-rtpt? will br ?KaJV>d VKEK *\>$iir\y*. J Victor Sowing Machine Co., a lliddletcrcrsL, Conn. ! Scul'iern CHce, Ko. 8 Chn res St, oultj.-nwc,Kd. ; . . ? v * ' % i t t t o F X. ](OKSO:; & *iON. ro:n Mission f . ? [ ? hunts and IX-ul^r* in FertiKz:s, G8 K.i5:iy. ( ?Ar.i.;>To\, Novrn.ber 0. 1SS1. At the coninK'iio*".iiei.t of another bnsv ess y ar xrs r.eki ow lodge v itli ].lensr.r-. nlul OycJidfince of cur plantyj, h it'ii'ls. OiiSON S COTTON* ASD ClUN 'miTIMZEH o::--?i\ s <'oVV(?T"vm ><:1U i iltlM'lIATK. uve irivt-u v?ry jira trying fntistV.etior.. ur C-iUi'ii an'.I ('oni Fi?i:i!izev is of tinIt c(??hirj:w union;.,' other i :.ls?We i! ?; ( <1 Junta ;>er edit. ot Am:n2i u K | i-r *:t. o!" l\>tas!j. HI pur cent, f iivaihbh:. I'hosbliutn, Having "W-r. irtons tItc Qr&t tn irffroibiOf in this irt'.n. wo (*:-n .contitleutl.v :??vr tn c.u!::;i*i.ng fr:? nflsthut dnrin^ thft svrio* of earn w? ba\c sdld Haiti we haw i\vjiv? i,'iv?u p. onre njtir.i?. livery Manis tc-stwl. We- i>nVr tliii nbo\c i'er.ilizL'S for cash, time <>r cotton. Planters oj'U-rini? imineliately will be iloVetl to the 1st of ;\ j.ril to (hci preft-r, c:>sl: or time. An or.i:?;*:v--'. t'tyxii -"-l b- . ;t-'7 Cidii*. .* '.sr.-? "" ifjnSof;.; ' %::. ? .* u*i." ' *' %_0_o-3^:; . - ; r). laxde&elf^ brofl . INVITO ATT-EXTia>;- TO, and lespeoxyulty solicit an nspection of. theiit fall lnd winter stock of T\nTic*t? n AAT\VI JLU\? TOMATOES? x fiwiuuop. "RES 11 TOMATOES, fkesii peaches, fljefell succotash, fkesii stkixg beans, fresh Lima beans, . fresh baked beans, vnrsn rnpirw X i nAf, V ' -" FRESH MACTA R0NT,:. *'' 'nKSII QUJNCE8, FRESH BAKER'S BROMA, FRES H M ACKER ELL, .>Ib cans. "RESII SALMON. . * FK'ESJl JOMATO SAUCE," FRES1I IMPORTED OAT MEAL, LnUi^ClUU" v, r ' : / FRESII MACKEREL, one pound Hll*. ' ' FRESIIRIiUB ARB or FIE PLANT, ry ir. CONDENSED MILK, don't pav uscy prices, try tiiiuc." Five Boxes Bast London Layer tai>ine?new crop. Trc r.iv Parched Coflee. 1 sett vou Ill >? ?i J I I ^ ?4 I J V.I ? 'Ml MUII I nve to pay for paper wrapped around A full line ' of Sugars and Orecn 'oflces- My space v> ill not allow iirther enumeration. 'ALL Axi) UP: CONVINCED THAT I kee|i llie Iwst selected and chespr>t lock of Emoiiy Groceries in Town. I have the l?cst Five Cents Ci?rar in kin erica. Choice " Sino"kinjr Tobacco. EHMS CASH. OX DELI VKKY?XO EXCEPTiOXS MADE. R. M. HUEY, or! 15 ~ NQTICR \ LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO S FOR fll'AXn WILL FiXD IT 0 TIIEIK ADVANTAGE TO SET- i EE FOR SAME- EEFORE THE HiST OF NOVEMBER. A* AFTER iiAT DATE TIJEY WILL 17AYE O SETTLE WITH . t THKEX(-Y , ZsD LOSETlIE COTTON OFTIOX. R. J. XcCABLEY & CO. Oct 11 : " " i t i \ CAEPETS! | Carats I Car-eats I , ^ ' i i HAVING 1'UIxCHASED A CARPET EXHIBITOR. [ Which will bo hole in a few <1. vs. j with nearly OXK HrXDT^D SAMPLES of different