PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY. WINNSBORO, S. C., FRIDAY, JANUARY i, 1901. ESTABLISHED 844 GOVERNOR MeSWEENEY'S bECOND ANNUAL MESSAGE Reviews Conditions in South Carolina and Recommends Legislation Deemed De sirable Gentlmen f education on an equal basis with the ther departments by providing en arged quartgra for the State superin endent's offie. In regard to, the dispensary, Gover ior McSweeney said: The dispensary has been well man ged during the past year, as the state neut of the board of. directors and the tate commissioner, wh'ch will be sub nitted to you, will show The dispensary system and the man igement of the liquor question have occopied much of the attention of each egislature since the system was in tugurated. The dispensary has also ieen, an issue in every campaign in the Rtate since it was passed and has been nore strongly opposed possibly than 6ny other law that was ever placed mon the statute books of this State. ery argument that could be brought o bear against it has been presented oy some of the ablest intellects of the ate, and yet after a thorough canvass >f each county -end a presentation of he case to the people the system has een endorsed by decided majorities in four different occanions and the rinciple is incorporated in ourorganic Iwo Under the constitution the Legisla are may license individuals or corp rations to sell under the rules and ulationa overni t die essarx manu plans ustively people a verdict cv e has been edly in favor of the dispensary der management of the State. is referen - made to emphasize iat seems to me the duty of ery patriotic citizen w ves his te and believes in democratic ne and republican institutions, and 1 it duty is to submit to the voice of . people and go to work earnestly a d conscientiously to improve and g rfect a law which has received so f y endossements from those whom 5 directly concerns. The courts have t Id that under the police regulations , a State has a right to take cbargo of j a sale of whiskey. The question 1 in reduced to its last analysis is not i , o1f principle but of 'expediency i lat is the best method of dealing r rh this evil so astouscure the beat r mts. That is the question.i The present system, as-it may be im- g oved from time to time,- is the best s lution yetaevised, and is growing 1 public favor; much of the prejudiee r at has eristed against the law is be- a g removed, and many of those who j poe the system are In favo Aof h forceent of the law. As pubhlic titiment grows in its favor it will be sier to enforce it. The mayors and a tend:nts of the towns and cities of I State, in response to a circular dich I issued during November, state i at the law is well enforced and that a a sentiment of the towns is for a1 ict enforcement The exceptions are e cities of Columbia and Charlestoni da few counties in which the sale ofr iskey Is prohibited by law. In fact those counties in which no dispen ric are established it would conduce a better .enforcement of law and ere would be less illicit sale of whis ty t dispensaries were established. Lhe cities naused4he dispensary can >t be rigidly enforced so 1o g as pub-t sentiment upholds violators of the w and grand juries fail to fini true is and petit juries to convict whben ss are made and the evidenci far shed. As pub~ic sentiment grows in vor of the law in these cities and the ijudice against it dies away convic ns for violations will be bad and it then be mot-e rigidly enforced. As a rule, howeve', the law has ten well enfot ced, and it has been ith a ,mall constabularv force but ith the aid of the municipal officers. .1 law is violated. It there were no ola tors of law and this were an ideal nntry there would he no need of law courts to try and punish offenders, he United States government with its limitable resources has failed to stop I violations of the revenue laws. It has becomne castomary for county ispensers to sell to any one who ap lies to purch ae without being identi d or without signing the application in his own true name and signature" nd without stating "for whom or rhose us. it i- required." Amp'e pro isio is made for the course to be par ied for violations in the adrmini-tra ton ot the law, The count y diapensers re responsible to the county boards of onrol and they are apnoit t-d by the Sate board of directots