~*~z~Aim w4 PUBLISHED WEEKLY WINNSBOR0 S. C. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3,1906.ESALHD &4 FIRST 100 goBALE-S COTTON SPECIAL RATES will be made to parties storing cotton with us, until the aggregate reaches ONE THOU8AND BALES Money will be loaned on this cotton at 7 per cent per annum, discount. The Winnsboro Bank. Want to Trade? I have a few New Buggies that I will trade for horses or mules. --OR I will buy your mule or horse, if you will sell at summer time prices. Best Liniment Used Balsam of Myrrh oUARANT2 ED. D. A.'CRAWFORD. Cash Sale! Open Buggies - -= - $35.00 Top Buggies = = = ==-=$41.00 We have a carload of them at these prices, but going fast. OREGORY=CONDER MULE CO., m17 Plain Street.. COLUMBIA, S. c. TO THiE PUBLIC: Having just returned from. the northern markets, I re quest an examination of my stock of goods before buying; it wiil be to your interest to do so. GEO. R. LAUDERDALE. HIe e is Your Bargain: One 30 H. P. Horizontal Retu.rn STubular Boiler. Orne Watertown Stationary En= -mne. All in fine Ahape. W. 0. McKEOWN & SONS, COTTON GINNERS AND/MACHINERY OWNERf Write for prices An the following Babbit . Couplings (G ues Lbit, r er t ud 1 rs Hack'sawn Oil"Canst* (Belteather Eectors Ham ers Liafeahex Paekinrsall kin s' Shatig lars fr shafting and anythin Colu,,,i. Supply .1 . - - - Columbia, S. C Wlackstock Items. Mr. Sigmon's new mercantil building is nearing completioi It is a two story, thirty by fift feet. In it will be a bank, dru store, grocery, and a full line c undertaker's supplies. T h building will have an elevatc instead of stairs, and a wind mi in the back yard, will force wate through the building. Wit plate glass front and cemen side walks this stand will b quite imposing. Mr. J. E. Craig is putting u on his lot just above his resi dence, a frame store building i: which he will conduct a genera merchandise business, for on town has a large trading teritor3 but homes are especially neede The town must have them i order to grow. Mr. Ed. Mobley from t h Gladden's Gi-ove section move here this week into the onl; house available in order to giv his children better school ad vantages, Miss Bell Hood has entere< Linwood College, Gastonia, N. C Misses Susie Craig ana Grac( Douglas are attending Chicori College, Greenville. Mrs. Watt Brice has som( Ponderosa lemons measuring 12. inches around, -and a bananm plant which will no doubt matur( some of its fruit before frost. Mr. Sam Stevenson is clerkini for Mr. W. S. Douglas. Mr. Hood is with the Durban Mercantile Co. Mr. J. F. Carter had a visi from Mr. and Mrs. Frierson o Cedar Spring last week. The wife of Rev. Mr. Nolant of the methodist church has beei =W01, tor several weeks. Sh< was operaoed 4pon ky Ir. Pryo of Chester last week n4 all ar hoping whe may now repqver he health, Miss Mary Ragsdale, a tralnei nurse, is quite sick with typhoii fever at a hospital in Columbi Her home is here. The opening of the Blackstoce academy will be Monday, Pro Kirkley from North Carolina with Miss Rebeckah Craig as as sistant, will have charge of thi school this session. Mr. Kirkle' will pr.obably MoVe his family t Chester. Much poultry around here i suffering with sore head. Car bolated vaseline will cure it, an( applied to the heads of well one is a preventative. A Young Mother at 70. "My mother has suddenly bee made young at 70. Twenty year of intense sugering from dysper sia had entirely disabled he: until six months ago, when sh began taking Electric Bittern which have completely cured he and restored the strength an activity she had in the prime c life," writes Mrs. W. L. Gilpatrici of Danforth, Me. Greatest restot atiye rnedicine on the globe. Set Stormach, Livey red .Iidnpy right, purides the blood, and crire Malaria, Biliousness and Weat nesses. Wonderful Nerve Toni< Price 50c. Guaranteed by Jn< H. McMaster & Co.,_druggists. A lady who understands ad vertising'says: "No lady wishe to ba lopi pop as a shoppin &end, she dogs not park $p gp pt the store and have a merobar show all his stock in order to fin out whether he keeps what sl> wisbes to purchase and whethE the