V. ..".V-.Xy,"'- V^!"??! '..WVK.;?. .-. ?. . - --.V v;..v.,. ?.'>.. ? : . > , IVvX-v-i : . ". 1 !. J "^VII?^||B^^L?T" .-' "Li" . > '' ''? '??/%."'$? v: tf4*%Mk? % v/kt?t ^$#fsSPi VOLUR1S5?L ANDERSON, S? G*? THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 1,1916 131 > Only:.^yen.Su^vpr? pf ,;lw^ Reached Column--Probably 130 in^oi^paniis^r Mounted force of Mexicans 'Charged American Soldiers While Parley WasBt^|ip^? ?? (By Associated Press,) .. S?h Antonio, June 23?~-Tw? troops of the tenth?vv?^y?lryr;''\inder Captain Charles T. Boy4;wer?''pract?ca11y vHpc&\p\$?0to:alt?ck* pf Mexicar> iorces ?t Carrizal, according to indications given in fVagmen? ; . tory reports received hy Genera} f;unston 'from General Pershing foi-" ?light. . General Pershing's message stated that Revert ?urvivors- iir all, including-those?arriving last.night, reached main column. AU ; were enlisted-men. Accofdirig'to thet survivors'^? rho?i^t?djf?rce>pf Mexicans, charged or? the flank of the American-troops at the con clusion of a. parley between Boyd and General Gomez, ?;At th? same time the machin? gun opened fire from the front. &i Gomez reached his lines. Boyd ordered his men to disrhjount as the machine gun opened^ i The^c?mbined; effect of the Mexican charge,vniachine gun fire and rifle fire of the Mexican garrison at Carrizal; winch liait ' "almost jsurrouhef?4'thei iitt*^. Ainrie?lcan ??rc?*?n?ler'' thc ..cover'jof a par" ; ley stampeded the horses. No details have keen ma4e kn?whray W v/h'ether the Mexican charge by fire, : .^li^'^^a^f'^t? cp?id'H?yelexJr?cat??^ the. trap. Mexican reports placed . . 'the.killed[ fromtwelve to forty and se'venteeh.captured. rThc strength of the two troops, G. and K., is not known here, but they could not have ?x?eed?d'One hundred and thirty. . ""-TOBI - Pershing's report 'stated, that stories"of survivors were confused a?i| did not conform in all details, with the report nxade by first arrivals from the battlefield. Pershing reported he received no word from squadrons of the eleventh eavalry which he sent to rescue the remnants, . pf Boyd's conmiand. " fte stated lie had taken ho measures to s?p port th? eleventh. - ,-. , ? .- . ?': -t - Await P?wBjR?f? ??port; * . ' ' '-.'' (By Associated Press.) - Washington,' june.28l~Wbilo President Wilson o^d. Secretary J?^slnj; ?aj ; peet to take np diplomatic action until' a complete report is :received .from Pershing, evidencein hand ia believed sufficient to show that Carranza troops lar?;ag?resHora. " lt waa thought favorable tonight'.'the president would de-* n^and Chr'ransa to repudiate the act and punish" tboso respohsiblo. :y':, Chairing Ha>s oM million Vdollars for dependant famUies of tho guardsmen drafted,^ ^e ?lBtriba^^^a |^^^^&:le?t to tho wa, v dopartment'with the restriction'thatvi?o^?mlly get more than .^O, monthly. ;' ^^propdsol to draft tho naval miltia in tiiine.'ioi|.^eTO^ri;eiicy -' waa-alsO.lntro^luccd in tho'house. . > ~> .\l i; .':; Representative- Gardner announced ho \vould???ret|U(?fe';.a resolution, pro-. . ylding for, an investigation of the cases ot Texas,-New Mexico ''a^|%?ti^ut' 'guardsmen who, dodged duty. ' - , . ^-?? ?.? -'/^ ; '." ?II ? a II;1' 1 '*m* '. . .fc?ii(?>i^,n,i uri . ? (fcy ?s welkten Pr?aa.) .''-.'.:".' - ? v'^y- Ast?c?ate?-Pr??s'f)V:'' ?W-'-v- y-'* 'Washington. Jtfaly'. 23.-^The ooo- -. - Waaht?k4on"''d?n?-;'?a' ^-Th? ni?ato ft-' ^truotU^ BB',. '^^^^^^-^det?rj^iio?dv hpon *todft*y''hjp<-; th? commerce/co^is*!on l?/Af1x : ih? >8.) . ! Washington . jir/i? 23,-W"h!?e.- the ' wa? .depav; opt today ordered sent ' tb inp , bof-der ail militia;'-unitr:>isx?y:: to go, *he hquv hy a Vote ?f -v 332; ta. fr authorized the president tb draft1 laid ifce service of: the United ;j?