TODAY "CABIRIA" 12 Reels. Prices Children 15c Adulta 35c Balcony 25c. TOMORROW NAT GOODWIN A Selected Cast of 15 People Prices 25c to $2.00 TODAY Linton De Wolfe Musical Corned]' Co. PRESENTS "WIDOW WISE" MOVIES FOR TODAY "A POLAR ROMANCE" Cent Two Reel Drama. "IN BABY'S GARDEN" Thanhauser. BIJOU THE?TE1 TO DAY "BROKEN COIN" "THE WIDOW'S SECRET" Two Reel Victor Drama. "HER SPEEDY AFFAjiR" Nestor Comedy. "SLIGHTLY MISTAKEN" Joker Comedy. lEDNESDAY ONLY K UMBRELLA Filled or Sterling ^^'Each e the value for yourself ?MTER H. KEESE & GO. . The Store That is Always Busy This, famous Labor Saving De ; : f1)?^^~=^2^is?---i' .' .;. Y?ce is. the Greatest Xmas present ' IHP^fTf?S J?h'At anyone can give a lady do- ' j i y * I $?3?y*?] lng her Work, lt will save her ? I -, I ln\: I juL a great number of unnecessary " l^^^jyOyj^Pj steps and lots of work. Most iLi?jl?Sl I ladies using: the Hoosier, say tl\?t IrT J it is equal to a "Heiper'V (another . , .ijJ^g^?sSai?^^ woman in the kitchen), ,'fhey '. >'. ;,;^^a^^Sfp^j are worth many times" what we \ ? .pS^^^Tl - ask: for them. Your wife wants i j^3f^?p.| Assi ' one badly .' Why not give' it to, j (^^j^j^j-.j her, on . our "Easy Payment .: I )^^^^^r^ ? Price $37.00 w^V 1 Payable $1.00 down and $i.oo .,'/>.v;We"ek.\ .-'Shirt-waist boxes and Cedar Chests are - admirable' Xrn^s ; presents for any lady. They are ornamental : as, well ; as ex homely useful; and they don't coct very much. ysefu?, Practical Chriatmaa Presenta Are ?'; : Order ^?>?ejjDay? j ' "?ee't?wy- TtfPay.TJb* Peales Way". . II HI MIHI ii mr -i" ' T-1' - r "I,1 ??] ? ? ni |- ii,.mn i ii II i unwin nmt?mmt* m .mu?.? i mi COUNTY SUPT. OF EDUCA TION FELTON IS PRE PARING BULLETIN SCHOOL RECORDS In Each School District Will Kv PrtPttnted in Itemized Forra. Ono of tho most extensivo of ?ll an nual reports 1s bein*, compiled tn the olllce of Mr. J. B. I'dton, county su perintendent of education. Tho rec ord of each school district is being made up in itemized form, and will tnnkc a book or pamphlet of some 100 or moro pages. Tho idea of getting out this report, which is to be mnde on the order of a bulletin and distributed, is to let each Behool teacher and trustee know how their school district compares wtih tho oiher school districts. Tho pamphlets will bo malled out some time after the first of the year.' Each of tho sixty-seven school dis tricts in tile county are taken un and tho receipts and expenditures aro j Itemized Just to give an idea of want I3 really hoing dono, the following will show how minute each report is. Bach district has a separate pago. Tho receipts ar? on one side, being itemized as fo?ows: Poll tax, dog tax, three mill tax, special tax. high school apportion ment from state for term extension, from state for rural graded schools, from Btato for building, from county for building, from other sources. TIio expenditures are.'classed as follow;;-. Salaries, fuel, (in_.dontalst furniture and apparatus, TepalrB, rents, grounds and buildings, and library. Tho figures for this hui lot in are being taken from tho annual report of tho superintendent of education for tho school session ol 1914-15. INCREASE IS ASKED Washington, Dec. 14.