V- V. ANDERSON, S. C., SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9,1915. ._._ Wt NUMBER 232. Fifty-nine Reported Kill ed and ] More than a Huiifjied Injured in Tornado That Swept P^rt^oF the State Late Yesterday--Hot Spring? Was Direct in Path. little ?lock, June r,.?Fifiy. nine- were reported -killed and. more than a hundred injured In a tornado which, swept central nnd ..northern Arkansas late to day/ Twenty-five are known to have lost their lives In Jdd Boala, White County, At Hebc-i* H?rings? the dead are estimated ' from' teil to eighteen* !^our were killed at Hot Springs, where the Ntorni cut a path through the BQ?lhwepten? portion of the city. At Cubet, ' White county, fir? were killed and' four are dead at Delark, Dalla? connty. Cas unit Iva arc also 'reported at Ken net, Morrlllton and Greenland. Special trains with physicians and nurftex left.Little Bock mid Memphis tonight. Wire commu nleaf foh throughout then t?te was badly, crippled add the- fqU extent of th? gtqnn.-damay? wll not be known nnU! tomorrow. It'Is said an area of four blocks, wide was wreaked.. at Jtt?sonla. . At, Fhyettevllle a white woman was fatally InJ?r? . oil a kiI ae 'i hlld ? Is mlslng. Scores >#? - hint op' outskirts of Xlitle llot-k. > - Anderson Pastor Preaches to G. W. C. and Furraan Today Greonvillo, Juiie C?The. com mencement season-tor the Greenville Woman's College and Furman Uni versity has b??Un? and r.wM be in full blast, by tomorrow when the bacea laureate .sermon before the graduat ing classes of the two Institutions will be deU. ired In the First Baptist church by br. John E. White, pastor of tho First' Baptist church of An derson, and president of the Ander son, collogqI-for women. 1 One of.the first, events of the com mencement season for the two col leges took place Sunday , night, when ihe>s?na?? usfere tbo Y. V/. C. A. and' the V. '*t. Ci- A. Of the colleges wa? delivered at the First Baptist church by'ifeV;;:Tv V. McCall/.pas tot* of: th? Clcorhson college Baptist church.- . -"*'. Too annual: address boforo the lit-? ernrv societiesiot\i?\irraan" will be.de livered : Wednesday morning In' ^l 'hall ?y/Prot. G. W. Cunningham. ' of the Untv?rslty of Vermont.- 'i', The commou'eemen*. exercises >t the C. W. C. will bo held tomorrow Bight at 8:30]' 'Commencement.night at. Furman will bo Wednesday, night nth 8;3Q o'ctoCk; The pudress at the G. W. C. commencement will be, de livered ;: W"W:r- -H?ity'-N.!--finyder; president, of ^afford, college, Spar ' itanburg. :\ ' '' ;":\ An interesting event of tho. com ; menccment fce&sou Is the* alumni ban quet: The aVuffiUl of , FurnbTt- willJie ' 'fteld.'T.?esda^'iil?ht',f to 10 p. m. Thr tiluraul banquet or the, G. :.W. C. wil Pf* hold Tuesday sit. X O'clock. wllV&tfcw Fleet. ! ' Berlin, J?ino r>,?i^Qporoy.WHilarn ia-.OJcpected to r'ovtaw. the victorious flees wt.