V- V. ANDERSON, S. C., SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9,1915. ._._ Wt NUMBER 232. ^ l? ll PRESIDENT ?IS HAS : ND HARSHNESS INI HEART FOR ''AMERICANS" WHO LOVE LAND,.' OF. PM* GJN^HUTRUmV,S. AHEAP OF EVERYTHiNG-A ME? : MORIAL DAY ADDRESS Washington, May 30.-President W^sc^'in a^?pni?rlal||day address at Arlington ^National cemetery today, defined the'spirit bf- America; - warn ed1 citizens ot" foreign birth not to set themselves' against the purposed of this nation; callod on ? the youmi men .to perform. -voluntary military; service, and defended his recent sug^ Ecatlcn for the alliohco'of nations, to preset ve1 peace.- ; While.;ho. declare^ that no. had no harannean m lila heart for Americans.- bf foreign, birth, who loved .the "' land, of their-; origin, the. president said ' America must como first." President - Wilson , re?t^jrated li ls Buggeailou,-before*1 the isaguct t? f^' forc3 peace last^ week.' thaVlh? Unit* V ed Slates.is ready JO become a part nor iii any'.alliance .'-if nations ' "which would guarantee ^public' right agafhst , . selfish'-?ggrfeasloiio? the publ'ah ed criticisms reminding him of , j i ,-George , Washington!; ho warned ? tho ' ' ; na?oh- all lances." ''Thb,''p>V?)i: '..yr .;?a i'l'-ahull,, heyer consent: tp--;Jt^^t?3?sllag "alliance,, but Would gfadly "assent tb a dlsen-. tanglltig alliance, an alliance . which . would)dlaenist?gIe-pacp?e^ Ijtrora ,thosa^coiribU'.nt|i)'ts in. which they seek their own ?opam?;?md 'p?t vate Interesta." 1 A :;-;';T--; (By Associated Press.) I Kansan -r&ijr, - May.'" ;30.'~Aa- open knife with a tltree-inclf- Idade was . ihrovyn" dt'.Au automobile In ' which Or^onel . Roosevelt wost - riding -?erre today. The^ knife hit the arm ot John W, - McGrath, Roosevelt^ sec retary, ' and fell to the ground -but wt?? picked -. y n and - handed McGrath by an escort.McGrath - said- tho knife waa thrown .with no force, and . ho regarded ; 'i?i? matter as. a joke:* Roosevelt. UUer bumed a .statement ? in ; whi'-r?' he 'iEiiiU. ho did .not- take tte Incident BOrfbUSly. Later ? man glv lngMiis -isinb os. Edward :McBanall Tutea, o?/Oklahoma, tried to force his way into Hobnovolt'e /presence in tho lobby of tho Hotel Muellbach andi Waa arrested; He declared bo . had busty?sa'wlth Roosevelt. . He is still beinghold .but no charge'ia'against . ; v hini^^^?-vrV'-'' -' * Roosevelt departed from his* set 'speech- tonight- far:? enough; io diacuase; tho Mexican, situation fcxo?l??us?y. He said niora1 A?Q?Mcana were ; killed/iii peace -with^Mexico than in war With' Spain., b.- :t'':fflsm ., Bia:^j^EWv^^^-;';. ;;;:';^EFFEi^ ?'. .Atlanta May 30.-lt is roport?o^?t ; Atlanta1 today that thtf Consolidated " Petroleum pofporaiion: of New York City, infcorporttted-"a abort time ago '.?l? -tfclowarnVwUh a capital of $7. ##.bQ0; ^?^i?e^'ihtb v?oo,t?o ehaX-e? ,.-:..' . -:.'&$10 par, ( Will announce' ita /_f{n?l pkns of Organization WShtti ihe^ffltt fe,W days. ',.>..?<. Ci--J*.. Pnytejj'iVfbirmeriy^'-pre^lw ot ithe Stated Mothal lifo biiMmx . cpm-pany, bf- nome, Ga'.'; "aadffiHK r?iendy actilfaiy' eag^?n\ ?n tte pro \. ; ^:;r?cfe end-.o? ol? ?Usi?'esssi? ?ouls ? - i|??r WHS be t?e1 ??ecut?vi hea'j. Mr. . C; nbm?Vt?'