V. ..".V-.Xy,"'- V^!"??! '..WVK.;?. .-. ?. . - --.V v;..v.,. ?.'>.. ? : . > , IVvX-v-i : . ". 1 !. J "^VII?^||B^^L?T" .-' "Li" . > '' ''? '??/%."'$? v: tf4*%Mk? % v/kt?t ^$#fsSPi VOLUR1S5?L ANDERSON, S? G*? THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 1,1916 131 "favorite Soil" Combination Rapidly Broken Ye> , terday aiuLfifgiegates Quickly Flopped to Hughes I - )Fairb^Sa Named ae Kk Running Mate And Park?ip ?oihin^ Chicago). J unenominate^ H^}?^s Jer^VJ0 : tdent .andr?% sajh? tim?^f?os?^ 3^ff;>Vas:n?^ by the Progressives, and i?ter iia??ih?^?^^b^h^?: i Parken ?f-?o?lstSa was named to fill out the; Progressives ticket for : Vice President; k Republicans required another ballot - today, tile ! third of the c?rtveriti?n, while the Progressive nomination was made ; by acclani?Uoni Bothconventionsadjourned. This afi?fnoon R??seyeif sent a message to the Progressive cqn : yeution -decHning the nomination conditionally and it was accepted as -. : Roosevelt wished. ; Thi^ provisional declination isbeleved to lea\ie ijie door ppeu for the eyeiitual W third ticket in t(|e. . event Hughes '-position on. what the. ProgressivesBelieve to be the vital issues of the ^campaign meet their approval. :Tp. ;.this. exteru^tlie leaders of. both parties believe, that efforts af harmony, may yet De ; realized/y--0- ';:';v ;-. .;. v'?i^?|M|i The R?public?ns, who took two ballots last night 'with a grpwlhg ?n^i?atioti,^at:^]N?gtt?s iwds?Ukely ' to- win on a third ballot when the . convention;opened today, found this morning that '.the" "favorite son" ? combination jhad been broken, and. delegates were flopping rapidly ! to Hughes. By tlie time tlie.Ne^ reachedin [ thero?t cail Hughes received the necessary "494 votes and ? nt?.ny ..wanted to make it unanimous, but chairman Harding; insisted on polling the nmi.ainder of the States." 1 - When Hughes'Was nominated no/Word had corneasto whether ?he ; would accept, but it c?m??shortly -aifter v/ith the announcement ;thM' < he would accept and had resigned from the supreme court. Pair : banfcs} who'earlier in the day. had requested ttyat his name / not be \ placed inn?ininati?? 'for* Vice. President,i ace g pied witch tie was ndtk lied that. HeJma^^ ^T-";.'/\' V - Rbos?veU's.p.'?oppsal of Senator Lod^e as a compromise candidate, ?- Whiie-re'cipivedrAyltii cheers in the galleries, could not head off a stam pede for Hhghes wl^^ got underway. Governor ^^Jghnson. of California, who had been informed before-hanct ol R?psen Veft"S;att?iu|i&^ lei his i, hame be ,used;fOi.his anning mate^-^ j: Vif?fAH f&O&T. SKRVE . " . . RePORt LARGE I ; : YEAR AN? A HALF OF SOLDIERS LOST ON i ... . JN ATLANTA P?TI " vlTAlJL^N'TII?^NS^^^ Nftw,.yotk> *?aa,lQ-~l#.,Grant Ly- R?nio, June, io-pTho .Italian iran*-' .?.^v^'iiai^V^?hVliJteWToT hainfi: tdaijoblla to pori* Principe Umberto ~wos torpedoed defraud investors in oil -'.aad';hitathgr a?d.annfc in thIpi?aritf?h by Austrian : stocks in whJ4h ho dealKunder : th* submarino. An . offlrial adtnirialty ' i z tf?fc a?^?^'3l?hh.?W, 1 Putnhrn : .atat^??^?a^'^?s?^a; 'fitahheiii?M - Co., Man today 3t,ntentM to serve soldiers were lo?'