ANDERSON PEOPLE! ATTENDED CHURCH UNION SERVICES AT CEN TR AL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH YESTERDAY RESOLUTIONS Drafted By Dra. White and Frazer Adopted By Rising Vote After Sermon. Tho union Thanksgiving services at Central Presbyterian cliurcli held yes terday morning at IO o'clock wero well attended, tho churtli boiug crowded. Th sorv?cc? wer? begun by a prayer Of/?red by Dr. W. H. Frazer, pastor ot tho First Presbyterian church. Aftor this prayer, Mr. C. B. Karie rend President Wildon's ThankBgiv in,T proclamation, which was followed by .\lr. J. L. Sherard reading tho proclamation of Governor .Manning. Tho jennon was preatued by Dr. John ES, White, paator of tao First Baptist church, his text being, "Dless cd arc tao meek, ?or they shall in herit tho earth." Matthew V-5. When Dr. Waite had finished tho sermon tho following r?solutions were read by Dr. Frazer, which had boen drafted by iho ministerial union, fol lowing .upon Mr. liryan's lecturo last Friday evening. Tho resolutions were adopted by a rising vote. Dr. F. Dlvver expressing a dissenting vole in a short talk. Aftor the reso lutions were adopted, tho benediction was pronouued by Dr. J. M, Gar rison, pastor of tho Associate Re formed 'Presbyterian church. Tile resolutions follow: As Christian citizens assembled un der tho 'proclamations of the president uf tho United. States of . America and tho governor of Soull 1 Curolna and representing tho Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Christian, and Associate Reformed Presbyterian denominations of Anderson, wo desire to give ex pression to our conscience in the fol lowing resolution: First. That on this day of national thanksgiving wo earnestly avow our faith ot tho Lord Jesus Christ and our obligation to seek His guidance and oboy His spirit in all things. We bc llevo that his, 1B the primary impulse and point of view for Christians In all tho relations of thoir HvifS, even as Ho has commanded "Seek yo first tho klngdcot of God," and oven as Ho taught us to pray, "Thy king dom w?io and Thy will be done on earth as lt la; In heaven." Second'. That we are confident lu the conviction t/.ut tho spirit, precept and example of Jesus Christ, re quires tho Christians of this country to pray aud work for "Peaco on earth and good will among men." and thorcforo to stand as Christian cJU zoas for those policies cl government which make'for "peaco on earth aud good will among men," and against those policies of government wfctdch make for enmities and the spirit ot war among men, especially among our selves' aud the mon ot our own coun try Third. That, therefore we pr o te ot against the.natlon-wtde. propagando now being organized, aud powerfully carried on to stampede tho people with alarms, designedly agitated lo create publie fear and resentment to ,wrad other people who need our ' ; . . friendship. In ordor to launch Hals nation immediately upon a vast mili tary course, from which, if once'be gun there can be no turning back. Fourth. That wo contemplate with shame and dread tho forfeiture of the Christian Ideal of this nation Involved in '.l 'a success of a propaganda of Jingoism. It means necessarily thc abandonment of the noble x-ositlon our country ossuniei only fifteen mouths ago, of mediation and brotherhood toward tho war bi Europe, and ' lb-', stead ot (reducing will stimulate abd encourage:mtlltarlam among tho na tions which aro already cursed so hideously. It v