V. ..".V-.Xy,"'- V^!"??! '..WVK.;?. .-. ?. . - --.V v;..v.,. ?.'>.. ? : . > , IVvX-v-i : . ". 1 !. J "^VII?^||B^^L?T" .-' "Li" . > '' ''? '??/%."'$? v: tf4*%Mk? % v/kt?t ^$#fsSPi VOLUR1S5?L ANDERSON, S? G*? THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 1,1916 131 A 'Suitahle Yet Lacking Republicans Adjourned I Late in Afternoon and ! Progressives Gaye"-Up Task After Short Night ! Session - Radicals Strong for Teddy. -.- ... . . j - V (By Associated Press.) Chicago, Juno 8.-Conferences of tho committee of republicans and. progressive began a. discus, alon of pelee plain. >.t teh-thlriy tonight.; .'Senator Borah predict ed a session of more tJibn three hours. Chicago, June 8. -After strug gling more than ?jree hours to day , to prevent radical delegates from nominating Roosevelt, tho progressive convention recessed at 5:45 to eight o'clpck tonight . to. enable committees : of the?twp' .conventions tp meet in an effort to effect peace. Before - dele gates cppB?n,t?a.. to listen to ?ho conservativo Jeadprs, who eoun- , keiled delay in nomination, many progressive, ch af ged tb/nt vtbe. pro gressive leaders ' we're dealjng with. , "thieves" and could; affords feel;they, cannot provent Hushes': nomination, but the : development., bad tho effect of holding Off . crystal!within ' oh f Hugh'eV In the?iwp?bllcan-.cottvwuij^ .tho progressives -, have . . not., ?yet adopted a flatform"; v.Mahy thought they -vppuld.*^'efid'-'tombrrevy'. on that, f INtiREEkVlLLEfODAXj Forrrier -Sedate* Greenville, Juno ; 8.-Word baa been received, ihat,;:; former! ?i VaUefl Slates Senator:,->Jbh?"',i?.;mt?nri?i' will arrive in Greenville friday; on a niidday train . ?Hi xtit^ivaW???*? Knight's ?teH^ft sb?pi^c^mni?irtMtt deliver anther' t*raaon. at 3. o'cto^ in WiJIiet -:-- - ^. ?-' -: - ? >;v*nt?ea^Yras>l^t. -;--^,:^ norlin, June. S4-rA CFe*nA?n.> ef?cia? Statement adm?^^he lose of ibe h*$ ^fc^rtttser; O^ti^and in* ;?-.e?am 'fto?Wl?-?> :Vlaaj?^tla^d:-*?t^.e',':-;v^ae The:i?w?s?t:|?e/W;??6 way oliven vessels, i tieship < Pp&mbrn.; -?gS >iitSb:;;^:eWijrT?..T, Frati?ni?b-^a?ll * ? * **4>.serum, ha3 resigned j his position as.' professor at tho Uni versity pf Marburg and from the' di rectorship of tho Institute of ExperM mental Therapy, which was founded especially to give him an opportunl ty'-' to carry on his scientific investi gations. It was In this tnsttlito that ho discovered and worked out sev eral years, ogo a Berum against teta nus or lockjaw, which, during the present war^ has ?n.ablod the ?fTorma?, m?dica! Staff to- combat-ih'at. dreaded, disease with cqinpleto BUCCOSS. Re did much of.Jifr, carly work as thc as sistant of Prof. K?bort' Koch, th? discovered of the- tubercle bacillus and also that . of Bleeping sickness, and it: was owing to his work at the Koch Institute that vpn Behring-?ti| fained twenty-one year's ago bia pro fessorship at ; Marburg. His retiro ment Is to broken health. it Kino Bombardment. London-; June 8.-Tho.allied ' air un muiron bombarded successfully the wharves et Hoboken, near Antwerp, where it is reported that tho Ger mans are building destroyers, ac cording to an Exchange Telegraph dispatch frmnV Maastricht. J Rival Generals in Chicago BY THE CENSOR (By Associated Press.) Having cnrtirred Lutsk, one of the Velhynla trhwglo of fortB, the Hus siana aro pressing Touton adversar ios v/Chi of thc crossing of Ikwa and Styr Hlvors. In tho region-ot Hovel aud Uovno, southeast of\??tsk the Russians also begun , actions. Ad vances continuo along tho lower Siri pa in Galicia whero tho- Bussians havo taken il,000 . now " prisoners. Tho Gormans in tho Dvinsk