-COLUMN S WAST AOtEBTISlNG KATES T vye a ty-Ovo wo rda or lesa, .Ooo Time 25 o&nts, Throe T'mee 60 cents, Six TJmeo $1.00. All advertisement over twenty five words prorata for each ad ditional word Rates on 1,000 word? tb bemused In a month toado on. application. Ho advertisement taken . for le?b than a? cento,, cash In ad ?ance. It your name appears tn the telephone directory you can tele phone your want ad to U?rand a bill will be malled after its in sertion for prompt payment. LOST -o RUNAWAY-Soy marc, branded on ehcuMer and hip. Weight about 70? pounds. Phono No. ll,'J. A. Mc Breaty Stable, Pelzer, S. C. .12->12-3t.,.'y.. : STBAYED OR STOLENr-From my I residence in North Anderson one| black and white English setter. Had on new collar with six brass studs. Reward for rotura or infor mation lending to recovery. H. B. Fitzgerald. 12-ll-3t. A'X ff FOB SALE-iSix room house and 2 1-21 acre lot on P..& NV. road about two miles east of town. Call at Di wera-j Tin Shop. 'j 12-113tp. FOB SALE OB EXCHANGE-For farm, one eight room house and lot of soven acrcs~in town of .Starr. Ad dress Box 185, Hon ea Path, S. C. 12:5-8t. FOB SALE-Agricultural Lime. Ap ply HOW to your gardens at rate of from ono. to live ton? per acre-^lt'a' cheap and there ls not a garden in Anderson but that needs lime-lt will correct blight and sweeten your ?our Boil and make your fer tilisation readily availabV rhone! ' 464, Furman Smith'; Seeis nan. FOB SALE-Ono second hand : ppaj h?n>e wagon* W. L. Brissey Lum ber Co. .-? ?.??:], 3 Ha... FOB. SALE-Forty acres of land' In ! Hopewell Township, 3 room house, j new two email houses on public'[ road. Land fairly lovel and ja of fered for one thousand dollars. W. ] N. Walker. --i-:-;-1 FOB SALE-Everything in the line of frosh fruits that .'are In .season: ?ears, apples, bananas, gTapes, orange';, 'lemons,. cocoanut.i, nuts Ot all kinds, and candies that maho your m??-Ji'water, , and at prlcea that don't make you cl ck either. J. K. Manoa. CAUDLE tho Gasoline tMau . on the cerner of Main ' and Earle Eta;, wants his friends and patrons to know that tho paving work does not interfere with . his gasoline business. Caudle needs, the business and is on the Job at all times. . FORREOT ?&& "LEASE OF CSE''1 TSAR OR . jtfOBE-^Slx room house w'.Ui . all -'modern conveniences . Iodated on Sayre street - T.-;K.. : xLnnik, caro Anderson . Printy Co.. 12-9-3t. FOR - BENT-F^rniahed room on >flrst | floor, closev fa;; - Apply S caro Intel ligencer. WHEAT HEAL . A breakfast food .Health restring. Recommended bl .. Ohyelclana. W^e from nativa grain. Has a fine flavor. Serve as other] cereal':; Burrlsa, MM "tiny Co. W?M'gti-^? good farm* for * one", of eur customers. If you have a farm for sal? we will'be glad to consider, it. Linley ,& Watson, (Jno. Linley ?W. EL Wfttiibn.) ?' ?-.:. '. .:-'? ;,.., TO m OCRANT TBADE-OOo car | Texas .Red uuot rroQf Oats, car nure aborts, and bil kinds of i'ced. See ?O. E. Turner at R & N. Depot. .?--?"-' ? . -.. i CAB! LOAD of the beBt forest pine Just j re?e?ved . Pib? for S tove wood. ". AI* ; so some o? that.famous |5.00 coal which makes such good fires;.Wyatt, ! the^.5.00 Coal-man. ?V i ' ( '". "--"*! " . ' ' ' . '' ' "' 1 ""*' -* TO "TRfi MERCHANT . TBADE-Ono bar. cotton, ?e>d meal; car Snow Drift irrigated wheat flour. All . Vfcinds horH?, mute and cow feeds. ?se G. .35. Turner at p. & N^ Poppt^o ; .TtPE^RiT^ .' BB?^*??f2iS--Beit j ibo . south / ~mM&Mxp*n?: for., all makes macu?bea^ y bu r old machin? ;vvcan 1&>f?i?b,tiaif?w^&W tQT i ar??n 'bnif?sni: C. -wTWrgaa,/Hub* bard Buri?Ang.' 10-29-30& FOB?-??AiiE-???us?t??d audi' t?^hen 'f^r^rar^s^blaViltiDe-^waSnat. ': parlo*. >.v: ^Betv^^&k^ ?-.-$broh > ew' Jewer stove^.^blli steve. Colo's ^ Bla?t lie?te^-|?OT?ter'^?da, ;.. : '.'.' tresses. ' GPO* ;. bafgaino. ...Phone 440, 22?! West Church St. - ;12rl0-8tl Chinese St By ?bjec Establisi . ?i Peking, Dec. ll.