WANT ADVERTISING BATES Twenty-Ave words or leas, One Tune 26 cents. Three limes 60 cents, Six Times 11.00. All advertisement ovor twenty rive words prorata for each ad .iltlonal word. Rates on 1,000 words to be used In a mon tb made on application No advertisement taken for less than 25 cents, cash In ad rune? If your name appears in the telephone directory you can tele phone your want ad to 321 and a bill will bo mailed after Ito in sertion tor prompt payment LOST RUNAWAY--Kay mare, branded on BhouMer and n'p. Weight about 700 .pounds. I'lione Xo. ll. J. A. Mc Brcaty Stable. Pelzer, S. C. 12-12-31. STRAYED OR STOLEN-From my residence in North Anderson one ' black and whlto English setter. Had on now collnr with six brasa studs. Howard for return or infor mation leading to rocovery. H. B. Fitzgerald. 12-11-31. FOR SALE FOR SALE-iSlx room houso and 2 1-2 acre lot on P. & N. road about two miles cast of town. Call at DivvorB Tin Shop. 12-113tp. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-For farm, ono eight room houso and lot ' of .-.even acres in town of Starr. Ad dress Box 185, Honca Path, S. C. 12-5-8t. ' ' . FOR SALE-Agricultural Lime. Ap ply now to your gardens at rato of from one to.five tons por aero-lt's Cheap and thoro ls not a garden In Anderson but that needs lime-lt will correct blight and sweoten your sour soil and make your fer tilization readily available. Phone 404, Furman$-Smith, Seedsman. v FOR SALE-One second hand one horco wagon. W. L. Brlsaey Lum ber Co. FOR SALE-Forty acres of land ; In ?jj Hopewell Townahip, 3" room' house, A new two small - houses on publie ! I road. Land fairly level and is of V Cered for one thousand dollars. W. j 4 .. N. Walker. ' 1 ! 1 FOB SALE-Everything in the line of | froBh fruits that aro in Boason: pears, apples, . bananas, grapes, orangos, lemonB, cocoanut*, nuts ot ?-i-oaM ^ln;da,. and .candicev that mnko ?.fonv- mouth water, and at prices that don't mako you Bick either. J. Ki Manoa.* CAUDLE lite G ar; ol Inc Man on the cerner of Main and Earle Sta,, wants his friends and patrons to know that the paving work does not interfere with his gasoline business. Caudle needs the business | .and Is on the Job at all times/ FOR RENT FOB LEASE '. OF ONE YEAR OR MORE-Six room house with all modern conveniences loc.atod on Sayro street, T.-'K. Roper, care Anderson Printing Co. 12?9-3t FOR RENT-.Furnished tooth on first floor, closo in, Apply S care Intel ligencer. WANTS WHEAT MEAL A breakfast food, neauh restoring. Recommendedby . physicians. Made from native grath. Has a fine flavor.' Serve as other cereals.; Burrias Mining Co.. ?fANTED-A good farm for one of our customers. If you havo a farm tor sale we will be glad to con ni dor it. Linley & Watson, (j'nu. Linley W. E. Watson.) TO ' MERCHANT : TR ADE-Ono car Texas Red Unat Proof Outs, car : nure aborts, and all . kinda of feed, v Bee G. B. Turner at P. & N. Depot CAB LOAD of tho beat forest pino Just received. Fine for stovb wood, AI-* BO some bf that falh?us $5.00 coal which makes ouch good Drew; Wyatt, tha itj.OO Gb&l man. ' TO #HB MERCHANT TRADE-One . . ; ..car., cotton f!itt irrigated wheat flour. All :^!f.<;->(i-.^.^.Tu^?.?,>t& N. Depot. Ck !:V?xTOnfB?TBB REi.'AiaiXG-Best ^^geciuipped typewrite) rebuilding in th,?' south. Factory experts for all makes mochines, your old machino can be madi-as.good es new for a small amount. C. C, Dargan, Hub /;/-' bard Bulldiug. . 10-29-20L Fi)B' 8'A?/E^-Househo'd and kitchen ?urn'turo, old-time walnut parlor set, porch shade?, porch swing. Jewel stove, srnall stove, Cole's Hot ,: Blast. Heater, . feather beds, -, niau 'tresses; ^f?^io?u? bargains. Phone 440, 2W: We?t Church St 12-10-st PROFESSIONAL CARDS W. Y. QUARLES Dentist Office : Over Watson Drug Store Iva, S. C. Quattlebaum & Cochran Have Moved Their Office to THE BROWN BUILDING Over the Dime Savings Bank Dr. HENRY R. WELLS DENTIST Office Wt & H. Building Office fi27-i'honc8-Residence 66 Dr. C. Mack Sander? DENTIST Office 304-G-G ?leckley Building. ?mee Phono 420 Residence Phone 149 Chisholm, Trowbridge ?fe Sogg? DENTISTS Maw Theatre Buldrng W. Whinier St. C. GADSDEN SA YR! Architect mC Am ?leci?ey Braiding Anderson? S. C. CASTO RIA For Infanta and Children tn Use For Over 30 Years Always bears ^>y? ????????OTT Signature of *"9t&jr7?t 3 Charleston & Westero Carolina Railway ! .. ... j Y , ,/ ??. \ \X Augusta, Ga,. To and From the NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WESi Leaves: No. 22 . . . .f3:08 A. M No. 6 . . . .3:37 P. M Arrives: No. 2! . . .11:15 A. M No. 5 . . . . 