-]t?^','1Ga-l ' ' Other of&cora nn?. dlre?tbta, se lected .from: W??{v>.k?o^tf.^opemU^V and busla^? me?, arey now. xbeuig . ; chosen. T?io company is taking qver several thousand acreav of ell lands and, leases i&;:L^tsfim*;f.^Oklahoma; rTexa?^va^i^^ ?&t?? Civil COL > JOI?N 2. fllOftl i , YVb&!ilngtbn,; M?y 50-Johp. S. Mbs Iy, the moat famous Gornederato rai der of the . ? war between tho - state? djed" here ofter a long illness. He Was a native of Virginia and aged eighty-two. ' %lj . In spite of his aJVanced. age,-, Cot. Mtosly, until, a few . weoks ago ... toole many, walka through tho down .town section of tho city. His ag? had not bent his figure or dimmed the keen ness of his; eye. He seldom'.passed through:' b'crowd"' without being rec ognized?. Mosby .was iori many years i?i::theV He ' will- bo buried in " WarrentOn probably .Thursday, .. .. Some : ssirvivbrs of bia. hOtdd command ?will bo pali .bearerB..'' it /waa. said <"o?. Mosby that ho never: took..part-in .veteran's re unions, because'he Waia so overcome he waa unable to speak?- Some ?Isters, a BOO aud a daughter survive. : Col.' Mosby dared ds?th over fifty years "ago when at tho head'of aband pt< a few : hundred ?o?f?d'erate sol diers ho rode up and- down;tbe She ! nun doab Valley, ; .'capt urina outpost destroying supply trains, and cutting off,, means of communication. It koa been estimated that ho often; neutral ized the forc? bf over 15,000 feder?la In the valley. t Boru in .POwllattan county,-va.? HOV S?r 'pst ... CCONT?Ni?fS.?.ON PAG K fl VB.) I IHtKH M ? ? BERLIN REPORTS BIG GAINS NORTHEAST OF VERDUN* WHICH ARE j.PARTLY AJJ \ ?MITTED....BY PARlS-r^pi; PRISONERS -- (?3y Associated; Presrw). (French positions on a front of. ap: proximately two. miles; extending from the southern ridge of Deadman'a; KUI to Cuni 1er es, northwest- of- Ver duii, h?irj been captured by Ueini:a\v, according to Berlin. The Germans also pressed i forward in , tho region of Thlaumont wood, northeast of Verdun; TbeBo galna-are partly nd miited ny Paris. The. Germans claim to have captured moro .than thirteen hundred prisoners around Deadman'e hill, and Cuntieres ? .A .vlolirot bom .bardmont Is still, in -progresa. > Aus tri aim haye. begun . another, ^pf tensivo-.against, ltajlapp in .tbe Ppsl na region, southwest ot rosina and farther north along tho tipper reaches of .the Astlco river. ?) Romo reports, that near -Postea, the Italians maintained their positions; in tho face of heavy.. Austrians .assaults. In Lags rina Valley , Austrians .are bombarding Italian trenches. %.Tho - .Russian.1? Topu?sed a German attack, northeast ; of Apfiustdnhof on tii? ea?|em -front, / Near .Gli?^t?-in Galicia, *he^?striiano'drove. the Rus* eh^,Jrnm^re^^^ai .Lr-PetroB?a^ on 41 Avmeti.ran front' Is unchanged. , Constantinople report? that the) 'Tarif?:captured. British prisoners In] a surprise attack near Felapie, 'Mes opotamia. . . .. Berlin announces that- Gormans are with tho Bulgarians in an invasion of Greece, , which' was made to guard against ' a surprise attack beln'tt plann cd by tlio allies. Great Activity, London, May 30-Croat Bulgarian activity follow lng their