article is sold at a price sb can afford. It is much easie and pl.aasanter to look throug the advertisements in a pape thap $t is to bore the clerks an waste her' own timec. Advertist ments in .a paper stating artiok for sale with price, will kee much of the money that goes t the large cities at home." Pt your ads in The News and Here] senger now, and you will be sui pf a lIgrge fall trade. A cold is mnuoh niore easdly surf when the bowels are open. Kennedy Laxative Honey and Tar opens ti bowels and drives the cold out of t] system in young or old. Sold by a druggists. Mrs. T. J. Cunningham Dead. Mrs. T, J. Cunningham dit suddenly this morning abgut %;3 Our information is that she he been in her usual health, ai heart disease is said to have be< the cause of death. She was daughter of the late Dr. Isait Mobley, and the only member the family surving is Mrs. Li Doiggias.-Chester Lantern. Keliep the boweis Qpenl wlwn y have a cold and use a good remedy allay the inflammation of mnuc< membranes. The best is Kenned Laxative Honey and Tar. It conta no opiates, moves the bowels, di otthe cold. Is reliable and tas good. Rold by all druggists. GOOD ROADS ':ACTS. e What They Would Save Forthe Sout 1. The Cost of V+An- Cotton. Y In an address by John Craft o g Mobile, it was stated that tb f cost to the farmers of the sout] e is 50 cents a bale of cotton for ai r average haul of eight miles. .1 If there were good roads the r cost would be reduced to 10 cents a a bale. Estimating a crop at e t million bales, this would mean s e saving of $34,000 annually. It costs under present roads conditions 25 cents .to haul a ton - of fertilizer a mile. With good 2 roads, the cost would be 8 cents I a ton. r "I have studied for some years ; the problem of work-ag -convicts on our -public roads,"' said Mr. I Craft, "and they have proved to b) the most economical road builders to be had. The convict a has long passed the experimental i stage for road making. 3 "Judge Eave of Georgia, who has had twenty years' experience in working convicts on our public i roads, says: "They are the best and cheapest road builders. 3 While working convicts not a single child, woman or man moles ted, or $1 worth of property 3 depredated on." Mecklenbury county, N. C., has the finest macadamized roads, and it is being done with convict labor. It costs an average of 25 cents a day to guard, feed and care for convict labor wLn it is 1 managed on business principles. As for the convict himself, statistics show that 90 per cent of those who are worked in the open air, properly fed and guard ed, return to their families and cease to be a charge or a .menace to the state, while of those who are kept in prison 9T qre Wqae4 in pines, s or ging av 9 places, o per epnt become har ened crimiinals, I ".or 4o I think it right +o pt the honest wage earners in pom a petition with the onvict 1abor, or the manufacturing industry in E competition with the one that hires cheap convict labor. Indiana has more than .17,000 miles of good gravel ioads. I re member when Indiana was con r sidered one of the illiterate state ) in Union. Today s49 is prgst perpgs qn4 pr -pgoplp d p s longer ignorgt, b4t the stete is - dotted with the finest school aud I colleges. S "Massachusetts spends more money than any other state on her public roads. New York has just voted to issue $50,000,000 for a her roads, to be spent in the net s ten years. Ngw Jprsey lLss {nl -roa@s, which hays b~pe4 of great ' benefit and are the best invyest, e ment tlhe state has. Missoui is "agitating a bond issue of $2.6,000,. r 000 for her public roads. The SProvince of Ontario, Canada hai '60,000 miles of good roads;4~nd from that phenomenal improve ment have been the results o: sprosperity to its farpgers,-eg s gory SIph s - '- -- Danger fromi the Plague, ,There's grave danger from the 2 plague of Coughs and Colds thai are so prevalent, unless you take Dr. King's New Discovery for - Consumption, Coughs and Colds. s Mrs. Geo. Walls, of Forest City, a Me , writes: "It's a Godsend t( o people liying in clingtes wher tcnsand d~olds prevail. I find 3 it quickly ends them. It prevents e Pneumonia, cures LaGrippe, gives r wonderful relief in Asthma and e Hay Fever, and makes weak lungl r strong enough to ward off Con a sumption, Coughs and Colds, r 50c and Si100. Guaranteed by d Jno. H. McMaster & Co., drug. sTwo men, each driving a lighi Steam, were approaching eacla tother, from opposite directions d when they suddenly and some e what severely collided. One o1 the men who was cross-eyed, ex claimed angrily; "Why do't. yogt d loolC wlie' 7'ir oi80g? s The other immxediately retor5 e ed: "And why don't you go where eyou're looking?"