Save Part of Your Income Our happiest mo ments are when we forget self in useful effort. System counts, Save a Dime a Day. Thousands are using the Dirne^P o c k et Saving Bank and there is one for you here. Citizens National Bank REPAIRING - Bring your watch to us-per haps it needs cleaning; we will make it spick and span. If it. is unreliable we will regulate it and make it an efllcient time piece. From watch and clock vepalr ing, regulating and adjusting on through the repairing of any and every sort of jewelry we are amply prepared to make-over, alter or repair any piece of jew elry, cutlery, silverware, watch, or clock that needs expert at tention-and our prices arc vory rcasouable consistent with good work. Wm. Ly?n The Cash Jeweler The Buyer9! The best friend is the advertisemenl It is the arrow tl better buying. It is a foregone c a merchant goes tc vertising certain gc well wprth the prie under the most ri^ were other wise tl hardly be calling at would simply resoi of "working them pecting dupe. Very few buyer! look all over town purchases. Life is j They must have out unnecessary loi i their selections, and they should turn pages of the local vance information before starting out Thus it is that tl ve r Uses his wares, a ferings in the publi< tage of the man wi and draws business otherwise might dri Ii is good for the merci buyer, for it enables the goods at a reasonable pro make the purchases he de out loss of time. And if there is a spech the buyer to take advantai of going to some other p would prevail. Advertising has been ret who benefit from it are nc the advertiser. The buye fits through the saving of articles he desires at a mil Success comes to those buving is one of the surest "Watch the ads'-Belief Ill IS EXTENDED FOR JOINING SOCIETY PENDLETON FARMERS SO CIETY MAKES AN AN NOUNCEMENT ENTERTAIN LADIES Ample Preparations Will Bc Male for Them-Dinner to Be Ser ved By Churches. By new arrangements every now or old member who pays his $1.00 to the treasurer of tho Pendleton Farmers' society between now and the centen nial or during tho three days of the celebration, will have his name en rolled on tho list of members for 1915, also receive a history and thc sou venir booklet containing proceedings of the centennial and tho names of members of the society. For tho accommodation of ladies tho society lias arranged two rest roc?as, one the town council room iu ti-.o park and tho oilier farmers hall up stain*. Tlic ladies of thc Methodist and Presbyterian churches will serve din ner each day, and will also Ruppiy toilet accommodations for the ladles at their respective buildings. J. C. Stribling, J. W. Sanders. President: Sec'y and Treas. Gcisberg's Potato Chips Fresh, and Crisp Daily, Phone No. 733. - - .-!-- . ! OCTOBER 10TH TO 16TH s Best Friend of the careful buyer t in the local paper, lat points the way to inclusion that when ) the expense of ad )ods those goods are :e and will stand up ?id inspection. If it tie merchant would tention to them. He *t to the shady trick off" on some unsus 5 have the time to before making their too short for that, the goods, and with es of time in making I it is but natural that to the advertising paper for> such ad as may be obtained in their quest. ie merchant who ad ind keeps his best of z eye, has the advan 10 never advertises, to his store which ift into other places, lant and it is goce* for thc merchant to dispose of bis fit, and enables the buyer '0 s;ies to best advantage wit?? 11 bargain offered it enables fe of the opportunity instead lace where a higher price luced to a science, and those >t found only in the camp of r shares equally fa tue bene time and the securing of the limum price. who seek it; and economical eans to that end. taine, S. D. Bee. .-.v.. WOMANS SYNODIGAL TO MEATSENEGAI [ANY LADIES FROM ANDER SON FXPECTED TO ATTEND TWO DAYS SESSION ? Good Program Ha? Been Arrang ed and Attendance Will Be Large. Thc second aiim-j-.i meeting of thc Womans Syuodlcr I of South Carol ilia will convceno this morning iu the Presbyterian church at Seneca and will be attended by many ladies ot this city. The session will last through Thursday afternoon ._d an interesting as well as instructive pro gram has been arranged. Delegates will attend from each presbyterial in thu state and thc attendance ls ex peeled to bo good. Among thone who expect to go from this city are: Mrs. W. H. Fraser,!' as delegate froin the Piedmont pres- 1 by te rial; Mesdames W. J. Muldrov G. W. Browne, R. C. McConnell, J. B. Townsend and Miss Annie Belle I Powell as visitors from thc First I j Presbyterian church and Mesdames I Raymond Beaty, Joe SheJor, M. A. Thompson and J. E. Wu Ison as vlsi- i ? tors from the Central church. Tho program is aa follows: Wednesday Morning. 