CLASSIFIED I COLUMN WANT ADVERTISING KATES Twenty-five words or less, One Time 26 cents, Tb ree Times 60 cents, Six Times $1.00. All advertisement over twenty five words prorata for each ad ditional word. Rates on 1,000 words to be used in a month madu on application. No advertisement taken for leas than 25 cents, cash in ad vance. If your name appears lu tho telephone directory you can tele? phone your want ad to 321 and a bill will be mailed after its in sertion for prompt payment. WANTS WANTED-A good farm for one of our customers. If you have a farm for sale we will bo glad to cousldor lt. Linley & Watson, (Jno. Linley W. E. Watson.) WANTED-r.o to 100 bead of first class, sout.d mules, 4 to 8 yearn of age. Wo aro not buying for the war. Want moro class, and willing to pay bott?r price The Fretwell Company. 8-22-tf. WANTED-Yor. to know that I am this season handling tho Genuine Tennessee Dlue Oem Coal, and not asking anymore for lt than you havo paid ror inferior coats. I have a stock of tho best wood In town on hand. Give me a trial. W. O. Ulmcr, Phone 649. WANTED-Evei-7 house keeper in An derson to try oJoaf of "Aunt Mary's Cream Bread.'/ It s made at home and your grocer keeps it. Ander son Pure 7ood Co. 8-15-Dtf LOST LOST-Thursday afternoon on Wost Whltncr street or on suunre $26 in bills. Liberal reward for its re turn to Intelligencer ofilcc. A. M. Myers.-10-1-3*. FOR SALE FOR SALE-If real estate ls what you want. I have county, suburbun abd city ut. the lowest price. I will bo glad to show you some pf my .specials. If you havo property for salo see me. W. M. Walker. FOR SALE TO MERCHANTS ONLY Flour, horse, stock, poultry and hog feeds of all kinds, including hay, alfalfa and cyclone feeding meal; Telllo, and Rising Sun -Self Rising flours, too; and at nrlce.i to suit O. E. Turner at P. ft N. Freight sta tion. FOR SALE OR RENT-Fine river plantation In Rock Mill township, one milo below Andcrsonvllle known at Mitt Simpson placo, '.his farm contains 280 acres, fifty acres fine bottom land. For further Informa tion soo Mrs. W. H. Simpson, 132 Tolly Street. City. 8-28-7t. I HAVE a cut down Ford car 1912 Model In first class condition. Four new tires with removable top and sido curtains, will ..ell or exchange for 5 passenger touring car and pay reasonable difference. Box 216, Greenwood, ?. C. 9-2D-3L FOR SALE-10 ncreB with 6 room house and 7 stall barn on McDufllo St. See Buck Broyles. 9-26-3tp. FOR SALE-Onion sets; Whlto Pearl, Bermuda, Prize Taken, Silver, Skin, Yellow Danvers, and Multipliers. This ls planting season. Furman Smith, Seedsman. MISCELLANEOUS .o WE ARE PAYING $32 per ton for cot ton seed and Belling hulls at teu dollars per ton; coal $-1 to $5 per ton. These aro prices at our yard. Martin Coal & Wood Co. BURS. C. M. McClure would like to add a few more pupils for plano to her . class. Phone 52. Residence 122 Arlington. 9-25-6L We have employed an expert PIANO TUNER? who will glvn prompt and careful attention to orders left with us. C. A. Re'd, Plano & Organ Co., 814 8. Main St 9-1-lm. WHEN YOU can not see right step In oar Optical Department and get Just the Glasses yon need. Couplet e grinding plant. Eyes scientifically tested. Dr. M. R. Campbell, Louisa S. Hilgenboeker, assistant. 111 W. Whittier St., Ground Floor. f AT THE BIJOU EVERY THURSDAY j_J_ _s BfllonsnesH and Congt'n*trvn It ls certainly surprising that an? woman will endure the miserable feel ings eau Bod Ly biliousness aud con stipation, whoa relief ls so easily ha/ and at so little expense. Mrs. Chas Peck, Gates, N. Y., writes: "About a year ago I used two bottles ol Chamberlain's Tablnts and they cure?] me of billou ness nd constipation.' For sale by all doacrs. We have add ed a Grocery department to our business and will carry a full line of Heavy and Fancy Groceries-Have just re-1 [ceived a Car Load of the -inesf Flour a Car Load of the Best Salt and a full line of C a ri n e d Goods, Sugar, Coffees, etc. You will find anything I in Grocery line here and our Mr. A. E. Mull will be glad to serve you at] any hour of the day and at prices to let you live too. Come in and sec us-Wc w ill [save you money and give you the) Freshest Goods in town. Anderson Hardware Co. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of Charleston & Western Carolina Railway Augusta, Ga. To and From the NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST Leaves: No. 22 ii,..,,.6:08 A. M. No. 6 ., . . . 3:37 P. M. Arrives: No. 21 . .. .11:15 A. M. No. 5-. 3:07 P. M. Information, Schedules, rates, etc., promptly given. PIEDMONT & NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY ANDERSON: Condensed Passenger Schedule. ' effective June 6. 1916. Arrivals No. 81. 7:35 A. M. Na I?.4 .. .. .. .. 0:36 A. M. No. 36.11:40 A. IC No. 87.1:10 P. M. Na 8?. 3:40 P. M. Na 41..6:00 P. M. NO. 43. 6:60 P. M Na 45. ..10:10 P. M. Departure* Na 30... 6:25 A. M. No. 82.8:21 A. IL Na 84.10:80 A. If. No. 88....12:10 P. M. Na 38. 8:80 P. Bl Na 40. 4:50 P. M. Ne. 43. 5:40 P. M. No. 44.. >.8:16 P. Sf. a S ALLON, J ..A YOU'RE BILIOUS! LET "CASCAREIS" LIVEN LIVER AND ROWELS Don't stay headachy, constipated, sick, with breath bad and stomach sour. f?ot a 10-COnt box now. You nu n and women who can't get fooling right- who have headache, cou I ed tongue, had Rtasto and foul breath, dizziness, can't sleep, aro hil tons, nervous und upset, bothered with ?1 sick, passy, disordered stom ach, or have a bad cold. Are you keeping your bowels clean with Cuacareis, or morely forcing a passageway every few days, with salts, cathartic pills or castor oil? Cascarela work while you sleep; cleanse thc stomach, remove the sour, undigested fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess idle from the liver ami carry out of the Bystem .11 th" constipated waste mutter and unison in thc bowels. A Cascar?! tonight will straighten you out hy morning-a io-cent box from any drug atore will keep your stomach sweet, liver and bowels rob lar, and head clear for months. Don't torget tho children. They love Cus carot? because they tasto good never gripe or sicken. DOLLAR MOVIES FOR THE SOUTH Atlanta, Sept. .'50.-Will people In the south pay $1. or $2 to see a "movie?" Tho New York public has boen paying it, and while the south has been accustomed to paying a nick el or u dime for ita screen entertain ments, the experiment of charging one large round siniolcon ?3 g dug to bo tried here next week. There is a difference of opinion among amuse ment men whether or not lt will be a "KO." The "dollar" show is poins to be a presentation of Geraldine Farrar in "Carmen" to be shown for a week at a local theater, not a movie house, which has been lark for some time. Later In the season tho Atlanta is going to try "The Kir?h of a Nation" whicU) ls hoing showed in New York for prices ranging from $2 down. Tho film will be shown here for ?onie between ll and $2 the arrange ments Mot yet having been definitely completed. USES OF PICRIC ACID It Kills In War und Also Soothes Pro. leets and N?stores. (Financial America.) Manufacturer? all over tho United States aro clamoring for picric acid tn carload lots with which to make high explosives to destroy men's lives in the European war. In thc anthra cite coal region of l'enns. I vania, there aro 10,000 men trained in the use ol picric acid gnuto, also known ns an tiseptic gauze, for burns arni In ordet to keep tho drri and genii3 from wounds. These lO.OfiO men aro t'iose trained in first aid to the injured work In the anthracite mines and they are now busily practicing for the fall competitions in that important work. The great demand for picric acid has made a shortage of dyestuffs for the textile manufacturers, since th Is is another use to which this valuable acid is put. Picric acid is a combina tion of nitric, sulphuric and carbolic [acids, and its present price ranges from $1.10 to li.fiO a pound. For tunately for thc industrial wounded lu the anthracite coal region, only a small quantity is necessary tn which to dip thc gauze to make lt antiseptic and nil of the first-aid departments sf the many companies are notably well equipped. Dolly-"Wasn't it awful? Grace got K?yond her depth and -" Daisy "Yes-yes?"- Dolly-"And was saved by n fat man with a wife and nine chlllren."