region claim tfro papt.uro. of tho village of Kiinawu, hilt P?trogrud donles ?his . TVIth -the capture or Fort Vaux Gormans were. rcpulspd in attacks cant and west, of Thlaumont farm London say? lijo recent operation on Kl .indera front is to the ad van taco of tho BrltlBb. The Italians south and southoast of Trent continue to' keen tho Aus trians from ." furtho'.". advances north west of 'Freut ih'tho "prtlcr region. The italiano havo captured, several important .positiona from Austrians and r?pulsed Austrian attackB fur Uicr south. AU export coal to Greece, has heqn prohibited ic Uno with tho allies recent announcement to tojitrlct Greek commerce to prevent; .supplies peaching tho cuemy. Tho'Greek, cab inet decided 'to.'demobilize - twelve classes of . tho Greek army. ANDERSON'SHINER' BEEN APPREHENDED I Davenport Caught ( ?n)PnSb?i ?tfdphla After Long Chase Greenville, June. 8.-That money.-ia no object of the government-, ls opeo moro demonstrated' by tho relentless search : which- has: borne fruit In tho catie of John Davenport, pn. alleged "moonshiner," who was pursued over a number of states .along the Atlantic seaboard and at last apprehended; in Philadelphia. A warrant was insti gated against Davonnport June 25,1 '10l4,,ttS a.result of the destruction of an illicit distillery in "Anderson county with Which he is said to; havo been . implicated. In Greenwood last November a true bill was roturned charging Davenport with owning, op erating Snd working in an. illicit dls GUery. H6 ?was not to be found. About two weeks ago officials got I wind of tho fact that Davenport was in-Philadelphia. Certified copies of) the indictment were sent, to tho Uni.t od States. marshal Gier'o and Daven port wof? placed ; under, arrest. In custody of DeputyMarshal Kel ly, Davonport'was'brought to Green- , villp Wednesday'night.. His case,will* ] preb??bty homo up at tho next torm ot.lhe fedstsLcb ?;'n*?Vfci??'' - ? ..'.-." ms. Succeeds Chinda Who WtU Traits- ? '.fejtt??. io (By /Associated Pt?ss.) , :? ? ? Wallington; Juno 8:-Amoro Sslu, " i^oiBe/?roh?Bsador'i to ??tsirlu, has -crt Selected. a&'-?mbass?dorYto -the United Statoa to BucdeSd : Visn&w?t i Chinda, whoso, transfer to London was reo?ntty announced. ;Sak- is a 1 hrotbeWh-law.bf i?hitida H??? wtth ?tim- was a /stadobt -at'- J3^au>f,.. lidi- ! forsity, Indiana. . He bas pp^nt hitKii; jf his timo t?!:An?erlca. .frotes*** ivVi? &?y. ? ? ...i.?y/.A??iiiu^^PrSss?) profest?r of V/apsfiess.-.^t ' has'boen dB?egat?d'bythe o?, education io pfocebd';td bd . Stated ibV study tn*: methods ; > or 5 ilteratbre -in American uni* . - JWKt? ttttOTi?t??? - tbs.- v bwfc ' -,^.>.^rbP?^Sj a V?n?y.of li^ '.H5?^4U;rre!isGob^tb ^.na> STA?BUiB*r .j.-t "i: PIS m i lp Charles I>. lillico, chairman or tho republican national committee, who called to .order ?hv national. TopyblU ^Mj??^nv?P?on -l'a; Chicago Wed nc s TfreO?her'? (By Associated Prosa.), . British Headquarters .in Fran?e, -Juno 8.-Ono of tho results of the presence of tho British army in Franco US that a good many British/ soldlora will-take French, wlvca homo with thom. ' Tho dijf?ronc? in lang uage,, far from .being, a. harrier^.ls,an a???ssory. . Toinmlo Atkins teaches Miss Franco hmgllsh. tand Miss Franco teaches ?Toiumio Atkins French; Tbefe ls plenty of lpls,urb tor tho courtship to develop. Frequently British -battalions rcmsiii in thc same BecJL?On for months at a^tin?o. ^.TjVUen the men have done' thqlr shift In the trenches they return/ "in rest" a? tho saying goos, to tho sumo villages where Jthey , were ..before, . Usually they have -quarters In .tho Frmch houses, in a. sens?, they ' h?conio manibor?, of tho comm??tty. . With tho French: mon folk . away tho British soldier lends a hand with ON J OB -?i&,oilIv?iM? ; Name?