10:00-Devotional-Mrs. F. Mayes. 10:15-Greetings, Society-Mrs. .. Stribllng. Presbyterial-Mrs. A. Bram-1 ] lett. 10:30-Ktesponse-Mrs. A. D. P. Gilmour. 10:30-Roll call-r-Five minute re port- of Presbyterial presidenta. 11:15-Minutes of last meeting-| Mrs. M. B. John. 11:25-President's message. 11:40-Report of secretary of lit erature. 11:50-"The Uso and Abuso of Lit erature,"-Miss L. D. Witherspoon. 12:00-Open conference on litera-1 ture. 12:15-Appointment of committee, c 12 :i20-Announcements. 12:30- Prayer--Mrs. B. O. Whit ton. Wednesday Afternoon. Mrs. R. B. Grinnan, third vice president, presiding. 3:30-Prayer-Mrs. W. H. Fraser. 3.31- Minutes. 3:40-Report of secretary of Clu. Ed. and Min. Iteliof. 3:45-'Christlon Education"-Mrs. , C. Izard. 4:00-Report of Sec. of Local Home Missions. 4:05-'New business. 4:35-'Report of Sec. of Assembly! Home Missions. 4:40-Report of Sec. of S. 8. Ex tension and Y. P. W. 4:45-Conference-S. S. Extension and Young People's Work-Miss Mc Caughrin, Mrs. B. O. Witten, Miss | G. ErvIn. 5:15-Report of treasurer. 5:20 -Report of committees-au diting-crtedentlsl. 5:30-Devotional-Mrs. C. E. Gra ham. Wednesday Evening. FJav. I. E. Wallace presiding. Praise service. Address: "New Home Mission in South Carolina-Rev. W. H. Mills. Benediction. Thursday Morning. . 9:30-Meeting executive commit tee. Mrs. F. L. Mayes, fourth vice pres ident, presiding. 10:00-Prayer-Mrs. N. Y. Al ford. 10:05-Minutes. 10:10-Recommendations of execu tive commit too. 10:15-Report of secretary ot for eign missions.) 10:2J-Report of synod leal secre tary. 10:10-I ?port of delegates to Mon trent and Blue Ridge. 10:50-Report of committee on Wm. Brearley Home. 11:00-Devotional -Miss Annie Blake. 11:15-Report of nominating com mittee. 11:20-Election of officers. 12:20-Announcements. 12:30- Prayer-Mrs. ??.. E. Grin nan. Thursday Afternoon. 3:30-Prayer-Mts. E. L. Hughes. 3:35-Minutes. . 3:40-Conference - Presbyterial ? Meetings-The Timo, Mrs. T. F. James, The' Place, Mrs. James 1 oaves, The Program, Mr?. N. E. Aull. 4:10-Open conference - Presby terial meeting. 4:20-Report of committees-Report to synod-place . of meeting-resolu tions. 4:45-Thirty minutes plain talk. 5:15--Devotional-Mrs. A. Bram lett. . 5:45-Circle of prayer. LIKER "TITI OF ATLANTA" DISABLED OFF CAPE HATTERAS Savannah, Oct. 5.-The Ocean Steamship Company's liner City of1 Atlanta, which sailed from Boston for I Savannah Saturday, ls proceeding slowly to this port after an accident' to her machinery off Cape Hatteras. She ls expected here tomorrow. "My house is so well organised/ said Mrs., de Grew, "that I don't gol I into my kitchen once in a week." "That's tho pleasant way she puts i it," her husband explained. "As platter at fact, she's afraid ot her leook." .' [HE COMMUNITY WOBK 1 WILLIAMSTQN MILLS MEETING WAS HELD THERE I YESTERDAY AFTER NOON WINTER GARDENS 1 rVere Discussed By Mr. S. M.|l Byars-Work is New at This Mill But Going Good. There was a meeting at the WU llaniston feuille yesterday afternoon mdcr tho direction of Miss Maggie darlington, who has charge of the community work which ha? Just been inaugurated there, for the purpose j jf getting the people interested in t 'all and winter gardens. The attcn lance was good aud niue 1 interest c Aa? manifested. t Miss Carlington had charge of th? neetlng and after a short talk about t .he community work and her plans 1 'or the future she introduced Mr. 8. ii M. Byars, county demonstration igent. Mr. Byars subject was the "Fall 11 md Winter Gardens." Ile advised all [ if those who could to plant a small garden and told them about the vege tables that it would be best to raise I ! it tills time of the year, ile talked I ?bout preparatlou of thc land and the jest fertilisers to usc and the cultivar Lion after the seed had come up. After Mr. Byars' speech, Mr. W. M. Sherard, superintendent, on the . part of t'.ic mill, stated that tho com- i [?any would furnish nil thc rape seed 1 that any of those wishing to Join the .Aub wisher* to use. It was stated that about 15 J ted thc club and that more will wit' a few days. This ls the fi ot year for the com munity work at Williamston and much Interest ls being shown. Al bungalow has recently been fitted up 1 ' svherfc Miss Garlington will have her ofllce and where a library will be fur nished. ANOTHER 60QD PLAY PRESENTEDLAST N1GHT