m IF PUBLISHED SEMII-WEEKLY. WXINNSBORO, S. C., FkWAY, DECEMBER 6: 1901. ETILSII 34 A THANF -WE HA 10 Piece CONSISTING OF VE A NL A Onerollof BRUSSELS pose to clos Come now and buy a car at suC D. V. WC \ I N N S BO R O, Prepident Roosevelt's Message. Washington, Dec. 3.-The fi annual message of Presiden t T ;dore Roosevelt was -transmi to congress to-daiy iii the us! manner and read in both hous It is as follows: To the Sen:ate and House liepresen tatives: The congress assembles t vT.r under the shadow of a gr' -alamity. Oni the 6th of Sept - ber, President McKinley was sl by an ainarchuist while attend] t6e Pan-American Exposition 1uffalo, and diedI in that city the 14th of that month. Of the last seveni elected pre -dents, he is the third who I been murdered, anl the b: recital of this fact is sufhicint tjudtify grave alarm among~ loyal~ Amneriean citizens. Mu .over, the circumstances of ti the third assaussination of A merican president, have a pe< Jiazrly sinister significance. Bi Prtsident Lincoln and Presia. .Garfield were killed by assass of types unfortunately not 1 coinuni~i in historV; Presid: Lincoln falling a victim toi terrible passions aroused by Lt years of civil war, and Presid< Garfield to the revengeful van of al disappointed office-seel Prsdn Mcxinlhy was killed an uti terly depraved criminal longing to that body of crimin whoit object to all governtzeer good and badl alike, who :z:inst any form of popuhar I -erty if it is guaranteed by the most just and liberal la .and who are as ho)stilo to the 1 right exponent of a free peon sober will as to the t yrauni .andu irresponisible desp)ot. It !s not too much to say t :ut the timei of Piuesi'1ent McE Iev's death lhe was the most wid hi'ved man in all the Uii States; while we have never I .any public numu of his pos)it wl'o has be~en so whuollyv free fr the bitter animo sities icidentl pub lic life. Hi s poiiical op jients were the~ first tio C; er bearties-t andl most geniei trnibute to the bc oad kindIl inHis n Iatcre, the swecetuiess andit gen ne~ss Of chariacter which so de ared lim 1 to hi ( clse assoi Toa standaird of lofty inter ini pulhic life lhe iunitedi the t n :uitections and hillomei vi rh Ue wh are all-impmi10 tan t ~inI temik, of nutional character. A guli sold ier in the greait wari for Union,) h~e also shone as an ample to all our people beca of his conduct in the most SaC OrrDRING TE IN STOCK s of Carpet, LVET, BRUSSELS. WOOL COTTON. L.SO STAIR CARPET, we pro e out at cost. pet and be thankful you got it h a bargain. 3lker & Co, SOUTH C.AROLINA. and intimtte home re!itions. There could he no persona! liatIed rst o f him, or he never acted with e- armght but conid ration for -the :Ad wellare d Otiers. %o one coi(t a fail to respect him in ul ic or es. private life. The def, nders of hose muderous criminals who of set-k to exense their ciiiniiity . by assertinig that it is exercised is for plitcal ends, invei.h against at wca th and irrcspon:ible power. n- But for this assassinatioi even 0ot this base ai ology ennot I'e mU urged. at A YPCA1 AYE mICAS. President M-Kiuley wa s a man si- of molerate means, a man wh se ias stock sprang from the stardy te tillers of the soil, who had lini to self elonged among the wakeI ll workers, w ho had enteredl the c- army as a private soldier. Wool:th iswas not struck at when the presi i dent was5 assassinmated, but the 1- honest toil which ifs eoitent with )th moterate gains :fer' 1: lfetime of mt unremuittimg labor, largely in the ns service of the public. Still less ,- wa piower stmuck ut in thre sense it thait pow'e~r is irresponsible or :he centered in the hands of. any onme ur individual. The biow was ntot