V- V. ANDERSON, S. C., SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9,1915. ._._ Wt NUMBER 232. REGARD ACTION OF EMPEROR ??3 HOPEFUL OIN U. S. AMBASSADOR WILL CONFER WITH KAISER OVER SITUATION AN ANSWER SOON Wilson Expects Early Reply to Note-Flood of Telegrams Have No Effeit i (Hy Associated Press.) Washington, April 27.-Announce mont in press despatches from Her lin that Ambassador Gerard would confer with the emperor nt army headquarters over the submarine sit uation ?B regarded by olllcials ns significant, although Secrotary Lans ing said today that thu situation re mained unchanged, lt is thought tun* likely thai tho emperor might have in mind supplementing Germany's re ply to the United States' note with a porBonal communication to President Wilson. in visiting tho emperor. Gerard is not actiijg under instructions from the state department, so lt ls as sumed the emperor invited Gerard to confer with him. The injection ol tho emperor's personality is taken as a hopeful sign. President Wilson, it became known today, expectB the German reply with in tho next few days. Officials de clare ho is not influenced in the slightest hy tho thousands of tele grams being received hy congress men urging them not to approve any uctlou that might lead to w?r. Pres ident Wilson /will. h6 guided by. the character'-of "Germany's ".. lea will be visaed. At tho conclus ion of this trip, the train w.lll he , switched to, some other trunk linc 7 railroad for a complete tour of that aysteu?'.' Secretary . of * the; interior Franklin K. Inno, who ls rosportsl ble for the sending of thia unique ?x . Mbit to tho hbmos of tito people, hopes that every citltari bf ?he Unit?-. . ed -states may oe able to visit the train before it complotes its awing around the country. ; .. . The Safety-First special: will reach 'Philadelphia oh thc 'afternoon J cf May 1, a$d -will be open far visl '" tora in tho evening. Each of the ? muro-ius; represented on' the train ii&? e. number of motlon-ploture lec '?- tdres depicting their parts. ?In the safety rifet movement, und thesewill be dlapiCvode overy evening . ', from : eiiiier aldo af the baggage can mak ,. lng lt pbsalt?o for two lectures to go on at the same time. -The train will romain in Philadelphia through TUea . day. May 2. ?: Vs will fco located adja cent to tho .Twenty-fourth and Chest nut tdre'eu;ra v 3. will he spent at Chester* Pa,} 'Thursday. Mj?y "4, at Wilmington, Del.; and Friday and Saturday^?? . 5 and 6,1 at Baltimore,^Md;, at ?ho camden station. . Tim exposition will remato In Baltimofre ovor Sunday. ?\*?&&v';?* hut will not be open for vwl ?pr?; On Monday-May'8, fhe Mitety l MARTIAL RULE RiOTS SPREAD TO SOUTH AND WEST AND ENG LAND TAKES HAND BEGAN IN DUBLIN Outbreak Monday Leads to Gen eral Disturbance-Call Gen eral from Egypt (Hy Associated Presa.) Loudon, April 27-Martial law lias] been declared throughout all of Ireland and Major General Sir John Maxwell, recently commander o? troops in lCgypt has gone over to take charge w'/.h full powers to sup press tho rebellion. The revolt which broke out in Dub lin Monday is said to have spread to j West and South Ireland. Some sec tions of Dublin arc still In possesaion j of tho Sinn Fein rioters*. ? Xo newt> papers have reached here from Hub-1 lin ?Ince Monday and the exact situa tion .ls not known to any save ofll dals. Sir Kdward Carson today of fered to put hts Ulster Volunteers at | thc disposal of thc government. WITH ELECTROPHONES ENGLISH ENJOY THE THEATRE IN HOMES (By Associated Press.) London!' Apnll 27.