-Kansas City Star. -m-'? Geiaberg'a Potato Chips Fresh, and Crisp Daily, Phone No. 733. IF BACK HURTS USE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Eat lesa meat if Kidneys feel like lead or Bladder bothers. Most folks forget that tho kidneys, Uk-" the bowels, get sluggish and clogged and need a flushing occasion ally, else we have backahco and dull m'sory In the kidney region, severe hendichei, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disorders. You simply must heep four kidneys activo and clean, and the moment you foci an ache or pain tn the kidney legion, get about four ounces ot Jad Salts from any good drug store hero, toke a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes nod lemon juice com bined with llthla. and la harmless to flush flogged kidneys and stimulate them to Mima' activity. It also neu tralizes the acids in the urine so lt ne longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jnd Salts ls harmless; Inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent itihla dater drink which everybody should take now ano then to keep their kid neys cleat:, titus avoiding .serious complications.' A well-known local druggist says ho sells lota of Jad Salts to folks who believe In overcoming kidney trouble while lt is only trouble. U. S. HEALTH SERVICE Washington, Sept. 21),-Uncle Sam ls hunting for good young doctors for the United State? public health so vjce. Il?' desires the ; grade of assistant surgeon in thc United States public health Bcrvlce." said a statement Issued by Surgeon General Hu port Blue today. Doctor Hlue is a North Carolin-. ?nan; his peoplo belong to tho Blue family of Scotland county. He ha. mad.; good and his fame is more tha^ nation-wide. Pull counts !'. r nothing in trying to get the places offered. T. e statement the treasury ut pa t nicnt concerning the positions open declares: .'There are several vacancies in tho gov? rnments mobile sanitary corps which ls now in the ll sib var of its existence, but in order to bo recom mended to the president for a com mission, a physical and professional examination must first bo passed. AF the tenure of office is permano and tho public health officers are Hab?? lo duty in all parts of Kio world, they an* required to certify that they lie believe themselves free from any ali ment which would disqualify them for service in any climate. Board? will bo convened in Washington. Bos ton. New York. Chicago, St. Louis. Louisville, Now Orleans and Sao Francisco, but permission to take thc examination must first bo obtained from the surgeon general. "The examination ls searching and includes, in addition to tho various hrancv.ea cf medicines, surgery and hygiene, the subjects of thc prelimi nary ?ducalion, history, literature and tlie natural science?. Commis sions will be issued ns assistant sur beon and, after four years fo service, the young officers aro entitled to ex amination fer promotion to the gra?lo of passed assistant surgeon, and after twclvp years of service to another ex amination for promotion to the gradi of surgeon. The annual salarit'3 arc: assistant surgeon $.2000; passed as sistant surgeon, $2,500; "surgeon. $:t. 000; senior surgeon, $.1,.'00; assistant surgeon general, $1,000. When the government di es not provide quar ters, commutation at the rate of $'?0, $10, and $ii0 a moni':, according to grade, ls allowed. All gindes receive longevity pay, that is, $10 per cent in adilitlon to the regular salary -for every five yoars, until the maximum of 40 per cent is roached. When of ficers travel on official duties they arc reimbursed their actual traveling ex penses." North Carolina doctors will have as good chance to pull down one or more of these places as any other states with as many people. WANTS TO BUILD DRAWBRIDGES I C., A. & W. Ry. Asks Permission to Bridge Ashley. Stone, Edis to and Ashepoo Rivers. Columbia. Sept. SO.-Tho Carolina. Atlantic and Western railway, now )tiilding from Charleston to Savan ?ab. has made application to the war lepartm?Mit for permission to erect lraw brMga-i across tho Ashley. Steno. Edlsto and Ashopoo rivers, and in order to givr> Interested par ties an opportunity to examine the l-awlngs and to oxprcss opinion as tr- whether thc bridges wo titi onstt tine an unreasonable obs : uc-tl - 1? navigation, a public (hearing- will bc held at tho custom house, Charleston at noon on October 7. + * + +*+**?f+***+**++**** ? + ? ITA + ? + ? ?**+*+**+*?+?*?