on the recom mendation and with the advice and consent of the senator and representa tives from each county. That brings the case right up to the door of the members of the General Assembly. I again commend to you the advis ability of abolishing the county boards of control and of devciving their do ties upon the mayors or intendants of the towns, and the county supervisors of the counties, in which dispensaries are located. The towns and counties are dirctly interested in the proper management of local dispensaries, and the daties thus imposed would not be onerous. i also recommend that county dispenters be elected by the people as other county officers are eleeted, for a term of two years. They % ould then be responsible to the peo plc for a proper conduct of the busi ness placed in their bands. From the report of the State bosid of dir ectors it will be seen that the net profit to the - cil fund Irom the busi ness for he Ia -i ar, after expenses are paid i. $176,012:18, and to the towns ald cot-it e, $298,10 28. This report cov.:, eleven months, as the fiscal year ha. been cbanged so as to close November 30. In dealing with this question I fiel sure that you will be guided by a love for your State and an earnest purpose and a sincere dosire to do that which will be for the best interests of the gr3atest number, and not be actuated by.prejudice or partisanship. On the subject of local legislation, his excellency had the following to say: In my last annual message I directed the attention of the Legislature to the inhibition contained in the conftitu tion against the passage of local or special laws concerning certain sub jects, and called their attention to the expense and evils of such legislation. I desire again to call your attention to this subject, and also to a recent de cision of our Supreme Court, which has declared one of these local laws unconti-utional. The Court in de livering Its opinion on this subject in this particular case says: "In order that a law may be general it must be of force in every county in the State, and while it may contain special pro visions making is effect different in certain counties, these counties cannot be made exempt from its entire opera on." It has been the cut tm of the Legislature in mony instances as a general law and then add a prov exempting certain counties from its operations. Almost every county in this State is an independent republic, government law, and at ilmoste Wy session of the Legislature changes a amendments are made, so that it difficult to know just what the law in any county. A geological survey the governot suggested as a great need of the State ommenting in part as follows > The mineral indust- oflhis State &&-e er ' s derable atten in, and a good survey would unn oubtedly prove of Incalculable help t d encouragement. The State of outh Carolina is by no means de- a :ient in mineral wealth, but just hat unexplored treasures it holds can c ever be known unless an intelligent, igorous, authorized survey be made. iside from the resultant monetary alue of such survey, facts and statist- { would be placed in the hands of he people that would enable them to : cognize and utilize muc~h natural esources not now even known to be existence. An impetus would be iven to mineralogical anid geological 4 tudy and work in our schools and col- 4 ges, where as yet they are considered ater insignificant and of minor con equence; and the coming, generation i e prepared to take an active personal I nterest in the development of their ative State along this line as they i OW are interested~ in its mercantile, d agricultural, and manufacturing I rogress. The United States Govern nent furnishes any Stete as much ad- I itional money toward State surveys ,ssuch States themselves put into the york-in most cases considerably1 nore-and the question of State ox- I enditures or increased State tax could >t, therefore, conflict with popular The following tecommendation in egard to boards of health was mnade: I would also suggest and recoim nend that the'board of health of each unnty, town, e.r c'ti be subordinate o the State board ot health; and it hould be made the duty of the health afficers of these local boards to repor t inch facts and statistics as may be re mired unoer instruction from, and iu Lcordance with, blanks furnished by he State