- J^br^rVor-Deca?a j District of Columbia ...jp' .. ' .. . ' ng^:'wnh-a:-. ^tUt??hvoeer. and/??mbiamin?^i?r hcsnewfcrd se mtiett&htsk?y,' ?^?nj^t?t* the .mmm-. . ; . ? ^^y^ttstt#t,-n^ke^-5dtv?r^ide*1 day, Juno 7. . ll 111CM IB shown boro in the act of dropping his gave!, .which wno tho signal for tho fight Xor presidential nomination to : br? gin. -. ?. . . nd Miss-French They Learn any heavy work which . requires a man's ..strength. Only today tho correspondent saw a British: soldier drawing a harrow A feminine hand docs some .sowing or cooking (or him in return. . Tho romantic afanos ph oro ls not . lacking. . When tho'Briton pays "au revoir" to lils sweetheart an& starts for tho trenches he may hcvor como back; and /he ls going to fight for. Franco. On -Sunday afternoons th? girl are out'?n their best frocks aa they, are anywhere. olso In *ho ; world, and walking with-them .oicng tho roads and lanes aro -.njen lu ; khaki; their conversations aro a' {mature of French and English, i < lilis hot romance alone that h tho Briton - to marry in France. Jru^^ learned^ td. admire the thrift and cleverness'--bf- tho' French ;rwpjh.an her Industry ; in toking tho Place her ii; thors - and ; brothers . who are ,at CROP ?REDIC Wittier anti Spring Siarvest - Lera tms.Vcftr (By AOsoct?t?'d tv?sB.) Washington, June ft;-The depart motit of agricultura.. I?dsy)forecast",:& Wldter. .???at crop of tour hundred and slxly-hlfio millionr bushels and M a^yjfig/; wheat -cron of two/.buiid&? ww? Hits PUIS JJWRE GUARANTEE PROTECTION ON BORDER AND CON DEMN RECOGNITION OF CARRANZA-FAVORS WO MAN SUFFRAGE-NEUTRAL IN WAR ;.-u'f J>.?U ? (JJy Ac-^elated Preso.) Colleslum, Cfljcagp, Juno s.-^P?e publicans lato today adopted a. plat* form submitted ' by tho resolutions conimlttoo nnd read by Seuntoi Lodge. ThP platform contains . t I declaration to preserve Americat {ri jdits. wherever they aro violated; t l.dpolai?tlon urging strict neutrality lu war, but insisting on tho proser I vation of neutral righla "without teal Ipr favor," this section referring t< 1'foreign relations attacks of tho pro I sent administration,, which, the plat I form Bays, ''has destroyed bur in liluenccs ' abroad and humiliated u lin our own ey?s," a declaration gu ar I antceipg protection to Mexican hoi I dor residents, and condemning th administration for its Mexican poll Icy. especially the recognition < I Carranga. I The platform further contains a rc I affirmation of the Monroe Doc t r liv land the continuance of rep?blica I policies in Lat hi-Amer lea; thc i enc v lal.of allegiance to thc Philippine po j loy of McKinley, Taft and Ro?sove with tho-assertion -that tho Unite j Slates ap?itjld acefpt.:'?ttVT!?spVn*s,ll?l I Hy oh islands as a duty tb a civil! Jed nation; tho-democratic Philippi] i ol ll co?dernnpd t' -advocacy Of .. -hif ["protective tariff, casing tho Undo I wood tariff- a complet?' failurp;.'ero j tfoh of tariff comral?Bloh promlBoi la declaration favoring the regulath I of railroads and industries, tur {credit lawn, hat condemning-tho ? mooratic rural credits bill, and tl I extention of rural freo deliver; I laws to Strengthen the merchant, m I rino sro advocated, but tho dom ocr {tic ship purchase bill scored; a d derations for, a national budget sj I tera,. and conservation civil servi I reform law?, -Tho platform favc j womans, suffrage but leaves tho mt {ter for the-decision of tho state. ?An Aerial Bald. {? London, June 8-An allied t \ squadron bombarded successfully t {wharves at Hoboken. Antwerp wh< j it ls "reported the Gormans are bull {lng dostroy?rs, according to an, < {change telegraph dispatch from Maj jtrltcht. t'oUWbh on elevated J Now York, June 8.