??HMM TO OBIT JU ^m??^m Oiie H?nd? atTni? Sa??. Tei Payments Maji FIXTURES, HORSES ??jT . GET liEEE; AS EA11LX AS POSSIBE tm ON'T??E* BEST PIATKt GOOD NEWS TO ???NO ..-; Thia. ScnHaUonnl'Sale-?liooid Senti Thc Bargains ?v?EBeiorc-Why Wal Pianos and Organs Sell SALE STARTET) Planos and'Organs Hoing East-Mone; ' i- -Tlien E?grci Opeh Until Eight O'clocl i . ?*?_ , ? RB ' ? ? ? ??? All 'Plano and Organ pnces liavo gone to smash, tolls tho story of tho 'roost ; sqiicntlonai Plano and : Organ aale over held hi South Carolina, a aale mr.iio necessary on account ot deciding to quit tho Piano and Organ ; -business,, and ci cr. ey thing in tbe ,Bhort?3t possible time. ; It will pay i people to como many 'mBesvfo^?ot one of these floe Pianos. The entiro stock must bo cloBOd out in tho next govern or eight days,- and tho, way to.do. lt -Uv to shut your eyes :.to all loss pl" Profit, and-let tho; good people noedlng good blanoB' and Or gaUB, copie right in and take them at tho sacrifice prices on practically their own terms. V'E?w Sample Bargains,. Jost lb give yon a faint Idea ' wc TV ill gire below a few sample bargains . . good, s?rY?c?ab?e upright Piano? that liuvo kern traded in ob nov. Planost.;. ? ?200 Black Case, only.; CS $250 Illack. Case, large 'steo.....?$ 7? ??'-lfni^^;v.^v^.V.' . i .'. 'mn "Warde, good condition..... .$11$ 9350 Smith'' & Barnes, iii tlc used. ..?510? ^385 Elbiball, shop worn.. .$22' We expect to make, ity? t'Quit Busi \ noss" OB)O _ the niost ',m?morable:: * it .' tho. Id8t?r}*rjrf.piabp.:a?d Organ ^sell i . ?lng in ? this--country, .numun-abio 'nb ettBh and Hi to 112* ? month tor other pay ments to suit. - --' ? ? .. , * -. j; .'.Tho "ercetest carnival "of bargains and; the >Iggest fr?st for Piano etnd,? Organ .buy ord during tho bal anco, of this wee; The "lld ls oft" at pur Btoro, BO come right in,.and help your selves); -tye will - make -eveirytbmg- sat 1 nf a,: tory. " NO reasonable terms from dcbt-pnyian people will be refused. Sr?tihro Pianosand Used Organs."/ V^f?nty of Square.poop's and j used Organs jaitablo for hppie, chapel/, or lodge that-oah'be^Wugh't-now f?i;$8, |12, $16, 919 up-.to $35. " Now Organa and'shopworn Organs' that , nsuJ?ly cell for 176, $90, $100 to $115, to go.?at; thia sato ?or $32, $38, $4^ and a jlttle higher -fox-some jot . the. - beat. jot^B.. Payments IS to $6" cash and $3 toV$4i c..month. , ... ... .. .', Tho Anderson-babers dp' clrculdto, our- adVerUscmehtSi'dro being rdhd. tho ; pis opie aro.; corning. ',! We ?Sre: Bjsliing Pinaos and Organs by letter; telegraph and long distance t?l?phone. o??%\ tho stock la going ot a Uvcly raici Be suro to get boro if you want' CoilestlPissa&?rgasCo. Jil South Main Street - "cv^r- - ~-:--?- ==M . . v ' vv-^. . ? '..-'. . ' . .v,-:^. .. ;M ?T THE BUO^^ ? 11^1 .^tisft?il?i' -' lieiy./ ? ; .J^M If you v/artt the- best vaiue for " m ?? ? y^drihi?ri?y buy the PiJLtMA#?; , Wk--.- Bja??iva? Hardware . ".' .} -? ?-' '?- -?-? ? -? - ? . H"' '- ? Vi' 'ii i .-ii : r ? r i? ii'ni in 111 tn ?i MII lipiii 111 i ji ?MTrwimi II^MII?L?; lrt^.i;i?l.?i^??^?*iii?i ?WI-^fc.ii in Li?.'. r , .'M liiiiSj'i -AiiVifi? ? i*wJ^n?mn*rm*Lm^mJiiiiii?mtr?rimf?^'-mrr ?. w.*y-> ? .*>"'??'?;'..- - .- - ^ ????TOI* rrm. . .X^V^^-^iir^?'.^-'.'? ,\.^>.J?S,*'7l'. ' '?' * " ' '..'- ' );:^on?eVu,$, looms large In the controversy ashler,.: Is being, hm?tly !wo^ca tnlChi?S^yjpr, the ?nonarchlal plan.