^?4wa1 ali guardsmen who subscribe to tho new bath of that service. The reso? iu'tion. introduced, hy Chairman Kay, of tho- hou$?' ^ nMitary. ccanSp^WBi puta legislativo^ approval qb " 'tho president's . cnll: for -stato ti\iop^jmp allows their dee in and out of the United States. .The resolution prob* 'Sly will bo called upland passed,by e, senate tomorrow, t S?tretar? r's orders io send any. unite , y. to tho hord?r puts their; dis iitlon np to . General Fu?stbn. '-Btwr?r^ Columbia, .Julio :?8 .--Tun *>?>te &ixtp ground -at Qifi his h?ta^b? cicily designated an Camp^flMratk' honor t??ty. W;. ??oore; adiut?gen eral. - |?pN|fiift^ to-' d?y. that nd^tHittfcM^^ tfbaday in, camp with I Railway Employees Mey Tis Up j ? ' All H ? ; New York, June 23 .-Having .re-, looted the suggestion of the railroad ; inanagers that their demands for In? creased wagea bo ..submitted tcV '.tte interstate Commerced Commission pr to arbitration : under tho' Newlands ; net, leaders of tho' /Engineers'*, Fire men's, Conductors', and; Tram'men's Brotherhoods aro now t-*khjg;.a%yote o .fth?Vmon as tb.'whathor tho lead-* era y shall,;ho given authority, to . call. ??ai;nation?wido strike -to enfo?cb ihoir demands. ? ;;N^pUatlona . which havo boen: in progxess between tho committee.lot managers., representing tim railroads' of tho ontiro, country, .and tho broth- ; erkodd "chiefs carno .?o; wt cni Thpro day . \; TneVbro^orhbod chief?* stated that ,it . was imposslbio for them. ' .to make ; any modification ot; their,.;, de mands for an eight-hour, baalti. day and foretime and ? naif for overtime or to an reo to; any changea in tho preft?hl. tules : which. the = railroads consider unjuat . to them in many in stances. Tho brotherhood ch iGfM having stat" cd that they wanted their demands granted^ In tc? or nothing, tho mab agora ea ?v . Unat- no OBreemont ?tiSW bo reached.and declined thc demands, at the same time suggesting thot tho controversy b.'ft referred tb an, impar tial ; federal trta^Sp^ipiroferabiy. thc I?tetat?t?' Coinm^erjebj tiommb36?b!i?i?,Y V'T/ho-bsiestlbn .bf;shrike will not be come acuto ur.Ul ?flor the expira tion of thirty or forty days 'AB-it .wilt r?duire, that much tithe to toko the strtk?^-rote. .': v! Vfe?';:vT?fO in;'iSl'iSo;:iaii. \ .??St Paso, Texas, June Sa-Jdrs. iftttHci?cb. Villa, th?, i?rist. ?nd lojtai J$t?: Of the Mc*lcan b?udit leader, is ; ?h the i Bl Paso.rblly iail. iVWrim? h??n'suppn^?a-.tb be/in .Et somO-'tlm^;fp?k)Wlt-fc hep f$? .t?ihrff)fa:.'0n^-.whltber she fled tiev v8rMf??;-a|^;^ cited until today, whoo sho wes ter? I- ?.W..t; I P W A Tst?. V?^!Sn5l Wi_I" MEW IS Outr ?P M?MCO (By Associated. press.) Now. j.Erndon, Juno 23.-Rowing (Our rulloa In : the record tltue '.'.< i of twenty minutes and two seconds, Harvard defeated Yale in tho iii tie th annual boat race between the % twp. UniversItl ea today. Harvard^ fjhtsjiea three lengths aher.d of Yale. 1 Deadlock Rcacse? . itt v So* Here f At l o'clock thia morning th? Jury ^P-fefo tho C?so.of the Piedmont & >.W?$faj?n' raliway as trustees tor tn* iHvanco companies, o na hi et thsA Blue 111 ?tee railway.- tfas still tl?d tl > and do iVerdict had. been roaOhe*; >Jn ell probability, .a : mistrial will 'jrecutt, .Jddgih? fr?re, ribo .foot that tho cas? wah glvon tov tho Jury yesterday , af ternoon shortly sher 4' o'ciockv .' ?aSa?^*** ? la.'tryittil .\lftp$sfii ?dsafages as trua?e?ii foe tho \insur nni'c comjiahiea:'Which were. tl>? re BU lt of tho freight depot: bethgi|iurh* ?4 on. May 4, ;1915. ; .; . ,M?? ; ^;;^^P^gp|B^^ ? . jj ??Browft ?Jioi 8e; M?t'wM?, ? Hst to 2?i^?iex;t>^iHt?y;. .. ?. fiwlhg to'-.'