T HE ?sl4 HERALD ESTABLISHED 1844 WINNSBORO, S. C.. OCTOBER 27th, 1922. VOL L. NO. 31 FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEWS BY OUR STOVER We have been having plenty of rair 4tely which makes our newly buill roads very rough. Mrs. J. T McDonald, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McDonald, Jr., and Mrs. Olin Salley and Miss Mhammie McDon ald motored over to Nitrolee Thurs day and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Wil Kirkpatrick. Mr. Willie McDonald is spending a few days with homefolks. Mr. Storment McDonald and his friend, Mr. Butler, spent Thursday night with Mr. McDonalds parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald. Messrs. James, Willie and Storment McDonald, John B. Smith and Butler went opossum hunting Thursday night. Mrs. T. M. Black and Miss Lizzie Black spent Friday with Misses Mary and Sallie Black. Mrs. J. S. McDonald, Sr., and Mrs. Olin Salley spent a while Wednesday afternoon with Misses Mary and Sallie Black. Miss Martha McDonald has return ed home after spending awhile with relatives -at Woodward. Mrs. J. T. McDonald, Sr., and Mrs. Olin Salley called on Mrs. Irene Mc Donald Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Irene McDonald and children, James Andrew, Hugh and John S. spent Wednesday with Miss Janie Bankhead. - Misses Sara and Annie Black spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. B. S. Bankhead. We are sorry to report that Mr. R. B. McDonald is very sick. We hope for him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Black and little daughter, Estell, spent Sunday with the formers parents, Mr, and Mrs. T. M. Black. Mrs. Higgins spent Thursday with Mrs. B. S. Bankhead. . MITFORD rs. W. B. Lumplkin spent with friends near ler Glass spent the week en 'ss Janie Belle Lumpkin. Mr. W. B. Lumpkin motored to Winnsboro Friday on business. Miss Emma Smarr spent Saturday morning with her aunt, Mrs. J. S. Glass. Mrs. J. F. Thomasson spent Satur day with Mrs. J. M. Smarr and fam ily. Mr. Charlie Steele, of Great Falls, spent the week-end wits friends and relatives in the community. Miss Ada Srparr spent Sunday with Miss Hattie Steele. Messrs. Alex Glass, Rufus Keistler, Joe Nichols and Mrs. J. A. Nichols motored to Chester to see Mr. Heath Nichols, who has undergone a serious operation. He is doing nicely and hopes to be home in a few days. Messrs. W. . Lumpkin and Boyce ichols motored to Chester to see Mr. Heath Nichols. Mr. J. J. Steele has returned from Rock Hill after a very pleasant visit to his friends. The Epworth League Sunday night t 7:30. Everybody is welcome. Mt. Zion B. Y. P. U. Sunday morn at 1-1:30 every body come out. STROTHER r. Chapman, of Newberry, spent week-end in town with Mr. and s. W. B. May. r. and Mrs. W. B. May and Miss len Gue wvent to Winnsboro Satur There will be an oyster supper at s. J-. S. J. Suber, Jr., Friday night vember 3rd. The proceeds for the Iding of a chapel. rs. T. B. Willingham spent the k-end in Union with her mother, .Counts. .B. May went to Greenwood Mon on business. Mrs. W. B. May, Mrs. Ella Hentz, rs. J. S. J. Suber, Sr., and Miss elen Gue went to Newberry Mon ay. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Little and son, ill, Jr., have gone to Wadesboro, N. C., on a months visit. SNrs. W. B. May gave a dinner Tuesday noon, eelebrating the 21st birthday of Mr. Hunter Brown. Miss Helen Gue helping the guest. HILLCREST Mrs. A. Mac Park; M children vis ted relatives in Hickory Rsidge Sun ay. Mr. J. L. Cathcart, of Winnsboro is visiting his aunts, Misses Belle an< Janie Lemmon. AS REPORTED CORPS OF CORRESPONDENT! Mr. George Timms, of Hickor: Ridge, spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. A. Mac Park. Mr. George Chappel, of Jenkinsvilli spent Sunday with Mi. and Mrs. W J. Lemmon. Mrs. Mary Boulware and childrer of Hickory Ridge, spent Sunday wit] her sister, Mrs. J. M. Park. Mrs. Annie McNaul left Saturda3 for a visit to friends and relative in Columbia. Messrs. W. D. Young and Boyc Park spent Wednesday in Coluhibia. Mr. John Crawford, of Horeb, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hawes las1 week. Mr. George Park motored to Mc Conellsville Saturday. Mrs. W. J. Lemmon spent Monda) with her sister, Mrs. A Hugh Park WOODWARD Miss Ray Montgomery came hem( eida from th- Chester Sanitarium for a short visit to her parents, Mr and Mrs. Sam L. Montgomery. The many friends of Mrs. J. C Stewart, who has been ill, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Nicholson, for the last ten days, are delighted to know that she is improv ing rapidly and hopes to be up and out again soon. Mr. Robert McIlr.oy spent Sunday with his father, Mr. David McIlroy. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McAliley spent Sunday afternoon witf Mrs. Laurie Brice. Mrs. McAliley has recently returned tb her home in Chester aft er spending several months in New Jersey and New York with relatives. Mrs. J. F. Coleman spent last Wed nesday in Winnsboro at the home of Dr. a d chanan. acie ax ' frice and wera'up -rChesterlast T ternoon for the picture "The Country Beyond". Mr. Sam McClerli.n, who has been in North Carolina the last year is now with Mr. W. M. Patrick and is receiving a cordial welcome from his friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Coleman sper, Sunday in Columbia with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Coleman. Misses Marie Jones who teaches ir the Ridgeway schools with Mr. A. R, Nicholson, Jr., came up Friday after noon to visit her sister, Miss Bessie Jones. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. :Sam Brice and went with Mrs. Brie and Miss Bessie Jones to Charlo't Saturday. Mesdames A. W. Brice, Sam Brice J. F. Coleman and Mathew Patri:4 attendled the D. A. R. meeting ir Winnsboro Friday at the home of Mrs. Mark Doty, where Mrs. Doty and Mrs. A. W. Brice were joint host. esses. A delightful meeting of the Junior Christian Endeavor was held with Miss Ellen Wallace Brice Friday aft~ ernoon with Miss Lizzie Mae McDon* ad as leader. At the conclusion of the program, the children played games and were then served hot choc otate andl chicken sandwiches. The Mission Study Class was held at Concord church Tuesday afternoor with Mrs. Melvin Blane as leader. The regular monthly meeting of Catherine Ladd Chauter U. D. C. was held with Mrs. W. M. Reid the second. Friday afternoon. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Sam Brice, thE tirst vice president, Mrs. W. M. Reid ing the time for election of officers, the program was dispensed with and the entire time was devoted to busi ness. Mrs. J. F. Coleman was elected as delegate to the General Conventior which meets in Birmingham and Mrs. Sam Brice to the State Conventior which meets in Greenwood. The following officers were electe for the coming year: Mrs. J. C. Stewart, president; Mrs Sam Brice, first vice president; Mrs Macie Brice third vice president; Mrs J. F. Coleman, historian; Mrs. T. W Brice, treasurer; Mrs. A. W. Brice registrar; Mrs. Jim McKeown, secre tary. During the social hour following thi meeting the hostess served chocolatA and sandwviches Miss Rebecca Lewis had as he guest last week, Miss Margaret' Ster ling, of Avon, and Miss Mary Lewi also was her guest for the week-end Mrs. Young Lewis went to Rodmar last week to vijsit her mother. Mrs Millingo, who- was ill. ;SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS WEEK IN THE INTE] Salem-Thursday, Novemi Bethel-Friday,, November Mitford-Tuesday, Octobe Winnsboro-Saturday, No HAPPENINGS OF INTER r 6,j Uvjitd'alihh STATE, captain Carlisle White Proves Thai Staple Can Be Raised Despite the Pest. Chester.-Capt. W. Carlisle White & young banker and progressive farmel of Chester, is unquestionably one of the most progressive farmers in the Piedmont section of South Carolina He has waged a successful, strenuous battle this year in raising cotton un. der bell weevil conditions, by using calcium .arsenate poison and other things. He will make from 10 to 11 bales of cotton to the plow aird over 400 bales on his farm. Captain White Is a World war veteran and has beez larming only two years. By hard wort and ingenious resourcefulness he hai practically triumphed over the bol weevil. His case is an excellent ex ample of what can be accomplished in the Piedmont section of South Caro lina by a young man working along scientific and progressive modern farming lines, adapting all of the ney methods and only holding fast to tha1 which i best in the old. His, crop o: cotton is the subject of much opti mistic talk in this sectipn of the com monwealth and is proving a great .in spiration to other farmers and is a barometer indicating that splendic crops of cotton can still be raised iH the Piedmont section of South Caro lina, despite the heavy inroads made on the crops by the boll weevil. Sells School Bonds. Mulins-The trustees of the Mullini school district sold the Issue of bondi reebntly otd oflhooL.paXoses amotinting to $45,500, for a premiun of $3,115 and accrued interest trom the dqte of the bonds. From 12 to 15 bond companies were represented aI this sale. Some very spirited biddinj was indulged in by the representatives of 1 vanrous com panies. Sidney Spitzer & Co. of Toledo, Ohio, iere the . successful bidders. The trustee feel that they have made a very satis factory sale of these bonds and were lucky in being able to place them on the market while the bond marke1 is so attractive. It is understood tha1 the trustees plan to begin the erection of a very modern school building i the early spring. Much Profit in Onions. Sumter.