Convh Simple Inexpensive R ?med y Checks Early Tendency to Constipation, . - ' ! About thei first ththg Impressed on the young-Mother 1B the necessity fdr; regularity in her baby, which brings' up tlie question of .the most desirable laxative for children's lise. Mrs. Jesse IVchardsom Philpot, Ky^-! saya she tm:, used Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for the past year and that there 1B UO medicine in the world j like' lt iShe writes, "My little son, j William, Jr., just loved it because it j ls 80 pleasant to toke, and everybody j talks about his being such a fine! healthy boy." - ' Dr.-Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a compound ot simple laxctlvo herbs, free from 'any. opiate or narcotic drug, and is the standard remedy for constipation in thousands of homes throughout the bind. Drug stores everywhere saiL'lt, for fifty cents a, bottle. Cut a bottle of this excellent! remedy, abd have it in tho house. AI 3iet*r. Eai Whit Yon Dislike. 1 In thorough accord with the views I of certain authorities who believe, with limitations, that peoplo are bet ter off IE they eat what they like ls the following letter printed In the Christ mas issue of the Woman's Horne! Companion: "I am constrained to protest against the advice given 'mothers to oblige their children to eat food which they dislike. Most grown people have th?irl likes and. dislikes, and If .It were' 'a .punishmentito them to etil a despised i article, howfmuch more'so it i's to a chlldv'to Whom ; small troubles loom ns' tragedies! The child's distaste should not Le discussed, simply Ignor ed until he 1ms forgotten how much ?e, hated 'appertain ' article. . -There'are b m?i?'y good* and nourishing, things, that If one ls fancied disliked bow much bettor to substitute something oise, thereby avoiding .issues and fric-' tlbh, which everybbb knows are harm ful to a child's nerves and health and ' Trade at thc Anderson Cash C to ??rye yow.with, tho best ole? Fqy Br Florida Grape Fruit, each.:, Monogram Rolled Oats, 2 'boxes .ft Fresh Oysters, ta seal tina, quart.. Fresh Porkabsage,'--poundJ .*...'; ; Norway Mackey^?, 2 (pr . ?.... i Sliced' Breakfast Bacon, pound.... White; Cap; Se.lf-Rising Buckwheat Log Cabin Maple Syrup, pints 2^ liOg Cabin j^^feil?P^^i^^ vitli Y/aiilei and Batter Cake?, N'cw Prunes, i?t and waxy, 2* tb fe Home. Raised Pure Creamy Butter ?rcsh Country Eggs, dozen....... We ate gomg 48 th? bes; .. ':SWift IrSr^iniu^ xSb*e Lar?J Irish Potatoes, peck. : ... ... ? - ' ??: ??? ? '.'fl' Tho C. S. Sullivan Estate pwpi West Of Augusta, Qa., Which they h? Sullivan cannot handle; the. propel County property ia pbrt pfiyment. ?t lies within, 'soy! two'mjios, o :|S^A-.iargo cotton warehouse, qr ?3at^'?M?r?jhta property?. * Tho roads are ali - grad* coiiii?y. Tho - Augusts. South er ii I ftndbss a side track on this ?<\nd. There IB probably 3CD ?ere3 bi one . The. tenant houses are' bettor tl have seen; There are six houses, fotir robbJO. 