.. .V . 1 : N^lth^n^^r : he said! "i M'm yjgo* ^?n?t^^??^T^e? }. ? : tter?^thai'-tha^re^itor*''^ cay 'T^4' w^*^?rv*sr *T55?. : rapt fina ^ andi-U^.?%ot.? ?: .? ^Ililli ! 4> * # ?*?+?+*4>+*4*??***?* ? P11U?J3?E8S1VK XAI'JMA!, ? * C?illHlTTEl? OIlGANI?fe' * m A???tt STO?niKU ? - (By Associated PrbsB.) lt; '*'. "Chicago, Juno ii).-After a ? ?fr stormy'Session lusting three; 4? ;'{?..? hO?rs;th? progresivo nation- , *> tr': ai committee' organised to- ' # ?hight, re-electing "Victor ,Mur- ? . 'dock. ' ot Kabaae,. . chairman, Y ? ' ?. IC. Davis, secretary, Mal--' --i ! ? thew' Hate, ^ot Massachusetts. ? * vice; chairman, anti- ?;1 Xl. ?.>. Hooker bf New York, treasjir-'' ?fr * -.'er.;. ?' ' ? .;: ?p1?e.:p'rog>?as?Ye , cbmhiltteb . ? decided unanimously to hold'ffc. ? ?hdtheir m?etiiig. Jurie 05. Al- {(?" though. .'tho members refused \ * 4* to discus tho meotfnjr ihe * ai&ou?comcn? was'': taken -?s ?I?. ;*,-an .indication \ft?$w1^tt&'i*r. ^rme?t hadv'bccu reached -.at?* to*1' ,*. fl* -whether RobsoycltX/ ,haine . ?fr ? Wbuid tehiiiln : On ticket. . -- ' In Breaking Lang S?ence Ko ?c . capte Notx^natlon and Out linas Position . ' v ,(By:As^cuted Press.)'?'.?.^J? . Waahhigtop, Juuo 10.- Jfdstlej Hughes today :resigi'.ed::from the e\u prc me beach abd accented tho rcpdbt.. liesa nomination.';th, $\telegram de nouncing : the! adnlintstratlon's ;?]for eign policies and- declaring . ; for ."thorough going Americanism" he gaye hi? decisiqn'.to Chairman ^ Hand-: Wick, brejaklug his long sltcuce which kopi his party leaders bj'the dark hu to his attitude. . His letter. bf re8$g iia)tt?hrf 'w*8> scarcely moro than" - two lilies und president V/llcon's reply, accepting, ? ah??t the; ^me>le?gtl?.; Hughes, when ..told ; late today. !of Roosevelt's condition.' dccihiatlan- jot tbb progressive . ?oiuiuatiuu, dcoliir. ed to comment. : ..Hb? telegram ?of, ac ceptance, waa .practically a reitera-' tion at the. .principles inculcated in the republican- platform, ' IHtighea.Lw.?a; born lu 18?2; ls four years 'y?tthger than -?obsevi?lt and ^ix years younger -than Wilson,^ He waj?, first known; ;t?- the7 public In iD0i> ami. ?90s.- whep ?he .'was engaged -la: New Vbrk>fbr' the lnvb9t^gat^b?.;bf ;ius?r anc? -companies uncorihmg ,;;pafcl(>tt wlde ecauaata. He was twice gbrer* jh"^.- c^^^at^-.Yiiris -ssid ' f^ron; thsr^ was ^p^clntcd to tho B?pranie bench ? Amo.rtg his most important, d?cisions in sta?b -rafe1! eaies, were ihe 'pure ?bod t???i??00lo?? sud the Virginia-West virg^ite'd^ :.-/.,'.' IBL BB ' '* B-: SB ?. 59 ^_j. L_.__JJ_,. 1 ? .; I -- ? -i ai j 1 . ?*" ' .?''.'i,v;;^5| ^.^ ^>7?;;':?.-?-".v.'r'' ?.-'" 'B' BBSr1 . ? .= . *" MB / ? ? i ! I : ? ; . j ; ! : J i . I ! j failli Said to? Ste? Taker* Because He I ' e?s Candidate Toward Certain i- rafcoe??in rlawda Progressive Na! ^ . - . s:,:.-. . ~^ ; "fV,'-; ! (By Assofln ' C3iii>ag& J mi? $- * -* i^e?^Vf-;; >id Not Know Altitude 6f R^D^r iWl Committee / , , }FT; ifeM Preveo? , f #an>B iq P^M?^rcquuot.?crVpt fil? Repiiiiliemi candidate^ w*rd . ?MBB^r^l^iiriiii 4??icll?ate\-?e?i.ai??