WEATHER FORECAST Fair today; gent?o to mod?rate south to southwest winds. The COTTON MARKET U>eal Spots.9 1-2 c VOLUME IL ANDERSON, S. C. TUESDAY, MORNING MAY 4,1915. NUMBER 96. WANTS TO KNOW IF INTER NATIONAL LAW nef moettm?, members wero unusuilly reticent, but there were some indications that it had not , been finally disused of. "We reac'ied no final decision," said one. In an swer to questions. Secretary Bryan replied: "I can not divulge anything that happens at cabinet meetings." The meeting lasted two hours. APPEAL PROM DECISION ON STEEL TRUST CASE Washington, Juno 4.-Attorney General. Gregory tonight formally an nounced the United States' Intention to appeal to the supreme court from' the dee ?ion of the federal district court at Trenton. N. J., In r!'.smiss ing the ault, for the dissolution of the . ?alted States Steel Corporation. Rassian Lesses Heavy. Amsterdam, June 4.--The Telegraat says German casualty lists ?how that Russian losses' alone have reached a total ot 1.488,000. Recent casualties Include names of SC airmen, or whom ll ara dead, 85 wounded, and 10 miss ing. NSLSTS MENT OF N POLICY EFFORT 10 BLACKMAIL WE G UNARDJSO M PAN Y LONG ISLAND MAN ARREST ED FOR SENDING THREAT ENING LETTERS DEMANDED $25,000 Police Say Prisoner Wrote Com? jmny That One of His Bombs Blew Up Lusitania. New York,-Jurie 4.-Frederick A. Still wagon, a Long Island r?sident was arrested at the general postotlico here today charged with sending four teen threatening luttera to Cunard line officials demanding sums ranging from twenty to twenty-five thousand dollars. He was arrested by detec tive .'general letter .drop. The po '.icc af y he had jUBt mailed another letter to the Cunard Une. Officials deciure Stlllwagon bas admitted mall ing the letters. - tie is alleged to have threatened to dynamite vessels' of the Cunard linc lt his demands were not met. Thc police charge he ls the writer ot a letter received by Cunard line officials immediately after the Lusitania dis aster, which stated one of bis bombs, placed .Ju the ?hip before ?he lett New York, caused the disaster. j . j ( Tie?irlr>BRisK ON THE EXCHANGE Court Decision in Steel Trust Case Makes That Stock Leader. New York, June 4.-Tho T'nited States Steel corporation's victory lu the government's dissolution suit was made the occasion for an outburst of bullish enthusiasm on the stock ex change today. Steel naturally was the outstanding feature. In the first 15 minutes 55.000 shares changed hands at from G2 to Cl, compared with yes terday's close of 51? 3-8. U. S. Steel, preferred, rose 2 3-4 points. Through out the list there were gains of 2 to 4 points, Karly advauces declined un der reaction later, but early in the af ternoon prices again hardened, but la no lnstauce reguined the early high levels. Bonds were strong. Bank Clerks Enlisting. London, Juno 3.-Tho authorities | of the Bank of England have given permission for several more of their clerks to enlist snd the already large staff of temporary women clerks has therefore been further augmented. One of the largest joint stock banks has also released 200 clerks for en lostment and the remainder will work late several days a week. This is expected to make the suggested ear lier closing of banks for public bus iness an accomplished fact in the near future. ANOTHER lt R.V1 S II SHIP TORPEDOED BT SUBMARINES Falmouth. England. June 4.-The British steamer Inkum, New York to London, was torpedoed this morning1 southwest of Lhsardhesd. The Nor wegian steamer Wendie landed thi ere w here. MASS MEETING TO DEFECT JURY TRIAIS Hand Billa Distributed m Atlanta Calling for Meeting-No Action by Authorities. , Atlanta, June 4.-Handbills were distributed here today calling for a mass meeting tomorrow night Cor the purpose of defending trial by Jury in Georgia. The persons responsible for handbills could not be found. The attention cf city an 1 Slate! authorities w- called to the hand bills, but. Ute tonight they bad taken no action. j Trieste, Great Austrian Seaport on Adriatic mmvt, i."j ?j^T&;r;.--."?.?. 