iii mean the addition of. iAroorlca to tho worlds catumliy and tho subtraction of America from Hie worlds hope. It means, we believe, ? monstrous waste of wealth which could be turned to good Inetoad of evil. It moans tho lncreaso-of ?taxation upou eveiy citizen. It means .military repression .for labor, military exaction for 'capt-. V;1 tal, and military burdens .for all . And lt means tho organization and endowment of an activo military caste in this country. . Wo cannot bollevp Our people will rilow themselves ivu into thia sudden shift ot our nation's attitude toward the world and tho reversal'of the es tuu?rah?d non-military policy of tko vopubllc which has. so distinguished :"? America aittonw the . nations of the earth. We cannov hi?llevo our Chris tianity will thus ) cVivUpIo up as eas ily a? ; European ChiNstlanlty did at jzo d?onand ot, ,the w*> lords. Fifth. Tbsrefore witb "?trong con virti??' and resoluto convince wo wish to rOcoW and publish to our representatives in congress pur pro ?s^ ; against anything .more tbpn the - "normal increase Oyo* and ?boye the V : pr?sent appropriation for army and : navy which provides already tor larger ... increases over former yeara^and par ', ticu'iarly to protest against ' the fa bulous apprbpristlon ot flv Ballast company owns 800 acres of land around Knoxville and on parts of this land they:are demonstrating the advantages ot limo ac a commer cial fertilizer. Mr/ Smith . further stated that this company baa a .000 ?plant and that 800 people were employed ia it. ! Bo Kl aw rind Erlanger'a Pro duction of *^e/IVai? of the Lonesome Pine," Bec* 1?. ? ? ?'3'i . "Tho next ebbw that T have booked at tho Anderson will' bo "Tho Tf?il of the Lonos?mo Pine," avith Ely O'Connor, ' KU;w and Eriangor'e fam ous success from tho novel by Eugene Walters. TMs attraction will appear on December 10. In tho' meantime, I hope to bb able to socoro one br twp oiher chows, but thia may bo int possiblo." I believe this show will draw a largo attendance in Anderson," ?tated Mr. Trowbridge. 'When asked about his attractions, fer OhrlBttnab week,, Mr. Trowbridge stated? that ho was* trying to get "Mil lion Dollar Doll." for Christmas Day. This is a musical comedy and lt ls said that they carry a Well trained aa well aa a large-cfivorus. .-, - . ,- ;. Key. J, TiV MannV?pi>o|*tmenl8., Rev. J. T. rMann will 'ptench at I^Sfmt? ; Creek church : - n?At/tAmm ?morning ii o'clock. All members , are ' Urged tb attend I as tito church will probably oall a pastor on that day. At 2:30 'j&9?fc?* on same day Mr. Mann will preach ?ai Eureka. . :'\ ; ?? ;\Preaching at J?onatotn Creek.: Rev. John. B. Whit?, D. D , pas ot ; tbb JFlrat Baptistchurch preach at Sfountain Creek Sunday MrnhaiLat;ai3&.. -The oublia is . Invited to this service. ^ .BL tex Her you busi day bari Rea ??xGI ? fh-T? We are just in receipt i from a concern that fail in New York, so we ar fortune. Read these S] possibilities here for yo Just received from our New Y< to $18.00 the world over, to cl lot. . . . . . . . . . . 39 Mens pure all wool thro through, other stores ask $1 $20.00, our price for Sature Monday. 20 doz. Mens Worsted an meres pants worth $1.25 Satin Monday. 6 doz. mens all wool worst in all colors and stripes worth \ $3.50 for Saturday and Monda 49 pair Mens all wool blue st brown striped trousers, worl S3.00 to $5.00 for Saturday a day. 40 doz. mens heavy derb; shirts and drawers worth 5oc day and Monday 38c each, 2 f 5 doz. Mens heavy all woo shirt worth St.50 the world c Saturday and Monday. 