'Tho land is sandy, v inches pf/the top. T?1B>placo \vas sold ?y tho pt . purchasers who wevo spectators, on tt:and buy it,for that? this criu?ty" with olio or two .blind .?i?Gu'g?r' &:*pay'?br/Mite'c*Sv?. ' : f-^Yoa; can.give ^ for yourself. : lt, la. Jo^guZ I?;^?y,:b'^h3fv; ?^?^^^U;r^ bli : thei-farm;. adjoining th?? They wbso mlikimc exactly10? Jo . ts.HoiUn'g-ttU flroond tb)s. at.$30. A been rented out for several yaavs A V wear ?^ pbt ;? have just mads, place* an?i? thmfclt 1$ a great h v There is stall room fo'ftfftmll Augurio. - People , ru?ning down day. 'Tiley inaho tho fdubd trip will&vb you gooa termB On tho BelTOP W JK?i?oa wu/ . w ??A?? ^r^srf^rnv ott. th?^?st?i?st.. cotton with Tory> ?ft^&np. ? . Y?u c&b t?ko it Irbm mb .tbat , j?lae?> 't?Ll?vo..; Stie me.' ? WM. J. RICHARDSON, jp. trial bottle, free of .charge, caa be ob; talned by writing to Dr.' W; B. "Ca?d-1 Well, .JiM Washington Bf, Monticello, iii. ? ... ? ? ? m disposition as well. And aa for letting | ciiild go -without his needed nour ishment till next meal. if he refuses | ono article-the injustice ot it in too apparent to need comment." ?|y.v? A-?ish Story. According to a . sworn afildavit: a. .bag full Of papers containing evidence Ot violations of ;oiir . neutrality, I tkirowa Overboard by a steamship. | captain* y??s.'; afterwards f?und in 'tho stomach ot a sharlc captured ,1)y some -Braziltann.; This ought to' suggest an Idea to .tiho. United Staten secret seh? .vice...' A few vigilant- sharks ph its idtaff might accomplish ' 'something. I -\yaiijlngloh t??r??d. i - ChiU?herh^?V.Tnb?'?ts? This is a .medicin? intended .espec ially for stomach troubles, bilious-v| 'AeoB and constipation/ It-is ineot mg> witiii much' success and.? ^rapidly gaining in favor and popular?y.v For!? salo by all dealoro. 1 ' Irocery, Co. Wei are prepared /erything to EAT. .' ' . ............. ............... ...SyC ...........--r^: ............ <>,. .,...? ?!.>'.? ...?SiSOe... ..'....Iv.-' - .'".'v. /...'.'.;'V'...v:lv?,?^ipJ> ..V....y...-.??JOO ?i package....\..i...........?8?o , i?arto.'.','.'......'...'.'I....4?(?.. nothing New," Delicious-to serve' ......m. >.r._.25 c , pound.....;..35c .,"..850 8?3f. ;. ' t patea*.Rour^d^ 0 : Ifc Tj$j??f$? ;or. .. .. ............. .$2?0O.-. ... ?:. > .. > ?;?. ?.?"(.. '?...?. .S*5ts"- ? ; ?Ii?! a farm of 70Q acres seventy." miles ?vo'p^t'in ?hr ?an?s for's?lO., Mrs". : she ; \ypuic>\ ;j??ko ; f .?ii?lqofjiown in .iWhi.c^,xthvro is .a lite a number o? prosperous stores, eral bachera' ? f-oand and clay runs through tho :d-aha aro much better than in' this, ?i?rway r^ns . through' the property1 " Tfcer? is almost* 5Q? ocr?s^c?etfr?tt. fluid ?luiost lov?t "' . tian anything. In thia county taat i Pour "bf 'ti?e?? aro*'slx"r'o'ont?,viw?' ?-Ith a geod: clay* sub-soil within.: six ?eaent owners for* ?ib.OOO.OO. .Tho J went, bioko owing abaut-?12,000.00. 