-'Peking was'stun-1 ned by tr.o aoL'ion of Japan, England 1 and Kpssia in requesting that there j be a postponement of tbs reestablish-, ment-;of the.-monarchy. . While the! Ch?pese officials have been eomewbat apprehensive tas to t's? al ti tu tie of tho j foroign powers towards tho proposed I chango in tho Chinese government, i they wera hopeful that no actual ob-' etruction would be offered by the na-1 lions with interests in the far east. | Until three days ago there was a firm belief tr.iat China could abandon the republic without outside interference and later on could get the recognition for tho new government from tho Eu ropean powers and the United Stales. Tile failure of France to partici pate in the suggestion ot tho po.U-1 ponemoni of th? imperial movement has oroated much dlscuscica. The! French minister. Mr. Coaty, says' >io was without InstructlcoB from his ; home government. Europeans aro al so commenting much on the failure of the United States to participate. ; Naturally the Chinese officials take eoino comfort In tho fact ''. a* only Fijssla and England supported Japan ? I-Ic-wcver, thc feeling is general In Pe king that Japan's success ia getting t'je support of England and nmv.la makes her pre-emin-rnt In far eastern affaire. . The.Peking Gazette, which has mild ly eppbood the abandonment of 'ihe ro^ .public from tho time of its discussion, says of the repr?sentations Mr. Obata, th? Japanese-Charge d'Affaires, made to tho OhSnese minister or foreign af fairs with th? concurrence of. . the Russian and British ministers: "lt wquld be at once idle and dan gerous to disguise the meaning and ?significance of the interview. And while we have. no desire to claim , any special gift of foresight, It doe3 not seem, improper that wa should recall the fact ti'ittt tho probability bf this pr?cise development of'the situation has been indicated not once but re peatedly in our columns. Except to those who are top learned in tho hoary statcscraJt of this country, the ?entire SAGE TEA DARKENS . H?IRJ? AflY SHADE ??n'l Stay Gray! Here's an * Old-time Recipe that Any-: body can Apply. The use of Sage and Sulphur for restoring .faded, gray hair t? itS; nat ural color dates back' to grandmoth er's tune. She used lt'to -keep her hair; beautifully:;."dark, ; .gloaoy , -and. abundant. Whenever her hair fell out or took on that dull, faded or streak ed^ appearance, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect ' But brewing at home is mussy and out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at a'jy drus store for a 50-cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair '?emedy," you will get this famous old recipe which can be' depended up on to restore natural color and beau ty to'the hair and ls cpendld for dandruff, dry, feverish, itchy . scalp and falling hair.. A';well-known downtown druggist says it darkens the hair sb naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. You Blmply- dam pen a eponge of soft brush wita it and draw this through, your.hair, tak ing one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears, and after another: application or two, lt becomes beautifully. darb; glo?sy, soft ?-and abundant. Ctiarlestosi & W?steni Gai^luia Railway Augusta, Ga. lp To and From - the NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST ic''" ? Leaves: \ MA ? fyi Ho. 6 ... . .3:37 P.M. Arrives: No. 21,.; . .11:15 A. M. No. 5 . > . ^ 3:07 P. Mi Information- ; S^ted??eSy rates, etc., promptly sfiven. - . ' :[ t ';/.;; COS?B TO Tito Luncheonette! /'when you are hungry, Wu cook anything that ia in season, and we coolc it right. Aak the man Who cats hei?. Short order? ??ry?4 quickly. Oys? " tera' isxf style; Next door to Union Station. meuibet t^;; .Frank :A .. HsoRy.