20 doz. Mens extra heavy flannel drawers worth 50c fo day and Monday?. 47 Mens suits in pencil stripi wool Cassimeres, drummer's no two alike, worth ?10.00 tc Saturday and Monday. Mens working Shirts, worth Saturday and Monday... I*.. 39 Boys All Wool Knick Suits, sizes 3 to 8, worth gij'|? day and Monday. 29 Boys all. wool Norfolk S bargains at $3.50, Saturday a day. ? 29 Boys- all- wool Blue Ser; sizes 10 to 18, the world ove Saturday and Monday ...... 19' Mens extra hei;vy" rr coats in 'all stripes and color: ask .$7;50 our price for Satur Monday. 17 Boys heavy mackinaw cc 12 to 17, worth $5.00 Satur Monday ; . 26 Boys heavy overcoats worth up to $5.00 Saturday a day. 49 Mens heavy black rai overcoats worth $10.00 for : and Monday.. FOOD SUBSTITI'TISS hGermeo Scientist? find Sn ?rn j- tn (Tel. ' '. lulof d .Wwte:*]. Frankfort. Germany, Nov. 25.-In thoaearch-for. food substitutes scien tists Iha'vo discovered; that the wai.?sse of celluloid factories t?rbugkont Oar- ! many contains spine : S0t),0|)0 tons s ot organ lo substancei Vitii from 10 tty. 12 per cent of sugar. * Tho relatively "high cost of extract ing this sugary sub?taneo has hereto fore stordib tho way oz making uso of tho wastage. Now that prices have soared; upwards, however/ a serious effort is being made to preserve j it, .even- >xt considerable^expense, and use it In feeding faa civil population of tho empire. ' ' .. ;. iM^^^^ggBm Tho wastage also contains a high porcentcgo of lune,'' which howeyer has to be removed . frot? the sugar, at considerablo c?stv.-''Tne* proposal to make uso of tho wastage IISB thc ad ditional advantage tfhiat'German rivers into: which lt nt present flows," will bs the; deader for tho .process. ' Th?y wei? each about seven years ibid. *I dream about my, girl,", said ibo first boy boastfully. . ??D?iymV' Queried, the second boy fOnvtensryr/'' ! "Ye*;? continued, tho first wttfj.eon-1 lacios superiority, "I killed.:' tvcol jTonerTab^?r ber last night, "-Pnbb. J Make Your I gpeeial Schoc e, you can teach your doi have not been trading he ?ness on a small margin o s of Special Bargains-Ex jains-the kind that reali omorrow and Mon d every article, check off ity on good, dependable, : S CLOTHING of a Big shipment of cloth ed in business, by our res e giving you the benefit < pecials. There are Big M< u. ark buyers about 300 Suits that ai ose out quick, any suit in the ugh and 5.00 to Ia}' and . .$9.98 d Cassi day and _69c ed pants S2.00 to y.$l.98 :rge also ih from nd Mon . .$2.98 .. --l-l_i y uuucu Satur or..75c 1 flannel >ver, for _97c ' cotton >r Satur _24c 2 and all samples, I $15.00 . .$7.98 Soc, for -35c erbocker 0, Satur . .. 97c >uits, big nd Mon . .$1.97 ge Suits, r $5.00, . .$3.97 lackinaw >, others dav and . . $4.89 >ats sizes day and ..$3.85 ali sizes nd Mon . .$1.98 n proof Saturday . .$4.98 88 Mens all wool Stra worth $10.00 to Sl5.0( and Monday :. 85 Mens Blue Sergi stores ask $7.50, for Monday. M?n's and Boys fine worthi'the world over 5 Sa&rday and Monday Mens heavy fleeced lir 33c. garment, or two fe Mens Ha "Lesser's Specials" A hat in all this seasons sha A good vallie ut regular Saturday and Monday a Shoe; ' We sell more shoes 1 one 'Store in Anderson, an expert shoe man to b and fit and sell shoes. 