- -Presldent^uan .^fckal ?nd. his suippbrteriuara'' c6a- : .stantlj? erupting tho- ancient ^ngev Ads; vocales of-the; republic -aro *jsb'. qk? lng Conscious freely,-"end;urg?~i? ttia* the Change to monarchy, wpuldi bo a violation- of- a .Confuclo4dav:oath;. and1 cou'seiiuemly .'.'would discredit; .. tho toachlnga ol-the great moral leader lu'tho cy?a bf tho world. ' ' plauB ate.'now hi. preparation / by, gbTOTnmerit- oniclata for the ?rection' Of a great bronze statue cf Conf ucious in Peking. . At present ibo ancient Rogo la vj^epreannteifl in i-Jhe various templos. only by pictorial ".In? :go3 br sacred tablets. These dc not creato . the vivlfl 'impression . of tho great i teacher Which the Chinese officials dc i^sirs, cui^ t':o Hi?yc-?iwni. ?s under, way -to place bronco sta-Lucs of him in I Gos lucian temples throughout tho re public. . ..','? Mandates have recently been issued; .by President Yuan Shl-kai strengfth enlng the position of . Confiuclous* tcac hi n g? i n ''Chta.ass^mV is re-absorXed?ridto fth blood. ; When this poison roaches 4h d?licate brain, t?alst^^e?ttr?a cohge?! tion and that dull, throbbing, sicken lng headache. . .., ./?etocarM?:^ -food, and iou i gates; taho tho exc?s bfl'a from' tho 'tiver,' ano! carrie -out* al tbs constipated waste, tna?&r V- an poisonc Jn tn* ?huir?is. ?fryVm&f?t? tonight will flurei . straighten you oat ty. rmornlagl T?t^ werk-^nHeOy^^ *^:foW/??fctl -'?^^?P?fvjfii? eomplc?fionv .rosy^^^Md 'yin^r- liver an [ons ?:^ W^m??? : marc?iiai Rule piro' dcW it belong, to disturb tho established religious 'brid' social, hvi ??tutl?n'%, ^t?^ntroduco^new ?orms: qt gov'or?fnent,-'t0i'>h?ang?'thestorm and b??' ot?ati?'?&k& *?iB. services ns mlntator q? "?rhiM jfr? .reviewed., and the marvolloun abolition of crime un dor his dlrpc^O? ^ !#jmi fluebepa/i?;; b t?Bohejr^n; tho later years vof bfi/Jlfo when gathered th^^ thodsab* dlaclplea around him i? ntrcBHOd, and -eadors aro.cohatant }y '? reminded, bi th? enduring fame of this teacher whq had *he proper ??oa?s ot "grf'?ram^t;-: r . ?' Br^sh Cruiser Aground. , p.'l>>ndoq, ' Oct. eS.-The -'British i crolswr Ar{t;T?. ia ^b?a?i?ndv. off -, ;?;? the ;'ffts$coast of Sqq?at?. . Tho admlr . t?tr announced that-ahoi,w^,;drfv?? ?ahbr? on accb??t of T>ad weather. mmifrftd that ?ho to a *ot?l wreck. ??.Tha.bffleera an;.*jS^^!^?&y?d. . ; : / - , ;... i???. ?cf?sto vaWct .. London, Oct? ?i8,-An '^xcl^iij;c Telegxaph AOiona d.tapatch- aayavVan unconffrrnbd v?port haa iieeh receded h&lxthat '??pf Ttibb'* Serb juna v '"-in U\fr~f?train?tb? refrwi tho Praucli bccb^lad Tjrtoli. That's what every Anderson woman is looking for when sh^comes to Greenville.to buy the^ suit, coat, or dress she is unable to find in her li onie town, We pride ourselves on HOME^ MERCHANDISE AT MODERATE PRICES.. Not only are you sure of getting the. inost up- ' to-date styles and dependable qualities, but you uire Equally sure of obtaining, at/the outset thc lowest price that anybody can get* ONlriI .PRICE TO ALL and that the lowest consis- r tent with good quality is our invariable rule. We solicit your patronage. ' Suitsat $16.50 , , , Suits at $25.00: At this low price we are showing some Starting ?at. this price you ni?y select the very'st^|ish. i)ri^dels.1n; serge, either plain- ^^andsomest suits in Our very complete