?business-, conn^cthwj ?vhjch nt th ?si time, ihakd lt it?possY hie -for. him to le?vb, ' $?r". J: %\ j ferowh has* teen,: unable Ito. etpp tho, Anderson Machine, (lun company . JMbaXfeH koowhi fe ^^fisgrafe t?ii|iy, vJr., in 4ho, cotton tw^oessV ;pmi&&Uiv^ : Mfct??t?. .^ U-i?ef.rtwr^ofettmatAi?? i^t^ ftggdiwMe'.i for ; .s?*/;^ft^;;** ? : Tho'^sa&n* iUfm^tM-'Mi^h' ;W"ii&v$^ '^a.^^^it^^^t^^g^ra ?rranza. cavalry erous a w?j>?4 oit ?one would evido?i? ten ed certain Manie. .-Cteueral j w;? vlrlu?Jjy officialdom. While ;Jn?ks a stntei?ent on #?1 (By Associated Presa. ) 151 P?se> June 23.-Tie Mexican' Government, according td reporta ;ft?re, 9tates that tally-?;jnlHioa1 i/t?n wv* 'Offered to take up arnie lu tho defense 'ot Mexico ahocld the erisla; with the United States' come to a head. , ' Washington, -' June ?3-B&ktr today ordered . all tho' army departmental commandera to ??nd'to;th'e'V/Aua?cn^ border/all the militia available1 imme diately; upon Mheir organisation with out walting tor . completion of the mobilization of tho ?ep?tate states. ' . The annouhpehtent; of the new or der waa officially made after the cabi net meeting. lt is undeffltood that they were nc!nally issued boforo 'the cabinet convened. No explanation is offered for the change id the original plan tb aeu4 on.jna part of the guardsmen at pres/ 'tgtay.OHcIala," would , .not diftfoi* whether tho . news, of * any Importan $ developments} in M?lco- had. x&esed' were 'torche .guard sm eu, to tn^bHlso at th a otate campa; .Todsy's ordera ijrafP pest?d to .reedit in>an . i^edikt? .pd*l?e^ Of' parut^ regiments ' from m*my . sta???j whos?* entire guard bis not y?i ai* asmbied. : ? ?< & vj TroOS?? flatfe^,,. Columbia, June ai-One thousand, troops--^?ihMri|v &\W>?1^W1?B? '?.i*M?!.* ?*>?^^Wrd, of adat? i ?at?llnu ?hi?} ^arrived at !,W tedj^^cK^,1ft Lexington-,-: c^ubty ' Tne severe! .?--?-- t-;.k--i''vi y/ AT KilN?B^li? ON ;.'?C* : A G AIN S T tH?M""' rOR ww .wv: t'iW.ff- ji.'f^j' ' V:"--' . . ;"';'':v,' . .. (By AM?offc^a Press.) HimtovilhC J?nsv\2'&V^S'h>t^. 'Rop~ Sit PJbyiipa, of Mfe?i?ou county, skat ' ano4, -rilled b?niB??lip; ai.,^.^^^5"/?/!;: hom :"*"^i?jr^--- mWjkto?rVHK^V^^c?n? - suJU olde yiovrips- Opt;.?jf', t,he;? wuw\ftr c^i Judge ^Wler. = Thj? ^orMf left ft: note ha)lng nd ' wa? suspected; of the aturde r, assorting his .innrfoMwO Prienda ?Aid he bad '-'n's^^SB^N for his' fatbire to capturo ;m\' D?^ Overton, for whom a' warrant . fOR [ J?Wler's morder ?. that?.! feo?ij; vQ?BMjk? rind * co?ld co longer etand 1 the strain. S* 8. pieasanta, a: prominent. ?aw^' yer h.ere, . shot hlroeioie,.a -w*?fc. ago because he said; ?u? was misp^cte?r of the;, murder of i Lawler: Ai grand : .jury,, here investigating ', session. .Owing to tho fact th^tvpracilcally^ all business in the fcotfoe waft block-, . ed last year \et 'th'?.Sjagnlsr.isasdon . by tho fight ittvpiving.fhe new pro&i- ? titian law?,:.there^is:.ft .j?lilwm..??? cumulation "of bUla to be- dispesed ht : under ,the,,bead" bf unftfSRbe?' fel ness. Among those billi, pf general otafi* Wide Interest ?ndJimpo^?nce aire tho nilla creating a highway /commissidft,v creating the office . ot state anditoh v providing for tree. t?x^ hook? :in the V schools,:; estabJlsnini! a . ststo .cotton' warehouse ^system, i ewrapung col lege endowments frdw? Ration, ?fc f ?jo/i#n? r Wpni?a. . to vtr.ffi? ' lat?, d>v Idwing women to ,vote>^'?t?ubrins com trtspry education, i;na.: pro^mg: Cor av, state' conetUpUonal t?oifcvehtto. *One of . ths m^^^ that will confront^Ttortfttommto* the^urgoni-neae^ l^.\'s^:>\Mt?Nutt'.V^'--^qs fc'v tls^