uaimed at tyrannyv or wealth. It itv w* s aimed at one of the strongest r. champions the wage-workihas by ever had; at oue of the most i~- faithful repiesentativcs of the ais system of public rights and rep Lts, resentative~ government who has reever risen to publbe oflice. Pres; b- ent Mcuinlev filed that polt en cal oftice for~ which the entire speople vote, andl no president p not even Lincoln himslt-was sever more earnest1ly anxious to al represent the well th' ught-out wishes of the pe ople; his one at aunxiety in e-very crisis was to in- keep In c'ose touch with lhe elv leol-to find~ o':t whaiiit they el they thought anud to endeavor to ad givye expr' ssion to the mir th1 ough t, ion after having endeavori d to guide >m thait thought arighmt. Hie had just to becen rek et d to the presiduenucy io.. because the majority of our citi the zvue, the majority of ourfamr s and wvage-wtmk?ers. believed that of he had faithfully upheld their e. interests for four yeaurs. 1h1ey en- fe t thIemselves iln leb an: d mte . mate touch with him. T1hat felt tv that hie represented so we' an r o honorab, v all their idhals m'd h aspuirmt io ns iat they wished Lou up to c int inue for another four yearts the And this was the man at whuo n ex- the assassini struck !Tha:t thIire .ed (Colutinue~d on page t wo. Georgi Cane Syrup. "Sugar-boilings or cane-grin ings" are the delight of the prei ent season here in South Georgia But the former appellation is ra-ther a misn< mer, for with the exception of a few instances where a farmer mikes a barrel of sugar for home consuipt ion, the entire product of tlhe cane is made into syrup, a substance so c'ear anI delicious that Souih Georgia cane sN rup has a place for itseIf on the iarkCt reports, 111d is quickly gatining r1()I for its good qual ities wherever it is Shipped. SYIvI) is not manufactured i!n the primitive manner that it was a few years ago, when a small two-roller mill crushed the cane, its driving power being a dis pirited lookin,! mule, which trod iti monotonous round hitcheld to one end of a leve:-, made from a Crooked gum tree. The juice ran (own into a barrel and filtered through th long gray Spanish Moss, then was emptied into a boiler resembling a large wash pot, wh:ch was emle lded in a low, rude mud furnace. After quite a process of skiinming and dipping the boiled juice was called syrup by the one in charge, and was dipped offinto hand hollowed troughs; after cooliiig it was put iito barrels and marketed. By degrcee the Georgia cane syrup has become kowui, and the goo00d prices it conuianids have so encouraged the fairmers that in Some0 portions of the southern part of the State, the cane crop bids fair to out rival cotton. With this change the spirit of mdvancement has taken strong hohl, and now there are many farms \ell fitted out with modern equipments, anl each year the in'distry grows more and more important. The farmers take much pride iL the beauty and clearness of their syiup. ist ead.f its bingur martefnd iii barrels as in former days, it is eled u) ill cans andi fanv bot ties, thus preserving the flavor of its first freshness. Samples of thne syrup ill ttractive!y labled c:ns are being put in tile hands of brkers in large cities, and a steady and lucrative trade is ein built up and ere long mil lions of gallons will be made, w. re it is only thous:anIs now. Bit there is a lighter side which still rceins unaffected through all the years, and so long ,s chil dhood and youth remain "sugar-boiling" will be the one great pleasure of the y-ear. On the cool frosty mornings the children rush off from break fast to spend the day "dowvn at the mill,'' playving in the '"punuy