- WiUminwhaveh. .toiay. Ber-| tin la. lauahin^; atv /uia. Russian attacks have beenj especially violent. Around-< Vaux'and Danloup, north east " and east of Verdun ; bombard ment on both Bides continue to be violent, but bod weather kept the troops in trenches. ; Germans near Ypres captured Canadian trenches, but later were ejected in a hand: to hand . struggle. Sunday the G?r* nans i retook some recaptured ground. Vienna reports tho Aunt Hans cap tured the town of Geisana-from the 'Italians, taking five thousand, six hundred prisoners and some cah iion. ; F.qme admits the retirement, but says Austrian attacks in Lagolriha Valley were-repulsed with heavy losses. . , RECRUITING OFFICERS VIOT FARMER BOYS ' T? GET' ENLISTMENTS I tricts Mako B?ller Soldiers ' ' - .<.-;>ti". mi .. ? ni' I ?. < V Atlanta, Ga., June G?-"*The United States In not going to watt for the boys on the -farm to travel to cities where recruiting stations are locat ed for the enlistment of young men In tho marine corps, but is golhg to send -recruiting officers Into the ru ral districts And interview, the young men first hand. Today a party of recruiting officers left Atlanta in an automobUe to make a tour of the southeastern ter i'itory for th?:purpose of seeing young oten Of the forms ami. in the small towns1, and laying before them the attractive opportunities offered in marine corps branch of the sorvlce. " Recruiting officers in Atlanta- sav | it is tho boys from the rural .sur-1 roiindings that make not, only the best soldiers but th? beBt marines and the host'bluo jackets. Country boys, SB ihr Officers pqint'out, arer usnially nee .from bad habit? and have suf fered none of the weakening effects of dissipation, .and they have charac teristic:; of reliability and. steadfast attention to'duty that renders them highly.desirable" in ait branches of the army and navy. Liquid ffro Used; I Paris, June .. 15?German. ,infantry, used liquid fire: during several night ati aeks at Port Vaux, but- were re pulsed . ' Th? Gv>ihans have- been nn able to gain at points wrore hand-1 to-hand -.fighting "has occurred. f**4?!?v^t*f^??*?>?fr???;l I TTtfe ; ?NSS AT?BL2 CASS ;|/'i Atlanta, Juno 5^?"I will - * bo.up Saturday." This mes'r..' '} K sabe written Q&..aa\egk- treffe," "'PI * crate of eight dozen cost k; local merchant v$5t78 In posi- * Jk tage. The eggs were; sent by * ,|S? a Florida' hukster ; bjr parcelV.lT' 4; post f.ud when the package, * <*? was opened/..&t: the ; Atlanta * pustofflco for inspection tho;*; 4 & message was discovered. Tfc-? * * -nackaga' was weighed . a*aWf * charg? for Si first; cls^s p^dfcai? tage. . .':': . '. '.': + ? . * nation of ail., cojic^ns the fact fh?t' during the firpt three wonlh? of ;ib$ p resent': year;, national, ? rt ve r t f * logj i n \ creased In the n cwspaj>&rs thirly-f ive p*^,4ahtr o$jp* the. ala???r.months o? 19?5". This inereaa? ranges f torn a uifc " mam of threa-^r.<^:>tj!>^ma^? of 140 per : ??nt. . Sw??;: of ; iWi?-" "."$?" Itehers-report thfrt i?^feiaa^anal( 4/? yerii*tog\ ia?reis4djl.^:^.^xtaat--t?< forty per cent x>wr$fatTat?