-October Lip 1pincott's. This is the sesn of decay and weak ened vitality. Nature is being shoni dof its beauty and blcom. Itf you woul retain yours, fortify your system witn Eqllister's IRocky Mtontain . ea. d grts 'sea gr Tblets. ,[uo,. -A d Master -Co, mn The man who gets mad at wha a the newspaper says about bix h should return thanks three time of for what the ne wspaper kne Iabout him and suppressed.-FK If an article is imitated, the origina ou is always best. Think it over, an 'to whep you go to biuy that box of Gal' us to'keep aro'und the house, get D)eWitt V's Witch Hazel Salve. It is the oin ins and the name is stamped on every bo: res Good for eczema, tetter, boils, cuts at tes bruises, and especially recommend. fo e. Sold by all druggist. -Transac1 1 Is new in this part of tlh in the North. Our peop other new things that ci transact with people in a Mo is usually slow except at he is. Buyers usually bi being sold without strinj -ALL PRICES Chester County CITY PROPERTY No. 319-Large brick sale and liver stable in Chester, water works and elet tric lights. Elegant mule pens, box an open stalls, feed and harness rooms, fin stand for livery and trading, as Cheste has a large country trade in addition t three railroads. The land measures 14 by 155 feet and should be worth almos the price asked for the property..$6,00 No. 376-5 lots in Chester: No. i 72x213; No. 4, 130x155; No. 6, 72x125 No. 8, 72x114; on Epworth streel Each .............................$15 No. 671-Two lots on Academy ani Pine streets, Chester; No. 1 fronts 14 feet on Academy street by 290 deep 0 Pine street; No. 2 fronts 122. on Pin street by 295 deep; both containi* 1 8-10 acres, known as the McLur place ...........................$3,00 No. 635-Two 9-story brick store! fronting west on Main street, Chestei population 7,000. About 25 feet fron each by 100 feet deep. on lot about 20 feet deep to alley ................$9,00 No. 636-Several houses, 6 to 14 room and one store on corner, lot abou 225x468, on Gadsden and Walnu streets, Chester, bringing a rent of ahou $85 per month, electric lights, city watei barn, flower garden nd other improve ments. jacent to the Southern Rail w,y. passjnger'and freight depots, join ing the Carolina & Northwestern abep and Springstein Mill DT4perty. GoO location for gRnufactuq urppses Ow4lings; or. stores to rent. Long tat lished general merchandise business Thi is the place to plant your epita for sa investinent, Frleo e ,,1 ,00 Will also sell stock of general'merchan dis, amounting to about $4,000, at 7 cents on the dollar. No. 695-Corner lot Main and Seconi streets, Fort Lawn, S. C., 35x170, smal warehouse, good stand, for store, tw railroads, good farming country Price ............................. No. 722-6 acres joinling laing Southern Rgggyi Mf. Mager E Graham and qthers 'hester . ( This rpert ca be eut into buildin lot .t. ... , Neg. 724 And 794-Twe 7-room house east & of Saluda street, Chester, S. C let? 6 , modern sanitary plumbinj cabinet mantels, tiled bath roon wired with wall switches, city watei flue under same arranged for hot wate heating, best neighborhood in Qo* eah ........ No. 13=8Q0 acres at Lewis Turnou sclhool and church, 400 cultivated, 150i timber, black soil, level, 6-room dwellini large barn, fine pasture, 4 settlements, wells, 2 streams, near railroad. Pe acre..................... No. 391-314%/ acres, 3 miles north 9 Port Lawn, church and schgql., p road, 150 cultivated, (0 tibg' soil4 orpharg, ro,~ieg .