-CctDpaay r?prassnbi only i strof *. rol'd lino companlos. ?fbar bUEi^etss will ba appreciated. { tO-7-st ; . :,\kt: Wl&k FAt??i? #88 per tba for cct ;, ton seed, selling bulls at $18.00 per /, ton.and will ?t?hnnge 3 tons hulls : for i ton seed and 1 ton of : cotton seed meal for tea of need; Martin ; ^obW& c^i CA ' t?ons *To sequence o feveats has boan clean. Directly one realizes or rather romeni .bera that the independence and Inte grity of O/.lna is guaranteed, not by the power of Chinese adras but by-the j strength of ?friendly powers, tho pre?. I ?ont -weakness of tho international system in which China finds a plac? i-a3 sovereign country ls revealed. And I tito lofcger tho war is fought on, the j weaker br.at international . structure I beccmes. On -inls view, none but those who think bl China in terins of^Msn darln thought can'fail'-to realize that tho rule of safety and security for this country ls* to have leave untouch ed tho Wings that hold us ia bu-.* ps culiar place in the world's palitlcal orbit. It ls because the momentous change-which cecms easy only to men whose mini is ruled by non?-mod ern'-- conceptions of governmsnt threatens a disastrous displacement that the same raine reads in lt a hor? scopo of ovil things. "But the.moment calis for 1.3 coun sel of all Chinese who, whatever tim exasperating errol's of their rules may be, must remember that country is With a possible peril, it ia to be hoped that there will he no false ?ne to as sist the development of the danger." And let us Ciope that the exeoutive will now read aright the great signs of* our destiny, which-because wo are part,of the world that Hes beyond the confines of the neafr-ls- inspired by the samo spirit that hath sliapeaed tue great' countrlos where the words of hinco!ii *p,re"a common but raro inspir ation:''That this nation, under Obd, shall have a new .birth of freedom; and that government of Ute people, by tho people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.' Tie Peking - Dally N?ws, which is generally recognized as a government organ, gives a brief news account of the Joint action of Japan, Kiussla and England, but offers no editorial com ment. TAIL PROVED GOOD EVIDENCE Fitted In Ita Proper Place lt Proved Conclusively Who Wea the Owner '* of Disputed Pet. Two inches of the. severed tail of r. dog waa responsible for restoring El JaponlB, ? while bull -pup, to*hie mis tress. Margarita V?ldesplno of El Paso! Tex., recently. She waa the plaintiff in a. s?questration suit filed In Judgs McClIntock's couri. ". .. .?"..*$> "Here's our evidence In the case," your honor," said the attorney repre senting the plaintiff, unwrapping a sec tion of the tail of a dog and handing, it to Judge McCllnto?lt\C . ; "Thje court finda^'V-aald, Jud?p, $K|| Clintocky holding '?lio'severed member aloft,'"that thia IB a part of a dove tail. The queation to bo decided ?3 what dog belong? to it." - -A* 1 *To . Bl JaponlB!" excl?tmed th? plaintiff. Tn order to give him the appearance of a real thoroughbred two inches had been clipped, from the animal's tail. The ^evered part had been preserved. Judge Mcclintock scratched his hean. ,. "in ordej- to decide this question," he said, "I believe we ought to^ eeo that tho-tall fita the dog." The at torney passed the Judge the bull pup. "Jt Just nts," said the Judge, apply ing! tho severed part ot the tall to that which wearie-?t oh tho dog. "I bold that the plaintiff has produced conclu sive proof as to ownership." . . , ... . ; Took Gold for Her Nerves. ; Pulverized gold .as a remedy for shattered n?rvea figured at Kansas City in a suit for $7,600. damages agnin?c tho Metropolitan by MiUft Maud Wilson, a teacher in tho Georgi) Baker Logan school.' Kt?? ? Wilke fi. was H truck by'a'Btroet rar-ia 191:1, and testimony in the clre"k court re cently brought out the ???fjwt? ,tre?>/ mont ehe required."' Go td . Via adtrdn Iflt?red In one-sixtieth Jt ? grain dcaos. ",:>; PffiD&ONT & NORTHERN RAlXWAy COMPANY ANDERSON. A?RIVALB N?: >iifci...;.?.....ii&':L':j& No.:33..;,. Hr. 9,35. A. ;"?; No: 36.vv ii -.V;'.-,.;'*..'. /.< .li;40' la^l* No. 37.c..u.............. H'# "ff iji. NO. 39......v..ux im&T?. No, 41...Y;........... ? 'ML JEL JHL NO. 46..