kind.:, t\ PEITER. ETC.. ETC j ? I I ALSO INVITE YOl'll ATTENTION TO GUI UOASTED COFFEE. (Jlre me a rail ami examine for yourself i Articles u>o mitncroti.s to mi-ntinti. | 5>. R. FLEXXIKKX. | apH A3 UUHHUUSt! i j < TIIE MOST / \ CHOICE SUMMER BEYER G E*' SUCII AS SHERRY COBBLERS, ; i CLARET PUNCHES, SODA WATER, i LEMONADES and | OLD VIRGINIA MINT JULEPS, j i . TRY TIIE CELEBRATED IbCCK BSrSR, ALWAYS ' CQSL. j. c l r: xvixix a. \ may? Next door to \V. It. Doty & Co. j 1 g ? t s 3 s : s 2 r c 6 2 ^ ? 5- 2 g P ? | hi ? J ^ i s i?s s- \ .i .| .a ? v, ? l^i "J 3 y a V o ?S ^ vJ 1 C.%. ' 5" 3 S 5 S S E? - g 8=5-81 s| fi| ?' > k- S o * ^ ~ g-* a* y r.i M w ^ s t-> H m *^3 ^ Cj F^Il 3 o ? w h h u ,d: ._ a y- s ^ ?-3 . 2 3 g f S a ^ : ! H ? 2 ? * v, a o ! H ; >3 (7> ?? *2 1 rfl ? ,' L. ? > ? > I tri! ft M CO ? J3 Q o a 8 E =s *5 50 5 P 8^5*3 5-8 1 2gris 8 " IS* * i I .ij r . * 1 .? g n ?r?- JS* IA jr ^ ? ."ji.'f.'MvPl : .'.* ?po' ' ' ' i-. ?? i ;COME AND SEE! i j; -my? i I ELEGANT DISPLAY j ! - - | II FILL ill i I j MY Stock of JVy Goorls Clothing, !SL)<>es. Boots. "TLils Caps, Nations, Tnuirniu^s, Millinery, Ladies' Cloaks ; ;ui(i Dolmas ru'e now complete, and 11 atn happy to say are j MUCH CHEAPER tL is season than heretofore. .Boys' Clothing and Misws* Cloaks a specialty. I theicfore take gre?it pleasure in ;u:kin^ my friends and the ri-CLIC GENERALLY to aiirl sec v.hjit I hr.ve this year. 1-lef^tcliiilly, >* JOS. GIvpESCIIEL oct 1-") : ! __ > ? ^ubi-rnbe to T::NKV.'S . .??'!> i4LU.l)*i>r / 4 r - / . * WW ~mw MOW! iiijl? OJUUB. Is OH; ?IX AT? : F. E L I) E 11' s. ' : ( MY STOCK of goous for the ?ei j sen is do-v in store unci open for; public inspection. In the DRY GO OPS STORE "Will 1)0 fomi-.l Dross Gotxl^. C:i!i ! cv-es. Ginghams, Linsrys. Flannels.; P>io;;eheI :tn |K:ii:ii5t, Brown. Lluuhe.i tm-1 Turkey jioil T:-.ble Dania.sk, Doylies and Napkins. CLOT KING. HATS. LADIES' AND CHJLD.UEN S SHOES. NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS 'I < IN tlie Grocery Df-paitment will! lie fomul Coin ok, Syrups,i ( Tea and other necessaries. ! ] ?ALSO? Peaches, Pears, Pineapple, Salmon. 'lYkinntntxa f!r?rn i Pickles. Cheese. Etc. A lot of fresh ; Cakes and Crackers. t.i' . ' . ..J.: FJSII, FISH, FISH, FISH, FISK: j' . In bait ann elaborate bine and gold lithographed cover. No charge whatever is made for this bandsouie book, which can ho obtained only hv application at the branch and subordi- ' nate offices of The Singer Manufacturing i Co, THE SINGER. MANUFACTURING CO. j , Principal Office, 31 Union Square. j mav 17-ly New York. CRALX! SRAim I GRAIKI i: . . !1 WHEAT. UK!) Kl'.ST PROOF OATS.j ; It YIi AND 1)A11 LEY. <> JUST RECEIVED A FULL STOCK j | OF BAGGING AND TIES. j | TENNESSEE WAGONS?CII EAT! ! ! AND GUARANTEED TO GIVE I i SATISFACTION. I _o_ | ! Always on hand .1 full and sclectj