V- V. ANDERSON, S. C., SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9,1915. ._._ Wt NUMBER 232. Tells Charlotte Crowd Slow Progress of War Is Interesting - Fact At This Time-Will Elah orate on Possibilities I Early Peace in e Speech j At Washington ?'.111 1 ? (By Associated Press.) Charlotte, May 20.-President Wilson, speaking on world peace before a crowd of many thousands at the anniversary cel ebration of the signing of the Mecklenburg declaration of in dupendence hero* today, intimated plainly that not much progress ls being made by warring Eu ropean nations und tho objects being sought could be achieved latter through peaceful means. He said "it is an interesting fact that the progresa of the war is nt a standstill." He added: "When you cannot overcome you . must take counsel." His utterances, though guard ed, wero given significance In view, of tho recent discussion ot the possibility of ending tho Eu ropean war1. President Wilson sketched' briefly what was" his Idea ' is of what will follow the European*war. 'lt is understood he Will elaborate on this point in tho .npce.'ih he.'will detlverv- in. Washington next week before the ?league to "enforce . -.peace., - VI would Uko," be. said, "to think ", that Ute spirit- ot. thi? . celebration could be expressed: >lt . we ima gined ourselves Utting como sac red emblem of counsel'ot accom modation and rlghtious Judg ment before . the world to remind them iii wo rd a of scriptures that after fire comes the still small ' voice of humanity. LAT NOW LIKELY PRESIDENT OF RIVERSIDE MILITARY COMPANY VISIT ED TOE SITE SATURDAY IS WELL PLEASED Practically Certain That Military j School W?1 Be Established Oh Hotel Site Greenville,- May 20.-The visit, to Greenville of : Dr. P. L. McCoy, Principal of fthe Riverside Military academy, otl.Oain?sville, Ga.v this ; morning; his inspection of Chick ; Springs, and tho. conferences held Saturday between Prof. McCoy and ,'.. cltltens interested : in tho proposed establishment .bf a' military, school, render; lt practically certain.; that the . mili tary school , will be : established here,: provided thc comparatively . small aum necessary tb " get the schooUstarted' can be secured in-, this city., ? Prof. ; McCoy arrived ..In this city \ about .? o'clock this morning. and 1 in company^ with Major WllUam P. <.. Robertson, secretary ot the chamber of commerce. ?went to Chick Springs, ? wnetel-they aj^t.tho morning, .con^ ?; Eldering tho p?ss?billtie* bf the .pro pei-ty as -g ?it?'for a military school. ?ftHfifc tho aftorfcb?n Prof; McCoy disctt's^d "thrsftu?&oh- tuor?hghly ? with capt? vy^;:^ ; "The Cfcl???%fl?g^%*opevty; to' an v ideat place, fot>? military schobl of the kind we 'propose to etsablish < here;." saJd^Drs, ?McCoy, balking ot X prbpoaiuen-nftw^hls -return;, ft h . chiclea? "/fTbi^j.b?tWlnft; a?,' lt stand*. is ali?dst fitf?oy ;for occupation ab a I mUlt?ry-vsel?oali and all we; ; weald ; need -would nb thb^d^k^a-adkbtjifr ' ' ; h c?Att?^o^i^ntom^t?-t: /Th? school cculd bobtailed, off with , n . very . \ small ' inUUilV.ou^lay .fo^^c^uiptaenti ;1 THere".''would, ba bb trouble tut Hf-ki? ? ?tt^r? ^ f caredthrough your <^b^??^^^CP? ; xhowibV ih?t-'we have sbTVb^P fibihr" . ties: for ??tf , ? weald - be .". fvh^M;hf&, m*pqt#m$ >rment without cps** and -Ute w*r d? ?-r>rrmentiwb?S??s??d ?? S??-Anuy of? BY THE CENSOR \? ? '(By - Assocl ated. Press. ) Infatury attacks by Germans 1n the Verdun region. French gains lh Champagne, British success on Viny Ridge and further successful . at tack? by Austrian, against Italians in southern Tyrol, aro chronicled Iii latest official communications. German infantry were hurled against the entire French Uno in Dead Man's hill region" ano they penetrated the first line of trendies, but were driven out by attacks and by a heavy French artillery fire. The French surprised tho Ger mans in Champagne and took Ger? man first lino trenches, killing or capturing all occupants. Wai Prominent Factor Eh Cincin nati's Rapid Development Into a Great City ... ... . .. ,, ' j "n'i <..,:.. i v Cincinnati. May 20-George P. Cox, politician and theatrical mana ger, died early today... George Barnsdale Cox was one ot ?tbo ?MOat ..