ocOupaUon of several G reek- forte in < the vicinity ?? Ot Demls-HlBBar -i$ reported i n a Reuter "Saloniki d??patch. It te. ??ld? that c??leiil information had'been received there that important Bulgarian forq cs aro being concentrated nt Xevrn kop lte-;Bntgarls, near the Greek: Bor der, as well aa at Xanthia. There are no further developments in the -De mir-Hlssa; region. The tow)v re mains ta. Greek hands, although the Inhabitants havo r?parted. Tho en tente aiHea' advance linea on Varda'r and the hamlet or Killlndlr are being bombarded, . ? " . < -- J?lU?SD?? TI?N COMPTROLLER . A . ii. PLANT- is EXTENDED Washington, D. C., May 30.-The' jurisdiction; bi;vA. I?. Plant, comp trpllby;- of Southern. railway ca>ni pany, -?W?U be ' extended. effective ; Jun? ist, over-the lines of the Cincinnati, .Wtv.v QrleanB & Texan Pacific rali way and the Alabama Great Southe ern railway, announcement of his ap pointment aa comptroller ot, thece Oura yan ie s vice M. F, Molloy. ' ??* c^e?ied? -belnff announced . today -;py president Fairfax Harrisoa> New ?lenih System. , j . Atlanta, May 30.-Atlsbta . det?c fllv?a assigned to h?n\i?g .bjind tfg ^^fiBK-'nv?nted a new system tracking up the' dangerous; beasts i-to' i$$f$&1?r? - ''-I; Wheney?r*v they; ; pas n ; a .'jumw^udttse'- that I'ooVa deserted!'s '* ablet." ih*y do'not' p?ss it by; Tl get - Inside. In seved cases ont ten; they run, into a big supply ot contraband liquor. Blind timora are SiaVteg an awful Unie la Attente T^.-tt^?.yi'H?dtor'. plaeosv dr* dis covered -almost as. i?oii aa" they' made; " A-;":?. \ South Chicago te be **u^?n%veauipi>ed .?* .a:trateiBg ?Wp for the Illinois narai Increase al Alieaa. \ ? ? ^W^|n^n^n ?^hod^^^ i??Lartm??t ;'-3?ach month sees so*^-* ftr#fr??wMtt1 Wis?rmal. In Maa-cu,* ^^6?^'alli^^?at?red, i fealty Itl\ Advice? From S?C?SHA? Say Yuan | Shi 8?ai ??4i? AS?r?oue v Condition fisrs . ?ste-?c??ec? ^.t?y 50,-Yuan. Ht?\ Kal, president ol- the Cblnoeo rcpub Ile, ?hesvbean-.: poisoned- and. I? la a] critical condition; according to' ad vices from Shanghai r&ce'ved all headquarters cir Gie Chinese republic | association here today. T.ocent -J':/ {lajtclies- (Tproin P^iihVg Elated that mir; president* who -seriously ill; tut] the ca.uaox was m; I given. SU?T? ?ILITARY $ ON SKI? "'}. j}. Unique Scheme-Addpt?t? By Ger . maris.;Pr?vit Valuable_: Idforinati?m Xeavin? Country "LEMOM Warn?mueride* ^ Gormany, (Corra-j epondence lu the Associated Pres?/) : Mittf S9.-Travelers leaving German)' these days are ?lketyito hp subjected to a "lemon " rub'\ '\ of ; measure Intends*!1 ito tiring .to? light! or oft/aco,- ot? ihocSsp1 may he, m a ph or military information' thal have been ! pjat-'oh tba isnS^ecty. skin." According? tb frontier ' onrcers. the practice of tracing maps pr writ ing Information bu* tho skin in Invisible Ink? if. ??rampn ami a rub with loinbb'i juice will brinE tho invisible Ink oui ' ~KvDhbi?n,viMft|^N^ McNeil J, P-reaident of the Sinn Pint Society, who last week Was found-guil ty of comp*'clty in tho Irish"'revolt, hat been si J term ed to lite, imprison ment, and'tho seutehco confirmd.' A?LM4TA TO-HAVB THE BIGGEST FEDERAL FEN IN THE UNITED STATES] New Ha^M??nn Poll^ |4M*K Io Beinjs Bttik 'Atlanta>.;Wy^:};t??.T.