TODAY THE NEWMAN MUSICAL CO. In the Musical Farce "FUN IN THE DRUG STORE" Musical Show at 4:00 O'clock 8:30 and 9:30 Admission 20 Cents Ladies and Children 10 Cents ML IOU TOE?TEE TODAY .THE BROKEN COIN" "HIS REAL CHARACTER" Two Reel Bison. "THE DOOMED GROOM" LKO Comedy. TODAY BABE KELLY'S TOPSY TURVY GFRLS Presents "THE BOGUS LORD" MOVIES FOR TODAY "STAWEY IN STARVATION CAMP BOSTOCK ANIMALS" Cent. "THE DRUMMERS TRUCK" Beauty. 1 Christmas Freits asid Candies Four Cars '.of Fine Fresh Bananas at Rea sonable Prices? Also Plenty of ORANGES APPLES TANGERINES GRAPEFRUIT MALAGA GRAPES And All Kinds of NUTS % SPECIAL ? We have about 300 bunches small Bananas to go at 40c and 5oe bunch. ~ See us before you buy your Christmas Candies, Nuts and Fruits. .... X.K.. MANOS Phone 323 I have a Fine Line of Fireworks, Toe hiQktistmas Price List nirigjtaMt Prices ' On .' '"j-"'' i'ABNATiOHS ." Per, Do?. Vi Mit, snort 8tm^|P| tfh?t?i jrwa sto?* J.25 best s?oek 1-W 3L!ght Pink 1.50 Http Pink IMO 'Ked ' .? Roses . White first? Pink ?rsl s Special? ?t??s lloos??T. BeROtjr Per Dot, ?M 2.00 840 Staber OtTFlori3to TeIe?rnpU;C?llyery J.H.?. PASSENGER STATION HAS BEEN CHANGED TRAINS OVER C. & W. C. WILL NOW GO UP TO THE NEW DEPOT MORE CONVENIENT To Traveling Public Since Old Freight Depot Had no Wait ing Rooms and Sheds. Deglnulug thia morning all passen gor trains over the Charleston omi Westorn Carolina railway will ar rive anti depart from thu now depot on Sout'> Main ?troe?. the first train being the mixed one which leaves here nt 6:25. Th first train to arrive ut tho new station will be the mixed train due in the city at ll:IT,, and tho next ono will ho tho passenger ar riving at 3:05. which leaven for Mc Cormick at 3:37. It is that tho new station will bo welcomed by all of the patrons of the C. & W. C. For tho past few months the trains have been stopping at the freight depot and there being no waiting room there, tho passen gers havo been muo.i inconvenienc ed. The new depot ls made from two store rooms In tho old Anderson hotel building and ls quite acceptable. Long train sheds havo been erected, which .will protoct the passengers when alighting and boarding the trains. CALL MEETING BANK DIRECTORS WAS HELO USUAL EIGHT PER CENT SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND ORDERED PAID ROUTINE MATTERS Transacted at Meeting of Ander son Phosphate and Oil Com pany Held Afterwards. Tue board of directors of . the Farmers and Merchants bank mot. in a call meeting yesterday at noon and tho usual eemi?annual dividend cf eight per cont was ordered paid on December 31. Tho meeting of tho board of directors of the Farmers Loan and Trust company will prob ably be held ono day next week. A call meeting of tho directors cf the Anderson Phosphate and OU company WOP hold directly after t?e meeting of the bank directora'. On ly ^routine mattors were transacted. At the call meeting of ch o directors ot the Orr mills on Monday at noon only routine business was transact ed; HAD NAEUOW ESl'APE Little Enoch Martin Hurled About Shaft In GInhoaKC. Enoch Martin, ere 10 year o'.l son of Mr. and Mrs.' W. C. Martin who livo3 about five miles south of An derson on the place of Mr. John A. Pruitt; mot with an i unusual accident last Thursday afternoon.' Tho little hoy was standing in the lower pert of a combined bim and gin house and tho gin wa? running Over head. T'.:o two chlldrsa. Enoch ?nd his little sister wero standing with their backs to the shaft supplying power to the gin and were watching a colored woman- milking. Enoch stepped buckland h I H clothing caught in the shaft. The child's clothes caught in suoh a way "that ho wa.3 drawn to the shaft airaptc immediate ly and was whirled found and round. Tho boy's father waa at work up stairs and could tell something was the matter. Ho threw oft t:o belt aud Stopped tho i movement of the shaft, the boy was attached to. He rushed down stairs and found' t ie child bat tered and .bruised, but not seriously. Injured; TkG flyir.? of hin feet and legs had bruised- them considerable, and thc tightening of . his clothing; had tiitt ..Hu berty hui no bonqa were bro) ?ch, and tho lad seemed no worso for >".iis experience. Ills clothing was.torn in feared1* front his.body,- everything bo. lng V'/ono except, his j shoes ? A physi cian was exiled and only one wound hud to- be sewed, a. wound m his; arni about vtbree. laches lon^v : ; ; The SoaUt*s Interest lathe Jssne. It was Just as wei*, that Secretary Daniels In'his Chai*c??