board; and it should be the luty of such boards to enforce all rules d regulations issued by the State ,oard for the preservation of the pub ic health, and for the prevention cf ndemic, epidemic an:1 contagions di mesee. The State board of health bhuld have power to remaove health )fficers of any of these local boards tor failure to keep a record of these statistics, make reports, answer let ers of inquiry concerning the health f the people, and likewise a fine hould be imposed for neglect of duty. [f such powers were granted to the State board of health it wouid be a comparatively easy matter to suppress smallpox in any of the towns of the There is no more important sulbject to command your thoughtful attention and to demar d wise legislation than tbe preservation of the health and ives of the people. If a State borard f health is to be tuaintained and an appropriation made for its operations, uboity shonld be given it to use this fund to the best interests of the people. The governor's mesnsgo was con clndtd as follows: I have thus endeavored to review briefly the different departments of the State government, and to make such suggestions as have seemed to me to be proper and demanding your at. tapion. In expediting the business tMat shall come before you I am ready to give you such assistance and co operation as may be In my powor. I trust that your S3hsion may be a pleas ant and harmonious one, and that in your deliberations ycu may be guided by an earnest and sincere desire to do those things which shall redound to the advancement and happiness of the people whom Ion hite the honor to r4resent. M. B McSWEENEY, Governor. Iii addition to the above the gover not's message also contained the fol lowing recommendations: That a law be passed regulating child labor in mills. That the State continue to own its farms and work them with convict labor. That the h ring of convicts be dis cotinued That the $24,500 asked for the South Carolina Institution for the Deaf and Blind for the purpose of Improvements begranted. That the present appropriation of $100,000 for pensions be continued. That the voluntary troops of the State militia be liberally provided for. That one or two additional circait judges be e'ected so as to discontinue the special courts. Ti'hat the two amendments to the con stitution voted on %t the last election be made. That an insurance examiner be ap pointed. BRYANT AND LONGTOWN Deatb of m Begler.-CoIiege Boys and Girls Return. It is with feelings of profound sor row that we announce the death of Mrs. Martha Seigler, which occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jenkins, in Colombia, on Friday, the 6th inst. Tue deceased had been in a declin. log state of health for some time, bu as not thought to be seriously ill til a short while before her death. - - having WOman, a hurcb lcted the funeral services in a very ching and impressive manner. Mrs. Seigler has five children who rvive her,,viz : Mrs. Sain and Mrs. Wolfe, of Orangeburg; Mrs. Jenkins, f Columbia; Mr; J. W. Seigler, of innsboro; and Mr. Wm. J. Seigler, if Longtown. We extend our heartfelt sympathies the bereaved ones in this their great Mliss Fan i- L"' Ford. the popular d efficientL ie.her .f the Upper hool, returned trom her home on sturday whither she had gone to ond the holidays. School will re en today. Miss Nettie Brico, who has had arge of the Lower School, has de ided not to return. We have not ard a. v. t w bo will succeed her. Miss J.-nnle Gladden is visiting rela rs at W~ innaboro. Mr. Laban Bush, of Hopkine, is vis ing at Mr. D. W. Tidwell's. Mr. David Smith, of Sumter, is vis ting his father and mother, Mr. F. and irs. D. G. Smith. Miss Nannie Tidwell, who has been rsiting relatives at Hopkins, has re red home. Mr. R. N. Beeves has returned to !ort Hill to resume his studies at ~lemson A gricultural and Mechanical ollge. Miss Sallie Lee Harrison has re wned to Greenville to attend the Presbyterian college. Mr. W. L. Meilichamnp has returned Frman, after spending the hoidays thome. Miss Mary Harrison, of Ridgeway, svisiting relatives in Longtown. T bre w as quite an enj.