-An lncreasa of nearly three hundred' per "cent ovor tho sum spent last year for big guns, coast fortifications and ord nance, is included in the general preparedness scheme asked for in tho fortifications bill prepared by tho war department. Last year six mil lion was asked, this year, traenty throo million. Tho hill provides for eighteen new emplacements as com pared with olght last year, and 31, 800,000 is asked for the purchase.of Hites for forts while turco million ls nskod' for ommuni'ion for coast Cum; with aaihoniy to buy three mil lion and a half more. It is prono30d to obtain a patent for John Hayes Hammond, 3 c, covering v/lrolens control of torpedoes from shore, eta-' -tiona, and wireless control of torpe do launched from aeroplanes.. It.'asks authority' to 'purchaso ammunition from private ^manufacturers without advertising for bids -with a vlev/ of fostering the development o? private plants. . 'WOULD SUBSTITUTE VERDICT ;. New York-.Medicos' .Would Prevent Oases Like Thaw** Now ? York(? boc. 14.-Thc sub stitution bf a verdict Of '-guilty,.but insane".; for a verdict o? "not guilty." to. bo rendered by Juries whero i?sano persona committed. a crime waa rec ommended hy a committee of ibo so* clety of Medical; Jurisprudence in a report'of-that body. ' It says the dlfferonco. l-btwosn tao situation where a sano persoa ia found "not guilty"V: and a person found to ihavo committed a crime- but wjio. is insano. Tho report .indicated that Thaw could have been returned ,'fb Mattoawan had the proposed ver dlqta hoon possible. At Mbuntain View Behool, , ; Mr. apd, Mrs. Alphabet will enter tain next Friday Eve, December 17, 1?16. Ono ?eh), a letter for your last name. Then como tn, ?hear tho imtsr io, hud seo tho games. We'll be sad if you stay. away. .? ' Wa.nocd the money, you'th? run ?jfct^? fen thirty 'twill be begun. - MARKETS New York Colton. ; ?Vow. York. Doc. 14.-Cotton opened nervous . 6 to.. 17. down and loss soon .wi&xied to' ii ta 18 i?iints; :qa .eon* tlnued 'Wall Street .and! ; rimmisslbh hoiisc; liquidation. - Tho market !stead l?d on bullish ' census figures, hut .af ter LiVorpobl closed, it dropped again, .this time back to 1ft net lower, , dpen. High Low Ci?se Jan '.-.-:. <12.fl5 18;10 12.W ll,05 March . ..1S?29 12.37, 12^4 12.2? May . Y ;li.B0i ;iatfi0 w-i$;s7 iS.?? July ".-' : ?12.8S 12.71 ti'iWf&M ?Ct>. 12;20 18.24 ?2??S I?.?7 Spot? 12.25. , >: ; Lherpbol Cotton. Open. close. Jan-Feb .... .. ;? .. ;.,?.35 7M Mar-Apr .. ...... .'.7.83 7.36 T OVE? HEW PAVEHENT 3N NORTH MAIN AS FAR AS TRIBBLE STREET WILL SOON FINISH Cars Are Expected to Run! Through on North Main Next Week. Tho samo plan o? running tho street cars, ?yvor tho new pavement ls hoing used on N'orth Main street as .was used on the other streets. The curs aro being nun further and fur ther down Main street each day- The I carB are running to Trlbble street to Iday and the regular schedules will he resumed como time next week. This will be a great burden from the shoul ders of tho traction company officials. T'hero has been soma interrupted service In the: city for the past six months, and thc atrcet car officials, motormen and conductors, and es pecially the public will cortalnly be glad when the cars are runci-jg on al! lines ca regular schedules. Anderson has been greatly Incon venienced by the continued transferr ing, necessitated by the car track paving, nnd with Hie ?nd of this In Bight, things appear much brighter to tho man whose dinner depends on whether ho caa catch a street car to his 5icme, and get back in an hour. Other paving work is being push ed along satisfactorily. All asphalt work will be completed today, when the last of. West Whltnor street ls finished. This bas been one of the tedious Jobs oh; Whit'.er street, due to the many crossings and intersections of tracks