-There are at least 10,000 fewer telephones ip Lon don as- a re:-mlt. of the war. business ?firms in hundreds of instances dis continuing the service in the interest of retrenchment'.' " The government which operates the system anounces that although telephones have been discontinued by the wholesale there has been an increase in the uso of olectrophones-tho instrument which connects the subscriber with the theatre and enables people who pre fer to remain indoors these gloomy eights of black streets to have amuse ment brought to their fireside. '? + MU. ASHLEY Hf * * DYING CONDITION + ? ' --? ? + AU an early hour this morn- '4? + lng it was stated that Mr. . + Josh Ashley was Iii a dying + * condition and tilia t. his death .4? ? was expected at most any ? + time. Ho ds with lils son. + ? Sheriff Ashley at the county * Jail. His d\>nd?tion yesterday <. + appeared to gradually' grow ? .+ worse. !? ? ?T SPECIAL IWKBKUBBm i ' > :. : \ IfJrst special ' will bo 'ul Frederick!, Md. ; on .Tuesday. May 8,' at Hager* town, Md.," on Wednesday,'May : 10. at Winchester. Va. ; and also at'Mar tlnsburg, W. Va., thc samo,day from i to 0 o'clock In the oveniriks Thurs d?y May ;il at- Cumberland.Md.} iPlriday, May 12 at. Crafton, W.. Va. ; Faturday, May 13. at Moi'gohtown, W. Va. ; remaining through : Sunday at Morgantown. On Monday. May 16, tho train will be at Fairmont, W. Va.; on Tuesday >Iay lc eA: Clarks burg, W. Va.; and ort Wednesday. May 17; at, Parkersburg, .???"'It 13 '?vriected tbat; from Parkers burg thtf .train will 'Work ita way toward St. LOUIB. Mo., after -which It wiil begin the fethhi Journty to ebbw en this twin th? modern ilfb-savlng nr^ paratas -which lt lb* bebri rcsponsl bl*.tor introducing in the, raines ot the coutrtry. Thi? '? .bur??? has to one of ita duties the safeguarding of tho lives of moro -than, n million men .Who .work under tho ifbtihd/, Tba rtetlstlcs gathered by the, ,bu? ' reen sh ow -that since . lt - Wtfcs^B in 1010 there has (been 0/ steh 'crease in the death TS*a athen men, the - saving, of life ; each amounting; to botew?on 10? and 1, over previous years. . The bureau also charged, With tho development ^CONTlKt?RD os rA-aw fttX.) ENORMOUS LOSS OF ALL NA TIONS SHOWN IN BRIT ISH NOTE U. S. LOSES SEVEN Great Britain Leads With 4101 -Neutrals are Also Hard Hit at Sea. (By Associated Props.) Washington, Ajnil 27.-British es tiimteh' of i he war toll uh merchant nu'biisue'd hy the department of commerce fats the number at' seven liundrcd and thirty-six*with tonnage of more than two million. Bs'iiniatcs give British losses as four hundred and ten ships, French fifty three, Russian thirty-five, Italituf twenty-seven, Belgian ten, Japanese three. Neutrals lost: Norway 81. Sweden 10. Denmark 2S, Holland 2t and United States seven. RECRUITS ESTABLISH A NEW MARKMANSHIP RECORD AT PORT ROYAL I Port Royal, S. C., April 27.- A | new record in markmnnship for cvruits was establishetl when 'tho Eleventh Drill company of the United States Slarlnc corps, in training at this place, qualified Gi) per cent of its members, with 5 expert riflemen, 1G sharpshooters, and :'.0 marksmen out of a total enrollment of 07 men. Tho recruits of tho Eleventh Drill company wore enlisted in the Marino corps about ten weeks ago and were recruited p-rincipally In Che linj'go cities. WARICAUSES LOSS OF OVER 200 CHURCHES Problem of Restoration of These Edifices Confronts Re ligious Sect . (By Associated Press.) vj Paris. April 27.