3:07 P. M information, Schedules rates, etc., prompt! jjtfvcn. HOBIE TO The Luncheonette -when you are hungry. Wu cook anything ' that lu In season, and we .cook ll right Ask tho man who cata here Short orders derved quickly. Oys ters any style. Next door to TJnloE Rtatlon. -;-. g., IN PLACING sour fire Insurance re member that Frank & DeCamr. Realty Company representa onlj ?trop* old Une corno"T''"*'' Y?ai business will bo appreciated.' . II- rf.tf-. ' " WE ABE PAYING $38 per ton fot cot, ton seed, Belling hulls at $18.00 pox ton and will exchange 3 tons.hulls tor 1 ton seed and 1 ton of cotton seed meal for ton ot seed. Martin Wood & Coal Co. PIEDMONT & NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY i . ARRIVALS Na SI..;....i........... 7:3? A. M No. 83,,.,...,,,,.... 2:85 A. M N?' 35... ;... ;';\......:. J '.X1 :*0 A. M No. 87,.....?;........??.1:10 P. M Nt?. 89.v.?.8:40-P. M i. ? :oo & it Nb. 48.. 8:25, P. M Na .;:.;;:1O:$? F. M NORWAY IS DEPENDENT ON ENGLAND FOR GOAL .Christiana, Norway, Dec. ll. Stace Norway ls at present dependent on England for its Supply of coke and coal, that country ha.i a great hold on-Norwegian trade. Dealers in coal and coito aro told hy their English business connections that lt :hey sell bunkers to Hthamers destined for Germany or "with cargo supposed ts tin1! Ita way to" Gcrmnny, t 'ey will be no longer furnished with English coal. The oilier day tho Aiuctir.an irclg'it .strainer Maumes cl Now York with a cargo made up mo.v.ly of American rorie arrived at Uargon to coal. It iiad to leavVi the piece however wlth lotit coal as all the dealers were -warn ed by British authorities that if t :is steamer with supplies alleged to bc defined for Germany, by way of Swe den, get bunkers hy them, English coal sellers at once woull step trade connections with them. England also has threatened to stop the great import to Norway of olive oil from Italy mid Svaln and sheet metal used in Die canning in dustry, unlebs Hie Norwegian iiunor j guarantee thal nu canned pro duct to which Kurll oil or tin is used, shall be exported to any of England's enemies, and ninny canning plants had to yield to this. The country is full of "morcantilo" spies, keeping watch of the export ami import, reporting through their embas sien or consulates or directly heme to tho foreign ofllce. It happens that old Norwegian firms, who for years have been trading In England, get let ters from their English business cor nectlono ??hnt they cannot do busi ness with tliem any longer, as a report from Norway says t';at they have "as sisted German trawlers" cr same ting Uko thart, evon though the report can bo proved to have been without any foundation. Tile Norwegian Press, commenting on this, calls tho attention of the Nor wegian government to 'ho way Eng land ls trying t.o control .Norwegian trade and Industry and some Norwe gian business men against selling their rigiit of Independence to Eng land. .. Even the Epgllsh paper Economist has warned tho British nut horries against this trade policy, toward tho Scandinavians and also says that "when Great Britain is neutral Itscdf the Briton always ls Rih? first to claim the right for neutrals to do business with each other and with belligerents and always has protested against an extension of 'the contraband Hs*.'; to provisions and Taw materials." .' 1-'ron ch Steamer Attacked. MarHellcs, Dec. ll.-Officers of tho French steamer Harmonie, % which has arrived hore, e'mte the vessel waa attacked recently by an A ur-tr Ian sub marino. The submersible? jKrod two torpedoes, both without effect. The vessel then withdrew. The next day "r< aeroplane attacked tho -Harmonie 0':d dropped six bombs. AH missed. Strong and Well ts Ever. Fred Smith, 325 Mala |St., Green Bay, Wis., says: "I s?fts'-U a long time with a very weak ck. Foley Kidney Pills completely relieved mo of all soreness and pain and.I now ndi strong and well as over." , Winter1 aggravates symptoms of f kidney trouble; cold weather makes, aching more unbearable. Foley Kidney rilli; help tho kidn'oys! eliminate ^pain-caus ing poisons.