~ . Medy dwelljng, 'aril$ 8-head, l-grn wi pasdure, 6 settlements cotton hours' crib, srmokO house, a wolla, 4 springs an branich, Would exehange for a fart near Rock 11ill, Price ...$10 per acr No. 488-369 acres 4 miles of Foi Lawn, 3 miles Catawba Falls. Churc Iand school in one-half mile. 140 culti vated, 200 timber, sandy, diversinie< Three settlements. Small barn. QGn bottoms; if cleared 8 plows c gn Two branches an g g. ae. WE to only help us, but let u office. Place your progei b usiness limitg Wvite I All proposItionis mus they are binding on him J. Edgai 'Cuts the UNDER TAKING WILL BE CONTIN{UED Il the future the same as in the pal in the old establishment in all il .departments with a full stock 1Caskets, Burial Oases and Coffu constantly on ban4k d a h ease en egnested. Thankful for past patrona; and solicitous for a share in i future, in the old stand. ~Calls attended to at all hou~rs - TII ELIOTT GIiN 8 )F. J. M. ELLIOTT &t 00, 4i A. G. Quattlebaum, s Dentist, l- WInnsb:>ro, S. C. Ld - d Office same as occupied by the 1: D r. B..T. Quattlebaum. ing Throu e country, but most all bu: le are falling in line slowly, me along. It is much m ny line who have talent an ving of Real E4 auction. We have our own d all property is worth at a Ps or limits. QUOTED SUBJECT TO FL at Baton Rouge. Church and school 300 cultivated, 200 timber, sandy soil Good orchard, rolling, 7-room dwelling barn with 7 stalls and 200 acres pas ture. Seven settlements. Other out buildings, creek, well and spring. Wilkes e place .........................$10 acre No. 518-225 acres 3 miles of Lock r harts. Church and school 1 to 4 miles, 50 cultivated, 100 timber, orchard, hilly, and 6-room log dwelling, barn 4 stalls, t pasture, crib, cotton house, well, branch and springs ..................$800 No. 539-35 acres 11/ miles of Chester, churches and school, 30 cultivated, 3 in wood, clay loam soil, 3-acre or chard, rolling, 8-room dwelling, barn with 6 stalls, tenant house near dwellin poultry, wood and carriage house, wet and good spring, telephone line, all under fence, all in good -repair ........$2,750 No. 543-673 acres, 5 miles Cata-,ba Falls, Bascomville and Fort Lawn, churches and school 1 to 2 miles, 200 acres in cultivation, 225 acres timber, mulatto, black and sandy soil, small orchard, undulating and level, 50 acres waste land, 6-room dwelling, 3 barns, 4 and 8 stalls, 100-acre pasture, 3 tenant houses, 2 3-room houses, cotton houses t and cribs. Country remarkably healthy, high elevation, 5 miles from 'the great electric power plant at- Catawba IaF& Rocky .and Beaver Dam creeks; sow good bottom land; wells and sprinp; $8M ncoio Irrice per care .,.. No. 5--100 to 125 aoreA 6y% miles IPhestr .Y % ile Lwa Chureh' and shool% to I mle lie wlsand and red amth .mm house, well and two ap v 2-horse farm o plenty of vweds good pasture d, 2 good house sites ....................$15 acre No. 638-955 acres, 2 miles Fort Lawn, church and school, 650 cultivated, 300 timber, grey soil, orchard, level and rolling, 6-room house, barn, l twu I houses, creek, etc. Per am ,$ No. 670-284 acm of Corn wells and P* oc* ebureh and school R A ivated, 25 timleir, sandy Ia"4 .,. --a-re orchard, the finest in tt gauntyl rolling, 6-room dwelling, -barn, 100.iaere re, .3 settlements, 9 milea south of hester, 6 miles of it ma eadam road, creek, spring and 6qq well .....................$1r No. 728-8M acres % milq tf all cultivated, diersi settlem nt barn; on pub~l 4i _anc and well ...,a ...:.... m aere - i ii of Fort ribr of the eNeek and branch.. Per No. T80-1,400 acres, Dunnovant place, 8 miles of Leeds, church 2 miles, .school %/ mile, 150 cultivated, 1,0Q( acres timber, sandy soil, orchardk~ g 7room dwelling, good q, "ments, about 125 acte, t s r acres branch beem rv and~ ostreams, ........,,30 3, hurh 2mils hoo% in .rea eutivaed,700 timber, san gol, relling, 3 tenant houses an tables, large amount of good bottoms, ereek, streams and springs. Per Sacre .................$5.00 No. 782-270 acres, McCollumn lace I miles of Chester, church 1 mile, sc M~~ mile, 75 acres cultivated M ne h' sandy and black 'j e1ve1k 4om house, stream anh g aeoe $8.0( I nbsan~y iol, rolling, tenani Lpdus aind barn,' spring and branches, -Price -,,,,,,,,......