(TE NEIVS ANDHE(ALD ESTABUSHED 1844 3_ _WINNSBORO. S. C., PT FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEWS A BY OUR ( STOVER. . J. W. Bankhead and Janie and S. Bankhead spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Sumter Brown, of Black stock.. Mrs. Irene McDonald and children spent Wednesday with Mrs. D. Mc Donald. Mr. J. T. McDonald, Sr., W. M. Bankhead, T. M. Black, Sr., and T. M. Black. Jr., attended court at Winnsboro the past week. Misses Mary and Sallie Black and Miss Louisa McDonald spent Monday with Mrs. T. M. Black. Mr. J. W. and Miis Martha Mc Donald spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDonald, of Blackstock. Misses Mary and Sallie Black and Miss Louisa McDonald spent Wed nesday with Mrs. D. McDonald. Little Mr. O'Neal Mobley, of Rock Hi, is visiting his aunt, Miss Bell Dawkins. Mr. Daniel Bankhead, of Ridgeway, is visiting his grand-pwrents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bankhead. Mr and Mrs. David Smith, of Long wn, and the latter's mother, Mrs. Stewart, of Longtown, spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bankhead, Thursday. ~ LONGTOWN. Miss Naomi McEachern expects to go to Columbia this week to enter Chicora College. A series of revival services were held at the Longtown Presbyterian church during the past week. The services were conducted by the Rev. Albert E. S. McMahon, 'of London, England and the Rev. W. R, Blake, of Rock Hll. Mesats. W. A. Reeves, Ben Mayer, T H.pas, D. P. Stewart, Dr. Curry, .& 4 udson and Judge A. W. Math Swe business visitors in Winns bo6s the past week. Ss. Nancy Dawkins and little Miss Miss na Io who has chmi9 of the Keowee graded school near Central, is expected home this week. - Mrs. Weir, of Columbia, has been spending some time here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilds. tMiss Cooper Walkup and Mrs. Stitt who havg been guests of Mrs. George E. Moore have returned to their home in Winnsboro. Captain W. J. Johnson, of Ridge way, was in the community recently. Mrs. R. A. Rabon, Miss Annie Ra bon and Miss Ella Rabon have been guests of Brs. John Dixon. Mr. Daniel Hall, candidate for County Treasurer was in thi ssection Thursday. He was accompanied by Mrs. Bratton Hall, of Winnsboro. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wilds have beer visiting the Rev. J. E. Jones and other relatives in Chester. Mrs. Mattie Jackson and Mr. Cald well Jackson, of Columbia, were re cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Stewar't. Miss Bessie Jones has been spend ing a while with her sister, Mrs. D W. Ruff, Jr., in Ridgeway. Miss Louise Harrison left Saturda: for Great Falls. where she will havy charge of one of the Intermediati grades in the Great Falls grade school. * Messrs George. E. Moore, John. ~ Stewart, Harry Haynes, Ernest Bran ham and E. H. Dixon were amoni those who served as members of ths Petit Jury in Winnsboro last weell Mr. David Bankhead has returne< from Stover where he has been visit ing his grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs Bankhead E. H. D. HICKORY RIDGE. Mr. R. M- Brice, of Bamberg,i spending a few days with his pa ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brice. Miss Johnie Timms leaves Tue: day to take up ner studies in Nort Carolina. Mr. E. U. Brice motored to Colur bia Thursday. Mr. R. MI. Brice and Miss Eul Brice left Tuesday for a short ti to Chester, Rock Hill gnd Fort Mil The ladies W. M. U. Society mi at the home of Mrs. Sam Timmxs la Tuesday afternoon. A very interes ing program was carried out. D licious refreshments were served af er the meeting. A party of young people enjoy a straw ride last Thursday nig] chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. E. Brice and Mrs. L. D. Young. Mr. Archie Park entertained a nu: he .,r eung neople last Friday eve S REPORTED ORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS ing at his home. Ice cream was serv ed during the evening. LEBANON. Misses Margaret and Janie Turner are visiting relatives in Rodman. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde O'Donnell and children, of Chester, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. -J. W. Pope. Mr. J. B. Turner left last week for Clemson. Mrs. Julia Long and Miss Rae Stevenson spent the week-end with Mrs. D. L. Stevenson. Misses Dorothy and Beth Turner leave this week for Greenville to take up their work at the Greenville Wom an's College. Mr. Waugh Turner, Jr., leaves for Furman University this week. Mr. Earle Turner, who is teaching at Ridge Spring, came home Tues day to vote. Miss Maggie B. Turner, who has been spending the summer with rel atives in Kentucky, returned home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter May, of Co lumbia, spent several days last week with Mrs. J. C. Stone. Miss Bessie Turner has gone to Estill where she will teach this year. Miss Pauline Turner has gone to Iva to teach. Miss Wilma Turner has gone to McConnellsville where'she will teach this year. Misses Helen Hood and Margaret Brice, of Chester, spent the week-end with Miss Magie B. Turner. Miss Eleanor Henry has returned to, her home at Rodman. Misses Etta Lee Scruggs and Kath erine Turner have been visiting Miss Bertha Turner. SH.ELTON. Mrs. Jesse Clayton, Viggil, Aleen and Chrly . and' Miss Nell ohson, of YR1 spS0 a iz days -Alen ofd(;9 Mr. and"Mrs. ra lumbla4 are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Shelton. Mr. John B. Wright left last week to enter Clemson College. Mr. Joe Farr Scott went to Jones ville last week to resume his studies in the High School, where he is a member of 'the senior class. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Coleman and family of Badham and Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Colvin and family, of Caro line, N. C., have been visiting Mr and Mrs. M. D. C. Colvin. Mrs. D. P. -Crosby and little girh have returned from a visit to Mrs Crosby's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S Q. Myers, in Lenior, N. C. Mr. Cros by went up and accornpanied then home. Mr. Charlie Beam has accepted position with the Cash and Carr: company in Chester. Miss Rebecca Coleman visite< friends in Columbia last week. Mr. Sam Coleman, Jr., will atten -the Chester High School this tern - Mrs. W. Y. Coleman and Mis Nancy Coleman returned Monda from a visit to Mrs. C. B. Shellhous Sin Montmovenlci. * Messrs Feaster and Billy Dye spen a part of last week in Columbia. Mr. Reggie Coleman, of Columbii spent last week with relatives. - Mr. and Mrs. M. 'D. Ogburn an i little M. D., Jr., were the guests * Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ogburn in Tri last week. d Mr. Phillip Coleman has accepte -a position with the Chester Machii - and Lumber company. Mr. Robert C. Coleman, has give up his position with the Fairfiel Motor Company and has taken charg of the farm at his home. We ai glad to welcome him in our commui sity and wish him success. -Mr. D. Roe Coleman .came hon Tuesday from Spartanburg where I had been two weeks for treatmer' h After leaving the hospital he wa'st guest of his dai ghter, Mrs. Pa SWest, before he c~ehome. Mr. A. M. Faucette, of Columb: a came up on Monday in order to ca P his ballot at his home box. II- Mr. William Wolling is taking e business course in Columbia. st Mr. A. F. Blair, of Blairs, spe t the week-end with Mrs. A. F. Bla e- at the home of Miss Clyde Colema~ WOODWARD. ' The series of meetings that ha F. been conducted at Concord Chiurch f eight days by Dr. W. H. Miley, sy .(montinued on pagre three) ON ACCOUNT OF AN ERRO WAS MADE BY THE EXECUT ULATING THE RETURNS, A NOT AFFECT THE OUTCOME UNABLE TO GIVE THE DET THE OUTCOME OF THE SEC4 STEVElNSON, HALL BOULWI TY OFFICES, BEING ELECTE FOR STATE OFFICES. NEWS LETTER FROM THE WINNSBORO MILLS Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Pritchard and Miss Sibyl Pritchard have returned home from a two weeks vacation in the mountains of North Carolina. While away they visited Asheville, Hendersonville and Brevard, N. C. Mr. 0. C. Killian, overseer of weav ing is spending his vacation in Gas tonia and other North Carolina points. Mrs. E. W. Roberts has returned home aftre a visit of several months wiTh relatives and friends in Atlanta Georgia. Rev. and Mrs. G. C. Gibson and children and Mrs. Ida Cook, Mrs. Gibson's mother, returned Tuesday from. Brevard, N. C., where they spent several days sight-seeing. Mr. Jimmie Smith has returned again in the service department. Jimmie says that our piediction last week that he would return "doubled up" was rash, and a mark* of poor judgement. He opines that it takes all available resources to make his single career self sustaining. Just for that Jimmie we hope that the high cost of living will soon be re duced. Mr. Roberts says that he hopes to be in the new store the first ot" rext week. The new place of business is very attractive and will be a fitting home for the high class personnel of the store and also for the splendid line of goods carried in stoel. School opens Monday. - There will be alarge attendance. The