-It seems that the onior crop was a profitable one in this coun ty this season. It is a new crop foi Sumter farmers and having heer found successful this time, a numbe1 of Wedgefield farmers have decided t< plant 150 acres this fall. They wil plant the variety known as the Browi Australians, as that seems well adapt ed to the soil and climate of this see tion and there is a ready market fo1 them. County Demonstration Agent J Frank Williams reported that the on ion crop this year yielded $150 pel acre. Sumter Sells Bonds. Sumter. - At a special meeting o city council for the purpcae of re ceiving bids for the purchase of $100, 000 paving bonds the bonds were awarded to the Hibernia Securitie: company, semi-anual interest, fol $100,225. Bids were received fron four other companies, ranging fron $98,500 to $100,600 annual interest. Council directed the clerk to take up with the various banking institui tions of' the city the mattere distribu tion of the funds derived from the sal' of the bonds, with a view towards re ceiving from them a bid for interes to be allowed orr the daily balances fo the whole or'a portion of the proceed: from the sale of the bonds. On the question of cost of wate mains to be laid to the abattoir now il the process of construction, it was de cided the water department shouli pay the cost of extending the main to the city limits, and that the cos from the city limits to the abattol shoul be charged to the abattoir. Stops Train to Save Chicks. Graniteville.-An incident which a1 tracted the attention of by-stander near the railroad tracks here was th stopping of a train before 'a dimimi tive hen with her bird-like brood tha hopped and fluttered invain to cros the rails. The little mother realize her predicament, as she jumped bac -and forth from the track, then retur! i ed to her baby chi'iks which were ui TO BE HELD THE COMING tESTS OF GOOD ROADS er 2nd: Speaking. 3rd: Speaking and barbecue. 31st: Speaking. 7ember 4th: Speaking, barbecue. GENERAL NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD James O'Donnell, Mechanic's Helper, Credited With Having Saved Nearly a Score. New York-Fifteen persons, most of them children, lost their lives in a fire, believed by city officials to be the work of a pyromaniac. The flames swept with murderous suddenness from cellar to attic of a fve-story brick tenement at Lexington avenue and 110th street in the thickly populated East Side. The blaze apparently started in a baby carriage under the stairs in the lower hall under almost identical cir. cumstances as the recent incendiary fire in an upper west side apartment house which resulted in seven deaths. So quickly did the flames shoot through the building that a number of the dead were found in bed burned of suffocated without the slightest oppor tunity to escape. Nathan Silver and his four children wc: amons the victims. Mr. and Mrs. Abrahami Matilsky and Sidney and Catherine Sttirman, brother and sister of Mrs. Matilsky, also perished. City Marshal Joseph Lazarus. while on his way home, saw smoke issuIing from the hallway of tle build-ing. lie ran to the next corner and trued in the a!z-rm. When he returned the whole building the ground floor of which .s occupied by stor;.,. was a iass of gams and exIt by the stair ways was cut o. I'st 3 ' : r::3 ,n the second floor ucco l 'n ma Ing tho!r way down the fire e.;.aps, but- h6se on the upper floors had to battle through snmice ad fla'mes pour ing out of the windor-s. Several tenants perched on upper story. windows threatened to jump, but were prevailed upon by firemen to remain until laddeas could be raised. Orie aged woman, Mrs. Mary-Inglas3. disregarded the warning and leaped from the fourth floor, receiving inju ries which caused her death. While the firernien were at work on the second floor and preparing to fight their way to the one above, the third floor collapsed, but not before a warn ing roar had sent the firemen to safe ty. Nearly a score of pesons owe their lives *to 17-year-old James O'Donnell, a mechanic's helper, who was eating at a restaurant in the vicinity when Ihe heard a woman cry for help. Run ning to the street he saw the woman leaning out of the window on the sec ond floor of the burning tenement with two small children by her side. The young man clambered on the sill of a store window, jumped and caught a swinging sign and pulled himself -up'to the window. He led the three frightened tenants down the fire es cape