LOj AL fNTELL IGENCE Friday,. January 4, - 1901 IMPORTANT NOTICE. All subscribers of THE NEwS AND HERALD are hereby notified that all subacriptions due previous to January 1st, 1901, are now due to the former proprietors, Douglass & Williams, ;ho are ready for same to be settled. A'. subscribers who have paid in advance will continue to receive their paper till tbe date of expiration. All subscribers, whose subscriptions are not now paid in advance, will have their papers continued for a time with the uncterstanding that they will come forward at an early day and pay for the same. The terms of pay ment are in advance. Surely, with an all-home-print semi weekly paper at the small cost of one dollar and"fifty cents all will comply witti these terms. The Winnsboro Printing Company. -Monday is salesday. -Read the four citations in this number. -y -The Obear f sells Beef, Iron and Wing tr -The Gener' ybly will con- I vene Tuesday, t'& a --McMaster ( ' 1 the greetings 1 of the New Year 1eir customers. k -You can get four job printing done at THz NEw END HERALD ofiice. a --The cannty tapervisor's report b will be found on the last page. o -Mr. J. H. McMaster is soon to 81 move into the house of Mrs. Mobley. s1 -No changes in the regular church bl services for Sunday have been handed tC in.T -J. If. McMaster i et their thanks in this number o st gi favors. -The Caldweli Dry Goods Co. greet be 'heir customers with some Twentieth 0r Ceniry ba:gains. See their ad. th -7he Winnsboro Bank has made its bi stockhilders glad by the pay ment of a ha 4 per ont semi annual dividend. he -Stascribe to TENEWS tel HmR4 It will comtna at week ff a whole yeai-bot- onTy'one fr( dollar adi a half. tot -"Theyear 1901 is a volume of 365 Fl( bright, fi pages. Beware the first , otl" Pesident Jas. H. Carlisle, to L.D. nrc -Clemson opened again January ha< the 3rd. Those reporting from town ma were Messrs. E. M. Matthews and Jos. mO --P. Cummings. ma: -Just as soon as the necessary ar- coa rangements can be made we hope to Bti county produce. tn --Air-tight heate R. W. Phillips' ad. know from actual test is claimed fot them. -The Rock Hill Herala the amusing fact that the ayor and --aldermen werrethe first to 4iolate the anti.spitting o'rdinanse. -Mrs. jilanna Rionr-illiams has just published her "Sabot Dance." Mr. George B. M. 'av . will have in a few days tlis m.asic for sale. --Mrs. F. M. Habenicht expresses her gratitude to her past customers for their previous 'tronage. She al ways keeps on banip. very fine line of Efne grocerie. * -nterestir.g letters from several of our correspondents g necessarily omitted froani this issue7' Thoy will all appear in the next, and we trust their letters will be many and r agular. -In the New York Herald of Do cember' 30th is a charming picture of Theresa, daughter of Mrs. H anna Rion Williams, being a "special metion for artistio work in w ater color contest," *done by Theresa. - Tennant & Co. have r ented the old Habenticht building, and 'will in a fey days,[be prepared to furnish the comn munity with fresh meats of all kinds, fish, oysters, &c. They will also run a first class restaurant. --Watch night services would have .been held at the Methodlist Church Tur day night bad it not been for the fact that on acconut of ra'.n last Sunday morning there were no services, and 4 consequently no annoutrcement could be made. -A first class paper cutter, mucet new type, a.nd a full supply of all kinds of paper and envelopes have jnst been received at TH1E NswS ANIg HERADD office, wh~re :you can get all your printit-g well dor s on good ma -tei'ial at reasonable prices. -Mr; J. L. William!, wbo for the past four years has bee 2 associated in the bnsiniess man'tgement of TEE NEWS AND H ERALD, will stIll Conttinue as fore ipan of the offce. The other printers ~vill be Mr Marvin Gh.ddep, who baa been working with Mr Williams the past few t ears, and Mr. Fitz Thomp son, who ietnrns to hit first love after sevt ral years of absence. * Stockholders Meeting The an'ual meeting of the stock holders of The Fairfield Cottor. Mills will be held at Thte Winnsboro Bank Tharada', JaLnuary 10:h, at 11 o'clock. J. W. Cathcart, Secrptarv. -During the holidays no Weekly was issued. We therefore reprint some matter that