-/Mely knDWU professional politicians in Ohio,-a baseball mag' nate, a Anteen. AOd ^g^wner of end of tito largest theatrical syndicates tho ' country., Born; in - Clbclbnatit April 29. 1883, he began his caraar au a. .newsboy, and later became a sai ioon-keeper at "Dead Man's Cornerf'.' as the locality at Carlisle and Cen tral avenues,. Cincinnati was known because of the numerous morlers in the neighborhood. . Cinc'prati was "wide open" in those .uni un bridled saloons and-gambling flour ished. Cox. however,. kept his place orderly and established a reputation for/physical courage .that he main tained throughout his career. EXPECT GOVERNOR HARRIS TO PARDON EDGAsX STRIPLING I Ha Prornise? Little Girl To "Turn! Her Daddy Loose," It Is Said I Atlanta, May 20.-glovernor N?t E. Harris will act.next Week on tho famous case of Thomas Edgar Strife ling,.now serving a life sentence for murder In the Georgia state prison farm; and it ls confidently 'expected that tho governor will grant the man a pardon. ^ Last summer on a visit to the state! farm Governor Harris gove'his prem iso to Stripling's little daughter, aged six years, that be. 1' vAiid turn het daddy ICOBO sometime during, his nd; min Int ra ti on," and tho governor's t a noun cemon* yesterday that: ho would act on tho caso next week is general ly construed to bo an indication that 'the, governor bas. no intention, o? chancing his mind from the promise .he made the little girl. : FWr killing a man in Columbus', Sailing, waa sentenced to ; a lift t'irin..: Escaping froni prison, he went tb Danville, Va., ,and b?cath? -chief of police and lived there fif jt?pv^years, Until a Georgian .passing through the city .recognized .him abd reported him to tho Georgia author* ?Mes; with '.the resuitthat ' he * was brought back tor-Georgia and com mitted, again , to the st?:te farnr to serve out his sentence. The prison, commission ",s divid?d on his application '''for-jpar/t?h,. two of them voting aaiinst' a* pardon oda ?^"ybting lb favor? bf .it. Tho je voting- against a pardon are E. h. EjLtbey abd T. E. Patterson and tho member v??lng in favor of a pardoo tsvil. E. Davison. F?r?efct(? Wlae. Orlando, Fla;, M^';2Q^-^?e c?m tnit?ce ,appointed last, year ta, Mudy ; the problem' ait .td wjtere wine uss ?at; the commMlbtt . siiould. be fe moated. submitted, .two reports, majority concluded'th? mdtt?r abc j 'na lett aa U \that. eacii chu deoldo .frwt?flw?. That report . - adopted. Tho mlnoritfc'?OTWP that Chrl&t used fermented - - wini -"?i?tt?tf -os .iissd now. When This photograph chows tho Collei last national convention. Colonel W. withBui 25^ "No's*'Army Bill Passes Congress Completes Measure And , It is Now Up To The Pres ident v~...-..:~ -. .r.v,,. . . . ' . . ' (By Associated Press.) . Washington, May 20.-Congress ha? completed the army hill, and it now goes to President Wilson for his signature with but twenty-five dis senting voles.. The house today ap proved the conference report on the measure, which already -had b?on approved by the senate. The oill provides, a regular army peace strength of " more than two hundred thousand, backed by a fed ortlixed national guard of moro than four hundred thousand. To' com plete tho preparedness program con gress still, has tc* pass the naval, bill, embodying navy increases and' the fortifications bill. CIGARETTE SMOKING CAUSE OF REJECTION * ? Excesive Users Turned J?own At Recruiting Statiorf , New York. N Y., May 20.