The Marlboro democrat. (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1911-1911, October 27, 1911, Image 5

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AVA WI! Lift ' V ' Var.. A Va \y\\ ' .. : AsfbP, ?'li IJ Astor, mari ii i v ; tjytit Lehma H i>omo natue tl (rc! slid will o'? n.ids, for V.r. P.tmlett t "ottil Itt A lill l ira. ll" In - a it til ililli! fif r. century, ltjs f?llUM' wa : a '. j ,u 11111 r wan au A- hm ?ml "t' I'liilii littrili'tt-Coiiits am! nssiinu>d lier ntii Hie 1....H-. -.: lu.t!, ir I i ia ron IM. 'I li Mrs. As.-.;-, ulm wits A Vii Wi Min;: .Ino!; Astor of .Ww Y?)|'U millions . ll few yolirs au'D. Sin- slill is :v rc &oote(,v. Tho rumor of liff engage n writer and a philanthropist as we Internationa) round? Cum! y of Marlboro. Court of Comn on Pie? s. Copy of summons for relief. (Complaint not served.) Della .Johnson, A live Johnson Townsend, Fred Johnson, IOdward Joh n, Tnomas .1? hnson and Honey Johnson, plaintiffs, vs IMiou - Johnson, Annie Johnson Koa h Ma ?oh (?iles Johnson, Al bert bid ney Johnson, Percy .lohn son, lill Xewton and 11 1 i New ton, Jr, d 'fondants. To tho deft ndams: M unit? John son. Annie .lohti' Kt>tcli, M <r ion (?iles J liinsoTij Albert Bidoe\ Joh, -o-,, P. : ijitlii son, li ll IS* ? wp. n ilii I li I ! Newton, -I i : Vi ti a* t: lier ;l y summoned a i id rapid*, d tti uti wer 11 it -i complaint i?- 1 ' . :ie . . wTiieli i ii eil m i hi ?111 ' i h'1 r?-u k ol' I he court ol' c . i cou; I lil Situ! li tit t'i*, Hlld tO seri:' a eop\ Of ,\ o if swrr lo the s|U'| ? flu j j)] ii i jd <)'\: V 0 Sid i-11' ?boj s, ;p I'M ii '..ollie, in \\ ii).i.-(|,.\ iU.% Vy lol: i V. o ; lilia, Willi n I wei;', y ? lays a I tel' tho' so iv iee liN'oof, excludive ol' tin day ol' RU h ?orvicO.s air; it' veli fifi ' to ri i is .. '.< m.. a mt wilhi ire tin . < ii I, the i'll ii ml in (hp , at I '. ! ??. ; . i y td li '? ci ni ri i . tl e rel iel dein a lided i i the. cou, , plaint. Toi. imi nd ?l: Hogers? IM ii In ti IVs' Attoine.N s. Dated al liohnettsville, S ( '. Cel. 2' ?ih, A. I), lill I. To Albert S .Johnson and Pore; Join s ni : Take notice that ibo sum mons in this action, of which the above is a copy, was bled in the ofiico of the clerk of the court al Beni'iCttsville, S C, in the county of .Marlboro, in the .statt?,of South Carolina, on tho 21st day ol' Octo ber, A D, 191J. Tow ni end & Rogers, 25-30. Plain ills' Attorneys. One Thousand ('anim Halbs for Sale. November is tho time to plant bulbs for gorgeous canna beds next .summer. l?uy now at 5c eat: h Dahlia bulbs also for sale. Mrs. A. .1. Matheson. 24(1 25a. For Sale. Kino I arm ol' 1 ."><)() acres, soo i;i cultivation, good ginnery, sawmill and stoi c. on the. place. < ?nile a lo. of sawed timber, (?ord pro po sitien at reasonable price and ternis. For particulars address J. K. Slnith, 21 '^p. DavisStatbn, S. C. WILLING TO WED AGAIN; i'0 thc w ?fi? nf i ., .?..,. ) .lohn Jacol) ii A iuiKMii uart icu p.m.;' u .Couti* j laiplleate thc liltoi't?littotl?l ; ls ls ?MI IhuoM^hnian Who w its porn .r <>\' piiriiutucul far ti lieut ?1 ipi?rto'r | (toi iii. lie iuurrUal tli" i.Vtrhn'osH : !U>, f,\UH !". ..( tu lii\<> i-. . : : i i : > ? .? ? ? o |>aroiu> ?s lit Iiiiii :> t.rvc fy?iv\\t\ : ol' I ' 11 i I. i < 1 . > I ; 11 > i : i before UK* vena;/ non lur. divonnl her tii-st leisha nil j lining beauty ii nd quilo popular Iii j meal t<> Mr. iVui'ilotl-Co.uitsj who is ll us a parliamentarian, is going the j ^ffVU?J YEAR. Mudo clear in ono your on 12 acres of Mooro County Lund. Wc can tell you who did it, and bow. You can do tho same. Write for Bul letin of Improved Farms an Unim proved Tl acts A. S. Newcomb OH Co. '2nd Southern Fines, N. C. tor Sale Ti ?iel No. 1 2?C acres land (i miles no: lit of Camden near Southern railroad (side trael< mi le I. 1 'nb'ii road rib s through place. HviM-.v nieb i t ini^ p|a?i? hi; lea\e. Willem < ne liuudi;ed lilly thousand feet li g leaf pith I hp tic'I"- Wond 0,1 pt u e u .,! mort [Iii ii |i:i.v for v ll r ?,.1 d pl a in: in ?fb?il tv ; . 0 ?'ii te 11 nuil ( o pl nit ii d Cay sub soil 11 oui sl.