V- V. ANDERSON, S. C., SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9,1915. ._._ Wt NUMBER 232. Washington S?elioves Sit uation WM Adjust It self ! De?piie Rumors That Demands Foy V^?ick?Wali Will Be Renewed - Domesfcicj Condition m Mexico Continue Grave Chihuahua Cit j', Mexico, May 2-i. Tilla ls at Hacienda, Ilinibrera, ono linndrcd and twenty-fire miles from JJimlnez rnr?il'g his wounds, according fo a report \ received, by. Carranza Commander Oicncral Hamos" at JI mi nez. 'Bcports mt "Villa has small hands cf f?rtowcrs nt lictarca and San Itnrnnrdino near Mimbrera. , ! Withdrawal ITnlikcly ; . . ?(By :Ai?sp??ated Presa.) Washington, ,'May 24.-While no nutliorHatIvco. tdrecant of thc propoff-i als to bo made by Carranza, in hts new note has reached officials hero tho general f cell np. . despite, rumors that ho might 'rejn?w : his demand ...for the withdrawal bf American troops, is. ono bf optimism]. ; lt. is, ? bolleved his note will propose a definite agree ment for cooperation between Amer-, lean and Mexican trocpr. in ' pursuit, of bandits in northern Mexico. 4 Unofficial advices have reflected a grave domestic situation In ! SUtcs. P?KgM"^^^?,|?ST rV?? ' ' j i (liy Associated Press.) . San Antonio,' Ata jr 24.-Goneral Funst?n'e rb^??st-'f^r.moro coast af iSllerymen to relnforco tho " border, guard it is ' understood hero, has beer, refused by the;wraf, department, al though Gonef?i ?fuhBtoh. refused to ' confirm this report. It was Indi cated at his headquarters that ho re id led to tho department's refusal by tho request ? for more militia to strengthen .tho. .borddr patrol. Three regiments ot Texas-, militia 4n .camp here will. start moving for tho bor der in Brownesville aiid' Eagle Pass districts, tomorrow. HASTINGS UNITES IN F!Gff??r\G?iNST RIVERS MEASURE i ' ,(By .Asspclhted Press.)' ?< '. Washington,: ?Kray-; 24.-Senator Hustings, a. domborat of Wlscpnsin. todayJoined ihb",b?poattlon. to the rivers, and harbors bill and gave nb . iico bb would have lt Bout *aok tb tho commerce commtttco. Ho urged that even -if meritorious 'tho Items .in ; tho bill would be loi? asld^ While tV.ti entire attention of cobgrcsa. IB given ;to pfeparoduess. ?-'.... :' MB. HOW?KB WAS P?BSENT Attending Mf*eti?igU# MaUkers IlcSd In Columbo. Mr! Ti-- M. {'toward,' man?gor bl the local .office of tko Western unlorl, hue returned from- Columbia where he attended a meeting ot tho Wes tern-Union; mftin^ Una which-was liold 1u: tho -aeffefson hbtel bn M?ttd/tyj . Thia m?e?ng:;-was ??imU?r;>in others being held throughout the .country for Abe purpose of; Instructing the mailt -.igWs and their "?iibordln?teo in the development bf ?lb-.bbmpauy's . now v nies' bf Belling iet?gjpm?.- 'The futida - mental of this now Idea ls Ui? Jase ot tho jtoiegra'pfr . insltea?i: 'ot the taatl? in matters, bf negoti?tl?ns? offer*: anj&: ordefy, >nd in thomovingof pm\ ?' -??-?' abctry either -sta^WS.*,^ Tbgtil?r pr?rr : ?si^br a?rjilus stbefcs ot gpeds at fer \ # ducbd transabiibttu with Western, Ohjon ff.st service and dny and night ';, . Conti':at'F^^ 0?** ' : to North Cernina *vV _ .- Wo?hv?lc?'