was printed In the Tri Weekly for the benefit of the sub scribers to the Weekly. We trust our readers will make due allowance for this irregularity and for tome other features that are not adjusted as we should like them on account of the changes made. -Wednesday evening, December the 26tb, the Masons had an informal banqet.at the Daval hotel. The oc casien was.a delightful one, and the supper prepared by the hostess is said to have been of that very high order which is eharacteristic of Mrs Duval for such occasions. -Last Saturday Mr. D. A. Craw ford received a carload of fnoe mules nd before the middle of this week rally one half of them were sold. This act is full evidence of the proper ad ustment of quality and prices. He wishes all his friends to call on him when in need of stock. See his ad. -M. W. Doty & Co. have greatly mproved the appearance of the old I eaty building, purchased by them 4 Ist year, by using the paint brush on )oth the outside and inside. Such im- , rovements are highly creditable to i be owners of prorerty. Nothing' ives a ;town a better send-off with isitors than freshly painted places 0 usiness. -The Win naboro Racket Co. has had n fine trade from the day it first opened a usiness here last fall. The magnifi mnt way in which they handled the b ock bought after the fire at the depot H iowed that the men in charge of this lness were such as progressive ir wns extend a tearty welcome to. X hey extend a hearty welcome to all stomers who are looking for bar- Jr iLns. See their ad. fo -Mt. Zion opened Thursday with a tter attendance than was expected I< account of the day of opening and so e weather. All the teachers were ek in their places. Prof. Witherow to d returned [from Columbia, where tic attended the meeting of superin dents; Mr. T. P. Quarles from home so Abbeville, Miss Bessie McMaster 01 m a visit to her brother in Charles- I , and Miss Eunice Bacot from hal wrence where she spent her holidays. Me -The dispensary at Kingstree is said A have been robbed of $1,800 last Sat- bel lay. The dispenser, whose bond sch I expired several days previous, had h de no deposits since early in the tew nth. The county board 'ad the nev or should pay the shortage on ac- 3 t of this criminal carelessness. on they wgl not, nor will any one be wi e to cwr Well, suppose itwu tisement. Think how many would read it and be reminded ti you are still in business, and better prepared than ever to serve your cus tomers. It pays to advertise if you have anything to advertise. Try it, and grow rich. An Enjoyable Beception. The usembers of the Episcopal con gregati on tendered a most enjoyable reception to Rev. Harold Thomas and his bride on Saturday evening. The home of Mr. J. Q. Davis was the scene of the function, and was filled with the parishoners v : were glad to welcome Mrs. Thomas to their midst. During the evening the souls of the music-lovers were delighted by the strains which Miss Isabel Davis drew from her sweet old violin. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas remaineJ in Winnsboro until midnight on Monday, when they left for their home in Co lumbia. GOOD MONEY Bob Ross is now making a fine salary for a colored youth of his years. For the next thirty days his earnings will be fifteen dollars, a much larger amount than he has ever earned before in so0 short a time. His wages wore increased last 5?rtday morning. After indulging in his 4a~rlte sport :mi t'.rowing rocks-en 4.he-street', he Ient up for a third time on this same charge before May or Coan, who ex ressed bis tisapproval of pob's con t-oned street performances by giving him his preference between paying $15 for the support of the town or working thirty days in the interests of good roads. Acting on the policy that money saved is money made, Bob has joined the good roads society. The liberality extebded this colored youth for e. gaging in so innocent a sport as throwing rotks in public places is commendab!C. Dr. S. L Swygert, of Greenwood, stopped over at Rockton for a few da s with his sister, Mrs. T. W. Raff'. He was returning from N1ew York. Mr, Carl 8. Matthews spent his holi days partly at home and partly with friends in Aiken. He returned Mon day to Davidson College, where he is librarian and instructor in the