-Atl?nt?. wilt soon have the largest federal federal prison. In - the United" states. ' A/neifcj half-million' doUar ' annex ts nearing completion, which wi If accommodate 1,000 tc 1,200 prisoners. , With tin? present capacity of 1.200, the annex will practically double tba numbbj of prisoners 4aat may be h?utfel, ?. . - ;Taea*a are i two new ; buildings, one, of ..which -is- being .rushed to comple tion;, tb take care ; ot prisf.ners that aro' arriving; almost every : ?ay. The, Sccoh? building will" fdqulro several months owing to thp ^lowness in cut-" ling granite for : "the, walls. The buildings are constructed entirely bli granite brid structural .steel. They are ?yb stories high. Far the pnrposj?- . of cuttiug the stone un immense Warble plant; one of the largest in Uib.aduth, waa cou ntruc^ed on the grounds of the, ptis ; The- cost of the, building waa es timated ..at f&QO.W?;. hut wm pr?h ahly gV-t?mewhat tilgher. The Work IQfc been done entirely by tho pris? on?rs; many bf wfcon* ; haw develop ed * into expert marble >ad granite WmW. Hki?' hired ..l??r been nee* * .^teav t^t?r?. Hector wb?a : qTOwaaot to (teca Bay aV Saatfa DA^ngo-'?Sttnb'^y'When a refait: the nav# depm-imont today. tronches dining, the . next twa year?, -^lO^^ansten ^ohj I A TERROR TO GREASERS* I I ? i I, 1 I Lieutenant ile orso S. Patton whll?, ? on a foraging trip neal* tho ?an An tonio camp YisRr? tho ?hin ?.'J311 ol ranch, about GO miles'southeast Of I .Namlq.uipa'and with a scout' anil.nine I enlisted then in thro;? automobiles ehr ? countered and hilled three Villis ta*, oho of whom' was,Captain Julio Car* ? i?Ajs, -? ?uoji k?oVri l??atw??u? or ? Villa's. Patton and his mbn tefl the camp In their three' autos "end fought the bandits from the- autos, ilu.et ls tb say, they spr??g directly;fr?no 'tb?lr cara into the fight, putting th? en counter 'in iv class by itself; ? LieutcuQrit Patton ia thirty jcara of ago. He 1H from California and a ? graduate ot West Point. Disaster ?n ?ndiatia|Vou> Race ?^Dari? Resta, tn Frt?^|S?i| Carfl Wa? Winner ' (By, Asa?clated , Pre?a;) . i I Indianapolis, May; 30.-^MM^iKl ta," in a French car. -won the thrco hundred mlle : automobile race ut the speedway hpro\- todays.' - l?a.'avarua time was olghty-?hroe and ,iw?hty-*ut| hundi^?ths;: mile! pe#y , ht?^.^V\lfeI Val mer made the same. ?latanco lastl yojir" in au . average of ?lghty-lnln? and - twenty-one hundredth j mlles^ per hour. . Wilbur . D'Al?ne, driving ; an American car' was 'ee?oijd, Ralph Melford, In a French ma/cUlhe; tftir?<. V'Gur v/ero injured, bn?| *er?o|6?jM hi the r?ce. Jack LeCaln drlviuj^aal relief for Jolea DeVlngoT?wa? badly hurt - tvhen^hl?; cy f ' ?Vorti(rbed, >put ,?ing>.hhn uh??rv, lt; Hhd mechan4Man wal?. slightly jbajqred. . Tc^n ROppey blew a lifeand.Jio and X*/ffie?gani clan ThanftobSjinurfc. {. ;.. \ v ; - . . ? -, Find' mit latani , i '.. 'A ? Orne ri ville. ?MtiM&W^Tbb- bod&V? ? ?vait?r male: Snfapt' wa?. found! ist? Voitei-day afternoon burled near the ? fc'jt?tf when- ibo' Bene* $2?el. ; > tine, brae'ehes > from .the.: I ? ,f:0; ' It was r?rhrt?d that tho .driest:-^ a - woman plight bb v ni add ; ob V dep^ *'T?p* j J*?