-Paul ty respiration and tachyards, or rapid heart beat,-dbe-to.excessive cigarette smoking, caused fifty ocr cent of re jections at the United States marine corps recruiting station in this city; since tli? first Of Miy, according to Captain ' Frank B, Ev*uw. recruiting officer; Although many young .men were -Influenced by tho preparedness pa rado ot last Saturday to seek out thc recruiting, officers for the jmnrlne corps, not a single applicant has* bead accepted of those who applied.- i; The marla?-corps standard ls very 'high. Captain Evans' explains, and of the last 149 applicants examined', nearly halt were lound upon. exami na'icm to hayo rapid pulso,: shortness ot breath, and other ?symptoms eaeli ly recognized in the applicant who smokes cigarettes excessively, or in cessantly. . .. New ". York. Cotton'. :"3p? New York, May 20-^otl?a ?pened o toady two to five up and after Cue iuatlng . oy^r a rather wfd? runge closed eight, to' ol ev en dow ri I ' Realiz ing'over the .week-end ca?feed a alight sag .and the report that the ?T?.nch mtnlBted' to Aumania vva*'.?T^w waa : -followed?-.i?y more liquid?t to? fending prices - sixb?eiv to .eighV dbwnv^ ;;*" '.....-;'.:. VMj^^^S^^^' ? New j Y?rk " Stock's.' ....-' Nev; York,; May 20?-WbH si_ closed ' strong after an e*T?y h oav i ness Impaled by profit taxing stand ard shares :bnd the renewal ot prea euro against Specialties. overcome when t?o rail liat?n ?ta..i,pw*ni^MA^ ingb ^enterer! around ? B?aWnjje&Mgto abd j Cappe rs5 'first .out gradually .b^sds^edv'.' .. ' tjie Fight ||?j War pr. Pe BIMBLE un in'Chicago-whpre .tho Republican F. Stone, the setrgeant-nt-arms, is nov Allow Whites Teach Negroes In Fla. Schools] Judge Holds' Law Prohibiting | "Superior. |rj(acetV Instructing ?^rrfetr?or" Invalid V .>; (Byi Assented Prcis:? ^ St. Augustine, Fia-, Moy 20.-Cir cuit Judge Gibbs today. declared un constitutional the/*; Florida law prohi biting white teachers from teaching in negro schoolB and negro teachers, from ; teaching in white schools. He ordered discharged several sisters of charity who aro under bond charged with .violating the law; and Judge Gibbs ruled thai-tho state, had no power over private schools and could not prohibit a "superior race" from instructing an "Inferior." CRIMINAL WASTE STATES IttiLM AN OF RIV?RS BILL : f (By Associated Press.) Washington, sMay 20.- Senator. Tillman, of the > senate naval com-1 mlttee, today attacked the forty three million dollar rivera and har bors bill OB a criminal- waste and begged that this money "be devoted.to naval preparednessv. He spoke for a. nary-second to none , except Great. Britain. ..;.-.' DEATH SENTENCE JEREMIAH LYNCH UP TO PREMIER (By Associated Press?) {'?:> Washington, May. 20.- Amhassa-i dor Pago at London has been notified' by the British foreign office that the sentence of. Jeremiah C. Lynch, na-; turallzed American -arrested for com-: pllclty in tho Irish r?vo?t,. will .not be confirmed ..mtil, it ia nubmitted to tho premier. Provident Wilson had requested the execution of. sentence .be delayed until the Amerlr^h govern ment could investigate. 4^TT?J?T0 MAKE IrUCE GOVERNOR IN GEORGIA ;'" ? .. ? .? - ,? : ; Solicitor General, of. Supr?me .'''Court Arui??ticcft Candidacy - . .v-v..- ;.rt . ? ..? '? "!?". ? . - ?" : r Ittjr Associated ; Press.) ? i ;..MntWgbidlie.;:aaV'.;V*May ' -*20V-Jo4 ??tS^fj^fi Pottle, solicitor g?n?ral b( the CornuIgee clrcuit ?f the sn porfa^ Cbt(lt: today announced h Is candid ney for governor of Georgia, In ;tho de4 mbc"r*tie; primary September 12. -I ".BIGHT KILLED # 1>en??8on? T?it?sy May ' 20 ty Sight were killaia1in n tornado which -atrack' .Kemp". a>vMag* -, nen>.: ' Dennison!'-, - tonight, ac? j ebbing' to a ra^ort n*ro. 1. ** p- ; ii- ;Mi4 ace Begins in Chicago Jun national convention will begin JUno 7. Y on the ground, very busy making- a Fifty Million Shipping Bill Passes House Measure Looking to the Creation Of Adequate Merchant Marine Ia Ratified (Hy Associated Prca?.? Washington, May 20.