facilities are as good as can be bad anywhere. : splendid staff of teachers will be thereMonday to welcome Abe happy *Jgren. - e4 from Clinton,# C., where 1 -ey spetit several weeks with their grand arents. Messrs. G. H. Lokey and John Iri gle motored to Clinton, S. C., one day last week. The new office building will soon be completed. It will be a beautiful blessing to the office force who have been subjected to the noise and in convience of the present offices. engineers, at Atlanta, Georgia, was . charge of Lockwood Greene and Co. Engineers at Atlanta, Georgia was a visitor Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Mims have de parted from ourvillage to cast theih lot elsewhere. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Rymner ant family are leaving our village this week. Mr. Abel Starnes and family, o: Gastonia. moved into our village Wed nesday of this week. They are a 141iA. Mr. Starnes will ,be in Nev Mill spinning -room. Mr. and Mrs. E . E. Goodwin art the proud parents of a bouncing bab: eboy, born last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Hatchels ar the proud parents of a young Amer ican boy, born Wednesday e'*moni of this week. Miss Daisy Ferguson has -e he dguests, Miss Vera Furguson and Mis' SIda Kay,. of Abbeville. EARLY MORNING FIRE. At oe o'clock this mornin just as we were going to press, ti 'ifire alarm sounded. The voluntef fire company quickly assembled' ar hastened to the residence of Rev. V T. Bruton, colored insurance agers which was apparently on fire all ove iebecause of - everybody being aslee ieand the fire having gaines. .gauch hea t. way before the alarm was turned ie Several of the houses in this secti ul of the town, just back of the re: dence of Mr. T. H. Ketchin were: a, danger. After a slight cooling of t st burning building efforts were almc entirely directed toward saving t a adjacent building as there was hope of saving the one in flam nt The fire pumps were quickly sta rx and although only the charred fra Ln ing is standing the -flames were sc entirely extinguished. Mrs. A. W. Brown has retud~ ye from a several weeks visit in 'or mountains of North Carolina. Miss Maggie B. Turner spent W 1 nesd. a -r ,dav in Winnsb4 BEING DETECTED WHICH VE COMMITTEE WHILE TAB N ERROR, HOWEVER, WIIL OF THE ELECTION, WE ARE AILED VOTE BY PRECINCTS. )ND IS AS FIRST REPORTED, LRE AND BRICE, FOR COUN D, WITH McLEOD AND HOPE AN ,UNFOUNDED RUMOR CORRECTED On my return home, after a weeks' o bsence :and after the last primary, I was-in formed that previous to the second primary election, a report was circulated to the effect that Mr. J. B. Burley, a candidate for County Auditor, had secured the tickets of the Winnsboro box, voted in the first Primary election, and had ascertained how'the voters at the Winnsboro box had voted in that election. In justice to Mr. Burley, I deem it my duty to make the following statement, as there was no founda tion in fact justifying such rumor. Through an error, the tickets at the first Primary election had the number of the tickets printed Gn the ballot, as well as the coupon, and bence if a peton secured the ballots ad the Poll list which under the Rules showed the number of the ticket givea to e.tch voter, he could easily i.seert-an for Whdm each voter cast his ball t. The error was not discover,.1 in rime to prirt new tickets and uD'i in -Luir by the managers of the Winnsboro box4 or some one at the Polls, before the ?.polls were opened, I recommend ed hat the managers clip off and de y the number on each ballot' kefore it was put in the box. For *me reason or other this was not done, although many voters did so themselves. My attention was call ed to this by several pegsons -during t rogress of the electian and I w2s to se that no one, through ca ty or otherwise, should obtain tion as to how any person I therefore, emane4 at the X- -iti ot 'the the o=+ ls Thereupon, the boxes were in~] mediately placed in our office, where tie;: remained until the merring the Executive Committee met, and J-ar ing that time the seals of the boxes remained intact. The boxes were opened before the Executive Com mittee and the returns of the various. boxes were tabulated. Immediately after the adjournment of the Execu tive Committee, I secured the various Pot lists of the Clubs, including Winnsboro, and other papers per taining to the election, placed the box with the ballots in one of the Jury rooms and covered it so that, it night not be discovered and then lwcked the door of the Court House. After