of . be street railway and hos taken considerable time:' Only North Main street remains now to be completed and the paving contract will be done. QF.1HE-.0nf DEMONSTRATION A G EN T BY ARS KEPT BUSY BY ^ARMERS NOW ?il)Sr T I M E Mr. Byar? ; .?Qf?itjt? Services and j Says Work Should Be Done-Now. According to., demonstration agent; S. M? Byars, no\if'l? the proper lime for pruning, trimming'-' and spraying orchards/; and farmers all. over the county1 aro doing : these. tasks er^h day. Mr. ByarbT say's that ho hos been very busy assisting many of tho farmers in this work, and that ho is hot through with WI that he. has pro^ raised. "I wish r,U th'e: farmers wouhl do this work right, novr," sold Mr':'-Ilya ra, "and. those .who do not know exactly vhat to do, and,-how to do lt, would call mo up and I;'-will be more than glad tb. assist them in any way. 1 can." Mr. .Byars was .emphatic In his remanko :'that the. ambunt o? good coming from ' proper pruning and spraying at tbb.-work. This ' is ' a matter that does not require-, aV>v?ry unusual amount of' skill, hut- o mat ter, which if not done' right? may result In harm rather than in good, If the former does not know how to do tho work fbrV4itmsolf. it will be little trouble tb call for. Mr. Byars bud ho will borne:', out' to i*.'? place and hoir? bini out. Mr. Byora sold:;that besides regu lar omeo duties' and. lils regular re ports, htB wbrk 1? . chiefly In : tho ' or chards Just nov.-. . .' ". '?';--; , . , '.,." ".. : Brandy's 'Exile. Doctora have taken tho brandy bot tle , out of 13ie sl?k Toom alld they hayo told the tr?thVabbut drink. They deaervto gratitude;.'tor what they hava so ^willingly ??cbmplished-Detroit News'. ' Yes, and'Wiil'p'the doctora have been doing that 'v fit ?Bm whole Coun try the legislators ot this section h^ve been busy -devising Ways and ttu>.hs of . taking tho.. brandy ; bottle, the Whiskey bb'?t?? off the sideboards vid the' beer, bottles but' of the refri gerators in Georgia? and : lt appear that: they have ntadev* ? successful coalition, with tho1.!physicians.^Au gusta Herold. Bcd Vt?H9 Stamp. ' Elyory mah sud >>v?ma,n- in Norfolk has ra: moro or less direct Interest In ?he cTu'sade^aging^ Great Whfto Plague1 '; Tnb^ulpsle is no respecto? of rac?,jcole?r or classy and the victim Ia one ta?iSiy 1* ? ^greater or less mef*^*: to,ail tho other faiaf 11*9 lo f xi. cotiOfjunlty Help along; tho fight in %ra^c?t'?hg.itil?' most- rar? aging bt a&i^ftttg?ra: known io hu manit y ?& jf?? Cr?w?f \mpo. .I?-ai^ri'?fls^if-.ona' '.??nt each ians t?^ff^i?^^'f^H^^ ; ts no '.v^Mr-.*at?,m'od^;^|B?ft o?d ?ll?vhvtlng hbm*h Hoity Wre&&*W -; CARRIED ELECTION ? in > THE VOTE WAS OVER WHELMINGLY FOR THE PROPOSITION COURT'S ORDERS Were Carried Out to Letter-Ex act Figures Not Obtainable Last Night Thc election to decide whether or not McCormick county will be form ed was held ?"osterday and the vote wus greatly in favor of the new coun ty. Bxact returns have not been ob tainable to the Intelligencer, and the i news of the election came .to the city by wire to Mr.' B.' P. Mauldin. The wjre to Mr. Mauldin reads as follows-. Dec. 14, 1915. B. F. Mauldin, Anderson, S. C. Ve have again carried tho new | county election overwhelmingly, and this time the election bas been car-' ried ?Ut'absolutely according to the ipreips ccuT?V decisions. Tms ls tho third time wo have won over whelmingly at the ballot box and surely our people have some consti tutional rights as well as others. J. 13. Britt. Twice before tte