I NfI- 60 Jh y PUBLISHED WEEKLY ~WINNSBORO, S. C. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, !906.ETBIHD(4. PULSE - m - - FIRST 0 B SPECIAL RAT] to parties storing until the aggrega ONE TOUSA Money will be I cotton at 7 per ce discount. The Winnst Want to I have a few Ne I will trade for ho -OF I will buy your m :you will sell at prices. Balsam of Myri D. A. CRA7 Cash Open Buggies = - Top Buggies = == We have a carload of but going fast. GREGORY=CONDJ -rrr7 Plain Street. TO THE PUBL H aving just i the northern n quest an exami stock of -goods I it will be to yoi do so. 01E0. R. LA Here is Your E One 30 I. P. Tubular Boi One Watertos gine. All in fine W. 0. McKEO Cornw< C dTN GIINNERS AND Write for prices < Hack Saws Oil Cans Be~t L Cnlumbia Supply Ce, - 1LES OTTON -S will be made cotton with us, te reaches JID BALES oaned on this tt per annum, oro Bank. Trade? w Buggies that rses or mules. iule or horse, if summer time Best Liniment Used SGUARANTEED. FORD. Sale! - -----"""" . .* $35.00 -$41.00 them at these prices, ER MULE CO., COLUMBIA, S. C. ,C: eturned from iarkets, I re= nation of my ef ore buying; ir interest to UDRDALE. ~argamn: Liorizontal Return vn Stationary En= snape. WN & SONS, II, S. C. MACHINERY OWNERS n the following s BltiRubber Dil'Pres rther ijetors jarnn ers ig Collars for shaftin~g and anythins iery supplis. .- -- Columbia, S. C' Grand Jury Presentment. To his Honor Geo. E. Prince, Presiding Judge: We, the grand jury, hereby submit our report: We have passed upon all bills of indictment presented to us at this the September term, 1906. The financial affairs of t h e county have been recently ex amined by a commission appoint ed by his excellency, Governor Heyward, by authority of a joint resolution of the General Assem bly and at our request a duplicate of the report has been submitted to us together with the date upon which it is based. Besides a loan., made by the sinking fund commission, for $7,400, for which this years' taxes have b e e n pledged for its payment, the legal indebtedness of the county is $17,112.16. We join with this commission in their recommendation as to a change in the statutory law and call to the attention of our re presentatives in the General As sembly to what appears to be a defect and urge upon them the importance of such additional legislation or amendments to the present acts as may be necessary to remedy it. It appears that there is no provision requiring at regular periods a comprehensive statement of the financial affairs of the county. The county supervisor should be required to make a report to the September term of court for the use of the grand jurv, not imply an itemized statement of 1l amounts ordered paid by the board of county commissioners or the preceding fiscal year, biit the report should embody all eaims approved for such preed g year and for what purpose, ;howing the totals and showing bow much if anything remains anaid for such fiscal year, the amount of funds applicable t o their payment, or if there be a urplus, the amount thereof, or the deficiency for such fiscal year, s the case may be, as shown by the treasurer's report, which should be made at the same time. We have by special committee only been able to make a cursory xamination of public offices. The treasurer being sick we could not compare the superintendent of education vouchers with his to see what money have been paid out, but the books seem to be well kept in the office of the superintendent of education. By special committee we have ex amined poor house and premises and find about 200 bushels qi old corn on hand, also 3,000 bundles of old fodder, and 6,000 bundles of this year's crop, 21 head of hogs, 7 head of cattle, 3 mules in good condition, 1,500 lbs oi shucks of last year's crop. The farm contains 70 acres of corn, 6 acres cot ton worked on shares and 6 acres of corn. 1,880 lbs of lint cotton have been gathered from share crop. Inmnates: 4 whites, 7 colore d; all seem to be stisfid except one Win. Bowe; he wishes to go to his relatives in North Carolina. We recom mend that the county buy him a ticket and let him go. We find that the buildings in good repair andl kept clean and ueat. Tne buildings are all insured in the state sinking fund for 81,780. By special committee we have examined the jail and find it in very good order, but would re commend that the yard be graded so the water would run from the building. By special committee we