YUAN SH! KAI MADE EMPEJjHF CHINA Poking, Der:, ll.-Yuan Bbl Kui, president of th? Chinese republic 1?UB accepted the throne of China tendered ' bini by the council of state. Long before Yuan Shl-ltal was wide ly known abroad he had been accept^, ed by thc Munclius, tho Chinese anj the foreigners In China us a coming man. Boni in 1869, tho son of ?1 district governor In thp province of liomin, Yman Shl-kai aspired to au official position, bul tho rule was that offi cial lifo was open only to tbo.se who poseed in ancient classics. Yuan uUer'y failed in one or those gov ernment tests at which thousands of aspirants are closeted for three days. Ho went into Korea as a secre tary with tho army, and there rose rapidly through his display of mili tary and diplomatic ability. Thc fa mous Grand Chane"1'or Li Hung chang recognized in aim a man of action und r noln' "d him Chinese Teslde-nt nt Seoul. This WBB the highebt post in the empire and Yuan held it when he was only 20 years old. Whon tho Japanese drove tho Chin ese out of Korea, ho was one of tho few to return to Peking still in the favor of tho court. "Willi tho death of tho Empress Dowager and tho Emperor Kuang Hsu, almost coincidently, and pos sible each by poison at tho hands of the other, tho child emperor. Heirn . Tung carno to tho throne undor thc regency of Prince (.'hun. Yuan, pre sumably because ho had gained ouch & control of tho army, was dismissed in disgrace, although nominally on pretext of "ourlng a Boro leg." Wi'aen. the antl-Maiichu rebellion broko out in October; 1914,' tho" Man chu Togency In despair, urgod Yuan to return; Tho latter.replied that hts log was not yet well, but when given authority as supremo comman der'of air forces of tho north', ho accepted. ' Ho alco became tho first premir of the "responsible cabinet" which tho regency offered the rebels .as, a concession of pc-aco. But neither tho. rebels nor Yuen were satisfied. Tho adbdicatlon of tho Manchu rulers was forced/-and the boy emperor, at the dictation of Yuan Shl-kai author ized tho ' 'premier.-*, to organize with the rebel 'leaders 'at Nanking a Ro . publican form of .government. Sun Yat-8oa,:;toe ,?>--*oT?8lonnl presi dent of tho southern rebels was'.forced . to retire and Yuan Shi-kal- was elect ed provisional -, proaident' of the' ,; Chinese republic : at Nanking on. f Fobruary 1G, .1012/ . Ho topk the oath of office at Peking tho following month. THE EXPECTED HAPPENS Tho request fot'' t?te wltltdrawal of Captain Boy-dM;-ind; j. Captain; -von/ Papen, naval -and. military attaches, respectively, of the German embassy ' la thin country, is not unexpected'. Understanding the rules of the. dip lomatic gamo thoBo two gentlemen themselves can hardly be surprised. Tuc diplomatid corps... is supposed to ha componed of men .who are on ab solutely good., terms 'with the .govern-;, ment of t?o country where stationed . and their exprssiona and actions at least, must bo in accord with What that country is doing at home, what it-wants. Otherwise-they would .not bo diplomatists, and their usefulnese would be all. A member.ot a foreign embassy or legation doosi not have to ?'-..? break a'law to become persona,nos grata, no'more so than lt is necessary for a person to be lawbreaker In order not to be'welcome in lu e. home ot an other. For? sometime it had-been evident that Captain. Boy-Ed cad Captain jvon : Papen were without Oils straight and narrow path. Tho situation between the Wlashhigton^.administration., and '.-',; : these two German attaches f if st -, t e carne taut some months ago an* has since been stretched and strained uni ? til convlctiot. of tho Himburg!-. American lino officials caused it to, V 5 ' break. Ia thia cause a ' / of a American citizens has deciared 'that K,4 a law waa broken and aa it is admit S tedly so that Captain Boy-Ed waa the channel through whlOli flowed the' money that permitted thia violation, without such the law could not have" been broken, and a? . Captain Boy-Ed must have been familiar with the ; trick, worked, in order to provide fe? . lief for {fae German cruisers at sea, ' ; wiiy then ho would bb equally'.'