Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always ^Bought, and which has boen la use for over SO years, has borne the Signatare of .yriff ,*tf* " *Bd luw made under his per fil *j?W#-+~jF,. ?onal supervision since ita infancy. \>tT?^ \ VVT^r*-.. 'Allow no ono to deceive you in tLIs. AU Counterfeits, Imitations and *? Just-os-good *.* are but EXIM riuiontH thut trifle with and endanger ?io health of lu?an ts and Children-Experience against Experiment, What ls CASTORIA ?astoria ia a harmless substitute for Cantor ??L pare goric, Drops and t?ootiiiug Syrups. It ht pie ? jant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotio eubstanco. Its ago is ita guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years It Oas been in constant uso for tho rc"ef of Constipation, Flatulency, V/Ind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach and Bowels. asHlniilates tho Food, giving healthy and natural sleep! Th? Children's Panacea-Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of < In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought "Spiritual Dimensions Set For Life Insurance" President E. W. Randall, of the American Life Convention, in a speech be fore that Body, said in part: Life Insurance educates children; Ufo insurance protects thc family; life insurance cultivates the hahit of thrift; life insurance makes provision for thc inevitably rainy day; life insurance pays debts and lifts thc mortgage from tho home. Lifo insurance g[ives repose to the rich and courage to tho poor; life insur ance builds credit and ro-eBtablishcs encumbered estates; life Insurance pro vides scholarships endows charities and erects churches; life insurance is full of human interest. It appeals to the hearts of men nlwayr. Life Insurance preserves business by protecting thc factors which make buHlne&B a success; life Insurance builds estates and furnishes the safest medium for tho distribution of estates; life insurance encourages the mar riage? of the prudent man and woman and lays the home foundation; life in surance replaces hardships and adversity with ease and serenity-and peace of mind adds length of days. Life insurance is every day, common sense, intelligent business with a practical spirit of understapdlng and co-operation; life Insurance certifies to a man's love of family and deepens the love and respect which wife and chil dren hold for him. Life Insurance Universal. Life insurance ls universal lu its beneflcience. Its service is adapted to all classes and cononppg ot mon. Tho poor need li. Tho rich demand lt. Life Insurance insures tho unexpected. It lives up to its promises and pays nil inst claims promptly and unostentatiously. It is positive and per manent. Life insurance stands between thc home and the enemies of its happiness and security. For cooperative service in home protection, it ls the greatest institution In the world. Life insurance, by good, conduct and large results, is constantly securing wider and better recognition. Legislation ls less hostile and supervision is more helpful and sympathetic. Life insurance has outgrown the original purpose'for which lt was insti tuted and has beccmo a dominant factor In every department of life. It is admitted to be essential to the maintenance of the social business and fianclal structure. Life insurance renders large public service. General taxation ls lessoned because of lt. Fewer almshouses are needed. Old agc for the beneficiaries of life insurance doeB not mean becoming a community charge. Children are educated-are given a fair chanco in life-and good citizenship ls assured. Life insurance" h?s its "finished product." Last yaar, more than Ave hun dred millions of dollara were paid to tho beneficiaries of life Insurance. Tho full moaning in human comfort of the many individual payments In all parts of tho country under all imaginable conditions, making np so great a total, is impossible of expression. The Mutua! Benefit Life Insurance Company M. M. MAT TISON, GENERAL AGENT C. W. Webb, District Agent J, J. Trowbridge, C. E. Tribble, W. R. Osborne, Anderson, S. C. Special Agents.v CALOMEL .S MERCURY! ST SICKENS! ACTS ON LIVER LIKE DYNAMITE "OotesBs lim Tm" Starts Year U*r lifer This Caiosel tad Basal SiHvife or Mike Yo? Sfck. Listen to mel Take no more slek ening, salivating calomel when bilious or constipated. Don't lose a day's work! Calomel ii mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of i?? bones. Calomel, when it comes into eootset, with sour Wk* crashes into lt, breaking} it np. This is when you fert that awful nausee and cramp i.ig. If you