(.?s- \v!l!i't?t( p J down in (llb l'nivAuui i'?ui?l ... -, vii .' I '. . : lilley ?hi j?'r ) i lips ol* Hugh's ba's, lb.il hb o".! ?t. \ ? < :?. ? Obeih'tl?, I lie aruiy engineer wini \< 1 ? i : i 1 ' i : ; ; ?? (h.- big Canal, ?Sui ii?vs?Uolil !>iMi'\?>'.. ..!... paused Inn-- biioiigh dir lifo ' ?!' ? >! pt' sUinhl ly ia \V!iili 1 bjeotlng lo I he rbritlleiillbii ol' the canal. Otherwise President 'Pai'l's l<% instead 01* liebig hroiid, | would hnve been tis nnrr?w eeo.;rap!iicaliy with relailott u> his fe 00 us I is Ute Isl lt tuns of Tannum with rclnlUm io North and South Anua'ieti. 1 BU iPJT ? W SI ?f??K1? I H ? ? 111 (S?? 1 ii Wf ell lila vMIUSka tis EH^r,;..:;*', K :^v.!i;^w?s.^-i:^v.-:L'c::r^;^.i fill HlOSC roo I Crisp ll'.oi'i'il! wann cl ol hing; ns usual, wo ni ings. B&kSflZS&S ."vi....:. .'.1* I l.?vVslOK^ rm Win M^^iifT^T^^nrrwiraKn^iiiiiBiiwiiiiii iiiiiiii II i III III HM HIM I Mons all 1 ribbed all co' garment. Boys uncle garment. Womens si ton and wool Prices from ! Womens n and all cot to M isses am in ribbed nm Infants un cotton wrap j FURS! FURS!! We aro consignmenl of furs lo daysb tod by them to oller al Broad1 York. Von do not pay the n HcCaH We? .Ut ill ??>?-) m . ? Marlboro Baptist Union. The Marlboro Baptist Unioi convenes with the Blenheim Bap '.?st church Saturday and Sunday,! October 28th and29th, 1011. A;' the Baptist cburclies in the count are expected to send representa lives. The services will boas fol lows: SATURDAY, OCT. 28. 10:30. Devotional Service. Enrollment and organization. ll. Benefits of the union meet mg. .1 J Lane. 11:30, Fundamental Baptist Principles, J A Brown. 3 P. M. Devotional service. 3:13, Tho Benefits of an Or iran i/.cd Sunday School, Prof Campen. 3:45. Tho Benefits of Teachei Traiuing, W 10 Wilkins, SUNP?Y, ocr. 29. 10 A . M. Sunday Behool. II. Preaching by dov ,1 A 3 "!'. M. Dovolional Service. M il 5 Thc iittviiiati's lv?spbhsi I db tv, J \V Lo(? rando. 3 'Ah. Tito Lay man's Movement, \\ IO Wilkins. Short talks by Laymen. Special collections tor Stat< , Missions. For Sale, 1238 acres of thc 'Round O" plan ' talion on? of tho best in Darling j ton county, S. C, 800 acres undei cultivation, with good clay foun ! dation, suited to cotton, cor?? and I tobacco, balance woodland w i t l i some limber. Good water, 100 acre paean grove two years old Young peach orchard just corni nj into bearing. Out building' and ? tenant houses ii (irstclass repai?. Majority of them new; 35 acre iii drii wi ec felice for hog and cat tle pasture, Only One mile from .;?!'.<.<)'. ch it roi j und depot, and se\ 11 m?t s from tito .. " ir, 30,0 bales of obft.oh ' ? M?til* Clar? n d ?hspfj?v. T 'Cf. Dptm'd, S6eiol.y Hill. S.V. o;d u ?OA . li. |<\ I >. S'?), ii li?l?oiii-H 'Ss is i bri io -i dtspi'd?i '?"! '.'?! li il i. II ni I iii'Slniiiiti-ii. l-'lia Hi 11** I lain T.-i I >ii'I ti iv i -vii ! lalj.V ;i M ? 11 ! i : 11 . 11 lini ; , ?uti ad?;d i s|>ivia|.ly to ?na oh (?ii ni?ran': io - i' a.ii -i- ir. srntaai1 ft ii. t,u mu? iiivijii)rat> irixulauj lim liv nnil i.i lumisli liilioiisili'SS iiositivclv III if l illi WM i remind ns forci!)] y. .o equipped to sup] ! \ ..M. -. ...j ... .'