>&^v.,-v IUP ii ii I an ."'fr feb l US, 9C) For "Him Sti?k Pins - tie Clasps S t uds S Gulf Buttons Rings Emblem Rings * Watches ; Watch Chains Waldemar Chains Fobs;' Gold Knives Fountain Pens Silver Pencils Belts.; Tourists Cases Military Brushes For Wim ? UaVallieres Lockets . Chains Brooches - Cameos Rings Bracelets Watches ........ Bracelet Watches Fobs ? Vanity Cases Card Cases Sterling Mesh Bags LaD?rrine Boxes Frenclx Ivory Toilet Sets Silver Toilet Set Umbrellas (Se? Window), fi V, . !-:. ' : ."?-. . ?: . 1 ? S ?Tlifs is the way a .r|iistomer expressed herself :Ms< week, after buying- all her -Christmas Presents,- ahd complimented pur Jewelry Department as being sec ond to?none.in the state. > -vf, . Just Iqok .a*' '-the for ? mere trifle: .Solid G?id Scarf r?os. $i.0O,- 11.25 to $5.00. Solid GoldChild's Lockets, $1.25 to 12.25. Solid Gold Tin Clasps, $1.00 lo $2.50. Solid Gold Brkc-i r" olcts, $5.00 t o >14.0D.; '{ I' list of tko following pieces you can kuy Solid Gold Beau ty. Pifas; $1.00 to $2.00;= So 1 1 dOol d Brooch Pins, $1.00 to $12.09. Solid Gold N?ck Chains, $1.00 to $3.50. :. ' Solid Gold Lapel Chains, $3.50 to: $6.00. Solid Gbli Bar Phis, $1.-30 to ,56.00 Solid Gold Cuff Buttons, $1.00 to $12.00.. . Solid Gold Fobs. $2.59 to .$0.50. Solid Gold Rings, GOc lo 56.00. Sterling Silver Mesh Baga Our. yaiuea in Sterling ; Mbsh Bags are tally one-thlrd-. J;o; itvati tho on ?no 'Jjgiya n?cii. wher?5.i??ri, *S2.s? nb;to $35. ;'Gorca?h S?V?r'a?e?h Bag.ki .?tfaa't.Vlook MKo .(Sterling, ?11 . soldered ,mo?h,r. $7.50, $lC up ' to .*tm >? h Sterlhnj Sliver Tnhit les ? < jfJV?ry one says wo have tim prettiest . Sterling Vani ties, and the way they're, ?cl-' ???V provesv. ?ur. '. prices- loV, . $7v Bp *6 $25. Gorman Sliver Mesh Bags, Balley >Mesh or Round Mesh. Thor best, values . wo ^h^ve , ^ $2;$S;?p.to;$?. GOL?; SHEM, VANITIES* GOL1>4^ATE0 Y?N?mS A5il> COW HOLDERS. $3.S?, $6;$7.BO, $10, ^12, $16, and $50 , ' ' G?I4) I'OP BRAOfclRT, HAKD.K?ieaA;VJ?D-Th e s??.: Br?cleth wear like the solid gold, and in; appearance you can't ? s tell thom H?i^srt/ Children'*siso,.$i^; $1.50. arid $3 ; vta?ieaVV $2.50. $a up to $5. ' >Hpl"Mjia-i ?Min The World's Sweetheart, Mary Pitk-j ford In. ?A Girl.of Yesterday." Spiu.sti^kacd'.'a ^iri's .Own l'n??t, "If 1B. oftenlho girl's fault that she ''does'; not get'-married,?' vSays "A young ; man in tho December "issue of tho Woman's Home Companion,' who gives his.jopinion"pf;the modern yoting wo man'as'his Vrosson -for remaUiiug Bingie. . . ..?bo'd' expect .nia ;.to..koep? 'dp/:; tho sarrio' ' pace,"':- ho says.' "She'd;'expect tb?'liyo invfehe^etyle-her: parents can" afford, tc ' dress and live as well as any':ot tier, neighbors. .' Tho- sarao ua phl$e whicti makes tho giri of toddy demand tho same sort of attention f ibm Ya man that ? her richer girl friends receive will. koop .' hor.