p~ile," whiebi is a long white rulge~ of cane pummee, more prop:erly caled b a..a:sse, a:nl formns aL smul - circle j ust clear of the mil!. it is usual for thbe boiling to e carried far int o the night anl I it is the thing for pairties of young peoleC to g.tth-r and enjoy then seves, talkinug, plaungi games~, chew~ing cane, druinking' the dark, green cane juice, or e tn', the delicious 'ellow foIam, woc rises from the warmiI syrupj with litte pad1dies made fr om a brouad cane peeling. A!uil'lance of ih ~fin~~ hv the '1.1 time~ li ht stanids, wlheb is a tall seutibuhl, thickly c ve*re I with sand an u1 I .oxued by a hlazinmg iire of fat wvoid 801iIC times a broa1 la i h)ownI do)wn n ear t lie f n IC Im a lie.~' ro 01 ouil is c~a t u lon :'n~o:h..r takL's hi pIt-e, and this am usilmen1t 1s c'Ontinueid for s me tonme; thle faniitadie~ "tigurles that ar e cit e 15 msi sho)u)tM o f hmher frohll thn youn I und I lk h Ii itted andur somnet imeis fro:un thIos-~ w io hi re gro~wn old andl se~th-'d. It has b)en1 observedl tfat 11) one C\I r wears a solky fa:r aiOUnd a1 "s1g.Ir-boilinlg." \.:l it ent maitter ho." pen~uri( us a man12 nmi:V b, lie never gru Lges the anunht of juice a wayfare bCl ke ts or b ot the s, whi le hiis wlgon pil jII high with the green am urple cane, is free boo1 ty for Snagor-bi in in lL 0south Ii('orgia is i :dled a sea-son of goo i chieer and broad hospitality and a time vhen one inay gow ratt a.A sw ct. Mattie elle Bray. L Kev, Urooks Co., Ga. Do yvou ruf'er fro---idl .'I- If So do not turl to sIrgeryv for1 relief. )e itt's Witch Hlazol S::lve will awt in1ore qluick ly, sur-ly :"IA Safelv, saving- .v()Itthe expins'. anI dIIa of aln operation. lMdcastcr (Co. White Oa% happenings. We were blessed with a fine rain last night. It was much needed to bring up the grain that has been sown. There h:s been a goo l deal sown u) to this timte, but not as inniuh as should be, owing to the fact tIhat the fa rmIers haven't the seed aid i iy are not able te bay. There is soie cotton to pick Net, hat it is nearly all cracked and wil be an inferior grade. The great question flow is what will becone of the pople next year? No C.rn, no, 'oev, and a hea0vy debt h-ingingv over theimi, though n:ny cling to the old maxim "where there is a will there is a way," and everybody up here say they have a penty of will. There is a c tse of smallpox reported oin Ja Iga Dueschell's place. Ie reported the case to Supervisor lioo I, who protntly ordered the house (uarantined and guarded an1 a doctor em p!oyed to attend the case The mAtrimonial epideiic h:s alfout ceased: but oIe of our pjominent and a Vtve younlg men, fomriniv of our cun-nun it;. but noW of the ca1pital city, wil be married the 111t:. 'M1r. Luisliuhodes, of Aiken county, Ilearing for C. W. Mob ley & G). at this Place. Professor It. Y. Patrick, of Cornwell, a!d M. J. Lowry Pat rick, of WNoodw.ard, cane home on Thanksgiving day and spent the day with their parcnts. Mr. D. M. Milling an.1 family ) and Mr. Jim. W. Baiikhead and ZaIiIy are prepariig to leave this Loea fkedad thlelatter to the city of Chester. MIrs. T. G. Pat, iek spent Thank-giving day uith re!atives in Chestir. Mr. Clairence Travlor has re turned to lichmoLd[ ti where le is attenuilg a busi ness college. Success to The Ne 1; and 1 terald in their new ant beautiful quLAr tcrs. entinel1. December 3, 190. 'lothers ever.wheriI pris:6, One 'IinutC Cour'h ('ar for the sai':rings it h-s relievel and ! te Iives of their little cne, it ia s:n-c!. : arkes at the root .of Ih tr.. bl :+e <..11.r.a...I w o t thi n~ ;?