-Sold Everywhere. SAGE TEA DARKENS 1 HAIRJ? ANY SHAOE Don't Stay Gray! Here's an Old-time Recipe that Any body can Apply. ,, Tho usp of Sago , mid Sulphur' for, restoring faded, gray nair to ita .nat ural color datC3. back to. grandmoth er's time. She used ll;,tp keep her hair beautifully- dark, glossy; and abundant. Whenever her'hair fell, out, or. took on that dull, fuded or streak ed appearance, this simple ' mixture was applied with .wonderful effect But brewing at home is mussy and out-of-date. . Nowadays, by nuking at any drug Btore for a CO-cent bottle ot "Wyoth'o S.igo hnd Sulphur Hair Remedy," you will get. thia famous old recipe which, can bc depended up on to restore natural color and. beau ty to the. hair and ls spcndld for dandr.iff, dry, feverish, itchy .scalp' and falling hair. A well-known downtown druggist says it darkens the hair BO naturally and evenly that nobody can tell, it has been applied. You simply dam pen a sponge ot soft brush with it and draw thia through your hair, tak In jr Ana aii*an^ aa? ts C Oy i ^1G Til ? l? the I gray hair . disappears, and after anhthor application or two, it becomeo beautifully dark, 'glossy, soft and abundant. * .CH1U8TMAS noll?AY RATES'' ' The Charleston A Western Carolina ['railway' will . soil cheap excursion t?okftB account ortfJOholldaya. tick ets on salo December 17th to 2?tb, tnnlustt? final lirait Jianuary io, ISIS.- ?' .?...>....... ...::;' rF?T rateo, etc., apply to ; ticket agents;.or ,i\]? :..' Braes* Williams, 10oneral Passenger ? Agent, ; Augusta, vOa. '.'. ' . ? ? ' ''<.;? - MOUTH OF l'IE Quaint, delightful cou3t couiw try of Cornwall, n favorod haunt of peace and quietness, yet whero some c* thc most im portant. English naval stations aro now busy, is duscrlbcd for tho Na tional Geographic Bociety hy Florence Craig Albrecht, At points along thia toast, England holds concentrated great battle fleets. Hero, weBt of Lands End, are tho Scilly islands, and, beyond Cornwall, furtlici- up tho chan nel, lies Plymouth, military harbor and great naval base. The charm of thia old-fashioned, /picturesque land of flshor folk and' peasants is told by Mrs. Albrecht, who explored its coast boforo war clouds recalled a'martial stir to Cornwall, for tho society in tho following bulletin: "Hero are. rock and headland and cliff, now ' green,. now golden with gorso, now'.bare and rugged : inlet bay and harbor,, with here and(;there an Isolated house,: a tiny village, a pre tentious town, ti -great port. An un friendly coast?- Yes, with heavy seas and windB,:Witb>thick sea-fogs-a dan gorot.i one j rooks ever ready to tear hole In the'stoutest vessel, .currents eyrjc ready1 to drive- them-iom ? I But a picturesque coast';* a wonderfully beau tiful con nt, bot li upon summer day8 and in wlntort;Btorms; a co??t . with many harbors, ??ne too easy' pf en trance, .by . reason, pf rocks "and- tides, and manyr" impasible for any but the smallest cntfi.T1" ,' ' ?' j. ; AU Hnv^ .|8pi?ndi'd .Merrj?rles? -; .. There "are !si?^djld'i,m,emQrl?a, re naming tomW'fo%& ter- says,, fox; too. many fleets have , sailed up and down tho channel nineo j history began not . to have visited 'all ! these places with, tha^ias^pf in akin n J history. Fish lng 'flee^'-navo.',l?Qr*t thc foreground of tljq, picture thcppjgh lat tor years, but ' signa Of' .war . prepara tion .have..nover.y.been absent from Cornwall's waters/andihuge squadrons of grim,- grayi al6h?pf-wur have regu larly come and' - gonn and gathered there. The wrttbr; tolls of Penzance, tho sunny pleasure-lovlirg 'little sea city whero the most picturesque ot pl ra to types originated; of Newlyn,, the home of the true-old sort of Ash-' ?rmeh, and the Mecca of artists; of Marazloh, tho old,, which, according to Cornish history, waa au Important city visited 'byV Phoenician merchants in the days of Ezekiel tho prophet; ot ..' Averred his willingness>to earn ready ; cash. ' " . . : iii 'HhP' .?"??'. ' ?'i l " 'WaU, ttl toU/you ?WhiMS PU do,* r*1 sumed tbs doctor, : .?Wlll giv'o- you teni ? cents every dmr yod ; don't' tear ' Srsar olOth?S.Off.'. Ehl*; ;.. ' . j "The bffedder^e^sseftVid eagerly,,'hn?t ! rel*rted in .to n^^.i^ocd.\ Tuesday ; ibis ^clothes remained:, Ihtact;/Wedhc*. Jday. ditto ; ^Friday, and ' Satnrdaiy'* thet sanie. > \ Hie tefornuUbn. waa tho talk cf tho institution. \ ' . 1 , "But o-.\ Sunday raom?ng*tho i mente tho crasy man had worn all 'week wore torn into stripe end thrown : ."jwhat deea'.'fliUV.b?a??r asK?d 'the itndlOT?hiphysi^an. ;. *! ,rofdmatory, the following iustanco of a ncruput?.