-Thc .dnvtmciion by firo and sholl of moro than churches along . tho Ere nc h battle front brings up an interesting ques tion In connection with tho ante-bel lum promulgation of tho law separ ating; tho church from tho state, Whon tho- wur is ended and the^prob l?l? of the restoration of these edifices ls confronted, thore must bo a de cision whether, if tho entonto allies are victorious, this reconstruction ia to come within tho ?principle accepted by the government bf indemnities ?Tor war damages. Since the promulgation becantr ef fective tho government hhs tnkon no part in tho maintenance bf churches? ! .On tho' other hand lt hus regarded Ancientchurches with historic or ar-j Ustlc value aa Ulonging to the patri mony of tho state. Two thousand j old churches hayo .thus" bebri', tbrmat* ly classed among tho state treasures to prevent th? .sa'? ot artistic fea tures of tho .biiildhjga ?or to keep* In tactbuildings bf ills'orle Importance. Ot thesi -'classed" churches ai they j ara called' about thirty are among j those whl?li have boen demolished. Church people contend that the j state should unquestionably"1 Kite up on Itself the restoration bf tho thirty .'classer" churches srid any others of aufnehmt artistic value to v/arfabt restoration, and Inasmuch us Private Individuals ate entitled tU-ltfdemnt U?s for damages to their property^ lt is suggested that the oilier ch ti fishes sbouhl llkevrlflo^o Indemnified.? Report mtu Varls.. Parla, AprH. 27-Iji tho. heavy boin-1 pafdmeht of ^ij?o Frehch POBIU?UH] beforo Verdun Inst hlglit the. Oer tiians ' did ?ot: attempt f i&mll wno .^sported, A Ooraia^' ,_^pt?ne waa brought ;down In Spln jourt Wood "hy a French pilot. SUPREME COURT UPHELD LANEY-ODOM ACT IN DE CISION YESTERDAY "ANTI-COMPACT" STATUTE TO NOW STAND AS PASSED Dismiss Petition of Charleston In surance Man-Over 60 Com panies Have Withdrawn (Special to Thc Intelligencer.) CrliiuilMN Apr'.! 27.- lT|ili?:.i lllg Hie legality ?>i Hie l.aury.. Odom flro lilNnruiirc art, Otc sn picnic court ?li II derision Ifinfghl refused io sig? au order enjoin Iii ir the *fiihurnure commissioner mid the attorney general from "enforcing tho terms of the law. The I? titian of hat ld ii. Hender non, a Citarle*; on insurance man, for un injunction ?us dismissed Iry lit?? (f?itVt! The opinion WtlH written hy ?] Associate .Tnslx? Frujter. *"flie petition in dismissed and tho injunction refuged, condini cd the order which was stencil hy all the justices of thc supreme Court;? ' Th?, state o?miuls were nilly represented.-In tho case hy Thus. H. PccplcttT'SHoriiey .general. The anu.comiMicl law, which was passed hy' the Inst general usKcmlily, will continue lu force. Since the jtnssnge of Hie law more than ttl! lire insurance companies hnve withdrawn from tho state. T aese Brave Men . " Assist Tompkins 1 . Captain liHirir Sc t?celes. . C?ptt?lH Th0M^i^;:r-?jr|lh'. ' t?io?e two erniit an amondment in tho houso to prohibit a section of the measure. Twenty-eight representa tives' announced they would nut be bound by caucus action. ? .- , yt SHELLS BLOW CAMELS INTO MANY ATOMS Turks Explode Bombs on Pack Animais as They Retreat. (Hy Associated Press.) Culi?, ISgypt, April 27.-Oamol? .laden with bombs and 'patrol -wera blown to piece? by tho Turks wo .that theso living carriers of ammunlUon would not fall into tho possession of tho attacking british, during thc sen sational dash or tho Duke.of WcBt mh?Btc.r'H armored riio'tor-car battery through thc Libyan desert. ' This -i}rillB]I oxpcdltion, consisting of thirty-two mon, nine armored, ma chines o;nd omi open car containing o mounted ?iackincgu?, b'.^nn its pur suit ot Solluro, in nbrthwestorn Egypt. ..Dashing at racing ?peed along tho. Taintrk roud over which tim Turk?-had retreated, tito British aftor coverinR twcnty-tlJrce milos came uhcxpcctcdly upon Hie cosray, whose troops were on tho moyo. -,. Tho Turku upotied tiro, with ?ielr only artUlcpy in ppaUioh-oho teri popurtt-rai?? two machino guns, nie british battery swung into linc, at lancing the Tiirklsh guns and. thea capturing' them after, shooting down tho defenders almost to a mab. . - The..Turks - were now *?aidtering in every cUrecltoii.' Tho uttacking bat teries dunked keru and there, killing all Turks' -wlio offered ire:-?stmico. Tituse who clibBO tho : alternative at flight paused tong enough to firo nip bp their camels, which one by one .disappeared as their packs exploded with terrific torco. Elk'tis-kt Ambassador.. .Washington, April at.'