returning from dinner, I 'filed be poll lists and other papers per sining to the Primary elezsion wi' h he Clerk of Court, as ?epure I by - he Rules of the 'party, an i then imi :'iediately went into thie Court House, r ecured the Ballots of the Winnsboro box iLnd have retained them in my )ossession from that time until the resent. On the same afternoon, I :alled the attention of W. D. Doug las Esq. and J. E. McDonald, Jr., to .what I had done. No one in our of fice knew where I had niaced the tickets, andl upon my return home a -day or two ago, and after the second priiary, I clipped the numnba-s from each ticket sand burnt th imn up, so that no one need have any fear that the secrecy of his ballot had been destroyed. I took this action at the suggestion ,f several parties who called my at toition to the fact that it might be, pssible for some one, by referr'n to the poll list and examining the h'llots, to ascertain for wh-,m each v.ler cast his ballot, and thus create friction or unpleasant feelings in t'he community. I am able, therefore, to sste of my own personal knowledg~e, that neither Mr. Burley nor any oth'gr person has had any oppo)rtunity . of reing the ballots of the W'nnsix,!o !ox, after adjournment of the E.xecu tive Committee. As the report in question was a grave injustice to Mr. Burley, I am glad to make this public statement, in order, to exonerate him from the unjust and unfounded rumor in ques tion. If I had knowrt of it previous to the second primary election, I would have deemed it a privile'e to have promptly corrected the rumor, as it was not only an injustice to Mr. Buir ey, but had not the shado~v of foun dationt in fact, as it -.'as not possible for him or any other person to have told how nyone voted, without see-t MOUNT ZION INSTITUTE WI STATEMENT FROM A COMMUNICATION. To Th'e People of Fairfield County: I desire to express my most grate ful thanks for .the confidence and esteem which you have reposed in me, as shown by my election and re election to the office of County Treas urer, for many consecutive terms, covering a period of 18 years. I have endeavored to discharge the duties of the office faithfully, and I feel that my services have been duly appreciated by- the people. My de feat in the last election, I accept most cheerfully. To the loyal friends who supported me, "I cannot find words to sufficiently express myx gratitude; for those who deemed it best to give their support to my suc cessful opponent, I feel no resent ment at all; on the contrary the kind liest feelings 3f friendship and re gard. I may add here, that ,unfor tunately for me, an impression went abroad, owing to a misconstruction of the report of the Grand Jury, that a shortage existed in my office, which is certainly not correct. The cash1 items referred to in the report are covered by checks many of which had been paid before the filing of the re port, and, all 'will certainly be paid in full. It should be remembered that bad checks do not pay debts or taxes either, and the property re mains just as much liable to execu tion and gale for the taxes as though 1 no che had been given. I am glad to be able to testify to the high character of my successful opponent, Mr. Daniel Hall. He is an honorable man, and I commend him to the con fidence and esteem of the people. A. LEE SCRUGGS. WEEKLY COTTON LETTER. The cotton market recovered some the latter part of last week, and ad .vantd i frther, ly to-day. rath edtion -re p a, about 50, or a loss o .Good rains fell in the West yester-' day but it is believed that they came too late to increase the yield. -Texas reports that no late or top crop can be made this season.' Cloth markets continue strong and the demand is steadily broadening.. Foreign news is mixed but we see some improvement in trade conditions The American Cotton Association both in Europe and the East. estimates the ave'rage cost of pr-Aup tion as being 24.25c per pound. We should be glad to have the -readers of this paper~write us what it has cost them to make cotton this- year. f the figure mentioned above is cor rect, we would advise against selling otton for less than 25c. - A prominent Northern adthdrity ont otton writes us as follows: the full import of the last Govern "It is our judgment tliat, when ment report is realized cotton prices will show a decided advance. During September it is our judgment that otton prices should touch 25c, New York, but believe that conditions of supply and demand do not warrant a much higher level than this, unless the market becomes widely specula tive.". This authority may not see 25c this ronth, but we agree with him that there will be a healthy advance, and o doubt the October 1st Govern ment reports will send the n'arket up to his estimate. September 11. 