*ply?f qnest. Jfcibuty; girton bf ^'ifait^. son village repelled the tWMttt df Artistic Cairn 'S?ppl Mow Mint To Poduce New Quarters and Hal vea After July1 lit. Washington, May 30-Dime?, quaf tera mid half dollars of a uaw design | will ho minted after July 1 ?j?c&?tary McAdoo announced. Thu* ls,thc tiret chango ia'thoso coins aln*(!o-iSt>). Tbe; nnnouncvment disclosed' thut tho heit has fallen practico]!!'? into dtsuao, and the. new design fa selected in the hope of restoring it -to more-getym?! clreu lattpn. . ; ,,-.v . . ^JV'V'?si i*:''.- ' '.. Tho half dollar and tho dlaio wore modeled. hy. ? Adolph A. Welman, and .tho quarter by Hermon A. .M&cNell. Tho face of the ?haif^v beare ii.tf. full length' liberty, atl^ Ule bachgrbuTair ie o .tiyingr tiagi.The ( goddess la, . strid ing toward thet dawn j of a new day carrying a laurel ; mid ? ot;lc - .branche); aymbollc of ctyii and oillttary great* ?**/".Th?' r'e&wb ?howa the eatfW .porohed on' -a mountain'. cV?g wltl wins?-unfolded. Tho face vbf-thtf/. quarterVia a full j length Liberty stopping toward .the cou n t r y'3 gai ow ay bearing an juprnls?- j ed'BhleJd: with th? ;CpFer being wlth drawncaod aa ?live: branch in. < tho ] right hand. bbi-vo tho bend "Liberty.*1 rbelbw. tho dato. Tho reversa Bnows an c:>.;Uo in full flight. The faoe of - iW dime ia Liberty, with a winged cap;, The r?v?rai la a bundle of roda and ? battle azi I r (By Associated : jarosa, ) ;... v/anhington,^l*ay; ?6*>^F efforts ip enlarge- ttifyfy&i gram of ibo. naXjil^ dpprbsft flulted. today in an adoption by hbuite, sittlnt? aa, 1 comtnjttoe of thc r^t^^a^jaM?lmepH ?act 4ho number of. ?Ubaia'r.f?^A'.'authoriz ed by Ur.) oH?iuaf V^^cn?milfe?. bill . from"Ivt?&ty-ia^tS&i-:'; !!. Proposalp tb ' pr?vido als hattie crulH?rs instead ot five oriel add - two t?Vc?dnau&hts arid two scout criuiaerfc i&iti??- prograin ' w?ro 'dej??ted'-?ttojr a lively" (fight; Propbaa?B -f?lr moro battle hud scout cruisers wero beaten ab;- decisive!yVthatjthe boy navy advo? eatoti wiuaHy ?Q'jciS?CT.'.?tr ab?fliLoi^, .tho fight for ?hem. Another. atv tempt will i? tnwln bbtfevor tb gel two dreadaaughi Ltutiesh ip:;. I NEW LAW HAS PUT 300 I i JSTNEYS OUT BUS??I New Orleans Rehires $B,O0f> Bo?? For E?th .r New Orleans, May. ^p^No, JUney? Were seen on tho otrtctn herc today. Thres Imcdred,. or nioja wb?ch.have ?M?n> bp^^ug ceased- otter j?&Qf daya federa!.court decision, upholding an: ordinance ;. requiring a flva thou sand dollavs bond for each car. ?>.. Tho police reported ?he .driver- wfcB,-3s reated charged with VlbTaUng ^o^orf dinance. '"'. * Kew ^W^x7?7 Spartanburg", May' 30.-A patent has been' granted J. 'P. Vise, of near Moore, thia,- cbunty oh a road'-drag. Mr. Vise and others who have, seen thia 4rBlfr'-Work say that; it ia 'far- aa? porior *.o the '"opiiMog" or commonly' used steen drag. This machine 1* mounted and ia-op?pii^?.yefy much like a ?crape,, only, w operation ti ritare simple; only - oho J?Ver la iiaed to raise or i?aer tu? drag,, by ?which; operation tho different kuri?s or road' receive ' the proper Weight of the, drag. '? . , Thc. drag hau been operated over i'5 nilleaor more of Yoad.nirid. accord-; fag tb thb/?