1 shoe customers the very ues for' their money 1 money can buy. Bril troubles to us. We're pi care of them to your ent We have the prettiesl Sunday Shoes in Anden them in all leathers, all and fahev white tnt $1.98 io. A big line of mens . Sunday Shoes from $i. i lot Childrens all sizes $ to 11, wortl pric? ............ 1 lot Misses absolute patent kids and gun n to 2,'worth $2.50, this ' 1 lot. Childrens Mutt : gun metal and kid, woi sale .'..... Jab . .??*: . AtfSTKlAN ?&p CjROBs'' Fitting Out Relief BodJev for Balkan ' Service. ! - ? . Vienna, Nor. 25.-^A? the renueat of the. Bulgarian ?ovornment. and thu queen of Bulgaria, the Austrian Red Gross is flt ting out two volunteer re lief end medical belfas i'or service In the Balkans. The one will take charge of tho new' h os pi tai wi ia SOO'bods "that' has Milan, Nov. 25.-A. new? dispatch ira? Syracuse saya it. la learned V :et the machiner? ; of interned . German vessels ii? - feeing- tampered with and essential parts being removed ahdj hidden. In one caro important partir wer? found In secret compartmoat^ constructed . for that purpose. It Wes deoid.ed to it***, apart ail t?V;m?c??r:'?} cry in ?se vassals ticing used\t? guard against tho possibility ot ex'ploslyetf i being hi?t?en herein. Q??sa Xir? Wo?diug om. Honolulu, Nov, ?5.-Liliuokalani, tho surviving ruler of Hawaii:?; day* of royally, bea forwarded as hoi? ww?: dtns gi? to Mrs. Norman" q??C.tho fl?nco? of President woodrow ;\?il*OJj a . chiffon.'?.se1aif'. of .peculiar ' tentar* and design. Tho ?car?, which Was eon t in tho name b? Cbb "dabghtora ot, Bowalli 4s a rare exanxple of ancient Hawaltj.iV; .weaving. -.--; A B?s .Orden Old Lady-Would you 4iUOt' pf til?ui ?li?MB? -^OU i v?pat??O">'ih^.hi?Sr? 1 of tho ro?m, with? Druggist-A : thermometer, you mean ? v .ow X??y-rx?*,y.a?^-i^^.^r^^r. tuaW. what th? doctor ?at? to, keegri the room. ?, .^'Phil?d>Iphla Kooord c 1 ??Ti Cents andlV?o?xday cents than they have had mdays-^spec?ally. We Saturdays and Mondays J ised bargains only but r ii you-we will save you 1 .y member of the family. r-TO-WEAR DI id more Ready-to-Wear ,tt Df this store. Why? Sty tomorrow and Monday w h a Special price that de vife, sister or daughter her ice you'll be glad to pay. $30.00 Coat Suits m ?matched Suits offered Wednesday a were mis-matched by the manured hat yoii would not notice it; other the coat alone is Well worth what * Gabardines and Serges, ia Green, where at $27.50 and $30.00, here ley go at.. . . . . ; . . 5 in Silk and fancy trim ue, special for Saturday ;. k ......6Sc fui Waists in all colors unes, special for Satur y ..-..-$2.48 Sweaters in . all styles ll special prices front ............. .$3,50 weaters in all styles-" arid yles, regular $5.00 val Saturd?y and Mon ...$3.48 howing of new and sty 3.98, $4.98 and: $7.98 Suits $4.98, $6.98 and e. Suits at $9.98 being d ir.?de tip in tile very I? materials. y House Dresses, made 5 values, for Saturday ..-" . .... ..? ?... . ? . .. ... . ? ? .w... ? Dresses, all. newest in plaid and plain Taf 30 tp . ...... .$25.00 Russian. Blouse, i F?rd," newest snides and ma .00 to ...... .$25.00 ?pl Skirts in beautiful patternr, test styles from $1.00 . . $5.98 ? We ha made of up in eve from ,f>2.{ We ha $35.00 s trimmed, Monday ; i A r rr in all rl " - ---'?i lay. from Cr?? buyer .in Crepe dc style and go Saturd One lo ones, at* ; S worth 12 terns, for 2,50'Q.' worth 12 day yard 1,500 n?l wortl yard .. ^ A big in al! coh urdfiy ant Bru?