.._ BCSSSSSBB i ie f vvool, fleeced and ril lion shirts and draw? rwear, h MHO goods a ilk and wool; marina mixed; fleeced and 25c to $1.00 garnien inion snits in silk an? n. Price from 50c t I childrens in all wo I fleeced vests and t der wea rs in Rubins )ors. Price from iE just in receipt of a 1 [)ngei\ TI ie se furs a r< A;ny wholesale prices isual retail profit. y G Ci ot a Sat ui (fay Evening Post ? from me every Thursday. Frnak J MoOormac, agent. Tlk> host plastor. A piece of (launel mal willi OluuabcM'laia'H Liniment, i ' IIMMI oa ovor tlie afloctod parts is lor lon planter anti rust only on ? much. For snlf hy All Dealern. One Thousand Cannes Bulbs for Sale. November is tho time to plant for gorgeous canna beds li su vmer. Buy now at 5c each. bli? bulbs also for salo. Mrs. A. J. Matheson. lM I ..:ia. For Sale ro lot with two dwellings I boro street. Apply to Williams, McColl, S C. ?QT Scot Imitation < ontaining three ami ninety acres ol' high .cd bimi within two miles ree, S 0, to rent or wil' or live years if desired. Apply to J. P Hodges, lie, S. C. 19 .nv for Sale. ?s of which about 50 are id in good state of cub i las one, tenant bouse with tugs. Is well drained and . Clay subsoil, healthful . n f.'?) miles of Kingstree. i at $30.00 |>er acre. All M in-. A pply to 11 K M?>ntgoniery, Kingstree, S C. ?;?oniy hon^, nioilem mc:.! -, go >d co'lid j jpn y *? -1 * ? buil lings, tenant ' lilia! d, our bali' acre wide? t'jro-5 (loop; Ibirgiun in th's v. I.i rati-m ns gddd as tho ..ms, oj e. hal f cash, bal li ve y i a?, rs. pi Open y i^ n< >fc sold at sali) bi ?'ore Isl Monih\.\ in >er it will theil bo sohl al before the court house to nest bidder. A pply to IC illili SUIT. I) H'I' \\ an?s, and anxious m^iKM&wtamiMMM' - i T"ffl vvool and cotton m match. Price frc les as in mens. P ibbed wool; fllcec< . cotton vests and ; all wool; mixed ) suit. :ed wool and cott< s to niatch, 25 anc ?ol; silk and wool: c garment. ?'rom the furrier, t ne o f K( vv York'i ge t a fur al tho p xt ten days will ci THE STORE There will bo an littra? ; [follow e'en party under tbo auspices ol tho Twentieth Century Club for the ben efit of its library, in Mathesons Hall On at 7 ii mom :80 \\ M. 9 v There will be in any attractions for small amounts for the cl ii id ron and grown people. Admission: Adults !5 cents, children IO cents. 24-25 ad 3 WHEN YOU ARE SICK YOU NEED MEDICINES. e always keep the kind You WILL BK GLAD TO S KR VE YOU, AND GUA.K A NTI ?K T< ) 0?V K Y< iii Til IO PU KKST AND \\\>-v TIS KKK IS. Li I;N'SK|) i)iUJG(J 1ST 'if. Si-.iiV!-; YOU A NU vi?ij ?cvk?Y i*iu:scmiyn< -N AS ITSHOULD ino B e h n ott sville P h a rmacy, O. A. M&theWs, ?h. G. Mgr. Prescriptions a Specialty. fe?NNETTSV?llL?, S. C. il ii ea rabies must be replaced by good to have von investia'ate our ofror ixed; fleeced and )m 50c to ?J .50 .rico 2,5c to $1.00 3d and ribbed cot l pants to match. wool and cotton >n and all cotton, 1 50c garment. , all wool and all allowing us to hold and offer tho s lead i ng fur lirir.we \\