*yable party tMr. D. W. Tidwells on Friday even g of last week. M r. Will Stewart, of Columbia, vis td relatives here on Saturday and sunday. Mr. Jenkins and Misses Maggie and Aice Jenkins, of Columbia, came up nu Saturday to attend Mrs. Seigler's funera'. Mr. Jno. W. Seler, of Winnsboro, came down on Saturday to attend his mother's funeral. Miss Mamie Haynes, who has been visiting relatives at Winnsboro, has returned home. D x E January 7, 1901. Persons who suffer from indigestion can not expect to live long. because tbey cannot teat the food required to nourish the body and the products of the undigested foods they do eat poison the blood. It is important to cure indigetion as soon a possible, and tbe best method of dong this is to use the preparation known as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, It digests what you eat and restores all the digestive or gans to pbrfect health, McMaster Co. Enb 10 Cents for E ton 1Raiseb t 9f1 MEHS And when you want any GOODS, NOTIONS, BOO ING be sure and call on us. at -*g.+*L ow-Tid We have The Winnsboro B bbund to come to all who trad Quick Sales an Polite attention to all. Go< fnnded. Yours for biz, -D. V. Wa IF YOU NEED A BEE, IO -AND WINE, -AT-. )bear Drug Co.| TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY 0F lAIFIELD. s COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. he Peoples eBank, of Winnsboro, ,1 South Carolina, Plaintiff, against. ol. Wolfe, Hi. C. Wolfe, David C. B. I Wolfe, Sara W. OemPortes Re becca C. Brannon, Etta L Nathan, D. J. Kaufman, Isabelle Bauch, and Rose E. Lytton, Liefendants. opy Summnons. For Relief. Complaint - nt Srved. 1 ro the Defendant above-named: - O ar heebysummoned and re- I Y qiredto answer the complaint e ,tsastion, which is filed in the Be of the Clerk of the Coort of omo Pleas, ftor the said County, oth said oplnt on1linbeeibe r at their o ces above Tbe Winns-1 boro Bank, Winnsboro, S. C., within 1 wenty days ufter the service hereof, xilusie of the day of such service; and if you fail t'o answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff n this action will apply to the Cour' or the relief demanded i the com plaint. NoAGSDAL& RAGSDALE, Plaintiffs Attorneys. o all of the defendants above-named except the deftndant Sara W. Des Porte.t Take notice that the complaint in I this action (together with the sum mons, of whieh '' e foregoing is ai opy,) was 6't. in the oEce of the Clerk of ti e ,ott of Common Pleas,l t Winsboro, County of Fairfield, In he State of South Carolina, on the BAsDA8LE hRAGSDALE, 1--Gt Plaintiffs Attorney'. rw NOvWma pert Vounb of Cot a 1t0 to the thing in the line of DRY TS, SHOS and CLOTH We can supply all your wants a Prices.,*.o ank on our side; prosperity b- ., e with us. Our motto: d Small Profit. ds exchanged or mouey re ker & Co. L ETTE1BOFADMINISTRATION STA TE OF SOUTKCABOLINA, made Given nader m band ths anuary, A, D. 190. S. K. JOHNSTON. 142 Judee of Prbate. etters of Aduainliti om. STATE OF SOUTHOABOLINA, -COUMT OfIrArRILD. 4y. B. JOfrBTONMt., Marobes. RA HughS. Wye th W~s~i~acome to gns~hm f administration of the estati and I Mrs. Eliza Weir, deeeas'sd: These are, therefore, to cite and i all and singular the reditors of the said Mrs. l el4! eased, that they be and ietbb tin the Court of .be heMA at 'aleld Court House, S. , c.en I5 yofJanuq next, afr ulsi ldanltram aahoul ot~~a~d Given under my hand, this day anuary, A. D.19. 142 Judge of Probate. etters of A dippanatration STATE OF 50UTA CAP0OLdiA, y B. B. JOHKBTOf,Mr.,Pestedudge: WHER AS., Mrs. SallieG. M t~e-\ maesuit to me - grher~ tters of administration of ~S~rand fcts of Stark P. Martin, aeceaeed These artherefore, to eite andadmon sh all adsingular the kMndred and reditors of the said Stark P. Martin, re me, in the Court of t e held at FarfieldCourt SC., i the 18th dhtet ofJnrpl fter . nbwt~a Aeseof, at renoon, to showaneIf hthe said a anuar, Anno Domin 1901 142t udgeo ~rb~ IEfTTEU OF A113Th&WJJ6. STATE OF SOUTH CABOLINA, 9yjB . . JORfBTO,BEg.JsugEPbte - WX HEBEAS, J. E. McDongTd hat& TVmadesuit to me i grauthiml md eflects of Wi111am ,Eoeboroqfg leceased: These are therefore t1 -6t14 and ad noish all anid singular thfe kindred and redtors of the said WIant fBie borough, deceased, that they be andal pear before me in the Court of ?r0 bate, to be heid at FaIrfield Court Eouse, South Carolina, on the 16th Lion hereof, at 11 o'cleekd coon, to show cause, If ay thaikm why the said Admn I~~ ot begranted. Given under my band thi3 yj . December, Anno Donii )JS9 8.-ft. JOHSTON. 14.x2 Judgef Probat.. - .