$.00 per acrc I No, 819--67 acres 4 miles Leeds, " ehurch and school, 4 miles, 35 cultivated DON'T ASK s help you andu the country -ty ;Und wants on our list w or our complete list. t be approved by the signat or his office.. -Poag, Br< a Earth to Suit Yo GOING Ti Then come here for eEverytaing in the w~ eROUGH- LUMBER, . CEILING, FLOORIl WI ~tle J#0 h Brokers siness is done on this plan same as they do with all ore speedy and correct to d experience. state auctioneer, and a good one uction if they feel sure it Is UCTUATIONS. 15 timber, sandy and black jack soil, roll ing, good bottoms. Price..$6.00 per acre Fairfield County CITY PROPEETY No. 375-1%1, acre lot at Blythewood, 100 population; church and school, frame building 25x40, 2-story gin house, flour and grist mill, engine and boiler, extra engine ..................$1,000 No. 738-1 lot on High street, Winns bor, 160 feet front by 210 feet. Price .............................$400 No. 788-4-acre block on Calhoun, Garden and Vanderborst streets, Winnsboro, two 2-room houses... .$1,15O No. 789-1%-acre lot, Winnsboro $550 No. . 790-9-roon brick dwelling Main street,.- Winnsboro, on lot 65x910 feet, orchard, barn and outbulng, gar den ....................:,........$3,100 No. 576-137 acres 8 miles Rid and 7 miles Blythewood, S. C., u and school in sight, 70 cultivated, some in timber, mixed soil, orchard, consider able improvements in buildings, streams, well and springs, rents for 3,000 pounds cotton ...................$900 No. 39-918% acres 8 miles of Winms bare. % mile of White Oak; church and school-*% mile. 87 cultivated, 40 timber, sad loam soft, orchard, rolling, 7-roam dwellg, barn, pasture, 5 settlements two 2-room houses and two S-room ihouges, cotton, house, crfib, weR and meat house, 9 gardens ad flower garden, 9 streams, spring and well. Desirable home ...........................$,5W No. 780.-57 acres 9 miles of Winns boro, on PeaPa Ferry road, school % -mile, 1S0 lted, 100timber, gray soil, hi'4 4.reem bouse, ba, 15-ar t r- 4 settlements, creek and ......... ?................$,0 No. 7&5--Sy acres; on the Mmteelo road, just outside of Wtnlboro sital for building l6ts, bounded by the Wines boro Park ....,, ............ No. 736-M acres adjdining Winns boro, frobting on Peay's Ferry road for one ue, diversified, 6-room cottage, lag# barn, 4 settlements, ensilage pit, M shop and cotton house, wel, bpamb aind springs ............$7,0 No, 7T-171 acres 13 miles - frm Wianboro, church and school one WiKe 80 cultivated, 50 timber, gray sol, hly. 4-room cottage, barn, 50 acres bofmtw, 3 settlements, spring and crec Pd&e No. 791-670 acres T mles Rkigeway. 40 cultivated, 400 titaber, level, 4-rooum house, 165 ace vfrgin tmber, 220 serea second growth pine, about million feet of lumbe\ Pers acre ............$19.5Q NA Th4-300 acres 8 miles of Winus. bGiros church and school 2 miles, 70 cult vatd 100 timber, gray soil, divered. 6iweama house, barn, 200 acres pastare, 2. tenant houses, 50 acres bottoma. well. sprig and creek, income $200 - .,003b N.795-178 acres 9 miles Winzns borw, church and school 1 to 9 miles, 100 acres timber,' gray soil, diversifned. 4-room house, banp.al fenced, spring, branch and rve, fine pasture, income $200 ..,:. ,................1,0b No, 19-49S acres 9 miles Wbnms boal ehurch and school 1 mile, 10S euttivated, 900 timber, gray loam soil. level and rolling, 300 acres pasture 4 setlemnt, sablsgood river bet,. toms, spring, branches and rie, in come $450 ............- N4 No. 844-149 acres 4nimlea.Ridgeway church and school % to 1% mile, 60 acres cultivated, 40 tienber, grey, gravel soil, diversified, G-room house, barn, cot ton house, shop, tenant house, springs,, railroad and R. F. D. through place. Per acr. -.....................10.00 by transacting through our ith correct descriptions and. re of J. Edgar Poag before )kerRock Hill, ur Taste." ) BUILD? your building rnaterial. ty of Building Material, "3, ATHERBOARDING, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, Etc. 30OA6G.