pre parator department. CONINO A"DGOfIG. Mr. W. L. Reed of Woodwards cam down on business Tuesday. Misses Carrie and Eloise Elliott hav returned to Converse College. Mrs. M. M. Caldwell is visiting th family of Mr. W. 1H. Fienniken. Mr. W. Y. Hinnant, of Chester spent Monday in town on busines. Mr. J. H. Cumminge spent a few days in town during the holidays. Mr. Waugh Turner and two childrer returned Monday from a visit to Ches. ter. Mr. Bob Smith, of Longtown, spon the Xmas holidays at Mr. J. A. Stew art's. Miss Annie McKeown with her ister, Mrs. John Creight, for the holi lays. Miss Mattie Martin left Tuesday for Jnion to resume her work as a stenog apher. Miss Tirza Ketchin is back at her laties as principal of the school at &ittord. Miss Bessie Taylor has returned to ier studies in the Columbia Female )ollege. Prof. D. G. Dwight left on Toursday iigbt for the Porter Military Academy a Charleston. reorald returned Wed msday from j sb.-rt visit to Charlotte id Pineville. Mr. Otis K. Scott, of Florence,ha. 3en visiting the family of Mr. Geo. . McMaster. Miss Marie Lee, of Sumter, is spend g the holidays with the family of r. R. E, Ellion -Messrs. J. C. and R. Means Davis, ., went down tQ Ridgeway Monday r a day's hunt. Mr. W. L. Holley is at hi.4 couilty me on account of the sickness of ne of his family. Miss Mamie Cummings has returned Georgetown where she has a posi. n as stenographer. Rise Estelle Stevenson, of Steven. D, returned Monday to her school at I ive in Chester County. dessrs. Gregg tand Tom McMaster re returned kto their studies in the dical College at Charleston. iss Ellen Ellison, who is teaching d >w Ridgeway, has returned to her >ol after a two weeks' rest. Ir. John Neil, Jr., is at home for a days' rest before entering upon his duties as postal mail c!erk. [us Rachel B. McMaster left hem New Year's Day for Newberry,I ir she is teachin ,in the e rg ful visit ofawek i town, Miss Lazzeve Crayff ent Columbia on the first to i.ame hi work in the city graded schools. Messrs. Ross Brown and Gordo Quattlebaum, who are attending th South Carolina Co-Educational lost tute, are again back at their work. Prof. W. H. Witherow 'uended I meeting of the department of superil tendents at Columbia the last day the old and the first day of thre no year. Mrs. T. R. Brown, of Camden, wh has been spending several weeks i: Washington, at ped for a few da: with Mrs. J. A. Stewart on her we home. Aire. Alige Harden, a traised nuri in the Hospital for the Insane, returne to Columbia Monday after a visit several days to friends and relativesi town and county. Miss Maggie Gladden left on Tue day with her little sister, Isabelle, ft Baltimore, where she goes to place ti little girl in Johns Hopkins' Hospita for medical treatm..Pt. -On December tbe 19th, the Jerom~ hotel, Columbia, and one-third of th block on which it was located was de stroyed by fire. The loss footed up total of more than $100,000. Mrs. M. A. Chambers, Mrs. B. C. Flannagan and Miss Bessie Bookman 0o1 Columbia, are visiting;Mr. and Mri T. P. Younginer, also Mr. J. A..Foste and daughter, of Greenville Messrs. R. M., C. F. and E. P. DavI Charlie Neil. Henry Gooding and Toi Ellison have resumed their studies the S C. College. Mr. Geo. McCan went back with them and entered i freshman class. Mr. F. .E. Binnant, principal of tl Edgefleld Gradedi School, :spenit Imi week with his family, anid after visit on business in the north erm pa of the State has returned to his pedi gogicil duties. -Miss Mamie Erice returned Moi day tc her school at Conway. Mi Blrice is the firet assistant in the schoo and as an ~evidence of ber succesafi work she served as principal for tis weeke bet ween the resignation of tI former principal and the election < his sucessonr. e.t SYRUP y2fConghst *PAM Sthen risk a sliow,sime SDr. Bull's P.Price, 2o. t 'Iipoe upon. the da ssubetitu~;i oS as D W ; it -ad PaIe. Ia &as ca. Miss ra Moore, of Thompson, Georgi t the lXmas holidays at Mrs. A.