to the street and then raced~ back and rescued the woman's 18 m ronths'-old baby, who was asleep in a crib. Later he went to the roof of an adjoining building and by throw ing a b~oard over the alley space made it possible for a number of tenants' *who had been cut off from escape on the roof, to cross in safety. Industry Shows Big Gains. New York. - Developments of the past weejt in industry and finance are encouraging in many respects. Whcolesale and retail activity in par ticular increased perceptibly, being partly stimulated by the cooler weath -er. Continued strength in prices for farm products, however, overshadow ed for the moment other important In dustrial factors. . -Although cotton growers have sold the staple 'elvily, e-xcellent buying by the foreign and domestic trade has given the market the needed support. A tardy awakening of spinners to the fact that a real shortage may have to be faced later, it is pointed out, is responsible for much of the present ac tive demand. Cotton futures at 23 cents a pound or better are selling at the highest levels since the beginning of drastic deflation in 1920. The ef fect in the South is already apparent. Prevailing grain prices also con trast sharply with the recent low lev Iels and with prices of a year ago. While fears of a war in tire near' east gave the market its first impetus, con tinued strength since the smoothing out of the difficulties in that situation indicate a healthy statistical position. Report of shortag3 abroad have been aimportant fatrin the market of SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUC RELATION BETWEEN GOOD WEEKLY NEWS LETTER FROM WINNSBORO MILLS Folks down our way are ordering coal and wood. The past few days have made a little fire look very chierful. Makes a fellow think of Hallow-e'en. We have brushed the dust off of our old pop-corn popper, bought us a few peanuts and popcorn so that we can sit around the fire aft er family prayers at night and have a good time. Sometimes we gossip a little or talk politics and then again we talk about life, our daily life, the life of the very day that is just clos ing and try to find some worthy things that we have thought, said or done. en we naturally, speculate a little about tomorrow, and all of the tomorrows, until -we find ourselves headed out into eternity, somewhere. And we wonder out aloud what we are going to do and where we are go ing to be out there. Somehow we be lieve that we are going ou there. "Where do we get our belief from?" Well you see we are foolish enough to be a bit religious. And we read an old .Book called the Bible and iti has a lot to say about eternity. And too ve have'nt been able to get away from a deep desire and looking for ward to an eternity in these human lives of ours. We believe that a Mas ter designer is working on a plan that one day is going to be finished and when that is finished everybody is going to think a little more about eternity. Then we quit popping corn andI go to bed thinking about man, God and eternity and wonder how it all is going to turn out. Mr.. H. C. Everett, Jr., Teasu of Winsboro mills arrived from Bos ton Sunday afternoon- and spent se eral day-s in the village giving "us" and "it" all the once over. We are always glad to see Mr. Everett. Next Sunday morning at the reg ular hour for the preaching service (11:15 a. m.), at the Baptist church the Sunbeam Band led by Mrs. G. C. Gibson and Mrs. G. H. Lokey will have charge of the service and rend er a programme of some recitations etc. These children h#ve worked faithfully for a long time on this pro gramme and their little hearts will be keenly disappointed if the church is not filled to hear them and to see them. Everybody come out. On November 5th a series of revi val meetings will be held at the Bap tist churcli. Rev. .John Bomar, of Winnsboro, will do the preacliing. Everybody is invited to come and hear him. Let us all get right with God. On last Wednesday night the little five months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dupree, of Griffin, Ga., bade farewell to this life to answer the summons of heaven to come home. Mrs. Dupree is a sister of Mrs. Chis enhall, and was on a visit to her sister in oui- village. Thursday afternoon after the funeral services which were conducted by Rev. George C. Gibsoni,, Mr. and Mrs. Dupree left with the little body for Marietta, Ga., where interment will take place. Mr. W. E. Sentell is still confined to hiis bed with fever. . We are glad to see "Bill" Verner on the streets again after a confine-. ment of several days. Mrs. R. M. William.s and family, ofr Great Falls, moved to our village last week. Mrs. Williams is simply re turning