stock of Groceries and Hardware. ' J. F. McMASTEB & CO. sc*t S HEW | noon si v_/i , I : ... . ..... . . . j o? A NICE LOT OF NORTHERN j . . CABBAGE. "! ' M A FINE LOT OF NEW IRISH j ] POTATOES. j. I ... A NEW SUFPLY of MACKEREI j j ?THIS YEAR'S CATCH. | NEW FLOUR and FKESII BOLTED ! i MEAL-JUST COME IX. 1 ; ; I CALL SOON AND GET THE; i'lKST b-LJLrX'AJLLLN. j TC. H. Donly. au? 4 ; ^ECraMIIGS wu,l sell the few \vahons still on hand at low riGr:;j-:s. "OLD IIICXOWY" I HAVE A THltEE-SEAT l'LATFORM : Sl'lIING COURTLANJ.) WAG OX, WHICH LOFFEli LOW L'OWN. ,\ FEW SLTS LL'OGT .\]'D WWGlS I.'AKNKSS. nov ZVO'2'ICK I*S fj'-V' hy ^iv~r: l!i?f u.ijiMc'li'?n will ] > IM'i i'; to tin- Jj ?i>l:iturv- ;?l the c;:su,-e^sir;n. f-jr ti:?- inenrpr.ruiion ot a \:fiw.v Gange Il.ii:?1 bi tv.-i on V.'inn -b-vr ? ?r?'l v ui- .'istiiji, o; sf.2JC ? oh; 1 l;c-: th<- l.:>r ; I:. : 1. .4 . \ . fin 13 4* S JCfl^f La it!IIV SWEEPING irresistible ciiwnrt!, in caiia < ng no claims on tne citizens 01 v?innsooro c lay. throw on my counters pant leauers^-s ivilder, amaze al:d ustcHisLc iioth buyer and 5 Gross of School Slates, forge size, f SO Gjos-s Slate Pencils, at 5 cents pel 20 Gross Lead Pencils at 20 cent% pe 1000 Papers of Needles. at 2} cents. j edits a gross. oOO packages of hairpins al To Dozen Tui kisli Path Sos:p at 5 cct Ladies' Bandke:chiefs at 2.1 cents up MY PRICES THEY CA'J A!\D fix the attention of wondering1 thousi wr patrons grow more and more numerous* bale I sell by the yard; i?000 Yards of btaftdard Prints reducc 10 Pieces Kentucky Jeans at 14^ cent 0 Pieces Kentuc ky Jeans at 18, 22, 33 30 cphis per \:trd. CliOCKERY AND TIXWA.PE- In order soil both iines of these goods at seventy-live [)XLY. SHOES. SHOES?Two thousand dollars 2d. Now J* your time to invest before the a liave money, let goods sell for what they will J.LM nov S THE ACK NEW" Kl/ILYI AERIf ED AND TC ?-i-o?p I DON'T buy rintiJ toti have Been my Stock fr*-or-*r+liTTur >U1|J uxjvk v; ? w j-? PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. I keep ou hand most of the LEADING S" Prices to suit the times. Lumber and Si leatly repaired at moderate prices. SAVE YOtJK FREIGHT BILLS AND OTJ 1NG YOLK GOODS OF R. W. PLAIN K I AM NOW RECEIVING daily my Fall Dry Goods, consisting in part of Domestics *reat Variety, Corsets, Hosiery, Gloves, Not 3f all kinds, tthich Trill be sold as low as the AND FANCY GOODS in all the novelties our Milliner from Baitim< re. has selected care, and no pains will be spared to please < the above DEPARTMENTS. Miss CLAC'l seasofi again. IF YOTJ WANT A SEWING MACHINE nnd the best Family Machine on tije maiket Hw>n, lw>itiriei ?vor introdu It is a j-am-ct Jilting cor.vi, and ;tT;ips\ cftsiK- ftf'jus'-ft.l t? r.nv desired lfng*h. It.f PATENT CLOTH STEEL PKGTEi TOK, which r.< -n-tin^, bat a!