-Tim atate dejiavlmeut lim; asked Turkey if Abram I. JElkus cf^'ety .Vork, wilt bo ac ceptable t? "aiicbeed Henry Murgon *hati; recently resigned. a? ara Lassa - dor. Ko dirtlniiUy over tho appoint ment l?i expected. Morgehthau : has already entered upon" organisation work for the cum in g democratic cam paign. . . - ? ? , . ; Sunk hutch St?ant?r. 'Berlin, April 27.-Tim-: Oversea? ?o^v? Agency days', Dptch howspppat pUbilsh?rs ''report ibo British o?dk d Dutch warship, several w?eks> ?go, Accordin?: to this .reportrth? crew I wa A- non t la India, tb condor news of ! the affair and Ore a t Britain promis ed to p?y damages. . . -"-y.M . . Vt',1 OF FORT HEAVY BOMBARDMENTS BY I GERMANS IN PROGRESS SEVERAL DAYS LOSSES ARE HEAVY j Rome Says Massed Austrian At tack Put Down at Fright ful Sacrifice (.By Associated Press.) London, April 27.- Sectors of j Avocourt, Kanes mud Cuntieres, northwest of Verdun, are still under heavy bombard inti tH, which have been In progress several days. While lhere have been no Infantry attachs Paris believes them Imminent. The Hermans began an attack northeast of Verdun, between Uanouiuont and Vaux, but a French curtain of fire held them to the trenches. Heavy artillery fighting is under| way on tho Iiclgian front. Tho Germans ?aro reported ro'puitr ed lu attack? on a llrltlsh .position near SI'-?lol. Connan attack? on Russian posi tions near Hair.iiovlc.hl wore repuls ed. Tho Rubans captured the vil !??c cr Ohromlakoua near tho Rovno KovOl railroad. Rome says a massed. Austrian at tack on Curso Selz wa?-put down wlth| heavy losses. In Asiatic.Turkoy, south of Bulla. Petrpsrad' says the ItnssSahtj have I dislodged tho Turks from mountain positions, and aro driving the Turks southward."' [g AGRIGULTURAL BOARD (Ry Associated -Press.) Now York, April 27.--Jain? n "WU son of Iowa, socrctary of ugrlculturo under McKinley, Roosevelt and Taft, wau elected president of the National N. 'Vail, president of tho American Tel le;; rn ]?h and Tc lc pl ion o COTOpaviy, Telegraph and Tellephono company, was ci io;; cn vice 'president. Among thc director? are: Governor Stuart, of Virginia, and Fairfax Harrison, pres ident Southern railway. Tho ohjoct of the association ls to j servo au a.mouthpiece of tile farmer! of tho United States, eapcciully lu mat ters of legislation. INSTEAD i (By A&soelated PrcBS.) New York, April 27.-Theodore Roosevelt urged tho doctrine ot .pre paredness upon a ' largo number of Methodists gathered tonight, at - tho hhnual bat?juet of tho Methodist So cial union of Now York and referred to tito latest phases cf Hie relations whit Germany and Mexico as ?bow ing that ''timidity and weakness in vite war instead of avartlng H/' ' "I have a right to speak to you for i?eSco," said tho colonel In de claring that nh abhorred a ?want?r? and'unjust war. "I was president seven and ? h?lt years. This nation, during all that, tiuio never for oho moment .permitted ?ny power to wrorig this (Country or to wrong A mei leans ci (her In their person oe property or to make- us- recreant to on duty Ab others', and- yet during tiioso uevon and - a half years not one shot wan fired hy auy niatt, in.Amef? lean i'niform against any fbrelan fob and iSot one American mah, woman or oinld. was slain by representative* of any; foreign nation. ,"M those old - Methodist ciroyit. Idr dprs who spread Methodism had.coh* B?dercd peace the chief ot ?li earthly goods thoy would .never haye gone weet of J ho AU?ghentoa. If Peter Cartwright abd his follows .had Tear? fed to face trouble, lt their. zeal ;fbr the faith itatti -h?