1 um.?; Now thare are lo?a/o?tuen lu nd ucre3 of ;';Iond;-:.that.'. w?l? br?fff'--' SBfeSwff^jfe.'.','? .'.'.'..' farro apiece and. nttit'-nave ?hough 7.- j 1 whits* WpMo??. ?bod ^i?ir/'sbfis r^?artjcu?ritfl*.. era,', ls.' the "?btest . da?rviC?j0y?r.':Basr. Bey tf ?t tho timi? there. "taso t'; -^l??.On .an* aero,: Thia farm hat? ?sj&H ??'leji^?bajt t?ey;ebttt^?)ab|; f trigj, down #?re . Jt?. f, i$k ; ' aviSr : th? . ;aln. . .. C j onC tao/, place;? '?:F?uaj-'road ':.-to i there}'in-, a^tc?nobil?aNatmbst^svery :' \ s ??x^onr^>i^6w; if 'y?a'1 ' . A?s country.?a,a^lir^V^'?.:!*.^* LaFoy-Ay?r, " A pretty home wedding und one I around ! which centered tho love and interest ot many friends was that of | .Miss KP.te LaPoy. ?nd Mr. Frederick pbarios Ayer of Bamberg, on Wed nesday afternoon at three o'clock at j the home of Uao bride's parents, Mr. autf Mrs.. J. L. LaFoy on Roberts | street. The house had been beautifully decorated for the occasion and was j attractive with palms, ferns end cut' flowers, chrysanthemums teing used in profusion everywhere. The ?ceremony was performed by ] Dr. John E.. White, tfie only atten dants being the. two .brothers ot the! bride, John and Whither LaFoy. The pretty bride won? a handsome blue] tailored.^ ?ult, 7?if% hat and gloves. to match. 'Inirr.ediately after the cere mony tJi? you?g coqnie ieft for Bam berg, the home of the groom, where! they viii make their future homo. Mrs. Ayer ls a bright and attrac Flrst Baptist Church. ' 0:45-rTeachera'?prayer.service. ..? lOiO?V-Sabbatkll.scbool-Dr; A. L." Sraether?, .superintendent. " 11:30-Seimon by. the pastor,' John | E. White. Subject? "Th? Superior Obligations of ? Christian." 3:00--Meeting- of the Royal Ambas-1 r ad ors, ?... Nepeht yesterday" in ^d?rsojivV .' Mr," and Mr^Fronk.Kidd and Mr. Axahatr lticdiards?n ' Of Ht?ftwo^J?S?^, ^^e?^'Tii?nksgiv?hg D?yMa.' Andor ' ':?&tr>; J.--ii. Grebr/;h?s returned '/> ^u^^^.ai^ . '". ' T.Tv. -i ?r? ." 'h*Ki-.?r Wav, J. H. GibbonoyVrector. Phone! ?836?' ' ' .' Service^; ;fo?.'.the. FiT:"t : Simday in j Advent, Nbyenihor, 28th: ?:00 'til m.'i-The Hbty Eudjarist. Oti?-^Ubd^yisebboV. : . ''iiiSO^a?^m?: prayer and ser-1 rthm, . . .' ....^... : - :-. 4:30-Even;'.song .and . sermon. Mission Services: During/the '-week .beginning Monday, OVSmhST'SouiV St i^HH?Tu'?i?Ck, im:rc- j win, ho ? special service to which the p?bfld'.'iB''' t?t?st" cordially invited. Tli?sp 'evening ?brvl?es "will .be in the nature bf a' song ?S6rVieev'wlth tho sermon by tao missioner, tho Rev. .R. ; Maynard -Marshall i ; At. 10;30 in the [ mobing' beginning ,; with. Tuesday i thOre; will, bo u celebration bf "the HfdyiEucb'arls^f tne.Rev;'R. 