*.snonihi? period 'o? loreiVr yeairs": Here you se?'Georg?von. L. Meyer (of Boston, formor secretary of the" hvy, :at'hlB desk' inChicago, manag? log tho noosavel.t, campaign before Btho ' Hepuhlicaa -: National,-., cdmmmcq, l&e^^eji^ land For Mexico Intention Interest All Latin America Much Discussed (By Associated Press.) . I Washington, Jurte &. ?Pr?sident /llBou and . tho cabinet are-expected o dlsc?ss a reply to tho new Car ^Tfjj$^. able to cope with the borde~ ituatldn, many other points hau an raised'by the note. .'Carranza's demand, that' the Unit Stales declare its Intentions t? iv?rdo .Mexico in interest of all Latin ?ion.' Stirae diplomats do not hesitate to lattrlbute this to the : work . ot the reigtr'ag?nta at Mexico CuV? work ing ito /offset:President. .Witsobrc^ft'l port^tOj bring . about \ closer -Pan* . ^nericanism. some -evoa. assert uWfcla a plarv afoot to pr?vint tho jp! d:S?atoa from o^'iinin? perma nent, trade with Booth and Central America, formerly held by EuiSopa. president Wilson and the cabinet nave* not indicated the nature of i reply and. thir J. demands may he; 4g*: | nmSg eatlroJyl -: '. '-lj|^S??lffiHH^ 3?.V?L STti?W? Lauf? St retch of fount ry Vi* I ted ; I'.:: '; rrSnuaav.-Afternoon.' ''' '. ,i : A.-etretch . of tho county : about- il jr.iici?along ".arid bpe-halfmil* wide/; rurtnl^g from.' the: CentreviUo section. GSatw?rd. was. vl?ltcd by a hail storin i ou Saturday rjtern?on but very llttje, ??a^tnag^-laid b?n reported... [. \ Bar^rfs ' K?w GeTerniaent. . V^^wihg; June 5.?.Li Yuan-hung, the...Vice president, ;toa thrown hjs ?r ?o jt?e. -. rcviaeaiaed govarjp*. ... :d the Tuan Chi-jui cabinet. ?4** that he has :d?chl?d (that ? soon as pejje'o is. concluded with tho Stiftern.' .provinces he will retire frotn political lifo. ?TSiS?Tv?roSj -?'!'- ' '?k&: June 6t--The s? ?^Stoaay ^rfnod the :tfag?f??t-.the;Chi^?^e^' ?ray in favor of Claude RS. of ofe*t*w^>.ysw;.'???f iajnr n. 1, i 1 n i. i~ ties Managers on Their Jo?: George W: ?Parvins, but he ojioratos only before- th?'^i-ogrosalve conven tion. , J?iin, W>''Height, former con I gr?asman from ^?w York, Is * the eus iinn? of the campaign of Elihu S?m^Me^ip wJght; [ is.. $ avary. * I.-*. * ?. S-. ; WILL ESTABLISH SCHOOL TO l?8T?DCT : & 8UBHAB19S OFFICERS ./Washington, -'Juno. 5.?Sec retary Daniela announced to .night. Umt a rchool wlU bo e.s tabllahodat New London, Connectlcutt, for . the Instrac tlon.ef omcers/ in. Bubmarlno operations. The first *. class will, report July..; i. for six 4? weeks training, bctoro they..... ? nre assigned to fmbmorsibles..; .' The plau was suggested' by ' i'. Hear Admiral Grant of tho $v'i A? ^'inwat, lt. S./?J?ke, 3; W. Her? i rlsfe dv-W. -Burtf? P. By Koyirtud dal, W. ? Ta? |W?. A* Allison j.^^tjejebh, * r#W8s? Following the jgUje ;c)ub, the:-n quel at . which C J. FV Blackspn, j ? i-onyers, 'U$tlelobn. ; Bishop J. H. McC?yf>of riirmmg" haut, ; Aia.? bas arriv?^ and. la the i-^i||A;'b^WasldQa?^^..Mrs. B.ig$s>. Ilo preached ^-/emi^^^?nt-'m*. FitfohXBlr?dk^ exercises of ihe VV. W. C. A,, wets held San-. B^?fc* 1). -,Ws. Ijl*ttle? ?fjjjggg| JOHM V/.OV/IGHT MAMAGER.xFORARD.i3r Btnooth politician. . there la .. also I Joseph U. K?allns bt Indiana,. who 1 has the campaign of : Charles Warren Fairbanks in utorage. Frank H. Hitchcock ol New. York Is believed to ! jyyte the boom ?t Justjc? 'CjiarlsS ?< UiC3 concealed .about- Ma n&rson. I - -; - - - m.