examined the probate judge's office and found nothing wrong. We also examined the county chain gang and tii.d 12 in number and in a healthy condition. Thanking your Honor f o r courtesies shown us, all is re spectfully submitted. Longstr eet Gantt, Foreman. "To Cure a Felon," says Sam Kendall, of Phillips bu'rg, Kan., "just cover it ovel with Bucklen's Arnica S-dre an< the Salve will do the rest." Quick est cure for Burns, Boils, Sores Scalds, Wounds, Piles, Eczema Salt Rheum, Chapped Hands Sore Feet and Sore Eyes. Oni: 25c at Jno. H. McMaster & Co.' drug store. Guarantet d. Cynicus-He fell in love wit] her because of her voice. Sillicus -Her voicc? Why,sh doesn't sing. Cynicus-I know. That's th reason he fell in love with her. When two stronig mni comie blows, even if they ar. wvelli matchet it is ot ai plaigsg t out if the ma~ who gets the worst of it wvill use D Witts Witch Hazel Salve, he will lox Ibetter and feel better in short order. I sure you get DeWitt's. Good for ever; ,thing a salve is used for, ineludit ie. Sold by all dru'sisd2 Death atJenkifsville. Mrs. E. J. Yarborough died a the home of her daughter, Mr D. L. Glenn, on last Tuesda: morning about 12.30 o'clock, an was buried at Little River church of which she had been a consis tent member for many years. She had been sick for a long time, and was confined to her bed for about five months, dying with a complication of diseases. Mrs. Yarborough has been one of the best neighbors, mothers, grandmothers, besides possessing many other good qualities, of which a history of such a worthy life as this ought to be madc us an example for her children, grandchildren and great-grand children. This can be truthfully said that her life has been spent in doing good for all. Yes, we will miss her more than we can tell. All of the old dar kies in the country will miss "Miss Lizzie," as she was gent rally called. She leaves to mourn her loss many sorrowing friends and rela tives, besides she leaves five children, viz.: Messrs B. H. Yar borough of Jenkinsville, W. B. Yarborough of Rincon, Ga., Rev. J. H. Yarborough of Fort Lawn, Mesdames D. L. Glenn of Wal laceville, and Kate McDowell of Winnsboro. Besides these chil dren missing her, her six grand children, whom she had taken and raised, viz: Messrs W. B. Yarborough, T. J. Yarborough, Dave Yarborough of Jenkinsville, Wiley T. Yarborough of Colum bia, Mrs. J. H. Bushardt of Peak, Miss Lizzie Yarborough of Jen kinsville, and twenty-one other grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. Mrs. Yarborough would have been, one monti from the day she was buried, 78 years of age. Sept. 22, 1906. In these days of rush and hurry couite3y is often forgotten. In the mad, pell mell rush of our life little things are done to offend that we rath er remained undone. A hastily eaten meal and its resultant headache may cause us social or financial loss. The wise man or woman is the one who re lieves little ills of this sort by a little dose of Kodol For Dyspepsia. It di gests what you eat and puts you-r stom ich back into shape. Sold by all drug gists. Orphans' Work Day. Saturday, Sept. 29, has been'set aside as work day -for the fol lowing orphanages: Thornwell at Clinton, Epworth at Columbia and Connie Maxwell at Green wood. The object of this work day is to give every one the op portunity of setting aside the earning of one day for the care of these fatherless little ones in these institutions. It is ahappy thought and one that should meet with a ready respeonse throughout the State. -Will you not give your earnings for that day for this noble object? Starving to Deati Because her stomach was so weakened by useless drugging that she could not eat, Mrs. Mary H. W~talers, of St. Clair St., Colum bus, 0 , was literally starving to death. She writes: "My stomach was so weak from useless drugs that I cotild not eat, and my nerves so wrecked that I could not sleep; end not before I was given up to die was I induced to try Electric Bitters, with the wonderful result that improve ment followed." Best health Tonic on earth. 50c. Guaranteed by Jno.~ H. Mc~laster & Co., druggists, A Kansas Editor. The editor of a Kansas country new. p iper has found a way oi persuading delinquent subscrib. Iers to pay up. It was quite acci dental. It appears that he had borrowed a ifle and statrted up the main street of the town te return the weapon to its ownr The delinquent subscribers got il into their heads that he wvas