-P renders it imj o-<-.ible to brouk tlie ticn l?r. 1 OK SALE ONjlI by 1UHV ' " " mTlTIon CLOTHING HOUSE, CO ?o MOST romplffe sfm-fc or < lotiuiijr m me .> Hid tirt-kwear in endless variety. ]joys' S?iits, :he latest styles ami tinfch, at prices lo suit tJic FIXK sltors for men and hoys. Taylor Manilla. ami Welister's braids in all colors, the: Alpava roajs hi hH shades mid qualities. Silk ' nul Mohair busters in all styles. ALLOllDEltSPROMP july 7 ope:--io War.ufactured by !SAAC A.SKEPPAR4 *>2 >ox iV DUIjLLVY ?t : ; . '-" j* # . > *" '. ' - C *"> '. ' - 3iscTaiu of pnnv rivals* mak>r Huroimdings* but day cftef penalties at pi ices tli/it be-* it 5 cents. 200 gross of fine buttons nt of rv-nts Tier rsi>rfc?. 75 cents cacb. ? ;^|| CH THE EYE* H mds. and as the news spreads -y\d As the factory seils by the >dto Scents. i up to best goods at 45 and to close ont the stock I \vi:l ccnts on the dollar for CAJSii vrortb of shoes to be sacrific* ? :>Id weather sets in. I niasfr TM1VA T7GTT. KOWLEDGED LEADER. Tl'RE! ! I ) AKIUTE. I . FbrdesT^n and workman-* ^ [ to be as represented, and A New Supply of picture . Frames, Cbrofnos and Wall J Tockets; Brackets, Hat Racks, Mirrors, "Window Cornices, "Window Shades, Tift Sets, Spring Beds, Mattresses. MONEY SAVED IS MOKES' M EWING MACHINES and at angles for Sale. Fnrniture TEH EXPENSES Blr BUY* PHILLIPS. Jj Stock of Staple and Fancy i. Calicoes, Dress Goods m ;ions,^ Fringes. Laces, /.utious ; of the season. Miss BLACKv -I the above goods vfta great stir friends afrd customers ia ?*? \ will be with ns the coming . I, one that has stood the test., , three hundred afird fifty of !>a gi eater r^n^e of vorkt&aH t J. O I30AG& 'f'WzM , Flour, Meal, Gri>?t, Bacoti, Mackerel, Tobacco, Cigais* e. ery tbii>? yon vrafil is to % s cbe;ip as can b# bought try:ts and woxthy of your atlen< CHAIRS, LUMBER, ETC., da A n IB -OV^xxvjr. SS" CORSET. 1 is by far the/ most comfortable bun ut w 'and improved ^Ixwrid^r jy.T . lifOr-iitw- >iie imnui-sely l*-p" t? *W * ' t only. prevents the xtecls frcru^^j clasps. Warranted in every p?r-? J. M. B?ATY ?? CO. . ' ; ? j drrS AED, g iLUMBIA, S. C. S AS * . . . . e. tnte. Cents* forniVhinjr Suits and jMchs>" Suite o ? times. ;oli>r: ana '? celebrated Mackinaw, alsdparis is the Derby raw-:, and juries a?k1 Alpaci and Lineiiominec. TT V riTTT^ LCO.. UjI i llilitii/. ^ _ < ?. E BEST IS THE SARKET. cn different rises aftd iJnds. Five h Enameled Ktycrvoira. Adapted to * ^ rf iremeiito,afld priced to suit all purser wLt^i . Wi ADINC FEATURES: M Wood Doors Patent Wood Grata. >le Damper, Inteivlmngesble Auto. tielf. Broking Door, Swinging Heaitfcwinging Fine-Stop, Reversible Gas: Cross Piece, Doable Shod Heavy Riiyr Covets, Dhuninated Fira ;i??el Knulw. Stf-fcel Pqads, etc. u:icd tn Xlau-Tial, in Finisfc, and it! 2 & CO., Baltirrtore, ??2U , : T, IVrm .b'koi o. S. S.