<*n ^wjrh'cm* phaslscd the fact that th? Roath Cms cause to be directly interested Itt a stronger navy. The south's' prosper ity is linked''.wiUi'^th?vseas.'' Cotton, Umbered naval stores ore products WO h?v?raised and cold for years, lt Is t'.ie foreign market that gives us tht money ea these, products. Ulti mately w? will 'have beef to soll und some grain. ? We have a long coast line. Wo have many townsend cities exposed to a task from a superior' fleet. There is every reason why the south, of a? I sec tions, j should be vitally interested tn jwitegthening thc first line defense, There is as much reason why tho ? P??*l? M?MtlA 'sDui .'.B?lUtlul. f/ltl^?ll?ftBi3 wBh tills, question aa there Ia *h?* tho Pacific coast and tfte east should be Interested tn preparedness. IIS ANNUAL SUPPER - i DECIDES TO ASK FINANCIAL AID FROM ANDERSON COUNTY ENDORSED BILL WLi-h ia Now Being Presented to Nabo.w Congress-Major Watson Was Present. Tho annual oystor supper of Com pany B., Vlrst Regiment, N. G., S. C.. waa held last evening In the now armory on Noith Main atrcet about 40 meinbera being present and e few In vited guests, including the mayor, members o. city,council,'Major F.?. F. Watson of Greenville, major of tho First Bataillon of thc First Regiment, and Col. P. K. McCully. Jr. . After the supper had been finished nnd cigars had been around. Capt. L. L. Llgon, acting as toast master, in a few appropriate and well chosen words, introduced the first speaker of the evening, Mayor J. ll. Godfrey. Mayor Godfrey's speech dealt with tho relation between city council and the loyal militia. Ho stated that t ie city fathers were willing to sup port thc coripany and that they were ready at all times to Btaxtrt by them at deserving times. He compliment ed tho company, its organization and Its new armory. Mr. Godfrey was followed by Major Watson of Greenville, who spoke on tho pay bill which is now baiug pre sented to congress and which is for the intent of making som-? arrange ment whereby the national govern ment will pay the members of the National Guard something for their work and convert them from National ?uards to federal militia, and which will put them BO they can be used by the Unite! States at any timo and at any place necessary, but which will still allow t?em to be ivied by tho state when it is expedient that they be called out. Tho speaker read a resolution supporting this bill which was drafted by;''ithu council of tho National Guard's* '?ss?? tatum ct the' United States at the?: recent meeting in San Francisco. Cal. Thia reso lution was heartily endorsed by the locui ui?n. r.?ajor. Watson urged tho local company to. fisk the support ot this bill by the congressman from this district. Ho also asked that the members ask thal, the county dele gation do what' they .could iii secur ing aid lor them from t'.-.e ?jtato. '! After this speech/ the members of the company decid|d,.'to follow, n the footsteps, of the companies of Green ville, Spartanburg ami Charleston and endeavor to Becure through the coun ty'delegation u lay? allowing Ander son county to render financial aid to the National' Guards. ic waa decid ed to approach tho members of the delegation. at an : carly dato and to present to them a bill drafted to the above effect. "'.,'.;,,. ~ j lt being ll o'cloc?' wben all of this 'matter luid boen g attended ta, the toastmaster stated that owing k. the late hear, it would, be impossible to hare, further speeches. ? When Gasoline Buns Low. In Farm and Flresldo Is an ingen ious suggestion for autoist? whose gasoline has run so. low that they have trouble in hilt'climbing: "One sometimes io eau slit out with a low'supply of gasoline through'hav ing make long' dolours to avoid bad roads or from.other causes. The supply can be made' to stretch over thia emergency nv adding denatured alcohol or kerosene. Occasionally there ts sufllcient.'gasoline for tho ordinary iBvel road .but not encagh for an unexpected ri ill. /'In thia case the principle pf pressure feed can ;be. applied. Screw tho' cap down tight ba the gasoline tank and then sharpen a '.match/'to ?tho ventilating ho!e>vi?/the Blow. I Into this bolo as hard as possible and immediately plug /wjth ' a sharpened matoh. Usually this will" enable ihc driver to make thev hill without fur ther trouble. But If not. he ?an turn the car around and back?uphill." MARKETS Local cotton ll 1-2 eonta. . --, WBffl , New . Yerk-Cotton. . New York. Dec. 21?