'M. Mar-" Bhall wai be.,,tho celebrant. A f?ll occount;?C.thesb.Bery?cps will appear in this pappr. ' .. Contrqi'. P^jihyte'r??n Church, Sunday school at 10:30. . '.: . '. Morning service at 11:30; Subject of''sermon L : "Tho Tnao, Pprpp^e of j Ps .tfation." ':" '.': "." . dening service "ot 7:50. Subject of I Sermon: VGood;.from" an " Unexpected Quarter." I We cordially invite you. to atti j these services.. ,JKX(MJ BIUNCpvSpHOO?i. - *. ?:* Ohe'nmnth ct the,'school term of Irbrig : Braa'ciV. baa been ' ?u?ces?fuDy I cbnjplqted. The,barbBm*nt, ,rew?bed ?'gbtyTflve by^.the, end ,o?kjtbe mpntly, On Sye?nQsdsy before .Thanksg^vhjg; bpUd?y;tbe following '. specials pro gram was carried out: . , ;'; ^Thanksgiving' One ^Hundred years '. \ AgoM-~?tuth Wilson: "Thaoksglvl?s.JWw Gee.;:;' ... : .-. .. ' ., R^Batipn-"Tho !, Farmor"--Tbroo I email .boys. Hiram: Fagg, Jim .Bryant, \ EdgaV ?ambib.^''.'.}-'p*- ";'^v; ilecl'tatlbn~v'WaT?ing. Mr. Turkey" : fflP?>?';McConoeliT.'?''. V : '. -Story-''Cubby Bear's Thanksgiv iog^'r-^Annlo, Laura icing v "B^itatibn-^'^vust I'm Thankful Vari"i-^HowArd -McGee. ' V '"' '. Rf>jit4tibn-'^e i^??e Pilgrim ?^l4."-rMblllo;.Wilsot.; * . Becltat?ott-"A thanksgiving .Rilo o? tho Pumpkins.".-Jim '-Gassawky. ^t^^^^j^i^l Hymn" ^^^raybr ot Thanksgiving In.. Con WiLL APPEAR AT ANPERSON. COLLEGE NEXT MON? DAYNtfSHT |j| A Q?/^TETTE Metropolitan Groud Has Delight ed Audiences AU Oyo' tC?unir On next Monday night tho Metro politan Grand Quaretle -.viii appear at Anderson College, this being the second, number ot the. lyceum course. "Wherever this company has appeared ehtbuslastlc reports have been hoard. Audiences are delighted not only wirr, the quartette singing but bise with, tim solos i as well. The program will begin promptly at 8:30 o'clock. The ?''quartette' MB. composed " ol Charles L. Nelth, lyric tenor; Paul Chase, robust tenor. John Eberly, bar ?tono and Thomas "Wade Lano, basso .'.irs. Mielo Page..Lane ls.pianist. Tho' following" press notice from at Alexandria; Ind., paper Will be roat with.late rest; - The splendid, .entertainment., giver br tho 'VkiBfo wi at tho Mothodls church lase night left nothihg tb bi desired In the way ot high clasB 'en tertalnment. As to. the members ? the quartette, Mr..Nelth led tho other both; in range bf voice and power th?rb Was a ring to his tone thu sounded like: the chimes of a bel most, sensitively tuned tb muslo c 0?e spheres, a's it ,wi;fe. In his In terpretatldn of Faust be was ; ver good, ? as! that' gave him an oppoi tunlty to display his / dramatic Bins ln& power. Of the . basso, 'Mr. Thoi Wado Lane,' it caa ba said, that bo wa very pleasing,: imd 1tho deep,, rici '.ffiolItfluouB'todbs of tho profundo wei delightful to listen to; his portrays ! qf,'Mephisto, was a splendid, piece ? . lmprOvlp?d' grand opera ,wbrk '' an ;m6t Cwith tho' hearty approval of tli [audience,' 'aa' djd also his Solos.M John ?Eberly.' bart tone, has b^in baar here 'upon previous occasions, an hts singing lapt hight Oniy helped ~i strengthen ?blm with ?be musk.