stock, tailored .or ?ur-tflrnrn?d. In cut, trimming ur?docloth,, velvet, gabardine.and needje^' and1 linings they exceptionally desirable. .,'.cloth,; in all the ?newest winter shades, beau> Dfessv enough for Church, theatre, etc. t?fully trimmed in fur, embroidery* braid practidal ' enough for ievery-day * weat. - -and buttons offer Wide choice. STUNNING OTHER SMART MODELS at ?18.50, $10, \ MODELS at $27.50, ^30, ^2.50, S^S and . and ?22;50. : . : ! . . .; J' up to $65. // . OUR DRESSES BEAR THE NEW YORK STAMP Winter dresses" by the score are here waiting to be chosen. Neat serges, many of them combined with plaid taffeta ; smart combinat jon frocks in charmeuse:, taffeta* chiffon and velvet; dainty evening gowns-Ingall the'? newest diaphanous fabrics-~e\vry taste, and pocketbook c?n be accomodated. ' PRICES BEGIN at ?5.98 with splendid values at $15 and $25.00. . \ I1, ,|r" j Distinctive Hats Winter Dress<*b?ds I Do you want ta hat with the "metr?poli- \ '.Our ;line of .winter Silks and Dressgoods ? :?>y V tan look?" -We h?ve it,and ther pricers ' includes everyfabric known to currentfash- g not to? hi^h,' 'Stunning creations from: lon. Serges, broadcloths, ^taffetas;,'satjns fl.v;: New. VorVs'moat ex^usly^'mlttln^'^},,^^ ;' .i(.a?dr^e]|vets. iri the newest winter colorings B x and$15v Good-looking .models' as> low as.., Offer al bewildering .choice?.pj5ces?begin??s 'fl, ^$5.00.'' ;^n?^t?s:mfsfaSpeclaity,^-^ ')ow:as Soc the yard.:''.;;^ : \. ; :.- j Personal Appearance ?imt?. '?'"'". thom count for Vho bthbr 70' pbtntk?v Hosfllau? Hwniwai^i vYhrna~ ^eiSaS' girls who deBire to bo ste- But .the glrH dio figuring proficient \\ pome, Oct. 28.-A H?chdrost di^ rrgraphors and" draw a salary from in atv those" and" yet failing to gat bri. patch to tho Stei^ml nff^? ogoncy fHod ' FiS state aro wondering if they tno ?iigibio* ll^t-" hecadse! they are yesterday saya tho Russian ileet had !> hc?ld take a cooroo with a beauty dowdy, because;'-:their- :?^alr, la not arrived off the ; Bulgarian coast and loctar before taking tho civil ?or- done ih, tho: latest ptylo,. because a .began a bombardment of Vamai Con ice examination.1 ' Tho- rules'.'ot*the t?0?:'ls .run-.iby??,^?t!-;tlti,v6eel,-. qr bo-? sidorablo damage waa done the,,town, i?tnmiaaion aa announced abo* that cause they aro. iob; ?freckled. H. started .at;four.-,.a..;.;tfce. mornhi? , ?orsonal appearance abd "'demeanor ?- ? "J'.nf '#^?," 1 continuing tm ll o'clock. . .. r?hrit?nt: bf pro /pelling and ' penmanship between a bathtub. . '*; ) . ' ; i ' . frftnd thought-Vanvonargues.' . ?'. \ ^^^^^^^^^ -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^'k^. '.:l^iiH6tife a SpsQflf?if t?f-lsd: Salis -M?ss of; Wa??r iefere' mm Ss Stl???u?ate"m?M mmM^'d '- tTr?c adel fc-t??&:^?tc? HO^^?^y^'M^l ?)tca?cfust?ifdr ,? few ??jr? '??^.r?^^|^??$^?iiari??wtt?^.:V"-<" ibecomo overworked, get Bltiflfrish, riche, and feel tlicn ?icttfitso. Thlo ?araoua aAlis is xu?do ?rora' ,, ; Uk? ?aih??S bf ?cail. ^'lie urmo becomes cloudy, ; the acid {fr?t??s and fet???v?u?ce, colaibi?eii tfcb^lstldeH* ^ AV UH iithift, ?nc!d3 off t?to b?dy's %w3?ouS priste or yoiTlI l>? ? ^a? in qr?n?, ?a it faoloiag?.? .^^wi^V?^^tsiti?ii* rick person shortly. At first you fed erlitt, thug ending; b^o^ twOenesa. tnlsery iii tba ^a?o^uey;^t?KibJ?v :you suffbssr.irom .? . ^^rb troi?blc,, ? ; . ,i' ^ e