--Two clovaf trains on Third Avenuo Hue coll {ed. Tboro.is fire in the .wrs.ckai J It ls reported that several wcro k _____ , , '?i t.' umi j 4: i luii i,| ii. N, .1 m i mit ?iiK.ii.v, ni. .^?wir.viiiiM.^^te; vi.; - r l-\ \ f ? ?.';>.?? -' \;-i0^:.r:A ll K^'JI %1?U?S^'W. : Will, ; n?^ for>y *^;bu?der, Jam* 3. Xim^fM, ?**eg* the . ?'??>S?^b. I fst?ef^^^ ?how ! io. ?Sanags. n.?HM? m ?-ltwSt THIS 13 SUGGESTION, OF MC DONALD AS HE URGES NOMINATION OF ROOSE VELT-WOMEN STEPED ED WHEN SUFFRAGE PLANK, ANNQUNCgp. Mi rn (By Associated Press,) J' Chicago. Jupo 8.-Tho ont?jjfndtng' Incidents In today's BBBBIOU 1 of tho republicans carbo whoh Senator i-odgo announced tb? "Buf?r/,?flr'plank Tho wemen started' a demonstration, before iiodgc got io tko portion of his plank' which said.: "But tho republi cans recagn(so thc right of, each sta to to settle the question for 'itself *. Laughtor followed this qualifying' phrase to what tho suffragists hat! been cheering as a clean cut victory. A demonstration for ' tho instant. nomination of Roosevelt in the pro gressive convention, .which was fin ally controlled by tho leidere, that forced the appointment of. a conter- ~ once committee '.-.was'featured*' by ?peaches by Vlotor Murdock and. Con- '.. grossman McDonald of Michigan. Murdock declared tho only thoiog to do was .to nominoto FJoosevelt before the convention adjourned ''today.. . Mci Donald, in finishing bis? address urg ing Roosevelt's selection, said; "The Wags to do is. to tell tho tepubllr. caoftHo go to heU and'do ns they Idamn- moeia;"-chairman d?teins scar ed McPQUSld for his profanity. _;_*? ? ? WH1 Send & Perioswi? (Kti>rc?s?fc? live ?o Si. l&y., Awoclatod Presa, ) ^Washington, June 8 --President Wilson has decided to elect a man for. chairman of the democratic : na tional convention before the corrren-. lion meets and send hlrh to 8t;. t?uls as' his personal repr?sentative. Ho Said (oday & final 'decision,on a man had bot been made.' It is^ under stood, however, the new national chairman vdu not b? a government official. This eliminates John W-. I Davis,sol levor general of thodepart ment of justice, and Senator Stone, .who has been prominently atontloned for. the position. AN mLAND l^E OF 39,000 ACRES bRAINED fa?.CajajetJ By P|**?^6?t Flood? : ht ' Holland ^W^?M .(By ,Associated \Vf??f, ) '. Amsterdam, Netheriand?, 1 ?uno 8. Tho dralhago of the,Inland lake ': of . 8?,??0.'aci$* -f?rjbtt'?d north of Atim?t-r dam by tho disastrous- floods "of jan-\. Uafy. last has boen c?nipleied, savo- .' for oho ov tv/Qy???.\?& era" or basins In the area in ques tion, whisk are to be "free ?fvth? iih-* vadlhg waters hy the end of the pre sent month. Tho construction and st?!lati?? ot * the glahV, pumping .ant on the restored Siuyder Eco Ikes wis carried out-ii*;four wesks, irauaN-aciuil pumping.: took aneth r-??iit, so that tho Vp&Ho'lom of ire-' coving something Uko .^QO.000,090, coblo; meters ?:.ofc->ator^ waa de?lM " it ? fatter .of two months obi*.-/ ar--.'as ^ Dutch ; engineers x?'rer -i,4ht? la an unerti^?^. |?ya-i allier country ?#-Wf'??fr: ?iee made bys mw*rn hydrOgrs;-v : .englnbbrlng^ ?ike fact that\*tt?r.the:ildof# m . iB25? the U^uty,'f8B.I)^?it>aM-< ? ,aeya^t?a..??wths: ' ?.?thing took ' ?;p*>rt?4 Bik^-Sr^t?^;'*: te.--'Juno.,*if*?g#iM ' i htfe v^U ta jCir^Me ^ - ?two ot his rriehds .inUn^'clty,.;? ?titf)Ml: only a short whUe?; ^wet?|??; raturait