-^ .. ietTrab, basebaU >t?m?M A BOY HERO OF FRANCE SLENDER COLLEGE YOUTH THE IDOL FRENCH REPUBLIC 1 H This 1B what Herbert Cbroy, the famous war cor.rcapondent, perhaps the best American observer bf tho! QSutropcan wnr, wirote, como weeks ago, about Guy nemer, 'thc first photo cf "vhen? is shown beru. iiui-i'i in .iiTnnfft wut tunuLrt' ? know who Guyncraer is. Tho. picture ?jot tilla slender, boy from college is in tho Illustrated magazines atti In g tho columna of tho dally papers abd In tho windows of . the shops. He is the most celebrated, airman in France unless the most celebrated airman in [Frabcb '!b| Navarre. There ?B tho Navarro oeheol-. of :thought ?nd tho Guyrienier school of . thotight olohg tho jbouleiarda,. ParisahB bf the two waggle tncir. bands busily, at .. each o$ber und'-alibut ?nd '.close; (the argil- j mehi by. drliiiiing a hoaltU tb ibo pair. :' Guyncnicr. Wits tbb Hrst Frcrtch ?tr* man lo bfitig dawn fIvb, c?'cml?s. I?IB j ?coro now t'p?ct?os' eight; and he han done it., all ?in; four monies;/ tfaMftfcJ ha? also brought down eight Gorm?is filera, according, tb ono count. An other- morned tit computation only ?JU lpws hint cr?dit for aoven. It ls thie that gives rise to tho drinking shah debates ovo?, tho pair. It: ia astoniah ing how, hutch enorgy can bb. wasted '?ver;' tho interpretation cf tutu .whichvhaVb,:b?ori. sot fort!, in tho. Of? tidal cbmra?hlq???.' An 'evidence ot tho standing , of tho pair is : that ike rule of anohyibily- bas bb;> for ? eupremacy, with, almost . bre?lhicsfr; interest i , .*^8fei8prii|g? OF i.t?tm i?:^wiiWifi.;#incV: Conlr?c? . %?8 .'. .Signed, .V /Th?h tim1 berol siicct l IsbU'lfHetp bave; been. lhfere?'sod; from >1<\ ?tbiV -2? si?oo tho ,-bbht'ta;t5tvrw^.?^pi :with th^sotitherh^ ^?SSIW^^; fflfc:- which btmp?afcs tho., tact; timi tb? peppin aro.vor^? 't??ch ?l&a%ti:. tliat 10 moro house* bid been. . con nected^lih; the sMainwMP Friday - night;, some-v^r-t?*^ having tb >tvblt bbc??t?? : ot Ute- htc> of .ma terial. -It ls & big i problem to/.se curo wire, and transformers, . ann other - ma'terial bt th1?>iJeie olSv|w3| Js the causo so? tho de.1*y. ., , ;; it^lftr?^fey?'.'M?-^ybhn ^McNeil, wa?:?^ltSt> # cb?rV wartUi es co^?&ty ^npr,?^ wU? ; h^t Nrbmnlgaled swithin '#. diy^c?'-t??rt?. V*-;.. ' ??':'-. .....:..> ... r> Hrs. .Margaret Horton Tells of "Dual1 rer:M Jail tods>,: te; in jury t m. mmM court .'tbRVsl?aap*^? lit? : fctrest ^without ?. liront ?nd I blbchlrix tramo.- She bogbh; serving -, ?a^ta^ot?^^ ot r?m^^m--'!fimmimr ?aw? Are ?tabit?hlng'?.??; tiometbbs records bf ; vaHoto'f.'. idtfda iii the city of At. 1 anta/ tilt perhaps nene are ( mo*e r?inarl?^e ?bn#^ ^ record of; atrist?;; hy Ihe. police abd o'clc*?v ^tetday;'?i?^taa*j^'-av:!wft? A. * ? OIT OVEB THE HE AKT " ? * BY BASEBALL-HEAD * ? m& ? * (By Associated Press.) . ? + O?l City. P?v, May 24.- ? * James i>.. irwin, aged fiitoen. ? + was hit ?ylpjf- tho heart by a ?5? ? pitched IvJi" hud inBtantiy ? * killed hore'.today. 4> ? "?.'' A f50 Ft. Wt h In exW? Gul fl (By Associated Press.) Pensacola, "Moy 24.-Lieutenant] James Vincent Kockwell, civil ongl ncor in tho United State? navy inj training hero to an aviitor, wa? in stantly killed- today when thc navy aeroplano he was .piloting < dived : one hundred'and'fifty feet into tho Ruir. The machine* "W^?B . badly dainigod and officers txildj they though tho ac cident was cause* by a Scoring goar giving way. Rockwell was 30 yearn old and from Indiana. Ho.expected to get a pilot'liennso shortly. Ho had a wife and children. After M Yews SMyi?r Caught] ? v Edgetleld, May/; 21.-Twont> -five years, ago John Q^.Long, a, prominent farmer of the Johnson coet.'bn of tho county, waa shot pud liiBtoqtly kilted by Anthony. Corder, a ncgro. Immc ?Uatoly ofter tho. homicide Carter fled tho state aw,''pJ^ddgh . <" very meas* uro was taken t^capture^hlm, made good his CHcapQy^'nj during.- all ; . of .these years !all ^aco vof him was ?without: avail... '. .?&'' #;'.'.'. '.? TWo^-Wf^k^tt?