-?e 27x54 in Saturday This New York y?ung .v?omao>r Eu genia 'JKelly, who. has,'B&? thxi gossipy town by."too ears, had various; fights, lierai and otherwise, WlV^ho"f ni^*her?; scattered'.great -wads, of eeadi'around aa tho fitted In -and out of the trot* torlea..abd; vdr?nt?Hos'of,tho " "ti?tya ; filled columnsabdcolunias of \ ?io newspapers!,, part .of tbeiU with cobbi* huilons. to.'? irahnlng 'fftbate: on the query,4,Is\ it} Necessary for a. Really Nice Girl tb Drink Liquor?? ?nd tinni ly has boon manied, by a 'Mormon preacher, tb a newly divorced rounder 3^fflpys? she hopes sha may bo. . per mitted to drop into oMiv'.on. Ttiat mokes' two. of us that feel that way aboutit/ Eugenia. -Greensboro N>ws.i - $atatr?Ma. ' ?Forty thousand ?^ovth <^-xolinV j ?armors novo Joined to:1 a pr?to?t " ?st ?t?d?tipnaT:;p^ ^rmb*j? .?ommnnities . geiter look at tb* matter .In somewhat " wearne way. Iv? the industrial cotu-' gj?n?im)eH that ?re' particularly inter ested, la preparedness. . Tae farcipr f?eVs jtbat war. can never teach; hini.~ Augusta Chronicle.. . How ile Escaped. i Payton-rifJrTow hero you escaped j r^w^?j?^^j^iij^jbgn for" bijhne'rl* t big APARTMENT lis season than ever in le, Make, Service and ? have marked every iles all competition, e; we've got what they t $8.50 l $12.50 we now have five hirer. Some are so slightly s are not co- well matched, ve' ask for the sait. They and Brown. These suits :^^V;:.$8'.S0 Sport Coats ve a big line of'Sport Coats, Corduroy, Plaids, etc.,- made ry new style at prices ranging ?8 to v ........_$7.50 Ladies Coats ve 3 fine Velvet Coats, worth md $30.00. Fur and Braid to clean up Saturday and at . _... .$17.98 Childrens Coats #1 of Childrens Coats, made 'hie-season's styles and fabrics i-rice's for Saturday and Mon 98c to . . . .... . .$2.98 i& de Chine Waists - ' ;C?""v'c*u ifpih o';" rscW York, cxn-"<-r i of beautiful Chine Waists in every new color, regular1 S3.5Q values to ay.and Monday at ... .$1.98 t of Ladies Rain Coats, Good S 1.98' to ... . . .. . ...$?.98 yards, fine French 'u???hams, i 1-2, all new, beautiful pat tin's sale .'.. .'. .8.1-3c yards Brogon Jack and Jill 1-2C for Saturday and Mon .9c yards 30 in heavy cotton, flan l loc Saturday i and Monday, . ;....'?:....... i;;.;. ; .7c Bindow SJir adfeo lot bf Linen Window Shades, jrs. Regular 35c shades, S?t liMonday at Special.$.. .24c ls rugs, in beautiful patterns, ches, Regular S-.So values, and. Monday lat ..... .$1.89 neart in K.'jM Place. Congressman ; Claudr Kitchin/s hear| is?& tho right place. He would servo tho people' hy serving them frein militarism ana thc heavy cost it would entail. He err?, however, lu think ing that our nation will ever lose her head and going to extremes tn mili tary; Preparations llke'.Oeroany. T?e: voters;of America ara yet nano; at the same: time ^majority of thenr SB'S that discretion sl\ould;teach us to pre par? Ouiselvea against a Var that could patroy more pronerty in $ae Bh?rt. year than .the billions'we h?ve ..FPOPiriatea in a cont-jry. for tho army and, navy, could cover/.-Alber marle Sktterprise. * Hubs-?od 8teas ?Em. "Did I understand yob' tb say that 3Sr f Twpblrte^i; fi.; great help,to sirs'; Twobble in her xnifel caVeerf^ ^'Oi yeo.!' snot Wa sKoMfeottfubi'v ?Mv yeci!.. friend? Ott* G? dnbs; _ Age Herald 2My in Asother; ?ftBuit to: tJne?e Sam., *The ^?^Wn^'???er Armeniany4fi? torpedoed and ;sunk on June ?8 br / ? Gorman submArlhf.The vessel WAS carrying vi^u : a*m>s, which solAWSS signed tor: the port o? Av'a? TO?OUVV-. A large. number ;ef the the tendon Shtphnt;^8 at)d ^ plug Reserd?