>.. -Y. v>i.yAfiW^-A; h. ' : : DEPARTURES '. ... NCK ,?t>v;'.V.?iB6 tC No: 32:................ 8;25 A., M, No. 84.......... IC: 30 A. lt?-. No. se ., ...,.. - . li no P. M. Nor 38......... 2:80' p. M. ti*: 40.4&?i*s-w No. 48: : ? .* . -7;?0P, M. PRE-HOLIDAY SALE b? Jewelry, ?, Watches, Rings, Etc. You are really passing up a golden opportunity to lay in your Christmas Presents at a TREMENDOUS SAVING if you don't taice advantage of these; prices. YOU CAN MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS SELECTION NOW AND THEY WILL BE LAID ASIDE FOR YOU UNTIL TIME FOR DELIVERY. Mm ._ ' -S-1-;-:-!---;- - ' ? ' DIAMOND RINGS Wc have an unusually attrac tive aesortment of mounted and unmounted Diamonds. Of course cutting prices on Diamonds is like selling real money at a dls count.^but wc ure going to make thia-'able gcnoral nil over the ,. .store,^so Diamonds aro included. $1-0.[Diamond ; ^0 Aft Illngs. .Special ^...?PO.VVJ $15 Diamond Ringo. Special.. N ?20.Diamond Rings. Special.. . $25 Diamond Rings. Special.. > v.-iv"iT;;"' V' . $60 Diamond . Rings. Special.. "">'."-* t'? % '?' ? '.- ?. i $100 Diamond Rings. Epecial.. $12.00 $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 ; $3.75 -Gold ?"' and Silver handle Umbrel- d?A KA yj?sriiSjpeplal v>i.*fi?UV $6.00 * Gold and Silver handle Umbrel las. Special_*P?>????J $8.00;{(Gold- -and ' Sliver, ' handlfe*Timbrel- tfff OK' >\y issn ? Special ?:vf: . $10.00 Gold , and - Silver, handle Uiubi-el- ' d? ?"f ff A I las- Special....... M* # ?wv $15 Cold and Silver handle Umbrellas. & *? *> A A .. Special":?P Jt A?W MANICURE SETS $1.50 Sterling Silver Maq? leur? Sets. Spo- <^J^ QQ $2.00 Sterling Silver Man icure Sets. Spa- d?1 off cial *.. . .. ?P * P?J?*>iJ j > $10 ? Sterling ? Silver Man icure Set.1!. Spe- 00 LAVALLI?RE $7.50 genuine Diamond, full cdt stone LoVal- 0?C AA Heres.. Special. ;. VViVU BRACELETS $3 Gold Filled Brace I let. Sper QA . S4. Gold. Filled Brace let. Spe- . .' .*.**. t? f':r "v." .- -v ? .?<. ?v?!-^?' .:.?-'$5. -Gold Filled Brace gp; B/::. $3.00 *. V- &6^fG.ol(t - Filled Brace-: B^?^^iGbid: Filled-' let Sp> *, ?i?i .-. ?peiri 'Evenings 1?M2. PICTURE FRAMES Picture frames make .exceed ingly appropriate Christmas Gifts. They aro Inexpensive, yet they carry a certain apprecia tive sentiment that some way or other fills the bill. Wo aro reducing our entire, ptock .of .Picture Frames Just one-third tho, regular price. 50c Sterling Sliver ?ff. _ Picture Frames. ,Spocial V . 7Dc Sterling .Stiver . ffftj? Picture FrameB. .Specliil wwii $1 Sterling Silver ./E-f* Picture Frames Special ? ?l# $3.00 Sterling Silver Pic ture Frames. (Spe- 00 $2.00 Starling Sliver Pic ture Frames. Spe- t??* cial...ipleO? $5.00 Sterling Sliver Pic ture Frames. Spe- 00 MESH BAGS Most any lady can And use fur a MCEII Dag. If you dun't know just what to select, this is an Ideal suggestion. Wc have u very attractive showing in a v/ldo variety of patterns. We arc cutting tho prices deep. Now ls thc time lo buy. ' ? ' \ : - .:- - Kw 41.50 Silver Mesh AA Cog. Special .. ..VWiVV $6.50 Silver Mesh A'A Bag. -,Special .. ..?P**?VV $10 Silver Mesh d??7 AA Bag.. iSpeclal .. .. ? pei-pair wVv SALT AND PEPPER 75c Cut GlaBB Salt and ^T:..T:....... 50c FORKS 75c and $1.00 Cold. Meat ;rsi8:.*c-....:.:.;50c EOBS $1 nilk gold filled Watch JET.;??..-. 60c SALT AND PEPPER $1 Cut Glass Salt and Popper. Spo- \- *y E dal ...........- ? wt TEA SPOONS $1.25 and $1.35 10 patr. terns storling silver Tea s?r":,,8po;....$i.oo BRUSHES $2,00 silver back Clothes $11.50 Elgin movement; 7 jewel, gold Ulled caso; ginr unteod 20 years. Off' Special ......... .$1.?0, 8 ? pattern Sterling' Silvor Tea (Spodhs: 'JtZ-'Mi Special ?ifVi PLATEWARE Six Tea Spoons, Rogers' Silver. Special, d?-* ' fi ver set ...... M? .?.wy.; Six -r.?rks, Rogers7^ S?V y'er. .Special, ?.? fifi per set".. ... . V?iUv . [. '.Sjkr-??niyef, Rogers* ?SH'/. .'^tjii/vSpieci.al,; ' per set ..... The Store That ia always B?M Open E^^iisiigs'