[I ngnp J-1-muriinii iiWniiMMiii iMnciniliinlMHin.i* ' .' ; '(By. Associated Proas.) ? T^o- Russl^ la Yeihyn!a tn ccmtinuiurMo u?"b .westward from Lutsk, crosuiup ?'? Sty? '-river ana fighting hoar .tmtM action* 'tfIth the wthrhiR Austrians: . ...?, Galicia^ northeast of Turno pul, the . ?ustrk? dt?euao appoar? .to -ho stiffening and heavy fighting /is ; underway farther . Thc Hussiai.n aro nearing tbe^?? I^p4; river, frotn which they advanc* ed in their ; drive'./last ; $*pte#bef$ Petrograd/ seye ;tho. prisoners taken ny trio Hussiona number inwe thah ?CFerity-two thouiand. . . Berlin ..announce?. progrccs north? .east' of . Verdun* vthere ..ground. ; hat beep, -gained *?-authwest of Fort bona umbnt ;ond Part Va^Xc The Ger m?nB^^nVtbe?c?ptnre. fifteen; h^ eto'r sinceM?une^?t^.v' , ' v, , :- ? '. trih? British admiralty stat?t> tho;' Cruiser : Hampshire, on wt_. !5arl_ ,Kitoben?, .and ? Wa ?taff wei jost, vvas; aunV hy a, mia*i All hop his ' been' abandoned for ali abos* nave the t we Ive wan Nv'ho wer? D * .figg': Washin^thn.v Jone i?. -O?tor? cabled tb?t^iAte^ with him ob pesco: published by ?? |?i8c.^.^f??i^I^^. . tWo fa?^ut? j aa^^n^^t**^ -," '. *' X""'.-'' . ?. o e EFFORT TO CONCEALUN DURANGO REPpRTED BARNED AND ;t?t???!N? ATTACKED AT N?M?QUIPA (8y .Associated Press;) Washington, iun? -tO.^-Whll? ad* ministration offl?laifl h?v^ bean uh' ablo yet to d?termine the extent of th? - ' anti-American agitation' . In northern V Mexico, .tho* ara making no offert io conceal tWlr ^edalne?a. Recint do- v .S?ouktratlohft ?tt?icat=:th&? a .definite ... campaign ha? been {Raugui'ated to praroKQ armed claahea between tho Mclean ^and .. America^;forced. ..Ta? state :department had no information tonfalit of i wi?M^B^tU?^ .American consulate at ?*itfft*?g? waa burned a ?a H G??ier?i P??shls-v had basa aUacked.atNam^^^ , : ? ^awriean? Tareate?ed. ' Columbus, N. M.. Jime ?Or-Ameri. can a^M^\<:jHij{iTolas~^.i?^V-; Pershln^'a army IR Meittoohave baanthrr?ateoed with an attack by Carranza 'troops, according to nuthoritativ? informa tion received here; . . ?: column of r?afttt?'&v&bity j? said to : baye, dashed forward upon' an American detachment* recently south of Natn?Q?lpa with*./rifles in their . nanda. The Americans1 averlea a clash by : standing their ground, According to report the Mexicans withdrew. Gea. Perahlng r?t?rncd to Colonia Dublan, Hie ?leid basa,: early today, ' /according to ; dispatches reeolved h?re, after the inspection - of a motor read 'between hero and ala head fluariers.' Preparatory io the rainy reaBoa additional motor .trucks ;were ordered. . count of Miraca?o?a Escape : : : (By .An?octut?tl Preys'.) London, Jun* 10,^-?n. proof of tho BriUsh admiralty's' at?temapt that thfc ^d^adnatwat'; ;Wcrepite, ?ar>lv^d ^ safely in port, Captain B. W. Phil potts, ot tho war?alto; received &o Associated ^^^?9^g?mf?m^^^^ wa?; ?ank:b?cauBe->, fhes b?tt?fahib'e ; ^ steering ge?r weat wrong and " (the ?V-, WarsplVa rraa amuck . ?rt?oag' lenfemy ? ship's ?ip'W&Ji?TJiwB^^ ?cul??s, but she: -drn^Muttf tteft U.{ wa? abandoned b> $e? croft ?wtal? $*w ?og towed to pon, .^M ^nmiuba WM rne-somlraUy to it* &tvt^rtf?m Mmr AT BEAUFORT \ > sm??