- a Chareston Eptio:1 Rates via the t sout:ra Raulvay.h On account of the S uth Caro- 0 in'a Initr*- Stat' and Wi est ind Iian 0 Expjosi! ion to be i eid in C'harles ton, S. C., beinning D)ecmber ce 1st, 1!X01, the S. uthlern Radlway p will sell exeu: sion tickets to te Charlest o-i and re turn at the fol lowing at trazt ive riltes fromn Ilok a H ill, S. C.: Fo>r $J.50, tickets on sal.' daily, liited to retulrn .Junei 4rl, 1902. - F"or eiT 03, t i'ket~s oni sale dauily, 'N liiitedl t-) re turn Ien d s For $1.:0, tickets on sLI th1ues days and Thurs.d. ys, imited to retlin seveln ''v1 Clresjn iiy r \Ied de.ed rates fromu oti. I losilis. CC to W.\ E.'- I T. P. A., Au zn-ta, G( . W.I li.a~ e, A. (4. H1)t D. . A., Cha.rIlsonev C. Cl .SIferiin o:ut Tr;oha at Liue Pifls i-.' wri-s D. }I. Turner Demseros, i'a , "yoid sell ill von IIate i'i a d lv. Two er w e.~s, us.: hit-; it:t lei a 11'W lutan a eft mn." Infill i Y for cnsti- s 2, a t .\1. Mvl~t e Co. s in rast ore. Ci Si. he in 1 tie rau - fo:' congress f-otn fr the second district A Big ScIfIce Ve have decided to cIose h ive on hand at COST. place to carry wagons durin sCl what few we have on hai i you will need a wagonw ui.I pay you to luy NOW. We only have a few on ha chance. Come early and ge In order to reduce onr sto, wi.1 sell the first ten stoves fi So come early and be one o stove cheap. %NOTHER I T Long Distance Axles, Dust Pr( line of Surreys, nanufactnred riage Co. Harness of all kiH die and Harness Horses and 3 Give me a chance and I will quality. D. A. inter Homes in Summer Land.' Is the title of a very neat and I tractive folder just issuedl byf ie Southerni Railway giving mrplete information regarding e Tanious winter iesorts of j alh and pleasur~e en and ~acd b)y its lines, w'ith rates I h~oard, capacity of hotels, names Th pro prietors, &c. dig This booklet is in a very con e au attratctive form and will the ove valuab le to any one cou sto npialing a trip) for tihe v'inter.th A copy mayv be had by seuding pre tw) :houl~d be towards the treatment of se important organs. This unpleazant co uble is due to a diseased condition of the vo neys arnd bladder and not to a habit as 0 st peopie suppose. " Women as weil as men are made mis be with kidney and bladder troubig :d both need the same great remedy. e rnild and the immediate effect of vamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold druggists, in fifty t and one dollar . . .. ~ ~es. You may have a .4 nple bottle by mail *..* c, also pamphlet tell- .Hwme of SwamupRoot. gall about it. including .many of the usands of testimonial letters received m suffererts cured. In writing Dr. Kilmner co., Binghainton, N. Y., be sure and ntion tMs~en r. ol wagns out what wagons we \ ot having a suitable . the winter, ne will id at factory prices. So 4n the next year it nd, so do not miss this t a bargain. :k of Cook Stoves, we om this date at COST. F the number to get a Cq) Go. -0 0 of Bomjg., A complete * by Tli 'Brighiton Car dA, nice lot of Sad Iares, voung Mules, &c. please both in1 price and Crawford, yspepsia Cure )igests what you eat. is preparation contains all of the estants and digests all kinds of l. It givesinstant relief anti never s tocure. It allows you to eat gll food vcou want. The mos-t scrisiti-ve machs can taLkeit. Jy its use many' usands of dysp~eptics hire been ed after every thingz else failed. Tt vents format ion of gason the stom ,relieving all dotistesfterceating.. tinog un necesary. Picasant to take. can't hielp but do you good MARJi5. I have 10 or 12 a al ni1ce 3r.-es that Iwill sell cheap will trade th( m for thin fues. If x.cu need a horse mc to see me and I wxill let u have 'one that wxili give La Satisf<.ctionl. CAT TLE. I have four ve y*i finel Milch ws that I will cell or ti ade mr for dry cattle.