.as guilty--morally, even if hts position v-'v. immunes him otherwise-as the con victed men. ' ' i^SJt'e true the higher court may ro^ iv ; verso thia, decision and, in tho end, tho nien may go fortla guiltless, so far as tho law in concerne;!, but thc act " has assumed sufficient proportions for the American government to take . cognizance of and tho grounds ara . more ihan sufficient to ask tor ; the ? removal of those objectioaable-and -, objection ls sufficient to provo th? .. -case. '? . - Perhaps, Captain Boy-Ed and C?p tala von Papen can find plenty I* Ot satisfaction in the patriotism that . .beat? within their breasts and may; console thomaelvea in their eoa soieno?, that they did not injure) tn dr??&r-3 and coats' Um United 'States;/ ; Thv. '^iy ?ll h*;, so; boj they . havee ' ^ftde a -big broach In t^err .duty as at i--:-;;i?ii6^??-.bf'-*,foreign -??pabait?y;.-. ThVre , ; f?r^Vifoeir-,.frl?t?ly:.sissbc^'ttbA\'^'jftni' \ 'M' usefulness ihavo ?oh?? -Tkey-?vast fol low.; surt.~^ln^ - No B08gitt/.;?> Thonsht It Nice, ?n Kindergarten tho .other day, lit-, i ?io Willio 'said : "Now. let? play zoo ah?? ?'U be Gie:-^elephant".y.'.- .:<:m?$k -That will be Ano,'? said Chottlda .^?Et?^t--^ttt'^tat^l?;: KtotiVs '" ' , '; *'Oh,'! r?pliec?: Willie, "you-can be the ittde iady.what feed?.tho ?l?phant ih j???n???''andi candy.'? to See LUI ?^V" TE'D LIKE very much to have all you Christmas shoppers to visit our place for an hour or so-just W looking, if you wish-you don't have to buy nor will you be urged to buy something you have no use for. We'd let the goods do their own talking. All prettily displayed, so that everywhere you look you meet with one suggestion after another. Of course you know all the gifts are the worth while kind-useful, appropriate and really inexpensive, considering the goodness of quality. / Suppose you come tomorrow while the stocks are at their best, and we advise early morning hours shopping, but any time you come you'll find our clerks courteous and painstaking. Here's a partial list of the many things we are showing, l?fs and lots pf others that you should see. ^ ^WJ U'U; ; HANDKERCHIEFS We feel sure we have the best selected stock of all pure Linen Hand kerchiefs in the city. Single Handkerchiefs and fancy boxes, for : men/wpmeh and children, 5c each to 75c. Hundreds of Small Articles .?eivers, Powder Boxes, Tr?ys,; Combs, Brushes, Comb and Brush Sets, Mirrors, Baby Rattlers, Rings, Dolls, Jitneys, Christmas Stocking, Tourist Cases, Toilet Articles, Necklaces, Beauty Pins, Jewelry Bags, Dorine Boxes, Fans, Aprons, Umbrellas, etc. Dainty Large and Small 'Lin Ivery Picture Frames, Hair Re Royal. Society , Lots of pieces you can make-up before the holidaysand you know your own handiwork is more appreciated. We've just opened a number of prettily embroidered Sofa Pillows at from Soc to $2.00. A full line of threads and crochet needles, etc. READY-TO-WEAR . ?> i .? i f % FURS ? Splendid Asaort ?ftent Km? A splendid assort f ment of Match Sets and Single Pieces from $5.00 the piece to $45.00 Set. Children's Fur Sets $2.00 to $8.50. ? li: HOUSE FURNISHINGS fc^^fel^Painty -large and Small Lin - ? ? en Pieces, Embroidered Pillow Gases, Plain Sheets, arid.Cases, : | towels, Bath Mats, Quilts, |?|??^ of all kinds, Large and Small Rugs, Tapes try Curtains, Shams and Sc ra ts, HOSIERY Sp. Here's the very best stock in the city, se lected; especially f or gifts, for men, women and children? Some in fancy boxes, all trie n e AV e s shades for . -': street and evening' wear. : 1 Men's 25c to $1.00 pair; Ladies' 25c to : 1.50 pair. ' See these sure. ; v We have dandy all leather Suit Cases and Ba?s, ?2.5o to $i2.5o. ' ? " .?.; j SilkHosiery $ t'. pair,. Lisle Hosiery 25c. pair. Handkerchiefs 5c to 25c each, $l.5o box. Umbrellas, Ties, Bath Robe Blankets, House flippers, etc. Coat Suits, Coats, Dresses, Shirt Waists in fancy boxes, Bath Robes, Bath Robe Blankets, Kimoft?s, Lingerie, etc. M?LU?EEY Trimmt Hats, Flow "era, Ribbons, VeiSings, Caps, Etc. n(i 111 lill' I HOUSE SLIPPERS In quite a variety of pretty styles? in all colors, $1.00 to $1.50. Children's at $1.00 Men's $1 to $2.50 BOUDOIR RIPPERS A guaranteed line of Fine Shoes to ' men and CTndr?n. Infants soft soJe^SQc./.] ?il,!' mm Make an|>ideal ;;remembranec.. Cur's are we' g^?d; ^guaranteed kind; in black, white and colors, long and short) r>, ' ' $1.25 to $3.30 This is the sto?e with the serve you in a Christmas way. it can j ^ In Christmas boxes, all good j J? juggi^Y ?' st*,ftcan? good; quality/25c to j V^^^^^^^^^mf TAGS AND SEALii^-We S jg jgj&fofrr,, "tfjy^gP^ \ sell- -Red.. Cross Seals. Every j one you buy help* a good BM