ham e as she mo~ved from Winnsboro to Great Falls about a year ago. We are glad to have these good folks back with us. Mr. and Mrs. John Crouch, of Great Falls. spent several days in our vil lage last week. Work on the new Methodist church is progressing rapidlly. AT EVERETT SCHOOL A few weeks ago the fifth, sixth and seventh grades organized the Johnstone Literary Society. The meetings are held every Friday at noon. The program is carried- out with great care. The following of ficers were elected by the votes of the children: Pearl Killian; President, Mary Lo key; Vice President, Theodore Sims; Secretary, Ralph Rush; Censor, Mr. Scarborough; Critic, Mi.ss Douglass;' Critic; Rubey Sineatli. Eulalier Starns. and Burrell Brannon; Committee. ATION DISCUSSES THE ROADS AND GOOD SCHOOLS Editor of The News and Herald: The voters of the County are doubt less, giving very serious thought as to, how they will vote in the coming election on the question of issiing bonds for road building. In all the discussion I have seen and heard on this subject, I have not yet heard any mention of the - this proposition will have on our chools. We have come to the time vhen the transportation of our children to and from School should give us more eoncern than transportation of our rops to market and fertilizers and ther purchases home agaih. A bet ter system of roads is necessary for :he successful transportation of school hildren than for the transportation >f bales of cotton or Isacks of ferti izers. The National Bureau of Ein0Itcation las just issued a circular comparing he one teacher rural schools and the ;mall town schools in the State of Kansas. This circular states that the ricts of Kansas for getting, even the :hance of a child in the rural dis rudiments of an education is ;ifty ifty. The census figures f.>r the two . :ypes of district compared rhow 114, 928 children in the -,ne-reacher listricts and 121,099 in the small ibwn listricts. The enrollment is C7 per ent in the one; and 90 per cent in te cther. The average attenduirse is 48 per cent for the one group; and 70 per scent for the other. The length of term for the one teacher group is 29 weeks and for the her it is 35 weeks. The length of recitation periods is 5 to 12 minutes in one case; and 25 to 40 minutes in the other. Nine years arereuised toomplete the 8th grade in the one group and 8 years in the pther. The ot per pup of ineting.the.fh gride in the orie, is '47.10, while in the other It is 391.2& The building and equipment for the one is valued at $49 per pupil served; for the other the value is $116. The average salary aid teachers is $74.60 per month and 82.65 per month in the respective listricts. This comparison hows that t takes one year longer for a child ;o finish the 8th -grade in the 'one :eacher school than in the other and ,hat it copts the county S75. more to give him this education than to give che same thing in the larger schools. A similar comparison in South Ca colirza would show similar results. Lhe one-room school house with the me-teacher is not giving the train ng that our present day demands. [f our boys and girls are to have the >portunity they are entitled to and hich they are rapidly getting in >ther States, we must consolidate our schools. The greatest hindance to the con solidations we have tried is the con litions of our roads. A recent magazine article describ ing the wonderful progress made in :he past few years in the schools of Mfontgomery, Ala., makes these very ignifica-t statements. "At the out set he ha~s in his favor -a system -of good roads," good roads came to the :ounty before good schools. Any one familiar with the location f the school in the county will readi ly see by looking at a map of the proposed road construction that it rould greatly facilitate the consolid tion of our schools. I believe our people want the very best opportunity they can possibly provide for their children. to have this we must have consolidation of schoos and transportation of child ren at public expense. To do this we must have better roads. Can we af rord them ? Dr. J. L. Curry, of Ala bama, said to the people of that State' years ago; "We are too poor not to educate." In a democracy, every dol lar of wealth is under first mortgage for the education of all the children of all the people." Think on these things when deciding how to vote on the bond issue. J. L. Brice, Co. Supt. Ed. MUST SIGN NAME TO COMMUNICATION At different times articles are sent in to us unsigned. For any ar ticle to have attention at all the 't, er must have his signature. Txs does not mean that the name will have to be published every time, bt the editor must know from whom) ems come.