-Cotton opened Rteady 1/down to 6 np. Early fluctu ations were Irregulars ...Liverpool' ?nil what appeared to be.Now Orleans.sel ling absorbed at a decline abbat twt* from last-knight's close.' . A later quiet brought' March around 12:20 or net imclmnged shortly after midday. Ooen. High. Low. Close. .Httfa; . .11.96: - .11**7. 11.AO 11.94 Match 'i'..12.20 12.24 12.20 12.22 May . . .12.46 12.48/12.4? 12.4S July . V .12.57 12.04 12.67 13.60 Oct . ii .12.44 12:47 12.23. 12.3:1 Spots 1310, . Wm. @ /?frerptKi? Cotton. / V .'.Often.:' Close. Jon-Fob ....'< . < "-.."'.. .V.35 7A'S tearrAp,r.-:,v.?''..'*;. ',:-.. ,'V?.32 TM May-Juno .. .. .. 7.30 Spots 7.55 -Roles 10,000. Repipis. 5.500. Budgie* and Carriages For '..': , Christmas ;.;.'.'. Wo haye Just received, a .shipment nf Nerw Bnddai^di?arrfage? come and get your Chrintman J?nggy and Carriage. Price? right. i,; ? F3WLEK. G. a t G. OFFICIALS IN CITY YESTERDAY CAME TO INSPECT NEW STA TION ON SOUTH MAIN STREET FREIGHT DEPOT Money Has Not Yet Been Appro priated But Will Probably E e in Near Future. A. H. Porter, engineer of roadway, and E. M. Dour, superintendent of transportation of tho Charleston and Western Carolina railway, came to Anderson yesterday to make a final inspection ot the provised passenger depot on South Main street. Both of theso gentlemen expressed them selves as pleased wita thc sttaion and conditions as they found them. These gentlemen stated that the plans of having tho trains runuing up to the new station this morning woulu bo carried out all right. Mr. Doar was asked about the plans for the erection of a new freight de pot and he spoke very hopefully.' He suid that the money had not yet been appropriated but that he thought it would bo mnde available during the first part of 1916. Mr. Ooar is an optimist and stated that fae believed business in 1916 would be much better than it has been throughout tho year 1915. ANDERSON COLLEGE CLOSED YESTERDAY STUDENTS HAVE GONE TO THEIR RESPECTIVE HOMES RESUMES JAN. 4TH Class Work Suspended Y?rterday j and Nearly All Pupils Took Trains Home. Work al Anderson college was suspended yesterday until after the Christmas holidays. Nearly all of the .students left yesterday afternoon for their respective homes. Most of these live within the state'and a great part of l)':em in Anderson county, so all of them will reach their homes before Christmas. The college will resume work on Tuesday, January 4, when all of the ! students are -expected back. j Our Store ???1 Sliper] j Velocipedes Steel and rubber tire ones, A fine as sortment of styles and sizes. .Ma! rifle C a "Da est of servin, and i S 3 ibo. tfarucuffe Set* We have these sets sonable prices and. finest quality. at re^ of the Community SHytr You will be sur prised how m u c h yoi; can buy in this line for so little money pSi ; GiV Xmas be j ?nie t In Men's Pure Ijrish Linen Handker chiefs We have FIFTEEN (15) dozen Initial Handker chiefs- for men, pure Irish linen, with initial 11-2 inches long; formerly sold for SO cent? eath. SPE- ' CI AL while they last 3 for. ......$1.00 Just received something iaew in half-hose, with the new striped top. Very pretty. Would be pleased to show you. Smith, Garrett & Barton "Where Quality Reigns" What ts Home Without Musi?? Buy "Her" a G00J> Plano here, and you will provide happiness .ot alone for your wife and yourself, but for tho entire family; and 'or many, many years to como. t We have an unexcelled Hgt of really GOOD Pianos, and at Rea sonable prices.' . We sell the Steinway, Kranich &-B?ch,. Ivers & Pond, Hallet & DaviB, Milton and Kimball; everyone a High Grade Piano. ' " MECE-WELSH PI/UNO CO. *v Successors to thc C, A. Heed Plano & Organ Co. . ?iii South Main Street. Will Be Open Every rough Christmas Eve >aiay Rifles ce this his first Christmas with iisy"--theneati Air Rifles de % of its name )rice, 75c t o i Pock** Knives Knives for man and boy alike Fully two hundred styles for your . choosing and. every o n e a pocket knife worth white, Sc to S5.00. Mecoxn?/; Sett ' ', ; Velocipedes, E x pres s Wagons, Tool Gh?sts/ etc. tm Footballs;^ R e n'e h "?fficial Varsity" Bails of specially. : , selected Tuf-ide with ;p u r e Para ) Rubber .blad der? rawhide lace arid ?a?wg needle. ii:bo ?0 &5.?Q. y ?;"..'<- Sekooro Sais Wiss Scissors are recog nized as the leader in quality and workmanship; ' ereolators ei one for and . you * will ?leasantiy re ared for somef oKribniec. ' ! We have these in Xiiias boxes, making ja much appVeciVted gift. ''Cai vers Of best ' quality steel with handles of. 5iag Horn, Pearl or, Community Sliver. Carving Sets com plete--knife, f o'r k $i?;oo.