* -poor husband's nose on tho grlndgt?hf? .bhe? she-lands him. ? tell youjt'a. tho- extravagant viemands of tho. girl herself/.that.- frighten 'off. tho . mab: Mind'you, I do not say there'are not exceptions. '.But group Ute girls, add you see the altitude which frightens riff thc man of ; moderate ESSSilS O? macerate salary, or a: position hs .yet i insecure." A .?lt?Pa Christmas Tree. - , -, / ' in Hie ChriMmau'Issue or the Wom an's Home':Oompanioh ts told tho fol", lowing-scheme of a bird lover- to cai*?? ',ry..'gdodv'c5jieor but of doors:. ^She / procured < ? little tree'-' aho-.it three 'foot high, . decorated; it with airings o? popcorn nod. cronberrtos\, and, in deference to the birds' "taste? , ?added roasted peanuts and ?mall, .iwebs of shel-^the. choicest .GBlica of bili ? Tho tree. .waa glaced on root of the porch, aad proved so : jStSk^i^eA ^vltodsYtaai.^ '?hat ^ver>^a?>-:with?tit; an exc?pt?dh, .tra Trarlntintts will Incl ude a troe for1 : tab birds." .. i-i.Ket?erv?orYilti?. \ ^he^LtaileV; $?ke; -; calls, o' ' *is fach and. tho apjp?? of ?*is h?yc. Why tn't yon'call movings like thdt? Ho-Yus, that's very1 well;" hb: .'o's Uwr.t'jhi "sgs?ib??^?s?is??r^ ?*- : ?s ;hc j] fist;. Vado]'';rememb?r.H'---Tit-3lts.' ' 4*4 , D. X. n. Hcetinir. Cateecheo chapter, D. A.. fl., will moet on Wednesday afternoon with, Mrs, E. 1 J. Horton, at four o'clock. Miss Hester Richey of Greenville, and Mr.; '.Casper Floyd .ot, Wofford college spent Thanksgiving, here with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Holroyd. Mrs . N. A. McKelthan of Georgc towr.iB visiting her parente, Mr. arid Mrs. James C. Riley. I Mrs. Theo Watson has ?one to Greenville to attend tho Btone-MRch I ell wedding next Wednesday. I ? . t / -i-: ?lr.. and Mrs. Ferdinand Jacobs, Thomas Jacobs, and Miss Claru Duck-j et^.?bfiiCHtnton compose pu automo bile party that aro hero to spend Suri uay with- Dr. and Mrs. J. B.; 'Town send ;?.,'? .Mr. and Mrs. J. Hoyt Hill and daughter, M IBS Helen Hill of K?t?z \?\\oK Tepn., .urc the guests, of thc former's .sister, Mrs. Willett Sloan. Channing Box Party. Mrs. Cullen Sullivan entertained a few friends at a box party on Friday afternoon to see Geraldine Farrar in "Carmen," Her guests wore: Mrs. J. P. "Trowbridge, 'Mrs. L?on Rico. Mrs .J.H. Cod f rey. M rs. CA. Gam bit!!, Mrs. Frank Farmer Mrs. J. D: Hatnmett,-Mrs. Anna Wetrtoh, Mrs. R. S^-ty?Gully, Mrs. robert Ligon, Miss Lbu?8? Humphreys and 'Miss Margaret bvuus.-n .-. : -, , .UfHseilfji flub. A deliy'jtful meeting of t?,o Pris cilla Club! wis held yesterday nfter iiooa with Mrs.. Ed. Marshall. After.j thc; sewing was laid "asido, the attrac tive' hostess'served a dainty menu. \ y ?rV end' -MrsV Kens. Wtf^fcqK,; JKpomer i'ios .hful ns kor.'guests, for a few days hor nopho;v. and hi? bride, Mr; and Mrs. 