&Iioury C. Ksrsey. formerly"" of ifi?o? county, and "wno [knew Cartor, met; tito negro in . tho" city of Augusta, whom ho said lie recognized as thc slayer ot Mr. Long and had him arrested.' and placed in jail. Tho friendo and relatives of Mr. .Long w?ro notified of Ibo arrest and eeveral citizens of this p.ace and Johnston, who know .'the negro, prior to? tho'.homicide, wont to Augusta for the- purpose of Identifying him, .and all say that ho Is 4ho man wanned. Tao negro is uow lu Jail and main tains that he ?B not' Carter. Ho has been in Augusta for 'ucveral monthr, and according to his. own statement, has - travelled all oyor tho country, I being, ot ono tlruo : in -tho United | States troops. .Thoao. acquainted with the Tacts connected with the. homicide say that tho: "?liling wat1 a deliberate, one. tho weapon used being a.- shotgun.. Tho place of homicide was thou in. Edge field county, but now . in. Saluda and tho ofllcors. of the latter county will haVo ihe negro returned there, wh?rfe he will probably stand .trl?l for mur der. t???n?&?t? .... ---- . {By Auscclated ; *?res3. ) Washington, Mkjr-v 24--Identical noted renewing tho/protests of the Unlied- B.tatca against tho British tVea?me?t of nrulfral. .malla on the hlglt.seas wer* H,*tttlpd to British arid S^oh;?in^-adOf? ;t?d Four Ors Trkl Fnf ?^der Win? ASiwmario, N. C., M*y 2*.-~C, Jin, white1, and *>ed Wolfe, John _ib* odd. Lester tteihe. negroes. r^it?-tHed hore today charged witovtfi?; #JWer; jt.C;:^ novcharU. " ^^^HHlPlHB .???in fa ohargf^vMn inciting Ihe xro?s .toi commit the crime;. One ,o negrpbc cspturt^am%*^ Il4:?ttjT melted tho crime, me^vothor negroesiv??rgln. is sol ^ &?v? ?wed <]antrril^dr^.^s?m??? nituro. . V '?1."---- r~ Get Garbage Caa. ?'Attant?, G>?., - May ,i4-"Qet a ?balte e?n *nd 'routa^^rate ?nt?" fly" is the sloWtttfMantA Just A city nr#mu-ee toMits cltlsehe buy a ?etat ?*n wita"* top ia bein enforced to the lette.t; The yate an Vm&f'lH&i allies i?^elr ^tait? jsl&fas^-njta."; : ECHO NAVY ll LD WILL BE 6.0. P. DI ll THEJBUSE Ihpubllcann Join ID MioorKjr Rep>rt Attacking Naval Measure-Fluni Voto Ou Dill Expected End of Next j Week (By Associated. Prosa.) Washington. May. 21.-A report ex plaining tho two hundred and forty ono million dollar naval appropria tion hill was nu omitted to tho house today by tho naval committee. At. I the ?amo tim? republican ' members ] of tho committco joined in the min ority report iv be presented to-1 morrow attacking tho measure as In-1 a(|ci]ualo and .demanding* WOt con gress pr?vido a navy ranking sec ond In tho world. Tho bill, which authorize? a build-1 lng program next year of five. big] battle crulscrn, will bo taken up lu: tho. hduso -Monday or, Tuesday 'at^di will reach a final voto bofprb "v tL roosts. - And what, is aa antl-crowing] rooster roost? / i ?/: An antl-crowing , rooster ;. roost; | Gent?o Reader, ls s?'.contrivance in vented in. tho city of Boston, whore tho American Intellect l? B?ppoacd tp hs>vo reached ita finest pb-fecUob ?-rand., used ibero for many yoaro*; in accordance with a city ordinance^. A>rooBtor cannot crow unless ho lilt;; his bead and flaps hts wings.; Therefore. If you-'putr??ui on a roost with a plank above hlB head, ho wi** .yt thcro. quietly all night and tad people can sleep without - ulatur-; banco. ?V Inasmuch as the city council of At lanta believes in being etrictiy up-to date . in. al! things, tho fr-oBtara pf, thin city lind better do their crowing wbJle ibo crowing'* good. ... / j REV. !. E. WALLACE WAS &l?fcitOR YESffcRDAY icc? Pastor? The Int?'. Corrt^h?kni Drops Irk ? . The Kev. Iv E. Wailttce, p?stpr-ef the Seneca Presbyterian. church," was ntnorig the vlsitorr/from that placenin -.Anderson yesterday to ooo '..