***+*+* The members of tho Civic associa tion are requested to meet Friday af ternoon at half past 4 o'clock in the school auditorium.. This Ia thc first meeting after tho summer vacation, and a full attendance ia desired. On lost Wednesday afternoon tho Philathea class ot the: Presbyterian church met at thc home of Mrs. C. D. Evans, and a most interesting nro gram was carried out. The follow ing officers were ' eh-v ted to serve for the next six months: Miss Nancy Pearson, president; Miss Maggie hempson, vice president and Miss Nollie Wyatt, secretary and treasur ? er. After the business had been dis pensed with Mrs. Evans served cake and cream. Mr. and Mrs. FVank McGee, Mis'. Pinn M*n?? - ' M-". f* E. Leveret* a*** 'i ?"r ?'?' "> "or a short while. Mr. and M-?:i. ft E. Anderson have returned from a short stay with relativos In Spartaaburg and Green I ville. The W. C. T. IJi will moot Ptt urday nfternoon at 4 o'clook tn the Methodist church. Mira. J. A. McAllater spent a [few d^vs ft'ls w?*ek with he?* p?renla. Dr. and Mrs. It. E. Thompson of Pint Rock. <. Mr?*. Will CarHalft of Starr soent Tnef?3ay in town. Mr. and Mr?. Sam Wilson of Atv beville were visitor* Tue?d?v night at tba home of Or. 3. V?. Wilson. Mrs, H. H. Anderson or Tucansn ls spendlniT some tim?? et th? home of he-- son. M**, s. F. Ande*??v?i. Mr?*. Will Carlisle of 8tarr waa |a viaHor here or>e ?av thia Week. Mr. Alfr?-d Moore, of Tueapau, (?prealdfnt of the Ja?*ksnn mill, was In I town Tueadsv on hnslnest. Mrs. J. L. Jackson of 9torev411fl ?waa the meat Wednesday of her I daughter, Mrs. D. A. Burri as. ? * ? 8TA??;.T? OF TUE CLUBS, ? ? ? American. Won. Lost. P. ' . Boston. Oil 4? CS 1 Detroit. ?7 54 Ct 2 ( Chicago. so ci r/j:i Washington. 83 OG 557 Now Vork. ?6 81 44'? St. I?iils. S7 4_'<) Cleveland. 57 93 380 I'Uilaueiphla. -ii iii? 275 Nntionul. Won. Lost. P.O. Philaleiphta. 87 ci 588 Host on. 7?) C7 541 Brooklyn . 70 70 r?:;0 Pittsburgh. 72 70 477 Chicago. 71 70 47:i St. IXHIIH. 70 SO 4'i7 Cincinnati. 70 si 4t;i Now York .. .. .. CS 70 4G2 Feiern 1. Won. Lost. P. C. Pittsburgh. S5 C4 571 St. Louis. 8G CC 5CC Chicago. 83 G5 561 Kansas City. SO 71 530 Newark. 78 70 527 Brooklyn . 70 82 4<;i Baltimore. 40 10:l :":<>:? Buffalo. 74 78 487 ? ? ? ?BBTEKD>Y>S RESULTS, ? ? * National League. At New Vork 2; Brooklyn 0. At Chicago 2; Cincinnati 3. At St. Louis 5; Pittsburgh G; ion innings. At Boston 8; Philadelphia 2. American League. At Washington 3; I' f (adolph ia 4. At Detroit 2; St. I .oula 8. No others scheduled. Federal League. At Baltimore i; Newark ?. At i'.altimore 1; Newark 5. At Brooklyn*2; Buffalo . At Pittsburgh 8; Chicago I. At St. Louis 4; Kansas City RUSSIANS CLAIM GAINS ?N WEST Petrograd, Sept. :;0.-Territorial gains to a considerable extent by the Russians is indicated by the latest war office information. The Germans have been pushed back from the terminal nt niubokoi on the Evleatsyanvo-Glu lKikol railway to a point midway to the Vilna-Dvlnsk railway. This rep r?senta a gain of 2."> miles. West av 1 south of Molodechno, the Ger in.v . 1 ?Ac ' 'Ul forced back eight .'. : -v. .IT :.idad~Molodechno FIRES! TIRES TAKES THE YOU We Should Drink Li Noted Recommends a Spooi Breakfast ti Uric acid ia neat excites tl become overworked, cet sluppisl jiWo lumps of lead. The urine the bladder is irritated, and yoi to seek relief two or three tiroes When thc kidneys clog you rous off the body's urinous waste or sick person shortly. At first misery in the kidney region, backache, sick headache, dizzint .our, tongue coated and you twinges when the weather is bi ? . Eat less meet, drink lots o from any pharmacist four ounc fake o tablespoonful ia ? glass r - ? -ALCOHOL- 3 I1?R CEVE f siiniJa?H??jxFflodmidJM?ll-1 ting thc Stuma-fas aud?owtuof j 'Promotes D?fcsfioitf?cerM I ness ??ilKcst.Contaiiisne?l? ? Opium^?orpiiine norjMfi>a?I NOT NARCOTIC. M AtxSnma?. l fl Stow Ay)crfectEeiucdy for Coiisfip*' lion, Sotu~StomacJu?ian-lirx?. loss OF SLEEP. Zac Simile Signatare ot 3ms CEN TAT rt COMESTI: NEW YORK AT?monthsoI^. 35DOSES-35?:^!2 Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CCNTAUR COMPANV. NCW TONK CITY. railway beyond Krewo. At no part of tho northern lines have the German i;ains boon announced, although bat tles of great intensity are being fought from Koziany to Krlvo, a dis tance of about SO miles. Tho Ger mans have concentrated considerabio troopB. here inclining sonio ti-om tho Prlpet region. South of Pripet tho Germans won lo'-al success at Ciurto risk near Sarny%u