-The huhUh iBtration's shipping bill appropriat ing fifty million dollars for .the purchase pf merchant ships .by. the federal government, wit-, ha view of providing an adequate merchant ma rino, passed tho house today by ' a party vote. The measure now goes to the sen ate..where a combination of; demo crats and republic;?IH . defeated . a Blmllar measui'o last. year. Tho bill also, provides, a ?hipping board to re gulate shipping and raten muoh .?a tho Interstate commerce connu I Melon docs railroads. BIG FRAUDS AND ?VASIONS INCOME LAW FRUSTRATED I (By ' Associated Press. ) W.>sh.Inuton, May 20.-Attempted j I frauds and, evasions of. tho Income tax] [jaw aggregating $8,380,185..have been ???rustrated :by tho treasury dopart 'm?nt" during the first rime months of the fiscal year,,lt wa? announced! tonight. , This amount. has been as 1 sessed against delinquent corpora tions as greater offenders than in dividuals. AMERICAN HELD M A REBEL WILL SE FREED I [iPage Cablea That Johtt Ki?ga??onl WAI Be R?te?i?d | Washington, May 20.-Amba?sa ?or Page'today cabled that .John Kll gallon. a Now Veneer, held, in dpn ne?tton with th's Irish rebellion 0ro hably will b% given - his ? freedom. .' .,-, A Memphis WSSfri [ V ' Atlanta. May. 20,-Maybelle Skin., trier had the ?riv?abi? nickname of the Block Bare bf . Barktbw?. She wa? I u sable Sappho who ruade, men - her meat even as the hum bj e crawtiEfr I preys . ujj?h the ' lowly engl o worm. Maybelle vampired all over, the shop Until ebb met -Eiistace, flatfooted big ger from Memphis. ?; Eustace nut lae finish ?n S^ay-: belief litt)?;',, scenario. ,ByJ tli?. time the" leal reel was run off tn record-, er's .court lt needed' =no>. national board of censors, to enjoin' Maybelle; from farther; heart-stnashl?g. ?"Sha waa indeed a rap, a bono abd a hank .oftmir.; ' , - I '(How did you fix her, '.'lSnatace?' asked his honor. ... I *.'Wld briQkbate, Jedge. ?id brick-: ^ata,rt enid Eustace modestly. ^WMcn ia a;horaeiy..method. Ibt?t efficient," ; remarked th? r?eor#M?j?i ho sentenced Eustace tb twenty-one* dwa in ,th c% chiinging. ? J$m& belle sSal&ieV "tW; th'oUgh| wtd Aeni I ls. I'd, rather m<5k or mule mad Mat? er jigger fm Memphis." #\ I ie 7th. It may be as lively a show as tho rrangements. 32 Cows Bte Of Phoning On A Georgi?Farm - Hundreds of Peoi?b Flock to East Si^^^flpmdnt of night ri? thirty-one clem? cows ti^nK't Side farm as 'the result of ecclu^tnl arsenic poisoning with many others showing symp toms. It is thought the total will run to forty or.upwards. A fine brood .mare has been added to -the list. Hundreds of people from all sec tions of state motored to the dalry all day to view the remains of'the once brag cows of this section. ' A large gang of laborers are work* lng in relays In digging big ditches to receive the carcasses as they are hauled from the barn?, ;;. ^ The loss will run into the thous ands .of dollars. ^* The government bas several agebts here endeavoring to cope .with , the situation, but no, antidote, han been found that would counteract the'poi son. ALMSHOUSE INMATES LEARN TO MAKE MONEY a Atlanta, May 20.----Inmates pf the Fulton county almshouse are muk lng money. .They were .sent thar* because they .were too; poor td ? sup port themselves; but.r'nee then' sev eral of them have found' ways to pick up change. Many of them are richer ny a fe.w dollars than they wer when they entered ? the Institution tr? they had better epportunity dispose ot their goods they might becomo self-supporting. One old man over 'sixty years makes bird cages. Another has learned to bo an expert gardener A woman of eighty, sews all day tong on quilts. Another does beautiful tatting. Few of them are no aged and .bedridden, that they ' are )not busy at something. 