1 While Italian troops married on tance of tho city, Italian residents he- fled before the advance of Ihe Italian Trieste, the great Adriatic uoaporl of cami the vicllnu of rlntr,. There w< re anny, leaving Ihe city without proper Austria, and were within "a abort din- reports that the civilian officers had police. GERMANY TO PAY FOR SINKING GULFLIGHT m STOCK"mm i'T^sr.T~ MM DANIELS mira H in1 SAYS DEVELOPMENT ^B-kl EQUAL THAT OF SUB MARINES mm SEEMS MUCH INTEREST ED IN PROJECT U. S. Fl-AG UNSEEN UNTlLTtOO LATE SWINE AND CATTLE Thinks South Future Home of Pure Breaded Cattle Wants Data. Unfortunate Mistake Blamed on Close Proximity of Two Brit ish Patrol Boats. Mr. E. G. Richards, manager of the Carolina Grain Elevator company has received a letter from an ac quaintance in liQltineau county, North Dakota.' Mr. I 'chard's native county, in which data is asked for as to the project of puttipg in a largo live stock farm, making a specialty of hogs and cattle near Anderson. The writer of tho letter has been I impressed with the possibilities of j such an enterprise since the return to North Dakota of Mr. John BliniSS and his son, who were here supervis ing the construction of the elevator in this city, lt is stated that li pro per arrangements can bo mad;' it i:? likely that thia gentlemen will come here and go Into the business. In his letter he staten that he thinks the South Is the future home of breed ed live stock and timi he in willing In try the proposition if arrangement!! are suitable. INVESTIGATE ENLISTMENT OE AMERICANS BY ALLIES Washington, June 4.-Ambassador Gerard today cabled to the state de partment the German note expressing regret that through an "unfortunate accident" u German submarine tor pedoed the American steamer Gulf light. Germany declared itself "ready to furnish full recompense for the damage thereby sustained by American citizens." Germany said lt had not been possible to fully clear up the case of the Ame-'lcan steamer Gushing reported to have been attack ed by a German aeroplane end asked for all information tho United Slates has. Tho German foreign office places all blame for the Qujtllght at tack on tho proximity of two British patrol boats and tho absence from the steamer ol tho nsual neutral Hhip markings, lt says the submarine did not notice tho l ulled States flag un til the moment lt fired the torpedo. Thu Gulfllght was, torpedoed five we.'kn ago. Two sailors were drown ed. Tho captain died next day of hear? trouble. Tho. German expres sions of regrets mid offer of repara tion follows tho principle outlined ir. tho circular recently sent to neu trals disclaiming nny intention-of at tacking neutral vessels carrying non com rabaud. Boston, June 4.- Federal officials here have started an Investigation of the reported recruiting of American young men for British forces. The United Stater, counsul general In Lon ?don reported fifteen had been enlisted In violation of an agreement with tho British board of trade. These and I other cases AVG being investigated. Thaw Case in Court Again. Albany, N. Y., Juno 4.-Deputy Attorney General Alfred L. Reeker today asked the court of appeals for a writ of prohibition to prevent em panelling of n Jury to pass on the sani ty of Harry K. Thuw. URGES COOLNESS Uses European War as Object V Lesson in Address to Gradua ting Class at Annapolis. Neeley H?-.!riot Attorney. Washington, June 4.-President Wilson today appointed John L. Neeley United Staten attorney for tho Northern district of Florida. FREIGHT STEAMER SENT TO BOTTOM I Torpedoed Off North Coast of England-Crew Saved-Had no Passengers. Montreal, June 4.-The Thompson liner lotta, from Mlddlesborough. Eng land to Montreal, carrying freight and inn' passengers, was torpedoed and ! anas; off the English north coast at t vron yesterday according to a report to agenta here tonight. The captain pud crew landed at Kirkwail, Scot land. EXPORTERS WOULD FORM COMBINATIONS Declare That is Only Way to Successfully Compete for Foreign Trade. " 'New York, Juno 4.-Tho Federal Trade Commission ended its hc:> .fogs here today after n number of business roen, chiefly exporters were examin ed. Th-iv agreed that successful competition abroad depends upon the permitting of exporting combinations, and declared those combinations would cot effect domestic prices. They suggested the combinations might fix the foreign prices and di vide among raembefs the exponaos of marketing the goods. Many said co operation was not possible unie, s the Sherman law ls amended. The com mission haa not set further hearing dates. Annapolis, Md., June I.- A predic tion that war aircraft of the not dis tant future will be SR fearful en gines of destruction as submarines was mad?* by Secretary Daniel's in addressing t>e graduating elas:i of tho United States Naval Academy here tuda v. "What we have seen In these swift winged, eagle eyes of army mid navy aro hut the dawn of a corning day when we shall make tito heayens carry our warerat I a i easily as wo navigate the nea with our drcadmiuglit'u," said tho secre tary. Thc speaker Bpoko of tile marvelous development of Hie submarino and added: "Almost daily you aro startled .to vend the torpedoing of some migh ty vessel by those small undurs?? stiletto:!. Tho submarines nroolslon of aim, deadliness* of execution, itu ability lo do its deadly work and dis appear in a moment challenge:? tho worlds wonder." It noemi? only few days ago that wo W