**!. i?Bs:"than, ..thni* dmui of disturbance, tji?re would not have berni u ?lug?e McUiodlst church west of Um Alleghenies. They ., bej J{evelin keeping.-tho peace., ,-Bul hoy hclkv?>i evan moro, tn koonin* ho faith, They atsovo for, tho pise* that ?pmea,j;thro^h c ti?Wp???^ good Chrit&ianS, but they woro sound, a?uw?rt AWrtcan patriots. Thc? EL. PUSO WILL BE THE SCEI OF CONFERENCE GENERALS SCOTT AND FUN 3TON TO JO?N OBREGON AT THAT PLACE WILL BE LENGTHY Discussion of the Situation in Mexico Expected to Last Three Day? (Hy Associated l'r?aa.) Washington, Ai|?'lH 127.--GCltrfralB Scott and FiuiMou huvo loft San An tonio Tor Kl Paso, whuro they will confer with Gcuornl Qbrcgou, Mexi can war minister, on the situation be low tho bordor. Generals Scott and FiMiston will reach Bl Pkso tomor row night and Cibrogon, -who ia re ported in Chihuahua City tonight, probably will bo in Jaurez Saturday. In tho moaht:mo tho eltoatlon here 1B nt Ci standstill. General .Funston'a pinna of re-dia .poslng lila troops are being complet ed. Washington will take, no stops to draft a roply to CarnanKa's re quest for tho 'withdrawal of troop? until tho conference, ls ended. Con ference, ia expected to last three or four days. YYJLL CONVINCE TII?.?. S. I'AHKANKA 18 ABLE TO ? $ CONTttOI* VJLtA HAS IIS (Hy.AS8?ciai.'od Prosa.) Chihuahua City, April .'!7 .-General Alvaro Obregon, Moxl^s^war tnlnls if.rtold Tho> ABBoclate^^ri#o boro ipmi, that' bo i* $rix>"coiivinco,tht sUtatlvea that Gie ablo to control the Villa bandits Min nt large, "I (hope io arrange tho prompt ro> ti renient, of ibo American troops."* Obrego? defiled os Inventions of I American yellow nrcas that there. 1B friction between hun and Carranza. Ho sold there ls perfect harmony among all Carranza cf liefs. Ho loft ^ Cblhivihii?. for the border at tea o'clock tonight. Hotel Nchool for Wemen. Panis, April 27.--Tho first hotel school for women In Prancebas Just been opened itt tho Boulevard ? B?ausejour. Tlio school occupies a ? detached house dn which .all ..... tho branchea of hotel ueryico that a wo man may undertake' will be taught. Tho hygienic departmentls under tho direction of Professor Landousy of tho Parla Medical , hollege. The other dopartm nts. ?will be. conducted by equally competent authorities. -'fHKOHOKK HOOHEVKLT know that , there is a peace which .1H tho poaco of death. 'They khpw.tuat the peaco which comes. througu \tne abandonment.of duty. through <;hrlnk itik back .\!Vt-, pleasant duty may1 mean, and IVA till pToballty will mean,, the iocs ot etf crythlug that makcs< llfol livable to honorable men ?rid Upright women. t'WprtVi HeJb??isji?ss. "Cili?ia lias ea?'ght "pbaed through hfdpleBsncs?. through. refusante? pre pare, .tnro?Kh IriahHHy^v? :hptd \- her ojta, .and t?jlna n?w. sees balf?bar' torr?t??/- 1 u ; th ii njosBesahm ;. of. alten po wera and la not oven her own rans- - t?j\4n ^ho territory which ehe t?talos, and lw a menace' instead ot an aid ti* all chuso of world ppi??o. lt is. b? iwa>j;?,^d?^tti&i;.tr^ri^i:8t>?'h?th :lti either mun or natlo? ittfty be nh ln at?jibiont for wr?wt-dolh?ir, ?>ui this: ls merely; ta.s?y?.w?dt la.itu?;of avery other. attribute, wha^ t? ??at as true bf oratorical power*,.^,?wal,ability. ot bualH?sB ability, ot a trained abd educed ."brain Tb; ari*: #rOfcs*Iba; Hut we do bot p?s?yjttlt?^ ?ttt; eos* should be either, fools of weaklings in order ?hat they may bo saved f rora the temptstlona Incident in the. pos session : ot :epar|leV?w? : inteltigerioe and strength. Gu tho .contrary, ?Wo< : pray, tomi ? Uiey. sht?t; M:\?#bng and bravo and wiso; and we strtvv? ,W pW in. them thai spirit ot service to God. ab<^'e thro.ttl5b;tbe service ?of man on th <*rthX*fcjk:hshall make them usa-their ^|l;'ot *od> *ad bf -aiaglit.. Att|pt;. (W^ttt?tttj. Or? ;i*?K .fcWJR.) ; .,