'ftOMg POSSIBILITIES \ OF j KEAL JOY .?HU?S .HKKK? ,Th? 9?31lv?t? ' Haidware cbmp?ty h?ve resolved the following wetnovati d a m from th* New^ York office of tho Piddle purchasing TJd^.V?n,vreference t(?4?water, .fuel"; V \j t ''jhfess despatches have told of th? tato for $2,000.000 by Dr . 'IfO.ils F.ri rieht, ot his gasoline' substitute to the Maxim Munition ?Srp; ^ jvf$ ?iv ter vie wed thev purchasers whrf ?rt? nofa-cominlttairon the price paid, but Mate they are develc^ll^t^ffttd) jilter s?me exhauetlv? tests ih?y>con template marketing lt sohle time thia year. At Ehricht'e a?ttpnt)cftd;&eo*!l price, of 1 1-2 a gallon. Vfl?t^ffM? would be propelled 200'mites far it cents.. ?p^e possibilities ot ^resrj joy rides heret." . ^ . To fte Marred, r colntan?, ' let^?&ro^^o^S^meh> vl?o where on Wednesday ?&y?W ne-nuirrledabsAliiifc JtMllanger. NEW NOTE REGARDING BOR DER SITUATION IS EX PECTED WASHINGTON SITUATION CLEARS Definite Under miling Along Linet of Unwrh n Agreement At Et Paio Expected (By Associated Prosa.) Washington, May i!0.--Tl?? Btato department was advised today that it might ox'pect a now note front Car ranza soon regarding tho border sit uation. Indications ero that lt will ;propoae framing a definite un derstanding along the linea of the unwritten agreement reached at tho El Paso conferences. Carranza is sold to hdyo chnuged his attitude to a moro .friendly one as the result of Obregon's report, at th? conference. The Mexican oflV ctals believe the critical situation caused by the Columbus raid has about passed. It lt is proved Carranza is ready to put tho understanding Teached' tu the border, conferences into a formal agreement, the United . Staten will consider the delicate situation caus ed by Cni?reuxasa demand for the withdrawal of American troops as a closed incident, 111(311) CENSORSHIP 18. PUT OJtBPWMWIX. .AT -?L VAHO WITHOUT" ANY EXPLANATION (By Associated Presa.) Bl PPnso,-way 20;--The Sixth cav alry, which arrived nt Columbus, New Mexico,. from . Qouera! . Pershing's headquarters yesterdoy ; started to- ' . night for El Paso en rq?t? to the Big Bend.section -t?.reinforce the border g?ird there. Tito cavalrymen ?ra expected, td''reach. Marathon, Texas.' Monday morning. 'From there they will maka a ninety-five, utile rl?tt to Boquillas. This was learned hero despite a rigid censorship put . on suddenly by the ariny officials to night, for which no ; explanation ; was given.' Indications , are, however, that all American troopB In Mexico are,moving northward, and .being c?n centrdted afc a precautionary incas or?. . . ?'. Tb WILL BE BUILT ITO LOT HAS BEEN SECURED AND !v- MONEY WILL. BE SUB SCRIBED WILL COST $5,000 'And Wiii Have Seating Capacity ;'. o? About S0?~--Need For One Long Felt "?V"' 'J ri'* i 1 'A building to bo, used as a thea tro and , general auditorium is , to bo, built at Iva .in the .pear,.futuro. The . building will cost approximately},*}&,*'. OW) and is lo be of brick. It is stated that thev.nicn&y^^a?K ..; been subscribed by eight young mon of .Iva and that there in no doubt abpt?t the bunding being built. A lot hld bean s?cnred ?nd work wV.l. y staVtladme tlme'iri the near future, f '-(Vi* plans wi? catt ?rftra ulidln? 23 by 100 feet with a stage 20 'by 2.1 feet with adjoining?drWslng rooms. .;. Tho . soatfp*."^ ; Tho; need for a building of tuti , kim?,?bombeen feH.at. IW,fortn. &di?':v Urne. , rhif^SiM^ ? ln^tha:.?onob?'i.D???wjg:-'aa'tf.;- (a \not large eu^s^v^aac^nm ? many, bf ?ft?;*<^mM?*&'?M ?; . month! abd sometlhfesy tu.%^?>tatv iu? in the ached! house ?? not large) , .enc^gh' to aeeomuxedate ali :.. rhona , wnv -wish -to'?jt?1)^'; ' ^, ; Amsterdam, xtfftCUf^vP*' Lpet?'N;V^ Grand EabbI ot , Belgium, was eeR-s fenced to. alx ;.n^pj4h?(. ;f??^s?nm?tic roys^ tat?ty^?t '^re^d a ?op|