-..Ir/ib Birth of a Nation," Mr. Wall?eii ia The Intelligencer'* news co-respon dent at Seneca and -1B respcnslblo 'for* many live items Of Interest coui ingv front that town. Mr. Wallace-.' sb*bo' cohfeOTCit ls birr Inclination a newspaper tta^^-Sp?t? seven br eight year*... a&y he edited Th's Wlihamston UpHRor, ? wee-fl* babers and' ??de quUe a- iMccoBS lot. it. ' Mi*; Wallace's hands have felt the stain of grinters ink and the familiar ?dery/tecullar ito ? >?fjjnt st?# alway?. bringa, hjm. around - ?io. >lhe'--??'w?n?ps>r-e(Hc?;'. wlish he la firs. ; Wallace. . . * ; ?A-I?IHVES AFTER ?2 DA??; Wm^S?m^ Utn Sr?m An o, ;^^y?ii^ 2?^ib^''-DrtM a^|?fai??-.<>?i: ' ilr?t full-H??ged merchant ship to en ter here, ip ?Var. two y,?ar?,, arri vedi at quarantine * last night.; '.wf-n? ii -caiga or nitrate of soda front Ani^i?*sst?. ship waa towed Inte tfcoJ^Bor bv tho tug Protoctor, of i&vi&nnhb, whteh awiifceh lying ly waa fdr fcsr oft. this;coa?t for more taatt '?jsrfli wfPha. frederick : Fiichards Ts agefct. The Naiad baa been^oar it?. i$?jg? frommer ?iwttiSt? o? saT?n^u? til' nor arrival hers last night? - PRETTIEST GIRL WEDS mm . Bira. ?W?nitle" Sheehan. Broadway wad star Hod tho oilier j day to learn that i Mian - Kay Laurel 1, | ono pf tho prettiest girls tho. theatri cal world han eve/ produced, .has I married .In,London Winfield B>, Bhee- j han,, manager of tho Pox Film cor -toration and former secretary of tho] Wow York' police department,' Broad way did not ovon know popular ("Winnie" Sheehan was moro than an acquaintance of tho beauty. Mrtriy artists havo said Mrs. Sheohau was tho most beautiful girl they have, aeon. For throe years they hove, vied io paint hor portrait. CLAIM KILGALtX)N ARRESTED ?N ACT OF BEARING ARMS j - (By Associated Press.) London, May 24. -Tho British au-! thorltles have announced that John J. Kilgnllon, ot Farrockaway. New York, | seventeen yeara old, a student.in Ht, Edna's ' collego at Dublin, was ar rested tho day (ho>?ovolt started in tho act of bearing arms. Tho time bf Kilgallon'n trial was not revealed, I7o is a prisoner at .. Stmffnrd, Eng land. Tho Araorlcan embassy, nt tab solicitation of. Kit gall?n? parents In'tho United States, caused tho ;SfltialV authorities io glvo tho facts In tho case. PRESIDENT GOES TO NEW Y?RK ATTEND WEDDING ' : '.'?.'. -- Dr. Grayson rcod rVii?a A?icc Ger don Are Married Walkington; ,5i?yi.?4^-ThQ prest?, debt ?and t?ra. Wilstin^left at 8 ! this morning for New York' to attend tho 'wetldiirtfrof-Dr. Carey T. Gravier.;; tho preaiderit'a naval aide and phyei clon and .Miss; Alico Gertrude .Qpr don. .' They were accompanied hy Ijebretery aud Mr^ .MflAdoo, aid Miss ! Helen Woodrow Bines^S th? , presi der's cousin. . They -toole with them ? largo wedding; cake. made at .!. thc White ..House*-.. >t ?? ? ) / ; ..> ' '": Hole Thwarts Cupid. ' AtlantW't?ay>24.^liow much dam age .is aouui. entitled to when he falls in, a ?tote oft biaway to call on Ubi jtvv ootheart. and har ts himself *o badly 'that ho is obliged to postpone htsi marriage. I' W. S. Lynch, * real cstati? roan ot thia city, wa?; the tie?m of the above stated experience,- : and he. it? .sulrifc ; As. ?it* of (A?ahtAi ?OF, the .m&M p,Ov^- a?:, lt^wj^r% ;n^h?b;4tt tho street throng fvi!. Heavy Infantry Attack Results In This Point Being Again Lost By French-Italians Driv en Across Border, But Attempt to Hold Forti fied Line Heavy German infantry attacks havo brought about tho recapture ot Fort Doun?raont northeast of Verdun, thc position; ci|Hur. ?i by tho .Gor mans Pobroa.y ajfthj ami taken by tho French a (ow days ago. Tho tFroncb', however^ coutinuu ito .hold tho immediate, approach to Foit Douauiuont end havo recaptured, tho German tronches n?ar Cumlcro? vd lase, which hud bccp: occupied by tho Germana In lato 'fighting. From Lakb Garda regfotf to 'Suria na Valley, thc Austrians aro contin uing tholr pflcnsivo against tho Italians. Dr.lyon actoB^.tUe border, Boutheast of Trent tho Italians aro . endeavoring to hold, a fortified Uno from Aslago to Arslorb. Homo ad I mlts .that retreating ?V'il?sn's destroy-.j cd artillery that lt was impossible to ? withdraw. Aa-a outgrowth of . rocont. peaco talk, Slr Edward . Grey , declared in tho houso of eoiomon;; that tho time !was hot ripe Tor peaco. Ho said tho dallies .must wait until tho stage of war ls reached-whore,tho. proa-' peet' ot maintaining enduring peaco would bo with tho allies. [THE INNES CASE EIGlBtfelN ?EYCAMPAIGN At'idntd; Xi^l?tSy ?? .~-Tiio faiD ous'Innes case, according to local politicians, will Ukply prove a boom arang to Solicitor Qlmer?l tlbgli M.. Dorsey'a ambition r Tho .case was lo be the picco vdo resistance for tho , solicitor, (bi account, of lt, and it ls, Its attendant Bensatibiiat featurea, ho . retained kia pillee, while prosecuting' ;' his campaign for governor. It now appears by tbo admission ot tho uoiicltor, thai.-. ho recolvcd a too from. Mrs, Nelujs of $50C for tho purpose of ex.traditlhg tho, Innca. , -Thia IB, of course, on tho '.indictment' now ponding and. for which - tho In noscs are about to b?; placed ari trial. / Counsel for tho' Innosses have mada a motion to quash ihei Jhdlc?J?ieti^ and disqualify tho .solicitor for tak-j\ lng. ?tho fcc. : ; tinder a recent . decl&-: ;!on ; ot tho' .'apirolati' eburfs, - , that - jCQurr^ ?. Jre?fflrmed!.. what had always ' V been*tho law, that??a Mate's attorney ?must ibo impartial ind' not influenc ed^ bxeeipt 'by. a desire to db Justice , to the, public alono. - , * Th?*dbveioptuenta -tn ? connection i with thor sol leitet" receiving a foo - havo be?n .tho talk of legal circled all . day; Thl? laoog with 'Mr.', DoWo LaUorheyshlp ISfor tire ?&ut?yillo : v Nashville - railroad IS ?<4>?ctcd -tt>^ have a ? vpy^-deqi'dod. p$$t{.sm : Mr. .Doraey's '.candidacy fbrV/govsrnor. Tho $5Qa,':ilready i^id by Mrs. Nejms to Solicitor: Dorsey ia only one-half of tho feb -Whick tir? .kollcl tor charged tito windred musher for securing, th?. extradition of Victor In nerf- and'wlfo'. from'''-Tex??' to Geor gia. . Mir.Dorsey's full ;fcuv)'was $1 000; One-halt of. this ..'wan poli when he secured the decisi?n hyvthoi-. United States eupremo eourtv dudor* which the Innosses worn 0Ti Macon.. May 24.4-Fedcrnt Jttdgc F^nbry Speer today held li.?'at thrbc|? jud gea mus? liear tho. 'es sb involving; ; two carloads ot ?quo* soisod.ut pc?l-? ! .\a. The case is a tesfc-oMhb Georgia^ prohibition law. lt'?':[ is contended : : i!Uw ibj?t th? law ls n?t only, retro-? sctive put 4 violates the fourteenth; amendment. ''M^^ ^^.v^'''^ie^'?i^;5?oftdri.* , -, f - Now York, May ^Cotton Opened ? steady ? ub tOxB doWh liut rallied ou| covering aiift-tra^ purnta* ruled S to ? net higher toward} the middle; of tho morning. Offering*! increased ?nd['price*'.,rbc?d?djr?'lo ll hut weather report and. active buy-j ?ng caused rallies of 2 to 3 {roni 'the? ?lowest yfen^ddfty.-; ' : i Fer ftofets ? Ato*tf?wb?J-VI , Washington.' M^?^^TH?i? senate foreign relations' rec^n?elu^vb fa^s vorablo rcpdr? p??^^i's resolution* directing tho secretary; of tt?te to IM "quire regarding f?-Mf&f:?% |^re martial law.bi ^^'^^jjj