arc slug pt*ii and "all knocked out," if yeer liver is torpid and bowels constipated f.r voa have headache/ dix?ness, coated tongue, if breath ?is bad or stomach sour just take a spoonful of harmless Dod son's XAver Tens 04 my. gu?rante?. nwe my guarantee-Qc- to say drug store and get a 50 cent bottle of Dod son's Liver Tone. Take a spoonful to night and if it doesn't strahlten you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous by morning I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone is destroying the sal? of calomel because it ia real liver medicines entirely vegetable, therefore it can not salivate or moke you sick. I guarantee that one apooaful of Dod son's Liver Tone will put your slu&ghU. Ufer to work and olean your boweU of that spur bile and constipated waste which ia e??gt?inghes-your stomach gets sweet, no ases, no belching, no eructations of ndlgested food, your head clears and ou feel fine. Go now, make the best investment ou ever made, by getting, a largo fty-cent CBBO of Pepe's Dlapepsln rom any drug store. You realise in ve minutes how needless it ls to after from Indigestion, dyspepsia or ay stomach disorder. TH" FOR ACM, SOREJP'FEET Good bye sore feet, buming fest, real ai feet? sweaty feet, smelling foci, tirol N?> Good-bye corns, callouses, Lunion? and raw spots. No mora ' hoe tight vets, iw more limp ing with pain or drawing up your face in agony. "TIV I* magical, acts right off. "TUT* draws oak all the poisonous exudations which puff up the feet. Use "?12!* and for get your loot IIMTT. Aht hew comfortable your feet aol. Get a 25 cent box of "TIZ" now aft ny druggist or department store. Don't rifer.?jHeva good feet, glad feet,-feet hat never swell, never hort, never get Ired. A year'* foot cornie* t guaranteed r money refunded. REHEARSALS BEGIN BEAUTIFUL KIRMESS LOCAL TALENT ARE TO BE TRAINED FOR PER FORM ANCE MUCH INTEREST Is Being Shown and Mr. Agostini Thinks Will Be a Grand Success. Tho first rehearsal for the hu*" performances of thc KirmeBS which ls to bo staged in this city and tn which local talent will be eniployci, was Moid yesterday afternoon In the hall over the Anderson theatre and thcro were numbers of boys and girls present. Last night there was a gathering of the grown -tps for the scenes of tho Bohemian, the Strollers, a?* Carmen, and there were about seventy-five iproBont. Owing to tfie fact th st there was an ubsence of young men, part of the rehearsal had to bo postponed. . The Kirmcss will appear in Ander son under the auspices of the civic association. As ds generally known, the beautiful Kirmcss has been staged in nearly all of the principal C'.?'CH of fi? United States and Canada and ls always a great success. It it wonderful to see what local talent can do In a performance of the Kirmcss and the people of Anderson are do lighted over the fact that 4t will be staged In this city. Mr. P. M. Agostini, thc originator of tho Kirmcss and thc man who has had it staged in all of f e principal cities in tho country, ls in direct charge of it here. Ile came over from Greenville yesterday afternoon to glvte his personal direction to the rehearsals. Mr. P. L. Lynwood, thc business manager who has been with Mr. Agostini for the post 21 years, ts expected to come to Anderson within t'je next few days. Mr. Agostini ls greatly nleased with Anderson and its people, and ex pects little trouble in getting up a brilliant and successful Kirmess. Lately ho bas been in charge of tho Knness in Augusta and Mn con, Qa., Asheville, N. C., and Columbia and Greenville. He states that tho per formance in Anderson will be put on sometime during thc latter part of this month. DEATHS Death bf Child. Wash McCue, the Iii months old child of Mr. andi Mrs. 'James H. Mc cue of the Equinox mill dlod Sunday morning at 1 o'clock. Interment was made yesterday nt Sandy Springs. Death Little ?Irl. Ora Lee, the little two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Phllyaw of near thc Equinox mill, died yesterday at 12 o'clock noon. In terment will be made this afternoon at 3 o'clock at Silver Brook cemetery. For Indigestion. Never take pepsin and preparations containing pepsin or other digestive ferments for indigestion, as the more you tako the moro you will have to take. What is n?edo is a tonic like Chamberlain's Tablets that will en able tho stomach to perform its func tions naturally. For sale by all dcal ors. "Pa. what Is meant by 'emoluments af office?" ."That's a high-c-ounding word used frequently by politicians to denote their pay, my son, auid it's like char ity." "How's that, pa?" "lt covers