'August W, Renz bf Brooklyn. Mr. dud M r.s. 8wain Gilmer 'entertained in their honor," ?a .Friday evening'at thc An ficrs?ri thbatre. They will leave todpy arid will Visit several, points ia thc south,* heforo. returning 'home, ? A Beautiful Card Pdrty. A beautiful chri:pdtty for, this of . tctuoon,! ?ct? ono 6':at. was ytujly on joyed." hy ''the fortunato guests, 'was f.lven yesterday afternoon by Mrs. John ?ul Sbdldr, -abd . Mrs. Raymond H'oaty.'in^thO'parlors'.of Hotel Chiqud bi. An'^le^hnt menu was ; served when Ih? WT'SS were l?id asld'oV Tho ? lovely;?pr?xb'was wou by. Mrs. T. 8. ; fraytoh;"' Among-the guests for the' 8?l?/2Tho?h':ilwere: .Mesdames T. h. Cely ,T; E. Howard,.Frank Todd, W. E. Atkinson, H. P. Hunter, G. B. 'Greener ?*-B.-."W. " Tsy?or, "Carrie Pat rick, Fred^'&axwell,- Carrie" McCully. V&Wi WS?t??tOS Charles F. Greene/ Jao./ti?st^tt.' FTH?U.?L. S". Horton;; f.Jf.':;?;:' M?Lou?. C/ mg .Cansoy, F. A. Carter* Thom, Harry Gelsberg, ?urlc?ton ?artbh, EdrlO Bdrton, A. ^/^rotrwbll, Frank FJ:ed. W. w. Morrison, George; Eagle, T. S. Cray-; ton; MJssa? ' "Ahole 'Cooley, JOSBIC Brown,' Margaret Evans, and Miss Breaseale.'^; ' Thanksgiving Dance. . |p?fter. weeks of-'preparation, ii ; o . '^enksgivm'g d?hcb ai' the "Elks' Heine . o a Friday evening was1, tn full accord With the w^sh?s: artd "expectations, ol those m charge ot it. Each ?fcmmi-tteo had doh'i thew work most excellently, asa,from the inomont ono entered tho ;frottt door/Until tho end af. V\o even ing you c??ld' see the splendid evi dence of tiioir work. ; . Tho handsome furnishings pt tho reception roT/???ij, nncl n nrin^ . u??! were further-enhanced .by the rich beauty of tito decorations ot autumn leave-', palms, < ferns and ;c":a*ysanthc niums.' Iri tho^dwihihg hall the yel low, color scheme was prettily car lied" Out' while 'yellow ?haded light lent a -golden glov; to the whole scene. "-;At eleven-o'clock .e. dainty Supper )yas served,'J after whlo'a thc dance was enjoyed.:nntif; a lat? hour. ., Among-those- present were: - Mr. ?hd MTS. Iv?^f. Llgou, Dr. and.Mrs.. Ci 'F.' Ross; 'Mr. and ;Mrs. J. H. Godfrey, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. M?-i hean; Mr.- and' Mrs/ K. 'P.Smith, Mr." abd Mra. A:, ?., Farmer, Mr. add .Mrs. C. 'if ?-~CuuSfey. '.Mr .. : and 'Mrs j V?i 'W. Morrison, .Mrs; ( Corrib Patrick, Mrs V, Phelps Sas.ie.on ; Misses Linda Thompson. Vl?? Patrick.. Luo.y Croea, Anna Ress -Cunningham, Louise Oilmer,-.Willie Wray.Robinson, Lorena Cummin gu, '-H?lea ; -Hunter. Louiisb Thornley, Gr?co -Spencer? . Jessie Urpwne, D?i? Wells,. Annie Earle Rn-mer, . Neild Duncan Ot Barnwell;, Slien WIlson' and Cathi llerndon of Oreen/lifo; Joaos of, Kentucky; Billy Lyon, 'Poul DlcksotwEugene: Watson, ti, M.; .Woif?j J,,: C. . fS?m?r, Keys Mimer, L. E. Cochran, Clyde Smith, Ofenn-Evans,' Ai ti. ??orton, George ffi?n?