- lovei .of this city. Ho has a sw??ty eve voice, well. .regulated and very;' fie: Iblej bk Song of the. Sea and th? ci cor?, A Perfect Day," .were, ronden lb.1'? moat acceptable manner. . v ? AJ?DJIJItSOS.COiLEt?E ? i?fge abd enthusiastic abdten heard the -address ot Hon.: WiUH Jennings Bryan delivered in the c< lege auditorium cn Friday even ll November'l&i His subject wab ;*'T War In Europe and Its Lesson 1 by Fj3vw John E. White, D. ?t>* w was. presented to the audience President Jambs. P. Kinard. M Bryan who'was tho guest-o? tho o lege, during hie -shay in ?nderst spoke, to .the students..on Sature" morning at 'chapel, exercises on "T Meaning of Life." : ' The ? :'. JuniorPVeeh team hod tho .tollos line-up; Forwards', MiBsca 'WI BrVla, captain' and Lafayetto Ji son; jumping center, Ethtabeth. 1 ton; running center,. Emily SuHh guards,, Misses ;' F?qr|de . Pruitt ? :? INbr? ''McA!iStor;> substitutes, Bi Wnltloclt and "MSry !?k>wI?. ' Tho enli?g? fntsttained at db on Thanksgiving day President Mts. Kinard and-'family, Dr. abd 1 WbKe. and: Mister:Bruce White,, sod Mrs'.' Jj j?;'-.'iOw!ngs' and chili ondVMiss :M^..w?i|sornff. f??t tho .'ch^?iiOKejfciMis^'on^ Vt MrP?. W'j?inOT outlinedtho ;( ffl? methaovV o?fifeta4-'Intorcollej :Prob4Mtl?nr csWt?ht?on. M : T?:* apeppd^umber -of tho Iy< cw.raes^wJ[U.bcilv?n on uext'Mo L-H?v,fabd MT?, p. W. Dodg? the guests : of Mira Stranath?h at ner ort -Friday. '?' Mrs. Me;i : Duggan ,of Clayton,] ^ep|b'Wft^kf night lit the college guest of Miss Abbott. 0,-- . ; , j,-,:,; ? -y^M-Xr,' ;- - , ??" ', Row to Prevo?t Crcnp. y lt -may, bs a surprise toyOp^to. Ith?L fa' biAny eise?, croup jMm^b? Ohio, vUlam "her - ??pW^f??f ?? ?gan^S^^ i would g?v? him; ona or : two doa I otb ye cough medicino i because t*?4h take lt hpi?hbg?y, end it ls [and rsuabHtfiv;Sold by ?41 dealt . Z^J,Yt+ :r...'-.... .3.: ii ?? .!*i...i;>./J,V., (??:. - j. : = ' .. jvr?v^>v>ryj|3VKtVy.?vyo.?r Millinery toady!' Pretty trimmed Hats that you'll find smart ..and^ecoming and the little price mak6 '.them all the more interesting. i - ?m m ? ? m Y a SI . Opened Wednesday a dozen in a va riety,, of pretty styles and . materials at ; Your.tradc . Your confidence Tour good will' . .. .The best coal A feaspjnajb?? jprite ; 'A prompt delivery ai THE POFULAR JEWEL STEEL " wtigfe--:1;!1"1 ."iKf;? ju,,.:r~ I? Low tn Price Hut ' High in'jQ^aJl^^ ' Almb?;; every iow prloeip'. Bttel range is outi^with*1Ight-wbiglit' , ?toot. ; walla, ..'painted'' with. Japan to hide ita deT?efp^?t not no with * th? Pppnt?r' Jewel or | "Mi?dsr"'' Jewell'-stove''' ranges.. In. fact a?,i. 'J?^ei ,*te?l;,rattge8 ; arer* mado ^'honVstlyV ', and T bold i ott: yt?er?.' ^rathcir : than deception. Tho ; J!$?k$ir#frc* * (Popula* ?Jswe]:/8teel : V?|?.:.,i 1?? ! *' duo. to'sjfnffll?r Upa sxi jjga; tor darefoU-,.1, ity. quick baking, fuer * economy, and /?onvajt? iftfteoi it witt .-compara -s . favorably .., withthe ,..| ' "''r- . . .' '. ,?!*H?r-prlcod.'-rangofc ? mad? from, heavy bluf planished sb^l^lttub^1?fctf a3b?at?ir; ral?n^v^^iPY^^f out ws?tv " - .y ,rfor-' waiinlnjp.? .????.j adorn 'tbs' ovendoorM^?^ pnflBMHHaWHHHHHSHHL