> wbb ?aw the work, it MEMORIAL DAV ADDRESS AT KANSAS CITY ?BULL MOOSE iM^?m^ PREPAREDNESS : AjtMP RAFS ON tm O ty EY - L ? V IN G (By. Associated Preca, ) , . ,>.^l?8,l?pity,..'Afp.;. Slay .su.-Unl vbrsat; iruinlng based .upon ?n?v?ra?l eervico waa Hirgod upon the youth ?)? the nation by Theodore , roosevelt in a :M?n?oriai. D?y : ?ddr?H?./.f doUvorcd here today- aa "a meeaagb to ; all Americans," before Civil: War. yotoiV ana of th? North.ond tho Confederacy. Appealing, he explained?, .to; t'tt?el^. spir^vof .throu gogolo* Americtniam. j. in;ali our people" th?, formar pr??-. lueni declarod that those who .a&aej|fc - that theare is no danger of thc United States ever, being attacked aro cit! er ignorant or -iorgeiful of the multi tude of examples which chow hov/ International ?" c6nilf.c-f.il nrke, and (that "it is likely ?that lt we aro not Strong enough to maintain our rights, including; tho assa?tti?h- oft tfib Mon roe! Dontrln*V*: tho -United ..-?tate? win ho. n?bject,to.aggre.saiont} which it would bo obliged. ! to /. resent.'-' on... .olae: abandon U$ : national greatness, ... "Tho ; p eopl o, rh?st; c^oqao r-? ; their exe out Iva/and 'legislative. lo?d'?ra'-r. dt iWq?b^R&ip^-.'-.-.Cbi. ?. Rpo?evaH ; ;??\W, /'man absorotb?yi.national.' :t?. apirit; i?bb wilpee, ; theory,' bf-'govof?:ber.t'-:^ft^ as vlc-f v:a, tiii* ppjabi rf ri??v'ttto tor? b:?rn> thc ?ry-and thW^.?VbClh'-r th:> . pork-barreT bb vc: i'.? .od irom a? . :. personal, political'cir, ??c?aiifll stand point; 'mon who look; forward' and not back; men who face thc facts uu < th?y .actually bro. . "After this war wo shall seo a new Europe; a liHirope . ebor^eticaliy de veloping; new s?ct?t \;ii^d?'^?^onn?. ?aean? of meeting now problems,';-''. ' v'.- -"It.-? under these clreumstana?i?. wa . tobe refuge in farawlao dug out from tho wVec?iag?,r,otr;prIn?lplo8 in the past, Instead "of. "developing tbesa.v", . principios so : nb to weet, tho' ; futir?, ? Wo.Bhhil bo ?a..'' ?o tor?ird in righteous '"?.?*?: and no^or or backward in de .-grwatibn- and. weaJsneajv . We sro race''"to'ii?e-with tho elemental facta; or right aad wrong, o? fbrco ',, or tfoebten?tesV Ac, . Coi. Roosevelt urged, tho nation' tb' "beware bf the falsa 'prophets*'--pro fessional paciflfvti;, whf>.::'h& d^ciftred.; .,. do not servo ' hi?fr; ideals. *sIn: attu?l. practice," bb , said,, "tho proieBs!aa> al pacifist is merely ?ho tOi?l of fh.j , senaual materialist, wi?tt ba? no Ifloals whoso shriveled son!.'lb wholly &ti sorbed Ui automobile? and tho mri vite, and. roon?y^?t?i^pg. ,.?nd iq ttts phHciea of tho ca sb r#Istl?1r^iP^^^ b?^.^tbk?rV^ and.^^:il|o,.:bfi- fstlo)J . ?^r'o: years.; a^:" ihos? "fbl?e .pr?j bino*' ^'?r^itu^:;C6ltHm?.M1^^4Mb#V'.' "Let us not be ^l&;x&ip,&i&,m should -peace'.\cb'#|:pa; tbBjA<>'' row, be declared,}if- ought not to Sf ? Amorlewi > p^oU^^^vi^arcd^^ I 'Cbt. Rdo^y?l^t??ra^ hte; vlevm-"' th^jth*i'?i?ar*c% ' I beett> mobilis^ m^ay, ?f?m^-M'&i I tho ? war, -a : ?odp?wafc pWVpbaV: .. : ; th* b?ad ot thb Mr?-dftjia^sn^lijtMs he aahi^,;-'. :?... ^Tbtt.?dufy;o?-.-^ nation llkb oa^'^aJi^ A^ CiOtsald Wo" are.^ (tJOWTTNU'Sttr Ott F?uv mm) .