-; :W.i?f> -Marshhil.i.J. C. Gar rott,-Ralph .Wilson, Tom Maxwell. Welch, Prof. ? M.; Parka, Harry Carlton. Ben :Neai, of Atlanta; Welo. ?de ??orrl?; Arbhie Todd, Basie VAn divor, Kylo Shirley, pnf.us Fant. v:>?..;;,;.,.il;'J-v:.'u,,i.M .' Lander Clnb- Beeipr^Ity-Boy. Th'dv ladids ^ '?ccVpied the iaVl-, t?tibtf abd Jblnbd, with the members qt) t&6 Lander'-cldtt t? tiidir November ; tlit?tiliK Frldsy; ?ftei-noon at the Hotel Ctdqupts hedido hpnrs of real pleas plano , pod chsir# wero ar .the "spaciohs; hail, which ^ueautifullyradecbrated with large /dfi^hdtt?re? vases .theh'Uibs,. ute La^kdor; being gold-abd bl?e.v-Aprop?? of tao motto " far th? ..mouth.- '"Tis ^^wiisol ? tb ?talk'wich dur past jra and ask mont Whatr'repon : they . "ive borne t?saeaveh.''. .Ur. W. S. iaarrison of Clemson ?o^f**? spoke oil .''Eirly Times ia fe^th-Carolina.'^_. ^ . ^ - : Herbert Harris ton. nan jed by Mrs. ?noa rm an on the ] plano and Mr. Tribblo on tbs fbjtc. This was so beautiful and swee? that it pot just tao right spirit imo every ono prosont for enjoying to tho fullest tho delightfully interesting address of Dr. Morrison. Mrs. George Prlnco in a few welt CIIOBOU words introduced tho speaker, and just at the close of his admirable address. Mrs. J. C. Harris in behalf of tho Lander girls, thanked him for his floe words . and presented ?rim I with a beautiful bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums tied with the blue, moline. An important commltteo mee'J ?g at conference In Spartanburg denned lng Dr. Morrison's presence/! tho .literary-treat was over all too soon, however, too much can not bo ; said In . j .There'aro many things that aro bo-' lng done for Ute uplift ot humanity at tho present time brit only two -were discussed, at this meeting. NYr.-.i&j, Frank Johnson read a splendid pa pet ob "What ls Being-Done to Put Db wi'. Disease." She vim wed low all disease' Is a result of sin and. how men are now giving their'thought-,'abd very lives 'to help conquer ^disease. Miss Verina Brown suoko, of the |\'Big Brother Movement." In th.* there j -ls not a general impersonal interest in the welfare of mon, but men seek nut fallen individuals and assume I personal ovorslgkt bf ttoom,.in Other words? i < become, I'Wig brothers ', to tbemv" - Mrs.v Chamb?rs sang Impressively ;,My Task" and Dr. Whito pronounc ed the benediction. Bcllghifni Turkey Dinner. On Thanksgiving Day tho brothors ? and sisters, with their families, and a few neighbors were invited to a j ! turkey (tinner nt thc home ot Mr. and Mrs.. C. D. Chambleo., . Among t:ose proseb? were: TJOV. W. B, Hawklnb and children, M re, Barrett, Mr.yOaarlle.'Barrott, Mr. S, A. Burns, Mr.* Joe Anderson, Mrev J. N. Freeman .and"cblldron. Clyde and Wade Pepper, Mrs; Ina Hall and children, Mr. and Mrs. ft. H. Norris and children. Mrs. Mamie Kay and children, Miss Annie Chambleo, Miss Bertha Hall ot Ahdorson collego, | Misses : Ruby Gerrard and Rebecca i Shirley. v A' bountiful dinner was served by tho young ladles pr?sent, .'. . I PERSONAL : .Mr, and- Mrs. Ja?. T.