1922.. THE GUILD. The Guild of St. Johr. Episcopal hurch met with Mrs. Dora Rabb on Monday afternoon with a full attend nce. -After the business session was ver, the hostess served a salad course with iced tea. ' A revival meeting will begin at the Fairfield Baptist church, Hickory Ridge on Sunday, Sept. 17th. Rev. Jones, of Columbia, will have charge f the services. ing the poll list, which was filed with he Clerk of Court, and ealso'se'en the allots with the corresponding rium ers, which were in my custody, as ot'nty Chairman. As no one in our ffice knew where I had placed. the ballots in the office, the latter con ingency was not reasonably possi .J. B. McDonald, County Chairman. LL OPEN SEPT. 25th SUPERINTENIDENT PATTON. Mt. Zion Institute wil open on Monday morning, September 25, at 9 o'clock, ih the Community building. The puWic are ,cordiallj i8e* .4 urged to attend the openir4 exercises At the beginning of the new year, I wish to call the attention of the parents. to one maiiii of importance. When I came here .hf'e9ea1g'*O, I found the cust6iirrvailing of per mitting pupils to make up studies during the summer in which tl failed the previous session. Mope than this certificates from those under whom they studied were accepted.n lieu of examinations. The result, I soon saw clearly, wAs to fill up grades with unprepared pupils. This3 was unfair, both to backward pupils them selves and to those who had 'done their work and fully ready for 'te next grade. The custom was too fift ly established to be broken up all at once. The. first step, therefore, was to require all back examinations" to be taken under our regular teachu , the only way to secure uniformy and standard. It is now time to t4 the final step Hereafter, no -spi will be permitted to make up are than one study in the summer.wIn other words, -no pupil who failsson more than one study in any one ydr, will -be permitted to go into theunext grade. He will be required to'%ke the year over. In the High School, especially, tlde are two many' students with work. I 'mean earnestly to try, to remedy this situation, and I agg4he co-operation of the parents tqhe end. Many High School pupils .4re not doing the work they ought to do and can do and, hereafter, they must pay the pealty-take work over that they faI to.do at the prpoer time. - make the regulation for'tiem not less than for others for properly speaking, no student who has faled on.nlne months workin as many as two- studies can mke up, thl*4f Aiency .in three'Moth g in the'next gradi 1 th ate anrytime dgring wHen ' it becomes clearly Sa aa'y )upil is not doing the of his grade, he will, after fair die, be demoted to &e next grade., G. F. PATTON. : Supt. of &hools. COMMUNITY HOUSE PROGRAM. Friday-Special, Tom Mix, 'in"Rid in' Romeo." A .comedy Westei' pic ture with thrills. See it and y'df will want to see more of his piures. Also Fox News. Monday-A Rupert Hughes story, "The Wall Flower,.starringfColleen Moore and Richard Dix., A story that abounds with laughable.,.scenes and at the same time grips your en tire attention. Whenever Rupert Hughes writes the story, it's good. Wednesday, 7:30-Katheries Mac Donald in "The Infidel," a pictute of thrills, action, mystery. A reb' story backed by real acting. 10 arAf 20c. We wish to thank our ?irdds for attending the election reNtuis Tues day night, and we are glad that we could offer that added attr ton at no extra cost to the public. The com munity house is always open to the people of Winnsboro. .. CARD OF THANK&. I wish to thank the people'of Fair field County for my electio'n to the office of County Auditor~ dnd hope to be able to prove myself w rthy of the trust and 'confidence reposed e ' in me. Respetfully, J. EStegenso. Wy, W. TURNER -WINS, -FURMAN SCHOLARSHIPge W. W. Turner, of Winnsboro, has been declared the wfinne'E the Fair field county scholarship -in Furman University. The scholarship, which is provided by the trustees of Fur man University,; is awarded in comn petetive examination. CARD. OF TR ANES, I wish -'to express .my warmest thank to the voters of Fairfield county for the handsome vote They gave me on last '(nesday. In return for the confidegce they have again shown in me I pledge myself to do the best I can for the good of all the (aanty. M. C. BOULWARE.