election has. been tarried and some hitch in the form of' tho election, or in preliminary has rendered the, voto illegal. This time, the adherents to tho new. county claim that tho supr?me, court's^ decisions have boen carried out. exactly and tii'ey at last haw what they have been ? wanting. The C. & W. C. trains will not leave the South Main " street station today, according to information ref. celved from tho depot late Tuesday caning. Tho plans were to have the trains shifted to tho new station on Wednesday, but conditions) aro such that this can not be done Just now. The regular morning -train, will leave from the, freight ct at ion on Whither street abd the : afternoon trains will also heep the old prac tice. '/ .ie change may be made from the freight' to the passenger B tat ion o? Wednesday afternoon, and early Thursday trains be run out from the South Main street sheds. The pub lic ls anxiously awaiting this change. NATAL Fi If KM Aft WOUNDED Police Hunting for tho Man Who Shot Hun. Charleston, .Dca 14.-Police detec?-.; Uves last night were hunting for - an. unknown man who shot A. B. League, a fireman of the Battleship Virginia early last night. League was rushed to the Roper Hospital and, a report of the shooting made tb tho provost guard lieutenant at tho station house. . League's weand is, ia'^tho neck, according to. the p?lice; ir?J?pt serious. I The" police claim to h?yo a clue "that ( will lead to the arrest of the assailant | and last night were hunting for tho man. The affair occurred on West; street. i ' " : Commandeer Shipping, jf^iondon, Dec. 14.-The eminent has ' commandeered all Greek shipping in British, and' Ameri can ports ip aa effort tb supply ;the, deficiency in' food enjV.coal which ex ista lb Greece as a result of .the on-? | tente r?stri?,Uons. ?H^| Fruss?m Casualties. Rotterdam, Dec. 14.-Prussian cas ualty Hats number 380,000 tb 38W.C0, according tb local- newspapers which contained the nemos, of :65,000 'kl?led? wounded; and Jmissing. This muf?| total of 2,2KO0O. ,;;.>:.:.'\ ::*> exer cise, breathe de?p? *eep your, mind and blood clean, re spect others and yourself, ?ie diligent In your business, which is the business bf life, the business of goad think ing, the business Of appre ciating time's value, .the bus-. I iness of self crjticisrn; Our | |rV^?me^P^?^t;Sa^^ Banks j will help you to become more self-respecting, If yon . Use ii systemat?cai?y. ? - I f He Smokes A Box of Cigars Is What He Wa^s When-his day's work is finished, niter a meal, or when some of his men friends drop in, a good cigar is just exactly what he would prefer to anything else on top of the bright side of earth. We carry an exceptionally line line of good cigars; among them are The "Cortez" ot $2.25 a box of 25 The "Nurica" at, $2.25 a box of 25 . Tho "Proferceni?" at $4.50 a box of 50 In Holiday Boxes Tho "Franklin" a box or 50 for $1.00 . > ThC^'Adoslndo" a box of 25 for $1.25 Tho "Astbrettes" a box of 25 for $1.00 Tho "Royal Robes" a box of 25 for $1.25 ... And in addition to these, we have at least-FIFTY other well known brands. If he smokes, you cannot do belter anywhere, or at any price than to get him good digars-^-and we keep no; . others. Ev a n Phd rm ac y Three Stores. S ^^HK^? sometbing tho horses SBP*P*e*tt^t^? the saliva ronhin?rmid alda WSK-'^S^V. to an all grain, feed. Give your hor^s and WK Our RED SI?IRT (Brat grad? Horse and MuleMolasses, F<^?W? ? and pi?re cane molasses, and analyse **J$$S%?&. M,6 . ^ &M??igtwast im^m^^^^-?^'^