Small But Appreciative Audience Saw "The Boas" By Norene St. Clair Company. Last night at the Anderson tho 11 .Norene St. Clair company offered 11 "The Boss," a*^(rtay of the southwest, to a small but'appreciative audlcn e The play was given In n first class i manner and the cha rac terse were < handled with merit. The part of Val < Brandon, a gambler, by Mr. Pollock was a very clever nari, ?.?? played in a clever manner. The come dy was furnished by Miss Norene St. Clair, and as Mrs. Dappelbinger, a German lady, with a broad dialect, was more than unusually funny. Mist Lois Francis as Julia Barnot was in deed good in a part that ls not as prominent as some. Mr. Beaubion as Shackelford, a schomlng ranger was moro than good and added greatlly to tho success of tho performance. Mr. Foster as Tonio Inopes was good, and the Messrs. Murray, Meyer and Summers handled their respective parts in an exceptionally competent, way. Miss Bmolse as Paquita, a Mex ican Senorita was very fetching, in a very vivacious way. Tho special ties by the team of St. Clair- and Meyer, and the Harmony Four were received with numerous encores, and they responden generously. A matinee will be given today, and the play will be "Thorns and Orange Blossoms," Bertha M. Clay's mos: famous novel dramatised. The doorB will open at 3:30 o'clock and the play starts at 3:30 sharp. Admission children, ten cents, and adults, twenty cents. The play tonight will be "Pea-?'ul Valley," made famous by the "us Sol Smith Russell. Tliis without doubt ls the best re pertoire company that has played An derson In many years, ' and weather permitting, will be greeted with crowded houses. This company will be here all week with complete change of program night Hy. EXPLOSION CA rms FIRE ON DESTROYER CUMMINGS New port, R. I., Oct. 5.-An exp?o- I sion occured title morning in. the ; forward compartment of the torpedo-1 boat destroyer Cummings engaged In war maneuvers off the coast. Two men were badly burned by oil flames from the fire which followed. The Fire was soon extinguished, and tho vessel' immediately started for New port. It ls expected here late today. GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. PLANT AT STANDSTILL Schenectady. N. Y.. Oct. 5.-Virtu ally the entire plant of the General Rlnptrlc company Ie tied up as a re sult of the strike for an eight-hour day begun yesterday. Two hundred rattern makers quit this morning. The city is quiet. New York ?t?ete. Wall Street, Oct. 5. -Losses mark ed the opening for-the first thee in aver a fortnight. Heavy selling which made yesterday's late dealing irregu lar was res med. American car de clined 6 1-4. Others of this class one to three. Mid-sonson waa strong but tte advantage was lost when some war shares, broke violently. Baud win locomotive, Crucible steel and Gen oral Ewe tr lc were five to ten down. URS OF COUNTY TO MEET SATURDAY ?IRST MEETING ANDERSON COUNTY TEACHERS AS SOCIATION FULL ATTENDANCE s Urged by Supt Felton Both of, Teachers and Those Who Intend Teaching. Mr. J. B. Felton, county superin endeut of education yesterday an lounced that a meeting of tho Ander em County Teachers association vould bc held Saturday In the audl oriuxn of the West Market school mildlng at 12 o'clock for tho purpose if discussing plans for Vtm schools hin winter. This association is composod ot all he teachers In tho county, and Mr. ."elton is especially desirous of hav ng a full attendance. He also ur :ently Invites tlioso wlio will teach his winter to attend also and join n foe affairs that will be discussed. Definite plans for the meeting Sat irday have not yet bec disclosed but he prcsideut of tho association will >e present and will most likely have meakers present who will talk about ichool room work and (problems that ronfront the teachers. Last winter, or rather last session, kbouit seven or eight different meet ings of the association wero licld ind they proved bf much benefit. At hese meetings tho teachers discuss carious problems and advice together is to Ute best menues of overcoming llfflculties. Through the association mich good can be accomplished of a [lermanent naturo and Supt. Felton urgently requests that all of tho teachers and all prospective teachers ittend. FEDERAL JUDGE REFERS TO LYNCHING OF FRANK reib N. Y. Grand Jury Incident Was Cu1 ..?nation of Years of Indiff?rence. New York, Oct. 5.