- Pearson and Misses Mamie and Pet Erskin? ;';OYO. returned frbm-Atlilbta, Ga. ' -Mr., Phil: wilhlto-of .Atlanta, Ga., j will ?pend today ip thc city.. . . Hr. li, O. Everett cf Easley spent.] yesterday in -Anderson. I Id jonas>' ??'''^ lost:whtjVj et lils auto?" "From tte: Statt; . th? < cook uses H alt th-a litmo. Oftener. ' Wlfe-^-YoU kno^vTHenry, I ,spesk as ?vjtttnk^:*:: r>^Ston ;;i^bficrIpt? ' <*1 New ones opened yesterday, pr?t- . tier and lots better than you'd expect at .. '. < y vf.*' ' . $20.00 $22.50 > '.V fi i/'i'';i4\ ? * Mri {.'*.'. ? " Colors: Green, : Brown and Navy. We'll ?be ready for you. Monday and next ?week with thc kind you. want the good all leather, all style guar anteed kind. Bronze at..$0.00 Gypsy Button at.... .\ . .... ? ,$4.00 Patent Leather, Cravcnet top, White ^Piriing at_......-... $4.00 Patent Leather, Lace Cravenet top at...........$4.00 Also Misses Patent Leather and Gun Metal Button at:-.... . . $3.SO " Your size is. in stock now. ? m Wt MU m Greeting Cards designed to be used with visiting cards plates A new; arid exclusive line is now ready for W- inspection Samples will be submitted upon request J. ?*. STEVENS ENGAVING COv 47 WHITEHALL" ?1? ATLANTA, ?A. fr Vi ft? : ''i o;v.."i;haV?>:farm 7 miles out of Greenwood that has an eight room brick house, ali put.buildings, s good .V'.^wrb, two tenant houses. Building ' alone worth . $3,000,00. Tract contains 86 acres. Yon can buy this Val?;Jb?e farm for/$3?000.00. " Fifteen hundred dollars down, rest on terms. Real Estate Over Hubbard's Jewelry S?oro Is Low In Price Hut High ID Quality ',,'.. Almc-st every lov. price?'steel rango Is made with light-weight; ?tool . walls> painted" with Japan to hide tls\ defects; but not so with < tho Popular iewcl or 'Leader Jewel stove'"j ranges. In fact nlL . -TfVKM*! ' A^AAI . -.... - ..?!'? ?^yt ittus^a ti ru* made honestly, and1 /Isold o?- merit rather* than, deception. Tho, low. pries of ? Popul?ri, Jew?? Steel .liango - Jsl duO?hfc?m?llcr sI*o nn?jb nat havjAg aa many or -' namentsl parts or caat 'ogaj ,; but ? for durabfl-;; Hy,. quick, baking, foot economy, and; .'.conven*' lenee, it will Compare Vayofttbly With tim . - TT; .. . ligber-priccd.. . ranges. Tho wails aro made from heavy bute pinn ts? ?d steele double and. asbestos lined. Xf?rsts ars hand driven.. Fire-box : fe largo and.roomy and ntted'i with duplex, grate.- Top plates ar? .trussed to prevent ewtblng. Oven ia ' foll size and a perfect baker, Qm he furnished with -or without r*ser~. .voir. The blgk closet offers a roomy receptacle foi- warming disher .'Handsomely nickeled parta adorn th? oven doors, fe?d door, eieanoht i ' door, .hiah .closet and.brackets, tea shelves and guard rail; Fdr smalls J sized families, or for kitchens found in city- homes and apartments, this t .iango is especiftilv adapted, and will give tha best qt,; satlsia?tl?n. This ' - *s much bbfter; valuo then/the.bigh-prlecd rango ottered, by . catalog ^'.;qa? and learn our very low prices oh t^e?o ranges. .Th^.;wftl>