- Porter's. Mr. G6rge Connell, of Philadelphia, spent a ft hours in town on Monday. He was OftlWs way to Long Ban where he will hN0 with big brother-in-law, Mr. L. A. Bye. Two very handsome pointers were his &companions on his trip All the Winnsboro girls who are at tending the Presbyterian College for Women In Columbia spent their holI days at hqte. The following have returned to er college duties: Mirses Isabell Do ias' iMarie McCants, Janie Flenni en, naa Beaty, Gussle D esPortes ahd A lice W alker. M i n -a Beaty, wbo a member of the s class, will t return on ae count e tron le. PRESTO RION, A&rT 0 Pacific Fire Insura ce Company of New York. Glen Fall Insuran Company or New York. Rochester German 1 urance om. pany of Rochester, N. Solicits share oft pub patronage. 9-20-ly Notice to oters of e ' a for reg-s. munica Il av A ril ro, 8. C., will no. m. Smith's tore , 1901, an-. closed is r this election must e this time. Esch ap. gistration must produce registration certifcate and receipt for all town taxes efore he can register for town Ion. J. L COAN, Intendant. W. M. Cathcart, Supervisor of stration. 1-4 IF YOU NEED A OD TONIC !BEEF, i1O01AD IMNE V -AT y Obear Drug Co is We have trade-winners, high-grade and low-in-prlce BEATERS-the moi economical ever Invented. They will burn knots, cbuaks, chipi e and anything else that is combustible and will give greater beat with les fuel than any other stove in existenc 'and beat more quickly. They wil B keep the room warm all night-an: nIght and every night. You can keel your room at any temperature. The: -are as cheap as coal and cheaper thal ,a coal steve. They help both farme *. and merchant. rI also have a few coal stoves and ibox heaters AT COST TO CLOS1 OUT. s, We have also the new, lmproved O0 ' Heaters-SMOKELESS, ODOBLESI SAND PORTABLE-suitable for you kt bed room, dining room, and parlor. COOKING STOVES, aNONE BETTER MADE Why pay sIxty-eight dollars for range from an agent when you cal . buy as good one at half price' fret your home dealers, who have a repn atation to sustain and who will tres Iyou more fairly. The money left a al home with them Is circulated at born r as much as possible-that sent awa: ldoes no good locally. SR. W. Phillips. WE WISH TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING GOODS, and offermany goods at BARGAIN PRICES. Some of these gods are offered at less than cost. This does not in' clude all the goods in our store. The bargain lots are put on the counters and marked in plain figures. These items are for CASH ONLY and WILL NOT BE CHARGED at these prices. A varied lot of Dress Goods, Plaids and Silks, Lot of Percals, at 7, 8 and xo cents. Flannelets and Outings. All Winter Underwear at a discount. Lot of Gents' Heavy Gloves. Cotton and Wool Blankets. SHOES. Lot of Ladies' Fine Shoes, at $1.50 to $2.oo. These are less than cost, worth $2.00 to $3.o. Lot of Children's Shoes, all sizes and prices. Lot of Gents' Shoes, at $1.50 to.$1.50, worth $2.00 to Many of the oods we offer are fresh, new stoek, bougt this fall. WecJo not wish to carry them over the summer, and offer at these prices for CASH. To the many who have patronized us we wish a. happy New Year with that the new century may bring them mum of prosperity. We ask a continuance of your patronage, promising at all times to use our best efforts tosupply TO wants to your entire satisfaction both.as to quality and prices The Cadwo1l Dry Goods Companys in Addition to a Large Supply -of lORS~ ND MULES. On hand, I have just put in st lo a carload of the BEST MULES that I have had in te years. Stock of all kinds are high. I solicit a share of the ublic patronage, and do not intend to be, undersold by any f my competitors. Call And see me and be convinced. BUGGIES, HARNESS and of all kinds alwp kept in stock. Horse medicin of a descriptions. A Corn; Oats and Hay at bottom res. am also pre to do a General Livery Business, with new ling Stkand good horses. *It V%.- DS ulde V%000 66. 0. A. Cra -IS NOW OFFERING A LLJINE OF A T THEIRSTSR-E IN THE GRANITE BUILDING. All (oods (Gheap fop (gash. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, OR GOODS RE TURNED. C. B. GLADDEN, Mgr. thak 1q01. S ~our ______ Pmany friendsThanking our friends for frindstheir past patronag, we ho fo .hi for a continuance ofthe san*, for heirand that they will still remem liberal ber we are dealers in patrnageDRUGS, patrnageMEDICINES, in the TOILET ARTICLES, PAINTS, past OILS, and wish BOOKS, STATIONERY, o them all GARDEN AND A Happy New Year. FIELD SEEDS F. M. HABENICHT,. Mcsle Cmlii