-Tho lynching af Leo Frank, although not desig nated by name, was made tbo basis of st portion ot the charge today ot the new federal grand Jury by Judge Wil liam B. Sheppard of Peusocola. sit-, ting here to relieve the congested docket. He said: "That outrage committed in a souttiern state was the culmination of an indifference exist ing there for more than twenty years.. Lynchings have become so common thoro that little Intention is paid to Lhcm." Easily Doa?. (Indianapolis Newe.) William J. Bryan announces his readiness to go to Europe and end ttie war. Easiest thing in the wo -ld. Tal/, tho soldiers asleep and steal their SW1B. ^ 25 CENTS DESTROYS YOUR OANDRUFF AND STOPS FALLING HAIR Save your hair! Make it thick, wavy and beautiful try this! Thin, brittle, colorloss and scraggy lair ls muto evidence of a neglected icalp; of dandruff-that awful scurf. 'There is nothing so destructivo to ho hair as dandruff. It robs the hair if its lustre, its strength and.its very ifo; eventually producing a feverlsh lcss and itching ot the scalp, which f not remedied causes the hair roots o shrink, loosen and die-then the lair falls out fast. A little Danderlne ?night-now-any time-will surely lave your hair. Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's danderlne from any drug store or ellet counter, and after the first ah- ' ilicatlon your bair will take on tnat tte, lustre and luxuriance which is so icautiful. It will .become wavy and li iffy and have tho appearance ot j il undnnce. an incomparable gloss and ?ift ne KS; but what will please youl iiost will be after just a few week's se. when ybu will actually see a lot if fino, downy hair-new hair-growi ng all over the scalp. I WATCH I" DRESS IIP WHjEK OCTOBER 10TH TO 16TH Operation Not Needed Mrs. W. A. Barties, who lives ID Ballard, Calif., has sent to the Pin UH laboratories a ver/ strong endorsement of Frultola und Traxo. In ber letter, Nra. Barnes sayst "Doctors say gall-stones cannot be cured without an operation, costing much money as well as un- ' necessary suffering. I am cured, I know, and this ls proof positive, und my friends know that such ls tho caso." Frultola is a powerful lubricant for the Intestinal organs, soften ing the hardened particles that cause so mach suffering and expel? Ung tho congested watdc in an cosy, natural manner.. .A single dase is usually suflirleut to clearly indicate lt? cOiracy. Traxo li a splendid tonic ?Iterative that acts on the liver and kidneys, HIIDIU* laics the How of grastie juices to aid digestion, and remove? bile front the general circulation. Traxo should be taken three or four limes a day following a dose of Frultola t> strengthen and restore the weakened, run-down system. For Ute convenience of tho public, arrangements have been made to supply Frultola and Traxo through lending drag stores. In An* derson they can be obtained ut Evans* Pharmacy, throe ?tere?. TOO TIMID TO MAKE MONEY Why aot buy now? Don't wak until the Boom ia on and every one wants to buy. We have several small rarma, splen did land, within (ive railes of the city that can be bought very cheap-Small cash payment, balance 7 per cent interest These farms run from 12 to 35 acres. Why not look at them? We might swap for your dry lot. Anderson Real Estate & Investment Co. E. lt. Horton, Pres. L. S. Horton, V. Pres. W. F. Marshall, Secy. Greatly Reduced Round Trip Fare VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY In Connection Wtih Blue Ridge FROM ANDERSON, S. C. TO WASHINGTON, D. C. $16.25 Account of Scottish Rite (A. A. S. R.) Thirty Third De gree. National Association of Postmasters of the First and Sec ond Class. Atlantic Stale Association. Ticket* on sale October 15th to 19th inc. with return limit October 31st, 1915. For complete information, pullman reservation, etc, call orr ticket agents, or write W. R. Taber, T. P. A., J. R. Andersott, Grcenvile, S. C. Anderson, S. C CHSTJORA RANK Collection? Given Careful Attention V1UW1UI UftUlfc glUsoe A* Smyth, Jno. A. Hudgens, Pftlvor Q P President Cashier. ZKWSl, tl. If. K. E. Tonino*, Asst Cashier. RANK OF RELTON Collections Given Prompt Attention U/im* y* UUjJ IVll KlUf00 A. 8myikt ^ E. Greer, Roi fofl Q P. President T. P. end Cashier. DUWll, 0. V. H. It Cam bell, Asst Cashier. JAW/ 308,213 Ford cars were sold last year. "The Universal Car." Your necessity. (They serve everybody, please every body, save money for every body by reliable service, eco nomical operation and main tenance. Why experiment? Watch the Fords go by ! Talk with the owners of Ford cars. Investigate for yourself. Prices lower than ever. Runabout $390; Touringcar ?440; Town Car $640, f. o. b., Detroit. Why pay more. On sale at ANDERSON AUTO CO. ISL Main Opposite Palmetto JUS)