\ lp IO inches, h\ 1 Spending ono tlioUsand dollars oh itnproV' mc nt'I place woitld easily bring #20 j cr acre, Brice $10 pei j acre. NO. ?3 710 acres Wayo county lia. 7 milos Josup (county site) :\ nubs from Sere ven. 30 regular passengci trains pass d csu ti and 10 piiss Scrcvcn dad. . Ko ur and live room tenant houses, HO acres in cultivation making this year bale cotton per acre an aver a^e ;>.") bushels (ann with 100 lbs fertilizer per acre. There is no liner land in either South Carolina or South Ca than this place. Soil clay pebel. 1 have owned and farmed this land for past two years. Public road from Wayeross to desup passes corner of place. 1 will sell whole place at $20 per acre or half investment to right party who can move there and manage .farms. Terms can la' had on cither place. Address J, U GUY, 25-27 Camden, S. C. <M U-.. A linet H.v ian a i,c<- gr< For the Town Only All in want of a Thanksgiving' turkey at 20 cents a pound to bo delivered before Thanksgiving j drop mo a postal illili tell .N our j wants. D A ( ?ovington, 2b Gibson, X C. C''"Z:'f". .-?.f7r.:nv'Tri*'T,r'r ' . " . " ? ? ..- j-....^^,vt,r..... lt is ra re t1"- a t; arri m o roved ?p-to-t?ato- farm in one Si ali mile of SUIT S. C. city limit is ?ftere::! ?or sale at a low price, bu. I have con= eluded to Quit A rming and look after some of my other interests. willing to sacrifice it. V I Wi Far tn contains 196 water stream on ono . in ten feet of line, fo three room tenant ho one live room tenant stories about 30X180 inside with combated tongue ?ii (1 gioove l feet ol' h mber. A ls? buildings. A hon! seventy- li\ < iirouhil it am! a ii a < 10 linell. I pi edit I il O ie ll is |>||K'(! w iii tl 11 u"..\ ( m?iil fi t tm .. ! li' sol?! inside of Tl for Twenty 'P s a nice clear spring ace and public school m tenant houses, two ix room tenant house, very large barn two ' ra heavy and covered I iron, both Moors aro contains about 00\l > 0 malli r houses and out s heavy wire feneo u 'ned in on i titre of l.v a si KI I u 1 ile be niue, tis 1?( 11 is i ow I i?S ; l!;i< ii ?Lil I il. .t,\ d.i.\ H v ill eh an out ind Dollars il* ? !i Noihipg loss v. ill I n ni ty and a lal enin .\ ile'." Hilo this pi I pie have ON cr advertised io kn ;. ?wi :.;i i ?i i ur! u >t be pl < mpt iii look' ?his i's tho iii--t time 1 ; and ii w ill go quick. WI 25:32 *t) S. C. For over forty clothing tho \\ i have been F VIF SLv V lil ii Ht ) 7;? nj "I "F have buen buy i rt i fjrcal iii. a rt y years Kiid (ii vc\h iv- ?oat:! underwear rci'cfi tc our rivons tl r from yotk for a fi lid a sforc (hat o." I !i!s man ivas :? ?nd?f wi sell ai 4?c Muri s si i I ) ra w ors io 50 ;0 id 50 The Evan Yellow Si Ghera eople, C. Theivvow want IVISITING CARDS WEDDING INVITATIONS ~TATTON ERY?>?3 AcMlA FiAKCOUK ^Louisville.K* Qi 1 MANU FACT UR KAVERI Prices Quite (l.s Reasonable as t with Quality. Owing to tho steady growth of my jewelry and optical business as well as all of my other special lines it became necessary for me to double tho capacity of my present store building. I have added several new lines not formerly carried and am prepared to meet your demands for anything in my linc. You arc cordially invited to call and let us show you tho season new and choicest designs in everything pertaining to fine jewelry and silverware. Respectfully yours, Sitm J. Pearson, East Main Street, Bonnotts ville, S. C. 19 CORTRIGHTsi?^s .... \yiiwmaammat 1 Buildings cover< 1 over twenty ycara ago are as good ns new and have never needed repairs. Fireproof - Stormproof-Hand some- Inexpensive, For further detailed information apply to I, M. H?Alf? I 11 I /Vi nerti js ?!?.vrr>( etd ht?oks imti0?iti$ ?O UH which Iii? . , rv.i o' tr\r i i. r n >v i'n in in' thc iu'>;? *0 days. No hooks redeemed after Nov 15, 1911. For a long time we have wanted to make our circula ting library more popular and believe we can do so by rent ing thc Looks throughout instead of selling and redeeming as before. Marlboro Drug Company, cus?as Jennings, Mgr, ;. W. D. Eason, Sec?y. @ Treas. Wc OHer For Sa!e 1 nice residence in Murchison Park "2 nice residences on Cook street. 2 up-to-date mercantile buildings on Main sircci Several improved farms in Marlboro comity near Rennetsvillcon railroad This property is all liigh-elass and will be sold close. The Jion ch i er Lots on New and Town send streets. Rem ober, th ? bcsl in Life Insurance ai lowest ratios. Mutual Benefit. Penn Mutual. CROSLAND fe TYSON. 10' I