-',f*]?3!gx\ erkina Says Carcru? Consid?ration Will Be Given?To Await G. O. s*. Action [; f> ,. . ??aa >:; s^WUr^ vmimx ed wblsitey *r# to be fuhair ?f tncted as a precautidn*.ry Mfcmt* ' ,. j connection ^th ; the r'.aw? ecbeme Of war ecoriour>;;; V V . It is sti?Sd jab* ttat the wlplstjry -, J ffithe proddc?^o?%-J* product, probablyM??Vbti: which $* ! " lri ?h> n>ahufB?tnro of ?*plo|-1 ... ?M>*>, ' fUllofl nli?lHnop r& wM r'.i publican of national comraUteo and Perkins conferred inPersia's rooms. Hilles refused to discuss the con ference. Today's striking feature was tho development, of a Hughes bo?m.' Re presentatives of several candidates found themselves in a perplexing predicament, tonight. Having fdsv tared sentiment lu favor, of - Hughes V?ntl? they believed, Rooaevolt was eliminated. Thojr;,nbw..4aar .. they Cannot control tho Hughes movement. Tt seemed clear tonight that ef forts are being made, to concentrate all demon ta against Hughes. Indi cationci are that .the vote,of .progr?s " ? Bftrty/ot which of course .me^ns MevelJ-'a dlftapprfjvat of Hashes. X be . brought as, a check. Coh .amernhla .significance 4?; attached to thjr conf-ii h' - or . ?he -orgnn?isatlo?i. of ; f#p'u?Ucanv and "progreSHiv^ u era during the dny, for harmony evi dently ; 1b ihe .de?lru of; the. ; leaders, who but by agreement the two par ties leaders realize" they have oilm chances of winning.. The arrivai of . many delegates pledged tai."favorite son*" oh the first ballot revealed, a grbai.. sentiment for Hughes as second choice, . WOUJL0 ?v?AKE ENLtSTEt) Men ?ALtrtr? civil vets Thb b Plan cf ?ili introduced by Miwourian m . Washington,, D. C, June 5.?The ; pretty custom of rendering en', offic er'?. salute. to ' all veterans vf tb#v.Ct?ll War'when they aro recognised on'.the street started toy .enlisted men ot tho United States tnorino corps, may bo made epmpr?sory for air enlisted men. of.- wh?tever . servleo, tt the' Joint jiution introduced into, the house . :R^pWsontatiyo. 'L^.'-jp. Dyer, ot ?sourj, passes. . ' Jirjf?nt Edward A. Cailan, of the ted' States marlnp ??rps, la th? , mr. ?t tho .resolution which will ?qblce'.'cnUsted. mien, of the army, a*-/; and marine corps to ealuto ?e veterans' of war from '6i 16*66,;.* ARTISTIC SLTPLIES Dashrned and Hade by ' Sr. J. S. % K?Cle?an. Under Ute supervision of Mr. jJ. S. McClellan, yard fur?man of *ho Townsend Lumber company.: ,^ts. ver f yartistlQ .mpjdfw* have & been mad* for Hermann: Lodga, A. P.M., of this county, Gic hall . which staa destroyed by.'cydone'last year. The articles lipnslst of middle aber, f Ellars, .\ ]gjw1*#. ??ndila : .fo levels. Pluinbs^ et^.>. all of en' pl'Olv excellency ;of -workmAn - audrdealinV:-Thd ehtlr? lot been .made at A' cost mulch ?,*V?yr. than.;Miq^ ?au?v price and $bey, $f*re made In Apd^rsop. tonnage It hoa withdraw fe. IM pro: posais to grant liceh^ % . hn?.; port?t ion - of ? tobacco < *&rchaaed ae^ - & 'ifuhe iv, lalo^nV S&yr :i?. la 17, iftrlctly for home consumption .not Jjjc Seaa^ve^ford;^ portSs?t^ apply: lb - tohecco % for pxfeont or for tohncco, for dispatch^ Afhe. -, irop?e. As : the -tftooksi held in- *bJfT <