a multitude of sins." Birmingham Age-tt?rald. GUSS OF SILTS IF YOUR KIDNEYS HURT Eat leas meat if yon feel Back? achy or have Bladder trouble. Meat forms uric acid which excites and overworks the kidneys in their efforts to filter it from the system. Regular eaters of meat must flush the kidneys occasionally. You mus4. relieve them like you relieve your bowels; removing all the acids, waste Ud poison, else yon feel a dull mis ery in the kidney, region, sharp pains in tlie back or sick hesdsche. dizzi ness, your stomach sours, tonguo is ?oated and ? hen the weather ls bad ?Sftt b*ve rheumatic twinges. The irina is cloudy, foll of sediment; the mounds often get Irritated, obliging .nu to get up two or tfcr'e times dur ng the night. To neutralise these instating acids md flush off thc body's urinons wsste (et. about four ounces of Jad S?..o rora any pharmacy; take a table ipoonful In a glass ot water before ?renktest for a few days and your kid* teys will then sci fine and bladder Usorders disappear. This famous alts is made from the acid of grapes nd lemon juice, combined with lltbla, nd bas been used for generations to lean and stimulate sluggish kidneys nd stop. Madder Irritation. Jad lalta is Inexpensive; harmless and jakes a delightful effervescent llthla rater ?rick which millions of men ad women take now . and then, thus voiding serious kidney snd bladder Iscases. DELEGATION ?O MEET IN THE NEAR FUTURE WILL ACT UPON RECOM MENDATIONS MADE RECENTLY IS NOW VACANCY Since Death of John D. Sillon Magistrate Will Have to Bc Appointed. Senator J. L. Sherard yesterday staled that a meeting of the Ander son county delegation would be held In thc next fow days to consider Im provements to be made at tho county Jafl, recommended, by Albert John stone, secrotary of tho state commis sion of charitlos and corrections, and '?Iso to consider a recommendation to Governor Manning of a man to take thc place as magistrate of tho late John D. Sltton. A few weeks ago Mr. Join stone visited Anderson in his tour of tho cities of the state inspecting the Jails and county chain gangs and stated that certain improvements were need ed at thc Anderson count> jail. Arnon*; thet i wore two additional bed rooms in thc rendent section of tho Jail, a dent lon room, a paddod cell, shower baths for prisoners, etc. At thc county nome he also made some sug gestions and tho county delegation may tnko action on this matu r ui tito same time. As Yot .Mr. Johnstone has not submitted his recommenda tions in writing but It ls presumed that he will do so within the next few days. Senator Sherard stated that as yet he had received only ono application for the vacant office of magistrate. Mr. Harrison A. Poster. Ho stated that he had received sovtoral loiters recommending Mr. F'oster. G A ? To cook with is the most convenient fuel to be had. And it is the cheaper, too when the least bit of thought and attention ia given iL Try it for awhile, and you will like it. There are many satisfied users of gas in Ander son. It's just the t?iing to heat the bath room with. Anderson Gas Co. fMttE. ?va .UL i, It's Time to Change Zip! What a sharp, cold wind! Caught you unprepared, or rather unprotected. Made you shiver, eh? * Well, it's the season for long, protecting under wear right now, and we're ready WITH A COMPLETE line of the softest garments in two-piece and onion suits. COLD-RESISTING, medium weight, sane and salo under-suhs for exact ing men, both as to their sises and their comfort. Two-Piece Suits $1.00 to $3.00 Union Suits $1.00 to $4.00 T. L. CELY CO. .? I H H.f..I Now Look Oct For JACK FROST Better come in today and select your HEATER We have them in various styles and sizes. SULLIVAN Hardware Co. Andersen, , Greenville, Belton. SAMPLE SHOES F" O R W OMEN Yesterdays express brought us 100 pair sample shoes for women, worth $3.00, $3.50 and $4,00, . in patents, dulls and kids-plain and colored tops button and lace. On sale today for $1.50 NO CHARGES NO APPROVALS Geisberg Bros. Shoe Co UNDER MASONIC TEMPLE SHOES THAT SATISFY Greatly Reduced Round Trip Fare VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY In Connection Wtih Blue Ridge FROM ANDERSON, S. C. TO WASHINGTON, D. C. $16.25 Account of Scottish Rite (A. A. S. R.) Thirty Third De greo." National Association of Postmasters of th? First and Sec ond Class. Atlantic State Association. Tickets on sale October IS th to 19th inc. with return limit October 31st, 1918. For complete information, pullman reservation, etc, catt on ticket agenta, or write W. R. Taber, T. P. A, J. R. Anderson, ' Greenvale, S. C. Anderson, S. C.